• el mes pasado


00:00Can't wait to meet your parents. Are you sure you want to do this, babe?
00:02They can be a lot to handle sometimes come on. It can't be that bad right guys. We're here
00:08Mom, this is Jessica. Oh, hey, honey. It is so good to finally meet you. Yeah, you too
00:12You know Adam hasn't brought a girl home since 2019 Tiffany man. You love Tiffany mom. Oh, I'm sorry
00:19Can I get you guys something to drink a glass of water, please? So just meet my little brother Blake you like basketball
00:25Thank you. Yeah, I love basketball cool
00:30Like Shelton Roberts go to your room. Are you okay, babe? Yeah, I'm fine here. Let me go find you another shirt, sweetie
00:36I think Tiffany left some of her old stuff here. Okay. Thanks, babe. If this is too much
00:40You just let me know when we can leave. Okay, it's fine. I promise it's just water. Hey kiddo
00:43This is my stepdad Gary man long time no see how you been?
00:46Same old same old just working and trying to fix that old dang truck always fussed about that dang truck here
00:51I think she was a bit smaller than you, but this should work. Oh, thank you so much
00:55Now dinner should be ready in about a half hour. So do you want to look at some of Adams?
