00:00Elon told me yesterday, or the day before, that Ukraine is the most gigantic graft machine the world has ever known.
00:14The Ukraine war is a gigantic graft machine.
00:18What do you mean by that? What's the meaning of that?
00:21Who's stealing?
00:22Graft is theft.
00:23Who's stealing?
00:24We are going to tell you. We're going to find out.
00:26And the money is being sent there and going into the back pockets of people who are going to be very sorry about it very soon.
00:35Many of them. Many thousands. Many hundreds of them.
00:39We see them in the public spaces.
00:45They enter the government with a house maybe that they own, or maybe even less.
00:52In a very short time they're worth $40-$50 million, sometimes $250 million.
00:57Are you suggesting the President of Ukraine is one of them?
00:59Oh yes, of course. Absolutely.
01:02I don't give much hope for him. He knows too much.
01:07So I hope he has some form of bodyguards because the people who have been doing this through him are going to be after him because he knows too much.
01:18You're saying his life is in danger?
01:19Yes. Zelensky.
01:22Who would want to kill Zelensky?
01:24Well he knows too much.
01:26You know there's $200 billion missing out of Ukraine.
01:29$200 billion of money that was sent to the Ukraine is gone.
01:33Nobody knows where it is.
01:35He does, so he's going to tell.
01:38He's going to tell people.
01:40I imagine if I were him I'd be rather concerned.