(Adnkronos) - “La Commissione e l’Unione Europea hanno fatto un grande sforzo di investimento in ricerca e in politica sanitaria mettendo a disposizione dei Paesi membri protocolli, linee guida e molti fondi per andare avanti su vaccinazioni, screening e prevenzione”. Così Walter Ricciardi, presidente mission board for cancer Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, ha offerto un quadro della situazione europea sul tema della prevenzione in occasipone della settimana edizione di “Inventing for Life Health Summit - Investing for Life: la salute conta!”, evento organizzato a Roma da Msd Italia.
00:00The European Commission and the European Union have made a huge effort to invest in research and health policy,
00:10providing member countries with protocols, guidelines, but also many funds to move forward, for example, on prevention, screenings and vaccinations.
00:19Now it is the responsibility of the member countries to try to develop a governance that accelerates the transfer of research results to patients
00:28and to allow the resilience of health services in the face of these international policies that are currently profoundly altering the balance.
00:38So Italy is certainly in a good position in terms of potential, but it has to make a move.
00:44Yes, because viruses and bacteria have no boundaries, especially when they are as contagious as measles.
00:49It was only a matter of time, unfortunately the first death after 10 years, in a country that had been declared free from measles in 2000.
00:57And this is thanks to vaccination. It is clear that sooner or later, when you do not vaccinate, viruses will be seen again.
01:03Then it will be the turn of poliomyelitis, diphtheria bacteria, we are not talking about pertussis, rosacea.
01:09So it is clear that when there are problems, you have to go back to science, you have to go back to asking for support from doctors and scientists.
01:16But unfortunately you do it when you have had losses, in this case when a child died.
01:20And this we must not avoid. In Europe we are in a different situation.
01:24We still value science in an important way for decision-making.
01:28We hope and hope to continue like this.