• 2 days ago
Vous vous êtes déjà demandé pourquoi certaines choses sont mieux laissées de côté lorsque vous prenez l'avion ? Eh bien, porter un short pendant un vol peut sembler confortable, mais ce n'est en réalité pas le meilleur choix pour plusieurs raisons, notamment en ce qui concerne l'hygiène et le confort ! De plus, il y a beaucoup d'autres choses que vous ne réalisez peut-être pas et qui peuvent rendre votre vol moins agréable, qu'il s'agisse de certains snacks ou du choix de siège. Que vous soyez un voyageur fréquent ou simplement en vacances, savoir quoi éviter peut faire une grande différence dans votre expérience globale. Vous voulez découvrir ce qu'il ne faut jamais faire en avion ? Continuez à lire, et vous deviendrez un pro du vol en un rien de temps ! Animation créée par Sympa.
Musique par Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com

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00:00Here is a list that you may appreciate.
00:02Yellow fever, malaria, Zika.
00:05As many diseases as you could catch by traveling in shorts.
00:08Even if the cabin seems clean at first glance,
00:11a microscope examination would reveal a completely different reality.
00:14Take for example the tablets of the seat files.
00:17They are contaminated, with more than 2100 units forming bacterial colonies,
00:22for a surface of 6.5 cm².
00:25As for the seats, their state of cleanliness remains a mystery.
00:29Because airlines do not communicate war on the frequency of deep cleaning,
00:34which is probably limited to once every 1 to 3 months.
00:38If you think that the planes are meticulously cleaned before each flight,
00:42you are wrong.
00:43Each minute of delay costs about $100 to an airline,
00:47which leaves very little time for a thorough cleaning.
00:51Although the crew is doing its best,
00:53wearing a short is still a reckless decision.
00:56Your skin will be exposed to all these impurities,
00:59and let's be frank,
01:00you will not immediately rush under the shower when landing.
01:04To avoid this, prefer covering clothes.
01:07Sometimes the temperature on board becomes glacial,
01:10which will push you to ask for a blanket.
01:12However, it would be preferable to avoid this.
01:15Pillows and blankets are often reused from one flight to the next,
01:18without rigorous cleaning.
01:20Because the stop delays are too short to allow adequate washing.
01:24Even when they are cleaned,
01:26companies use industrial detergents.
01:28In short, it is better to wear suitable clothes
01:31or bring your own blanket.
01:34If you have to bring an essential accessory on board,
01:37choose slippers,
01:39the ones you may have recovered
01:41during your last stay at the hotel.
01:43They are ideal for removing your uncomfortable shoes
01:46without exposing your socks,
01:48no matter their style.
01:49Easy to put on and take off.
01:51They are perfect for moving to the toilet during the flight.
01:54And when landing,
01:56you just have to throw them,
01:58without any worries.
02:00During take-off and landing,
02:02rapid variations in atmospheric pressure
02:05can cause an auditory discomfort
02:07and a feeling of stuffed ears.
02:09A phenomenon called barotrauma,
02:11simple gestures such as swallowing,
02:13chewing or swallowing,
02:15help your ears to adapt.
02:17However, if you sleep,
02:19your ears will have trouble compensating the pressure.
02:21In addition,
02:23these two phases of the flight are the most critical
02:25in terms of safety.
02:27It is therefore essential to remain vigilant
02:29and ready to react.
02:31Your ears will be grateful.
02:33Any life hack found online
02:35does not necessarily deserve to be tried.
02:37Take, for example,
02:39the one that went viral on TikTok,
02:41where passengers crouch,
02:43knees against the chest,
02:45feet on the edge of the seat,
02:48you should absolutely not do that.
02:50First of all, it is contrary to the instructions.
02:52The regulations stipulate that the belt
02:54must be worn correctly,
02:56placed on the hips.
02:58Then, in this posture,
03:00a sudden shock could project
03:02your face or chin against your knees.
03:04In addition, a well-adjusted belt
03:06prevents you from being propelled up
03:08during a sudden fall in altitude.
03:10Finally, if this posture causes injuries
03:12or forces the plane
03:14to deviate urgently,
03:16you should be held responsible
03:18for the damage caused.
03:20You know the rule.
03:22Tables raised, seats straightened.
03:24But why is this instruction so crucial?
03:26It is not just a whim
03:28of airlines.
03:30It is a legal requirement,
03:32especially according to the US Code
03:34of Federal Regulations.
03:36Seats in the right position offer
03:38better structural protection
03:40in the event of an impact.
03:42A tilted seat can turn into a real catapult
03:44in the event of a sudden acceleration.
03:46The take-off, approach
03:48and landing phases are the most dangerous.
03:50Nearly 67% of fatal accidents
03:52occur at these moments.
03:54Once at cruising altitude,
03:56the safest phase,
03:58you can tilt your seat in complete serenity.
04:00In the event of an emergency on board,
04:02you will only have about 90 seconds
04:04to evacuate.
04:06Reducing the intensity of the lights
04:08during night take-off and landing
04:10has a specific purpose.
04:12Facilitate the adaptation of your eyes
04:14to darkness.
04:16The complete adaptation to reduced luminosity
04:18can take up to 30 minutes.
04:20And having a clear vision
04:22can really make a difference in a critical situation.
04:24Once used,
04:26your eyes will better detect
04:28the lights on the ground indicating the exits.
04:32when the outside light is strong,
04:34the cabin lights remain on
04:36to avoid dazzling at the exit.
04:38These details are crucial
04:40for a quick evacuation.
04:42You will also notice that the on-board agents
04:44ask the passengers to pick up the tablets,
04:46to put away the bags
04:48and to straighten the seats
04:50in order to clear the passages
04:52towards the exits.
04:54They can also ask you to open
04:56the flap of your canopy
04:58to detect any external dangers
05:00such as a fire or debris
05:02that could interfere with an emergency evacuation.
05:04It's meal time!
05:09in an airplane,
05:11meals are never as tasty as on the ground.
05:13But why does food
05:15seem to have a different taste in mid-flight?
05:17The taste perception
05:19is not only based on the mouth
05:21but also on the nose.
05:23Dry air and pressure variations in the cabin
05:25can reduce the sensitivity of the taste buds
05:27by about 30%,
05:29altering the taste of food.
05:31As for the smell,
05:33it is difficult to distinguish the aromas
05:35when the humidity of the air does not exceed 12%,
05:37which contributes to this alteration
05:39of the taste in altitude.
05:41In total, there are 5 basic tastes
05:43salty, sweet, bitter, acid and umami,
05:45a flavor that means
05:47delicious taste in Japanese.
05:49During a flight,
05:51salty and sweet tastes are particularly reduced,
05:53which explains why
05:55airplane meals are often seasoned
05:57in excess.
05:59To make food at least edible,
06:01cooks add up to
06:0320% more salt.
06:05This phenomenon is not only
06:07related to altitude or pressure.
06:09The loud background noise can also
06:11reduce the perception of salty and sweet.
06:13On a trip,
06:15relax and breathe.
06:17Contrary to what one might think,
06:19the air quality in airplanes
06:21is better than in many common spaces.
06:23About 40% of the air
06:25is filtered by an EIPA system,
06:27the rest coming from the outside.
06:29The air is thus entirely
06:31renewed every 3 minutes,
06:33which allows to capture 99%
06:35of suspended particles.
06:37It seems very sure,
06:39doesn't it?
06:41Well, almost.
06:43Look at the air vents above
06:45your heads, they only contain
06:47285 units forming
06:49bacterial colonies.
06:51In comparison, a standard keyboard
06:53exceeds 3.5 million UFC
06:55for 6.5 square centimeters,
06:57which means that these vents
06:59are relatively clean.
07:01We never know when they have been
07:03cleaned for the last time,
07:05so keep a disinfectant handy
07:07just in case.
07:09Anyway, the vents can help
07:11to remove the germs.
07:13A little fresh air in a suffocating
07:15cabin is always appreciable.
07:17During take-off and landing,
07:19it is essential to stay seated,
07:21but staying still throughout the flight
07:23is not recommended either.
07:25Good blood circulation
07:27in the body is crucial.
07:31It is useless to go back and forth
07:33in the corridor, but getting up
07:35for a moment is a good idea,
07:37especially if you are seated next
07:39to the corridor and no one
07:41blocks your passage.
07:43If you are stuck in the middle
07:45or near the canopy,
07:47just think about stretching
07:49and moving your legs.
07:51Finally, to protect your ears,
07:53as we have already said,
07:55it is better to avoid sleeping
07:57at certain times on the plane.
08:00Always wear contact lenses.
08:02The dry air of the planes
08:04can be very aggressive for the eyes.
08:06If you are not used to it,
08:08you could underestimate the discomfort
08:10and removing your lenses in mid-flight
08:12can quickly turn into a headache.
