00:00:01Tonight's Kaeremonday is...
00:00:05The cherry blossoms are in full bloom!
00:00:07It's so beautiful!
00:00:09It's so beautiful!
00:00:10There are so many people!
00:00:12It's amazing!
00:00:13Right now, there are a lot of tourists!
00:00:16It's the most popular hot spring in Japan, and it's been in first place for 11 years in a row!
00:00:22This is wonderful!
00:00:24This weekend, we definitely want to go!
00:00:26Atami's perfect capture special!
00:00:29There are so many people lining up over there!
00:00:31It looks so good!
00:00:33Right now, it's a hot topic!
00:00:35We discover the best gourmet food in Showa-retro famous stores!
00:00:40Showa's taste!
00:00:42My favorite taste!
00:00:43I think I'm speaking well, because I'm drooling!
00:00:46You don't understand!
00:00:47First, let's start with this one, which is very popular!
00:00:52Once a year, only the residents of a certain area line up to discover a mysterious gourmet food!
00:01:01Where is it?
00:01:03It's located in Toyokawa City, Aichi Prefecture.
00:01:07Toyokawa City...
00:01:09It's a complete residential area, but...
00:01:12A normal residential area?
00:01:14Amazing! Look at this!
00:01:16There's a long line!
00:01:19It's true!
00:01:20There's a long line of about 20 people!
00:01:23It looks like a normal house!
00:01:2650 meters away from there...
00:01:31There's a long line over there!
00:01:33It's different from before?
00:01:35There's a long line of 20 people here too!
00:01:39Even a few hundred meters away from there...
00:01:43What is this place?
00:01:44There's a long line of 20 people again!
00:01:48Even more!
00:01:50It's the same thing?
00:01:52There's a long line of the same thing?
00:01:53What do you mean?
00:01:54But the shape of the building is different...
00:01:56Within a radius of 150 meters, there's a long line of 4 people at the same time!
00:02:02At the same time?
00:02:03Isn't that the name of a long line?
00:02:07Moreover, everyone is lining up to find the same gourmet food!
00:02:11Everyone is buying the same thing from the same store!
00:02:14You can only buy it today.
00:02:16You can only buy it today?
00:02:17You can only buy it today?
00:02:18You can only eat it on this day.
00:02:20It's February 11th.
00:02:22February 11th?
00:02:23The number of people lining up is just one day.
00:02:27February 11th?
00:02:28A total of more than 1,200 people!
00:02:33I don't think anyone has eaten here before.
00:02:35Oh, they eat in this area?
00:02:36It's mild, rich, and deep.
00:02:40It's delicious!
00:02:41It's delicious!
00:02:42I've been eating here since I was a kid.
00:02:44You can eat here since you were a kid?
00:02:45I didn't think I'd eat it.
00:02:46I didn't think I'd eat it.
00:02:47So, today is Kubei?
00:02:49Of course!
00:02:50I've been eating here for over 30 years.
00:02:51You have it?
00:02:52I eat it every year.
00:02:53You eat it every year?
00:02:54I always come here and buy it every year.
00:02:56I love it.
00:02:57You always eat it every year?
00:02:58I eat it all the time.
00:02:59I eat it all the time.
00:03:00You eat it all the time?
00:03:01How much do you eat?
00:03:02How much do you eat?
00:03:04I eat 15 pieces.
00:03:06You eat 15 pieces?
00:03:07You eat 15 pieces?
00:03:08You eat 15 pieces?
00:03:09Customers are ordered to eat it war year only once.
00:03:10Customers are ordered to eat it war year only once.
00:03:14Whoever comes here is said to eat it all the time.
00:03:18Local cuisine sell 30,000 tables a over a day.
00:03:19Local cuisine sell 30,000 tables a over a day.
00:03:21What are they?
00:03:22So, prices are different for every thing.
00:03:25Why are they ordered at the same time?
00:03:27Customers are bought every one of these things.
00:03:29Why are they lined up in four places at the same time?
00:03:32That's true, they're lined up in four places at the same time.
00:03:34Everyone, that mother is full of business.
00:03:37She's buying a lot.
00:03:38Everyone, she's buying a lot.
00:03:40It's takoyaki, right?
00:03:44It doesn't feel like it's being baked.
00:03:46It's fluffy.
00:03:48It's really delicious.
00:03:50It's marshmallow.
00:03:51It's crispy.
00:03:52It's crispy.
00:03:53It's crispy.
00:03:54It's crispy.
00:03:55It's crispy.
00:03:56It's crispy.
00:03:57It's crispy.
00:03:58They're not eating it with chopsticks.
00:03:59Eating it with chopsticks?
00:04:00The part where it explodes is
00:04:03Isn't it delicious?
00:04:04If you melt it...
00:04:05If you eat this, you don't catch colds...
00:04:08It works well for summer strokes?
00:04:09If I don't eat it for a year, I think I'll be worried.
00:04:13I eat it like that.
00:04:14Although the texture is fluffy, it's also crispy, and it's delicious even if it melts and eats
00:04:18It's a mysterious regional traditional dish that works well for summer seconds.
00:04:24Fluffy and crispy.
00:04:25What kind of food is it?
00:04:28It's soft and crispy, but it's the opposite of what I'm saying.
00:04:32It's good for summer.
00:04:33This is HITSUMABUSHI.
00:04:36I found it.
00:04:37This is melted and eaten.
00:04:40This is eel ice cream.
00:04:43This is melted and eaten.
00:04:45This is a little hard, but it's delicious when it's melted.
00:04:48This is amazing.
00:04:50This is put in Amazake.
00:04:52Is this put in Amazake?
00:04:54This is put in Amazake.
00:04:58This is the most delicious when put in Amazake.
00:05:02This is the most delicious when put in Amazake.
00:05:07According to the locals, this is put in Amazake and eaten.
00:05:14The local population is more than 1,200 people a day.
00:05:19What kind of food can be made with four lines at the same time?
00:05:26Here is another hint.
00:05:29I went with him to buy ingredients to make the four-line gourmet.
00:05:35If you know the ingredients, you can make it.
00:05:39It takes 10 minutes to travel from the store to the car.
00:05:46What is this place?
00:05:50Is this a shrine?
00:05:52Is this a shrine?
00:05:53Is this a shrine?
00:05:56I haven't made it yet.
00:05:57Is this food?
00:06:01There is nothing here.
00:06:02First, let's pray.
00:06:05Is there something in it?
00:06:07Is there food in it?
00:06:09Don't give me a gift.
00:06:13Are you taking a video of me?
00:06:18This is the sound of drums.
00:06:19I've started something like that.
00:06:23I'm going to wash my hair.
00:06:29This is rice.
00:06:33I was paid to do something with rice.
00:06:38Is this a rice ball?
00:06:38I was paid to do something with rice.
00:06:43This is a rice cracker.
00:06:48This is a rice cracker.
00:06:50I was allowed to do this with rice.
00:06:58I was paid to do something with rice.
00:07:01He was paid to do something with rice.
00:07:03Is that HOKKAIDO?
00:07:05Is that flour?
00:07:07Is that soup curry?
00:07:08Is that soup curry?
00:07:11Is that soup curry in that area?
00:07:13Is that soup curry in that area?
00:07:15I've never seen a soup curry that I was paid to do something with rice on February 11th.
00:07:21Four lines appear at the same time in a complete residential area in Aichi Prefecture.
00:07:29More than 1,200 local residents have left the area.
00:07:34What is the mysterious local hot dish made with the food they were paid to do?
00:07:41I'd like to line up here.
00:07:43The staff also lined up to buy the local hot dish.
00:07:51What is this?
00:07:53I'd like to buy one of these.
00:07:55I'd like to buy one of these.
00:07:58I bought this.
00:08:00I don't know what this is.
00:08:03This is a sea urchin.
00:08:05This is a rice cake.
00:08:07Is this Daifuku?
00:08:08What was at the end of the line was a rice cake stuffed with yaku-yoke and yakiniku.
00:08:16Is this from the 15th country?
00:08:19What was in it?
00:08:22It's filled with smooth red bean paste.
00:08:25The yakiniku of yaku-yoke is crispy and delicious.
00:08:31What does it mean to melt it and eat it?
00:08:35In this area, there is a custom to eat rice cake stuffed with red bean paste with sweet sake.
00:08:46It's like a soup.
00:08:48The color of red bean paste is red.
00:08:51Red is the color that avoids the redness of summer darkness.
00:08:56It's like a hat in summer.
00:08:58So if you wrap the red bean paste in rice cake and eat it,
00:09:01the evil god of epidemics won't come because you're eating red in summer.
00:09:07That's what it means.
00:09:08I see.
00:09:09By eating red red bean paste in winter,
00:09:12he avoided diseases such as measles, which were epidemics at the time.
00:09:17In addition, by eating it with sweet sake, which was a high-grade product,
00:09:21he had a good luck.
00:09:26Once a year, on February 11th,
00:09:31this yaku-yoke rice cake is sold in four stores.
00:09:37It is said that the custom of eating it continues even now.
00:09:41That's strange.
00:09:43Let's move on.
00:09:46The cherry blossoms are blooming.
00:09:47It's true.
00:09:48It's beautiful.
00:09:49It's full bloom.
00:09:50It's beautiful.
00:09:52In fact, the number of tourists is increasing rapidly.
00:09:57In the popular hot spring area ranking,
00:09:59it won the first place in a row for 11 years in a row.
00:10:03Atami, the most popular hot spring area in Rima.
00:10:06It's a perfect strategy special.
00:10:09It's amazing.
00:10:10Atami is a super-rich hot spring area 36 minutes from Tokyo.
00:10:17But now...
00:10:20I feel retro. It's fun.
00:10:23I feel nostalgic for Showa.
00:10:27From young people who enjoy Showa,
00:10:31to seniors who feel nostalgic,
00:10:33they are crazy about Showa retro food.
00:10:37There are more than 30 famous stores around the station.
00:10:47So, this time, they are going to visit three areas in Atami
00:10:52and search for famous Showa retro food.
00:10:58It's delicious.
00:11:00It's like a noodle scissors.
00:11:02He is using a noodle scissors to cut noodles.
00:11:04What is that skill?
00:11:06The first place they are going to search is
00:11:08Kinomiya area in Yamagawa, which overlooks Atami Bay.
00:11:13What kind of Showa retro food will they find there?
00:11:16Let's see.
00:11:19Chinese food.
00:11:21Chinese food in the town?
00:11:23How about Muga-san?
00:11:24What is Muga-san?
00:11:25What is Muga-san?
00:11:26Muga-san is Muga-san.
00:11:27I've never heard of it.
00:11:30I'll learn from you.
00:11:34Atami has a history of more than 1,000 years.
00:11:38What is the first spot they are going to look for in Atami?
00:11:43What does it say?
00:11:45A long line of Showa retro food to take pictures of the town.
00:11:47It's a Showa retro food that has a history of more than 2,000 years.
00:11:50Showa retro food?
00:11:522,000 years?
00:11:54Is it a cedar tree?
00:11:55It could be a cedar tree.
00:11:59It could be a sequoia tree.
00:12:00Sequoia trees are rare in Japan.
00:12:03We have to find a sequoia tree.
00:12:05It's not a sequoia tree.
00:12:07We have to find a sequoia tree.
00:12:08It could be a sequoia tree.
00:12:10It's going to take a long time.
00:12:12They are going to look for a Showa retro street food.
00:12:16There is a long line of Showa retro food to take pictures of the town.
00:12:21It's a Showa retro food that has a history of more than 2,000 years.
00:12:25Which way should we go?
00:12:27Let's go to the mountains.
00:12:29That's right.
00:12:30Let's go to the mountains.
00:12:32Do you want to look at the map on your phone?
00:12:33No, I don't want to.
00:12:34Why do you look at the map on your phone?
00:12:36What are you looking forward to?
00:12:38There is a signboard over there.
00:12:40It's a shrine.
00:12:41It's a Hinomiya shrine.
00:12:43It's closer than I thought.
00:12:44It's closer than I thought.
00:12:45It's a shrine.
00:12:46That's right.
00:12:48Let's go over there.
00:12:49Let's call a taxi.
00:12:50No, let's not.
00:12:51Let's get out of here.
00:12:53We're going to be late.
00:12:55I just remembered that.
00:12:57We're going to be late.
00:12:59We have to leave a trail.
00:13:00We have to leave a trail.
00:13:01We have to leave a trail.
00:13:02We have to leave a trail.
00:13:05Let's cross the road.
00:13:06Let's cross the road.
00:13:09We performed with Aibu Saki more than 20 years ago.
00:13:14We performed at a commercial.
00:13:17It was the year after we left Tokyo.
00:13:21It was our first job.
00:13:23We auditioned.
00:13:25Do you have a video of that time?
00:13:27I want to see it.
00:13:28It's a long time ago.
00:13:29I want to see it.
00:13:30I can see it.
00:13:31I miss that time.
00:13:33I remember that.
00:13:43I was young.
00:13:46You were young.
00:13:48At that time, I was able to shoot a commercial once every two or three months.
00:13:53I was able to shoot a commercial.
00:13:55Aibu Saki was scouted at the age of 18.
00:13:58She made a big break in commercials and dramas.
00:14:04She was in a commercial with Mr. Donut.
00:14:11She invited me to a live show in front of a big company.
00:14:18I saw her in front of a big company for the first time.
00:14:21Was it your first time?
00:14:22I saw her for the first time in front of a big company.
00:14:24Saki said it was interesting.
00:14:26She is the father of the sea in Kobe.
00:14:30It's definitely different.
00:14:32It's been 20 years since then.
00:14:35It's been 20 years.
00:14:39Is there anything?
00:14:40It seems to be ahead.
00:14:42I agree.
00:14:46Is there a shrine?
00:14:48Hinomiya Shrine.
00:14:49Hinomiya Forest.
00:14:51Hinomiya Forest.
00:14:52I'm sure there is a shrine in Kobe.
00:14:54I agree.
00:14:55There are a lot of people.
00:14:57It's true.
00:14:58There are a lot of people.
00:15:01There are a lot of people.
00:15:03There are people lining up.
00:15:08Excuse me.
00:15:13There are a lot of people.
00:15:19There are a lot of people.
00:15:20What is this?
00:15:22They came to the Hinomiya Shrine they found on the sign.
00:15:27There are a lot of tourists.
00:15:30What will they do?
00:15:34Isn't this the shrine?
00:15:36This is the shrine.
00:15:38Is this the shrine?
00:15:40That's right.
00:15:42That's right.
00:15:44They found a fortune-telling tree.
00:15:52They went to the Showa Retro store.
00:15:56After this.
00:15:58There was a sign at the entrance.
00:16:01Takakura Ken.
00:16:02That's right.
00:16:03Takakura Ken.
00:16:04They went to the Showa Retro store.
00:16:13This is the taste of Showa.
00:16:15This is the taste I like.
00:16:16I think I can speak well.
00:16:17I'm drooling.
00:16:19You don't understand.
00:16:23Jurei 2000.
00:16:25They found a fortune-telling tree.
00:16:30They went to the Hinomiya Shrine.
00:16:34Isn't this the tree?
00:16:36This is the fortune-telling tree.
00:16:38Is this the fortune-telling tree?
00:16:40That's right.
00:16:42That's right.
00:16:44That's amazing.
00:16:45It says the second oldest.
00:16:47Isn't it the first oldest?
00:16:48It's over 1300 years old.
00:16:50It's over 1300 years old, so it's different from the tree.
00:16:53It's amazing that it's over 1300 years old.
00:16:55It's amazing that it's over 1300 years old.
00:16:57That's amazing.
00:17:00This is also a phone.
00:17:02That's right.
00:17:03You can put it on your phone.
00:17:04Do you want to take a picture?
00:17:06It's like coming out of the shadow of a tree.
00:17:08That's right.
00:17:10It's moving.
00:17:12Where is it?
00:17:14I don't know.
00:17:16I don't know where it is.
00:17:18It looks like a tree.
00:17:20It looks like a tree.
00:17:22I didn't know it was this big.
00:17:24It's a little big because it's a town.
00:17:27It's a little big.
00:17:30It's making a sound.
00:17:32There are many people.
00:17:34There are many people.
00:17:36It's amazing.
00:17:38Where is the new tree?
00:17:40Where is the new tree?
00:17:42It looks like it's being worshipped.
00:17:44It looks like it's being worshipped.
00:17:46I think it's a little further.
00:17:48I think it's a little further.
00:17:50I think it's a little further.
00:17:52I'm sorry.
00:17:54Can I ask you something?
00:17:58I'm looking for a new tree.
00:18:00I'm looking for a new tree.
00:18:02This is the mission.
00:18:04Is that right?
00:18:06This is definitely KINOMIYA's new tree.
00:18:08Is that right?
00:18:10It's over 2,000 years old.
00:18:12It's over 2,000 years old.
00:18:14Please go through this road.
00:18:16Please go through this road.
00:18:18It's about 50 meters ahead of here.
00:18:20It's about 50 meters ahead of here.
00:18:22It's about 50 meters ahead of here.
00:18:24It's amazing.
00:18:26It's amazing.
00:18:28It's sacred.
00:18:30It's a good day.
00:18:32It's a good day.
00:18:35Can you see it?
00:18:40This is amazing!
00:18:41They're all looking back!
00:18:46This is amazing!
00:18:49It's so big!
00:18:50It's so big!
00:18:51It's so big!
00:18:52The closer you get, the more dynamic it gets.
00:18:53Wow, this is amazing!
00:18:54The Dinox was amazing too, but this is totally different.
00:18:58It's different.
00:18:59The one before was powerful.
00:19:02It's amazing. It's 2000 years old.
00:19:04It's amazing.
00:19:06It's really amazing.
00:19:08It's amazing.
00:19:10Everyone is lining up.
00:19:12It's lined up.
00:19:14It's lined up.
00:19:16This is the oak tree, which is designated as a natural monument in the country
00:19:20because it is said to be beneficial for taking pictures of the town.
00:19:26This shrine is located in Kinomiya Shrine, which was built more than 1300 years ago in this area.
00:19:36It is said that if you walk around the trunk of the tree, you will live for a year.
00:19:45The light-up began about 15 years ago, and when the photo spot was installed,
00:19:51there were more and more young visitors.
00:19:55It became a hot topic because it is said to be beneficial for taking pictures of the town,
00:20:01and people began to line up.
00:20:05What is that?
00:20:07Isn't that the best position?
00:20:09That's right.
00:20:11You can take a picture of the whole thing here.
00:20:13I see.
00:20:15It's very angled.
00:20:17This is good.
00:20:19This is good.
00:20:21You can take a nice picture here.
00:20:23You can take a nice picture here.
00:20:25This is good.
00:20:27It's amazing that such a place has been built.
00:20:31So, it's a journey to find a Showa retro gourmet and luck spot in Atami.
00:20:38First, clear the luck spot.
00:20:41Next, we will look for a street Chinese restaurant that has been open since the Showa era.
00:20:48Is there anyone who knows this place?
00:20:50Do you know this place?
00:20:52Do you know this place?
00:20:54Do you know a good Showa-retro Chinese restaurant around here?
00:20:59Chinese restaurant?
00:21:00I don't know.
00:21:01I think it's a street Chinese restaurant.
00:21:03I don't know.
00:21:04But he tried to say something.
00:21:07He's so kind.
00:21:08It's a street Chinese restaurant.
00:21:10I know the face of the owner, but I don't know the name of the Chinese restaurant.
00:21:13I don't know either.
00:21:15Please go to the wonton restaurant.
00:21:18It's near the beach.
00:21:20Is wonton Chinese?
00:21:23It's wonton ramen.
00:21:24Wonton ramen?
00:21:25It's near the beach.
00:21:26Has it been open for a long time?
00:21:28Yes, I've been doing this since I was a kid.
00:21:30Since you were a kid?
00:21:31Has it been open since the Showa era?
00:21:34It's a long line.
00:21:35Why is it a long line?
00:21:36It's a wonton restaurant.
00:21:37It's a wonton restaurant.
00:21:38What's the name of the restaurant?
00:21:39It's a wonton restaurant.
00:21:40It's a long line.
00:21:41Then, it must be a wonton restaurant.
00:21:43Shall we go to the wonton restaurant near the beach?
00:21:45Thank you very much.
00:21:48Let's go to the wonton restaurant near the beach.
00:21:54Is there a wonton restaurant near the beach?
00:21:55It's quite far from the beach.
00:21:56I see.
00:21:58The local Atami told us about the wonton restaurant near the beach.
00:22:05It's a long line, as it's been open since the Showa era.
00:22:11Besides, it's quite far from the beach.
00:22:16Do they have to go that far?
00:22:20What's the goal of this trip?
00:22:24It's better to look up.
00:22:26It's better to look up first.
00:22:28Wait a minute.
00:22:30Isn't it dangerous?
00:22:31It's a long line.
00:22:32It's a long line.
00:22:33It's a long line.
00:22:34No, I don't like it.
00:22:35No, I don't like it.
00:22:36I can only see the stairs.
00:22:38No, I don't need a protection.
00:22:40No, no, no.
00:22:41It's at the end of the endless stairs.
00:22:45It's said that the Atami have a special power.
00:22:49They create a golden luck charm.
00:22:57The number of tourists is increasing rapidly.
00:22:59Now, it's the time to pay attention.
00:23:01Atami is 36 minutes away from Tokyo.
00:23:04They look for a famous Showa restaurant and a beach spot.
00:23:08It's a journey to capture Atami.
00:23:12They look for a Showa retro town in Kinomiya area.
00:23:19It's a long line.
00:23:21The slope is steep.
00:23:22It's steep.
00:23:23It's dangerous.
00:23:24The slope is quite steep.
00:23:25It's a mountain.
00:23:26Atami has a lot of slopes.
00:23:28We grew up in the mountains.
00:23:30You've been used to this.
00:23:32Yes, we did.
00:23:33That's amazing.
00:23:36It's true.
00:23:37It's a post office.
00:23:38It's true.
00:23:39It's tasty.
00:23:40It's true.
00:23:41It's a retro town.
00:23:42It's really retro.
00:23:43It is.
00:23:44If Mr. Muga stands here, we can take a movie.
00:23:48It's true.
00:23:49It's a post office.
00:23:50It's a road movie.
00:23:51We're here.
00:23:52If we stand here, it's really tasty.
00:23:56It's tasty.
00:23:57What's the title?
00:23:58What's the title?
00:23:59A letter to the future.
00:24:01A letter to the future.
00:24:02That's good.
00:24:03Let's take a movie.
00:24:04It's like a fantasy.
00:24:05It's like a fantasy.
00:24:06I'm about to cry.
00:24:07I'm about to cry.
00:24:08It's good.
00:24:09Can someone take a movie?
00:24:10A letter to the future.
00:24:11We got a good one.
00:24:13How many movies can we make today?
00:24:17There's still more down there.
00:24:19What should we do?
00:24:21Wait a minute.
00:24:22Where is this?
00:24:23Which way?
00:24:24There's something familiar.
00:24:25Which way is it?
00:24:26How far do we have to go down?
00:24:28Let's go down.
00:24:29There's one more.
00:24:30Isn't that a second-hand shop?
00:24:34That's a second-hand shop.
00:24:35Is it?
00:24:36That's a second-hand shop.
00:24:37It's in the back.
00:24:38That sign looks like a second-hand shop.
00:24:40It smells good.
00:24:42It does.
00:24:43I'm hungry.
00:24:44It smells good.
00:24:47We have to check if they're open since the beginning of the year.
00:24:50It looks good.
00:24:52It looks tasty.
00:24:57This is a TV program called Kaeremande.
00:24:59Excuse me.
00:25:00When did you open this shop?
00:25:04This shop?
00:25:05Yes, when did you open this shop?
00:25:07We opened it in the 8th year of the Showa era.
00:25:09The 8th year of the Showa era?
00:25:10That's a long time.
00:25:11I'm the third generation.
00:25:12My son is the fourth generation.
00:25:14The Showa era.
00:25:15That's perfect.
00:25:16That's amazing.
00:25:18Is it okay to film here?
00:25:22I think it's a busy time.
00:25:24How is it?
00:25:26Thank you very much.
00:25:27It's very Showa-like.
00:25:29I want to eat here.
00:25:31I want to eat here.
00:25:32Aren't you curious about this?
00:25:33Nobose shrimp.
00:25:34Nobose shrimp?
00:25:35Nobose shrimp?
00:25:36It looks good.
00:25:37I'm very curious.
00:25:38It's very crowded.
00:25:39I wonder how it tastes.
00:25:42It's a bit crowded now.
00:25:44There are a lot of people.
00:25:45I knew it.
00:25:47Excuse me.
00:25:50Sorry for the sudden visit.
00:25:52This day was already full of reservations.
00:25:57In fact, even in Atami, it is a Showa-retro Chinese restaurant that is very popular.
00:26:02Actress Tatsuo Umemiya and screenwriter Sugako Hashida also visited.
00:26:12The menu using the seafood raised in the Izukin sea is popular.
00:26:19One of the specialties is Nobose shrimp, which is soaked in sake and steamed.
00:26:25In addition, fried wonton, which is fried with a lot of sweet and sour sauce, is sold as a souvenir at Atami Station.
00:26:38Once again, they head for the wonton shop that they were told about and head for the beach.
00:26:45There may be other shops.
00:26:49Let's look for a shop nearby.
00:26:52There are cherry blossoms.
00:26:55Cherry blossoms are in bloom.
00:26:56Over there?
00:26:57This is Atami Cherry Blossom Street.
00:26:58Wow, it's full of flowers.
00:27:00Wow, it's amazing.
00:27:03It's really beautiful.
00:27:04It's beautiful.
00:27:05It's beautiful.
00:27:06There are a lot of people.
00:27:07It's amazing.
00:27:08Cherry blossoms are in bloom.
00:27:09It's true.
00:27:10It's amazing.
00:27:11It's full of flowers.
00:27:12Is it because it's warm?
00:27:13Yes, it's warm.
00:27:15This place is nice.
00:27:16We'll take a picture. Please line up.
00:27:21No, no, no.
00:27:22Saki, you should join us.
00:27:23We'll take a picture.
00:27:24Saki, you should join us.
00:27:25One, one, one.
00:27:26It's beautiful.
00:27:27I want flowers.
00:27:28Three, two, one.
00:27:30It feels good.
00:27:31It's like a press conference.
00:27:34We took two pictures.
00:27:35We took two pictures.
00:27:36We took only two pictures.
00:27:38Atami Cherry Blossom Street, which blooms along the river, is the earliest cherry blossom in Japan.
00:27:46It is characterized by a flowering period of more than a month and a long enjoyment,
00:27:52but this year it is said that you can still enjoy it for more than a decade.
00:27:59I want to eat Chinese food.
00:28:01I'm hungry.
00:28:03Why don't we ask a fishmonger?
00:28:05That's a good idea.
00:28:07They might have fish for us.
00:28:09Excuse me, sir.
00:28:12We're looking for a Chinese restaurant.
00:28:15It's an old Chinese restaurant.
00:28:19There are a lot of people in the first lane.
00:28:22We couldn't get in.
00:28:23If you go down the river,
00:28:28you'll find Kouka.
00:28:30It's been around for a long time.
00:28:32It's been around since the Showa era.
00:28:34I always order fried noodles,
00:28:39Katayaki soba,
00:28:40and gyoza.
00:28:41That sounds good.
00:28:42I also like shumai.
00:28:45That sounds good.
00:28:47It's a popular restaurant.
00:28:53You can go up here.
00:28:55Go up.
00:28:56Go to the right of the street.
00:28:58There's a traffic light there.
00:29:00It's on the right side of the street.
00:29:03It's on the upper side.
00:29:06It's been around since the Showa era.
00:29:07It's been around since the Showa era.
00:29:08It's the second generation.
00:29:09I recommend it.
00:29:10Ishikawaya is famous for its ramen.
00:29:14How far is it from here?
00:29:19It's about the same distance.
00:29:21It's about going down or up.
00:29:22That's right.
00:29:23It's about going down or up.
00:29:24I see.
00:29:25You want to go down, don't you?
00:29:26Let's go down.
00:29:27Let's go down.
00:29:28Let's go down.
00:29:29Mr. Kouka.
00:29:30Let's go to Mr. Kouka first.
00:29:31Let's go.
00:29:37They got two pieces of information about the Showa era.
00:29:42Mr. Kouka told us that
00:29:45shumai and Katayaki soba were delicious.
00:29:50Ishikawaya is famous for its ramen.
00:29:53They are both very popular.
00:29:56I hope we can go in this time.
00:30:00It's like spring.
00:30:02It's warm because the weather is good today.
00:30:04It's true.
00:30:05I don't feel cold.
00:30:07I didn't expect to see cherry blossoms.
00:30:09Me, neither.
00:30:11I think it's going to go down a little more.
00:30:14Is it still going down?
00:30:15It's going down.
00:30:16You can see it when you look at it.
00:30:18Mr. Kouka.
00:30:19Is it really lunch time?
00:30:23Wait a minute.
00:30:24Wait a minute.
00:30:25The shutter is closed.
00:30:26No way.
00:30:27It's closed.
00:30:28That's too bad.
00:30:30It's closed.
00:30:31Good night.
00:30:33Good night.
00:30:35It depends on the weather.
00:30:36I see.
00:30:37I see.
00:30:39That's too bad.
00:30:41What was the other one? Ishikawaya?
00:30:45It's closed for now.
00:30:46It's closed for now.
00:30:47It's closed for now.
00:30:48It's closed for now.
00:30:49It's closed for now.
00:30:50It's closed for now.
00:30:51It's closed for now.
00:30:52It's closed for now.
00:30:53It's closed for now.
00:30:54It's closed for now.
00:30:55It's closed for now.
00:30:56It's closed for now.
00:30:57It's closed for now.
00:30:58It's closed for now.
00:30:59It's closed for now.
00:31:00It's closed for now.
00:31:01It's closed for now.
00:31:02It's closed for now.
00:31:03It's closed for now.
00:31:04It's closed for now.
00:31:05It's closed for now.
00:31:06It's closed for now.
00:31:07It's closed for now.
00:31:08It's closed for now.
00:31:09It's closed for now.
00:31:10It's closed for now.
00:31:11It's closed for now.
00:31:12It's closed for now.
00:31:13It's closed for now.
00:31:14It's closed for now.
00:31:15It's closed for now.
00:31:16It's closed for now.
00:31:17It's closed for now.
00:31:18It's closed for now.
00:31:19It's closed for now.
00:31:20It's closed for now.
00:31:21It's closed for now.
00:31:22It's closed for now.
00:31:23It's closed for now.
00:31:24It's closed for now.
00:31:25It's closed for now.
00:31:26It's closed for now.
00:31:27It's closed for now.
00:31:28It's closed for now.
00:31:29It's closed for now.
00:31:30It's closed for now.
00:31:31It's closed for now.
00:31:32It's closed for now.
00:31:33It's closed for now.
00:31:34It's closed for now.
00:31:35It's closed for now.
00:31:36It's closed for now.
00:31:37It's closed for now.
00:31:38It's closed for now.
00:31:39It's closed for now.
00:31:40It's closed for now.
00:31:41It's closed for now.
00:31:42It's closed for now.
00:31:43It's closed for now.
00:31:44It's closed for now.
00:31:45It's closed for now.
00:31:46It's closed for now.
00:31:47It's closed for now.
00:31:48It's closed for now.
00:31:49It's closed for now.
00:31:50It's closed for now.
00:31:51It's closed for now.
00:31:52It's closed for now.
00:31:53It's closed for now.
00:31:54It's closed for now.
00:31:55It's closed for now.
00:31:56It's closed for now.
00:31:57It's closed for now.
00:31:58It's closed for now.
00:31:59It's closed for now.
00:32:00It's closed for now.
00:32:01It's closed for now.
00:32:02It's closed for now.
00:32:03It's closed for now.
00:32:04It's closed for now.
00:32:06Can we enter?
00:32:07Whether you would like to give us an entry
00:32:09if you are in Showa era or not?
00:32:11So fast!
00:32:12I went there immediately when I got hungry.
00:32:15It must've felt so fresh inside our beds.
00:32:18Here they are.
00:32:21You have entered.
00:32:24It says you have been here for 73 years.
00:32:29Let's go in.
00:32:30Pleased to meet you!
00:32:31Thank you!
00:32:34Thank you for waiting.
00:32:36Wow, it smells so good.
00:32:38Thank you very much.
00:32:40There are so many people.
00:32:42From the starting point,
00:32:44they couldn't enter the two shops
00:32:46by going around Kinomiya Shrine.
00:32:48Finally, they arrived at
00:32:50the Showa Retro Town Chinese Restaurant
00:32:52which has been running since Showa 27.
00:33:00On the day off,
00:33:02a long line of customers
00:33:04came to this restaurant
00:33:06in search of
00:33:10soy-based ramen
00:33:12and omurice
00:33:14eaten in the town.
00:33:16This is a famous restaurant
00:33:18where many local customers
00:33:20come to.
00:33:22What do you recommend?
00:33:24I recommend Agu.
00:33:28Agu Char Siu is from Okinawa.
00:33:30I can eat a lot of this.
00:33:32Wait a minute.
00:33:34How many types of char siu do you have?
00:33:36I'm so excited.
00:33:38Your voice is so loud.
00:33:40I'm speaking well.
00:33:42I'm drooling.
00:33:44I don't know what you're talking about.
00:33:48There was a sign at the entrance.
00:33:50It was pretty expensive.
00:33:52Yes, it was expensive.
00:33:54There was a picture.
00:33:58Takakura Ken,
00:34:00a movie actor who represented Showa,
00:34:02fell in love with Agu Char Siu.
00:34:04When he came to Atami,
00:34:06he always stopped by this restaurant.
00:34:10based on the ramen that Ken loved,
00:34:12he will eat
00:34:14the most popular char siu noodles
00:34:16with Agu Char Siu
00:34:18from Okinawa.
00:34:26Isn't it amazing?
00:34:28Char siu.
00:34:30I can't see it.
00:34:32It's so big.
00:34:34It looks delicious.
00:34:36Let's take a picture together.
00:34:40They're taking pictures of each other.
00:34:42It's like a trip for two men.
00:34:44Let's take a picture.
00:34:46It looks delicious.
00:34:48It's worth eating.
00:34:52It's delicious.
00:34:54It's gentle.
00:34:56It tastes like Showa.
00:34:58It's my favorite flavor.
00:35:00It's my type.
00:35:02It's my type.
00:35:06It's soft.
00:35:08It's thick.
00:35:10Char siu is oily,
00:35:12but it's refreshing.
00:35:14It's delicious.
00:35:18It's amazing.
00:35:20It's delicious.
00:35:22It's delicious.
00:35:30He's closing his eyes.
00:35:32It's not a meal after work.
00:35:34That's the key to happiness.
00:35:36Be quiet.
00:35:40You look like Ken Takakura.
00:35:42When he left the office,
00:35:44he had a meal with beer
00:35:46at a restaurant.
00:35:48I remember that.
00:35:50You're eating at a good pace.
00:35:52I can't stop eating.
00:35:56At that time,
00:35:58three people who were eating donuts
00:36:00were me.
00:36:04They were eating BS food.
00:36:06It's cool.
00:36:10What kind of program is it?
00:36:12It's a show about noodles.
00:36:14He's enjoying it.
00:36:16He's eating noodles with char siu.
00:36:18What is that?
00:36:20He put char siu on rice.
00:36:22That's amazing.
00:36:24Is that okay?
00:36:26He is already over 50 years old.
00:36:28He's eating meat.
00:36:30That's really delicious.
00:36:36He is very satisfied.
00:36:43This is a popular hot spring
00:36:45selected by tourists.
00:36:47Atami has been shining for 11 years in a row.
00:36:51It's a journey to find Showa retro gourmet and beach spots.
00:36:56Next, we came to the coastal area.
00:37:01Atami's symbol is the Sun Beach.
00:37:05There is Atami Ginza Shoten-gai with many lines.
00:37:11Nishimayukiyo, Tanizaki Junichiro, etc.
00:37:15Atami's gourmet center is full of Showa retro spots.
00:37:25What kind of Showa retro gourmet are they looking for here?
00:37:30What are you aiming for?
00:37:32Purinara mode.
00:37:34I want to eat pizza.
00:37:37I want to eat dessert.
00:37:39I want to eat pizza.
00:37:41I'm looking forward to it.
00:37:43I'm looking forward to it.
00:37:45I'm looking forward to it.
00:37:46I'm looking forward to it.
00:37:49Western food.
00:37:53Can't I eat pizza?
00:37:55He is serious.
00:37:58Look at this pose.
00:38:02I'm tired.
00:38:04I'm tired.
00:38:06I can eat pizza.
00:38:08I can eat pizza.
00:38:10I can eat purinara mode.
00:38:14What kind of coastal spot are they looking for in this area?
00:38:19I'm looking for a living thing that was dug into a tree.
00:38:24A living thing?
00:38:26A living thing?
00:38:28It was dug into a tree.
00:38:30It was dug into a tree.
00:38:32It was dug into a tree.
00:38:34It was dug into a tree.
00:38:36I can't use it.
00:38:38Who is a living thing?
00:38:40Who is a living thing?
00:38:42Don't praise me.
00:38:45Then, this place.
00:38:47This is a 77-year-old restaurant.
00:38:50This restaurant has existed since the beginning.
00:38:52Since the beginning?
00:38:53That's amazing.
00:38:55The local people come here for three generations.
00:38:57They found a restaurant with a long line.
00:39:03It looks delicious.
00:39:05It looks delicious.
00:39:15They are looking for a living thing that was dug into a tree.
00:39:19They are looking for a living thing that was dug into a tree.
00:39:24I wanted to drink a cola float.
00:39:26There is a cola float in a restaurant.
00:39:28Is there?
00:39:29There is a cola float in a restaurant.
00:39:30Yes, it's a restaurant.
00:39:32A restaurant.
00:39:33We should look for it.
00:39:35Maybe there is.
00:39:36There are Napolitan and Pringles.
00:39:38We just ate them.
00:39:40That's right.
00:39:41We ate a lot of agu.
00:39:43We ate a lot of agu.
00:39:45Agu was delicious.
00:39:47We can't forget agu.
00:39:49We made a movie.
00:39:51We made a movie with three characters.
00:39:54Atami, Sanbusaku, Saishuu.
00:39:56We can't forget agu.
00:39:58It's a story about Okinawa.
00:40:01I don't feel Atami.
00:40:04I want to ask.
00:40:09It's a restaurant.
00:40:10It's a Western restaurant.
00:40:12It's a Western restaurant.
00:40:14It's a Western restaurant.
00:40:18Let's go.
00:40:19I want to go to CRAIL.
00:40:21It's a Western restaurant.
00:40:27Are they waiting?
00:40:28They are waiting.
00:40:29Are they waiting?
00:40:30Are they waiting?
00:40:31They just came out.
00:40:34Is it over?
00:40:35Is it over?
00:40:36Is it over?
00:40:37It's over for lunch.
00:40:39I'm shocked.
00:40:41Is that possible?
00:40:43Do you come here often?
00:40:45It's my first time.
00:40:46Is this a new restaurant?
00:40:48It's an old restaurant.
00:40:51It's an old restaurant.
00:40:53Aren't you curious about this?
00:40:54I'm very curious.
00:40:55It looks delicious.
00:40:56It's a Western style.
00:40:58It's a Western restaurant.
00:41:01That's too bad.
00:41:03I wanted to eat this.
00:41:04I wonder if there is a restaurant.
00:41:07Wait a minute.
00:41:08I think I've been to this Family Mart before.
00:41:11There is a very famous Western restaurant behind this line.
00:41:15Is it a Western restaurant?
00:41:16There are so many people.
00:41:18It's a restaurant.
00:41:19It's a restaurant.
00:41:20It's very famous there.
00:41:22Let's go there.
00:41:25This is a good restaurant.
00:41:27There are so many people.
00:41:29This is a very famous restaurant.
00:41:31This is a special cutlet curry.
00:41:33The curry looks delicious.
00:41:35It looks delicious.
00:41:37There is also a cutlet sandwich.
00:41:39It looks delicious.
00:41:40There is also a hamburger.
00:41:41There is also a cream soda.
00:41:42That's good.
00:41:43There is also a coffee float.
00:41:45That's good.
00:41:46That's good.
00:41:47There is also a cola float.
00:41:48There is also a coffee float.
00:41:49There is also a coffee float.
00:41:50It says that it was established in 1952.
00:41:52That's perfect.
00:41:53That's perfect.
00:41:54Let's wait in line.
00:41:56We will ask for permission from the store.
00:41:59We will wait while asking for permission.
00:42:01That's good.
00:42:02Let's ask for permission.
00:42:05Let's ask for permission.
00:42:06Let's ask for permission.
00:42:08Let's ask for permission.
00:42:09Let's ask for permission.
00:42:13I was surprised when I saw that.
00:42:15What is that white hair?
00:42:18Isn't it the best to eat curry and have a coffee float?
00:42:21That's the best.
00:42:22That's the best.
00:42:24Don't say that it was the best.
00:42:27Let's eat a cutlet sandwich.
00:42:28Cutlet is famous.
00:42:31I'm sorry.
00:42:32I'm at work.
00:42:33I'm sorry.
00:42:34Are you a member of TAKARA TEI?
00:42:35I'm sorry.
00:42:36You can ask for permission.
00:42:38If you wait, it will take about 20 to 30 minutes.
00:42:43Is that okay?
00:42:45Is that okay?
00:42:48I'm sorry for the sudden visit.
00:42:51I will come to the store again when the store closes.
00:42:56TAKARA TEI has a line-up of 20 to 30 people a day.
00:43:02What is the cutlet curry of a restaurant with a long line?
00:43:09While we wait for the store to open, let's look for the sea urchin.
00:43:17Let's look for the sea urchin.
00:43:23Do you know where the sea urchin is?
00:43:25I don't know at all.
00:43:26You don't know?
00:43:27I don't know.
00:43:28Have you ever heard of it?
00:43:29I've never heard of it.
00:43:30It's in a temple.
00:43:33It's in this area.
00:43:36Please wait a moment.
00:43:38Please wait a moment.
00:43:40He is like a detective.
00:43:42May I ask you a question?
00:43:44He went to ask a question.
00:43:46Is this a pattern?
00:43:47Did you go to a person you know?
00:43:49He looked like he was there.
00:43:51He looked like he was there.
00:43:52He may know that person.
00:43:54A clerk who is familiar with the shrine and the temple said,
00:43:57He may know that person.
00:43:58Maybe he will say,
00:43:59It's me.
00:44:01I may be a fan of Ikigai.
00:44:05He is coming.
00:44:06I'm sorry.
00:44:07I searched on the Internet.
00:44:11I don't know.
00:44:14I'm sorry.
00:44:15My father, who has lived here for 72 years,
00:44:19I didn't know this.
00:44:21Even your father doesn't know this.
00:44:23Even if you have lived here for 72 years, you don't know this.
00:44:27It's not here.
00:44:29Thank you very much.
00:44:30Thank you very much.
00:44:31Thank you very much.
00:44:33I'll see you later.
00:44:36I'll see you later.
00:44:39Is there anyone you know?
00:44:42Is there anyone interested in Kaiyuan?
00:44:45Is there anyone interested in Kaiyuan?
00:44:48Is there anyone interested in Kaiyuan?
00:44:50Kaiyuan is dangerous.
00:44:52I thought it was a powerhouse.
00:44:54It's like Kaiyuan.
00:44:56Even the locals who have lived here for 70 years don't know this.
00:44:59Kaiyuan is buried in a huge tree.
00:45:03This is the place.
00:45:05This is the first time to be broadcast on TV.
00:45:07This is the secret place of Atami.
00:45:11What kind of place is this?
00:45:15This is amazing.
00:45:18This is amazing.
00:45:22There are many.
00:45:23There are many in the back.
00:45:25This is amazing.
00:45:45Tourists are coming.
00:45:47Please pay attention to this.
00:45:49This is the most popular hot spring in 11 years.
00:45:54They look for the famous hot spring and the place where Kaiyuan is.
00:45:58They are on a journey to find the place.
00:46:02While they are waiting for the seats at the queue, they look for the place where Kaiyuan is.
00:46:06They look for the place where Kaiyuan is.
00:46:10Do you want to go to the place where Kaiyuan is?
00:46:13Let's go to the place where Kaiyuan is.
00:46:17Is that the mark of the place where Kaiyuan is?
00:46:20This is the place where Kaiyuan is.
00:46:22Let's go to the place where Kaiyuan is.
00:46:24There is a foot bath.
00:46:27This is amazing.
00:46:29Is this the place where Kaiyuan is?
00:46:31What kind of restaurant is this?
00:46:33Is this a restaurant that sells fried shrimp?
00:46:35Is this a restaurant that sells fried shrimp?
00:46:37This looks delicious.
00:46:39Do you know the place where Kaiyuan is?
00:46:46I don't know.
00:46:50Is there a temple or a shrine around here?
00:46:53If it's a temple, I think there is a hot spring nearby.
00:47:04Is it a hot spring?
00:47:06It's a temple called Onsenji.
00:47:09It looks like it's being dug.
00:47:11Is there a big tree?
00:47:13I don't know.
00:47:16Thank you very much.
00:47:19If there is no big tree, I don't know.
00:47:21Is Onsenji near the temple?
00:47:23Let's go to Onsenji.
00:47:26First, let's go to the temple called Onsenji.
00:47:32What kind of temple is this?
00:47:41There is a cherry blossom tree.
00:47:44It's almost there.
00:47:47Do you know Ikigibotoke?
00:47:51I don't know.
00:47:53Do you know Ikigibotoke?
00:47:55Onsenji is amazing.
00:47:57It may be a difficult mission.
00:48:01There is such a place.
00:48:04Ikigibotoke is being dug.
00:48:08I don't know.
00:48:12What is this?
00:48:15It says Onsenzenji.
00:48:20It's here.
00:48:23Let's ask here.
00:48:26There is a Buddha's foot here.
00:48:29It's true.
00:48:31It's true.
00:48:33It's big.
00:48:35Excuse me.
00:48:37There is a Buddha's foot.
00:48:39It's a great temple.
00:48:41It's beautiful.
00:48:44There is no tree.
00:48:46There is no tree.
00:48:47There is no tree.
00:48:49There is no tree.
00:48:51There is no tree.
00:48:55There is no big tree in the temple.
00:48:59Is there Ikigibotoke in Onsenji?
00:49:03We asked permission to shoot.
00:49:07It's a mission to find Ikigibotoke.
00:49:13It's here.
00:49:15It's here.
00:49:17It's amazing.
00:49:19It's here.
00:49:21It's here.
00:49:23It's here.
00:49:25It's here.
00:49:29It has a history of more than 1,000 years.
00:49:32It was named Onsenji because of the wish to have a hot spring for a long time.
00:49:40There used to be pine trees and firewood trees in the neighborhood.
00:49:46In the Meiji era, it was one of Atami's eight great scenic spots.
00:49:52Ikigibotoke is a sea urchin dug in a big tree.
00:50:00What is it?
00:50:02It's amazing.
00:50:04It's amazing.
00:50:06It's amazing.
00:50:08It's amazing.
00:50:10It's amazing.
00:50:12There are many.
00:50:14It's amazing.
00:50:16There are three.
00:50:18All of them are alive.
00:50:20It's amazing.
00:50:22It's winter now.
00:50:24When spring comes, the buds come out.
00:50:27Green leaves grow again.
00:50:30Do they grow?
00:50:31I see.
00:50:32It's really alive.
00:50:35It's amazing.
00:50:36It's amazing.
00:50:42I didn't expect it to be this big.
00:50:44It's amazing.
00:50:46It's amazing.
00:50:49The Buddha is on the left.
00:50:54Look at his expression.
00:50:56It's amazing.
00:50:57It's amazing.
00:50:59I don't think we can find it in the back.
00:51:02I don't think we can find it in the back.
00:51:04It's in the back.
00:51:06I didn't expect it to be here.
00:51:09I was wondering if this program was real.
00:51:13It's amazing.
00:51:14It's beyond my imagination.
00:51:17It was dug into a tree growing in the vicinity of Onsenji Temple.
00:51:21It's more than one meter high.
00:51:24It's a Tachiki tree.
00:51:28It's called Ikigibotoke.
00:51:34In the vicinity of Onsenji Temple,
00:51:37there used to be a tree of firewood and plants over 600 years old.
00:51:44Because of the fear of falling,
00:51:46they decided to cut down the tree,
00:51:48considering the safety of the surrounding area.
00:51:52However, the priest, who was heartbroken to see the tree being cut down,
00:51:56stopped his work.
00:51:59He asked a craftsman to dig a Buddha statue into three trees
00:52:03and offered them to the Buddha every day.
00:52:07The Buddha was buried here,
00:52:09and he prayed here,
00:52:11and he slept here for a long time.
00:52:14He finished it in just four months.
00:52:17In just four months?
00:52:18Is that all?
00:52:20In just four months?
00:52:22When was that?
00:52:24Last year.
00:52:25What? Last year?
00:52:26Last year?
00:52:27Wait a minute.
00:52:28That's a long time ago.
00:52:30I've heard of it.
00:52:31That's why you didn't know about it.
00:52:33The locals didn't know about it.
00:52:38Actually, this Buddha statue was born last year.
00:52:43That's why many locals don't know about it.
00:52:48However, when a tourist posted a photo on social media,
00:52:52people started to talk about it in a mysterious way,
00:52:56and it became a hidden spot in Atami.
00:52:59It's a place where people secretly talk about it.
00:53:04People fall in love with it in just four months.
00:53:06That's amazing.
00:53:07I want to come here again and again.
00:53:10I want to come here again and again.
00:53:18Thank you very much.
00:53:20let's go to the treasure house,
00:53:23a Showa-retro restaurant
00:53:25that has been waiting for a long time.
00:53:28It's a pretty straight road, isn't it?
00:53:31I didn't expect to be guided by the light.
00:53:34I didn't expect to be guided by the light.
00:53:36We're Showa members today.
00:53:40Four people of almost the same generation born in Showa.
00:53:44It seems that they are excited by the stories of their childhood.
00:53:50What do you play?
00:53:52I go to a candy shop.
00:53:54Oh, you go to a candy shop.
00:53:58I like anime, muscle man,
00:54:01Bikkuriman Choco,
00:54:03Saint Seiya,
00:54:08If you were a muscle man, which superhuman would you like?
00:54:11I like Warsman.
00:54:14That's cool.
00:54:17You're conscious of it, aren't you?
00:54:19That's right.
00:54:21I'm conscious of it, too.
00:54:23Were you a king?
00:54:24That's right.
00:54:25You're not a ramen man, are you?
00:54:26I'm not a ramen man.
00:54:27I'm a Warsman.
00:54:29I got a treasure.
00:54:31What are you talking about?
00:54:33I'm talking about Warsman.
00:54:35Excuse me.
00:54:36Excuse me.
00:54:37Thank you very much.
00:54:39It smells good.
00:54:41It smells like curry.
00:54:42It smells good.
00:54:43This is Showa.
00:54:45It's amazing.
00:54:46It's wonderful.
00:54:48This is Showa.
00:54:50It's wonderful.
00:54:51This is Genoa.
00:54:53It's 15 minutes walk from Atami Station.
00:54:57It's close to Ginza Street Shopping Street.
00:55:01It was established in 1952.
00:55:04It's a restaurant with a long queue.
00:55:07It's called Takagate.
00:55:10Atami used to be very busy in the past.
00:55:15That's right.
00:55:16According to my father,
00:55:18it was noisy at night.
00:55:20I couldn't sleep.
00:55:22I didn't know there were so many people around here.
00:55:26Atami became a big hit as a resort town
00:55:31with the economic boom in the 1960s.
00:55:36Since then,
00:55:38people have been able to eat a lot of food.
00:55:43It is also a famous restaurant for parents and children.
00:55:48Their specialty is curry, which has been improved since it was established.
00:55:55And it's Hayashi rice with a lot of onion flavor.
00:56:02There's also fried shrimp curry.
00:56:04I love it.
00:56:05I'd like to go there even if I have to pay.
00:56:08I'd like to drink cream soda now.
00:56:10Cream soda.
00:56:11I'd like to think about whether to drink cola or not.
00:56:14Please order.
00:56:15Please order.
00:56:16I can't afford it yet.
00:56:19And after the meal...
00:56:22It keeps rotating.
00:56:23I don't like it.
00:56:26Shiden is amazing.
00:56:28It's an ocean view.
00:56:29There's a special seat.
00:56:32It's amazing.
00:56:33This is wonderful.
00:56:35It's amazing here.
00:56:37It's amazing.
00:56:38It's true. It's golden.
00:56:39It's wonderful.
00:56:41Atami Kushino's speciality.
00:56:43He's making a golden pot of curry.
00:56:47He's making a golden pot of curry.
00:56:50It's here.
00:56:51It's amazing.
00:56:52The volume of curry.
00:56:54This is my recommendation.
00:56:56I can't wait to eat this.
00:56:58It's fried shrimp.
00:56:59It's fried shrimp.
00:57:00It's here.
00:57:01It's amazing.
00:57:02It's good.
00:57:03It's amazing.
00:57:04How many years ago did you start making curry?
00:57:06It was established in 1977.
00:57:09From the beginning.
00:57:11From the beginning?
00:57:12That's right.
00:57:13Did you make hayashi curry later?
00:57:16Hayashi curry was made at the same time.
00:57:18Hayashi curry?
00:57:20It's amazing.
00:57:21It looks good.
00:57:22Let's eat.
00:57:23It looks delicious.
00:57:24It looks delicious.
00:57:26It's perfect.
00:57:28How is it?
00:57:30It looks delicious.
00:57:32It looks delicious.
00:57:33It's like a commercial.
00:57:35It's delicious.
00:57:36It looks delicious.
00:57:37It looks delicious.
00:57:38It looks delicious.
00:57:40Let's eat.
00:57:41It looks delicious.
00:57:44It looks delicious.
00:57:45You eat it cleanly.
00:57:47You're good at it.
00:57:48It's delicious.
00:57:50It's delicious.
00:57:51You can say it in your mouth.
00:57:52It's a drinkable curry.
00:57:54It's a drinkable curry.
00:57:55It's delicious.
00:57:56Curry is a drinkable curry.
00:57:57It's here.
00:57:58It's here.
00:58:00Do you really like fried shrimp?
00:58:02Of course.
00:58:03It looks delicious.
00:58:05It's good.
00:58:06I love fried shrimp.
00:58:08It looks delicious.
00:58:10I wanted to eat fried shrimp.
00:58:12How is it?
00:58:14I'm sure of this.
00:58:17Are you sure?
00:58:18I'm sure.
00:58:19I'm sure.
00:58:20It's crispy and the shrimp is soft.
00:58:22We eat curry with bonito.
00:58:25It's delicious.
00:58:27It's very delicious.
00:58:28This is curry with bonito.
00:58:30Curry with bonito.
00:58:31It's delicious.
00:58:32It's delicious.
00:58:33It's very delicious.
00:58:38It's delicious.
00:58:40The shrimp is soft.
00:58:42The shrimp is very thick.
00:58:44It's as thick as Maradona's thighs.
00:58:48It's easy to understand.
00:58:49It's soft.
00:58:50I see.
00:58:51It's firm.
00:58:52It's firm.
00:58:53It's soft.
00:58:54It's soft and firm.
00:58:55It's delicious.
00:58:57We are the same age, so we can understand it easily.
00:58:59I can go back to when I was a child.
00:59:02What is this?
00:59:03It's really delicious.
00:59:04It's good to be farmed.
00:59:06You're right.
00:59:07I'm sure.
00:59:08Please praise me.
00:59:10It's good.
00:59:12You said it yourself.
00:59:15The last destination is IZUSAN.
00:59:19The last destination is IZUSAN.
00:59:26What will we look for here?
00:59:29What is it?
00:59:30At the shrine that protects the hot spring, let's get the golden luck charm.
00:59:36The golden luck charm?
00:59:40The golden luck charm?
00:59:41If you want to protect the hot spring, you have to go to the side of the hot spring.
00:59:44That's right.
00:59:45If you want to get it, you have to buy it.
00:59:47The golden luck charm.
00:59:49That's right.
00:59:51IZUSAN is located in the north of Atami.
00:59:56The whole mountain is a sanctuary.
01:00:00It is said that YORITOMO in MINAMOTO and IEYASU in TOKUGAWA were also worshipped.
01:00:04It is said that YORITOMO in MINAMOTO and IEYASU in TOKUGAWA were also worshipped.
01:00:08What is the golden luck charm that you can get there?
01:00:16Let's get on the bus and head to the IZUSAN hot spring bus stop.
01:00:22It's fun.
01:00:24IZUSAN area.
01:00:25IZUSAN area.
01:00:26IZUSAN area.
01:00:27IZUSAN area.
01:00:28We arrived at TAKANAMORI.
01:00:30Let's get on the bus.
01:00:34There is nothing here.
01:00:37There is nothing here.
01:00:38There is nothing here.
01:00:39I don't think there is a shrine here.
01:00:41I don't know which way to go.
01:00:44Which way do you go?
01:00:45There are no people here.
01:00:49It's a hot spring protected shrine.
01:00:54We have to find a shrine first.
01:00:56Let's go back a little.
01:00:58There is a shop we went to before.
01:01:01There is a shop that draws pictures for manju.
01:01:04That's the shop.
01:01:06Let's go back and ask.
01:01:08There is no doubt.
01:01:10If you ask for a picture on your smartphone, they will print it for you.
01:01:17I'm glad.
01:01:18Can you do that?
01:01:20You can do that.
01:01:21I found it.
01:01:22It's here.
01:01:23Let's ask here.
01:01:25Atami Castella.
01:01:26It's a fashionable shop.
01:01:28I want to buy Atami Castella.
01:01:30Let's buy it as a souvenir.
01:01:32Thank you for your help before.
01:01:35This is a different show.
01:01:37Is it okay?
01:01:39It's okay.
01:01:40It's fast.
01:01:41Thank you very much.
01:01:43Thank you very much.
01:01:45This is it.
01:01:46It's cute.
01:01:47They make it here.
01:01:49It's true.
01:01:50It's good.
01:01:53Is there anything I want?
01:01:55I want a souvenir.
01:01:57I want to buy a souvenir.
01:01:59It's cute.
01:02:01It's made this morning.
01:02:03I'm sorry.
01:02:04Thank you for it.
01:02:06There is custard cream inside.
01:02:09It's good.
01:02:11It's soft and fluffy.
01:02:13It's good.
01:02:14I want to buy it as a souvenir.
01:02:15They print pictures of dogs here.
01:02:19This is good.
01:02:20This is cute.
01:02:21You can read the QR code of LINE.
01:02:24You can print your favorite picture.
01:02:27I'll buy it now.
01:02:28I'm glad.
01:02:29Can I buy this?
01:02:31You can print your favorite picture.
01:02:34I'll print it later.
01:02:36Please print your favorite picture.
01:02:39Is there a shrine that protects the hot spring?
01:02:43Is there a shrine that protects the hot spring?
01:02:45Is there a shrine that protects the hot spring?
01:02:47There are two.
01:02:48There are two.
01:02:51One is called Hashiryu when you go down the stairs.
01:02:57There is a small shrine called Hashiryu Shrine.
01:03:01There is a small shrine?
01:03:03If you go up the stairs, there is Izu-san Shrine.
01:03:08Izu-san Shrine.
01:03:10There is a map on the T-shirt.
01:03:13There is a T-shirt.
01:03:14It says Izu-san Shrine on the top.
01:03:17Where is the shop?
01:03:18The shop is here.
01:03:20It's close.
01:03:21There is Hashiryu Shrine at the bottom.
01:03:24Which one is it?
01:03:25Which one is it?
01:03:26Which one is it?
01:03:27Is there a shrine that protects the hot spring?
01:03:29There is a shrine that protects the hot spring.
01:03:32Which one is famous?
01:03:34Is it a famous one?
01:03:36Izu-san Shrine.
01:03:37Izu-san Shrine.
01:03:38Is it Izu-san Shrine?
01:03:40I think it's Izu-san Shrine.
01:03:42Go up the stairs.
01:03:43Go up the stairs?
01:03:44From where?
01:03:45If you go straight, you can see it on your right hand.
01:03:47Oh, on my right hand.
01:03:48Will I go up all the way?
01:03:50Let's go.
01:03:51I have no choice but to go up.
01:03:54Please make this.
01:03:55I made this at the shrine.
01:03:58Let's see it there.
01:03:59Let's see it there.
01:04:00I'm glad.
01:04:01Thank you very much.
01:04:04I got information.
01:04:05I got information.
01:04:06Izu-san Shrine is located at the end of the stairs, which is said to be the most famous in this area.
01:04:14Is there a golden luck charm there?
01:04:22How many stairs do we have to go up?
01:04:24I don't know.
01:04:25I want to give up.
01:04:27It's too fast.
01:04:29Here it is.
01:04:30It says Izu-san Shrine.
01:04:31It says Izu-san Shrine.
01:04:32It says Izu-san Shrine.
01:04:33Let's go.
01:04:34It's quite steep.
01:04:35It's quite steep.
01:04:36It's quite steep.
01:04:37I don't like this.
01:04:38I don't like this.
01:04:39I can't see the end.
01:04:40There it is.
01:04:45It's called Izu-san Shrine.
01:05:00It said Izu-san Shrine.
01:05:05Go searching for golden luck charms in Izu-san,
01:05:08the lacunae of Atami Kush神の閉雲Spot.
01:05:14This is a big one.
01:05:15It's coming to my feet.
01:05:16Each one is pretty high.
01:05:19Oh no, it's coming.
01:05:20It's coming.
01:05:21Is there a way to do this?
01:05:23Is there a way to do this?
01:05:24But I'm grateful that I'm waiting for the end of this training.
01:05:29Oh no, my feet are full.
01:05:31Wow, there's still more.
01:05:34Wow, I can't see the end.
01:05:35Wow, there's more.
01:05:38I don't like this.
01:05:40There's a lot more up there.
01:05:42Wow, I'm dying.
01:05:49Saki-chan, you're fast.
01:05:50You're young.
01:05:53Hey, you really should look up.
01:05:57You should look up first.
01:05:58No, wait a minute.
01:06:00Isn't this crazy?
01:06:01There's a lot of stairs.
01:06:03There's a lot of stairs.
01:06:04Oh, no, no, no.
01:06:06I can only see the stairs.
01:06:07There are patterns that don't exist with this.
01:06:09No, I don't need amulets.
01:06:10No, no, no, no.
01:06:17Wow, I can't see the end.
01:06:19The people who live here are amazing.
01:06:21The people who live here are amazing.
01:06:26I wonder if they sell anything.
01:06:27There's still more.
01:06:30Oh, there's a sweet potato shop.
01:06:33It's a sweet potato shop.
01:06:35A sweet potato shop.
01:06:36We should ask if they sell anything here.
01:06:39Yes, let's ask.
01:06:41We should ask.
01:06:42We can't stop the damage.
01:06:44We'll ask.
01:06:45We'll ask.
01:06:46We'll ask.
01:06:51How can I help you?
01:06:52Can I ask you a question?
01:06:54There's a mission to get a golden amulet at a shrine that protects your voice.
01:07:01Do they sell a golden amulet there?
01:07:04There is a golden amulet.
01:07:05There is? The golden one?
01:07:06The golden one?
01:07:08I don't know if it's golden or not.
01:07:10If you can, please eat this sweet potato.
01:07:13It's a rare opportunity.
01:07:15Let's eat it then.
01:07:16Let's eat it.
01:07:17There's a garden with a 180-degree ocean view.
01:07:20There are stairs over there, right?
01:07:22If you go up from there, you can see the back of the garden.
01:07:25Are we going back?
01:07:26We can't go back.
01:07:27It's the best.
01:07:28It's the best.
01:07:29You can see our garden.
01:07:30It's a rare opportunity, so let's take a break there.
01:07:33Let's go.
01:07:34Let's go.
01:07:36Let's go down.
01:07:38Let's go down.
01:07:39It's a great view.
01:07:40It's a great view.
01:07:41It's the best.
01:07:42We did it.
01:07:44We're going down.
01:07:45We're going down.
01:07:47It's here.
01:07:48There are stairs again.
01:07:49There are stairs again.
01:07:50Let's go up the stairs and go to the garden.
01:07:52That's a good idea.
01:07:54Are we going up again?
01:07:56One more time.
01:08:00It looks like there is a golden amulet up there,
01:08:03but they're taking a break.
01:08:07It's an ocean view.
01:08:08It's a special seat.
01:08:09It's beautiful.
01:08:11It's amazing.
01:08:12This is wonderful.
01:08:14It's amazing here.
01:08:15This is great.
01:08:16It's amazing.
01:08:17It was worth going down, wasn't it?
01:08:19Thank you, Toshi.
01:08:21It's beautiful.
01:08:22This is great.
01:08:23It's beautiful.
01:08:24This is great.
01:08:25This is the best.
01:08:27It feels great.
01:08:32My son is studying this in Tokyo University.
01:08:36It's not baked sweet potato. It's a sweet potato.
01:08:38It's sweet.
01:08:39It's better than ice cream if it's cold.
01:08:43Thank you for it.
01:08:49It's great. It's really soft.
01:08:51It's soft.
01:08:52It's really good.
01:08:54It's soft.
01:08:56It's really good.
01:08:57It's sweet.
01:08:58Can I have six of these?
01:08:59I want to take them home.
01:09:01Can I have six of these?
01:09:02I want to take them home.
01:09:04I'm going to be happy.
01:09:05It's really good.
01:09:06It's good.
01:09:07It's the best baked sweet potato.
01:09:09It's the best.
01:09:13While they're taking a break,
01:09:15let's look for the golden luck charm.
01:09:18Let's go.
01:09:19Let's go.
01:09:20Let's go.
01:09:21Let's go.
01:09:22There's a long way to go.
01:09:23Let's do our best with sweet potato power.
01:09:25With sweet potato power.
01:09:31There's a bridge.
01:09:32I think it's over there.
01:09:34I think it's over there.
01:09:37I can see it.
01:09:38It's right there.
01:09:39It's right there.
01:09:41Oh, no.
01:09:42It's the last one.
01:09:43It's the last one.
01:09:48There are still stairs.
01:09:49There are still stairs.
01:09:50I can't say it.
01:09:52It's over.
01:09:53It's over.
01:09:54It's over.
01:09:55I saw a tree.
01:09:56I saw a tree.
01:09:57I saw a tree.
01:09:58The last shrine is amazing.
01:10:02There's a map.
01:10:03Wait, is this the current location?
01:10:06The main shrine.
01:10:07How far is it?
01:10:08The main shrine?
01:10:09It's quite high.
01:10:10It's very high.
01:10:11It doesn't have to be the main shrine.
01:10:13The main shrine.
01:10:15How far will they have to climb to get the golden luck charm?
01:10:29It's a little hard to see, but there's a bridge.
01:10:33There's a bridge.
01:10:34It's a little hard to see, but there's a bridge.
01:10:39It's a little hard to see, but there's a bridge.
01:10:43A beautiful news from Hideo Ito.
01:10:48The original work, Hana no Ren by Toyoko Yamazaki, will be aired on Saturday this week.
01:10:53I play the role of Keiko Kitagawa, who is the main character.
01:10:57It's a grand human drama about a woman who devoted her life to show business.
01:11:02Please watch it this Saturday at 9pm.
01:11:05Please watch it, everyone.
01:11:08Wow, there's still more.
01:11:13It's okay.
01:11:15Oh, we're almost there.
01:11:16Almost there.
01:11:17Almost there.
01:11:18We're almost there.
01:11:19Almost there.
01:11:21Oh, but it says Omamori in the office.
01:11:24It says Omamori.
01:11:26We're almost there.
01:11:27It's almost there.
01:11:28It's a temple.
01:11:29I wish I could meet you here.
01:11:32Let's pray first.
01:11:34Let's pray first.
01:11:35Let's pray first.
01:11:36Let's pray.
01:11:41There it is.
01:11:43Let me read it first.
01:11:45It's the White Dragon.
01:11:49Red represents fire.
01:11:50White represents water.
01:11:53It is the guardian deity of the hot spring that produces hot water with the power of water and fire.
01:11:59The guardian deity of the hot spring?
01:12:01He is protecting it.
01:12:02He is saying it.
01:12:03He is protecting it.
01:12:04It's true.
01:12:05This is the Izu-san Shrine, which is said to have been built before the Kigen.
01:12:13It is said that there is a medicine called Tenka-tori and Kyou-un.
01:12:18It is said that the great emperor and Minamoto-no-Yoritomo visited this hot spring.
01:12:25It is said that the red and white dragons, which are said to be the symbol of the shrine,
01:12:32created the hot springs in this area.
01:12:38The name Izu, which is next to Atami, is said to have come from Yuizuru-kuni.
01:12:47I would like to ask you a question.
01:12:49Is there a golden kaiun-mamori?
01:12:52There is.
01:12:53There is.
01:12:54There is.
01:12:55There is.
01:12:56There is.
01:12:57There is.
01:12:58There is.
01:12:59There is.
01:13:00There is.
01:13:01There is.
01:13:02There is.
01:13:03There is.
01:13:04There is.
01:13:05There is.
01:13:06This is a Mamori.
01:13:07It's beautiful.
01:13:08What kind of Mamori is it?
01:13:10It is the oldest Mamori.
01:13:13The oldest?
01:13:15What does it mean by the oldest?
01:13:17It is from the Kamakura period.
01:13:20Was this the original color?
01:13:23This is the original color.
01:13:25Original color.
01:13:26It's easy to carry around in the modern day.
01:13:29I see.
01:13:31It said that it was from Kamakura period.
01:13:32It says Soutousan Houin.
01:13:35Soutousan Houin.
01:13:36It's the old name of the Susan Shrine.
01:13:38Susan Shrine, Soutousan Houin.
01:13:41The golden luck charm is this Go-Ou Houin.
01:13:47It's a special charm from the Kamakura period.
01:13:52It protects the shrine from the evil spirits.
01:13:55It has been cherished as an omnipotent charm.
01:14:01I'm glad that I could participate in this trip
01:14:05because it shows how I've lived my life.
01:14:07You look like a different person.
01:14:09You've changed so much in a day.
01:14:11I'm really sorry.
01:14:15Oh, the manju we saw earlier.
01:14:18It's ready.
01:14:19Here it is.
01:14:20Let me see.
01:14:22It's everyone's face.
01:14:23Each of them.
01:14:24It's fun.
01:14:25Each of them.
01:14:26It's fun.
01:14:27I didn't know you could make it so quickly.
01:14:32Can I take a photo of you?
01:14:35I don't want to do it until the end.
01:14:37You haven't changed.
01:14:38You haven't changed at all.
01:14:39I said yes, but you said until the end.