• 3 days ago
00:00:01Uh-oh! There goes another good man!
00:00:04Well, C.P., I think we've got another hit with that new tune of yours.
00:00:07You like it?
00:00:08How about singing a chorus for us?
00:00:09Why, I'd be glad to!
00:00:14Now won't you swing it lightly, girls? Won't you swing it lightly?
00:00:18Come on with me and drive with me. Won't you swing it lightly?
00:00:22Now when the band has stopped to play, and everybody's on to sway,
00:00:26come on and swing it lightly.
00:00:30When the cat's a-jumpin' and the crowd all gives us round,
00:00:34some cat will holler out, I'm just chugging round.
00:00:38Now all you cats swing lightly, come on you cats and get to sleep.
00:00:54Yes, Miss Carroll?
00:00:55There's something I want you to do for me.
00:00:57I'd be glad to.
00:00:59Would you autograph this, please?
00:01:00Why, sure.
00:01:04Isn't he wonderful?
00:01:06Oh, but Dad, he's different.
00:01:09He's all he is.
00:01:32Pretty face, funny hat, that's what my Blondie is.
00:01:36Lovable feet, both flat, that's what my Dagwood is.
00:01:40Blondie's not always right, I let her think she is.
00:01:44All of my thoughts are right, long as he thinks they're his.
00:01:48Life with us is fun and crazy, baby Dublin,
00:01:52Life with us is fun and crazy, baby Dublin,
00:01:55Us and Daisy, what a family.
00:01:58Incredible, bum-steadable.
00:02:00Hurry, you'll miss your bus.
00:02:02Watch out, you'll burn your stew.
00:02:05Nothing's too much for us, as long as with me there's you.
00:02:09Dagwood and Blondie.
00:02:10Blondie and Dagwood.
00:02:11Always with me there's you.
00:02:17Get after that wood.
00:02:20Get in that car.
00:02:25She's been running me red.
00:02:39Dagwood, breakfast. Hurry or you'll be late.
00:02:42All right, Blondie.
00:02:44Oh, dear.
00:02:49Do you own a little mutt with long ears?
00:02:52If you're referring to Daisy, she isn't a mutt.
00:02:54She happens to be a thoroughbred mongrel.
00:02:57All I got to say is there's a law that says that no dog can run loose on the street.
00:03:01And if I catch your mutt, I mean your thoroughbred mongrel,
00:03:06running loose without a leash and without someone hanging on to that leash,
00:03:10you'll pay a $500 fine.
00:03:12We only paid $3 for Daisy.
00:03:16Dagwood, you've got to talk to Daisy.
00:03:19I told her not to leave the yard this morning, and she disobeyed me.
00:03:22Yesterday she hid Cookie's doll,
00:03:24and the day before that she tore up the Brady's newspaper.
00:03:27Oh, every spring it's the same old story.
00:03:30She starts acting like a puppy, and we lead a dog's life.
00:03:33Yeah, well, where is she now, huh?
00:03:34Well, I don't know.
00:03:36But if she isn't here by the time I count three,
00:03:39she gets no ice cream on Sunday.
00:03:42One, two...
00:03:49I knew that would work.
00:03:51You talk to her, Dagwood, and I'll fix your breakfast.
00:03:53Oh, Blondie, I'm too tired for a father-daughter talk this morning.
00:03:57I stayed up half the night working on our budget.
00:04:00We got a lot of bills, Blondie.
00:04:02Cookie's tonsil, $115.
00:04:05Alexander's teeth, $75.
00:04:07Blondie's coat, $85.
00:04:09Dagwood's tie.
00:04:13Drink your orange juice, dear.
00:04:16Oh, how are we ever gonna pay everybody, Blondie?
00:04:18I'll loan you $0.10, Daddy.
00:04:21Oh, now, isn't that sweet, Dagwood?
00:04:24You don't have to, darling.
00:04:26Daddy will take care of everything.
00:04:28That's what daddies are for,
00:04:30to work hard and take care of their families.
00:04:33Daddies are supposed to worry.
00:04:36And if daddies don't want to worry,
00:04:38they're supposed to ask for a raise at the office.
00:04:40Well, I guess I could ask Mr. Ditters for a raise, I guess.
00:04:44Gosh, Daddy.
00:04:45I hope I'm as brave as you are when I grow up.
00:04:48Thank you, Alexander.
00:04:53Good morning.
00:04:54Hope you don't mind my barging in without knocking.
00:04:56Oh, that's all right, Tommy.
00:04:58Dagwood, this is our new neighbor, Tommy Cooper.
00:05:02This is Mr. Bumstead.
00:05:03Hi, Tommy.
00:05:04How do you do, Mr. Bumstead?
00:05:05Tommy's quite a student.
00:05:07I think you'll be a good influence on Alexander.
00:05:09Oh, yeah.
00:05:10Mr. Bumstead, I'm reading some anatomy books.
00:05:13I must say that the shape of your head is most unusual.
00:05:16Oh, it is?
00:05:18Did your nurse ever drop you when you were a baby?
00:05:21You see, I never had to...
00:05:23Now, see here.
00:05:25I... I...
00:05:26Hey, I'm late.
00:05:27Children, your father's leaving.
00:05:29Alexander, open the door.
00:05:30Hurry up.
00:05:31Come on.
00:05:39Come on.
00:06:00New doll carriage.
00:06:02Ten dollars.
00:06:09Yes, Mary?
00:06:10Mr. Dittus, I've got that long-distance call through to Mr. Rutledge.
00:06:13Good. Put him on.
00:06:15Hello, Mr. Rutledge?
00:06:17Oh, I just wanted to find out when you'll be in town.
00:06:20About two weeks?
00:06:21Oh, that's fine.
00:06:22Our plans will be all ready for you by then.
00:06:24I've had one of my men, Dagwood Bumstead, working on them day and night.
00:06:27In fact, I expect him in at any moment with the first complete draft.
00:06:30I'll be looking for you.
00:06:35Let's see now.
00:06:36This week, I'll pay for one tonsil, two of Alexander's cavities, two...
00:06:42Hello, Ollie.
00:06:43Having money trouble again, eh?
00:06:48Dag, how'd you like to borrow $300?
00:06:51How'd I?
00:06:52Hey, guys, I certainly would.
00:06:53So would I.
00:06:54You know anybody who's got it?
00:06:58Say, Ollie, do you think you know who is in?
00:07:02I guess so.
00:07:03Say, you're not going to ask for a you-know-what?
00:07:06I'll probably get it you-know-when.
00:07:08Look, Dag.
00:07:10If you're going to tackle tithers for a raise, do it differently.
00:07:14Use psychology.
00:07:15Don't start writing asking for more dough.
00:07:18Oh, shh.
00:07:19Sort of gradually work up to it.
00:07:21Talk about the weather.
00:07:23Crack a joke.
00:07:24Crack a joke?
00:07:26Flatter the old goat.
00:07:27Then crack down and let him have it.
00:07:30Do you think it would work?
00:07:31All he can do is say no.
00:07:33But he has so many different ways of saying it.
00:07:38Yes, Mary?
00:07:39Mrs. Bumstead would like to talk to you.
00:07:41Oh, she would.
00:07:42Put her on.
00:07:44Good morning, Blondie.
00:07:45What can I do for you?
00:07:50Dagwood left the Rutledge plans at home?
00:07:52Oh, for heaven's sake.
00:07:55What's that?
00:07:56No, no.
00:07:57Don't bring them down, Blondie.
00:07:58I'll take care of it.
00:08:01Now, are you sure it'll work?
00:08:03Sure, if you use my approach.
00:08:05Remember, weather, joke, flattery, raise.
00:08:20Good morning, Mr. Dittus.
00:08:23Oh, isn't this wonderful weather?
00:08:25Makes you feel like working.
00:08:30Oh, yes.
00:08:31A joke.
00:08:35Something amuses you, Dagwood?
00:08:37Yes, I heard the funniest story on the bus.
00:08:39Gee, it slayed me.
00:08:40I heard something on the telephone.
00:08:41It slayed me, too.
00:08:43Well, after I get through telling my story,
00:08:45you can tell me yours.
00:08:46I intend to.
00:08:47Oh, fine.
00:08:48Now, this is my story, Mr. Dittus.
00:08:51It seems there was a clerk at a bank...
00:08:54You can stop right there.
00:08:55And the clerk...
00:08:57I don't want to hear your story.
00:08:59You don't?
00:09:02Oh, flattery.
00:09:05You know, J.C., in all the years that I've been working for you,
00:09:09I've never seen you looking so...
00:09:13How am I looking, Dagwood?
00:09:17I can't think of the word.
00:09:19Maybe I ought to go to my office.
00:09:23Look here, you nitwit.
00:09:25I know you were heading for a raise,
00:09:27but when you do stupid things like leaving those Rutledge plans at home, I could...
00:09:30Oh, I did forget them, didn't I?
00:09:32I just hope you made the necessary changes in those garage specifications.
00:09:36Well, did you?
00:09:39You didn't.
00:09:40Oh, I'll torture it in one get.
00:09:44Look, you see, Mr. Dittus,
00:09:46I was working on my budget last night,
00:09:48and I need $300 awful bad.
00:09:51How can you speak of small change like that
00:09:53when you know I'm trying to borrow $100,000 from Simon Rutledge?
00:09:56Whether I get it or not depends on those post-war housing plans you left at home.
00:10:02Dagwood, I could shoot you!
00:10:09Oh, Mr. Dittus, I didn't think you'd do it to me.
00:10:13Take care of Blondie and the children and Daisy and the five little puppies.
00:10:18Get up, you idiot. I didn't shoot you.
00:10:20Those pneumatic drills, they're fixing the street.
00:10:22They are?
00:10:23Oh, my.
00:10:25Oh, Mr. Dittus, I'm just a bundle of nerves.
00:10:29I didn't get enough sleep last night.
00:10:31If this drilling keeps up, you won't get any work done today.
00:10:34Well, since you left the plans at home, you better do your work there.
00:10:36Work at home?
00:10:37Oh, that'll be nice.
00:10:39It'll be nice and quiet.
00:10:42What's that?
00:10:43That'll be quiet.
00:10:49Oh, excuse me. I didn't mean to yell.
00:10:57Quiet. Everything's quiet.
00:11:10What are they doing here?
00:11:12Well, you never know what's going to happen in a neighborhood, Frankis.
00:11:15Oh, Tommy, you didn't call the police.
00:11:17Well, I just became aware.
00:11:18What's going on here?
00:11:19Oh, nothing at all, officer.
00:11:21Mrs. Brady and I were just having a little argument.
00:11:23That ain't the way we heard it.
00:11:25Somebody called headquarters and said two women had opened up a second front on Shady Lane Avenue.
00:11:30I'm sure Mrs. Brady and I can settle our little discussion without the aid of the law.
00:11:35Oh, I don't know about that.
00:11:37Maybe the law is what we need around here.
00:11:47Oh, it's my fault.
00:11:49They're not to blame. I'm responsible for everything that's happened.
00:11:52What has happened?
00:11:54Dagwood, what are you doing home? You haven't been fired.
00:11:57Oh, no, you see, Mr. D... Oh, never mind that.
00:11:59What has happened?
00:12:01I'll tell you what's happened.
00:12:03Your dog, Daisy, chased my cat, Henry, up a tree.
00:12:06And Henry's so sensitive, he might not come down for days.
00:12:10You shouldn't have told me that, lady. I won't sleep a wink tonight.
00:12:14Oh, Bill.
00:12:15Well, aren't you going to do something about that dog running around loose?
00:12:17That's my department, lady.
00:12:19Well, where is she?
00:12:21Daisy? Oh, she's in the house.
00:12:23I hope.
00:12:25I think I'll have a look around.
00:12:27And let me tell you what that dog did last week when I just hung my laundry on the line.
00:12:45Oh, how do you do? I'm a reporter.
00:12:47I heard the police siren and followed the car over.
00:12:49What's going on?
00:12:50Oh, Daisy Bumstead chased Henry Brady up a tree.
00:12:53Yeah? What did the Bumstead dame do? Catch Brady with another gal?
00:12:56Oh, no, no. Daisy's a dog and Henry's a cat.
00:12:59Oh, fine. I can see the headlines now.
00:13:02Dog chases cat.
00:13:04Entered a fires reporter. Oh, great scoop.
00:13:06Oh, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Maybe I can give you a story about Daisy.
00:13:10Let me read this letter for my son.
00:13:13It's this one.
00:13:15Bob's in the Navy waiting to come home.
00:13:17Well, I sent him some pictures of a few pinup girls and a snapshot of Daisy.
00:13:22And that's what he wrote back to me.
00:13:25Dear Mom, thanks for the pictures of the pretty girls, but I like the snapshot of Daisy best.
00:13:30So did my pals.
00:13:32In fact, we liked it so much that we voted Daisy as the dog we'd like to come home to.
00:13:36Well, tell her from me she's the Navy's pinup pooch.
00:13:40Pinup pooch. Not bad. Not bad at all.
00:13:44You know, I think I can do something with that.
00:13:46I thought you could.
00:13:55Frankly, I think Daisy should be tied up. And furthermore...
00:14:09Folks, crime is marching on and we're standing here.
00:14:13Now you keep an eye on Henry.
00:14:16And you tell your Daisy to stop chasing the boys.
00:14:21Come on, Bill.
00:14:23Blondie! Blondie, this man wants to see Daisy.
00:14:26Oh, what has she done now?
00:14:29Nothing, Blondie. He's from the city news. He wants to interview you about Daisy.
00:14:32She's going to be printed up in the newspaper.
00:14:35Daisy in the newspaper? Why?
00:14:37She's been voted the Navy's pinup dog.
00:14:39Pinup dog. Oh, no.
00:14:42Oh, Dag, did you hear that? Our Daisy's going to be a celebrity.
00:14:47Oh, getty, getty.
00:14:53Mrs. Buxton! Alexander! Mrs. Buxton!
00:15:22Mrs. Buxton! Alexander! Mrs. Buxton!
00:15:25Alexander! Mrs. Buxton! Mrs. Buxton!
00:15:30Oh, Tommy, what's happened?
00:15:32Oh, look, Mrs. Buxton. Daisy!
00:15:34Oh, Daisy, I'm here.
00:15:36I just bought her a new stand.
00:15:38Gee, now Daisy's a cover dog.
00:15:41Oh, excuse me.
00:15:43Blondie, did you see this?
00:15:45Oh, Miss Gilbert, isn't it wonderful?
00:15:47You're going to knock me over with a feather.
00:15:49Blondie, did you see this?
00:15:55Oh, Daisy.
00:15:58Oh, Daisy.
00:16:01Hey, you know what's happened to you.
00:16:03Say, I just caught my father about this.
00:16:13We work on the plans all day and finish up by the end of the week.
00:16:16Yes, sir.
00:16:17Mary, not to interrupt us.
00:16:19Mr. Dittus, Alexander wants to talk to his father.
00:16:22Mary, we are not to be interrupted.
00:16:25But he says it's important.
00:16:28All right. Take it and make it brief.
00:16:31Yes, Mr. Dittus.
00:16:34Hello? Hello, Alexander?
00:16:37Is there anything wrong?
00:16:39I can't hear you. All I can hear is mumbling.
00:16:41It's Daisy! She's next!
00:16:44Wait a minute.
00:16:46Wait a minute. What did you say?
00:16:48Oh, I said it's Daisy! She's next!
00:16:50She's spread out all over!
00:16:53What? Huh?
00:16:55Oh, no.
00:16:58Oh, no.
00:17:00Dagwood, what is it?
00:17:01Daisy. She's been hit.
00:17:03She's spread out all over.
00:17:05Oh, I'm terribly sorry.
00:17:07I think I'm going to faint.
00:17:08Oh, you mustn't do that, Dagwood. You've got to hold on yourself.
00:17:11You know you can count on me to be your pillar of strength, someone to lean on.
00:17:16She was such a cute little dog, Mr. Dittus.
00:17:19Every morning she'd lick the paper and run for my face.
00:17:22I mean, she'd lick for the run and paper my face.
00:17:25Oh, what am I saying?
00:17:30But at least she left her five children to take her place.
00:17:33Oh, they'll never do it. There's only one Daisy.
00:17:37Oh, no. I can't go on, Mr. Dittus. I can't face it.
00:17:41Oh, but you've got to, Dagwood. For Blondie's sake.
00:17:43Blondie? Oh, I forgot about her.
00:17:45She must be pretty bad. And the children, too.
00:17:49All right. We'll go, Mr. Dittus. I'm all right now.
00:17:53I don't have to have your support.
00:18:05Come on.
00:18:06Don't worry.
00:18:12Oh, I didn't know Daisy had so many friends.
00:18:15Please, please. Let the dog's father through.
00:18:18Oh, Tommy. Where's everybody, huh?
00:18:21In the living room. It's a good thing you came when you did.
00:18:24Your wife's worn out with the excitement and Daisy's half-dead.
00:18:27Half-dead? You mean she isn't all dead yet?
00:18:31Maybe I could say a last goodbye to her, huh?
00:18:33You're bearing up well, Dagwood. Fine.
00:18:43There you are, Mrs. Kelly.
00:18:56Pinned up pooch.
00:18:58So she was hit and got spread out all over.
00:19:02She's alive!
00:19:06There you are, Mr. Carter.
00:19:07Now, Daisy and I can't give any more autographs. We're really awfully tired.
00:19:11No more autographs. Dagwood, are you home?
00:19:13Oh, isn't it exciting about Daisy?
00:19:15Yes, indeed. As soon as we heard about it, we'll have some very important work.
00:19:25Pardon me. Pardon me.
00:19:27Didn't you hear what the lady said? No more autographs.
00:19:30I don't want an autograph. I want to see the owner of Daisy.
00:19:33My name is Theodore Glaspie, and I represent an advertising company which represents Daisy Soap.
00:19:38Use Daisy Soap and smell as fresh as a daisy.
00:19:42I created that slogan.
00:19:45Go along, Dagwood. I haven't finished saying everything I have to say to you.
00:19:48Oh, yes, Mr. Dennis.
00:19:49Oh, wait, dear. Don't you want to hear what the gentleman has to say?
00:19:52After all, you own Daisy, too.
00:19:54Oh, he does, does he? Well, we're going to put your dog to work.
00:19:58We feel that with all this national publicity, that there's a great tie-up between her and Daisy Soap.
00:20:03Oh, for heaven's sake. Let's go, Dagwood. This is a penny-ante deal.
00:20:07Oh, it is, eh?
00:20:08Well, it just so happens that my company is willing to pay Daisy $100 every time she poses for Daisy Soap.
00:20:14And we believe we can use her indefinitely.
00:20:17At $100? Gee, Mr. Dennis, that's more than you pay me.
00:20:24Exactly what would Daisy have to do?
00:20:26Well, we haven't planned the whole set-up, but she'll pose for pictures, possibly with movie stars.
00:20:31Movie stars? Oh, Daisy! How would you like that?
00:20:40She isn't impressed, Mr. Glaspy.
00:20:42Oh, but think what you could do with all that extra money.
00:20:45Buy victory bonds and maybe the few luxuries that your husband's salary won't allow you to buy.
00:20:50I'll see her.
00:20:51And I am sure there are bills that are crying to be paid.
00:20:55You must have been reading my mail.
00:20:58Then you can use that extra money. Here.
00:21:01Oh, here. Now, just to show our goodwill, here's $100 in advance.
00:21:09Now she's impressed.
00:21:13It's a deal, Mr. Glaspy.
00:21:21So you want a shake on the deal, too, eh, Daisy?
00:21:24We always said Daisy ran the house, but we never thought she'd be paying the bills.
00:21:28No, we never did.
00:21:29Gee, Daddy, now you won't have to worry so much. Daisy can be the head of the family.
00:21:33That's right, Alexander. Now Daisy can be the head of the family.
00:21:46Surprise, Dagwood.
00:21:48Hello, Dagwood.
00:21:51Ronnie, Jane, it's good to see you.
00:21:54Oh, now, wait a minute. You didn't go and buy anything, did you?
00:21:56Yes, I did. The sweetest little outfit.
00:22:01$48.50. You know, I told you we had to go easy this month.
00:22:05Now, don't get upset, dear. We can afford to get a few nice things now.
00:22:09I should think so. Now that Daisy's doing so well.
00:22:11Daisy's got good taste, hasn't she, Dagwood?
00:22:14Yes, she has.
00:22:15Oh, now, don't look so down in the mouth, Dagwood.
00:22:19I have something for you, too.
00:22:21Oh, your hat?
00:22:26Oh, watch.
00:22:28Look at that. Just the kind I've always wanted. Look at it.
00:22:31So Daisy played Santa Claus to you, too, huh, Dagwood?
00:22:34My, but she's generous.
00:22:36And, Dagwood, I bought some beautiful little sweaters for the children.
00:22:39The kind we've never been able to afford.
00:22:41Yeah, I can understand that.
00:22:44Can you take me to lunch, dear?
00:22:45First, we'll stop in the bank, and I'll deposit another one of Daisy's checks.
00:22:48Another one?
00:22:49Yes, dear. Oh, we're building up a sizable bank account.
00:22:52Isn't that nice?
00:22:53If Daisy keeps on working, she'll be wearing the pants in the family, and you'll be wearing the leash.
00:22:58Oh, Ollie.
00:23:06Good morning, Alexander.
00:23:07Good morning.
00:23:09Daddy, I've got something I want to discuss with you.
00:23:14It's about the business of Daisy.
00:23:16Oh, uh, what about her?
00:23:18Well, does she give me my 50 cents allowance for the week, or do you?
00:23:22Well, no, as a matter of fact...
00:23:25Well, Tommy said that now that she's earning more money than you are, she's supporting the family.
00:23:29Yeah, well, you just tell that Tommy Cooper that no matter what Daisy earns, I'm still supporting the family.
00:23:35I must admit, Sonny, that, uh, after all, Daisy's earnings have come in handy.
00:23:40But as long as I sit at the head of the table, I'm the boss.
00:23:51Good morning, dear. Sit down and eat your breakfast.
00:23:54Yeah, but Daisy's in my chair.
00:23:56What difference does that make?
00:23:58She had the sniffles this morning, and I didn't want her to sit on the cold floor.
00:24:01What? But, Blondie, that...
00:24:12Well, Daisy, don't you hear the paper boy whistling? Go on, get the paper.
00:24:16She doesn't do that anymore, dear. That's Elmer's job now.
00:24:20Oh, Elmer!
00:24:25Elmer, the news boy whistled.
00:24:31Oh, um, may I serve you some cream, Daisy? After all, uh, you paid for it.
00:24:36Dagwood, I don't like your attitude. In fact, I haven't liked your attitude all week.
00:24:41You've treated Daisy like a dog. I think you need a lecture.
00:24:57And just think, Dagwood, Daisy has paid all our bills just by posing a few times.
00:25:02You should be grateful.
00:25:04I am, Blondie, but I want to pay them myself. I'm the breadwinner.
00:25:09Oh, Blondie, you know how a man feels about supporting his family.
00:25:13Yes, I know, dear. And someday you won't need Daisy's help at all.
00:25:22Oh, thank you, Elmer. That's a good boy.
00:25:28Hello there.
00:25:29Good morning, Tommy. Waiting for Alexander?
00:25:31Yes and no. I was waiting for you to come along.
00:25:34I just found out about your amazing encounters with Mr. Bumstead.
00:25:38And I've decided I'd like to witness the phenomenon.
00:25:41The phenomenon? Oh, you mean about him knocking me down every morning?
00:25:46Well, I'm happy to say that those days are probably gone forever.
00:25:49He hasn't knocked me down in a week. He doesn't leave the house in a rush the way he used to.
00:25:54I don't understand what happened.
00:25:57Yes, indeed. We ought to be very happy Daisy's doing so well.
00:26:00It isn't every dog who has a social security number and pays an income tax.
00:26:05Mommy, do you have to go with Daisy every time she meddles?
00:26:08Yes, dear. Daisy won't pose unless Mother's with her.
00:26:11But you'll be all right with Mrs. Adams. She ought to be here in a minute or two.
00:26:15Oh, I'm late.
00:26:17Alexander, your mommy's leaving. Get the door open.
00:26:45I knew there was a catch to it. He's been training her to get me.
00:27:01Oh, my.
00:27:03Oh, look, Daddy.
00:27:05Daisy Bumstead. Daisy Bumstead. Daisy...
00:27:08Imagine anybody writing fan mail to a dog.
00:27:11Well, if you'd like to know my opinion... I wouldn't.
00:27:14Very well, then. Come on, Alexander. We'll be late for school.
00:27:17Oh, well, you come on in the house, Cookie.
00:27:19Mrs. Adams will be over here pretty soon, and Daddy's got to get to work.
00:27:25I wonder if there's greyhound blood in that family.
00:27:31Where is that Mrs. Adams? I'm going to be late if she...
00:27:38Hello? Oh, hello, Mrs. Adams. We're waiting for you.
00:27:42You can't come over?
00:27:44Oh, but what'll I do with Cookie?
00:27:47Oh, take her to the office?
00:27:49Oh, I can't do that, Mrs. Adams.
00:27:53Oh, no. Mr. Dithers would be awful mad if I showed up with Cookie.
00:28:01Mr. Bumstead, I presume?
00:28:05Yes, that's me.
00:28:07I work for Blankey Leonard. You heard of him?
00:28:10Yes, he's the gangster.
00:28:13I mean, he's nightclub owner.
00:28:15That's a little better, bud.
00:28:17He sent me here to talk a deal over with you.
00:28:20Oh, with me?
00:28:24Cookie, you run upstairs and get your hat and coat, and Daddy will take you to the office.
00:28:28Hi, Daddy.
00:28:29Won't you sit...
00:28:39Look, I'll get right down to the facts.
00:28:42Blankey's got a girlfriend named Hazel.
00:28:45Hazel's crazy about dogs.
00:28:47She got a gander to the picture of that mutt of yours, and she wants him.
00:28:50Oh, Daisy?
00:28:53Yeah, how much do you want for the pooch?
00:28:56Oh, we don't want to sell her.
00:28:57Ah, you don't understand me, Bumstead.
00:28:59Oh, yes, I do.
00:29:00Look, Hazel wants the dog.
00:29:03Blankey gets what Hazel wants.
00:29:07So, Bumstead, how much?
00:29:09Well, we...
00:29:12We couldn't sell her.
00:29:15Ain't that awful?
00:29:17He won't sell his Daisy.
00:29:24That's me, Daddy.
00:29:26Oh, yes, Cookie.
00:29:28It's too bad you don't want to do business legitimate.
00:29:31You know, that makes things kind of complicated.
00:29:34You better sell her to us, Bumstead, because we're going to get her anyhow.
00:29:39Wait a minute.
00:29:41You're kind of clumsy with kids.
00:29:43What's the matter, baby? Did he hurt you?
00:29:48You better think over what I said, Bumstead, and call me at Blankey's place.
00:29:52The Kit-Kat Club.
00:29:54Goodbye, honey.
00:29:55Hey, you annoying me.
00:29:57How many times...
00:29:58I'm talking and the guy's always just doing things.
00:30:01What's the matter with you, huh?
00:30:03Oh, come on, Cookie.
00:30:06Daddy, are those men going to take Daisy?
00:30:08Of course not.
00:30:10They were just talking through their hats.
00:30:14Like I'm talking through mine?
00:30:16Huh? Oh, no.
00:30:26Hmm. I see we have company today, huh?
00:30:30Is Mr. Dithers in his office?
00:30:32He came in about ten minutes ago.
00:30:34Oh, well, I hope he doesn't come out, because I want to put Cookie in my office before he sees her.
00:30:38So what if he does see her? What if he gets sore and fires you?
00:30:41You don't have to worry about money anymore.
00:30:43That little four-footed goldmine of yours is doing all right.
00:30:46Now, see here, Ollie.
00:30:48You want him to hear you?
00:30:49Of course not.
00:30:50No, just...
00:30:51Cookie, now, now.
00:30:52You just be as quiet as you can.
00:30:54Just be as quiet as you can and follow Daddy.
00:31:04Since when did my office become a day nursery?
00:31:06Oh, well, you see, Blondie had to take Daisy to work, and nobody could take care of Cookie but me.
00:31:11Now, you'll be very quiet, won't you, Cookie?
00:31:14You see? Cookie!
00:31:16Oh, she won't make any noise, Mr. Dithers.
00:31:19Well, all right.
00:31:20She better stay out here where somebody can keep an eye on her, because I want you in my office.
00:31:23We're going to finish those plans today.
00:31:25Sure, Mr. Dithers.
00:31:26We'll finish them.
00:31:27Now, come on, Cookie.
00:31:28You can sit at a desk and make believe you're Daddy.
00:31:31I don't want to sleep.
00:31:37Come on over here.
00:31:43There you are.
00:31:50We won't be bothered anymore now, Mr. Dithers.
00:31:52Cookie promised to be quiet.
00:31:54Well, very good.
00:31:55We just have to change this community house, and we're through.
00:31:58Oh, boy, I hope Mr. Rutledge likes our plans.
00:32:01You'll get your loan, and I'll get my bonus.
00:32:03And Blondie ought to be impressed when I show her what I can earn.
00:32:07And Daisy will sit up and take notice, too.
00:32:12I don't hear anything.
00:32:14That's just it.
00:32:15It's too quiet out there.
00:32:23I got somebody.
00:32:26Now, don't tell me.
00:32:27I'll bet I know.
00:32:29Oh, yeah.
00:32:30I know.
00:32:32Ah, it's Joy.
00:32:33No, it isn't Joy.
00:32:34Now, wait a minute.
00:32:35Gee, this is fun.
00:32:57Mr. Dix.
00:33:05Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Dix.
00:33:07I'll put Cook in my office.
00:33:09Now, kiddies, the play hour is over.
00:33:12So they'll all get back to work.
00:33:14Yes, sir.
00:33:18Hey there.
00:33:19Daddy, let's call up Mr. Dithers.
00:33:22Yeah, no, no, don't touch that, honey.
00:33:24Here, now here.
00:33:26You sit right over here.
00:33:28There you are.
00:33:30Yeah, nice pencil and paper.
00:33:32And I want you to draw Daddy some nice pictures, huh?
00:33:43Oh, whee.
00:33:49Oh, whee.
00:34:20Mr. Dithers, this community house will make history.
00:34:23Well, I hope Simon Rudley thinks so.
00:34:25Of course, we could cut a new door in there.
00:34:27That's a good idea.
00:34:29Hello, Cookie.
00:34:30Hello, sweetheart.
00:34:31On the other hand, the...
00:34:39Oh, now, Dagwood, don't go to pieces.
00:34:42I'm sorry.
00:34:43I'm sorry.
00:34:44I'm sorry.
00:34:45I'm sorry.
00:34:46Oh, now, Dagwood, don't go to pieces.
00:34:49Now, you just brace yourself and leave this to me.
00:34:52Now, just leave this all to me.
00:35:05Cookie, wait!
00:35:11Don't worry.
00:35:12Don't worry, Cookie.
00:35:13Don't be afraid now.
00:35:15Oh, get her out of here, Dagwood.
00:35:17Take her back to Blondie.
00:35:19Don't get her too old.
00:35:20I can't take this sort of thing anymore.
00:35:22Well, I've aged ten years in the last two minutes myself.
00:35:24Oh, get her out of here.
00:35:26It's all right.
00:35:27Come on, Cookie.
00:35:28Don't worry, Daddy will take you to Mommy.
00:35:30Come on, Cookie.
00:35:33Oh, excuse me.
00:35:34I was looking for my wife.
00:35:35Does she work here?
00:35:36Well, not exactly.
00:35:37She's here with my dog, Daisy.
00:35:38Oh, I see.
00:35:39Mr. Bumstead, hello!
00:35:41And hello, little Cookie.
00:35:43Want to see your wife, Mr. Bumstead?
00:35:45Yes, I wanted her to take Cookie off my hands.
00:35:47Oh, well, she's in the studio with me.
00:35:49Oh, I see.
00:35:50Oh, I see.
00:35:51Oh, I see.
00:35:52Oh, I see.
00:35:53Oh, I see.
00:35:54Oh, I see.
00:35:55Oh, I see.
00:35:56Oh, I see.
00:35:57Oh, I see.
00:35:58Oh, I see.
00:35:59Oh, I see.
00:36:00Oh, she's in the studio with Daisy now,
00:36:02and the child might be in the way.
00:36:04But you can leave her with Ms. Emery and then you can pop in and see your wife.
00:36:07Oh, that'll be nice!
00:36:08Oh, and now, Cookie, you stay here with the nice lady,
00:36:10but don't walk outside the window.
00:36:21See, our advertising firm maintains this photographic studio.
00:36:25In these rooms, we have models posing for everything from helicopters to hair tonics.
00:36:31Oh, Mr. Glaspy, I'm just trying to get you in your office. Will you come in here a moment?
00:36:34Certainly, John. Oh, uh, you go right ahead, Mr. Bumstead.
00:36:37Your wife is in Studio 5 with Anthony, our head photographer.
00:36:40Oh, all right.
00:36:43What beautiful eyes and such silky hair.
00:36:46You're really the loveliest thing I've ever seen.
00:36:48Do you really think so, Anthony?
00:36:51Why should I lie, Mrs. Bumstead?
00:36:53I wish I could find someone as adorable and lovable as you.
00:37:01Yes, indeed, Daisy, you're a cutie.
00:37:05Why, Dagwood, what a surprise.
00:37:08This is my husband, and this is Anthony, dear.
00:37:10He's been saying the nicest things to Daisy.
00:37:13I photographed all kinds of dogs, Mr. Bumstead, but Daisy is tops as far as I'm concerned.
00:37:18You're a lucky man to own this valuable piece of property.
00:37:22I think we're ready for one more pose, Mrs. Bumstead.
00:37:25Whenever you're ready, Anthony.
00:37:27Dagwood, I'm so glad you came to watch Daisy work.
00:37:31I brought Cookie with me, too, but the young lady in the reception room is taking care of her.
00:37:36Well, what happened to Mrs. Adams?
00:37:38She couldn't come over and...
00:37:39Mrs. Bumstead, we're ready.
00:37:41Oh, all right, Anthony. Wait till you see Daisy all dressed up.
00:37:45Trouble, trouble, trouble, always at the last minute.
00:37:48One of our male models just got word that his wife gave birth to twins, and he fainted, twice.
00:37:53Puts us in a bad spot.
00:37:55We've got to get set on this ad today.
00:37:57It's not going to be easy to get a substitute at this late date.
00:38:01You see, he's got to look sort of, uh...
00:38:07Come on, Daisy.
00:38:10Daisy, come on.
00:38:19Oh, you darling, you, you sweet, sweet thing.
00:38:24Come on, sit down.
00:38:36Is there something wrong?
00:38:37No, indeed.
00:38:38Oh, Mr. Bumstead, how would you like to become a model?
00:38:42Where do you begin?
00:38:43Oh, there.
00:38:45There. Oh, you'll be perfect for this ad.
00:38:49And as I told you before, we do need someone very badly.
00:38:53Oh, no, no, no, I couldn't, Mr. Grasby. I don't know how to model.
00:38:57Well, all you have to do is to pose and get paid for it.
00:39:00Yes, but...
00:39:01Now, don't move, Daisy.
00:39:03I think we can take it now. Jimmy, get your fans going.
00:39:11All right, here we go, Daisy.
00:39:14Now, steady. Hold it.
00:39:18Swell. That's it.
00:39:20You can stop posing, Daisy.
00:39:24Come back now, Daisy. It's all over.
00:39:29Oh, that's another $100 for our smart little girl.
00:39:35Where do you pay models, Mr. Grasby?
00:39:37The top prices in town. It's a deal. I'll pose.
00:39:40Great. I'll tell Miss Emory that we found our man.
00:39:42Now, you go into Studio 4, and I'll meet you there.
00:39:53Dagwood, did you see Daisy?
00:39:54Oh, yes, yes, I did.
00:39:56Isn't it cute the way she poses?
00:39:58I'm going to do a little posing myself.
00:40:00You are?
00:40:01Mr. Grasby thinks I'm a perfect type for a certain ad.
00:40:04And incidentally, I'll be well paid for my work.
00:40:07Oh, Dagwood, how wonderful.
00:40:09How much?
00:40:10Well, I don't know, but I guess if animals get $100 for posing,
00:40:14humans ought to get a lot more.
00:40:16Well, I've got to go over to Studio 4 now and get ready.
00:40:22Maybe they'll let me watch you, Dagwood.
00:40:24First I'll take care of Daisy and Cookie,
00:40:26and then I'll come right in and see you.
00:40:28Oh, if you like.
00:40:41Well, Mr. Bumstead, I guess we're all set.
00:40:43You can undress in this little room here.
00:40:45I was undressed?
00:40:47Yes, indeed.
00:40:48You're to pose for a bathing suit company.
00:40:51Bathing suit, huh?
00:40:53Oh, boy.
00:40:54Wait till Blondie finds that out.
00:40:56First you'll pose in an old-fashioned bathing suit.
00:40:58Then you'll put on our new streamlined peachy-beachy suit.
00:41:01The job will only take an hour or two.
00:41:03Oh, I've got all the time in the world.
00:41:05What am I saying?
00:41:06Mr. Dithers expects me back to the office.
00:41:08Maybe I'd better call him.
00:41:09Oh, well, here.
00:41:10You can use that phone right over there.
00:41:11Oh, yeah.
00:41:15Uh, Warren 5748.
00:41:21Yes, Mary?
00:41:22Dagwood's on the phone, Mr. Dithers.
00:41:24The phone?
00:41:25Well, he ought to be back in the office.
00:41:28Well, what is it now?
00:41:31Say that again.
00:41:32It sounded as though you said you were going to be a model.
00:41:36You are?
00:41:37Yes, Mr. Dithers.
00:41:38I figured during my lunch hour I could make some money posing.
00:41:42For peanuts, I suppose.
00:41:44No, for bathing suits.
00:41:47Well, be sure you don't go over your lunch hour.
00:41:49We've still got work to do.
00:41:50Oh, I'll be right back soon as I finish, Mr. Dithers.
00:41:53No, there's nothing here that'll detain me.
00:41:55Yeah, I know.
00:41:56We'll get the work done today.
00:41:59Yeah, well, you see, J.C.,
00:42:01I've got some ideas about changing a few figures.
00:42:05What kind of figures, Dagwood?
00:42:09Well, talk, will you?
00:42:10What kind of figures are on your mind?
00:42:12Dagwood, say something!
00:42:20Mr. Grasby, I can't pose for you.
00:42:22What? Why not?
00:42:29Oh, I'm sure your wife won't be jealous of him.
00:42:32Yeah, but you don't know Blondie.
00:42:33Oh, but she'll understand you haven't any interest in these girls.
00:42:36Why, she knows you wouldn't give one of them a single glance.
00:42:39As I was saying, you wouldn't give one of them a single glance.
00:42:42Oh, no, of course not.
00:42:44But Blondie will.
00:42:45I'd better call this off.
00:42:46Oh, but you can't.
00:42:47This ad must be done today.
00:42:49Yeah, but Blondie...
00:42:50Now, don't worry about her.
00:42:51I'll see that she doesn't come in here.
00:42:53Oh, you want to earn some extra easy money, don't you?
00:42:56Why, of course you do.
00:42:58You just go into that dressing room.
00:43:00I'll take care of your wife.
00:43:02Oh, Mr. Glaspy.
00:43:03Is Dagwood ready to pose?
00:43:04Not yet, Mrs. Bumstead.
00:43:06However, there's a matter I want to discuss with you in my office.
00:43:09Oh, can it wait?
00:43:10I want to see Dagwood in my office.
00:43:12Oh, wait a minute.
00:43:13Oh, I'm sorry.
00:43:14I didn't mean to raise my voice.
00:43:16I guess I'm a little nervous today.
00:43:18You see, Mrs. Bumstead, Dagwood told me he wanted to surprise you
00:43:21and show you the picture after it's made.
00:43:24But I...
00:43:25I knew you'd say yes.
00:43:28All right.
00:43:29Let me see it.
00:43:31That's right, girls.
00:43:32You've got the idea.
00:43:34Bumstead, strike that pose I gave you.
00:43:46That's better.
00:43:47You see, Bumstead, the ad is going to be in the news.
00:43:49I'm sure you'll like it.
00:43:51I'm sure you'll like it.
00:43:52I'm sure you'll like it.
00:43:53I'm sure you'll like it.
00:43:54I'm sure you'll like it.
00:43:55That's better.
00:43:56You see, Bumstead, the ad is going to read,
00:43:58you're as old-fashioned as this coot
00:44:00unless you wear a peachy-beachy suit.
00:44:03All right, girls.
00:44:04Give them the business.
00:44:06Bumstead, be yourself.
00:44:08Look like a dole.
00:44:11Now, listen.
00:44:12That's it.
00:44:14Hold it.
00:44:15All right, boys, hit your lights.
00:44:17Here we go.
00:44:19Hold it.
00:44:22Now let's take a crack at the other one.
00:44:24I still think you're really cute
00:44:26when you wear your peachy-beachy suit.
00:44:28Now, girls, you stay right here,
00:44:30and Bumstead, you get into your sarong.
00:44:33Go ahead and change, Mr. Bumstead.
00:44:36Surprise us.
00:44:41Oh, I think the pictures are lovely, Mr. Gould.
00:44:44Now can I see Dagwood?
00:44:46Now, Mrs. Bumstead.
00:44:48Why can't I see him?
00:44:49Because I promised him I'd keep you out.
00:44:52That is, he wants to surprise you
00:44:54with the finished picture.
00:44:55Goodness, it sounds like you two men
00:44:57are plotting something.
00:44:59What a silly idea, Mrs. Bumstead.
00:45:06I wish Daisy wouldn't do that.
00:45:08She wants to see Dagwood, too.
00:45:10Well, she can't.
00:45:13Daisy just ran into the corridor.
00:45:15She'll be all right, Mrs. Bumstead.
00:45:17All right, girls, you can take your places now.
00:45:19Mr. Bumstead, we're ready for you.
00:45:22It's a little drafty in here, isn't it?
00:45:25Not bad.
00:45:27Well, look at him.
00:45:29You look good, Bumstead.
00:45:30Now you take your same position.
00:45:31And girls, you know what to do this time.
00:45:33All right, come on.
00:45:34Come on, Dorothy.
00:45:35You get right over here.
00:45:36Now, let's make this a good one.
00:45:40Bumstead, aren't you enjoying yourself?
00:45:42You look as if you expected your wife to walk in.
00:45:44You look as if you expected your wife to walk in.
00:45:46You look as if you expected your wife to walk in.
00:45:48You look as if you expected your wife to walk in.
00:45:50Now, if you look as if you expected your wife to walk in any minute.
00:45:53Well, do they have to do what they're doing?
00:45:56A fine thing.
00:45:57The average man would pay to be in your spot and you're complaining.
00:46:00I'm not an average man.
00:46:06Look out.
00:46:16Isn't that Daisy in one of the studios?
00:46:18Well, of course not, Mrs. Bumstead.
00:46:20Let's go.
00:46:21Daisy, will you go on and scram?
00:46:23Can't you see I'm working?
00:46:29It is Daisy.
00:46:31And she's giving the wolf call.
00:46:37Daisy, don't look at me like that.
00:46:39Will you go on?
00:46:40Daisy, go on.
00:46:41Beat it.
00:46:42Can't you see I'm busy?
00:46:43You are, aren't you?
00:46:45Yes, I am.
00:46:47Oh, excuse me, ladies.
00:46:50Oh, Blondie, I was just posing.
00:46:52So I see.
00:46:53Fun, isn't it?
00:46:54Oh, now, Blondie, I was just doing it to make as much money as Daisy.
00:46:58Why, Mr. Bumstead, I didn't say you'd get as much as Daisy.
00:47:01You're to be paid at our usual model rates, $7.50 per hour.
00:47:04And since you'll be posing for two hours, you'll earn $15.
00:47:08So you were going to be paid more than Daisy.
00:47:11Evidently, it wasn't just the money that interested you.
00:47:14Oh, now, Blondie, you don't think...
00:47:24I'm sorry, Dagwood.
00:47:25I tried to keep her out, but Daisy gave the show away.
00:47:28Daisy, Daisy, Daisy, that's all I've been hearing morning, noon, and night.
00:47:32Daisy's taking my place in the family.
00:47:34She's earning more money than I am, and now she's...
00:47:37She's got Blondie sore at me.
00:47:39Well, cheer up.
00:47:40Maybe after a little lunch, you'll see things differently.
00:47:43Daisy keeps interfering in my life.
00:47:45I won't ever be able to eat.
00:47:49I'm not going to stand for it.
00:47:51I'm not going to let a dog run my house and family.
00:47:55I'll tell Blondie how I feel.
00:47:57I'm not afraid of her.
00:48:01Is that you, Blondie?
00:48:03No, it's us, Daddy.
00:48:07Hey, what are you two doing out of bed?
00:48:09What are you doing out of bed?
00:48:11Well, I couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd make myself a little sandwich.
00:48:16Cookie and I couldn't sleep either.
00:48:18We're not very happy.
00:48:20What's the matter, Alexander?
00:48:22It's Daisy.
00:48:23Yeah, Daisy.
00:48:32Ever since Daisy began working, home's been different.
00:48:36Mommy has to spend so much time with her, we don't see Mommy very often.
00:48:40I might become a juvenile delinquent.
00:48:42Yeah, that's true.
00:48:44Mommy used to help me with my homework, but now she answers Daisy's fan mail.
00:48:49Yeah, I know how you feel, Alexander.
00:48:52Sometimes I wish Daisy would go away.
00:48:56And never come back.
00:48:58Do you both really feel that way?
00:49:01You, Daddy?
00:49:03Yes, I do.
00:49:04Daisy was responsible for a lot of the things happening today between your mother and me.
00:49:10Mr. Ditters is angry at me because I didn't go back to the office.
00:49:13Yes, I wish Daisy would go away.
00:49:16But I'm going to do something about it.
00:49:18Well, it's about time we decided who was head of this family.
00:49:39I thought I heard voices down here.
00:49:48Is this a private party, or can anyone join in?
00:49:54Blondie, we were all a little hungry.
00:49:57I should think so.
00:49:59You three hardly ate anything at dinner.
00:50:02Well, if you want me to leave, I'll...
00:50:07Oh, gosh, no, Blondie.
00:50:09This is a family affair.
00:50:12And I think it's time we had a family talk.
00:50:20Something's happened to us in the last few weeks.
00:50:22We've grown apart.
00:50:23And I think I know the reason.
00:50:25It's Daisy.
00:50:30Dagwood, you've resented her because she earns more than you.
00:50:34And you've both felt neglected because I've had to spend so much time with her.
00:50:38But don't you see that what Daisy is doing is for all of us?
00:50:41She's part of the family.
00:50:43And families aren't supposed to be jealous of each other.
00:50:47We all share in any good fortune that comes along.
00:50:51Just think over what I've said and see if you can't feel more kindly towards her.
00:50:58Oh, Dagwood, I want to apologize for this afternoon.
00:51:01I really didn't think you were interested in those...
00:51:06Peach peaches.
00:51:12I sure feel better than I did.
00:51:14I must have been crazy thinking those things about Daisy, wishing she was gone.
00:51:18Can you imagine this house without her around?
00:51:21Why, she grew up with you, Alexander.
00:51:24And she is one of the families.
00:51:26And families are supposed to pitch in and work together.
00:51:30And maybe someday Daisy's earnings will send you two through college.
00:51:34And if Mr. Dithers ever really fires me and I need a nest egg...
00:51:39Daisy will be right there with a helping paw.
00:51:43Let's not ever think of sending Daisy away.
00:51:46Let's forget we ever mentioned the whole thing.
00:51:54What are we waiting on?
00:51:56Oh, boy.
00:52:10Dagwood! Cookie! Alexander!
00:52:25What's up, Blondie?
00:52:28What's up, Blondie, huh?
00:52:30It's Daisy. She's gone.
00:52:32Gone where?
00:52:34Well, I don't know. I can't find her anywhere.
00:52:36Maybe she's missing a friend.
00:52:38Oh, she would have left word if she were. Oh, no.
00:52:41I know. The dog catcher.
00:52:44Maybe she was running around loose and he picked her up.
00:52:50Oh, where is she?
00:52:52Huh? Don't pretend you don't know.
00:52:55You've got Daisy.
00:52:57No, I haven't. Honest. I come over here to get her autograph for my kid.
00:53:00Yeah, but...
00:53:01And I brought her some chopped meat.
00:53:09You mean she's gone?
00:53:13She wouldn't have run away.
00:53:15Maybe she did.
00:53:17Well, Alexander, what do you mean?
00:53:19Last night before you came down,
00:53:21Daddy and Cookie and I sort of mentioned we wished Daisy would leave.
00:53:25She might have heard us.
00:53:27But later we...
00:53:28You said you wanted Daisy to leave?
00:53:31Yeah, but...
00:53:32You three really said that?
00:53:34Yes, but...
00:53:35Oh, how could you?
00:53:37I... I...
00:53:40I can't believe it.
00:53:47Of course she must have heard you.
00:53:49Poor darling. Poor little girl.
00:53:55I'll call the newspapers.
00:53:57She must be around the neighborhood.
00:54:03Will you get me the city news, please?
00:54:06If anything's happened to her, I'll... I'll never forgive you.
00:54:10City news.
00:54:11I want the lost and found department, please.
00:54:15I can see her now, roaming through the streets,
00:54:18hiding behind ash cans, eating stale bits of bread.
00:54:23Hello. Lost and found department.
00:54:26I want to report a missing dog.
00:54:29What kind of dog?
00:54:31Well, she's sort of a...
00:54:33Terrier, Cocker Spaniel,
00:54:36Schnauzer, Scotty, and Poodle.
00:54:39You don't mean Daisy!
00:54:59Daddy misses his little girl.
00:55:02If Daddy doesn't get out of work, he's gonna miss a nice fat bonus.
00:55:05But, Mr. Dennis, I... I...
00:55:06Now, look here, Dagwood.
00:55:08I know how you feel about Daisy.
00:55:10I feel bad myself that she's missing.
00:55:12But she'll come back.
00:55:13Meanwhile, there's no point fretting about her.
00:55:15Now, Simon Rutledge will be here any minute.
00:55:17You've got to be on your toes when we talk to him.
00:55:19Dagwood, we've simply got to sell him on our plans
00:55:21so we can borrow that money.
00:55:22I know, Mr. Dennis.
00:55:24I can't think about anything when I'm thinking about Daisy.
00:55:26What if she's hurt or... or hungry?
00:55:29I wake up at night hearing her calling.
00:55:31Dagwood, well, I'm...
00:55:33Stop humanizing that dog and putting words in her mouth.
00:55:38For all you know, she's coming up the front walk right now,
00:55:41saying, I'm home, Mommy and Poppy, I...
00:55:44You've got me doing it.
00:55:46Come into my office.
00:55:51Oh, Daisy, where are you?
00:55:59What a cutum she is.
00:56:01Such a widdle honey bunny.
00:56:05Hi, boys.
00:56:07Gather around, I've got some news.
00:56:09Blackie, darling, see what the boys found for Hazel Wazel?
00:56:12So that's the pooch you've been wanting, huh?
00:56:14What's it supposed to be?
00:56:15So she isn't a thoroughbred, but I want her, understand?
00:56:18She looks kind of helpless, like me.
00:56:21As long as you're happy, baby.
00:56:23Who got it for her?
00:56:24Joe and me.
00:56:25We were leaving the club early this morning
00:56:27when we piped the mud coming down the street, so he grabs her.
00:56:30Didn't even put up a fight.
00:56:32Well, we're gonna have a fight on our hands
00:56:33if we don't get out of town right away.
00:56:35The cops are wise to their last deal of ours,
00:56:37and we're plenty hot.
00:56:38We'll take Daisy, won't we?
00:56:40Yeah, we'll take Daisy.
00:56:42I don't think we should, boss.
00:56:43They got her played up in all the papers.
00:56:45Yeah, they're even stopping all the cars
00:56:46and stationing them for her.
00:56:49Well, that's not too good.
00:56:50We'll have to leave her then.
00:56:52You know, we can't get caught for stealing the mud.
00:56:55I won't go unless Daisy does.
00:56:57Oh, baby, please.
00:57:01Wait a minute.
00:57:02I got an idea.
00:57:05Sure we can take the pooch.
00:57:08I'll get Doc to do some work on her.
00:57:10If he can change the guy's kisser,
00:57:11he ought to be able to do a little plastic work on a dog.
00:57:13Plastic work?
00:57:14Well, I like Daisy the way she is.
00:57:16Oh, now, honey, look.
00:57:17As long as we have to have the dog with us,
00:57:19we'll be dead pigeons.
00:57:21Now, the doc can change her eyes, make them smaller.
00:57:24And he can shorten the tail.
00:57:27Dye the hair another color.
00:57:29Could lop off those long ears.
00:57:33Say, when we get through with that pooch,
00:57:34even her own father wouldn't recognize her.
00:57:42Now, Dagwood, we're all ready for Rutledge.
00:57:48Stop looking like a sick cow.
00:57:50I can't help it, Mr. Diddy.
00:57:51Daisy's missing and Blondie's blaming me.
00:57:56Yes, Mary?
00:57:57Mrs. Bumstead is calling Dagwood.
00:57:59Take the phone, Dagwood.
00:58:03Yes, Blondie.
00:58:04Is Daisy home?
00:58:05No, Dagwood.
00:58:06But I just found out from Cookie where she might be.
00:58:09She told me two men were here the other day inquiring about Daisy.
00:58:12Hey, that's right.
00:58:13Two men did come to the house.
00:58:15They said they wanted to buy Daisy.
00:58:16And when I refused to sell her to them,
00:58:18they, well, they said they'd get her by hook or crook.
00:58:22You want to know the crook's name?
00:58:24Oh, it, uh, it was, um, wait a minute.
00:58:27Uh, oh, I, I can't think of it.
00:58:30Oh, Dagwood.
00:58:32Cookie said they mentioned a nightclub,
00:58:34but she can't remember the name.
00:58:35Oh, please say that you do.
00:58:37Oh, sure I can remember it.
00:58:39It was at, uh, the, uh, um, wait a minute.
00:58:43Oh, gee, Blondie, I'm so mixed up.
00:58:45I can't think of it either.
00:58:46Oh, Dagwood.
00:58:48Yes, I'll go to work on Cookie,
00:58:50and you look up the nightclubs in the classified phone book.
00:58:53Maybe that'll refresh your memory.
00:58:55Yes, and call me right back when you find the name.
00:58:58Well, if Daisy's been dognapped, shouldn't we notify the police?
00:59:03I'll get it.
00:59:08Mrs. Bumstead?
00:59:11Don't you know who we are?
00:59:13No, I'm, I'm afraid I don't.
00:59:15Oh, you're the sailors from the South Pacific.
00:59:17You've ordered Daisy, your pinup dog.
00:59:19That's right, kid.
00:59:20Bob Adams gave us this address.
00:59:22We have a present for Daisy.
00:59:24Yeah, where is she?
00:59:26That's what we want to know.
00:59:29Bula Bula Club, Cahoka Oka Club,
00:59:32Donovan's Grotto,
00:59:33Finn and Gonzalo Club.
00:59:34Yes, Mary?
00:59:35Ha Ha Club.
00:59:36He's here, Mr. Dithers.
00:59:38Rutledge, send him in.
00:59:40Here, Dagwood, our man's arrived.
00:59:42Jamboree Club, Kettle Drum Club.
00:59:44Stop that, will you?
00:59:50Well, well, Mr. Rutledge, it's a pleasure to see you.
00:59:53Yes, indeed, Mr. Dithers.
00:59:57Is he ill?
00:59:59No, no, he's just having a little dog trouble.
01:00:02Oh, I have trouble with my feet, too.
01:00:05May I take your coat?
01:00:07Yes, yes.
01:00:13Take Mr. Rutledge's briefcase.
01:00:15Thank you, young man.
01:00:17Won't you sit down, Mr. Rutledge?
01:00:20With regard to that first project of ours...
01:00:24Kit Kat!
01:00:29He's just full of animal spares, Mr. Rutledge.
01:00:32Well, we don't need him.
01:00:33I guess not.
01:00:34I've investigated you and your company, Mr. Dithers,
01:00:36and I feel that you qualify for a loan.
01:00:39You mean you lend me the money?
01:00:42I had my lawyers draw up the contracts
01:00:44and make up $100,000.
01:00:46You did?
01:00:48Well, may I see the contracts?
01:00:50I'm afraid we'll have to wait until that young man returns.
01:00:54You see, they're in my briefcase,
01:00:56and he took the case with him.
01:01:00He took the case with him?
01:01:02He took the case with him?
01:01:04Do you remember what he said when he left?
01:01:06Uh, goodbye, I think.
01:01:08No, no, it was the name of a nightclub.
01:01:10Something like Knick Knack.
01:01:11If I could see the name, I might remember it.
01:01:13Look, Cookie, is it the name of a city like Shanghai?
01:01:17How about the name of a musical instrument like the banjo club?
01:01:21The drum club?
01:01:23How about the guitar club?
01:01:28That's it!
01:01:30The Kit Kat club.
01:01:32Cookie, my precious!
01:01:34Oh, boy, maybe there'll be a fight.
01:01:35Come on, guys, let's go.
01:01:37Yes, come on.
01:01:38Oh, that's right, there might be a fight.
01:01:41You three children better stay here.
01:01:44I'll call a cab.
01:01:45Oh, Mrs. Bumstead, that'll take time.
01:01:48My father's car happens to be in the garage,
01:01:50and I happen to know where the key is.
01:01:54You're in, Tommy.
01:01:55You can all come.
01:01:56Let's get the car, kid.
01:01:57This way, mates.
01:01:59Mommy, shall I call Daddy?
01:02:01All right, Alexander.
01:02:02Cookie and I will get ready.
01:02:04Hurry up, Cookie.
01:02:06Warren, 5748.
01:02:08Lollapalooza Club.
01:02:11Lulu's Dugout.
01:02:14Marigold Club.
01:02:17Yes, Marigold.
01:02:20Mr. Dithers, is there any way of getting in touch with Dagwood?
01:02:23Alexander just found out Daisy's at the Kit Kat club.
01:02:26I'll tell him when he comes in.
01:02:29Kit Kat club?
01:02:30That's it.
01:02:31I know where that is.
01:02:33Come on, Mr. Rutledge.
01:02:38So the doc said he couldn't make it, huh?
01:02:39I told you he'd send his assistant over.
01:02:41He should be here by now.
01:02:42Well, I'll give him just five more minutes.
01:02:44If he isn't here by then, we'll blow.
01:02:45You help the boys get packed.
01:02:46Okay, Mikey.
01:02:49Hasn't the doctor's assistant come yet?
01:02:51No, the goon probably can't find the place.
01:02:54Maybe that's him now.
01:02:55Just in case it isn't.
01:02:57Here, Daisy, darling.
01:02:58Under the table.
01:03:02Come in.
01:03:03Come in.
01:03:04Excuse me.
01:03:06Well, I see you finally got here.
01:03:09I suppose you want to see the dog?
01:03:10Yes, that's why I came.
01:03:11This way, doctor.
01:03:13Come on.
01:03:15The doc's here, Hazel.
01:03:16Better get the pooch out.
01:03:18All right, Daisy, baby.
01:03:19Come on out.
01:03:21The last she is.
01:03:22Doc think he can handle her?
01:03:23Oh, why, yes.
01:03:25Well, go ahead.
01:03:26Oh, but I don't understand.
01:03:28Say, didn't your boss tell you we wanted you to operate on the dog
01:03:30so no one would recognize her?
01:03:32Operate on...
01:03:34Oh, uh...
01:03:35Yes, but...
01:03:37Well, can you do it?
01:03:38Yes, I can.
01:03:39I can.
01:03:40I can.
01:03:41I can.
01:03:42I can.
01:03:43I can.
01:03:44Well, can you do it?
01:03:45Can I do it?
01:03:48Oh, yes.
01:03:49Yes, indeed.
01:03:51Naturally, I can't operate here.
01:03:55I'll need my instruments.
01:03:57My saws, chisels, and pliers, and...
01:04:01Oh, and of course, I'll have to take the little doggie with me.
01:04:07I don't want to give up, Daisy!
01:04:09Oh, I know how you feel, my dear lady,
01:04:11but there's really nothing to worry about.
01:04:13Now that Daisy's in my hands...
01:04:22Hey, wait a minute.
01:04:25You know who this guy is?
01:04:26He's Bumpstead, the owner of the dog.
01:04:30So, wise guy, you thought you were going to pull a fast one
01:04:33and double-cross me.
01:04:34Oh, no, I didn't.
01:04:35Trying to make a sap out of me, huh?
01:04:37No, I wasn't.
01:04:44Well, you better stay here, ma'am.
01:04:45There's no telling what'll happen.
01:05:37Mr. Dithers, what are you doing here?
01:06:05I've got to see Dagwood.
01:06:06He's in there with important papers.
01:06:09You stay here, and I'll go and get the briefcase,
01:06:11and you can sign the papers.
01:06:12Don't let him get away, now.
01:06:14I won't let her get away.
01:07:13Mr. Dithers, you fool.
01:07:14This is Mr. Dithers, you fool.
01:07:15I almost had the briefcase with the contracts in it.
01:07:17Refuge is ready to sign.
01:07:19Help me find the briefcase.
01:07:20Yeah, but I've got to find Daisy.
01:07:22Never mind Daisy.
01:07:23Help me find the case.
01:07:36Come on, Dagwood.
01:07:37Let's go this way.
01:07:38Dagwood, wake up.
01:07:41Wake up.
01:08:02Goodness, I wonder what's going on in there.
01:08:04I think I'll take a look at the floor, shall I?
01:08:19My butt is crowded in there.
01:08:21I'm going in.
01:08:22After all, I made a marriage vow that I'd stick with Dagwood for better or worse.
01:08:29And things seem to be getting worse all the time.
01:08:51This happens to be my dog.
01:08:53Oh, yeah?
01:08:54Well, listen, sister, I want it, and what I want I get.
01:08:56Hand back the pooch.
01:08:57I'm sorry, but I'd rather not.
01:08:59I'll count three, and then I want the dog.
01:09:19Well, Blondie's got Daisy.
01:09:20Now, I want that briefcase.
01:09:35Say, Blondie!
01:09:40Mr. Dickens!
01:09:41Mr. Dickens!
01:09:42All right, break it up.
01:09:43Break it up.
01:09:44Come on, get up here.
01:09:45Stay where you are.
01:09:48Don't move.
01:09:55I wouldn't try that if I were you.
01:10:10Excuse me.
01:10:14All right.
01:10:15Come on.
01:10:16You too.
01:10:17Come on.
01:10:18Officer, here's the gun.
01:10:28My darling!
01:10:29My hero!
01:10:33Oh, Blondie!
01:10:38This is the most exciting business deal I ever transacted.
01:10:43Gee, Blondie, I don't care if Daisy is the breadwinner for the family,
01:10:46as long as we're all together.
01:10:48You're right, Dagwood.
01:10:50Nothing matters but the five of us.
01:10:57I mean the ten of us.