• 10 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - “La prevenzione è veramente l'unica possibilità per continuare a mantenere il nostro Servizio sanitario nazionale sostenibile. È evidente che con il cambio demografico, con l'aumento delle cronicità, quindi, con il cambio della domanda di salute, non ci sarebbe ammontare di risorse sufficienti per dare le risposte a tutti, se non si intervenisse in modo massiccio sulla prevenzione. Ovverosia, dobbiamo curare, dobbiamo curare al meglio, ma dobbiamo soprattutto evitare che la gente si ammali e questo è il passaggio fondamentale”. Lo ha detto Ugo Cappellacci, presidente XII Commissione Affari Sociali della Camera dei Deputati, intervenuto oggi a Roma nel corso dell’Inventing for Life Health Summit - Investing for Life: la salute conta! Promosso da Msd Italia.


00:00I think the time has come to reach this paradigm change that is talked about so much, that is invoked so much, but that in some situations, in substance, in everyday practice, is not always there.
00:24Prevention is really the only way, the only possibility to continue to keep our national health service sustainable.
00:34It is evident that with the demographic change, with the increase of chronic diseases, therefore with the change between health questions, there would not be enough resources to give answers to everyone if we did not intervene massively on prevention.
00:52Therefore, we must cure, we must cure at best, but above all we must avoid that people are sick and this is the fundamental step.
01:00The pandemic has shown us abundantly what happens when health is lacking.
01:05Investing in prevention is really not a cost, a cost in itself, but an investment for the future.
01:12We see it in many measures, we see it in screenings, everything that is brought as a result of screenings, which means saving lives, which means improving the quality of life,
01:24it also translates into a savings related to minor hospitalizations, related to days of work that are not lost, related to families that do not have to face expenses to support the patient, which are not only those of the cures,
01:44which are a whole series of components and accessories, let's think about the care givers.
01:48In short, health is really about the whole life of people, people today put health as a top priority, prevention is really the must and the only way to make the health system sustainable.
02:03Today there have been several interventions that have tried to show that the data are not always comparable, so when we compare the data from Germany, France, Italy, they are not always comparable.
02:15But today we start with a real budget.
02:18Unfortunately, Italy has cut health resources in the last 15-20 years, there has been a defunding of almost 40 billion.
02:28If we think that to stay on the European line there are 50 missing, we understand how we got to this point.
02:35But I say it often, it is not just a problem of resources, but of quality of consumption.
02:40I repeat it often, there are countries that are part of the OECD that have a pro-capita consumption below ours, one of these is Israel for example,
02:48that has invested a lot of time on technology and innovation, has a health system that gives citizens a life expectancy similar to ours,
02:57which is among the highest in Europe and this is an unequivocal index of the fact that the health system works.
03:03So we certainly need to invest more, the trend has clearly reversed because in this area of finance there are more resources,
03:12for the next 5 years there are almost 30 billion in additional resources compared to the 37 cuts of 15 years,
03:20but also attention to the quality of consumption, to the organizational models and to the reforms.
