IHSG kembali menguat sepanjang perdagangan Selasa (18/2/2025). Indeks ditutup naik 0,62 persen atau 42,67 poin ke level 6.873.
Sepanjang hari ini, total volume saham yang diperdagangkan sebanyak 22,96 miliar saham dengan nilai transaksi mencapai Rp12,54 triliun, dan ditransaksikan sebanyak 1,23 juta kali.
Sepanjang hari ini, total volume saham yang diperdagangkan sebanyak 22,96 miliar saham dengan nilai transaksi mencapai Rp12,54 triliun, dan ditransaksikan sebanyak 1,23 juta kali.
00:00Indekargasamkabungan was closed in the green zone, the increase was 0.62% after it had been suppressed,
00:14it even decreased to 6830, where the closing position of Indekargasamkabungan was 6873.554
00:23according to Mr. James' projection, and was able to be closed at 6870 above 6860.
00:31The highest intraday today was at 6908.700, while it was opened flat in the morning at 6830.882.
00:41Let's go straight to the first graph, we will try to see the update of the closing of several other indexes,
00:47let's go to the first graph, like MNC36, it was closed at 1.09%, Jakarta Islamic Index was closed at 1.12%,
00:55LQ45 was closed at 0.95%.
00:59You can see the graph on the TV screen.
01:03The LQ45 index is back above 800, at 804.056, according to Indekargasamkabungan.
01:15Next, we will try to see the sectoral movement rotation.
01:20Non-primary consumption led to an increase of 2.28%, health also increased by 1.34%,
01:27transportation and logistics decreased by 0.91%, and property was also suppressed by 0.54%.
01:36Let's move on to the next graph, the stocks that support Indekargasamkabungan,
01:41so that it remains above 6870,
01:46BBRI was closed at 4150, BPNI at 4750,
01:50PTRO was closed at 3820,
01:53and BRMS also increased to 378 shares.
01:59Next, the stocks that support Indekargasamkabungan, from Tantop Loser,
02:07Gotoh experienced a weakening at 79%,
02:12WAFI also weakened at 1675,
02:15Cuan weakened to 8350,
02:18and Bren also weakened to 6825.
02:21Let's move on to the last graph.
02:25Gotoh, WAFI, Cuan, and Bren.
02:28I hope it can be a reference for you, especially in the future.