00:00Previously, on The Real Housewives of Sydney...
00:16How many hours a day do you spend looking at me?
00:19I don't go over my allocated three and a half hours a day.
00:22Victoria is my neighbour.
00:23How about a golf studio in the garage?
00:25I don't like anything that does not stay in line with my fabulous life.
00:30Has anyone heard from Terri?
00:33Terri's fallen out with the group.
00:35She's just, like, just vanished.
00:39I'm not really concerned if I never saw her again.
00:41She became very close to Kate and threw us under the bus.
00:44So has anyone heard from Terri?
00:47Of course.
00:47I haven't spoken to anyone since the reunion apart from Terri.
00:50And developed a real resentment...
00:53I'm sorry.
00:53...towards you.
00:54Caroline came at me so hard at that reunion.
00:58Whatever friendship that we had, she burnt the motherfucker to the ground.
01:02This needs to be resolved before we go to New South
01:05because I don't want to have any fights.
01:07I'm not going to go to Chrissie's house.
01:08I'd rather poke myself in the eye of the fork
01:10or put my head in an oven.
01:12You're jealous of my friendship with Terri?
01:14Oh, my God.
01:15You're jealous of the fact that you get most of your money...
01:17How old are you?
01:18...from your ex-husband?
01:19That's one of those things that's unforgivable.
01:21This is actually the most toxic person
01:23I've ever had the displeasure of meeting.
01:26And I never want to be around her ever again.
01:31Friends are like diamonds.
01:33Just watch out for the fakes.
01:36Life is my runway and I never miss a step.
01:41My skirts may be short, but I'm not short of an opinion.
01:45Create your own success and you answer to no one.
01:50My life is a fairy tale, but this princess does not need saving.
01:56Kindness should never be mistaken for weakness.
02:00When you're a classic like me, you don't need a comeback.
02:04Sydney may be full of icons, but I'm still the main attraction.
02:21Thanks so much for all your help on the weekend.
02:24He was fabulous.
02:25He was so good.
02:26I cannot believe how fast he went in that last one.
02:29He was like a rocket.
02:30Hi, gorgeous boy.
02:38They consider Kate a friend.
02:39You know, I've just demoted her from potential friend
02:43to not even an acquaintance, a faux friend.
02:51This hat?
02:53Should I wear that when I greet the girls?
02:54With this dress?
02:57And those bikinis.
02:58And the white swimmers.
03:00Love it.
03:01Outfit number one.
03:02Oh, yeah.
03:04I've invited everyone to Noosa.
03:05Keep the fun times rolling.
03:07Let's go.
03:08I don't even know if everyone's coming.
03:11I know I'm serious.
03:12You don't know what happened the other night.
03:14Do I want to know?
03:16Probably not.
03:18Probably not.
03:21Not on the outfit.
03:23Not on the outfit, girls.
03:36Thank you, Julieta.
03:37Thank you so much.
03:48Ernie, are you asleep?
03:50What do you think of this?
03:50Oh, are you depressed?
03:53Are you sleeping?
03:54Ernie, what do you think of this one?
03:56Do you like Dolce?
03:59Don't worry, I'm not gonna go for long.
04:01Don't worry.
04:02I'll be thinking of you the whole time.
04:06How am I feeling about going to Noosa?
04:10Flattered to be included,
04:12but my biggest concern is that
04:15I don't know these women very well.
04:18I'll be away from my husband and my children.
04:20There'll be a lot of sun.
04:22Someone might try and make me do water sports.
04:25There'll be a lot of drama.
04:27And then I might get bored.
04:29He doesn't want to move.
04:30He thinks that's his chair.
04:32Come on, couch potato.
04:33Pug potato.
04:34So these are all my proposed looks.
04:37Got your parasols.
04:38I've got my parasols.
04:40And this is my favorite,
04:42but I do need to check with Victoria
04:43to see that we're not both packing this.
04:45If you live in the Double Bay Precinct,
04:47you know that if you go to a tropical locale,
04:51there is a standard of dressing.
04:53And that standard of dressing
04:54includes Zimmermann and Dolce & Gabbana.
04:57How are you feeling about me going away?
04:59I don't know.
04:59It's more like, how are you feeling?
05:00We got a little bit heated the other night.
05:02So how are you feeling about it?
05:04There was some stuff going on between Caroline and Kate,
05:08but it doesn't involve me.
05:10So, you know.
05:11Well, you haven't been away from me
05:13or the children much, actually.
05:14So you just make sure you take care of yourself.
05:16And Victoria's a good friend,
05:17and she'll look after you.
05:18She knows that I need to eat frequently
05:19and get a good sleep,
05:20and then I'll be good.
05:22I don't love girls trips
05:24because sometimes I think that too many cooks
05:27spoil the broth.
05:28You know, even though I am a people person,
05:32you know, I often don't like people.
05:34Kids are gonna miss you enormously, of course.
05:36As will I.
05:38You'll be mum and dad.
05:40You need to make cutesy lunchboxes.
05:42I don't think I'm gonna do the little love heart sandwiches
05:44though, I'll be honest with you.
05:46It's my creative outlet.
05:47I don't really cook,
05:48but I like to do,
05:50like a killer lunchbox.
06:01♪ Don't care, don't care, I got to be a billionaire ♪
06:06♪ I swear, I swear, I got to be a billionaire ♪
06:09♪ B-B-Billionaire, B-B-Billionaire, B-B-Billionaire, B-B-Billionaire ♪
06:18Okay, everything looks amazing.
06:19You've done the best job.
06:20Is there anything we've forgotten?
06:22I don't know.
06:23We will see when they come.
06:29Perfect, Freddie.
06:30I want a champagne when people arrive.
06:34Oh my gosh.
06:35That looks delicious.
06:37I like to see myself as the queen of Noosa
06:39and there is nothing I have not done
06:42for the girls for this weekend in preparation.
06:44I've got the towels fluffed.
06:46I've got their robes out.
06:48I've got the French chef.
06:49I've done the menus.
06:50I want to give them the ultimate experience.
06:53How's it going Clem?
06:55We're all under control.
06:58Come on down and have a champagne.
06:59I'm getting so excited.
07:01Nicole came up early
07:02because she probably wanted to get the best room.
07:05The best bed.
07:07I really just want to have a good weekend.
07:09Is it too early to be doing those avocados
07:11if the prawn cocktail's in a couple of hours?
07:13No, it should be all right.
07:14Regardless of what's happened at Sally's Glow Up,
07:17I think it's really important
07:18that both Kate and Caroline come away to Noosa.
07:21Noosa is a tranquil setting.
07:23You really can forget everything that's happened in Sydney
07:26and really just move on and start afresh.
07:28You can't be in Queensland and not have a prawn cocktail.
07:35No, girls trip, I don't think I've actually done one
07:38post high school.
07:39Wait, do you like girls trips?
07:40No, I do not.
07:42I do, but like to Paris.
07:45Although I don't like dislike Noosa,
07:46but essentially it's for people who are from Melbourne.
07:50Ha ha ha.
07:51I'm coping so far without John.
07:53That's because you've been looking after me.
07:55You've been looking after me.
07:56Okay, I checked you into the business class lounge.
07:58I know, you put my bag.
07:59I put your bag on the weighing machine.
08:01I couldn't be happier.
08:02You're a woman.
08:03You're a woman.
08:03You're a woman.
08:05You're a wonderful step in husband.
08:07And guess what?
08:09I don't want anything from you tonight.
08:11I don't think I love this marriage.
08:14You're taking your own room.
08:15Oh, this is heaven.
08:22You know, I was worried you weren't coming.
08:24I know you didn't come.
08:27So the last time I saw Kate,
08:28I literally felt nauseous from the whole situation.
08:31And the things that Kate said to me,
08:33are just unforgivable.
08:35You are jealous?
08:36It's very simple.
08:38Of what?
08:39You're jealous of the fact that you get most of your money
08:40How old are you?
08:41From your ex-husband.
08:43That was some really mean,
08:45really low mean things that came out of her mouth.
08:49To reduce my 20 years of marriage
08:51and two children and my family
08:53down to a financial transaction
08:57was a stab in the heart.
08:59Literally, I was shocked.
09:01I mean, I've still got a bad taste in my mouth.
09:03I matched her energy
09:06and I felt dirty.
09:10I don't know if Kate is coming.
09:11Do you know?
09:12I've got no idea.
09:14I hope she comes.
09:15Me too.
09:16I mean, I would like to know more about her and yeah.
09:21I mean, I don't need to know anything more
09:24but I definitely don't want her to feel left out.
09:32Oh, isn't it gorgeous?
09:35Not that I'm an expert on Noosa
09:36but I believe this is the most expensive street in Noosa.
09:42Oh my God.
09:43It's massive.
09:46This is luxe, luxe, luxe.
09:48It's like something you would see in a magazine.
09:51Christine, she doesn't do anything by halves, right?
09:54Oh my God.
09:55I'm excited.
09:56Get ready for a beautiful weekend.
09:59Oh, hello.
10:01It's about time.
10:03There's Chrissy.
10:04She's naked.
10:05Oh my God.
10:05She's naked.
10:06I am so excited.
10:17Leave your bags there.
10:18Leave your bags there.
10:18I've got champagne.
10:19I wasn't gonna get them.
10:27Oh my God.
10:29Oh my God.
10:31Oh my God.
10:37Wait, how are we gonna do this?
10:38Oh my God.
10:39Slap me, slap me.
10:41I love it.
10:42Come on in, girls.
10:43I've got a champagne already poured.
10:44She's definitely gonna be comfortable in her own home.
10:56Oh my God.
10:57It is like a mega mansion.
10:59Delphi and Freddie, champagne.
11:03Thank you, Delphi.
11:04Thank you, Delphi.
11:05Thank you, Freddie.
11:06What a go-south.
11:06Come on, girls.
11:07Come on out.
11:08Shall we go?
11:11Nicole, hello.
11:14Totally amazing.
11:16So good to have you guys here.
11:17I'm gonna cross over to the other side.
11:20And there's Mitch.
11:21Mitch, we're gonna be down there in a second.
11:24We're gonna jump on the bus.
11:25I think that I'm hard to impress
11:27and Chrissie's home really impressed me.
11:29It's absolutely gorgeous.
11:31The location is spectacular.
11:33It even made me feel like I would like a house in Noosa.
11:36I'm about to do room allocation.
11:38Why isn't Kate with you all?
11:39She wasn't on the flight.
11:40So we were on the flight together.
11:42Oh, really?
11:43She was not on our flight.
11:44Has anyone spoken to her since Sally's dinner?
11:49I did.
11:49I did.
11:50Yeah, yeah.
11:51Well, I did speak to her.
11:52I gave her a text.
11:54Let's not get technical here.
11:56I did give her a text and just said,
11:58listen, is there anything you want?
11:59Is there anything you need?
12:01So did she confirm that she was coming?
12:02Yes, yes.
12:03She said no.
12:04She didn't shake an egg, nothing?
12:05No, she said we're fine.
12:06I'm totally in limbo.
12:07Has Kate had an accident?
12:09Has something happened?
12:10Is her health not good again?
12:12But just let me know.
12:13Just a simple respect text.
12:16Okay, let's not waste any time.
12:18I'm gonna text Kate and let's show you three rooms.
12:20I can't wait.
12:21Let's go.
12:23I don't expect that she'll RSVP yes and not turn up.
12:26That's not her style.
12:28I expect that if she says she's coming, she'll come.
12:34I thought it was a nice idea
12:35that Martine and Victoria, the two twins,
12:39downstairs and Martine, you're to the right.
12:41Only problem is, Victoria, don't check out.
12:43You've got to share a bathroom.
12:45Okay, girls, quick, quick, quick, upstairs.
12:48Are you joking?
12:49I'm out.
12:49Do you know what?
12:50Like, get over it, sister.
12:52There's always a public toilet at Noosa Park.
12:57Can you imagine Victoria
12:58going to a public toilet at Noosa Park?
13:01I'm actually okay to share with you
13:03because you're pretty low maintenance, are you?
13:07I'm literally checking into the Sofitel.
13:12I don't like sharing anything, like not even my entree.
13:17B-grade bathroom, A-grade room.
13:20Cute bag.
13:22Martine, did you get a bag?
13:24I got a bag.
13:26Doesn't make up for the bathroom, though.
13:29Coming up on The Real Housewives of Sydney.
13:32Have you heard from Kate?
13:34I mean, if she hasn't turned up by eight o'clock-
13:35I'm not even interested in talking about it.
13:38Just the height of bad manners.
13:40You said that if you wanted diversity,
13:43you would have gone to Westfield,
13:45and now you're accepting modelling jobs.
13:47You better look good on that runway.
13:49You're over 50, come on.
13:57♪ We taking over, flipping the script ♪
14:01♪ You better watch out, boy ♪
14:05♪ And this is how we live ♪
14:09Oh, yeah.
14:09We love that.
14:12That is great.
14:13I've told the ladies to get their glam on for dinner.
14:16Clemon's been there all day.
14:18He's gone and picked the freshest of seafood
14:20from down at the markets.
14:21I've curated the entire menu
14:23because I know what the girls love to eat.
14:26And I still have no idea if Kate will show up.
14:30Please, Kate, just pick up the phone, text me,
14:34send a homing pigeon.
14:35Just let me know.
14:39Baptista's got the cocktails happening.
14:41Ooh, hi.
14:42You smell beautiful.
14:43Do I?
14:44Could eat you.
14:45Oh, please don't.
14:47And the glow-up kitties.
14:50Are we allowed to kiss again?
14:51Why not?
14:52Considering you've just come down from-
14:53Five minutes, five minutes.
14:55Oh, my gosh, look at you.
14:58Ooh la la.
14:58I think we have excelled ourselves.
15:00I think as well.
15:02Look at you two coming in together.
15:05That's Bobsy Twins going on.
15:07Caroline called us the Bobsy Twins,
15:09which is, I think, a reference to a show
15:11that's probably far before our time.
15:13Did you two plan your outfits?
15:15We drew everything, you know?
15:17Ying and yang.
15:18Victoria and Martine look the same,
15:20act the same, walk the same, talk the same.
15:23I'm starting to get the single white creamy.
15:25Oh, God.
15:27With Kate not here and Terry not here,
15:31Chrissy is desperate for a little bit of drama.
15:33Martine and I are twins.
15:34Martine and I are dating.
15:36Martine's copying me and vice versa.
15:39And all I'm thinking is,
15:42get me back to Aspen when Martine and I
15:44were just holidaying by ourselves
15:46and we could match our outfits in peace.
15:48You look like a dominatrix.
15:50No, that's not the look I was going for.
15:52She was going more like...
15:53She's got a dog collar.
15:54St. Francis of Assisi.
15:55Not a dog collar.
15:56That's a dog collar, like, look, that look.
15:58St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals.
16:02Come with me.
16:06Yes, perhaps that was a subconscious
16:08Freudian slip by Nicole.
16:11I didn't know she was well-versed in BDSM.
16:15Caroline, is that bedazzled underwear?
16:19I actually have nothing underneath.
16:21But do you guys wear underwear?
16:23Yeah, I do.
16:24I always wear underwear.
16:25I like to wear underwear.
16:26What do you have under there
16:27that you gotta keep?
16:28I wear underwear.
16:28I don't like air conditioning.
16:30You're wearing underwear?
16:31I never do.
16:32I always wear underwear.
16:34I never wear.
16:35You're not wearing underwear either.
16:39Oh my gosh, it's the no underwear underwear.
16:40It's so funny.
16:42I don't engage in underwear talk.
16:45It's just not dinner party conversation for me.
16:48If I wanted to see beavers,
16:51I'll watch the Discovery Channel.
16:53Do people have hair?
16:54Don't they?
16:55I do.
16:56I didn't think so.
16:56I thought there was something in the sandwich.
16:58I don't think there is.
17:03Are you rocking a nostalgic bush?
17:04This is why she only needs very nostalgic.
17:06My layer of protection
17:07because there's another protective layer there.
17:09Guys, enough about pubic hair.
17:11Let's go to the table.
17:12Let's sit at the table.
17:13Yes, let's go.
17:15Wear whatever you like.
17:15Oh, do we have a little name tag?
17:17I actually don't put name tags down.
17:19So wherever anyone wants to sit.
17:21There's only six of us and you've got seven seats.
17:24Have you heard from Kate?
17:25No, I don't even want to go there.
17:27I really, I know she's not coming.
17:29Kate did this to me, I would be livid.
17:31Like we're literally sitting to dinner and she's not here.
17:34So it's not that she said she's not coming.
17:37We're just having to assume she's not coming
17:38because she hasn't turned up.
17:40I mean, that's rude.
17:41I know Kate's not coming.
17:43So speaking of which,
17:44Adelphi, do you mind just taking away?
17:46Did she text you?
17:47No, no.
17:48I just, I mean, it's just rude.
17:49I mean, if she hasn't turned up by eight o'clock dinner.
17:51I'm not even interested in talking about it.
17:53I could never, ever, ever be invited away somewhere
17:56for a weekend and not even have the decency
17:59to text the host to say you're not coming.
18:02That is just the height of bad manners
18:05and shows really, really bad breeding.
18:08Quite rude.
18:09That's really rude.
18:10I mean, you've catered for her.
18:12You've planned for her.
18:14I know, and the rooms.
18:15The only good thing though is we do have a bag chair now.
18:18Give me your, give me your bag.
18:20Here's here, thank you.
18:21I don't think the radio silence from Kate
18:23is acceptable behavior.
18:24It doesn't matter what issues we have between each other.
18:27It's just out of respect and manners
18:29that you let your host know that you are not attending.
18:33It was a blow up though,
18:34because how was it afterwards?
18:35I know what happened, Caroline.
18:37I am sitting here like,
18:40and I can feel it like starting to rise.
18:42The thing that really got me,
18:43that pushed me over the edge
18:45is when we were sitting there.
18:46I don't even remember,
18:47because it was, you know,
18:48when you're in those stressful moments,
18:49it's just like.
18:50Fight or flight.
18:51So much going on.
18:52She's like, well,
18:53you only got your money from your divorce, right?
18:58And hence, there it is.
19:00Wow, that's dirty.
19:02That's a dirty low blow.
19:04You're talking about a woman who was married to her husband.
19:07They raised two kids together.
19:10Not only do you not say that,
19:11how do you even think that?
19:13How do you think that?
19:15No wonder Caroline was like irate.
19:17I would be too.
19:19I went home.
19:20I didn't sleep that night.
19:21Like, I couldn't sleep.
19:22I was actually crying.
19:24There's a line that you don't cross.
19:26But what is she so sore about?
19:28She's had to work her way to where she is,
19:31and all respect.
19:32We all have to work our way.
19:33But don't punish the rest of us.
19:34We all have to work our way.
19:35At some point, some women get married.
19:39Now, whether you marry someone
19:41who's wealthy, not wealthy,
19:43is what her obsession is, right?
19:46That's irrelevant.
19:47Like, I wasn't slumming it before I met my husband.
19:50I was living in Double Bay,
19:52living a very nice life.
19:53In fact, I think I married down to be quite honest.
19:56Every woman that has ever worked and got married
19:59and done all these things is not lesser than Kate.
20:02Some of us like to get married.
20:03Some of us like to have kids.
20:05Sometimes that ends in divorce.
20:07What can I say?
20:09I was just like, come on, Kate, reach out.
20:11You give me 10%, I'll give you 100.
20:13She might've been thinking,
20:15if you gave her 10, she would've come.
20:16I was really hurt.
20:18This tedious conversation about Kate,
20:21it goes on and on.
20:22If she just reached out a little bit,
20:24I would've gone, of course.
20:26I'm really sorry if I did something.
20:27I'm really sorry.
20:28I had a great conversation with her in the car
20:30coming back from Kilkare.
20:32Doesn't ever develop from that.
20:33Then you go back to sort of square one again.
20:35It's boring.
20:36It's draining.
20:37Can't deal.
20:38This is just seriously round.
20:39It's round in circles.
20:40It's round in circles.
20:42I can't.
20:43I actually can't.
20:43I'm actually having like,
20:44this is actually really boring.
20:47Like, I can't cope with it.
20:50When Martine sat at the table and said she was bored,
20:52I mean, who says that, darling?
20:54Even if you think it, don't turn around and say it.
20:57That's just rude.
21:00Maybe I'm bored as well with you.
21:03Okay, so I have news.
21:05I got asked to walk at Australian Fashion Week.
21:11Cheers to you.
21:13This is amazing.
21:14So wait, who is it?
21:14So it's Akira.
21:16Oh wow.
21:18That is so vintage.
21:19That's vintage.
21:20That's vintage, right?
21:20It's iconic.
21:21You will be rocking it.
21:23And we're going to say there's that older model
21:25on the catwalk.
21:28I just remember that you were so firm
21:30at the dinner table at my house about,
21:33you know, if you wanted to see diversity,
21:35you don't want to see it on the runway.
21:37And there was varied ages of women.
21:39How old were they?
21:40Oh, they were older.
21:42Older how?
21:43Like 50s.
21:45Oh, is this the diversity thing?
21:46I didn't know about this.
21:49I want to see the mix.
21:50I'm into it.
21:51Yeah, but if I want to see the mix,
21:53I can just go to Westfield.
21:56I just think it's weird how you said
21:59that if you wanted diversity,
22:00you would have gone to Westfield.
22:02And now you're accepting modelling jobs.
22:05Are you diverse or?
22:08Well, I don't, I don't believe,
22:09okay, I know what you're saying.
22:10She doesn't believe she's the diversity card.
22:12100% you are.
22:14Yeah, but I look good on that runway.
22:16I think Caroline is implying
22:18that diversity doesn't exist as long as you're hot.
22:21You're over 50, come on.
22:23You're diverse.
22:24Oh, really?
22:25At the ripe old age of 52,
22:28I'm pretty sure she's the diversity card.
22:31Why do you think that's wrong?
22:32That's diverse.
22:33In the fashion world, that's diverse.
22:35I don't want to be like that, no.
22:37Oh my God.
22:38But I used to be a model.
22:40So no, I'm not the diversity.
22:42If Victoria walked in the show,
22:44yes, she'd be a diversity.
22:46When did we get to this place?
22:48I might have some red wine to numb the pain.
22:55Coming up on The Real Housewives of Sydney.
22:58Oh my God.
22:58Sal's gonna vomit.
23:00Don't throw up on me.
23:02And release.
23:04And now we're gonna get into our vaginas.
23:08I don't want problems.
23:09There's too many wisecracks.
23:13I felt a little bit spied on by Chrissy.
23:16Oh my goodness.
23:18Build a bridge and get over it, girl.
23:32Hi, baby.
23:33Can you take that hoodie off?
23:34I don't like the hood.
23:35I look like a criminal.
23:36You do.
23:37All right, there you go, in there.
23:39I'm going good.
23:40Half of the girls have gone jet skiing.
23:42Of course, I don't want to jet ski.
23:43We are going to an art gallery, Caroline and I.
23:57Just waiting for someone to organise a girls' trip
23:59where the activities aren't torture.
24:02I don't like getting my hair wet.
24:04That's not linked.
24:07Look, Victoria was a little bit Debbie Downer
24:09on the whole jet ski idea.
24:11Where's fun, Victoria?
24:13Miss, I'll try anything.
24:14I'm gonna have a good time.
24:16Hopefully the breeze in her hair will, you know,
24:19put a smile on her face.
24:21Hi, ladies.
24:22How's it going?
24:24I'm Chrissy.
24:26I've heard lots about you already.
24:27Oh, no.
24:28What's your name?
24:30She's already whinging.
24:31Can we just not get her hair wet?
24:32Have you got a hair stylist on your staff?
24:33I don't know how to do that.
24:34Sorry, love.
24:35Can you give her a helmet?
24:36Help me, God.
24:37Get me back to Double Bay.
24:39So, are we keen?
24:41You've got to send it.
24:42If you don't send it, you're coming off.
24:43Send it.
24:44Send it.
24:45And what does that mean?
24:45Send what?
24:46Full bicky.
24:47Full bicky.
24:48What's a full bicky?
24:49Full bicky.
24:50What's a bicky?
24:50Like you eat the whole bicky.
24:51I've never gone full bicky except in the pantry.
24:54It's the only place I go full bicky.
24:56I can't wait to see you send it.
24:57Babe, I'm going full bicky.
24:59What can I say?
25:00Send it.
25:02You know, I was confused, but I'm sending it.
25:06I'm going full biscotti.
25:08I'm going full bisque.
25:09Is there like a change room?
25:11Got the public toilets.
25:13Maybe wear your shoes.
25:14Are you going to be done in the public toilets?
25:16Yeah, we'll be fine.
25:17Let's go and step in someone's urine.
25:21Have I ever used a public toilet to get change?
25:23Honestly, I don't think I have.
25:26And thankfully, I've made a decision
25:30that I'll never be doing it again.
25:32Look at me go, look at me go.
25:34Look at me go, look at me go.
25:36Look at me go, look at me go.
25:38Heavy on the go, we don't ever calm down.
25:41Just on the phone with John.
25:43This is so beautiful.
25:44So gorgeous.
25:45Would you like to meet Caroline quickly?
25:47This is John.
25:48Hi, John.
25:49How are you?
25:50Your wife is in the sun.
25:52Is she like turned into a statue or a stone?
25:56She'll need therapy after.
25:58Yes, yes.
25:59We're off to the art gallery now, my love.
26:01Bye, bye, bye.
26:02Love you too.
26:04So nice to see you.
26:05Oh God.
26:06So, I'm too hung over for Jetson.
26:10I am so thrilled to be spending the day with Caroline.
26:14Firstly, I love one-on-one activities
26:17that really suits my personality.
26:18And secondly, she is great.
26:21You know, I don't know her super well yet,
26:23but I can tell that we're just gonna have a great day.
26:26But I'm getting really, really stressed in this line.
26:28Can we go to the art gallery now?
26:29Yes, please.
26:30I'm gonna actually die.
26:32♪ I'm here for a good drive, I'll call it a day ♪
26:35♪ I'm here for a good drive, I'll call it a day ♪
26:40♪ I'm here for a good drive, I'll call it a day ♪
26:44Do I stand or stay seated?
26:48Oh, shit.
26:49Mine's not starting.
26:49I'm doing donuts over here.
26:55I have my boat license
26:56and I'm so keen to show Victoria a good time
26:59that we are all systems go.
27:01Do we know where to go?
27:03I can't hear you.
27:15Within minutes, we're stranded.
27:17Ego burst.
27:19You know, maybe I should have gone with Chrissie.
27:21They're stuck already.
27:24You haven't left till you've landed on a sandbag.
27:27♪ Cause you know today is easy peasy, oh that's so easy ♪
27:33Oh, wow.
27:34Oh, wow.
27:35What a beautiful space.
27:37That's amazing.
27:38I don't know what Chrissie's planned for us today.
27:41I know it's an art gallery.
27:42It's going to be something interesting
27:46and out of the ordinary.
27:47What do you think of these?
27:50Oh, very nice.
27:58You know what I'm seeing?
28:00Tell me.
28:03I mean.
28:04I don't see a lot of it.
28:06Is that a?
28:08I think it might be.
28:14I think it is.
28:17So we're just kind of looking at it
28:18and then I'm thinking, okay,
28:20this looks like abstract
28:27Hi, ladies.
28:28Hi, I'm Cathy.
28:30Nice to meet you, Cathy.
28:31I'm the artist and the designer.
28:33Thank you for having us in your beautiful space.
28:36What do you think?
28:41These ones were a series.
28:42My flatmate at the time said,
28:45oh my God, you've painted vaginas.
28:46And I'm like, what?
28:48Oh, they are.
28:49They are.
28:50But it was unintentional.
28:52It turns out that Chrissie's art gallery
28:55is some sort of vagina zone.
29:01Coming up on The Real Housewives of Sydney.
29:04Kate treats me differently.
29:07Do you think that's because?
29:12Who thinks that?
29:13Fuck off.
29:15Are you kidding?
29:16I'm being serious.
29:25♪ I'm hanging out with her to show you how ♪
29:29Let's get this party going.
29:31Fuck, we did it.
29:40Oh my God.
29:42I feel like I'm on a rollercoaster.
29:44She is the most nauseating, horrific driver.
29:51I've never heard you swear.
29:53I wish I went with Nicole.
29:55She's like this.
29:58I think I'm going to vomit all over myself and Chrissie.
30:01I'm like.
30:03I'm going to vomit.
30:03Are you really?
30:04I really am.
30:05Oh my God.
30:06Sal's going to vomit.
30:07I'm just going to vomit.
30:08I'm fucking.
30:09Sal's going to vomit.
30:10Because you're driving is so bad, Chrissie.
30:13Sally, do you want to get on with me?
30:16I don't want to go with Chrissie.
30:17She's a bad driver.
30:18Just hold five and I'll drop you off over here, okay?
30:21So you're going to pee on me?
30:22I'm going to pee.
30:22Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay.
30:23Just hold five.
30:25Don't throw up on me.
30:26Oh my God.
30:29I thought maybe it probably had to do
30:31with my driving issues.
30:34I probably shouldn't have gone so windy with her.
30:37Sorry, Sal.
30:38I'm going to head out.
30:39All right.
30:41She's like, do you see that?
30:42She's a shit driver.
30:43My stomach's churning.
30:45I'm like doubling over thinking,
30:47please no, please no, don't.
30:50I'm about to hurl everywhere.
31:02Do you paint?
31:03I've painted.
31:04Maybe not much, yeah.
31:05Are we going to paint?
31:06Do you want to paint one of these?
31:10I didn't expect to be painting on my weekend away,
31:15but that's certainly a far better option than water sports.
31:19Here we go.
31:20So I've got this all set up.
31:21Oh, we have a weasel.
31:23I mean, what's it called?
31:25An easel.
31:26Oh my God.
31:27So Riley, would you like to join us?
31:30She's beautiful, Riley.
31:36She's a gorgeous life model.
31:38Thanks, Riley.
31:39Thank you for letting us paint you today.
31:44We are actually going to paint a real life vagina.
31:49I feel actually intrigued
31:52because I'm not sure I've ever seen another vagina
31:54in real life apart from my own.
31:56First, we might start off with a couple of breaths
31:59just to get into the zone ourselves.
32:01Down to our root chakra,
32:03and then we're just going to hold.
32:04Where is my root chakra?
32:05In your, between your legs.
32:08We're just feeling the lovely light energy
32:09come through the body.
32:14And release.
32:17And now we're going to get into our vaginas.
32:21Oh, this is hard for me.
32:22I don't want to make a mistake.
32:24Just let it go.
32:26You're just here to enjoy.
32:29Can I swap colors?
32:31It doesn't have to be perfect.
32:32Oh, I like the red.
32:33Yeah, that's gorgeous.
32:36Do you want to drive?
32:40Oh, wait.
32:40How are we going to do this?
32:41It's so slippery.
32:45I jump on the jet ski, trying to get my feel.
32:48Oh my God.
32:48It is so slippery here, Nicole.
32:51How much fucking body cream have you got on?
32:53Victoria is definitely a princess sometimes.
32:55She's probably worried about getting her hair wet.
32:58Oh my God, Nicole, it's not that easy.
33:02I can't do this.
33:03I'm slipping off.
33:04Like, this is much harder than show jumping.
33:07I'm not like a professional.
33:08It's the second time I've ever been on a jet ski.
33:12I can't do this shit.
33:13We are flying over the waves.
33:15All of a sudden, we're in the air.
33:17It's a fuck-up.
33:18I can't do this.
33:32I feel like mine looks really good.
33:34It is.
33:34It's great.
33:37I thought I was going to be the best painter,
33:39but when I looked at my teens, I'm like, okay, girl.
33:43They're so different too.
33:44It's gorgeous.
33:46I bet you didn't think you were doing this today.
33:48No, not at all.
33:49But I'm thrilled.
33:51Oh, oh, I see something.
33:52Something's happening.
33:54You're giving me the energy.
33:58Mr. Squiggle, is it upside down, Miss Jane?
34:04This is my, well, not my vagina,
34:07but my vagina painting.
34:11Who tore my masterpiece?
34:14Like, there is holes in my masterpiece.
34:17I'm not sure that this has a place
34:19in my darling point home,
34:23but I was thinking Chrissie might like it
34:25for her noosa home.
34:27Ah, blah, blah, blah,
34:36we talkin' lots tonight,
34:37you don't know where the back end at,
34:39la, la, la, me.
34:40To an underground town now,
34:41you don't know what I'm about now.
34:43Chrissie, I'm actually in shock,
34:45Oh, Chrissie.
34:47Oh my God.
34:49Okay, girls.
34:51So pretty.
34:52For our final night, I've arranged for the girls
34:54the private stretch of Noosa Beach with a massive teepee on there.
34:59I've got a couple of little sweet treats for them,
35:01a couple of little things that might shock them as well.
35:04Hi, how are you? These are some friends of mine.
35:06You've got drinks?
35:07Yes, of course.
35:07Tequila shots.
35:09Tequila shots, girls.
35:12Okay, what do we say?
35:13It's Noosa Nights?
35:15Not Noosa Fights.
35:19Okay, let's go.
35:23Thank you, guys. That was really nice of you.
35:25Thanks. Appreciate it.
35:33It's terrible.
35:35I'm terrible about that.
35:37So as soon as they turned around for Martine,
35:39she'd swear she'd just escaped from the nunnery.
35:42Oh, no, please don't show me that ass.
35:45I forgot something in the car.
35:47I'm Caroline.
35:48Go, Caroline.
35:49No, no, no.
35:53Coming up on The Real Housewives of Sydney.
35:56There's another name that has been mentioned
35:58that was part of your friendship group.
36:06Why is Terri not here?
36:07I was very upset with what happened with Terri.
36:10Any friend who's so petty
36:12is not someone that I want to be around.
36:15I like to block out negativity in my life.
36:23So do you, babe.
36:27This looks amazing.
36:29We actually needed it after our day.
36:32Oh, we had a great day.
36:33I think I'm really good at painting vaginas.
36:35Like, mine was really good.
36:37Did you buy us a tea towel?
36:39Yeah, it was really a beautiful day.
36:42Did not smell fishy at all.
36:44It did not smell fishy at all.
36:47Sorry, your butt really is just distracting.
36:51Caroline, stop changing the conversation
36:53when we're on something deep.
36:54Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.
36:55And you're cutting in.
36:56Oh, sorry, sorry.
36:57It is, oh my goodness.
36:58It is very distracting.
37:00I told you.
37:00Can no one take photos?
37:02Johnny's going to kill me.
37:03I feel like I need to get my credit card and cha-ching.
37:09Bare-arsed waiters are probably not something
37:11that I would organise if I was hosting an event.
37:14But, you know, it's fair and square.
37:16It's very Chrissy.
37:18I mean, I've known you a very brief time
37:20and I think I'm pretty much getting to know you.
37:22Yeah, it's been great.
37:23Although this morning was a bit of a shock
37:24when you two had the, oh my god,
37:26when these two had the fight.
37:30Who had a fight?
37:31What was our fight?
37:33I'm sitting there and I'm just enjoying my coffee
37:35in the morning and Victoria's obviously got
37:38some shit going down, like massive shit.
37:40And she's on the phone and it's on speaker
37:42and she's like, yeah, yeah, yeah,
37:43this is going down and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
37:45And you just turned and went,
37:46you are screaming in my ear.
37:49And then the first time I saw Victoria just go,
37:52what did she say?
37:53Said, I have to go.
37:54I have to go and I'm like, wow.
37:57And then I turned around and I said,
37:58that was very rude.
38:01Did you?
38:02I did.
38:02I don't remember you saying that.
38:04I felt a little bit spied on by Chrissy.
38:07I would never bring up something of that nature
38:10at a dinner party, particularly with a new friend.
38:13Firstly, I hate speaker phone.
38:15I'm trying to relax.
38:16I don't want, I don't want problems.
38:18It's too many wisecracks.
38:21Oh my goodness.
38:22If Martine is upset about me bringing up this
38:25tiny, tiny little hiff, build a bridge and get over it, girl.
38:33I just want to say I am so disappointed
38:37that Kate couldn't enjoy this, this time.
38:43Is she in the group or out of the group?
38:45Unless she tells us, we don't know.
38:47We're all guessing.
38:49Oh my God.
38:50This is why I like to hang out with John.
38:52Oh my God.
38:55I think at this point, I would like to talk about
38:57anything other than Kate.
38:59Because it just seems to be going round in circles.
39:02Look, I have, in the past, had lots of conversations with Kate.
39:07Like, please don't take this the wrong way, but...
39:12You're the only person that she hasn't had a go at.
39:14And do you think that's because...
39:17Because what?
39:17Because what?
39:19Well, because you've been unwell, because you had cancer.
39:24She'll never come for you.
39:28Oh, Victoria.
39:30Well, I'm being serious.
39:31That's a bullshit thing.
39:32Fuck off.
39:33Are you kidding?
39:39Who thinks that?
39:41Who thinks that?
39:43I'm actually not sure if I'm
39:46deeply offended
39:49or outraged or both.
39:52Like, she's never angry at you.
39:54You're Teflon to her.
39:58But do you think that?
39:59Because it's actually a projection.
40:01No, I don't think it's a projection.
40:03I just think that you're protected.
40:04Like, she knows she's going too low.
40:07You think that Sally's fragile.
40:10No, I'm not.
40:10What I'm saying is, because she knows you've been through a lot,
40:16she knows that she can't come for you.
40:18Or anyone would know.
40:19Anyone, not just Kate.
40:22You know, when you're currently going through something,
40:24people treat you differently, of course.
40:26But 10 years later, that's not compassion and care.
40:29That's pity.
40:30It's actually a really gross pity
40:32because Victoria's never actually asked me anything about my cancer experience.
40:35She doesn't actually know jack shit about my experience.
40:39When you've had hard times in life,
40:42hard times in life,
40:43people don't bother you with the small stuff.
40:45So you're protected automatically.
40:47No, I understand.
40:49I understand.
40:49It kind of...
40:50Because you are at the moment with your mum.
40:51Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
40:52With your mum and what you're experiencing.
40:54Yeah, I do understand where Victoria's coming from.
40:57But do you understand that for Sunny, that could...
40:59Is that triggering?
41:00It's offensive.
41:01It's offensive.
41:02If Victoria thinks she's going to, like, pity me
41:05with some sort of, like, sad doe eyes of, like,
41:07oh, poor you, she's fucking wrong.
41:10Why is it offensive, Sal?
41:11Because she doesn't want to be a victim.
41:13I don't think she's saying you're a victim,
41:15though she just means that people want to...
41:18Don't want to bother you more.
41:19They want to give you their best.
41:21They don't want to upset you.
41:23Teflon implies everything slides off you.
41:26No one will say anything to you and it won't stick.
41:28This world has gone absolutely mad.
41:32Someone who has survived cancer is getting offended with me
41:36for saying that I treat them a little bit nicer
41:39because they are a cancer survivor.
41:41She is offended because I am not a bitch to her.
41:46You guys think that Kate treats me differently, right?
41:51But I don't think she does.
41:53I'm learning, right?
41:54So I think I have a little bit of an understanding
41:56of what has gone down for all of you with Kate.
41:59I mean, I still would like to spend some time with Kate.
42:01I don't know her.
42:02And you should.
42:04All good.
42:05But I know there's another name that has been mentioned
42:08that was part of your friendship group, that's Terry.
42:14What happened with Terry?
42:17And why is Terry not here?
42:19I have only heard snippets about what's happened with Terry.
42:22It seems as if there's been a close friendship
42:25previously with Terry that has now become fractured.
42:29She didn't want to be in this friendship group
42:31if Nicole was in this friendship group.
42:33Now, I felt morally that I could not be in a group
42:37where we were all ganging up on one person
42:40and kicking them out of the group.
42:41I was quite vocal about that.
42:44What ensued after that was that Chrissie became my friend.
42:47What ensued after that was that Chrissie became vocal about that.
42:49What ensued after that was that Caroline and Sally
42:53became vocal about that.
42:54And in conclusion?
42:55In conclusion, Terry decided she didn't want to be here with us.
42:59Do you know what it is, Martine?
43:00These girls had my back.
43:03And I will never, ever forget them for it.
43:06How do you feel about...
43:07Do you know what?
43:07I was very upset with what happened with Terry.
43:11The way she's spoken about me publicly.
43:13I don't want to be someone's friend who doesn't want to be my friend.
43:16I'm not interested.
43:17Terry is not in the group because her and I had a falling out
43:22and weren't able to repair, you know, the rift between us.
43:28And Terry has spoken about me on social media,
43:32on podcasts and in the reunion when I was not present.
43:37And it's hurtful.
43:39It's hurtful when a friend of yours speaks about you that way.
43:42I just feel like any friend who goes, is so petty,
43:48is not someone that I want to be around.
43:51I like to block out negativity in my life.
44:04Hi, Coach.
44:05I've got us a table.
44:07See you soon.
44:13Is it too early for tea bombs?
44:25Terry, welcome back.
44:29Did you miss me?
44:31I'm sure you did.
44:36This season on The Real Housewives of Sydney.
44:40Terry walks in and I see this fear.
44:42Hello, ladies.
44:44Terry arriving is a little bit awkward.
44:47Look at you, look at you.
44:48But Terry arriving in a see-through dress at almost 50, that is awkward.
44:53Where is Nicole?
44:55I feel like I've got unfinished business.
44:57We're all facing the music.
44:59Why can't she?
45:00And the longer you leave things, the more they fester.
45:03She doesn't like to get her hands dirty and you know that.
45:06And turn into something even bigger than what it originally started as.
45:11I feel that your MO is to put newbies through some kind of hazing process.
45:18Martine has entered the chat.
45:21I take it as disrespect.
45:22Feelings aren't up for debate.
45:24In what example?
45:25Please stop interrupting.
45:28Who the fuck do you think you are?
45:31Let Martine finish.
45:33We're adult women.
45:35Let's act accordingly.
45:37Three, two, one.
45:41Balance your designer handbag right on your booty.
45:52Oh my god, I think you've got a mountain goat.
45:55She is just dead sunlit.
45:58I think we all need to have more fun and less drama.
46:01Come on, show us your best grunt.
46:05And it's about pulling each other up.
46:08I didn't go through what you went through, touch wood, thank god.
46:13Oh my god, I didn't even know that.
46:17Not down.
46:18She's lived a very sad and meaningless life.
46:20I've got more than a cat.
46:22Did you google and check up on her?
46:23Damn straight I did.
46:24I did more than google.
46:25Caroline is not who she says she is.
46:28She is as fake as every fucking handbag she owns.
46:32I'm gonna get up in the middle of the night and she's gonna be at the end of my bed.
46:34Munching on a dead rabbit or something.
46:36Nothing shocks me about this group anymore.
46:38We came here to try and heal man.
46:42But despite all the difficulties.
46:46Despite all the craziness.
46:48There are so many things that I love about this group of girls.
46:52I will freaking rip her head off.
46:54I can't think of any now, but I'll come back to you on that.
46:58You cannot cut people off every time you have a fight with them.
47:01That's quite insulting, Christine.
47:02Seriously, Nicole.
47:03I can't talk about it anymore.
47:05I'm done.
47:06It's very sad that a friendship of 20 years has disintegrated to the point that it has.
47:12Fucking done.
47:13I just wanna go.
47:14What happened?
47:14Is she upset?
47:15This is actually next level.