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Chip and Dale are starving in their tree home when they notice a plentiful supply of acorns on an island in a lake. To get to the island, they borrow a miniature model ship of Donald's to sail on. The irate Donald, however, doesn't appreciate them stealing his ship and makes several attempts to get it back and thwart their scheme to get to their acorn paradise. Chip and Dale are, of course, always one step ahead of Donald.
Chip and Dale are both hungry sitting in their tree, surrounded by a huge lake, which has few acorns. After a squabble over their last one, which falls into the lake below, Chip sees a larger tree overflowing with acorns across the way from them, but the lake stands between them and their potential gain.

They spot a ship in a bottle in Donald Duck's fishing shack and decide to use it to attempt to cross the lake. Later, as Donald is taking a stroll along the pier, he spots them carrying the ship and salutes them. He doesn't realize that they have pilfered his ship until he returns to the shack,[2][3][4][5] and sets out to get it back from them.

Donald catches the ship with a fishing pole and reels it in. To get back at Chip and Dale, who have put on miniature costumes and taken on the personas of the ship's captain and a seaman respectively, he torments them with the ship's rudder, filling the cabin with water (forcing them to pump it out), then puts on an imaginary series of stormy weather. The ruse seems to work, as Dale gets seasick. When he leans over the gunwale to vomit, he spots Donald's feet on the ground and alerts Chip to the trick, the pair escaping into the quarters before Donald can get them while slamming his finger in the door. Undeterred, he tricks Dale into getting captured by using a boatswain's call. Chip counters by releasing the ship's anchor right on Donald's foot so that he drops both Dale and the ship.
Dale then ties Donald up and jumps back onto the ship, moments before Donald can free himself. As Chip sees this, he panics terribly and tries to steer the ship away, while Donald begins chasing them. However, Dale is one step ahead of both Chip and Donald and had already cut a hole in Donald's boat sail, drilled holes in his canoe, unscrewed the bolts to dismantle his rowboat, and tied his motorboat to the dock. When his motorboat is halted by the rope, Donald flies out of it and crashes into the tree just as Chip and Dale reach it, filling their hold with acorns. A furious Donald tries one more time to catch them, but falls and causes a wave to carry the ship back to the tree, where they eat their haul of acorns. Undaunted, Donald, now stranded on the island, chops down the tree and tries to build a dugout canoe.


