• 2 days ago
When Calls the Heart S11 E04


00:00I'm going to fail every math test. I just can't get it the base of the mountain belongs to the township of Benson Hills not hope that I don't think in good conscience we can rule out Montague as a mastermind. I couldn't have said it better myself. I just hope we're able to go back to being friends. I believe in this resort wholeheartedly. I need to stay in Hope Valley until this is over. I'm going to fail every math test. I just can't get it the base of the mountain belongs to the township of Benson Hills not hope that I don't think in good conscience we can rule out Montague as a mastermind. I couldn't have said it better myself. I just hope we're able to go back to being friends. I believe in this resort wholeheartedly. I need to stay in Hope Valley until this is over. I'm going to fail every math test. I just can't get it the base of the mountain belongs to the township of Benson Hills not hope that I don't think in good conscience.
00:30This is all sorted out. I'm not going anywhere.
00:36The Governor's Easter Address. It all sounds very official.
00:40I don't even know why he invited us. This is a radio speech. What does he need a live audience for?
00:45He said it's to remind him he's speaking to real people, including his constituents listening at home.
00:51Mom, could I come listen to my speech instead of going to daycare?
00:56No, honey bear. There won't be any other children there. And then mommy has to go to school.
01:00Then can I come to school with you? Next year I'll be big enough to go all the time.
01:05Oh, he's right. Somebody's growing up.
01:10You know, today we're decorating Easter eggs at school, so I think it would be a egg-cellent morning for you to come.
01:16But then straight to daycare, all right? Yay! Yay! Yay!
01:28So do you think there'll be a Thanksgiving speech, too? Yeah, and a Christmas one.
01:32Oh, don't forget New Year's. What do you think this is about?
01:37Might have something to do with a certain Easter bunny.
01:41Excuse me. Oh, Bill, I meant to tell you I have an idea on how to get Lucas to remember.
01:52Remember what? Well, how he was shot, of course. What else?
01:56I thought that pike guy shot him. Well, if you believe the papers.
02:00You mean the Beatle? Far be it for me to cast aspersions on a fellow journalist. Where was I?
02:06Yes, we could try hypnosis.
02:11Hey, it worked for Sherlock Holmes.
02:13Rosemary, hypnosis is frowned upon in medical circles. It's unreliable and potentially even dangerous.
02:18So is having a murderer running around free.
02:22Murderer? Attempted murderer, sweetheart. It's just a theory.
02:29Ladies and gentlemen, the governor is ready to begin his broadcast.
02:37Thank you, everyone. Three, two.
02:43This is Governor Lucas Bouchard speaking to you from my hometown of Hope Valley.
02:48Easter is a time of new beginnings.
02:51And on that theme, I am pleased to announce the building of one thousand new homes, apartments and row houses
03:00affordable to working people who will be part of the expansion of the Cape Fullerton Harbor.
03:09And closer to home, we are accepting proposals to build one of the most ambitious developments ever seen in our great territory.
03:17The Hope Valley Resort.
03:23But I'm not forgetting our youngest citizens.
03:26I'm delighted to proclaim the first annual governor's Easter egg hunt right here in Hope Valley.
03:33I know it will be a turnout the likes of which we have never seen.
03:37Thank you, everyone, and happy Easter.
03:46Should we go congratulate them?
03:48There you go.
03:49Now look at that.
03:50I have to hand it to those two. They're being very adult about this.
03:54Seems like they moved on amicably.
03:56Yes. Yes, it does.
03:59Although I know things would be easier for you if Lucas was in Capital City.
04:06Makes no difference to me.
04:51So, you seem to be in the know with this whole Easter egg hunt.
04:55Lucas consulted with me about it. He had some pretty grand notions.
05:00Such as?
05:02Oh, picture Edwin in a giant bunny costume.
05:07I love it. I would love to see that.
05:09Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I convinced Lucas not to do that.
05:14What? Oh, you're no fun.
05:16Excuse me.
05:17But it is my job to remind Lucas to keep things simple.
05:22So, he gave you, like, an actual job?
05:26It's more self-appointed.
05:28Let's see.
05:29Well, in that case, I would like to thank you.
05:32Your constituents would like to thank you.
05:34The great town of Hope Valley thanks you.
05:36I know Edwin thanks you.
05:39You're going the wrong way. School's back this way.
05:41I have to go to the door.
05:42I'm sorry.
05:44You're going the wrong way. School's back this way.
05:46I have to go to the daycare to pick up Jack.
05:48I'm bringing him with me to school today.
05:50Oh, well, lucky him.
05:56You let me know if you need any help with the hunt.
06:01That would be nice. Thank you.
06:12Let's just say, for the sake of argument, that Montague was involved in the shooting.
06:17What would be your next step?
06:18Well, that would be up to Lucas.
06:20What's up to me?
06:21Lucas! I don't suppose you remembered anything.
06:24You will be the first to know, Rosemary.
06:26But currently I'm focusing on the future and not the past.
06:29Bill, I need you to attend a meeting with the mayor of Benson Hills.
06:32Mayor of... Is this about the resort?
06:35Yeah, I warned Edwin that half of the property who sold the territory was in the township of Benson Hills.
06:40And I'm sure he took full responsibility for the misunderstanding.
06:43Which is why we need to get them on board pronto.
06:45And you're the mayor of Hope Valley.
06:47Acting mayor.
06:49Well, I'd still like you to be there.
06:50Well, I don't want me to be there. It sounds like a bunch of hot air.
06:54Well, Michael is still officially the mayor, aren't you?
06:58Oh, but I can't meet with the mayor of Benson Hills.
07:01Why not?
07:02Have you not heard any of my stories about my five overbearing sisters,
07:06one of whom was just elected mayor of Benson Hills?
07:09I was just complaining about this last week at poker.
07:12No one listens during poker.
07:14Listen, Mike, this is perfect. You have a family in.
07:17You don't understand. Maisie is impossible to reason with.
07:21What, are you afraid of her?
07:23Yes. Yes, I am.
07:25I know. Lee will go with you.
07:27I will? Good idea.
07:30Sounds like a dream team to me. Mayor Maisie will be here this afternoon.
07:34All right. You two have fun.
07:37But, hey.
07:49All right, Jack. Now we just leave it there for a minute to dry.
07:53Is this what you do at school every day, Mom?
07:56Uh, no. Not exactly.
07:59Most days we're learning about reading and arithmetic, science.
08:04More eggs?
08:05Thank you so much, Minnie. Just in time.
08:07We've already gone through the first batch.
08:09Oh, I'm very impressed.
08:12Sarah, your egg isn't dry yet.
08:14You're going to turn the yellow into orange.
08:16Girls, is there a problem over there?
08:19Talia's egg will make the dye green.
08:21Jack, I'll be right back, okay?
08:23But I need your help.
08:25I'll help you, Jack.
08:26Thank you, Allie.
08:32Now, girls, have we tried listening to each other's point of view to see if there's a compromise to be had?
08:38What if we divide the yellow?
08:41And make a green bowl and an orange bowl?
08:44That is a great idea.
08:49You know, that is pretty good advice.
08:52That is pretty good advice.
08:54For Pop and his brother, what Mrs. Thornton said.
08:58I completely agree.
09:07Oh, my goodness.
09:10These are so beautiful.
09:12This is how my mother showed me to decorate Easter eggs.
09:15The way they did it when she was growing up in the old country.
09:18I brought some to copy.
09:19Do you think you could show us how?
09:21First, trace a wax circle making two halves.
09:24And then add one more circle making four parts.
09:29Like quarters?
09:30Right, quarters.
09:32Then trace a wax circle going through the middle.
09:35And how many parts is that?
09:37And then divide it one more time.
09:41How many is that?
09:44So each wedge is...
09:49You just divided fractions.
09:55So, what do you think of school?
09:58It's fun.
10:03It's like you're everybody's mom.
10:09I may be everyone's teacher, but I am only your mom.
10:13And that is the most important thing I will ever be.
10:17Love you.
10:18Love you, too.
10:21Jack, there's going to be an Easter egg hunt.
10:24I know. I can't wait.
10:26I like your wings, Lily. Is it a special occasion?
10:29Oh, no. She just insisted.
10:31There you two are.
10:33Want to come play with the other children?
10:35Sure. Bye, Mom.
10:36Bye, Jack.
10:37Bye, Auntie Faye.
10:39Have fun.
10:42Lily seems to be adjusting well.
10:44And you?
10:45Oh, I'm fine.
10:47Although, did I just make the right decision letting her wear her fairy wings to daycare?
10:51I know she loves them. I just want to make sure the other kids don't tease her.
10:54I'm sure they won't. A little individuality is a good thing.
10:57Oh, I think so, too.
11:00I don't know what I did before, Lily.
11:02Being a working parent isn't easy.
11:06I can hardly call myself a parent.
11:08Caregiver, then.
11:10Either way, it's just as much work and joy.
11:14And joy.
11:16You know, Elizabeth, I've never had so much fun.
11:21You're a lot of fun.
11:30Ned said a package arrived for you from the Mounties in Capital City.
11:32So do tell. What's in it?
11:34Remind me to have a conversation with Ned about privacy.
11:37This all looks very intriguing.
11:39I called in a favor.
11:40Got ahold of the case file on Pike.
11:42Well, that is great news!
11:45This is a real scoop!
11:47Bill, we are going to get to the bottom of this in a jiffy. I just know it.
11:51These are the fingerprints that were found in the gun that was used to shoot Lucas.
11:55Well, how do we know? Can we be sure this is the gun?
11:58The ballistics check out. The prints belong to Clayton Pike.
12:02So you're saying he did it.
12:04Look again.
12:08These fingerprints, they're only on the grip.
12:11That doesn't make any sense.
12:13If Pike loaded the gun, his prints would be all over the chamber and the barrel from cocking and loading.
12:18I once played Annie Oakley off-Broadway.
12:21Someone claimed this gun.
12:23At best, there'd be a partial print left.
12:25Not a perfect set like we have.
12:27So someone tampered with the prints on the gun.
12:30To make it look like Pike was the shooter, which would indicate he wasn't.
12:35So you're saying Pike was framed or took the fall.
12:41For whom?
12:43Let me guess.
12:46Or someone he hired.
13:06Excuse me, but you can't park there.
13:09Oh, I'm so sorry. Only I'm a close friend of the owner. Surely I'll be all right.
13:13Oh, you're a friend of Lee's?
13:16Yes, he just bought the place from Governor Bouchard.
13:19Aren't I behind the times?
13:26So how long have you known Lucas?
13:28Oh, we go way back.
13:31It's funny he doesn't talk much about his past.
13:34I suppose that's only why, especially since becoming governor.
13:39And where did you say you know him from?
13:41How would I go about getting a room?
13:44Hickam, this lady would like to check in.
13:47Oh, of course.
13:52Please sign here. How long will you be staying?
13:55A few nights.
13:57She's a friend of Lucas's.
13:59Oh, really?
14:02Welcome, Miss...
14:05O'Con... O'Con... O'Con...
14:08O'Con, Jeanette O'Con.
14:11I know that name.
14:13The old widow Jeanette.
14:15Not sure I'd use those words.
14:18Lucas's friend from New Orleans.
14:20Oh, right.
14:21New Orleans was ages ago.
14:28Surprise, chéri.
14:31It's me.
14:32It's so nice to finally meet you.
14:34We've heard so much about you.
14:36Or, well, not that much, really.
14:39Don't you two have that thing that you need to take care of?
14:42I'd be interested in hearing more.
14:44Not today, gentlemen.
14:46Jeanette, would you follow me?
14:48It's nice to see you too.
14:54Who's that?
14:55Jeanette O'Con.
14:57Lucas's old friend.
15:01You don't say.
15:11You could at least have given me a warning.
15:13You used to love surprises.
15:15Only when I'm the one doing the surprising.
15:17That was when I saw a photo of you.
15:20When I saw a photo of you and your fiancé in one of your cute local papers.
15:25Were you going to invite me to the wedding?
15:28It was called off, wasn't it?
15:30Let's leave Elizabeth out of this.
15:33Last I heard, you were working for the Treasury Department.
15:37Let's just say we had mutual interests.
15:41So you were an informant.
15:43You know how that goes, darling.
15:45Thank you for leaving me at the least opportune moment.
15:49I couldn't be helped.
15:54What kind of trouble can I bail you out of this time, Jeanette?
15:56Actually, I'm here to bid on your resort.
15:59And why would you be doing that?
16:01As it happens, I was in Cape Fullerton on business.
16:04I represent a group of high net worth investors there.
16:08I've heard that before.
16:12I've gone straight.
16:14Just like you.
16:16I swear it.
16:18This group is completely on the level.
16:24So if I have this right, you supply the land, we build the resort and run it, then we split the profits?
16:35Yes, that's correct.
16:37However, this really isn't a good time.
16:39The train leaves in 20 minutes.
16:41I came by car.
16:42Even better.
16:43Let me walk you out.
16:46Oh, look.
16:49Seems I've already checked in.
16:54Hi, Mike.
16:55Have you seen Lucas?
16:57I need to stop him from going overboard with chocolate bunnies.
17:00You know Lucas.
17:01He thinks big.
17:04That's what I was afraid of.
17:05Sometimes less is more.
17:06Just try telling him that.
17:08Oh, he's right.
17:11About one thing.
17:14Everybody loves chocolate.
17:16I'm just going to go see if he's in his office.
17:19Isn't it weird that Easter involves bunnies and eggs?
17:24Now that you mention it, I suppose.
17:29Well, I'll make sure to let him know that you were here.
17:33About the bunnies.
17:34Thanks, Mike.
17:35I appreciate it.
17:41There you are.
17:43About the chocolate bunnies.
17:45Yes, I've already ordered them.
17:46Don't worry.
17:47100% done.
17:49But Florence mentioned that you ordered the large ones.
17:51Yes, I certainly did.
17:53The children would really be happy with ones half that size, as would their parents.
17:57So if you don't mind calling Florence, I'm sure...
17:59Bye, Monica.
18:02Why are you acting so nervous?
18:04I'm not acting nervous.
18:07I'm very busy.
18:09All right.
18:10And I will see you at the egg hunt.
18:13I'll make that call.
18:20What was all that?
18:21If anyone asks.
18:23I'm unavailable.
18:28To hold you over.
18:30Until dinner.
18:31Oh, thank you.
18:32I'll try not to be too late.
18:34Seems they always have a lot to say at the Jameson Bible class.
18:37They do like to argue.
18:39Mrs. Thornton says every argument can be settled if people listen.
18:43I think that's true.
18:45Have you ever tried listening to your brother?
18:49Can't listen if you won't speak to me, Coop.
18:51I'll see you all later tonight.
18:55Bye, kids.
19:05Oh, Michael, come on.
19:07You're going to wear a hole in the carpet.
19:09Your sister cannot possibly be that bad.
19:11Don't say I didn't warn you.
19:13I have a feeling this whole thing is going to be a huge waste of our time to say hello to my sister, Lee.
19:20Oh, Michael, how many times have I told you that blue simply washes you out?
19:25Gee, Maisie, I don't know.
19:27150 million?
19:31Mary Hickam.
19:33Mary Hickam.
19:34Pleased to finally meet you.
19:35Leland Coulter.
19:36Nice to meet you.
19:38Afraid to take me on by yourself, Michael?
19:44Well, on that note, why don't we have a seat and get started?
19:47Let's do that.
19:56The new access road replacing the hiking trail will come through on the Benson Hill side of the mountain, of course.
20:00So you'll get all of the tourists.
20:04Maisie, you can't just make pronouncements like that.
20:07This is supposed to be a negotiation.
20:10We can build two roads, one from each side.
20:14Sorry, this one is non-negotiable.
20:18Okay, why don't we just table that one for the time being and move along?
20:24The name will be the Benson Hills Resort.
20:27That's ridiculous.
20:28The resort site is on the Hope Valley side of the property.
20:32Oh, you can't expect me to sit here and agree to the Hope Valley Resort.
20:36You know what? I'm beginning to think I can't get you to agree to anything at all.
20:40And I think that this has been a colossal waste of my time.
20:44Michael, can you reason with her? She's your sister. Do something.
20:48Oh, believe me, she's going easy on you.
20:50It is a colossal waste of my time because it seems that none of you have considered the downside to this resort.
20:58What exactly is the downside?
21:00Who's to say that this does not become a magnet for undesirables and criminals and rumrunners?
21:08Rumrunners? This resort is for families.
21:12And that's what they thought in Louis Creek, and look what happened there.
21:15Decent person can't walk down the street in safety anymore.
21:20I want to know what guarantee you can offer that the same won't happen here.
21:32So I suspected none.
21:37Why don't we take a break for the evening?
21:42A week? How about a year?
21:46What's the point in writing Uncle Jacob a letter? He probably doesn't even know who we are.
21:50That's why I'm writing it like it's from Dad.
21:52Oh my gosh, my dad would be so mad at me if I did that.
21:56I'm sure ours will be too.
21:58What's the worst that can happen? They're already not talking to each other.
22:02Uh, your dad could stop talking to you.
22:04Or he could wind up thanking me.
22:07Mama told us he lives in Aberdeen. Are you sure you can find the address?
22:10The telephone exchange there should have it.
22:13Ready to head home?
22:14Coming, Mama.
22:22Hey, guess who checked into the hotel today?
22:24No, no.
22:25Do you remember the name Jeanette?
22:26Jeanette? No, it doesn't ring a bell.
22:28Okay, how about Amos?
22:29Oh, Lee, it's too late for this.
22:31Come on, you remember when Elizabeth was held hostage in the saloon?
22:36Yes, Lucas is Jeanette.
22:40Oh, Amos Dixon. Oh my goodness, I must be tired if I forgot about that.
22:44Now, Jeanette called Lucas to warn him about that awful fellow.
22:49She's an old widow from New Orleans that he knew he got her out of some jam, I think.
22:54Believe you me, the widow Jeanette is no helpless little old lady.
22:58Oh, well, do tell.
23:00She could be a screen siren.
23:01Leland Coulter!
23:04I'm the screen siren in Hope Valley.
23:06I think what I meant to say was she could be an actor, like a character actor, where you...
23:12...is you would be the leading lady.
23:16Oh my goodness.
23:19All right.
23:21Well, hmm.
23:23That is interesting, though.
23:26So, Lucas was not being entirely truthful about his damsel in distress.
23:32I have to go talk to Elizabeth about this right now.
23:36Um, you do realize, of course, that it is the middle of the night, and you're wearing your nightgown.
23:42Yes, when has that ever stopped me?
23:44That's a good point.
23:45However, Elizabeth might be sleeping, and Jack most certainly will be sleeping.
24:08Good day.
24:09Hello. May I help you?
24:11I don't often indulge myself like this, but I wonder if I might have a cup of vanilla ice cream.
24:17One of my favorite breakfasts.
24:20Are you in town for the Easter egg hunt?
24:22No, no, I just happen to be passing through.
24:25You obviously can't spot a stranger.
24:28Sorry, I didn't mean...
24:30No, think nothing of it.
24:32It speaks highly of you that you know your clientele well enough to, hmm, spot a newcomer.
24:38Well, getting to know people is what I love about this job.
24:41And have you been doing it long?
24:43A couple of years. I came from Chicago.
24:46I am the town pharmacist, and I also run the salon temporarily for a friend.
24:51Beauty facials and mud masks.
24:54Mud masks?
24:55Yeah, my grandmother's recipe.
24:57Ah, oh, how simply divine.
25:01The generational sharing of wisdom.
25:10Is everything okay?
25:11What are you doing here?
25:12Mike, this nice lady is a customer?
25:15No, she is not.
25:18I haven't properly introduced myself.
25:20I'm Maisie Hickam.
25:23Oh, you're...
25:25Maisie, why are you here?
25:27We don't meet again until next week.
25:29What kind of girl enjoy a treat?
25:32So you're not here by accident.
25:37Mom, she told you about me, didn't she?
25:41You told your mom about me?
25:43Well, yeah. Is that okay?
25:47Sure, of course, yes.
25:55Michael, you should really bring me home to meet mother.
26:07I used to love hunting for Easter eggs.
26:09Oh, yeah? I bet you were good at it.
26:12My basket usually had a few more eggs than my sister's, but I was always willing to share.
26:25That is way too high.
26:27Well, you can't make it too easy for them.
26:29You can't make it too hard, either.
26:31How are your children supposed to reach that high?
26:37I think if somebody wants something bad enough, they'll figure it out.
26:45What if there's a chance they could get hurt?
26:51Then I guess they just have to decide if it's worth it or not.
26:55Well, a chocolate egg definitely isn't worth it.
26:59So, if you would excuse me.
27:02Yeah, I...
27:05Elizabeth, I can do that.
27:06I got it.
27:07Well, just be careful. I...
27:22Dad? Mrs. Thornton?
27:25Back here.
27:29Hi, Allie.
27:31Where's Jack?
27:32In the cafe with Angela and Cooper.
27:36He wants to know when the Easter egg hunt's gonna start.
27:40Oh, that'll be...
27:41Are you two...
27:57I should...
27:59Yeah, yeah.
28:17Oh, look at that.
28:20Morning, sherry.
28:22Still here, I see.
28:24Just until I make my bid.
28:26I wouldn't bother making a bid if I were you.
28:29Why not?
28:31Because I know what kind of people your investors are.
28:35I told you my investors are on the level.
28:39I'm sorry, but this project will be completely above board.
28:44I've changed, Jeanette.
28:47I'm not like you.
28:49I've told you.
28:52I've changed, too.
29:01Jeanette Aucoin, I presume?
29:03Rosemary Coulter of the Valley Voice.
29:06Rosemary, I apologize.
29:07You've become quite a legend around Hope Valley, you know.
29:10Have I?
29:11What on earth have you been telling people about me?
29:14Nothing, I assure you.
29:16Rosemary is something I can help you with.
29:20You haven't seen Elizabeth?
29:26Have you?
29:28I have not.
29:46She's the schoolteacher, isn't she?
29:48Your erstwhile fiancée.
29:52That's really none of your concern.
29:56Submit your bid if you must.
29:59Then you can be on your way.
30:10Children, the Easter egg hunt is starting soon.
30:15There is someone who has come to town that I think you might be interested in knowing about.
30:19Someone connected to Luke Sue.
30:25Sweetheart, you look so handsome.
30:28We'll have to wait until later.
30:31Okay, but we do need to talk about Annette Jay at the Alloon's say.
30:36But Rosemary...
30:38I tried to get the ears on her, but she wouldn't go for it.
30:41Oh my goodness, our little Easter bunny.
30:43There we go.
30:44You're so cute.
30:48Lily and I are ready.
30:50Hey, very cute.
30:52You do realize, of course, that the Easter egg hunt is for the kids.
30:57Of course.
30:59Two baskets?
31:03That just means you'll have to fill both of them up with all the eggs.
31:07Okay, Auntie Faye.
31:09Can we still hunt together?
31:11Of course.
31:12The sooner we start hunting...
31:13The sooner we get to the chocolate.
31:20Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.
31:23Welcome to the first annual Governor's Easter egg hunt.
31:28May I present Governor Lucas Bouchard.
31:39Thank you, everyone.
31:41This is a great turnout on a beautiful day.
31:43Kids, are you ready?
31:47Without further ado, I declare the Easter egg hunt...
32:03Lucas, is there something I should know about?
32:10No. No, I don't think so.
32:12Hey, have fun, buddy.
32:14Go find those eggs.
32:33Don't you need to help the other kids, like at school, Mom?
32:36No, sweetheart. Right now, I am all yours.
32:39Goldie. Goldie.
32:41Have some eggs over here.
32:43Come here, sweetie pie.
32:44Come on.
32:45Take Daddy's hand.
32:46There you go.
32:47Come on. Come on.
32:49Rosemary, what was it you wanted to talk with me about earlier?
32:53Hi, Dad.
32:55Oh, I'm sorry.
32:56I'm sorry.
33:06There you go.
33:14Mike, your sister is great.
33:17You don't think it was a little nosy of her to come all the way from Benson Hills to spy on you?
33:22Well, when you put it that way, it's kind of flattering.
33:25And I like her.
33:27Well, I can tell she likes you, too.
33:30But who wouldn't?
33:33You make me feel like I can do everything right.
33:37She makes me feel like I do everything wrong.
33:39Down to the color of the shirt I wear.
33:46You listen to me, Mike.
33:47Your problem is that you don't know how wonderful you are.
33:53And capable.
33:56And brilliant.
33:58And handsome.
34:03And lovable.
34:12I really want to kiss you right now.
34:14Would that be okay?
34:29Under here?
34:32I think I see one.
34:36Let's see that egg.
34:37What do you think? Anything in it?
34:43Nothing in there.
34:44Nothing in there.
34:48A receipt showing your bid has been duly received?
34:52When should we expect to hear?
34:55Very soon.
34:56Assuming your investors can pass a background check.
34:59Lucas, take this seriously.
35:03Why are you really here?
35:05Believe it or not, I still care about you.
35:12I'm no longer living that life.
35:14I'm sorry.
35:15Thank you for your bid, Ms. O'Quinn.
35:46I'm going to go have fun.
35:48Have fun? Wait for me.
35:55Have we met?
35:56No, but it's high time we did.
35:58I'm Jeanette.
36:03We have so much in common.
36:05I'm so happy to see you.
36:07I'm so happy to see you.
36:09I'm so happy to see you.
36:11I'm so happy to see you.
36:13I'm so happy to see you.
36:16Well, at least one thing.
36:18Lucas Mouchard.
36:20You see, I was once engaged to him, too.
36:30I suppose it's time I go.
36:33Well, it was so nice to have finally met you.
36:35Safe travels.
36:46Salut, mon chéri.
37:11Poor widow Jeanette.
37:16So this is why you've been acting so strange?
37:19Acting strange? No, I haven't.
37:22You didn't want us to meet.
37:25I think we got them all.
37:26Can we get our chocolate bunnies now?
37:29Of course.
37:31I declare the hunt officially over.
38:01Oh, I do hope that Lee is able to get Jack and Goldie down for a nap.
38:06After all that excitement.
38:09Elizabeth, I must say, you're handling all of this very well.
38:15I mean, just think, Lucas was in love with that woman.
38:20I suppose I always knew he had a past.
38:23But finding out he wasn't honest with me about Jeanette,
38:27I just, I don't understand why he felt like he
38:29couldn't give me the whole truth.
38:32I bet he was probably afraid of what you'd think of him.
38:36He does put you on a pedestal.
38:39Maybe that was part of our problem.
38:42I don't want to be on a pedestal.
38:43I prefer my feet on the ground, thank you very much.
38:48No, I think I'm happy to have met Jeanette today.
38:51Now I don't have to feel guilty for breaking his heart.
38:55Rosemary, I think his heart is a bit more resilient than that.
38:58After all, I wasn't the first.
39:01But you're certainly the best.
39:06Thank you so much for offering to cover for me, Ali.
39:09I have a pot roast.
39:10I am very eager to get started.
39:12No problem at all, Mrs. Yost.
39:15Oh, if there's a problem, call Mr. Yost.
39:18Will do.
39:24OK, guys.
39:32Hello, Aberdeen Exchange?
39:36Can you help me find an address?
39:40The name is Jacob Canfield.
39:4525 Linden Street?
39:50Got it?
39:51Got it.
39:5225 Linden Street, Aberdeen.
39:55Sure you guys aren't going to get into trouble?
39:57It's worth it if we do.
39:59Cooper's right.
40:00It's too important.
40:24I'm sorry to bother you so late.
40:26It's just I, uh, you were right.
40:31It was way too high.
40:34None of the kids could get it.
40:38I thought it best to go back to the person who
40:40risked life and limb for it.
40:53I guess sometimes a chocolate egg is worth the risk.
41:00So, uh, Jeanette.
41:05Uh, not what I expected.
41:09I have to admit, I was a little shocked.
41:13Yeah, I bet.
41:15And I have to admit that I felt bad for Lucas.
41:19He'd just be getting caught out like that in front of everybody.
41:24I have to.
41:25Yeah, no way.
41:26I know.
41:29Good night.
41:30Good night.
41:53I'm proud of you, and I firmly believe in Jeanette.
42:06She's with you.
42:25You're welcome.
42:53You're welcome.