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Edited By ► @LixianTV
Edited By ► @radRYT

Awesome Games Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3tRBEVW0hiDAf0LeFLFH8S83JWBjvtqE

Scary Games Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3tRBEVW0hiBSFOFhTC5wt75P2BES0rAo
00:00Oh, I think it gave us bonus equipment because I still have my pro camera. Oh, yeah
00:05I've got mine as well. I do not have a pro camera
00:09Ribbon, wait, which one's pro there's a blue and a red red gives the higher points per picture
00:16But only seven pictures who gives slightly higher points, but you have 15 pictures. Oh, I need that
00:22I guarantee I'm gonna get some great shots with this
00:25Howdy big dick money bags here to talk to you about Shopify now
00:30I would like to humbly apologize for my abhorrent behavior in this Shopify ad read
00:35It was very offensive what I said, and the name is actually not my name legally in this ad read
00:40I am markiplier and me trying to be any other persona such as someone who is a large penile
00:47cash sack I would like to apologize
00:51analogous names for which I am referring to my
00:55Personas as is not allowed either and legally damaging to Shopify's brand and the things that they are trying to do
01:03so I am here as
01:05myself a very rich and powerful man who can take over the world with pure money and success because
01:13Capitalism is what it's all I would like to
01:16apologize for my
01:18Disaggressions in my disparaging tone about Shopify and its goals
01:23This is not what Shopify stands for it is simply a platform that you can start your business and grow
01:31With the powerful tools that they have
01:35Okay, I think I'm good anyway, they've got a lot of technology that helps you convert browsers into buyers
01:44I'm just gonna read these straight up. I'm not gonna try to make them funny. I'm not trying I'm not gonna do a bit
01:50I'm just gonna read them and that's gonna be it. Okay, I'm not gonna be in trouble. No one's in trouble
01:55No one's being sued. Not me not being legally threatened with I would like to apologize for suggesting that
02:02Shopify is in any way litigious
02:05Upgrade your business and get the same checkout host adlib host insert at least one merchant mentioned in your intro uses
02:15I've been instructed that I am supposed to not read it. Literally. I'm supposed to just
02:21Use my brain. That's what I've been told. I'm supposed to use my common sense
02:25Upgrade your business and get the same checkout that cloak uses
02:30Everybody happy with that. It's true. Sign up for your $1 per month trial period at shopify.com
02:37Slash markiplier. That's lowercase. If you do it wrong, I will kill you. I will be frown at you
02:48Okay, go to shopify.com slash markiplier lowercase or else to upgrade your selling today
02:55shopify.com slash markiplier
02:59Did I did I do it? You know, this wasn't supposed to be hard. I actually use shopify
03:02It's a it's a good platform has a lot of tools really helps you get things done when it comes to e-commerce
03:08So this shouldn't be an unnatural integration at all
03:11It should be perfectly normal and everyone should be happy, especially me and especially you
03:19How happy I am look how happy you are
03:23We're so happy shopify.com slash markiplier lowercase licks you get them
03:29All right, we have two days to get 1200 points
03:33I know I usually go on my own but i'm gonna really stick behind you guys this time. I believe you specifically behind us
03:39Yeah, really behind
03:42That sounds good to me. God, I can't hear you during like loading screens of stuff. That's scared
03:47I don't know
03:50I get it's surprising to you, but I don't get why it scares you like it's fine
03:56That you hear us. We're here like take a nice break. I'm like, ah, finally a break from these people
04:00Those fucking assholes finally shut their goddamn yaps. Yeah, and then all of a sudden you were still here
04:09Oh, hey bud, excuse me, sir
04:10You're looking all dude like one of our journalists. Where'd your clothes go, bro? Oh, see ya
04:17Nice, wait, who does he look like? He doesn't look like us
04:20Looks like he'd be mark's brother. No, well, maybe
04:24Maybe dude guys trying to get in some exercise get in shape. You criticize him like that. Yeah, it wouldn't want to look like your mark
04:31Criticize him like my brother. What a piece of shit. Hey, wait guys
04:35Nothing has ever gone wrong when i've climbed ladders in this game. So i'm gonna climb this ladder
04:39All right, I anticipate this going horribly wrong. I believe in you. It's gonna go right. You know what? No, no, no
04:45I'm gonna save that for the end. I want to get some good footage before I do that and then i'll climb the ladder
04:50That's smart. That's smart. I've also not been watching the ground for those sewer grates. Oh, they only happen when you're leaving
04:55So green means go. Yeah. Yeah
04:58Green doors get in
05:00Green doors get in. Oh boy. That's pretty soon
05:08Oh boy. Oh boy making a friend there mark
05:13Oh god, here I go. Oh
05:19You lost a little bit of arm
05:22No, come on. Where did it go? Then?
05:24Okay, I don't know. Oh, it's over here. It's over here. Look arm. I'm gonna i'm gonna risk something for the team here
05:30Oh, hey, there is your arm. Oh, cool. That's that's good. Thanks
05:33I'm gonna see if I can lure our friend to this mine, which could go horribly wrong for me
05:37You see the mine mark? I don't see. Oh, I see the mine. Yes. It's the road. Yeah, it's on the floor
05:42Well, bad news is I don't know where our friend went yeah, he hit me and then
05:46Stopped. Why that's my character's mouth just eternally open
05:51You're scaring me. You're scared
05:56Dude this shit is scary
06:00We got a problem why
06:03Whoa, why did I feel like I was getting my head was about to explode or something? Oh interesting. Whoa, look at that guy
06:12Yeah, nice pose nice pose nice pose whoa
06:18You waving there. Okay
06:21Nice pose. Nice pose. Nice pose
06:24Oh god, he's alive. Oh jesus. I thought that little shit was dead
06:27What is there another one or something or is he is it the same? Do you not see the little thing mark?
06:31No, no, where where I don't see anything. It's
06:34What the what are you looking at? I see the thing on the ground
06:37No, there was like a little child-sized thing standing on the stairs here
06:41It ran down and into this door over here. I didn't see it
06:46Uh, well, let's want to get mark's arm and i'll get the uh body here. Do we need to keep the arm? Yeah. Yeah
06:53Uh, I feel like that's hung back here when I was trying to pursue this. Uh, this fella
06:58I think we can toss something we can frame some good photos right here. Okay. All right. Just tell me where to check
07:04Anything for the cause guys
07:10Huh, look the little fella the little fella got caught that's the little fella mark, okay
07:18Toss your arm in here. Oh, yeah. Yeah, let me get that in. Oops. Sorry
07:24Okay, okay, uh, there we go
07:30Yeah, wait, wait smile. Yeah
07:33Uh, that's it. That's the one
07:36Mark you take a selfie and i'll take a selfie of you taking a selfie
07:41Okay, sounds good. There we go
07:43That's the one
07:45That's the one
07:46Oh, ow, okay
07:51Flames. Yeah, here's where the one dude, uh died. I found his body there. How'd he die?
07:57He apparently ran into a mine. I hope I would guess. I don't know. I wasn't there for it. Okay
08:01I just saw the aftermath. Hey, someone's oh, hey, excuse me, sir. What have you seen?
08:05What have you seen sir? What have you seen?
08:09Not very talkative, are you?
08:11Hmm boring picture boring guys. I found the darkest room in existence over here. So that's cool. That's cool
08:17I thought this was you bob. I forgot that you don't have
08:20That what?
08:23That the gray mustache look
08:26I'm gonna get out of here
08:29Okay. All right
08:31Oh man, my arm hurts
08:35Oh my god
08:38Oh my god
08:39Holy shit
08:41What in the world?
08:44That thing's so big. It's fine guys
08:47The side alley that we need to go down is full of a guy
08:50Uh, yeah sure is
08:53No, no over here. We can use this to get back
08:56Yeah, he's snapping some pics bro, yeah, I just got oh my god, okay. Oh, there's something down here i'm gonna die
09:02Oh my god, help me. Please. Please someone
09:05I'm helping i'm helping i'm helping
09:07All right
09:09I think I
09:10Saved myself. Oh, you could have lured it to the storm drain. We could have really had a what storm drain
09:15The one you almost stepped on a couple times
09:17That's the point right by my head
09:20You all right bud
09:22Oh my god, oh my god, I am out of pictures someone please get that. Hey, is that a good body? Oh my god
09:31I'm going for it. It's not
09:35No storm drains, no stormies no stormies, uh
09:39Yeah, I got some pictures left. Hang on. Let's hey wait
09:43I got
09:46I'm just gonna be in the helicopter. Don't mind me
09:48Oh my god, oh my god
09:53And this would be a great picture if I had any three minutes to spend eight photos I could do this
09:58Man, I wish I had more photos. I'm gonna selfie my way over towards you. Hang on here
10:03I'll I can at least be a subject for your documentaries. Let me let me
10:09Oh, yeah, no, this is good. Now. We're all now we're all in here. This is good
10:20Oh my god
10:21Oh, oh, oh the bench or something. What is that? All right, we're fine. It's fine. No, it's fine. Nothing to freak out about
10:27You got me scared man
10:30Oh, excuse me ladies torso. I need you for a photo op. That's the biggest one we've seen. Yeah. Yeah
10:36surprisingly stealthy
10:41Oh man, I wish I had these photos
10:44This is great. Oh, what was that?
10:46Yeah, that was real close to us, huh mark, yeah
10:50Okay. All right, you know
10:51I'm good
10:52How far away is wade? I don't see him. No, there he is. Okay. How many points do we need for this? Uh,
10:59Well, no, we didn't need that many. It was like
11:0212 1400. I think I got a 600 point picture somewhere. I got a I got almost a thousand on one of mine. Damn
11:10Oh, i'm out of photos now always getting close tree
11:14Oh, i'm out of photos actually i'm just out of photos
11:18Holy shit, we
11:21Can we please?
11:23Oh, man, that would have been a great picture great sesh boys great photos great sesh great sesh all of us alive
11:30That's a new one. Yeah, that is kind of weird actually missing. There he is. Am I gonna die?
11:36On the way in here or something or are we good or oh, we're good
11:40We're good, man. We good
11:44Oh, yeah, what a winner what a winner that's pretty good. Ooh, that's that's sick, isn't it? That is cool
11:53Damn it's all right. Sorry
11:59That's good, yeah, look at this
12:04Guys I felt I really had some good ones in there. I swear. Oh, all right. Sure. Yeah, whatever you say man
12:105k in one go. That's pretty good
12:12Damn, we have 5k. Yeah, fuck. Wow. Can I get a zoom camera? How much is that? Yeah, that's a hundred
12:21It's got the same number of pictures but I really you know, I could stay farther away and survive
12:25We get a hundred bucks each. We do it like that. Sure. Yeah. Yeah, that sounds fair because I want some
12:31I want some boots. I'm gonna get some boots. Oh, wow. I can really zoom I have I have ranger boots now guys
12:38What do those do okay, I just took a picture apparently, yeah, i'd be fine. Oh bob you got front page. Oh hell. Yeah
12:45Dude, look what a shot, huh? I don't remember
12:49But that could do all three of us have a front page. Was that you mark the one in the middle is me?
12:52Also, no, I I haven't gotten the front page yet. So yeah, it's all right
12:56I got time. I got time. I got don't remember the one in the middle is
13:00The guys who blew themselves up with a rocket launcher
13:03Okay, while they were trying to kill one small alien thing
13:06Mm-hmm. All right
13:08i'm ready
13:10Well, I hope i'm not down a picture but no you
13:14You won't be don't worry
13:16Okay, I trust you
13:18I got seven here. So wow great shot gloomy gloomy street. Why would they call it that seems great?
13:25It's like the opposite of sesame street. I have 14 pictures
13:30Okay, that is unfortunate
13:33That's too bad, you know nice little alleyway off to the left I wish it kept the zoom level when I
13:39Aimed down sight
13:41Yeah, oh there he is, there's our bud there's mark's brother there he is where's that handsome guy
13:49Oh music
13:52It's weird that in a just a city there's just music playing
13:55A lot of alleyways here. Okay, we got green doors get in on left and right which way we go you pick
14:03All right, is that is it raining or snowing or is that just like sparks? What is that?
14:08Could be debris from all the fires and explosions. This looks like the same level. We're just this is yeah
14:15Wait, do we want to go the other one? We can go across if you want
14:17Yeah, let's go the other one that we've been here. I like the panorama city mall anyway
14:23Okay, it's dark oh, yeah, I don't have a flashlight anymore on my camera also missing a photo
14:28I've also only got 14 out of 15. I don't think i've taken one yet
14:32Huh, this is very dark. It is. Oh, here's a drippy watch out for the drippy his camera
14:40Oh god. Um
14:42Yes, I think it was that counted as my picture too
14:45Oh interesting. Well, that's I that's unfortunate. Hey, there's a mine over here guys
14:51There's also a lot of drippy tongues, man. I should have gotten a flashlight
14:58All right, whoa, what was that
15:03Something upstairs, I i'm right here. I didn't do anything. Hmm something exploded
15:11Um, can I find a body
15:14Whoa, there's like a tv studio in here glam glam. Oh, yeah mark
15:22Oh no
15:25Wait, why do I have a lady next to me mark? Where'd you go? Oh, I found him
15:32Lady could you get the hell out of the door? I'm being trapped. I'm being trapped by an ai right now. Where's mark yet?
15:38Oh, hey here and there
15:42Did he just did he just really walk into the mine
15:46I'm, not gonna lie guys. I saw the reflection of the mine in the mirror. I was like, oh it's in the other room
15:51I'm good
15:56I was like looking at that guy creeping the npc and I was like, oh no, he's gonna step on the mine
15:59I'll get a picture of that
16:01and uh
16:02Oh, no. Yep. Yeah
16:07Oh, there doesn't seem to be anything interesting in here that npc just kicked my corpse I feel like that's a little rude
16:15All right, oh well he deserves it he can't that's the one that kicked my corpse so uh
16:21There mark i'll get it for you. Thanks
16:26No, I just leave him there and leave him. All right, he helped him
16:29I think he's still dead. Yeah, but you helped him or I gave us access to a body
16:35What is that horrible fucking noise? We already had marks. Oh shit. There's a rat and whatever
16:40Oh my god
16:42Ow, okay, that was scary. Where'd it go? Ow, that thing that thing murdered me
16:48And next time i'm getting a flashlight. I can't see anything. I feel like that's what we need
16:53We just need people with lights. We can't see what we're doing. Yeah, that's a fair point
16:57I'll be light man next time
17:03Oh, I see an arm
17:06Oh, you're not dead. Are you no i'm taking mark outside though. Hey, what does this do?
17:13Oh mark, look where I am where
17:19You're inside of something I can't see where you are
17:23Oh, I didn't know you could do that. All right. No, I could do that either. How do I get out?
17:30Uh, it's fine. It's fine. Ooh, one, two, three, four, five six
17:36All right, mark you're coming outside with me buddy. Thanks pal. I'm not doing anything productive whatsoever. Oh shit. There's a rat. Oh god
17:44Oh, give me this dead body
17:46Uh something horrible's happening. Oh military come out
17:50Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah
17:53Oh, yeah
17:58There's two bigos over here to the right
18:04Oh mark, I need you
18:08Oh my god, holy christ that thing came quick
18:14Oh my god
18:22Wow, you know, why do we go into the buildings at all?
18:28Oh no
18:30Oh wait get my camera
18:32Oh, no his shoes
18:35Oh my shoes
18:36Uh, i'll do what I can. I am being chased by bigfoot
18:41God dang it. I don't even know what hit me
18:44Well, you're really backing yourself into a corner here
18:48Yeah, there's a guy he's right next to him big guy
18:53Yeah, I don't know if you see the really really tall one up there. I meant the smaller big guy
19:02Oh my god, how are you alive? I don't know
19:08Yeah, i'm dead serious why do we go in the buildings just to kill time I think I don't know
19:13I feel like we could just wait outside
19:16Okay. All right around to the left
19:19My dead body's over here somewhere. It should be a camera and some boots. Yeah, right. Yeah, that's about the right spot
19:25Yeah, there you go. Uh inventories. I gotta pick camera or
19:30Camera, I absolutely
19:33Yeah, yeah, yeah i'll get there I believe in you
19:37Holy shit
19:43Easy man, this is trivial. I think it's good. You had the armor and the helmet on probably oh
19:49Oh my god. Oh, no, you got it. There's a gap. There's a gap now go run
19:55Not that way you fool
19:57Wasn't it in that's yeah, that's just a dead end, isn't it?
20:02Yeah, but there's a gap in the tree now. Yeah, get out to the yeah, there you go
20:06I'm trying. Yeah, there you go. Yeah, you got it. You got it. Okay, I believe in you. Okay, I love it
20:13There's a guy there. You're right. He's uh, run run
20:23I believe in you there's definitely not about to be a bunch of cars or anything like flipped at you
20:28You know through from the
20:30Anything it's fine
20:34Yeah, this is good. Yeah
20:38Yeah, there you go get that selfie
20:40Give a selfie. I wish I took one picture, you know, man. I wish I had taken a picture
20:45Can I lure that dog to that? Why are you doing anything? He definitely can
20:51The chances of you surviving that are very low. That's fair
20:55I'm, just snapping some easy photos get some extra points 20 seconds. All right, you talked me into it
21:02Kind of wasn't paying attention to the timer
21:05Man, I can't believe we made it out
21:07I hadn't taken many photos mark took no photos. I kind of had to I had I had a few I had a few
21:13You had a few I got some great ghost views if I had like my ghost camera. Yeah, what do we get?
21:19What do we unlock ghost camera?
21:22Oh sweet. I can just get the what in the cripes long I can keep the long
21:27Nice wait, why does this one only have three on it though?
21:31They haven't reset yet because we haven't done the oh, okay
21:36Now there's I got one hope you didn't just take a photo right I did oh fuck it's six or seven you bastard
21:44you bastard
21:46you bastard
21:49You bastard, uh with the selfie that's what's up
21:55Nice nice photo explosions guns more more selfie. It's always a selfie selfies are boring
22:05Selfies are just good
22:07So that's not front page yet. Oh, no. No, i'm gonna i'm gonna I don't need selfies to get points
22:14Do you want to take this camera? So you're not no
22:17I I it's not the fact that I died on a landmine. It didn't matter how many photos I took
22:22Well, i'm
22:24Okay, it didn't matter how many photos I took i've got this. I only need six
22:28I only need one just be on the choppa. I only need one
22:32Damn, I hope you get to take one this time. That'd be
22:35I got all 15 pictures. I'm about to snap it up. I'm just about to be snapping. I forgot to get a flashlight
22:40Yeah, man, you were really set on getting a flashlight. Yeah, well, and then then you just didn't at all
22:47Yeah, well, I missed my boots. I'm not gonna lie if I had a backpack. I could have carried your boots out. Yeah
22:56It kind of hits your throat doesn't it? Yeah, well
23:00It like it's that kind of buzz where like almost feels good, but actually it feels awful. Mm. Yeah. All right. So mark
23:07Yeah, what's up? Watch out for mines, eh?
23:15I'll see you trying to take a selfie this guy. Oh shut. Yeah. Yeah. Oh selfie, man
23:21Oh, you try to get max points someone who's been on front page, uh, all right, whatever this is
23:28This is journalism mark you wouldn't understand
23:36Oh journalism, well that is dead sir, are you okay back there?
23:42Journalism. Yeah, mark. You sort of just you're our lookout. All right. Yep. I'm not risking landing on any mines
23:48Just gonna walk around in selfie mode and it'll be fine. Oh this guy in his selfie mode. I've got an alien arm for somebody
23:56I'm watching you bob. You're fucking perma selfie over here
24:00Whoa, what the hell?
24:02Oh, uh, bob, you got some no, he's running away again
24:06What a weenie
24:09You all right, did you throw the alien arm at me maybe if you weren't in selfie mode
24:15I'm not gonna lie. Why?
24:18Because I found it hilarious. That's not very nice at all. I know
24:25Oh, hi
24:27Well, you know what?
24:29I've never liked you to begin with see it's not funny when he does it to you, is it?
24:34Yeah. Well, no, of course not should we get out of here? Yeah
24:37I don't I don't like probably nice and crazy outside. I bet I bet
24:41Is it crazy oh my god, whoa, all right
24:49What's causing the explosions what's doing that
25:23Wow, what a what a lame and boring no look at that
25:29That's really
25:32I'm gonna get you a pro flashlight. Okay. How do you feel about that? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. All right. I appreciate it
25:38I appreciate it. Is this it i'll take it
25:40You know these maybe that I could contribute, you know, maybe feel free to take a picture. I got a helmet which is apparently
25:48Why is my picture count not reset? It's still five of seven. That's not ideal. I only need five
25:59You're gonna get one picture this time
26:03Oh, yeah
26:04Oh, yeah
26:06This area is called time squarish
26:10Get it
26:12It could be you
26:13Hey, that is me
26:15Wow, wait. Yeah, what the hell it could it could is be you it could just be me dude
26:20Look at this coffee shop. Look at the realism
26:23Holy crap
26:25It just makes me want coffee so bad. Whoa something blue we could go in the nano sonic store or we go
26:31Where'd mark go? Where are we going? I'm on a roof. What do you mean? I'm right. Okay
26:36Yeah, i'm with you i'm with you
26:38This is a what is a movie theater? What is this? I don't know
26:42It's actually a porno theater
26:44It's a travel service
26:51My arm I lost yeah, I gotcha. I gotcha. I gotcha. I gotcha. I gotcha your arm's gone
26:56Why that hurts so much probably shouldn't let those touch you
27:01This is this ain't no movie theater I ever saw whoa this flashlight's right
27:06That's a great flashlight. It's a professional. What the oh, okay
27:12It's that shy boy. I hear something
27:15I hear a mind
27:17Yeah, that's what I hear. There it is
27:19No mark, it's really good. You got the flashlight because we are apparently in the darkest darkest place i've ever been
27:25I don't know where you are. It's not that dark here
27:30Oh thing thing squid thing something just did such a murder right above me. Oh, I see this good thing
27:38I see it
27:39Hey, what's up?
27:44Oh, it's coming right for you. Oh my god
27:50It's another mine somewhere. Oh
27:53Yeah, there's a good thing in here
27:55Don't worry. It's gonna be lured. What's this?
28:04Oh, yeah mark, did you lure it? Uh, didn't I did you see it did it get lured did it lure did it lure
28:16I mean you did you know what you did exactly what you set out to do. Yeah
28:25What's the stomping by us mark, uh some behind us it's oh my god, okay. Oh, that's not good. That's not good. That's not good
28:33Oh, that's not good. Okay. Hold on. I got you. I got you. I got you
28:38All right, I think we should go yeah, all right
28:44Yeah, okay watch out for the mine, um, where's the mine to the mines to the mine
28:56Come here you shitter. Oh, it might be smart. I got this guys watch this
29:02It's going to be lured
29:05Come here you shitter. Yeah, holy crap. Nice
29:14That's what's up, that's what's up right there. That's what's up. You're welcome. I'm glad I survived that I thought that boom might kill me
29:20I was way closer to it than you were
29:23Yeah, just my health situation in my missing arm, you know
29:27Yeah for for everything that happened. I lost 10 of my 125 health. That doesn't really seem fair
29:33Yeah, i'm i'm pretty good actually
29:37Hmm this doesn't seem that bad ma'am. What have you seen?
29:43Totally quiet out here. This isn't bad
29:45Whoa, what something is materializing into something? Oh, I don't care for that. What is that world?
29:53What is what is that? I don't know
29:58Oh, it's definitely not it's definitely this way and not that way
30:03Whoa, oh my god, the military's over there. Yeah, they are. Yeah, i'm getting oh, oh, there's a red dog. Oh
30:10Oh my god, the boss went flying at me. Yeah, this is a death nato
30:17Do we have any um, uh, uh manhole covers of danger
30:21He's got me help. What do you mean? I'm dead. What happened? What?
30:30Bus ambulance
30:32Oh, it bust something into me. It ambulanced us get our cameras and run you psychopath
30:39We have plenty of pictures just go
30:44Mark's cameras right there. I'm sure it has one good picture on it. It's got many
30:49Yeah, wait, what are we doing?
30:51I'm trying to get his camera
30:54Oh, you already had it. You had it. Oh, it's light. I guess it's light
30:59Don't just get to the helicopter
31:01Wait, if you are you have the worst survivalistics i've ever seen
31:05It works out for me
31:08Whatever happens you probably deserve it
31:11Oh my god
31:13It does feel unfair that mark and I got wiped out by that one thing and waits out here just tempting fate
31:17Just being this guy. Oh, don't worry wade. We'll just have fun not playing the game
31:23Hey, man, if you live you get to play
31:27Nothing to say about that
31:28I think you're just mean to someone who is supposed to be your friend
31:32I think I think I think you should really think about how you talk to your people that you you you call your friend
31:37Get on front page and i'll treat you better. I am on the front page. What are you?
31:42You're not sure you're treating it. We're a solidarity here. We're a solidarity, right bob
31:47All right, i'll leave you know what i'll leave talk me into it. Well as soon as I bring bob into it
31:52Yeah, he's the front page guy
31:54Hmm. I am the front page guy. I'm pretty excited to see my new front page pictures
31:58All right. Well, you just wait i'm gonna i'm gonna show you a thing or two. I got some goodos, you know
32:03No, i'm saying hey helmet
32:05Hey, whoa, hey
32:07You got a helmet
32:09That's my helmet. I don't know about that. Maybe if you play the game, maybe you'd have a helmet
32:13Right wade. Oh, man, that's
32:16What what?
32:18What what we go bob bob. I bought you a helmet a brand new one with no blood splatter
32:23Yeah, mark's isn't even good anymore because it's already got a dead guy stuff on it. Yeah
32:27Well, that means i'm just cool. Oh mark here in all fairness, I guess. Oh, thank you. Oh a flashlight
32:32I got a flashlight. All right, fine. Then you're a flashlight guy. You're a flashlight guy now, so
32:39Now watch and weep guys watch and weep
32:42What happens if I take a picture of the really good picture that I took?
32:47Does that count? Probably? All right watch and weep
32:51Look at that. Oh this guy
32:56Yeah, you weeping yet. Are you weeping?
32:59For it wait for it. You're welcome. Wait a second. Hey, where's my pictures?
33:04Uh, but we didn't hey, wait a minute front page
33:07Yeah, that's okay. Yeah, let's remind ourselves who's on the front page over there. Yeah. Yeah, let's remind ourselves
33:12Let's remind ourselves. Let's not rule out number one. I swear to god if it's another bob selfie
33:20Oh, that's the only kind of picture i'm taking so it's going to be another selfie
33:25Yeah, yeah. All right. Well just you wait and watch and weep get ready to weep get ready to watch
33:32I really like helmet protects my arms this time mark stole my helmet
33:35So he's gonna survive for more than five seconds this round
33:38Okay, I think you died a half a second before I did so
33:42It was if it was a I'm gonna keep going back to who's the front page guy here. Oh, yeah
33:47What about the front page and nothing else guys plural? Yeah. Sure. Yeah, you're here too. Yeah
33:52I am
33:54Yeah, that's what I said. You're here, too
33:56Yeah, you're sure. Yeah, I can't deny you are here
33:59Thank you
34:01No, okay
34:03There was another one across last time there was another crone across the street
34:07Well, that's the only one we need and it's not no wait, there's a green door. All right. It's a different interior
34:13Oh, really? Yeah
34:15Don't wait for me. I want to be in it
34:18Okay, well guys hang on
34:20Oh, hey, what's up squid bro?
34:22Squid bro quo. Oh
34:26There's a lot of dudes in here, oh my oh my oh, oh my oh my
34:43Were you just trying to someone someone take a selfie? No, I was just getting injured
34:51Holy shit
34:54Bye great a thousand and one on that photo. God dang. How'd you do that?
34:59Wait, was it me being flung around? Was it me being flung?
35:04Oh, why me please don't take a picture save me
35:11Is he saved or am I saved
35:13Yeah, I think so, okay cool, thank you, I got a 9 35 of mark getting absolutely dunked on there, okay
35:19Well, that's unnecessary
35:24Oh, I was really hoping it would be another flinging around situation
35:28Dancing dancing on his body. Look at this. I'm gonna be really upset if that picture I took gets on the front page because
35:35well, you'll see
35:37I'm really gonna be upset about that one. All right. Is there more to explore here?
35:41I feel like we've had quite the time already. It's pretty good. Yeah, we can go out if you want
35:45Well, i'm sure outside is nice and safe now
35:48gotta be
35:49Selfie of me dancing with the dead body hanging from the tongue thingy. No
35:54Oh if we uh, if something were to happen to me, I have a backpack that can carry almost all of our stuff
35:59So definitely nothing's gonna happen to anybody
36:01No, wait, if anyone's gonna die, it's definitely gonna be me
36:04There's a blue thing over on the left probably gonna turn red when it looks at us
36:09there's um
36:10There's a green door across the street if we want to press our luck
36:14i'm gonna climb the staircase and
36:17Military guys look the military's here where where over over that way over that way
36:23Where is that way over where we just jumped off this thing?
36:27All right, cool. That was worth no point. We're saved
36:30Oh selfie again, huh? Oh, oh gentlemen
36:36Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah
36:47That's a good one, that's a good one. That's a good one
36:50Oh my god, that went right past my face. Holy shit. Oh my god. Okay, you know what?
36:58I don't know if this is worth it gang
37:01I'm not i'm not gonna look at that
37:05Oh, I did not get as many points from those as I would have hoped
37:09I got a 1042
37:12Oh this guy
37:14Oh, hey, what's up? How you doing? I've got such good stuff. I'm going to i'm going to the uh,
37:20I want to go to the thing i'm leaving. Uh, he's looking at you too. No, no, he's not. No, no way. We're oh wait
37:28Yeah, i'm going i'm gone, you know what I don't even need my last picture i'll save it
37:33I'll save it. I'm pretty i'm pretty happy. I'm pretty happy. I'm can't wait to uh, see who gets on the front page
37:40Oh, man, i'm so sorry to say that it's me. I'm so sorry to crush your dreams and hopes
37:47I'm gonna show you what a real journalist. Uh is and who it's me
37:53Oh get ready guys
37:55It's gonna be something special. It's gonna be so
37:57Oh, yeah, yeah here watch you see him. Oh, uh-huh watch
38:04Oh, perfect. Yeah, boring. Boring
38:07Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
38:09See that sneak peek. Oh, yeah. Wow. Look at that head on the ground. Oh lovely. So that's me actually
38:16That's my that's myself. That's fucking me
38:19And this is fucking me
38:24harder my boys
38:26Mark finally took a picture
38:30With ten thousand in one go all because of me you are all welcome. Look how in there I am
38:35That's a rocket midair. That's an alien. Oh, it's so
38:38fucking beautiful
