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The Real Housewives of Sydney - Season 3 Episode 1 - Glow Up To Blow Up


00:15Last season on the real housewives of Sydney
00:23How amazing this
00:26Dancing drinking. I do put on a good party. I just want to have a fun day saying celebrate friendship. Cheers to new friends
00:36Caroline was quite anxious because the conversation mentioned the word porn star
00:42She wants you to bring every hot single guy, you know
00:47Fuck off with Kate. I'm getting it moaning Lisa feels how about the moaning Lisa bang? She just let me have it
00:55Enough I feel like you're not really hearing where Kate's coming from my friend of a very long time didn't support me
01:01You've known me, you know the person I am
01:04So why are you so bested in always back in case we waited for you Terry and waited for you
01:10You have the utmost disrespect for Chrissy and I is this for real God
01:15Sometimes people talk too much and don't listen enough. That's actually the problem clearly Terry. I'm not great friends with you. We're not best friends
01:25Acquaintances, I feel like every step closer to Kate. She's taken. She's taken one step further away from us Terry
01:30I'm very sorry that I came across as aggressive. I appreciate your apology. Thank you, but it was forced
01:37How the fuck you meant to handle this you don't handle it you feel all of it on the boat
01:43The penny really dropped for me. I just directed at me Caroline. Yes. Oh, I'm very sorry. I'm sorry. Okay that way
01:49I'm actually not okay
01:53Friends are like diamonds just watch out for the fakes
01:58Life is my runway and I never miss a step
02:02My skirts may be short, but I'm not short of an opinion
02:07Create your own success and you answer to no one
02:11My life is a fairy tale, but this princess does not need saving
02:17Kindness should never be mistaken for weakness when you're a classic like me. You don't need a comeback
02:26Sydney may be full of icons, but I'm still the main attraction
02:43Cheers cheers
02:4521 years of drinking skinny bitches together. Are we 22 years this year? No, we're 22
02:51Loving my life right now. It's Johnny and I's 22nd wedding anniversary
02:55We've decided to return to Italy where Milana was made this time
02:59You're gonna be able to hit the nightclubs with us age care party
03:03As long as we're paying business for us has been really really successful
03:07So now I've traveled the world and I love going to my house at Noosa
03:11I mean, what more could you ask for in life?
03:17No, no
03:19Definitely not gonna answer that
03:22Look at my boys
03:24People talk money not interested
03:26The most important thing to me is respect and how Terry's treated the entire group has been really really disrespectful
03:34I'm just not used to mean girl behavior ever. Well, I've never had it in my life
03:38Well, darling, you may have to look in the mirror last time
03:41We've seen each other was at the reunion and I'm not really concerned if I never saw her again
03:45So I'll help you out
03:58Mind over matter here, let's push
04:01Awesome. Bring that down slowly
04:03Running I've done in the last 20 years is after my key
04:05So this is not really my thing if I had to sum up my life right now
04:09It'd be very much in a transition stage. I have a world in a while who's gone off to university
04:15I've got Neve at home who's about to leave and I'm trying to now find my new sense of purpose
04:21Well, I see he's a Chanel sale in front of me
04:25I've decided to
04:27Concentrate a bit more on my fitness and I also have more time for friends and I am not sure
04:33What's going on with Terry? We have not spoken since that last event at Palouse. She was so aggressive. I'm really sorry
04:41Unfortunately, what has happened has led to a complete destruction of the relationship one more one more
04:48Good. I need you to rest for a second
04:57Look at us with sporty life's been very hectic
05:01Fortunately, my mom decided at the last minute to do chemo and they told her she's probably got another year
05:08So that's been amazing news
05:11after realizing how quickly life can end my priorities have definitely shifted and
05:16I haven't spoken to cake since the reunion because I'm gonna do things that feel good things that are fun. Just having adventures
05:25I'm getting back into modeling, even though I thought once you get to my age that life was over
05:30Did you do any out of boarding while you're away? No, I didn't go outside much busy
05:35I think I'll be going again in a couple of months. Oh, have you ever seen me fly for anyone before never?
05:41I've been traveling a lot because after my 20 year marriage and very long stint of being very single
05:48I have a fun friend in Hawaii
05:58Did he have done oh my god, do you remember when he was like this big
06:02Last few months for me has been a really life-changing
06:06Story, I just feel like I'm gonna just have Thursday Friday off. I just want to do a little less hours for one
06:11Yeah, I got really sick and I spent a long time in hospital
06:16So the very short story is is that my kidneys are not working that well
06:21So I had my tonsils out on Monday and my kidneys are just deteriorating
06:25So that's bad very very bad and I've definitely been taking stock of what's important in my life
06:30And it made me realize I don't want to spend my energy
06:33Arguing with Caroline all that's important in this life is your health and your happiness Oh Maggie. We love you
06:48Things that switch are going really well
06:50We launched into 500 stores and we are solely focused on making sure that that works at the same time
06:56My family is everything to me. But since the girls are a bit older, it's giving me more time to come back to me and go
07:03Okay, what do I need? You know how my look is?
07:05It's all very work and I'm a bit over it
07:07A little bit a lot fashion used to be a big area of my life where I used to have a lot of fun
07:12So I want to go back to that
07:17Definitely out of your comfort zone more glam more glitz it's time for a freshen up this I could wait to the dinner
07:22Oh hundred percent post reunion. There is definitely a lot of tension in the group. There's
07:28Broken friendships. So I want to do a dinner for everyone so we can catch up and I just thought a glow up dinner is
07:34Actually the perfect reason because it's all about turning up as your best self. You know what?
07:39I wouldn't mind bringing that same sort of vibe to the group
07:43Blow up for sure
07:52I've been doing a lot of busy and important things like skiing show jumping hanging out with friends and family
07:59So as per usual, it's fair to say that
08:03Victoria Montano is always out of touch sometimes out of line, but never out of style
08:14Hello, hi, how are you good just picking handbags?
08:19Definitely the white ones
08:21Are you staring at the best view in Sydney again?
08:24I'm gonna come out to the balcony. Okay, because I need to match it to my shoes
08:28So I'm definitely thinking the white bag as we just discussed do I match it with the shoes or should I do the aqua shoes?
08:39Okay, but just out of interest how many hours a day do you spend looking at me
08:43Well, I don't go over my allocated three and a half hours a day. At least you know that I don't wear Spanx ever
08:54Victoria is my neighbor. I live in the beautiful harbourside suburb of Darling Point in Barbie's dream house
09:02I am incredibly house proud and love passion in my wardrobe. You would find a lot of Chanel Dior and
09:10Hermes bags and I would describe myself as self-made. Will this be a good spot to dig a sandcastle?
09:17I think I am self-made because the life that I have is due to choices
09:22I have made or things that I have done like I have a beautiful marriage that I consider a great achievement
09:27Can you believe we met 10 years ago?
09:31Now we're here my life changed forever when I met John
09:35He has had a very long and illustrious career as an investment banker and he recently retired
09:41How about a golf studio in the garage?
09:43I am 42 years old and John and I have an age gap of 19 years if it's good enough for a mile Clooney
09:49It's good enough for me
09:56My life does focus heavily around my children, but also I have to take care of Ernie he needs his special time
10:04Boy, we go for a walk people definitely wonder why my dog is pushed around in a pram
10:10But they don't realize that he's like royalty. He's special. I have my budgies. I have a horse
10:16I love animals love it
10:18But the Sun is my biggest nemesis in this life because the Sun
10:22Ruins your skin and it's important to me to have a beauty regime
10:27Because I like to look my best
10:29But I don't have to try hard people think it's unfair
10:33I can eat whatever I want within reason and stay on the thinner side, but life is unfair
10:42Now this is a lot of Sun coming in here for me
10:45I feel like this is gonna be hard for you Edward Cullen
10:47But you know anytime I see you in the Sun I can hear something. Do you know what I can hear?
10:52It's your collagen
10:56Wait the Sun damages you yeah
10:59Martine is definitely going to fit in with the group of girls
11:03But there are things about her that are really really quirky like a skincare regime like two hours every night
11:09She reminds me somewhat of the guy from American Psycho
11:25So Nicole loves champagne
11:28Caroline loves tequila
11:31Now you won't miss Caroline. She's the one like me with her own flotation devices
11:39I think it's time go get it. What a spectacular day
11:43Unbelievable. I'm so excited
11:48Nicole's really taken that nautical theme to the next level
11:53She loves a theme I was gonna say oh hi my hearty. Oh my god, is this it? Oh, really? It's just for fun
12:02Oh my gosh Johnny's arriving on it soon
12:09There is no better place to catch up than on Sydney Harbour on a boat as soon as you get on it
12:15You leave the problems of the world sipping champagne
12:18Sun and wind in your hair. Oh my god. I've already had a stiffy this morning, and we're not talking this drink
12:26Doesn't get much better not a care in the world
12:29So you did pop off to Hawaii a few times yes
12:33And I started to look suspicious to immigration because apparently I've been there night, so excuse me ma'am
12:38Too many times nine times last year. They've detained me because they said
12:46And I was like listen I haven't worked since 1999 I'm not about to start now
12:52They were demanding to know why I was in Hawaii I said well, I'm just here to see a friend
12:56They're like what kind of friend. I don't know how to answer. I was like this is awkward. I don't know
13:00He's like is he your boyfriend. What is he? I'm like he doesn't have to be anything
13:03No, why do you have to box it in as soon as you put a label on it? It has
13:07Expectations, and then you gotta you know if you don't answer the text or if you don't
13:12Ring them when they're sick or something you know it's just no there's too many responsibilities with that kind of label
13:18I was like it's just a long-haul booty call
13:22I did we met a burning man in 2019 and we just had fun. Here's to that and you
13:33He's like 17 years younger
13:37It's fine for guys to have that age difference, so why can't it be okay for me
13:43So are you nervous about the go-up dinner coming up? I'm not nervous. You know I mean you already know Chrissy and Nicole
13:50I know Chrissy and Nicole best thing about Nicole is that she's never late to anything perfect. I love that
13:56You're never late Nicole. No. I'm not too late. I'm much closer with Nicole than I am with Terry
14:01I'm so hurt by you Terry
14:03I think Terry has work to do not just with Nicole, but maybe with a few more of us you hurt Chrissy, too
14:11She's fallen out with the group, and I'd like to say to Terry if you can't handle the heat get out of the kitchen
14:18But she doesn't know how to cook
14:21Caroline I follow on Instagram follow her have you met Sally before?
14:24No, and then you mentioned that there's Kate. Oh Kate. I mean Kate is
14:31Self-proclaimed mother Teresa and the only single woman who's ever worked a hard day in her life
14:36But I'm sure you're gonna like each other because you love animals, and she's a vet well
14:42You actually squeeze your dog's anal glands don't you?
14:46So I think you guys will get along I have to say I haven't seen her for a while like I caught up with all
14:52The other girls, so I am looking forward to seeing her, but I don't know what she's been up to like
14:57She blocked me on social media
15:01Totally get it like it would have been hard for her to see me slaying in all these hot looks
15:06And she's focusing on I don't know what being angry
15:11So I actually have no idea what she's been doing
15:24Hey, and I decided we want to catch up
15:26I haven't seen her in a while after the reunion everyone needed a little bit of space a little bit of time
15:30And she has had this health scare, so I want to see where she's at
15:40I haven't spoken to anyone
15:42Since the reunion apart from Terry and the best thing that has come out of this friendship circle has been my friendship with Terry
15:48But I've always liked Sally so I'm going to her glow-up party
15:52And she's had a glow-up looking fucking fabulous. I feel like I fell into a bit of a
16:00Mumsy, but not in I don't know like very work like opening our ways very work ish
16:03You know so I'm like you know what I'm gonna focus a little bit. It's a glow-up great colors with ties
16:09I love it. I just want to have a bit of fun. Well you look amazing. Thank you. Thank you
16:13So tell me how you are. I like because I was actually really worried about you like when you put that post
16:18Oh, thanks, honey. Thanks in my head
16:20It was pretty touch-and-go for a while like I thought at one point. I'm gonna die so I have this shitty kidney thing
16:27It's called Burgess disease, and it's progressive, so they don't really know like
16:33Kidney transplant yeah, maybe not
16:35There's like some people that have had this for many years
16:38And they have lived perfectly normal lives
16:40Which is gonna be me and then other people you know within five years of on dialysis and needing a transplant
16:48I know it was a massive shock like it's a moment of my mortality where I thought wow so cut down to part-time at work
16:56I mean fuck work
16:59What at the end of the day like I haven't done enough. That's
17:03Like outside of work. That's fun. So how do you feel now?
17:07What's right it is what it is and I'm making the best of it
17:10I've processed this everyone looks at me like how are you not so sad and I'm like oh no
17:16I was but I'm feeling I've got my shit together again now, so what's the number one thing?
17:22Do you think it's that for you to look after your stress you look after your emotional health?
17:27I think for me. It's probably gonna be it's just around happiness
17:31my main focus right now is spending time with people that I love my friends and my family and
17:36Definitely not bitches who aren't even my friends
17:41Coming up on the real housewives of Sydney
17:44She blocked me and deleted me she followed me on Instagram
17:49When Caroline comes in I feel this really dark energy the thing with me when I'm upset with you. You will know it
17:58And it's got me
18:08So you've been back I've been back back and what's been happening I haven't seen anybody I haven't really been out
18:14It's anyone heard
18:16from Terry
18:18No, I'm very upset about what happened
18:21I think it's awful that we weren't able to move on but I don't feel like there's a lot more that I could have done
18:27No, there was no resolution in sight. You were the one who went on
18:33Because you ambushed me she didn't want to move on and she didn't want to move forward and that's okay
18:38Some people don't want to be your friend and I'm okay at accepting that like I have to you know
18:43You I'm not going to carry that with me. I think what happened with Terry is a build-up
18:48I think it escalated in Tokyo, but last year she had a fallout with Victoria who was an old friend
18:55Chrissy and
18:56Me who was an old friend and I feel like she became very close to Kate and none of us begrudge to that
19:03But she threw us under the bus. It's sad. It's very sad after it's been such a long friendship
19:09Yeah, and over many years, but lucky I was just an acquaintance so I don't have to worry
19:17How's Terry she's good speak to almost every day
19:20Yeah, I'm great friends with Terry
19:22But I do know that Terry isn't on as good terms and dare
19:26I say really hurt when it comes to Chrissy and Nicole. It's a shame. She can't make it to your dinner. That's fine
19:32It doesn't matter. I've spoken to Terry
19:35She's not coming to the glow-up dinner because she's not ready to see Chrissy and Nicole. So that's fine
19:40We're gonna carry on without her which makes me want to ask you about Caroline. How is it with you and her?
19:46Um, look as far as I know
19:49It's where
19:50It got left off. Yeah the last time. Yeah and developed a real
19:55Resentment, I'm sorry towards you when I looked up and you wiping away tears that weren't there
20:00I just sat there and I just thought she actually referring to me and in terms of my care for her
20:07You know, I felt like I couldn't have had more
20:13If I had tried
20:15Caroline really hurt me. She made an unfounded public spectacle of
20:22Things that I don't really understand. So can you like message her like a new DM or anything?
20:27No, because we're in a whole walking situation
20:30So she had sent me like 20 text messages and I didn't respond because I just thought I'm not inflaming this
20:36Yeah, so I just blocked her and then she blocked me on Instagram. So that's where we're at a whole blocking situation
20:45She blocked me and deleted me and I followed me on Instagram and I was like so juvenile
20:52Really? Are we doing this? Like why are we doing this? That's silly
20:55I did like her but as time went on I just noticed that her intention wasn't
21:02You know pure there's too much game playing from the very beginning
21:06I started to notice a pattern of inserting herself into every moment basically to get attention. I think
21:14I mean it started off with the porn star comment. I never asked her to involve herself in that
21:19Caroline was quite anxious and it just continued. I'm angry
21:23Inserting yourself into every single moment. No, I don't I don't think I do really for me
21:31The end okay. So my issue with Kate is that I feel like she has an agenda and it's self-serving. I
21:39Was a good friend to her and I'm not really sure
21:43Why the attack she came at me so hard at that reunion she lit that match and she threw it on
21:51Whatever friendship that we had and she burnt the motherfucker to the ground
21:56But I think that there's some deeper things there. There were some things said about my friendship with Terry
22:01You know, you girls are gonna run away together and get married
22:03I think as Terry and I got closer Caroline felt as though she was on the outer. There was another time
22:10I said that's a lovely dress Caroline. You look amazing
22:13And she said I presume you had to pay for yours
22:15And I said I did and then she said that's good because you deserve to have to pay for yours
22:19You can afford yours
22:20Caroline relies on her ex-husband to be able to provide her with the funds that she needs and I don't so I think that there's
22:27A lot of jealousy there. So where do we go from here?
22:33She's in the bottom drawer it's gonna take Moses hiding the Red Sea in a pink bikini for me to ever trust her ever again
22:42Coming up on the real housewives of Sydney
22:46We need to move this one. I think it's just a nice chance to start again
22:52Your types are unless you have something important to say just don't say anything
23:09I'm so excited for you. I'm excited. It's so amazing. I know it like brings me back
23:18Modeling in Tokyo in the 90s was
23:22Amazing and now my generation is breaking new ground. I mean
23:27Did your mom look like this at 52? No
23:41So Akira who's iconic and
23:45Jordan goggles have collaborated and they've asked me to come in to do a photo shoot
23:49I put a few pieces together that I felt like would be a bit of fun to like throw on
23:54Is this what used to wear when you would model it was Tokyo's, of course, we wore this stuff. This is a so Tokyo
23:59Oh, yeah, he's a brilliant. Uh-huh. Yeah. Yeah
24:04It's a dress. It's a corset a dress
24:08Traveling down your body and that's the back. Yeah, so your butt hangs out. Yeah
24:14Seeing their pieces and how artistic and out there they are. I understand why they picked me
24:20Because I can carry extra
24:22Personally when I put something on that gives me character. It's like if my outfit is not working. I actually will not go out
24:30Like if I put something like this something you feel like you could be more eccentric
24:34Of course, and you actually start playing, you know a character, you know when you put nails on suddenly I start talking differently
24:47When did you last do a catwalk
24:51Wow, and who's that for?
24:54Possibly and it was the 90s. So, you know, we did the whole oh, yeah
24:59You know now they're just like but now it's like time to break the mold
25:03Are they starting to do that whole I think people are doing what they want
25:07And I think that's really so perfect for it, you know Bravo as a 20 year old
25:11I was so concerned with how I was gonna come across and what people were gonna think. Oh, yeah. She's still got it
25:21At this stage of my life. I really don't give feel like there's a spontaneity about you. It's called unhinged
25:39Hey Johnny, yeah, I need help
25:43I've got to go to a party and it's a glow-up party. Okay. What does that mean? I was thinking a gold g-string. What do you see?
25:54That is one outfit
25:57So it's gonna be interesting Kate will be there
26:00Caroline will be there. They haven't seen each other. So what do you think about that?
26:05I don't know
26:06Could be a massive massive blow up
26:09Did you hear me talking about the glow-up, uh-huh. What is a glow-up party? It's like
26:15Becoming better version of yourself. But I am the best I am every day
26:20Then you can just go is that how can I get any better? Maybe the gold g-string is best
26:47Was a little bit nervous I was gonna fall and die
26:52But as long as I looked the way I looked I didn't mind you can see right up my coochie
26:58Their nerves only lasted 1.5 seconds. Yes
27:02The minutes the lights were on and the camera started flashing gorgeous. I was back to me
27:08This is the um divorce settlement dress
27:15This hand like stare at the camera and then just give me everything and a hundred dollar bills
27:21Just add it to the whole vibe three two one
27:27Okay, I'm living
27:31Well, she loves a camera do exactly that what you're doing right now
27:35Bring it forward gorge and if I'm ever gonna get married again, I'd wear that dress. I had no idea he was that rich
27:52Well, you're sad that I'm going okay, don't be depressed
27:56You know that I only go out for a little bit and then I come home for you. Don't worry. Oh so sad
28:02I'm very excited to meet the ladies, but am I in need of a blower? I would say
28:10Categorically, no, do you want to come out? Oh, I wish you could
28:26Tonight we've got all your favorites. We've got the crispy risotto fingers with the caviar and the parmesan
28:31We've got beautiful fresh oysters. We've got your dish that you love, which is a squidding totally done with the crab meat and mascarpone
28:37It's absolutely beautiful. There's not much room in this dress to see
28:41You need to eat
28:47Matteo this looks so good. I'm hoping that the glow-up party will get our group back together
28:53Caroline and Kate have this issue. Let's see if they can put that to bed. I do feel hopeful
29:01I am quite anxious. There was a lot of last year that I felt like an island particularly when Terry was away
29:07And so to go in tonight without her is one of the bravest things that I think I'll ever do
29:21You'd look amazing
29:23You're perfect in pink and look the flowers love beautiful, isn't it? It was quite hard to get on so I had to talk
29:29My arms to get here, I don't know fashion before food
29:36How you feeling about seeing Caroline
29:39What does that mean
29:43I'm here for you and you
29:45Invited me so yeah, I have every right to be here
29:49Of course, and also like I think it's just a nice chance to start again. Why can't we do that?
30:01Always are Chrissy Marsh. Well, I did have a sneaky skinny bitch before I arrived. I'll get your personality on
30:09Super excited that Sally's put this event on it's a great opportunity for all of us to get on with things
30:14I'm hoping my hello from Kate's a little bit better than the last one. Fuck off Chrissy
30:36I've forgiven Kate, but I haven't forgotten. So I just want to get on and have a nice night with her
30:41I don't want to cause any trouble. I'm so excited to introduce Martin
30:46Martinez come as herself ghostly white and I have come as myself bronze goddess
30:54Oh my goodness
31:03So much for having a glow-up
31:06Amazing you and you my team. This is Kate. Hi Martin. How are you?
31:15Great another trophy wife. This is just what I need another person that's never had a job also great
31:28Actually, it might not be me who has BO it could actually be her I used to see my team walking around
31:35White like I'm like she needs urgently a spray tan or a real tan
31:40With an umbrella so she doesn't get Sun on her and I would just be like 12 Wow. She's actually 55
31:50Honestly, if I drove past a school
31:52I'd be like did you need a lift home from school with your backpack and you're like you look she looks like a child
31:57I was interested to become friends with Victoria, which I did by the only
32:04Known ways to ignore her. She's not me. I sort of look away and then I drew her to me. It worked
32:10Yeah, are you two dating she played all the game to get the rules what you do the rules the rules
32:16It sounded exactly what you do with a boyfriend
32:21You two could go playdating together
32:31When Caroline comes in I just feel this really dark energy
32:36This is my friend my nice to meet you my team. Well, I'm feeling very out of my depth
32:44Since the boat don't you leave anyone? Oh god, they were invited
32:48I just hope that we can be cordial to each other even though we might not be friends ever again
32:53I don't think that necessarily means that we have to be enemies. You two really are
33:01There was just this coldness there
33:04You know immediately I just felt a resistance
33:08I wish I could make friends with my neighbors. Are they not interested in you? Well my dog ate that rabbit. Oh
33:15I'm not the most popular girl in the street for real like tore it apart and ate it. Yeah
33:24Coming up on the real housewives of Sydney, this is a conversation amongst everybody. Yeah, I know but you're bringing yourself into this
33:31It's the same shit. Okay
33:34Constant victimization
33:46Do you like it
33:52I'm not surprised that Terry hasn't come tonight because over the past few months
33:55I've seen Terry at various events and she has turned her head
33:59She hasn't been interested in engaging in me and I can just tell from that
34:04Attitude that she's not ready
34:06Forget how still the harbour is until you're like right there and you've until you're Nicole
34:11I don't forget I look at the harbour every day
34:16I know Martine a little bit through Victoria. She's very wealthy and so ethereal and so graceful
34:23So we put on our best behavior. She'll be fine if things get a bit ugly. I don't know how she's gonna go
34:29So do you two feel like you would have each other's backs in a dead body situation?
34:36Yeah, she would be the murderer
34:41I could see you like in a haunted house. Thank you. Horror is my favorite genre
34:50My goodness
34:54I like I'm brainy
34:56Has she heard of David Beckham? That's you lust over. That's your whole past not Hannibal Lacta
35:01Like is Hannibal Lacta her whole past? I don't know creepy. I
35:05Wanted to get everyone back together for a little glow up and I wanted to make more of an effort inside
35:12But also on that on the outside in a way a glob is really just self-care
35:17I don't know you guys think can I say something? I make a lot of time for myself. I feel like I'm glowed up
35:31Can't glow anymore like this dinner is wasted
35:38So I've had a little external glow up
35:40But I wanted to bring I guess that same energy of a glow up into our friendship group
35:45Like can I be a better friend?
35:47For example, if I haven't spoken to you in two weeks like why haven't I like with Kate?
35:52Yes, I messaged you when I saw you were sick on Instagram like okay, but like I
35:57Messaged you and I got crickets
35:59You know, I mean I was very sick and I had to get a lot of messages
36:02So thank you for everyone that did message but look I'm fine now
36:07You look good, thank you take I feel really uncomfortable
36:11Sally's bringing this kidney condition up
36:14Vulnerability for me is hard because I like to be known as capable and strong
36:21And I don't want to be seen as weak in this group
36:32Okay, obviously when you receive a present you're always hoping that it's something off your present list
36:37You know a new Cartier bracelet a necklace from Van Cleef and our pals a Porsche 911 turbo
36:44Oh my gosh blank card Sally
36:49I'm dying. I'm dying. Oh gosh worst present ever
36:54I didn't come to this dinner to be put to work on the first. Can you write down what kind of?
37:01Personal glow up you want to make for your life and then a group glow up
37:05What would you want for the group if we can share something about ourselves?
37:11It's always really nice. It allows us to be more vulnerable and it means we under hopefully understand each other better
37:17My group is take ourselves less seriously
37:20My personal is eat better. No kid cats
37:28My glow up for me I
37:31Would like to focus on being less of a perfectionist. It actually can be
37:38Debilitating so that would be something I would like to work on my perfectionism probably applies mostly to myself what I wear
37:44Where I get my facials
37:47I don't like anything that do not stay in line with my fabulous life for the group
37:52I like to get to know the nitty-gritty of people. I want to know what makes people you think but you're a psychologist
37:59Aren't you so you understand?
38:01I have a psych degree. I'm not a registered psychologist. I studied psychology because I am very fascinated by
38:09The human mind like I watch really weird things on YouTube. For example, it's a video and why do BBL stink?
38:16What's BBL?
38:19So apparently a lot of people that get BBLs have really long nails then you've got a ginormous ass and you can't actually get near
38:26bum hole
38:31So this is mine for the group right own our mistakes say sorry and move on like isn't that just
38:38common sense
38:40Maybe we didn't always do it. Look out of my friends. I don't expect perfection
38:45But I do expect authenticity
38:48Honesty and realness and that is a big deal for me
38:52Yeah, no fence-sitting real friendships which carries on from that and I mean I think for you Sally for me
38:58That was a really hard friendship because I was sort of like always going. Well, where are you? You know?
39:04I'm not one to tiptoe around subjects and I feel like Sally's tiptoeing
39:10I think it's important in order to grow as a group and understand each other
39:14You do have to stand up for yourself and have opinions. Can I just say Chrissy like I appreciate you telling me that I
39:20Am sorry about that. That was not my intention. You know what I asked for it. So I've got a cop it
39:25Do I like it? No, but that's correct at times. I am a fence-sitter. I don't think I ever felt that with you Kate
39:32I always knew where I stood we didn't get off onto the right foot, but I have always liked particularly your clarity
39:40Chrissy there's certain things that are good about you. I mean from my perspective
39:44I feel as though that every time I was vulnerable with you
39:49I felt like quite often that was turned around and used against me
39:53So, you know an example so I can improve the last time you guys had a conversation
39:58Was the last time you ever saw her?
40:02Okay, so this this actually really doesn't I'm really gonna Chrissy doesn't matter I'm here at this table
40:09It's the same shit, okay, cool
40:11We're gonna call it like to pick on Kate night again. I'm just talking to Chrissy, right?
40:16This is a conversation amongst everybody Kate. I know but you're bringing yourself into this
40:20This is coming from the person who accused me of inserting myself. Leave me alone
40:26Stay in your corner and I'll stay in mine. I am in this. I'm just trying to understand as well
40:30That got you stuffed against you. You you asked me say for example about my dating life
40:35I've got quite a few on the go at the moment a few on the boil
40:38I want to hear about those and
40:40Then you kind of made it out like she's running three guys at once like that kind of didn't say that
40:44How many like at the moment there's three?
40:47I mean it was a constant victimization areas. She has a way of turning everything around
40:54To make her look like the victim. It's quite a talent actually and Chrissy was villainized by things
41:00She didn't actually say that I wanted to escalate but I genuinely think that you
41:07Took a lot of things Chrissy said out of context and that running three guys at one time thing is a really good example. I
41:15Came to see if all of the drama can be parked and it's pretty clear. That's not really possible
41:22Apart from Sally I'd feel socially ostracized
41:25So am I ever going to show up to one of these events without Terry again?
41:31Never, you know what? We're not going to be a perfect group, but we can at least try
41:37Coming up on the real housewives of Sydney. Oh my god, you and I both know right now
41:43You are fucking lying. That's one of those things. That's unforgivable. You're actually disgusting
41:49end of story
41:52I'm only here for the party
41:59Amazing. Thank you
42:03When it's kingfish crudo with stracciatella and green tomato, there's a lot of underlying tension
42:09So I'm hoping that we can put to rest any issues that are happening in the group with Kate
42:13Then that might filter across to Terry next time and then we could
42:17We'll start again, who knows I think you've done an amazing job Sal to bring everyone together and you know what Kate
42:23I want nothing more than all of us to go forward and to be able to
42:28Chat about things and you know, let's be honest
42:31Let's actually say rather than letting it build up and rather than blocking people. Let's be honest
42:37Wasn't that what friends do they're honest? Yeah, I think that's great and
42:42I've got a little surprise for you all. I would love all of you to come to my house in Nusa
42:49Yeah, I would love everyone to come up get away from husband's family
42:54Will be good for you to get away for a couple of days and for you to feel welcome
42:58And I want to make sure everyone feels a hundred percent comfortable
43:03Just in case you don't I do have a house across the road. I
43:08I want to give their friendship with Kate another chance and Nusa for me is the perfect girls trip
43:14I've got a great team of helpers up there. I've got a beautiful
43:19French chef it really is just fun times
43:22Can everyone hold hands and promise each other this weekend away is gonna be amazing
43:30I'd rather poke myself in the eye the fork or put my head in an oven
43:34I have better things to do with my life. So has anyone heard from Terry? Of course
43:40How is she? She's great
43:44Good chat. Have you spoken to her? Yes, I have I
43:48Know that Caroline has texted Terry, but there has been no phone calls
43:52It's pretty awkward between Terry and her and I think it's because
43:56Caroline's jealous of the fact that I'm better friends with Terry than what she is
44:01Annoyingly, I don't know that she's big enough to be able to recognize that that's what she's upset about
44:07Pardon have you spoken to her?
44:09I've texted her Kate. Is that okay? I just don't ring. What is it that you're wondering if you've spoken to her?
44:15Why what does it matter to you?
44:17Why do I have to answer that question to you? Are you interrogating me Kate for what reason?
44:24Once again, she's inserting herself trying to
44:28Get in between Terry and I it's not her business
44:33All right, so unless you have something important to say just don't say anything
44:40Look my issue is I considered you a friend. Mm-hmm
44:43I didn't really know what if I give my loyalty somebody who I consider Caroline
44:48I had your back you were the one that told me about the porn star comment at the beginning
44:53Yeah, but I didn't ask you to get involved
44:55Why are you making this about yourself again Kate? All I need is a glimmer of hope because I believe in resolution
45:03Really Kate you blocked me Caroline. You know, I didn't see it on Instagram. You blocked me
45:09I didn't know people and I said to you very clearly that anything that you thought that I did out of malice that I
45:16Apologized sincerely for I never got an apology. I don't actually need an apology
45:19What does I need to give you Caroline, you know what the ability should actually be real and not play games
45:25Whatever. I'm looking for. I have I apologize your desire to actually glow up
45:32Now you're talking gobbledygook. What are you talking? I'm not Oh
45:36Caroline and Kate from an outside perspective actually half the time. I don't know what the fuck they are talking about
45:42Because it is unclear the desire to actually glow up. I'm not saying it Kate
45:48It is like two people with a totally different perspective
45:53Trying to come together, but they don't even share the same word for hello
45:58I feel last year you played games from beginning to end
46:01That is not true because you needed to insert yourself into everything has been wise told about any Caroline
46:07Let's have a breather. You guys just can't keep fighting every time you see each other. I am NOT fighting
46:14I have been knitting whatever you're doing because I don't know. What are the words?
46:22I'm mortified. I bought Martine to what is supposed to be a fun
46:27Lux girls dinner and she is watching a verbal ping-pong match
46:32Between mother Teresa and the person that is apparently not a porn star
46:38This needs to be resolved before we go to new stuff because in my house
46:42I don't want to have any fights. I just want it to be nice. I'm also not gonna pretend. I'm not upset
46:48The thing with me when I'm upset with you, you will know it. I don't know how to wear masks
46:54It's exhausting. Listen, you guys have got something that you should talk about
46:59Personally, do you guys want to clear the air just you guys we don't have to stick to it
47:04Okay, so Kate before we go away, I think we need a resolution. You know, what?
47:09What is the problem?
47:11Let's not do this
47:12We're gonna go home back to double Bay where like where we belong where we belong
47:16can't wait to get the hell out of here the other ladies and I decide to leave the table because I
47:21Think that we could be fueling it and in leaving them both to their own devices. Maybe things will calm down a bit
47:29So, what's your problem Kate I am hurt
47:32Why are you hurt because I feel like as though we're that we were actually pretty good friends. I mean we were good friends
47:38Yeah, and I feel like as though that you made up lies about me
47:42What and I feel like you did that publicly and I don't think that's fair. I don't lies
47:47Yeah, I said to you very clearly and I will say it again. Whatever you feel
47:51I'm sincerely sorry that you actually felt like that
47:55but I had no malice and I didn't do the intention of what you think that I did and
48:03Then like it was a character assassination
48:07I have been a good friend to you. Tell me again how you didn't block me
48:11I did block you on my phone now. You did you blocked me on Instagram? You know what? I've seen your negotiation skills
48:18Did you
48:22Resolution you have an issue with every single you have any skills at all Caroline. You're the one with the issue
48:27I caught onto your bullshit and you don't like it. I miss it. She's here. You were jealous very simple
48:34You are jealous. You're jealous of my friendship with Terry. Oh my god
48:38You're jealous of the fact that you get most of your money all day and your ex-husband
48:43You have commented on the price of my dresses and I think to myself. I have a job you and I
48:50You don't think lying
48:52Kate is hitting below the belt. You're actually disgusting
48:56That's reducing 20 years my husband that I loved and a family that I love down to a financial transaction
49:03That's one of those things that's unforgivable. I'm walking out
49:06Because this is actually the most toxic person. I've ever had the displeasure of meeting and I never want to be around her ever again
49:14end of story
49:17Next time on the real housewives of Sydney
49:21That looks delicious. I
49:24Like to see myself as the queen of noosa and there is nothing I have not done for the girls for this weekend
49:31This is luxe luxe luxe you said if you want a diversity you would have gone to Westfield and now you're accepting modeling jobs
49:39She doesn't believe she's the diversity card hundred percent. You are. Oh, really? You're over 50. You're diverse
49:52Are you really brilliant? Oh
49:56Kate treats me differently. Do you think that's because that's a bullshit?
50:02Who thinks that I was very upset with what happened with Terry any friend who is so petty is not someone that I want
50:09To be around I like to block out negativity in my life. I've got us a table. See you soon
