00:00Alright, come on in, you must be exhausted, we'll get you settled in.
00:14Don't touch me!
00:15I'm sorry.
00:16Papa's running for his life, and it is all your fault.
00:19Please, please tell me you have some good news for me, are you coming to work at the
00:24I can't thank you and Olivia enough for the offer, and believe me, I was tempted.
00:28Yeah, that sounds like a no.
00:31I have decided to stay with the Court of Aids.
00:33I hope you're not mad.
00:35Oh, no, I'm not mad, it's your life, you should do whatever you want with it.
00:39That's a really refreshing take, but I have to say I'm surprised, the last time we talked
00:44you were at your wits' end.
00:45What changed?
00:48Hey, what happened to meeting at the restaurant?
00:56I got off work early, so I thought I would come and surprise you.
01:03I wanted to see you in your natural habitat.
01:07You were born for this, babe.
01:12Drew must really be missing this place.
01:15Probably, but Drew has no one to blame for that but himself.
01:19Well, I hope you have a free cell, since nothing can be done about this until morning.
01:23Done about what?
01:26Your attack on Mr. Evans, the county surveyor.
01:29I didn't even touch him.
01:32Well, I wonder how that's going to hold up in court.
01:34You are despicable.
01:36I can't believe you descend from my brother, Alan.
01:38I'm so sorry to disappoint.
01:42Disappointment is the least of it.
01:43You know I miss my brother, Alan, every single day.
01:47He was taken from us way too soon, but I think there was a silver lining.
01:53He never had to meet you.
01:56Thank you for coming.
01:57You sounded panicked.
01:58I am.
01:59Things are rapidly spinning out of control.
02:00And just when you think spring is around the corner, bam, you are hit with the second
02:02You know, I don't think it's necessary to stay and guard the whole night.
02:03I highly doubt anyone's going to bulldoze the place.
02:04I know you have to go, but I'm staying.
02:05I told Tracy I would.
02:06You weren't going to freeze to death.
02:07I'll be fine.
02:08Okay, Bensonhurst.
02:09I'll be fine.
02:10I'll be fine.
02:11I'll be fine.
02:12I'll be fine.
02:13I'll be fine.
02:14I'll be fine.
02:15I'll be fine.
02:16I'll be fine.
02:17I'll be fine.
02:18I'll be fine.
02:19I told Tracy I would.
02:20You weren't going to freeze to death.
02:21I'll be fine.
02:22Okay, Bensonhurst.
02:23Have you ever camped or spent the night outside before?
02:29But it's not like I'm far from the house in case I need anything.
02:31I just got the best idea.
02:34Do not go anywhere.
02:35I'm going to be right back.
02:39I was looking for Maxie.
02:41I definitely didn't expect to find you here.
02:44Well, James, he broke his arm.
02:48Oh, no, is he okay?
02:49Yeah, he's fine. He's got a cast, but Maxine Spinelli took him and Georgie out for some
02:53constellation ice cream, and it was already past Bailey Lou's bedtime, so I guess I'm
02:57the babysitter, if you can believe that.
03:00Yeah, I can. You're great with kids, Dante. That's why you're such an amazing father.
03:07What haven't you told me about my child? Brooklyn, what do you mean? Where's this coming from?
03:14Martin Gray has an entire file on my baby, Ma.
03:17Who told you that? Martin?
03:19No, you talk to Martin. He knows that Dante's the father. You told Martin Gray I had a son, Ma? Why?
03:28Hello. Hi. The housekeeper said you would be in here, and what in the Bensonhurst is going on here?
03:44Thanks. I appreciate that.
04:01Well, it's true.
04:04You know, you're a great mom. I hope you know that. Seeing you with Rocco has been incredible, seeing you guys connect again.
04:16I thought so, too, at first, but the last couple days have been really weird. It's like Rocco can't even be in the same room as me. Have you noticed that?
04:27Yeah, I have, actually.
04:30So I'm not crazy.
04:32No, and it's like he's a good student and everything, but for him to bail on dinner with you and Laura for homework?
04:37Right? You know, maybe I'm just making a bigger deal out of it. He probably just prefers Sasha's cooking. I do.
04:45You know what? That kid would eat dirt if it meant hanging out with you. There's got to be something else.
04:52I have an idea of what it might be, but I'm too scared to say it out loud.
04:57Spencer's not scared of anything.
05:01I have been so preoccupied with finding Charlotte. Maybe Rocco feels like I'm choosing his sister over him.
05:09I have forgiven you for a lot of things, but I will never forgive you for using my papa and driving him away.
05:15Oh, there's a lot of things that you don't understand about this.
05:17No, no. I understand perfectly. You betrayed my papa and sent the WSP after him. Everything that has gone wrong is because of you.
05:27Charlotte, you're upset and you have every right to be.
05:29Thank you so much for your permission.
05:31Please, Charlotte.
05:32No. Anna, you have finally done it. You ruined my father's life and mine too. I hate you.
05:40Charlotte, can you just give us a minute? Please.
05:48Yeah, I'll be on the balcony.
05:57Thank you. I don't think I could have spent another minute in that room with her.
06:01Charlotte, you can hate Anna all you want.
06:03Thanks. I will.
06:05But she's the reason you and your dad are still alive.
06:08You're right. Drew dug his own grave.
06:11With an excavator.
06:14It still astonishes me the way he's treated his family and friends.
06:18To think of how grateful I was to him for helping rescue Trina.
06:22Feels like a lifetime ago, doesn't it?
06:24I didn't think it was possible for a person to change that much.
06:28I was completely thrown off by Drew's transformation, but you...
06:32Babe, you took it in stride.
06:35You didn't lose a step.
06:37Drew went shady, you did what needed to be done, and you won.
06:40Well, I'm not sure Drew would agree with that, but here's hoping.
06:44Well, maybe that should be the end of it.
06:47What do you mean?
06:49Do you really want Drew as an enemy?
06:51You got what you wanted. He's out. You're in.
06:55Maybe this is the perfect time for a truce.
06:58You say that like it's up to me.
07:00Well, it's not?
07:03I'm not the one that's continuing to fight.
07:06You want peace?
07:08You need to talk to Drew.
07:10The part I don't understand is how did Drew find out
07:14that a portion of the Quartermain Crypt was on publicly owned land?
07:21I may or may not have mentioned something to that effect.
07:25To Drew?
07:26Yes, to Drew. It's my job.
07:28It's my duty to represent my client, right?
07:33Detective Chase?
07:37Rough night?
07:39You could say that.
07:41Anything I can do to help?
07:43Well, the Commissioner's on assignment, Mac's not here,
07:46and I'm being ordered by a U.S. Congressman
07:48to lock up my wife's grandmother in a jail cell.
07:52Don't suppose you could help out with any of that?
07:55I am so sick of this family's hypocrisy.
08:01And I'm so sick of the sound of your voice, and yet here we are.
08:04Every single one of you has lied and cheated and blackmailed
08:08and so on and so on, and all I did was fall in love.
08:12Fall in love?
08:14Falling in love is one thing. Acting on it is an entirely different thing.
08:18With your nephew's wife? Remember that part?
08:22I love the way that detail keeps getting left out of the story.
08:25Why can't you just admit that you hold me to different standards than everybody else?
08:28Oh, I'll readily admit that. I do hold you to different standards.
08:32You're worse. You blew up Willow's marriage.
08:36You betrayed the trust of your nephew, Michael.
08:40And you severely hurt the woman who welcomed you with open arms into her home, Monica.
08:48How was your trip?
08:50It was fine.
08:52Well, you just got in. I'm sure you're hungry.
08:54Sasha's off the clock, but I'll find you something in the kitchen.
08:56Something's going on.
09:00What is it?
09:02It is a personal legal matter, Grandma.
09:07Are you talking about what I think you're talking about?
09:14You were talking to your mother about your baby, weren't you?
09:22What's all this stuff?
09:24Found it in the boathouse, and I think it's gonna work.
09:26The stakeout's about to get a lot more comfortable.
09:32I know I talked a good game, but I wasn't too pumped about freezing my butt off out here.
09:36Yeah, I wouldn't either.
09:38You know I'd stay if I didn't have my animal rights meeting for me.
09:42Don't worry about it. It's good.
09:48Can you believe what a jerk Drew was earlier?
09:51I mean, just the way that he was laying into poor old Tracy like that.
09:53Don't ever let her hear you say that.
09:55The poor part?
09:56The old part. Actually, any part.
09:58Yeah, in the future I'll just go with Tracy.
10:02And Tracy can handle herself.
10:05You don't need to jump into the whole quartermain mess.
10:08It's kind of my thing.
10:10You know, my mom says I'm a born crusader.
10:15I'll never not miss my mom, but at least I know where she is and can visit her whenever I need to.
10:21If someone came out of nowhere, threatened to move her,
10:26I'd probably be in that cell next to Tracy.
10:29You told Grandma?
10:32I'm so sorry, Brooklyn.
10:35I needed someone to confide in.
10:38The whole teenage pregnancy thing, it was a first for both of us and I didn't know how to navigate it.
10:44I just can't believe this.
10:47I just wanted to make sure that you and your baby were protected.
10:51And you've known for all these years and you never said anything to me.
10:54We both thought it was your goal to put this behind you.
11:00I left your past in the past.
11:03I don't understand.
11:05If you wanted to leave my past in the past, then why, after all of these years, did you go talk to a lawyer?
11:12For the very first time, Brooklyn has expressed interest in possibly finding her child.
11:19And I just need to know, is that possible?
11:23I mean, could she get the adoption unsealed?
11:26Unsealed? Could she find out who her child is?
11:29It depends. I mean, your secret should be safe.
11:33You said that my baby was happy.
11:37And that everything was fine.
11:40Is that not true?
11:42It must not be.
11:44Why else would you talk to Martin Gray?
11:47Because I told her to.
11:50Brooke, I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry.
11:53It was a mistake. It was part of a negotiation.
11:56I just wanted to use the information as a bargaining chip to get her to drop the cease and desist.
12:01Except now, Drew wants to have the Quartermain crypt moved.
12:06A bit of a misfire, maybe.
12:08You think?
12:11Do you think these charges against Tracy Quartermain will stick?
12:14They could, if the county surveyor is willing to testify.
12:17But you realize none of this would have happened if she had just given in.
12:21Have you met Tracy Quartermain?
12:23Oh, come on, not you two. What is so special about that stupid name?
12:26It represents her family, and she's protecting it the only way she knows how.
12:31Monica didn't have to welcome you into the family, and you repaid her generosity
12:36by destroying her grandson's marriage and his happiness in favor of your own.
12:43You know what? You don't deserve to be a member of our family.
12:47Why don't you leave poor Charles for good?
12:49Maybe you could give me some tips.
12:51I mean, you've been kicked out of poor Charles on more than one occasion.
12:54By your family, no less.
12:57What makes you think that it couldn't happen again?
13:02I thought about your job offer a lot, but the truth is...
13:07You like working at the Quartermains.
13:09Is that horrible?
13:11No, it's not horrible. I mean, your own kitchen, all that space.
13:15And it's really fun cooking for the kids.
13:17Yeah. What about the rest of them?
13:19They are growing on me.
13:23And I kind of think they need me.
13:25Of course they need you.
13:27Just don't put yourself on the back burner and forget about what you need.
13:31I am in a much better financial position now.
13:35I have negotiated my way into the beginnings of a nest egg for a single mom this big.
13:43Yeah. Financial independence is an achievement and I'm happy for you.
13:49But there is one thing that makes your situation different.
13:53As far as single mothers go.
13:56Your baby's father.
13:59Anna saved your life tonight. And your dad's.
14:02You were there too. Why give her all of the credit? I mean, I bet you didn't even need her help.
14:06You know, Anna was the first one to warn your dad that he was in trouble.
14:10And we were still in poor Charles?
14:12Yeah. Actually, I wanted to turn him in.
14:15And Anna convinced me to give him a head start.
14:18She's the reason that you guys got a chance to run.
14:20And then when your dad got into even more trouble and the WSB was after him,
14:24Anna knew that your dad wouldn't want to keep you safe, so she tracked you down again.
14:27She did that because she felt guilty for shooting me.
14:30Yeah, that's a part of it.
14:32But everybody knows that you're your dad's whole world.
14:35So Anna's protecting you for him because she cares about both of you.
14:40And she's going to do everything she can to keep you safe so you get to feel however you want about her.
14:45But at the very least, she deserves a little respect.
14:49Those guys really would have healed us tonight?
14:52Yeah, they really would have.
14:58Charlotte's sleeping.
14:59Are you sure? She could be pretending in order to run away.
15:03She's not going to get very far.
15:06I need you to do a favor for me.
15:08Uh, okay. I'm listening.
15:11Okay, I want you to take Charlotte and get her back to Port Charles in one piece.
15:16Where will you be?
15:17I'm going to get another hotel room for tonight, and then I will make my own way back to New York.
15:22It's just too hard for her to be around me.
15:25And I think to force her, it just feels sort of, it's kind of cruel.
15:31Would you do that for me?
15:32I will.
15:34But I think you're making a mistake.
15:36You clearly don't need me to tell you what to do.
15:43But I do remember the old Drew.
15:46As distant as he may seem.
15:49I mean, remember him? He was a good guy. He was a hero.
15:52I think that's why he originally ran for Congress in the first place.
15:55Well, whatever Drew's motives were back then,
15:57Obviously, they've changed.
15:58Absolutely. I 100% agree with you.
16:01But, I don't know, maybe we could just let him save face.
16:06Afford him a little bit of dignity.
16:08He'll back off.
16:10I hear what you're saying.
16:13And you don't agree?
16:15Well, you know, Drew's reputation is tarnished.
16:18It's not on me to fix that for him.
16:20But you don't need to rub it in his face.
16:22If you could just accommodate him.
16:25A tiny bit.
16:26It could work out in your favor.
16:30Okay, look. Here's the deal.
16:33I'm furious with Drew.
16:34Rightly so.
16:36But I'm not interested in payback.
16:38Now, obviously, him coming back to Aurora is a non-starter.
16:43But if there's a path to peace, I'm here for it.
16:46As long as he doesn't come back.
16:48But if there's a path to peace, I'm here for it.
16:51As long as the terms are reasonable.
16:54That's all I'm asking for.
16:55Nothing more.
17:00Hey, come in.
17:01Sorry to barge in, but I need to speak to you.
17:03It's important.
17:04What's up?
17:05The situation with Drew has gone from bad to worse.
17:09He is officially out of control.
17:12You may be in the catbird seat right now, Tracy, but...
17:17that's gonna change.
17:18I mean, right now, yes, I'm the black sheep.
17:20I'm on the outside, looking in.
17:23But not for long.
17:24Because as much as you hate to admit it,
17:26I am a quartermane, and I will get my way.
17:29Huh. Is that so?
17:30And you know what happens then?
17:33You're on the outs with your nose pressed up
17:35against the glass, wondering how you got there.
17:37And the answer...
17:38is me.
17:39I'm Hal, and I will relish every second.
17:45Congressman, the mayor would like a word.
17:54Mayor Collins.
17:56It's always a pleasure.
17:57I'm sorry that Tracy dragged you down here this time.
18:00No, that was me.
18:03I am going to tell you the truth.
18:07I am going to urge you to do the right thing here.
18:11Which is what, in your opinion, Madam Mayor?
18:15Stand down.
18:17Drop the charges against Tracy Courtney.
18:20And why would I do that?
18:22May I be blunt?
18:24Because if you don't,
18:25it won't bode well for you politically,
18:28or otherwise.
18:31I don't think Rocco's like that.
18:32I don't think he'd be jealous of Charlotte.
18:36Then what is it?
18:39Well, I thought maybe he was picking up on the tension between me and you.
18:45But you don't think so anymore?
18:47No, I actually think it's simpler than that.
18:49I think he's...
18:53Like you.
18:55And he can see how worried you are about Charlotte,
18:57and in his own weird, non-subtle way,
19:00he's trying to give you space.
19:03I hope you're right.
19:04Well, that's saying something,
19:05because you never want me to be right.
19:09It's just...
19:11It's the strangest feeling, Dante.
19:13I am Rocco's mother.
19:15I've raised him,
19:16but then I miss this pivotal stage of his life,
19:19and then whoosh, I'm out of the loop,
19:21and I know nothing about parenting a teenage boy.
19:24I don't know, I think you're doing great.
19:26Am I, though? Because it doesn't feel like it.
19:28Yeah, but that's the thing with teenagers,
19:29you never feel like you're doing anything right.
19:32I can't imagine what it would be like
19:33to miss out on years of your kid's life.
19:36And you've had to do it twice,
19:37literally both of your children,
19:38you've had to make up for lost time,
19:40and you're doing it with grace,
19:42and love,
19:43and patience.
19:45I don't know about that last one.
19:47Well, I do.
19:49I miss out on that many treasured moments,
19:51I wouldn't be handling it anywhere close to as well as you are.
19:55If you ever got locked up,
19:57I'd buy you a cake,
19:59then I'd hide a file in it,
20:01so you could spring yourself and Tracy.
20:03Tracy has her own file.
20:05It's called the Quartermain Legal Team.
20:09You know, I was pretty intimidated by her at first,
20:11but I like her.
20:13She always gives it to you straight,
20:15even if it's not what you want to hear.
20:17Maybe especially then.
20:21She can take it as good as she gives it.
20:25Tracy actually listens to me.
20:28Well, then I think Tracy sounds pretty smart.
20:32I really wish I could stay and guard the crypt with you.
20:35It's fine.
20:36You got your meeting.
20:37Those lab animals aren't going to free themselves, you know.
20:43But one of these days I'm going to take you on a real camping trip.
20:46I'm all set. This time's enough for me.
20:49No, I'm going to wear you down eventually.
20:51But in the meantime,
20:53please stay warm.
21:00Yeah, I'll try.
21:02I told your mother to consult a lawyer
21:05because I wanted to make sure all of you were protected.
21:09But it was you and your mother
21:12that decided on a closed adoption.
21:15For a reason. For many reasons.
21:17So my baby could have a happy and stable life.
21:20For you too, so you could have a stable and happy life.
21:24We wanted you to have enough time to grow up,
21:28to fall in love,
21:30and then have a family of your own.
21:32Okay, Grandma, but I'm not 16 anymore.
21:35A closed adoption made sense then,
21:38but it's starting to make less sense now.
21:41No, Ma.
21:43I need to know who adopted my son
21:46and where is he.
21:50Carly, I respect your opinion,
21:52and I know you're close to Jason,
21:54but my experience with him has been a little different.
21:59Yeah, he's protective. For sure.
22:01And he will definitely speak his mind
22:03if he thinks you're putting yourself at risk.
22:06But he will never tell you how to be a mother.
22:09I believe that.
22:10And if you or the baby ever need anything,
22:12he'll be there in a heartbeat.
22:14Jason is the most loyal person I know.
22:17Don't do yourself a disservice
22:19and cut him out of your baby's life.
22:21Carly, I know how lucky I am.
22:24Not only am I preparing to have a baby
22:28who I cannot wait to meet,
22:31but the father respects my wishes
22:33and has agreed to support me in any way he can.
22:37It's the second greatest gift he could give me.
22:40Andrew admitted that he was the one
22:42who called the county surveyor in.
22:44Wow. I never thought I'd have sympathy for the Quartermains.
22:48You know, this just sounds like their normal family drama.
22:51I say we do what we always do. Stay out of it.
22:54With all due respect, I disagree.
22:57This isn't about the Quartermains and how dysfunctional they are.
23:00It's about how Drew is abusing his power.
23:03You endorsed him for congressman.
23:05Which clearly was a mistake.
23:07First, he blocks the Esplanade
23:09and attempts to move it for his own personal gain.
23:12And now he's focused on settling a score with his family?
23:16Drew needs to be doing his job.
23:18Enacting laws, securing funding for our schools,
23:21or fulfilling any of the other campaign promises.
23:24The only thing that'll check Drew is public outcry.
23:27Well, it's a good thing that I know somebody
23:30who is the head of a media company.
23:34Look, I don't want to make any promises,
23:37but I will see what I can do.
23:39It's not like I'm making it up.
23:41It's not like I'm attacking the Quartermains for no reason.
23:44They broke the law. The land was public.
23:46They took it without thought.
23:48I mean, don't I owe it to my constituents not to turn a blind eye
23:51just because Tracy's family?
23:53I understand where you're coming from. I do. I do.
23:55But do you really think that putting Tracy Quartermain in jail overnight
24:01is the pathway to justice?
24:04Seems like it.
24:08Tracy can go home.
24:10I will talk to the surveyor, and I'll get him to drop the charges.
24:13Thank you, Drew.
24:14But I will say this.
24:16It's far from over.
24:20Look, Lynn, I can explain.
24:22She doesn't know the details.
24:24But you do.
24:26You know where my son went.
24:28Yes, but I haven't told you.
24:30I know.
24:33You know where my son went.
24:35Yes, but I haven't been in contact since the papers were signed
24:40on a closed adoption.
24:42Okay, but what if I want to find him?
24:45Grandma, you know what Chase and I have been going through
24:48trying to start a family.
24:50What if I gave away the only child I'll ever have?
24:53You may not have raised that boy,
24:55but you are the birth mother,
24:57and now you gotta act like it.
25:00Let that young man be.
25:03You mean that?
25:05Brooklyn, don't put your pain on your son.
25:09You made the right decision years ago.
25:12Abide by it.
25:15You may be right, but it certainly doesn't feel that way right now.
25:24I can't do this.
25:26Lower your voice, Mom.
25:28Do you see how heartbroken she is?
25:30I can't do this to her.
25:32Brooklyn needs to know that Gio is her son.
25:37There's only one person to blame for Valentin's situation,
25:39and that's Valentin.
25:41I don't even know how he's gonna get out of this one.
25:44He may not.
25:48And I don't think Charlotte's in a position to accept any of that.
25:51Well, if she doesn't want to accept it...
25:53Jason, she may be losing her father.
25:56If she doesn't want to blame, they might as well blame me.
25:58That's not what Charlotte needs.
26:00Charlotte needs an example.
26:02She needs to see how somebody makes mistakes
26:04and what they do afterwards.
26:06She sees that you made mistakes,
26:08and that you're being accountable,
26:10and that you're keeping your word to her father.
26:13She doesn't need you to disappear.
26:15I don't think I can do all that.
26:17Not... not given the pain that I put her through.
26:21I've never seen you run before.
26:26Don't start now.
26:29You can't tell Brooklyn the truth.
26:32Don't you think we have to?
26:35Ma, we have held so much from her over the years.
26:38It's not fair, not to Brooklyn and not to Gio.
26:41Honey, Gio knows who he is.
26:44He's Camilla's son.
26:46He worshipped his mother.
26:48Don't take that away from him.
26:50Camilla is dead, Ma.
26:52I'm sorry.
26:54I know that's harsh, but it's the truth.
26:58And Gio's birth mother is right here in the same house with her.
27:02Don't Brooklyn and Gio meet each other?
27:07Hey, Gio.
27:09I saw someone sitting out here. I thought it was a ghost.
27:11What are you doing out here?
27:13Do you want the short version or the long version?
27:16I'm exhausted. Let's go with the short.
27:18Your grandmother got into a fight with a county surveyor,
27:21and Chase had to arrest her.
27:23Who's Chase?
27:24That's the one.
27:25That must have been interesting.
27:28I'm out here standing guard in case someone tried to do something under the cover of darkness.
27:33Did you get all this gear?
27:36The boathouse.
27:38Don't worry, I'll put it all back in the morning.
27:40I'm not worried.
27:43Is it okay if I join you for a little?
27:45Yeah, I'd love the company.
27:56I'm out here keeping my word to Tracy, but why are you?
28:02I just needed some fresh air.
28:06Clear my head.
28:07Is everything okay?
28:11My other grandmother is here.
28:16Well, that's great.
28:18I'm a citizen.
28:20I know my grandma loves me.
28:23She'd do anything for me.
28:25Gloria's solid. You can trust her.
28:28I can't trust her.
28:31And my mom.
28:32But what they are asking me to accept, Gio, it's just really hard to live with.
28:41I owe you an apology.
28:43Uh, no you don't.
28:45No, I feel like I do and you should let me say it because, you know, these don't come around often.
28:53I didn't love the way our last conversation ended.
28:56I was short with you at the court of mains and I shouldn't have been.
28:59I know you were just trying to run interference between me and Brooklyn.
29:02I'm sorry too.
29:04Look at us.
29:06Acting like grown-ups.
29:12I don't think I made anything better by defending Brooklyn either, so that was stupid.
29:19I appreciate that.
29:23Listen, I don't think I've said it enough to just, uh, what an actual miracle it is having you back.
29:31Whether I've seen you laughing with Rocco or freaking out on Brooklyn.
29:35Okay, exaggeration.
29:37It's a little cheesy, but it's like my heart actually skips a beat or something because it's you and you're here after all this time.
29:50We're not going to agree on everything, or anything.
29:56But I want you to know that I don't take for granted you being here.
30:00Dante, I need to tell you something.
30:08Duty calls.
30:10Hold that thought, all right?
30:20For a man of few words, you certainly know how to choose them.
30:22Calling me a coward?
30:24I never said that.
30:25Well, you said that I'm running away.
30:27Are you going to run?
30:29No, no, all right, I'll see it through.
30:33We're going to have to keep an eye on Charlotte.
30:36She's smart, resourceful, and she really believes she's invincible, and that is a dangerous combination.
30:41Do you think the WSB will come back after her?
30:44Valentine's the target.
30:47She should be all right.
30:49I mean, it's saving Charlotte from herself that's going to be the challenge.
30:53Well, I'll take the first watch.
30:59You wake me in three hours?
31:07Carly, I am fully aware that I have it a lot better than most single moms.
31:13I wasn't left high and dry to support a baby on my own.
31:17I asked the father to step back, and he didn't fight me on it.
31:22Okay, but you may change your mind once the baby's born.
31:26Life is a big fan of throwing curved balls our way.
31:30I promise you, if I need any help from the father, I won't hesitate to ask for it.
31:41Honey, let Drew implode all on his own.
31:44Let Tracy and the quarter mains handle him.
31:47This isn't even about my animosity towards him.
31:50I mean, you heard Jordan.
31:51He's failing to represent the people that elected him.
31:54That includes you and me, by the way.
31:57I'm just not going to stand by and watch.
32:04Hey, Brian, I want you to rally the troops.
32:07I want to do a big Aurora media push on Drew Quartermain's abuse of office.
32:14Drew, you're a United States congressman.
32:18I don't think a man like you needs an enemy like Tracy Quartermain.
32:22Everyone else may be afraid of Tracy, not me.
32:28I'm going to break her.
32:40So, uh, would you like the good news or the bad news first?
32:47You can go home tonight.
32:50But unfortunately, I don't think Drew is going to back down about this property issue.
32:54I think you've got a real battle on your hands.
32:57Give me the bad news.
32:59That was the bad news.
33:01Not in my book.
33:02You know, I can't help but feel that your parents would probably say to you right now to choose your battles wisely.
33:09I am.
33:11I will not allow that grifter to steal my family name or to force me to move my parents from their final resting place.
33:19If Drew Cain wants a battle, bring it on.
33:27Well, her brother and sister get ice cream.
33:29There's a little extra playtime is in order, I'd say, huh, Bailey Lou?
33:33You've downplayed your babysitting skills.
33:35This kid loves you.
33:37I know.
33:38She likes the giraffe and the doll, though.
33:41What was it you, uh, you were going to say to me before?
33:46Oh, um, I can't remember.
33:50Must not have been that important.
33:56If you tell Brooklyn Gio is her son, you will ruin three lives.
34:03Brooklyn's, Dante's, and Gio's.
34:07Think of the why.
34:09Why did you make that decision so many years ago?
34:14To protect Brooklyn and her child.
34:18And nothing has changed.
34:21They need you to protect them now.
34:26Sorry I'm being so cryptic.
34:29Well, we are the crypt.
34:34It's just...
34:38I trusted someone.
34:41And they didn't tell me something that they should have.
34:45I can't tell you anything else.
34:49You don't have to.
34:52We can just sit out here, look at the stars, dream of heat.
35:02For what it's worth, I love them.
35:06But I know that Aunt Lois and Gloria are a lot.
35:11You think?
35:13It must feel so nice to have your mom and your grandmother looking out for you.
35:18You must miss your mom so much.
35:23So much.
35:25Every day.
35:27Just know that you got people looking out for you, too, okay?
35:31A whole crazy family.
35:34Whether you like it or not.