• 2 days ago
Andrew Harvey, Strathdownie, and his father Kevin purchased both of the highest-priced bulls Tarcombe Herefords 51st Annual Sale at Ruffy on Tuesday 6 March. Video by Andrew Miller.
00:00So yeah Lot 32, he's one I had earmarked from the field day, I just really like the way he went
00:05about it, nice and soft and then his data goes with how the bull looks, yeah cracking carcass on
00:12him and yeah just really handy data and then yeah the Lot 33 bull, he'll be a heifer bull for us,
00:20again just a really easy doing soft sort of bull with that real carving ease focus
00:25and yeah really excited to see what he can leave for us out of a heifers and
00:30and yeah hopefully that carving ease flows on through through our herd.
00:34So what will they do for your herd do you think, what sort of things they'll bring to it? Yeah so
00:38the the IMF number on both bulls is very very good, I think following data these days it's
00:44very important with eating quality sort of high on everyone's agenda, so yeah the just the eating
00:51quality these bulls will leave and then yeah their growth their growth figures are really
00:55quite good and yeah so that's that's what we hope to get out of them.
