🎥 Credit: seeanimally
All videos are voiced over and edited under Youtubes guidelines. (videos can be dramatized and not based on facts but purely for entertainment purposes only)
ctto: respected owner/IG-TT
⚠️ DISCLAIMER: 🔍 This information is taken from the internet, it may or may not be true, we DO NOT want to spread any fake news. 📚 The content provided by this channel is for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES only. 👍 Liking and subscribing to the videos on my channel is completely optional. This is just a way to support the channel and is never the main purpose of the video. There is no pressure to like or subscribe! ✦
All videos are voiced over and edited under Youtubes guidelines. (videos can be dramatized and not based on facts but purely for entertainment purposes only)
ctto: respected owner/IG-TT
⚠️ DISCLAIMER: 🔍 This information is taken from the internet, it may or may not be true, we DO NOT want to spread any fake news. 📚 The content provided by this channel is for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES only. 👍 Liking and subscribing to the videos on my channel is completely optional. This is just a way to support the channel and is never the main purpose of the video. There is no pressure to like or subscribe! ✦
00:00Este grande pedaço de salgadinhos é para Jackie.
00:02Este pedaço um pouco menor é para Mickey, que está se escondendo embaixo.
00:05Agora, este pedaço menor de salgadinhos é para Tauntaun.
00:08E um pedaço ainda menor é para Luna, que está escondida debaixo da cama.
00:12Agora, estas duas pequenas pelotas de salgadinhos são para Amélia e Sofia, porque gostam de
00:16comê-las antes de dormir.
00:17Elas adoram o picante.
00:18Ah, espere, meu veloz!
00:19Que está sentado em cima, ainda ficou!
00:22Vamos alimentá-lo!