i'm the male of The Pride--We got; so, i--at least--try to go by the rules of The Pride--OR, THE VAST MAJORITY of Our Population. But, &, butt, i CANNOT blame them; 'cause they fight conmigo, OR, more, like: paramigo; &, i'm guirty--like, TOTALLY, guirty :=(.
I ALWAYS go: Mass-Queens--it's 9WICE the number of Hydra's--1st-side: in the same number of Larvae, &, also, 2nd-side: in the same making-time(๑• ̀д•́ )✧+°ドヤッ!! Yeah, you got: only--3 NEW Larvae per Hatchery--EVERYTIME; so, when you spawn Hydra's on 1 Larvae each, &, Queens on NO Larvae--Queens just POP out of Hatchery's somehow--then, you got 2 times' worth the number of Hydra's--on the same number of Larvae, &, in the same time-spanキャア!!d(≧▽≦)~~~!!!
I ALWAYS go: Mass-Queens--it's 9WICE the number of Hydra's--1st-side: in the same number of Larvae, &, also, 2nd-side: in the same making-time(๑• ̀д•́ )✧+°ドヤッ!! Yeah, you got: only--3 NEW Larvae per Hatchery--EVERYTIME; so, when you spawn Hydra's on 1 Larvae each, &, Queens on NO Larvae--Queens just POP out of Hatchery's somehow--then, you got 2 times' worth the number of Hydra's--on the same number of Larvae, &, in the same time-spanキャア!!d(≧▽≦)~~~!!!