00:00Carly, I'm so glad I ran into you.
00:03You wouldn't have time for a drink, would you?
00:05Mac cancelled on me.
00:07Oh, I wish I could, but I have plans tonight,
00:10and they don't involve kids.
00:19Oh, thank God you're here.
00:21Thank you so much for coming.
00:22Well, I could hear how upset you were on the phone.
00:24It's not Trina, is it?
00:26No, no, no, it's not Trina. It's me.
00:29I made a huge mistake,
00:31and if you don't help me figure out how to fix it,
00:34my life is completely over.
00:36What could be more pressing than Sidwell getting past
00:38Court of Main Security, walking right into the house,
00:40confronting Sasha again.
00:42He needs to be handled.
00:43You're not going to be able to handle anyone
00:45or anything from a prison cell.
00:48I'm not going to stand here and listen to you
00:50talking about taking out Sidwell.
00:52I'm not talking about taking out Sidwell
00:53in front of the police commissioner.
00:55I told you, I had him under surveillance.
00:57Okay, so where were they tonight
00:58when Sidwell walked right into the house?
01:01I'll speak to them.
01:05Look, you and I, we work well together,
01:08and we get things done, right?
01:10It's true, yes.
01:11So, I need you to work with me again.
01:18What do you need?
01:20So, remember when we,
01:23we talked about finding Charlotte together?
01:26I just don't think that we can wait any longer.
01:28Okay, well, we don't have any leads.
01:30I know.
01:31But the longer that she is out there with her father,
01:34the danger to her increases.
01:36Yes, I know.
01:37And you also know that I am not going to let
01:40anything else happen to that girl.
01:42I saw some leftover pasta in the fridge earlier.
01:45You want some?
01:49Dude, what are you looking at?
01:52Charlotte just texted me.
01:54She's in Buenos Aires.
01:56Whoa, you got to tell your mom.
01:58No, I can't.
02:00You ever think about coming clean to Lulu
02:02about what happened that summer?
02:04Oh, man, I don't know.
02:06That was, that was a long time ago.
02:09And that was over before it even started.
02:12And we never even saw each other again after that.
02:14I mean, I went back to Bensonhurst, Brooklyn.
02:16She went on tour with her mom.
02:18Did you want to see her again?
02:20I don't know, dude.
02:21I mean, we were kids.
02:23It was a summer.
02:24It's not like anything came of it.
02:25Well, what if, I mean,
02:27what if something did come of it?
02:30Oh, look, your friend is back.
02:32You got any more jobs for him to do?
02:33I'll just return this.
02:35I was going to leave it in front of the door,
02:37but it was cold, and we got cold,
02:38and we were hoping we could warm up in here.
02:41And I would love to see the horses.
02:44Ah, well, go for it.
02:46You read a comedy's horoscope for tomorrow.
02:49Maybe your friend for life is such a Virgo.
02:52Yeah, I'll blow it up on my phone.
02:54All right.
03:00I like her.
03:02And his granddaughter.
03:03Yeah, she's great.
03:05Anyway, what were you going to say before?
03:09Ever since you dumped Lucy,
03:12things have not been the same at Deception.
03:14I was thinking, you guys should reconnect.
03:17Get some closure, you know, whatever.
03:19But the future of our business really depends on it,
03:21so why don't we go to my office
03:24and discuss some details?
03:26Hang on.
03:27Maxie, what exactly is going on here?
03:31Not a thing going on.
03:35Where's Lulu?
03:44Dante Falconeri.
03:50Not listed on birth certificate?
04:01Good evening, ladies.
04:03Pleasant surprise seeing you here, Felicia.
04:06Okay, um, well, I just got here myself,
04:08so why don't we sit?
04:10Felicia, it was good to see you.
04:11Have a nice evening.
04:13Don't do anything I wouldn't do.
04:24You are looking particularly lovely this evening.
04:28You don't look half bad yourself.
04:30Well, in spite of that,
04:31it would seem Miss Scorpio doesn't like me very much.
04:35I hope you won't let her sway your opinion of me.
04:38Felicia's great.
04:40She was my mom's best friend.
04:41But she never came to my house to fix my plumbing.
04:44Well, I'm glad to hear that.
04:46I'm not easily swayed.
04:49I make up my own mind about people.
04:51And I think I know you a little better than Felicia does.
04:54Oh, unquestionably.
04:58Excuse me.
04:59Go ahead.
05:00I'm gonna check and see what Jocelyn's doing on Easter Island.
05:21What happened, Felicia?
05:23Someone knows that I altered Heather Webber's test results.
05:27And they're blackmailing me.
05:30You know, when I got Rick to let it alone
05:33and dig further into those test results,
05:35I figured it would be over.
05:36No, no, no, no.
05:37Brad Cooper knows.
05:38He was the lab tech assigned to review the results.
05:41And now ever since, I've been at his whim.
05:44He's at a medical symposium in Miami right now because he knows.
05:48Oh, it's gotta be awful being under that little worm's thumb.
05:52It's worse than awful.
05:54Brad must have told someone
05:56because now Drew Quartermain is threatening to go to the police.
06:01Valentin has a kill order out on him.
06:04Since when?
06:05Since he attacked Brennan in Europe.
06:07Didn't Carly tell you?
06:08No, she didn't.
06:09How is she even involved?
06:11I don't know.
06:12From what I understand, she was there when Brennan was attacked.
06:14In fact, I believe she saved his life.
06:17Why am I hearing this for the first time right now?
06:19I don't know.
06:20I thought the two of you told each other everything.
06:21Well, apparently not when it comes to Brennan.
06:23So you're telling me Brennan sent the WSB dogs out on Valentin?
06:27And if the WSB assassins are looking for him and Charlotte is with him,
06:31she could be collateral damage.
06:33Or she gets to watch her father be killed right in front of her.
06:37Okay, I'm gonna talk to Spinelli again.
06:39I know he has alerts already set if Valentin or Charlotte's name comes up online.
06:43I've been hitting up everyone and I've got nothing.
06:47I don't know what else to do.
06:50But if something comes up, I'll be ready to go.
06:57We just need a lead.
06:59When Charlotte called me at Christmas, my mom, she took off and went looking for her on her own.
07:03She almost got shot.
07:04Yeah, I know.
07:05She and your dad got in a huge fight about it too.
07:08It was epic.
07:10And it was all for nothing.
07:11After all of that, Charlotte just wanted to stay with Valentin.
07:15She won't accept the fact that her dad is bad news.
07:19Maybe he's not to her.
07:21But from her text, it sounds like she's having a great time and she probably is.
07:26So you're not gonna do anything?
07:27You're just gonna keep quiet?
07:30I mean, it's just, everything changed that summer, you know?
07:34You never came back to camp.
07:37Yeah, I got a job.
07:39I actually paid real money, not like being a counselor in training.
07:43Are you telling me that all the friendship bracelets you could make wasn't payment enough?
07:48Plus Brooklyn, she just kind of disappeared, right?
07:50I don't think she even said goodbye when she left.
07:53Yeah, well, it's like you said, you know, we were just kids.
07:56So back then, you get an idea, you just go for it.
07:59And anything could have set Brooklyn off.
08:01She was wild.
08:02Thank you so much.
08:03The horses were great.
08:04Once you get used to the smell.
08:06Okay, Bensonhurst.
08:07That's right.
08:08Oh, and just so you know, Comet's horoscope said that he should keep himself open to new opportunities tomorrow.
08:12I'll make a note.
08:14Do you ride?
08:15Taking some lessons.
08:17Yeah, so did this guy back in camp.
08:19He was hopeless.
08:20You guys went to camp together?
08:21Yeah, that's how we met.
08:23That's cool.
08:24How many years?
08:25Started in junior high, so four.
08:27Four years.
08:28It was cool, aside from the horses and stuff.
08:32Yeah, Brooklyn and Cody and me, we were counselors in training.
08:36Oh, you all went to the same camp.
08:37We did, didn't we, Lois?
08:39Uh, yeah.
08:42I must have raved about it so much that Brooklyn ended up going to our sister camp.
08:47Oh, yeah, good old Camp Martha.
08:50My God, I bet you have all kinds of stories.
08:55Why would you be asking me about Lulu?
08:58And why would you think she'd be here?
09:01No, not here.
09:03She told me a couple hours ago, and Laura, that she was going to have dinner with you at the surf lodge.
09:10Well, see, I must have forgotten all about dinner because of the Lucian deception stuff.
09:15See what it's costing me, Martin?
09:18A dinner, and probably a fight with my bestie.
09:21But I would really like to discuss this in my office where no one could overhear us.
09:41High school.
09:43Kid pregnancy.
09:47Baby boy.
09:54Maxie, I'd be the first person to admit that Lucy is definitely a handful, okay?
09:58But the fact is, we are done.
10:00Now, if you'll excuse me, the reason I left Laura's is because I am getting a headache.
10:05Martin, wait!
10:11I still need to talk to you.
10:13Not about Lucy.
10:16Because I would like to hire you.
10:18For what?
10:19Uh, nuisance lawsuits.
10:22Patent infringements.
10:23Intellectual theft.
10:25All bogus, of course.
10:26But you know, those people do need to be dealt with.
10:28And you're just the man to do it.
10:30Maxie, I'm going to save you some time, okay?
10:32Me, Tracy, deception, never going to happen.
10:35We've got a love-hate relationship.
10:37We love to hate each other.
10:38Tracy doesn't make the decisions.
10:40I do.
10:42Which is why I think we should go discuss billable hours.
10:46Well, why didn't you say so?
10:48You know, you could have led with that.
10:49I wish I had.
11:05What does Drew want from you?
11:07Well, Drew was chasing a seat on the Appropriations Committee.
11:10And Curtis convinced an influential congressman to block his appointment to the committee.
11:16Okay, so let me guess.
11:17Drew wants Curtis to go back and say he made a mistake,
11:19that Drew is an awesome guy after all,
11:22and he should be on all the committees.
11:24Yes, yes, that's exactly right.
11:26Well, I am so sorry, Portia.
11:27I do not have anything you can use against Drew.
11:30I don't care about Drew.
11:31Only thing I care about is Curtis.
11:34Look, I told him that I altered Heather's test results, okay?
11:38But I didn't tell him that Brad was blackmailing me.
11:42And I'm afraid to tell him that.
11:43Because Curtis hates secrets so much.
11:47I don't think you have any choice but to tell him.
11:50No, no, no, no, no, I can't.
11:52When he found out that Trina was his daughter,
11:55it almost destroyed our marriage.
11:57But he forgave you.
11:58He gave me a second chance.
12:01That's what he did.
12:03I don't know if he will give me a third.
12:06Look, I want to help you.
12:08I do.
12:09What do you need?
12:10I need your advice.
12:11What do I do?
12:12What do I do?
12:14Do I keep quiet about Drew?
12:17Or should I tell Curtis the truth?
12:21So what was it like being camp counselors together?
12:23I wouldn't know, actually.
12:25I didn't go back to camp.
12:26Neither did Brooklyn.
12:29You know, it was nice seeing you all.
12:31But I'm going to get going, okay?
12:33Wait, wait, wait, Lois.
12:34Lois, did you need something?
12:36No, no, no, I don't.
12:38You know, I just want to get warm.
12:40It was such a beautiful night,
12:42and I thought I would take a walk,
12:43but you know what?
12:44It's a lot colder outside than I thought it was.
12:46I've been there.
12:47Yeah, I'm going to go.
12:48Okay, here.
12:49Bye, bye.
12:50See ya.
12:52I didn't even get to tell her
12:53how much I liked her being the face of Deception.
12:56And weren't you the guy?
12:58Oh, yes, he was.
12:59You are in the company of a male model right now.
13:02Brand ambassador, thank you.
13:04Well, my grandmother thinks
13:05that I should intern at Deception.
13:07Was it fun?
13:08Brooklyn and Maxie are great.
13:11Lucy, Lucy's a little high-strung,
13:13but you know, for the most part,
13:16they're great bosses.
13:18So why'd you leave?
13:19That just wasn't me.
13:21I never got comfortable in front of the camera either.
13:24Not like this guy.
13:25Throw him on a 50-yard line
13:26in front of a bunch of screaming fans,
13:28he's as cool as a cucumber.
13:30He's always been like that.
13:32As a kid, lights up in front of everybody.
13:34What can I say?
13:35I love making music.
13:36You know what?
13:37Brooklyn loved to do that, too.
13:38Must be a family trait.
13:43I'm just curious, though.
13:44What about the legal team
13:45that you already have in place?
13:47Well, don't say this to anyone,
13:49but I feel like they're kind of lacking
13:52in that department.
13:53Well, it is in my wheelhouse,
13:55but I don't get it.
13:58What's the...
13:59What's with the urgency?
14:00I mean, why do we have to talk about this tonight?
14:02Because of Lulu.
14:04So, uh,
14:05how's everything going with Jocelyn?
14:08I mean, she sent me these amazing pictures,
14:10and it's crazy.
14:11This trip to Easter Island came up
14:12because someone canceled at the last minute,
14:14and luckily Jocelyn was all caught up on the material
14:17and ready to go.
14:18And it's perfect timing, you know,
14:20given everything that happened with Dex.
14:22It seems like she's having a blast.
14:26I'm really glad everything's working out.
14:28Me, too.
14:29Me, too.
14:36Oh, come on.
14:39Are you there?
14:40It's me, Lois.
14:55How am I supposed to live with myself
14:57if I'm forced to manipulate Curtis
15:00on Drew's behalf?
15:03You know,
15:05you might feel better
15:06if you just tell Curtis the truth.
15:10Even if it costs you everything.
15:13Even if it costs you your marriage.
15:19Is everything okay?
15:23Spinelli says we are out of peanut butter.
15:25That and I blew off Lulu.
15:27Tragedy abounds.
15:29Speaking of Lulu,
15:30she works at Deception now?
15:32Yeah, she does.
15:33Well, just so you know, Maxie,
15:35I don't think she's going to be too comfortable
15:36with the idea of me working there.
15:39Because she doesn't like me.
15:41Well, if you take us on as a client,
15:43you will get to spend more time with her.
15:46And then what?
15:47I wear her down?
15:49Yeah, whatever it takes.
15:50I mean, you could convince her
15:51you are nothing like your brother.
15:55Not bad.
15:57Yeah, it's worth a shot.
15:58I'm in.
16:00Welcome to Deception.
16:02Now, if you'll excuse me,
16:04it has been such a long day.
16:13Could you go to the bar
16:14and get me some club soda?
16:15Hurry, before my shirt stains.
16:30Okay, Maxie, I heard you.
16:32Okay, Maxie, I heard you.
17:28What's going on?
17:35That's why I brought my gun?
17:37I specifically told you not to.
17:41I thought that was code or something.
17:43Yeah, I can see that.
17:47You know I have a job.
17:48I know.
17:49But you have to eat,
17:50and I thought now would be a good time.
17:52And that worries me.
17:55Bobby wouldn't want Carly
17:56anywhere near someone like Brennan.
17:59Well, I guess
18:00you knew Bobby better than anyone, yeah?
18:02And you have known Brennan for a very long time,
18:04so tell me what you think of him.
18:07Well, he's a ruthless agent.
18:10And I think he's only concerned
18:12with getting the job done.
18:13He doesn't really care how.
18:15Lives in that kind of grey area
18:17when it comes to legality and morality, you know?
18:20But he's, he's brilliant.
18:23And obviously quite charming.
18:26You see, that's the same vibe that I got.
18:29What are we going to do about it?
18:30What? Nothing.
18:32I mean, Carly is a grown woman.
18:33She can take care of herself.
18:34But there's a roof being smashed.
18:35Okay, look,
18:36when has anyone ever succeeded
18:38in stopping Carly from doing something she wanted to?
18:40Like, never.
18:44I could use a drink.
18:45Oh, God, I need two.
18:47What's going on with you?
18:51Listen, I was thinking,
18:53why should Jocelyn have all the fun?
18:56Why don't you and I take the WSB jet
18:59and go and have dinner in Paris this weekend?
19:02You want to go to Paris?
19:04Yeah, we could stay overnight.
19:06Maybe squeeze in a breakfast.
19:08What do you think?
19:10Jack Brennan!
19:12You don't call, you don't write.
19:15What's a woman to think?
19:21I remember watching Brooklyn perform when I was a kid.
19:24Why doesn't she sing anymore?
19:26She was attacked and her vocal cords were damaged.
19:29Yeah, it was awful.
19:31Yeah, she still writes, though.
19:32She's great, too.
19:34I don't know what I'd do
19:35if I couldn't play the violin anymore.
19:37You're not going to have to think about that.
19:39What would you be doing at Deception
19:41if you ended up working there, Emma?
19:44Yeah, I'd work in the lab
19:45where they develop all the new products.
19:47I think it could be fun.
19:49Speaking of fun, I need to go home.
19:52I live with my grandmother now.
19:54Oh, you live with the police commissioner.
19:56You are having fun.
19:57Let me walk you to your car.
20:01See ya.
20:03See ya, bud.
20:07What do you think of those two?
20:09Oh, I think that kid is in over his head with Emma.
20:12Nah, I got it covered.
20:14I'll give him some tips.
20:15Oh, yeah, that's going to help.
20:17Honestly, man, I don't even know what I would do
20:19when the day Rocco falls in love with someone.
20:21Yeah, I do.
20:22I can let Lulu handle it.
20:23No, send the lad to me.
20:25No, give him some advice.
20:26I'll teach him the way.
20:27No, no son of mine is ever going to get love advice
20:30or any other kind of advice from you.
20:32My mom would never forgive me
20:34if she found out I knew where Charlotte was
20:35and didn't tell her.
20:37But I'm afraid if she goes after Charlotte,
20:40she might not come back.
20:41I don't want to lose my mom again.
20:43You think whoever is going after Valentine
20:45might end up killing your mom?
20:48Or maybe she'll just keep going after Charlotte.
20:50She's saying she should have never left her in Prague.
20:54Am I being totally selfish here?
20:57You just got your mom back.
20:58I mean, I'd do anything to get mine back.
21:00But what if something happens to your sister?
21:04I'm worried about her too.
21:05I don't know what to do.
21:08Hey guys, what's up?
21:12Charlotte just messaged Rocco.
21:14We know where she is.
21:17I can't even imagine my life without Curtis.
21:21And the last time something like this happened,
21:23not only did I lose him, but I almost lost Trina.
21:29What if Trina feels like she has to pick sides?
21:32No, no, no.
21:33You are getting ahead of yourself.
21:35Are you sure that you'll lose your medical license
21:38and be prosecuted if Drew goes to the police?
21:43No, you have to go to law school.
21:45No, you have to go to a lawyer.
21:46You have to know for sure.
21:48You should talk to mine.
21:49Rick Lansing.
21:50You mean talk to Rick Lansing, Heather Weber's lawyer?
21:53That's a conflict of interest.
21:55Well, no, not necessarily.
21:56I mean, Heather is free now.
21:58If your little scheme had worked,
21:59then it might be a different story.
22:02I can't let Drew use me to manipulate Curtis.
22:05Well, until you talk to somebody,
22:07and until you have a plan,
22:09just let Drew think he's won.
22:12Let him think that you're doing more than you actually are.
22:15That way your secret is safe,
22:17and you can minimize how much you manipulate Curtis.
22:23It's a pleasure to see you.
22:25I couldn't believe it when I spotted you here.
22:27It has been far too long.
22:29It certainly has.
22:30Now, this is Carly Spencer, the owner of the establishment.
22:33Oh, I see. Hi.
22:35It is a fabulous hotel,
22:36and I always love to see another woman in charge.
22:41You still have my number, don't you?
22:42Oh, I'm quite certain I do.
22:44Then use it and call me.
22:49So, Paris?
22:53I can't go to Paris,
22:54because I am the owner of this establishment,
22:57and I have a lot of responsibility.
22:59In fact, I have many things that I have to do right now.
23:02What's going on?
23:04You stay, because I'm going to comp your meal.
23:07Have a good night.
23:14What's going on?
23:20I'm really worried about Charlotte Cassidyne.
23:23Has there been any news?
23:26That's what's so frustrating, you know.
23:28The longer she's out there with her father,
23:31the more dangerous her situation becomes.
23:36I kind of...
23:37I wish that I had played things a little differently,
23:42where Valentine's concerned.
23:45Because every time my phone rings,
23:47I just feel like it's someone calling to say
23:50that Charlotte's been seriously hurt.
23:53Then do something.
23:55There is no one better equipped to take action
23:57and get the job done than you, Anna.
24:00So act. Get it done.
24:08Hey, Lulu.
24:09You just missed Dante.
24:10He's up at the house.
24:12I actually came to see you.
24:14I need a break.
24:15From what?
24:16From spending every conversation I have with someone
24:18trying to figure out what I missed the past four years.
24:22With you, it's simpler.
24:25Thank you?
24:26It just means that we are starting to get to know each other.
24:32Got any more of those?
24:34Not here, but I'll see what I can find.
24:58High school.
25:04Well, Martin, thanks to you,
25:07my very cute blouse lives to fight another day.
25:11You should go now and relax.
25:15We could go through details tomorrow.
25:18Bye! It was great talking to you.
25:26Ah, Morton!
25:28What a surprise!
25:29Can we talk?
25:30I actually am on my way up to my room.
25:33I'll come with you. Come on.
25:36Hi, honey.
25:39You going to tell me what that was about?
25:43Savor it. This is my last one.
25:46Thanks for sharing, Martin.
25:48And I'll replace it.
25:53So, you and Dante, you've been friends a long time, right?
25:56Yeah. Yeah, we have.
25:59What was he like in high school?
26:01I couldn't tell you. I only knew him from camp back then.
26:05I have a hard time picturing Dante in camp.
26:09I could tell you some stories.
26:11I'll bet.
26:13Oh, and did I hear right, was Brooklyn there, too?
26:15You did. She was.
26:18It's hard to imagine two people less suited for woodland activities.
26:22Well, she only made it one summer.
26:25One summer's all it takes.
26:28Is this the first time she's messaged you since Christmas?
26:32Does anybody else know?
26:34Rocco's worried that his mom will get hurt if she finds out and goes after his sister.
26:38You did the right thing by telling me.
26:41I'm going to go get Charlotte, but you cannot tell anybody.
26:43But my mom, my mom, she doesn't-
26:44I know your mom wants Charlotte back, but she doesn't have to be the one to get her, okay?
26:48I can do that. The more people who know where Charlotte is, the more we risk things going wrong.
26:54Thanks, Dad.
26:55Dad, I knew you know what to do.
26:59Rocco, I'm going to bring your sister back.
27:03I promise.
27:10Be safe, okay?
27:13See you soon.
27:21How could you do that? You had no right to tell your dad!
27:26I'm sorry.
27:31Where are you?
27:32I'm here at the Metro Court. I'm just leaving, actually.
27:34No, stay there. I'm on my way. I've got to lead on Charlotte.
27:44What are you talking about? My dad's the perfect person to go after Charlotte. Why wouldn't I tell him?
27:48Because it wasn't your secret to tell! Charlotte reached out to me! She's my sister, and it was my-
27:52You asked me what to do!
27:54I didn't ask you for advice! I did not ask you to turn around and blurb it all out to your dad!
27:57Stop overreacting! I was just trying to help, because that's all my family ever does for you, because family helps family!
28:02What is that supposed to mean?
28:04Like you don't know!
28:05Hey, hey, hey! What's going on? What's going on?
28:09You want to tell me what this is all about?
28:15Lois, would you just calm down? What is it? What happened?
28:18Dad, I just walked in on Dante and Gio talking to their friends about how Dante and Brooklyn went to summer camp together.
28:26The summer camp where they-
28:28Yes, yes, yes! And if it ever gets out that Dante and Brooklyn are Gio's parents, it would just- it would ruin everything.
28:34I know.
28:35And everyone, and I need to protect my family.
28:37Okay, okay. So how do I help?
28:39I-I-I just- could I just have the notes back, please, from when we talked? It's just- it's too risky.
28:44Lois, it's fine! They've been safe in my hotel room the entire time!
28:47I would feel better, okay? Please!
28:49Okay, okay, fine.
28:53You have it your way.
28:56Maybe I'll help you sleep at night.
29:00Okay. Okay, okay.
29:05What is it? What's wrong?
29:10That's kind of a weird thing to say.
29:14Brooklyn and I never got alone.
29:17She was always so possessive of Dante and their Bensonhurst roots.
29:23Kind of felt left out, you know?
29:26But now that I know what happened that summer, I understand where it all came from.
29:32What happened?
29:35Relax. Brooklyn told me.
29:38I can't imagine going through that as a teen.
29:42Explains a lot.
29:44Yeah, I mean, it was intense.
29:47I just- I never thought Brooklyn would tell anyone, much less you.
29:53I guess, um, everything that she and Chase are going through trying to have a baby stirred everything up.
30:00I just happened to be there when it came out.
30:03I guess I could see that happening.
30:06It was a rough time.
30:07It was a rough time.
30:12Carly, you're so stupid! God, why did you do that?
30:19How did you find me?
30:21I'm a spy.
30:22Of course. Can you please go? Please? This is humiliating enough.
30:26Carly, I don't understand what happened, and I really don't understand why you're humiliated.
30:31Is this about Vivian?
30:32You know what? Yes. Are you happy now? Can you go? I didn't need you to follow me.
30:37Just tell me what's happening.
30:39What's happening?
30:41What's happening is that we're feeling two different things, okay?
30:44And that's fine with me. I know your lifestyle, and I had no expectation about whatever is happening.
30:49Can you please go, Jack? Just go.
30:51Carly, you really gotta help me out here. Where is this coming from?
30:55You really need me to spell this out for you.
30:58You should be with someone like Vivian. You should. Someone who's fun, with no strings attached.
31:03Because I can't do that, and I don't want to do that.
31:07And I know that I was crazy to think there was something else going on between us.
31:10Carly, there is something else going on.
31:19Had to have been such a shock.
31:20Had to have been such a shock.
31:24I had never seen her so scared.
31:28She came to me, and she begged me to drive her to the bus station so she could go home.
31:36It's a good thing she had you.
31:39But she never told Dante?
31:44And neither did you.
31:45Brooklyn was so desperate.
31:47She told me she never wanted Dante to know about her pregnancy, so I promised her I'd never tell anyone.
31:54And I never did.
32:00I told Danny that I liked this girl named Renee, and Danny just turned around and told her.
32:06I did not. I was just trying to see if she was interested in you too, but I didn't give you up.
32:11You did what you did without asking me if it was okay, and that's not okay.
32:14I told you it was a secret.
32:16You are my brother, and I care about you.
32:19And I will always have your back.
32:23It sounds like maybe in the future, he doesn't want you to talk to this girl without him knowing.
32:28And for you, he was just trying to help.
32:34We cool? We like, shake hands and forgive each other?
32:40We're family.
32:42Alright, we gotta stick together.
32:47I can't even imagine being tied to Drew in this way.
32:50Pretending to be compliant and complicit?
32:53It makes me sick to my stomach.
32:55There is no good solution here.
32:58I'm sorry.
33:00I'm sorry.
33:02I'm sorry.
33:04I'm sorry.
33:05There is no good solution here.
33:08Unless Drew's dead.
33:11I know you're hesitant, but please talk to Rick.
33:14You'll have lawyer-client privilege, and he might have an idea that we haven't thought of.
33:19You know, he's a very unconventional thinker.
33:23I'll think about it.
33:24Okay, good.
33:26Ultimately, it comes down to this.
33:29Which is more awful?
33:31Doing Drew's bidding?
33:33Losing Curtis?
33:40What have you got?
33:41So, Charlotte reached out to Rocco. She's in Buenos Aires.
33:44Well, let's go. Let's go.
33:48Does anyone else know?
33:50Does Lulu know?
33:51No. And we gotta find Charlotte before she finds out.
33:53Oh, yes. Oh, thank you.
33:56This means so much to me.
33:59If I can bring Charlotte back to Lulu, I...
34:02Maybe you'll be able to forgive yourself.
34:13We'll get her back.
34:17When you came to me, and you told me you didn't want to fling, that was my cue to leave.
34:21It's what I've always done.
34:23But what did I do?
34:24I asked you to dinner.
34:26And then you acted available when Vivian started hitting on you.
34:29Look, I know how to work a woman like Vivian, and it's with charm.
34:34At this point in my career, it's instinctual.
34:36Okay, well, that's not helping.
34:38But I have no idea how to act when I'm with you.
34:40That's my point. We want two different things.
34:42No, we don't.
34:45I don't want to let you go.
34:47Then what do you want?
34:50Because I can't do casual with you.
34:56Just get it.
34:57It's okay.