PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk (KRAS) menargetkan, mampu memenuhi kebutuhan baja domestik, seiring dengan kembali beroperasinya pabrik HSM 1 yang telah berhenti selama 1 setengah tahun.
00:00PTC Krakatau Steel Persero TBK targets to be able to meet the needs of the domestic batch along with the reopening of the HSM-1 factory which has been shut down for one and a half years.
00:16PTC Krakatau Steel Persero TBK targets to be able to meet the needs of the domestic batch along with the reopening of the HSM-1 factory which has been shut down for one and a half years.
00:33By operating again, the HSM-1 can meet the needs of the domestic batch, especially the fulfillment of domestic batch requests to support the development of infrastructure and hillarization as part of the government's priorities.
00:47Based on data from the Indonesian Iron and Steel Industry Association, the national batch demand is estimated to continue to grow at a rate of 5.5% as the national economy grows as well as the industry sector of steel and batch users.
01:00As an example, the HSM-1 factory has been shut down since May 2023 and has now reopened after the recovery process and managed to produce the first coil on December 30, 2024.
01:13PTC Krakatau Steel Persero TBK continues to strive to optimize the performance of the HSM-1 so that this year the factory can produce hot roll coil batches as optimally as possible so that it can meet the needs of domestic batches.
01:25In addition, PTC Krakatau Steel Persero TBK continues to look for a number of potentials to do efficiency in all aspects and create opportunities for the increase of energy and business in the new non-batch sector through the Krakatau Steel Group.
01:36Based on the current capabilities of the HSM, in terms of consolidation, Krakatau Steel has the potential to record an income of 25 trillion rupiahs and in terms of information, the income of PTC Krakatau Steel Persero TBK until the third quarter of last year was US$657.52 million.
01:52The figure is 47.95% weaker annually compared to the income in the third quarter of 2023 at US$1.26 billion.