• 5 hours ago
A Mar Capítulo 17 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 17 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 17 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 17 Completo HD
00:00:12Hey, okay
00:00:14Me tiene como revolote ando la cabeza todo el día
00:00:17Y pues bastante angustiado
00:00:21Bolivia necesito que me digas a lo macho
00:00:25Quién es el tipo que le gusta la pelita
00:00:28Soy yo
00:00:33Quieres que veamos una película o mejor un juego de mesa
00:00:40Sí y que tiene uno de preguntas y respuestas está padrísimo
00:00:51Lo voy a buscar
00:01:21Tiene su marcha
00:01:28El mar encuentra su calma escuchando tu voz
00:01:42No sé si fue el destino
00:01:45Pero me dio gusto verte encontrado
00:01:48Y me dio gusto verte pudió salvar la vida porque eres una mujer maravillosa
00:01:57Suelo entiendo
00:02:06De abrazo y lo siento
00:02:15Parece que le extrañas mucho no
00:02:20No soy tonta gabriel me doy cuenta perfecto de lo que pasa
00:02:26No te puedes sacar esa maldita náufraga de la cabeza
00:02:39Es que qué necio es oliver
00:02:41Si nomás necesito que me digas quién es el pescador que le gusta la pelita y ya pa que loco
00:02:47Para que digas que es una más de tu colección no caramba no lo estoy haciendo por mí
00:02:52Lo hago por pascual el es como mi hermano y esto de verdad me tiene rete angustiado oliver necesito que me digas
00:02:59soy yo
00:03:02Pero promete una cosa valentín nadie se puede enterar de esto ni pascual ni perdita ni tus hombres ya vas ya vas ya vas te lo
00:03:15Sí sí caray tú eres el amor imposible de perlita
00:03:22Muy bien papá maneja con cuidado por favor si aquí los espero
00:03:30Todo bien
00:03:32Si pues ya les entregaron las cenizas de mi suegra
00:03:36van a tomar carretera para regresar al pueblo bueno quedó suficiente ceviche para que
00:03:42se n en tu hija y tu papá muchas gracias
00:03:45acompáñala aunque no hablen de nada
00:03:48hazla sentir que estás a su lado
00:03:51Cuando tenía la edad de tu hija hubo una vez que me peleé con mi papá
00:03:56yo quería ser pescadora como él pero me dijo que no que era una vida demasiado dura para una mujer
00:04:03y aunque le encantaba que lo acompañara todos los días al mar
00:04:08El fue el que me convenció para irme a la ciudad de méxico y estudiar una carrera
00:04:16Seguramente no fue nada fácil persuadirte con
00:04:19Con lo mesia que eres
00:04:22Sí se la puse muy difícil eso sí lo reconozco
00:04:26pero me fui tan enojada Fabián
00:04:29y después de un tiempo entendí que todo lo que hizo fue por lo mucho que me amaba
00:04:36que si me alejó de este pueblo y de las olas del mar que me vieron crecer
00:04:41fue porque quería un futuro mejor para mí
00:04:45Y estoy segura de que tu hija va a entender cuánto la quieres y te va a dar la oportunidad de demostrárselo
00:04:56Y ahora tú por qué me miras así
00:05:00Porque es tan natural hablar contigo es como como si te conociera desde siempre
00:05:08Hay estrella es tan sencillo quererte
00:05:12Bueno mejor me voy
00:05:15¿Hasta cuándo vas a seguir escapándote?
00:05:18Si no, no me estoy escapando
00:05:21¿Hasta cuándo vas a seguir negando lo que te pasó conmigo?
00:05:25Por favor no sigas con eso Fabián
00:05:27¿Por qué no?
00:05:29Estrella tú sabes que tiene que llegar el momento de aceptar esto que sentimos
00:05:35Tú lo sabes
00:05:37No, no hay nada que aceptar porque no está pasando nada Fabián
00:05:40Yo creo que sí
00:06:01No entiendo
00:06:03Te encuentro aquí sentado en la cama donde ella dormía todo triste y suspirando
00:06:09¿Qué quieres que piense?
00:06:12Y no me trates como una idiota
00:06:15Sé perfectamente que no puedes dejar de pensar en ella
00:06:20Bueno ya Gabriel
00:06:22Dios mío dime algo
00:06:24Ya está bien Brisa lo reconozco estaba pensando en Marina
00:06:29¿No lo dices así?
00:06:31¿Tan quitado de la pena?
00:06:33Vivió aquí
00:06:35Durmió en este cuarto
00:06:36Vivió con Iker conmigo mientras se recuperaba
00:06:39O sea no me puedo desconectar de un segundo a otro Brisa perdón
00:06:43Esa mujer pasó cosas muy fuertes casi se ahoga
00:06:47¿Le importa Marina?
00:06:49¿Le importa?
00:06:51¿Le importa su bienestar?
00:06:53Si, se me olvida que eres San Gabriel
00:06:56Ay Brisa ya sé que te molesta lo que te estoy diciendo pero es lo que siento
00:07:01No te voy a engañar
00:07:03¿Sabes qué es lo peor de todo?
00:07:04¿Sabes lo peor de todo?
00:07:06Que aunque ella se vaya hasta el fin del mundo
00:07:10Ella va a seguir metida aquí entre nosotros
00:07:14Hasta hacernos pedazos
00:07:16No, no, no tú y yo nos vamos a casar
00:07:20Bonita nos vamos a casar y
00:07:23Y yo voy a ser tu esposo y tú
00:07:26Tú vas a ser mi mujer y ya vamos a estar bien
00:07:29Vamos a estar bien
00:07:32Me encantaría creerte pero te conozco demasiado bien
00:07:37Y sé que te están pasando cosas aunque me jures que no es así
00:07:41Yo sé que hay algo que me ocultas
00:07:45Cada vez que estás cerca de ella para rescatarla para ayudarla para lo que sea
00:07:53Me lastimas Gabriel no te das cuenta
00:07:57No es mi intención
00:07:59No quiero lastimarte Brisa
00:08:00Entonces demuéstramelo
00:08:03Esta naufragada ya se fue de esta casa ya que se las arregle sola como pueda la tipa esa
00:08:09Ya suelta la Gabriel por favor ya déjala ir
00:08:14Toma distancia una vez por todas
00:08:18Por mi
00:08:20Ama por nosotros es lo único que te pido
00:08:24Por favor
00:08:50No Fabián Fabián
00:08:53¿Qué estás haciendo?
00:08:55Algo con lo que estaba soñando que pasara
00:08:58Y sé que tú también
00:08:59No no no no esto no está bien por favor por favor
00:09:03Por favor no te vayas Estrella
00:09:06No todavía
00:09:07Lo siento lo siento pero no puedo no puedo por favor no puedo no no
00:09:10Estrella por favor no ganas nada con huir
00:09:12Absolutamente nada
00:09:14Erika no merece que la lastimemos así
00:09:17Pero es que entre Erika y yo no hay nada
00:09:19Ya declaré que terminamos hace tiempo
00:09:21Es que eso no importa Fabián
00:09:23Así hayan terminado un día o un mes Erika es mi amiga
00:09:27Y ella te sigue amando Fabián
00:09:30Para mí es su razón suficiente para no permitir que esto vuelva a pasar
00:09:35Olvídate de mí ¿sí?
00:09:37Estrella no
00:09:38Date cuenta que esto es imposible
00:09:41Aquí no hay ni habrá nada nunca
00:10:00¿Se puede saber que estabas haciendo a esta hora en casa de Fabián?
00:10:08Porque si me vas a salir con el cuento de un trámite no te creo absolutamente nada
00:10:13Mirame a la cara Estrella
00:10:15Y niégame que tienes algo con él
00:10:44No vivas con miedo
00:10:46Porque mereces amar y ser amada libremente
00:10:50Y con todo tu corazón
00:10:58¿Y ahora qué voy a hacer?
00:11:01Pascual me ve como su hermano mayor
00:11:03Porque justo de todos los pescadores yo soy el que le tengo que gustar
00:11:08Digo, ya que tengo lo mío no la juzgo pero
00:11:13Tampoco es como que sea tu culpa
00:11:15En estas cosas el corazón se manda solo
00:11:18Ya no me digas
00:11:21Oye, ¿y a ti Valentín?
00:11:23¿A ti también te gusta la perdita?
00:11:27¿A mi?
00:11:29No, no, no a mi Mesio
00:11:31Sí, a ti
00:11:33Porque si a ti también te gusta pues el Pascual va a tener que aprechugar
00:11:36Si son tan amigos yo creo que también te quiere ver feliz
00:11:39Estás loco, me cae
00:11:42¿Cómo me va a gustar a mí la perdita?
00:11:45A mí me gusta más así tipo
00:11:47La Marina
00:11:49Ella es la que me mueve el piso
00:11:51Pues entonces pon tierra de por medio
00:11:53Porque para que perdita le dé una oportunidad a Pascual
00:11:57She has to forget you completely.
00:12:06Look at you. You're all nervous. You can't even answer me.
00:12:11Aren't you going to explain to me what the hell you're doing at Fabian's house at this time?
00:12:16Or do you prefer me to imagine the worst? You tell me.
00:12:19I rented him a boat and in return I brought him a ceviche that my mother prepared. That's all.
00:12:25Of all the pretexts that could happen to you, this is the most absurd, Estrella.
00:12:31It's the truth, Erika.
00:12:33You're a liar. That's what you are. I asked you, Estrella.
00:12:37I asked you if you thought Fabian was interested in another woman and you denied it to me.
00:12:42You're the one who's been lying to me, Erika.
00:12:45Telling me that Fabian was your boyfriend when you broke up a long time ago.
00:12:49Well, yes. Yes, I lied to you. And do you know why I did it, Estrella?
00:12:52Why did I do it, Estrella? Because I know you.
00:12:56Because I know how sly you are.
00:13:00Yes, because I knew you were going to get Fabian in your eyes.
00:13:03That you were not going to miss the opportunity to come and offer him to you.
00:13:06And look, I was not wrong. Because here you are.
00:13:09What's wrong with you? I'm not going to let you talk to me like that, Erika.
00:13:12We are friends and I would never do anything to hurt you.
00:13:15But look at you. Look at you, Estrella. If you're not doing it right now, please.
00:13:20You're here with the man I love. You're stealing him from me, please.
00:13:26For the love of my life.
00:13:28You don't care about me at all. Of course not.
00:13:31Because you only think about yourself.
00:13:33And look, look. It's the same.
00:13:35What I feel for Fabian. You're selfish.
00:13:38No, that's not true. Please don't say that, Erika.
00:13:41Oh, no. No, no. Now? Okay.
00:13:44Then tell me. Did you get involved with him or not?
00:13:48Tell me, yes. Don't tell me what.
00:13:50What's going on between you two? And that's it. Tell me.
00:13:53Answer me, Estrella!
00:13:56There's nothing between us, Erika.
00:14:00I repeat. You and I are friends.
00:14:03And for me, friendship comes first.
00:14:05Do you know what's the worst?
00:14:08That I don't believe you at all.
00:14:10You're a hypocrite, Estrella.
00:14:12What a shame.
00:14:14After so many years of knowing each other,
00:14:15you've gotten the worst out of me.
00:14:18And you betray me like this.
00:14:20You're the worst.
00:14:46No, stop!
00:14:48Holy Father!
00:14:50Pari, you scared me.
00:14:53What's wrong?
00:14:57Why are you looking at me like that?
00:14:59Did something happen?
00:15:03Nothing happened.
00:15:05It's just that you know how much I love you.
00:15:15Are you drunk?
00:15:17No. Do I have to be drunk to say what I feel?
00:15:20No, you don't.
00:15:22I want to challenge you, Pascual.
00:15:25You are my brother of the soul.
00:15:28I would take a bullet in the chest for you.
00:15:31Well, and me for you.
00:15:34But we are family.
00:15:37And Valentín Ríos would never do anything to hurt you.
00:15:44We are.
00:15:46I trust you blindly, Pari.
00:15:50That's right, brother.
00:15:52That's right.
00:15:54And I will not fail you.
00:15:56I will never fail you.
00:15:58Come here.
00:16:02Yes, Pari.
00:16:08Look, this necklace looks a lot like Marina's.
00:16:11But that one shines a lot. It's like a diamond.
00:16:15This one looks more like it.
00:16:20How are you still glued to that machine?
00:16:24I'm going to fall asleep, but now...
00:16:27Just look at what time it is.
00:16:29We are doing a very important investigation, Grandma.
00:16:35Please, five more minutes. Just five.
00:16:37Five minutes.
00:16:39Is everything okay, Mom?
00:16:41Yes, sweetie.
00:16:44These kids just don't want to go to bed.
00:16:47Mom, just five more minutes, please.
00:16:50We are looking for clues about the necklace Marina found at the beach house.
00:16:55Okay, five minutes and go to bed. No excuses.
00:17:04Are you okay?
00:17:06You have a face.
00:17:11I'm sorry.
00:17:23Estrella, tell me.
00:17:26Tell me, please, what happened.
00:17:37Fabián kissed me.
00:17:38He kissed me.
00:17:41Holy Virgin!
00:17:43Mommy, Mommy!
00:17:46Yes, yes, yes.
00:17:48I took the ceviche, Mom.
00:17:50We were talking calmly.
00:17:52I don't know how we got to that, but suddenly we kissed, Mom.
00:17:57And I don't know how I felt that I had to run out of your house.
00:18:01And Erika was outside, Mom.
00:18:04I'm sure.
00:18:05I'm sure Erika noticed because I couldn't even look her in the eyes, Mom.
00:18:11Yes, yes, yes, sweetie.
00:18:13Calm down, please.
00:18:15Let's see, Mom, try to prevent this from happening.
00:18:18I couldn't, I really couldn't.
00:18:21I feel a rage with myself that I can't understand.
00:18:25And Fabián confuses me, he really confuses me, Mommy.
00:18:28He moves the floor.
00:18:30And this is stronger than me.
00:18:35Since Sergio left my life, I haven't felt anything like this again, Mommy.
00:19:06What are you doing?
00:19:07Well, why did they hire me?
00:19:08For nothing.
00:19:10They are millionaires.
00:19:12For the moment.
00:19:35We know how to make you laugh.
00:19:36Friday at the end of the Notting.
00:20:05This March 23rd, see you at the finish line.
00:20:08Hashtag, your help counts.
00:20:35I put all the family's money in the bag.
00:20:38And just because you dropped a bag.
00:20:39Let's see, where did you drop it?
00:20:41Stop being a bag.
00:20:42I already told you I'm not going to work.
00:20:44Are you a waiter?
00:20:49In my dear inheritance, we know how to make you laugh.
00:20:52This Thursday at the end of the Notting.
00:20:54From Vanny Susana Escobar Basaldua.
00:20:56A girl who went to a party with her friends.
00:20:59She was seen for the last time on the edge of a road.
00:21:02They voluntarily leave their home.
00:21:06It always ends up being the victim's fault.
00:21:09What are you wearing?
00:21:11Premiere today at the finish line.
00:21:13And from March 6th on VX.
00:21:21No party has won the presidency in the democratic history of this country without allying with a satellite.
00:21:28The supermajority allowed them, but now they depend critically on those votes.
00:21:33It's a power dispute.
00:21:34Totally raw.
00:21:35What's on fire?
00:21:37Third grade, Wednesday.
00:21:38At the finish line with Enrique Acevedo.
00:21:41With the stars.
00:21:43The game of love surprises us all the time.
00:21:46It excites us.
00:21:48That Fiscal Furia.
00:21:49Better be careful with him.
00:21:51There can be nothing between him and me.
00:21:52But he also confronts us and questions us.
00:21:55My family is innocent.
00:21:56Enrique is like my father.
00:21:57He would be incapable.
00:21:58Are you sure?
00:22:00Games of love and power.
00:22:02Starts March 31st, 9.30pm.
00:22:05Start the day with all the information.
00:22:07The news.
00:22:08What happens in each region of Mexico and the world.
00:22:11A quick and practical tour of each story to know.
00:22:16I'm Carlos Hurtado and I'll wait for you in the news.
00:22:18An informative space of NMAS.
00:22:20Monday to Friday at 5.50pm.
00:22:22For the stars.
00:22:27I invite you to participate in the 13th Cardias2DN race.
00:22:30Presented by Humex MIA.
00:22:32So that, like Ximena and all the boys and girls,
00:22:35can receive the medical treatment they need.
00:22:37Sign up now and click on
00:22:40Diagonal Cardias
00:22:42or scan the QR code.
00:22:44This March 23rd, see you at the finish line.
00:22:47Hashtag your help counts.
00:22:49I've been looking for you for two years.
00:22:51For a kiss on a plane.
00:22:53Did you think it would have happened between us?
00:22:56Hello, love.
00:22:58What happened?
00:23:00It bothers me that you have a life with her.
00:23:02But you have yours.
00:23:04You can't love two people at the same time.
00:23:06However, here we are.
00:23:27We know how to make you laugh with
00:23:29Frozen Renta.
00:23:31Saturday, for the stars.
00:23:33The good days start here.
00:23:35At 9, advice, wedding, interviews,
00:23:37and a lot of fun, only today.
00:23:39Nicola wants a slap on the back,
00:23:41she got it.
00:23:43And at 12, recipes, notes,
00:23:45guests, and everything about the famous
00:23:47in Cuéntamelo Ya.
00:23:49The popular DJ Siva Oki
00:23:51paid homage to Paquita, the neighborhood.
00:23:53From Monday to Friday, with the stars.
00:23:54This new school cycle
00:23:56touched you in the coolest living room.
00:23:58It looks like a chorro, friend.
00:24:02Mega epic.
00:24:04And smelly.
00:24:06It smells like elephant fart.
00:24:08The circle.
00:24:10Season 2, new chapters.
00:24:12Available on VIX before anyone else
00:24:14from March 7.
00:24:16And from April 7 to 5.
00:24:25I should hate you for being the daughter of my enemy.
00:24:27But I can not.
00:24:29The only thing I want is to be by your side.
00:24:31I knew you were in Taunta.
00:24:33I already know that our son is alive.
00:24:35If you work under my orders,
00:24:37you can pay off your father's debt.
00:24:39My God, take me before this property
00:24:41goes into the hands of someone else.
00:24:44Monday to Friday, 6.30 pm.
00:24:46There is a phrase.
00:24:48I've been thinking a lot these days and ...
00:24:51What can I do?
00:24:52What can I do?
00:24:54That can give a twist to your life.
00:24:56Is it the stranger?
00:24:58Yes, it's the stranger.
00:25:00With all the cynicism in the world, he told me ...
00:25:02It's that you are not me.
00:25:04It's me.
00:25:06This Sunday, 9 pm.
00:25:08With the stars.
00:25:10I'm destined to fail.
00:25:22Go to Deporte.com
00:25:24Diagonal Cardias or scan the QR code.
00:25:27This March 23, see you at the finish line.
00:25:30Hashtag, your help counts.
00:25:32Get in touch with
00:25:34the hottest sports results.
00:25:41Exclusive interviews.
00:25:43There are things that do not pay off.
00:25:45There are risks that are not worth taking.
00:25:47Analysis and opinions.
00:25:49Contact Deportivo.
00:25:50This Sunday, 9 pm.
00:25:52With the stars.
00:25:54Devan and Susana Escobar Basaldua.
00:25:56A girl who went to a party with her friends.
00:25:59She was seen for the last time on the edge of a road.
00:26:02They voluntarily leave their home.
00:26:05The victim always ends up being guilty.
00:26:08You're getting in the way, Esteban.
00:26:11Premiere today at the finish line.
00:26:13And from March 6, on VX.
00:26:15Start the day with all the information.
00:26:17The news.
00:26:18What happens in each region of Mexico and the world.
00:26:21A quick and practical tour
00:26:23of each story to know.
00:26:25I'm Carlos Hurtado
00:26:27and I'll wait for you in the news.
00:26:29An informative space of NMAS.
00:26:31Monday to Friday, 5.50 pm.
00:26:33For the stars.
00:26:49A power dispute.
00:26:51Totally raw.
00:26:53What's at stake?
00:26:55Third degree.
00:26:57Wednesday at the finish line with Enrique Acevedo.
00:26:59With the stars.
00:27:19Friday at the finish line.
00:27:21The game of love surprises us all the time.
00:27:24It excites us.
00:27:26That Fiscal Furia.
00:27:28Better be careful with him.
00:27:30Between him and me there can be nothing.
00:27:32But he also confronts us and questions us.
00:27:34My family is innocent.
00:27:36Enrique is like my father. He would be incapable.
00:27:38Are you sure?
00:27:40Games of love and power.
00:27:42Starts March 31, 9.30 pm.
00:27:49The game of love.
00:27:51The game of love.
00:27:53The game of love.
00:27:55The game of love.
00:27:57The game of love.
00:27:59The game of love.
00:28:01The game of love.
00:28:03The game of love.
00:28:05The game of love.
00:28:07The game of love.
00:28:09The game of love.
00:28:11The game of love.
00:28:13The game of love.
00:28:15The game of love.
00:28:16The game of love.
00:28:18The game of love.
00:29:37Did you see
00:29:45Thank you
00:30:19No, so I'll call
00:30:21Los Analysis confirman
00:30:23Just a
00:30:33Where are you going?
00:30:35I'm leaving
00:30:37I'm tired of this place
00:30:39All women are superficial
00:30:41Like Beatriz
00:31:49But even if they broke up, mom, Erika still loves him.
00:31:54And with all this, I'm hurting her.
00:31:58You can't imagine how she got. She told me everything and...
00:32:03I felt so disloyal.
00:32:06Such a bad person, mom.
00:32:10Estrella, don't say that again.
00:32:13I brought you into the world.
00:32:16I know you better than anyone.
00:32:18And if there's one good person,
00:32:21it's you, my love.
00:32:26And, well...
00:32:30It's something that, well...
00:32:36It's something you have to clarify.
00:32:38If you feel...
00:32:40What do I feel, mom?
00:32:42It doesn't matter.
00:32:45Erika is my friend and she doesn't deserve this, mom.
00:33:08Come in, son.
00:33:12I'm glad you made it.
00:33:23I'm sure you're hungry.
00:33:25Look at this ceviche.
00:33:27It's one of the delicious ones Mrs. Meche makes.
00:33:32Well, if Mercedes made it, it must be delicious.
00:33:34Yes, it is.
00:33:35Come on, sweetie. Let's sit down and have dinner.
00:33:38No, I'm not hungry, grandpa.
00:33:40I want to go to bed. I'm very tired.
00:33:43Please, sweetie. Eat something.
00:33:45You'll feel better.
00:33:54Cheer up, son. Cheer up.
00:33:56Yes, yes, yes, dad.
00:33:58No, I'm really not discouraged.
00:34:00I mean, I know the road to get my daughter's love back
00:34:03won't be easy.
00:34:05But I don't lose hope that I'll get it.
00:34:08What's wrong?
00:34:11What's wrong? Why do you ask?
00:34:14There's something different about your look.
00:34:17I don't know. You look more cheerful, more motivated.
00:34:21Oh, dad.
00:34:22Can you tell me how this Mercedes ceviche got to the table?
00:34:27Estrella brought it.
00:34:31Now I'll explain that surprise.
00:34:35Despite all the difficulties you're going through,
00:34:38who would have thought?
00:34:40It seems that Estrella Contreras is helping my son
00:34:44regain his faith and fight with optimism.
00:34:48Thank you very much, dad.
00:35:00Good morning.
00:35:06Oh, Erika, look at your face.
00:35:10You still look better.
00:35:13Take care of yourself. Put on some cream.
00:35:16People are going to think you're the mother and I'm the daughter.
00:35:21I bet those huge bags under your eyes
00:35:24are because of the famous Fabian, right?
00:35:26Or am I wrong?
00:35:31They say bread makes you feel better.
00:35:34Eat a crumb.
00:35:35No, no, no. You know what?
00:35:38Don't act like you care about my problems.
00:35:41Don't try to give me advice.
00:35:44I'm tired of your motherly acting.
00:35:49Do you really love him that much?
00:35:51Why do you care?
00:35:53I'm just asking. Do you love him or not?
00:36:00I just love him.
00:36:02I can't live without him.
00:36:08Look, Erika.
00:36:10When you really want something,
00:36:14sometimes you have to get your hands dirty to get it.
00:36:18You have to grit your teeth and do what you have to do.
00:36:23Let it fall.
00:36:25Let it fall.
00:36:26Do you think I'm like you?
00:36:28No, no.
00:36:29Do you like it or not?
00:36:31We're cut from the same cloth.
00:36:34Neither you nor I have been given anything in life.
00:36:37And every time we've wanted something,
00:36:39we've had to grit our teeth to get it.
00:36:43If you don't fight with nails and teeth,
00:36:47you'll end up losing your Fabian.
00:36:51And believe me,
00:36:53it's not nice at all to be single.
00:36:59I love you.
00:37:06And then we started looking for necklaces like Marina's.
00:37:10There were a lot on the Internet.
00:37:12Yes, I imagine there are a lot of similar necklaces.
00:37:15But now, get on with it and get changed.
00:37:17You have to go to school.
00:37:19Dad, I'm telling you I found the mermaid necklace.
00:37:26Where did you find that?
00:37:28On the Internet.
00:37:29On the page of a lady who makes jewelry in the capital.
00:37:33It's identical to the one that Marina uses.
00:37:36Well, that's what I'm telling you.
00:37:39This can't be a coincidence.
00:37:42And maybe this lady knows something.
00:37:46Of course.
00:37:47You're doing well, Dad.
00:37:49And the address doesn't appear.
00:37:50Look for the address to locate it.
00:37:51Yes, we can go in the afternoon with Marina.
00:37:54Azul also wants to go.
00:37:55They already gave him permission.
00:37:57Come on, Bucanero.
00:37:59Let's go in the afternoon.
00:38:02No, I can't go in the afternoon.
00:38:05No, I can't.
00:38:06I have...
00:38:08I just remembered that I have work, champ.
00:38:11Well, let's go after you finish, Dad.
00:38:14Can I tell the mermaid?
00:38:16No, no.
00:38:17I'm going to be late.
00:38:18But I'm going to tell Valentín.
00:38:19I'm going to tell Valentín to accompany you.
00:38:22But how are you not going to go?
00:38:24We are investigating together.
00:38:26You said we were going to continue helping Marina,
00:38:29that she was no longer with us.
00:38:31And that's what I'm doing, pirate.
00:38:33Look, I'm going to investigate
00:38:35in the name of who is at the beach house.
00:38:38But I'm going with you.
00:38:39No, it complicates me, it complicates me.
00:38:41It's better if I don't go.
00:38:44I bet you don't want to go in a hurry.
00:38:46Zoye, you still can't understand those things.
00:38:51Let's see.
00:38:53You let Marina leave the house.
00:38:55Now you don't want to accompany us?
00:38:59You don't do that, Dad.
00:39:10Of course, my Gabo.
00:39:12Delighted with life, then.
00:39:14Don't tell me anything that we are comrades.
00:39:18I promise you that I will take very good care of Marina.
00:39:24And the kids, of course.
00:39:28Yes, count on me, see you.
00:39:31Hi, Valentín.
00:39:33How are you?
00:39:35Fine, as always.
00:39:37How am I going to be or what?
00:39:39Why am I going to be bad?
00:39:41Oh no, I don't know.
00:39:43It was just a question.
00:39:47Hey, what's up?
00:39:49You're kind of weird.
00:39:55I mean, I'm very happy.
00:39:59Because last night I slept well.
00:40:01Do you want to know why?
00:40:04Because I dreamed of Marina.
00:40:07That little angel appeared to me and...
00:40:10I can't even tell you, what a woman.
00:40:13If you leave me crazy in dreams, how will it be in real life?
00:40:17Well, better keep the details of your dreams.
00:40:20It's just that...
00:40:21Hey, I can't help it.
00:40:23I'm in a hurry because today I'm going to accompany her to the capital with her niece and Iker.
00:40:29But I'm not going to miss the opportunity to try a smile on her face, to keep conquering her.
00:40:36Let's see, Valentín, I don't know why you're talking to me so much about Marina.
00:40:39What's wrong?
00:40:41Because you and I are friends.
00:40:44And friends tell each other these things.
00:40:46Besides, at any time, more than my friend, she's going to be my sister-in-law.
00:40:50Because you know that Pascual is like a brother.
00:40:55So if you two end up together, we would be family.
00:41:00You and me, brothers for life.
00:41:06Well, I'd better go to work.
00:41:09See you.
00:41:16THE FAN
00:41:46The only thing I want is to be by your side.
00:41:48I knew you were in danger.
00:41:50I know our son is alive.
00:41:52If you work under my orders, you can pay off your father's debt.
00:41:55My God, take me before this property is in the hands of someone else.
00:42:01MONDAY TO FRIDAY 6.30 PM
00:42:04Get in touch with the hottest sports results.
00:42:13Exclusive interviews.
00:42:15Do you think there are risks that it's not worth it?
00:42:18Analysis and opinions.
00:42:19Sports contact.
00:42:21Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
00:42:2311.30 at night.
00:42:24With the stars.
00:42:26The game of love surprises us all the time.
00:42:29It excites us.
00:42:31That prosecutor, Furia.
00:42:32Better be careful with him.
00:42:34Between him and me, there can be nothing.
00:42:36But he also confronts us and questions us.
00:42:38My family is innocent.
00:42:40Enrique is like my father.
00:42:41He would be incapable.
00:42:42Are you sure?
00:42:43Games of love and power.
00:42:45Starts March 31st.
00:42:469.30 at night.
00:42:47Alma was raped at a party and points out Germán as her aggressor.
00:42:52Ernesto is Germán's best friend and hides something very important on his cell phone.
00:42:57Selene wants to know what with so much resentment hides her son.
00:43:02And fears that it may be something that makes him an accomplice.
00:43:07Premiere episode.
00:43:13This is an advance of what we will have today in the news from the city of Washington.
00:43:24Before the news, President Sheinbaum calls the unit and will announce the measures of her government on Sunday in El Zócalo.
00:43:31The details of the first message from Trump to the nation.
00:43:34Fires and thunderstorms alert the metropolitan area of ​​Monterrey.
00:43:38Details in point of 10.30.
00:43:42The game of love surprises us all the time.
00:43:45It excites us.
00:43:47It's the Fiscal Furia.
00:43:48Better be careful with him.
00:43:50Between him and me there can be nothing.
00:43:51But it also confronts us and questions us.
00:43:54My family is innocent.
00:43:55Enrique is like my father.
00:43:57He would be incapable.
00:43:58Are you sure?
00:43:59Games of love and power.
00:44:01Starts March 31st.
00:44:029.30 at night.
00:44:04Start the day with all the information.
00:44:06The news.
00:44:07What happens in each region of Mexico and the world.
00:44:10A quick and practical tour of each story to know.
00:44:15I'm Carlos Hurtado and I'll wait for you in the news.
00:44:17An informative space of ENEMAS.
00:44:19Monday to Friday at 5.50 pm.
00:44:21For the stars.
00:44:42Good luck.
00:44:43The crazy wedding.
00:44:44We know how to make you laugh.
00:44:45Friday at the end of the noughty.
00:44:47Get in touch with.
00:44:49The hottest sports results.
00:44:56Exclusive interviews.
00:45:01Analysis and opinions.
00:45:02Sports contact.
00:45:04Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
00:45:0611.30 at night.
00:45:07With the stars.
00:45:09I should hate you for being the daughter of my enemy.
00:45:11But I can't.
00:45:12All I want is to be by your side.
00:45:14I knew you were in trouble.
00:45:16I know our son is alive.
00:45:18If you work under my orders, you can pay your father's debt.
00:45:22My God.
00:45:23Take me before this property is in the hands of someone else.
00:45:27Monday to Friday.
00:45:286.30 in the afternoon.
00:45:40You will find a man who, even if he knows that you give him luck, decides not to use it.
00:45:46That helps you change your destiny.
00:45:48Each meeting has a purpose.
00:45:52Thank you for saving me.
00:45:55Be reborn and change course.
00:45:58El Gallo de Oro.
00:46:00Monday to Friday.
00:46:019.30 at night.
00:46:03No party has won the presidency in the democratic history of this country
00:46:07without allying with a satellite.
00:46:09The supermajority allowed them, but now they depend critically on those votes.
00:46:14It's a power dispute.
00:46:16Totally raw.
00:46:17What's at stake?
00:46:18Third grade.
00:46:20At the end, in point with Enrique Acevedo.
00:46:23With the stars.
00:46:25There are decisions in life that are not a game.
00:46:29And they have the power to change everything.
00:46:33I'm not going to rest until I find out what made you do this.
00:46:36This never happened.
00:46:38We will take care of everything.
00:46:40Who will win in these games of love and power?
00:46:43Starts March 31.
00:46:459.30 at night.
00:47:07This new school cycle touched you in the coolest classroom.
00:47:12It looks like a churro, friend.
00:47:15Mega epic.
00:47:17And smelly.
00:47:20It's the elephant fart.
00:47:22The circus.
00:47:23Season 2.
00:47:24New chapters.
00:47:25Available on VIX before anyone else from March 7.
00:47:28And from April 7 through 5.
00:47:30The good days start here.
00:47:32At 9.
00:47:36And a lot of fun.
00:47:37Only today.
00:47:38Nicola wanted some snacks on her back.
00:47:39She got it.
00:47:40And at 12.
00:47:44And everything about the famous.
00:47:45In Cuéntamelo Ya.
00:47:46The popular DJ Steve Aoki paid homage to Paquita, the neighborhood.
00:47:49From Monday to Friday.
00:47:50With the stars.
00:47:52Charlie passed out on the bag.
00:47:54I lost all the money of the family in the bag.
00:47:57And just because you dropped a bag.
00:47:59Let's see where you fell.
00:48:00Stop being a bag.
00:48:02I already told you I'm not going to work.
00:48:04Are you a waiter?
00:48:09In my dear inheritance, we know how to make you laugh.
00:48:12This Thursday at the end of the notepad.
00:48:14I invite you to participate in the 13th Cadera Cardias2DN.
00:48:17Presented by Jumex Mía.
00:48:19So that as well as Ximena and all the boys and girls.
00:48:21They can receive the medical treatment they need.
00:48:24Sign up now.
00:48:25And click on addeporte.com.
00:48:27Diagonal Cardias.
00:48:28Or scan the QR code.
00:48:30This March 23, we'll see you at the finish line.
00:48:33Hashtag, your help counts.
00:48:35Keeping peace in this house seems like an impossible mission.
00:48:39That pig changed the console.
00:48:41They broke the non-aggression pact.
00:48:43I came for the photo furniture.
00:48:45And what are you going to do? Reconstruct it, right?
00:48:48Talk to the collector so he can take this crap.
00:48:51And the trinket too.
00:48:52We know how to make you laugh with Frozen Reina.
00:48:55Saturday at the stars.
00:48:58Get in touch with...
00:49:00The hottest results in the sport.
00:49:07Exclusive interviews.
00:49:11Analysis and opinions.
00:49:13Sports contact.
00:49:14Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
00:49:1611.30 at night.
00:49:18With the stars.
00:49:19Alma was raped at a party and points out Germán as her aggressor.
00:49:24Ernesto is Germán's best friend.
00:49:26Germán is hiding something very important in his cell phone.
00:49:29Selene wants to know what her son is so afraid of.
00:49:34And she's afraid it could turn him into...
00:49:38An accomplice.
00:49:51The boat Fabian lent us saved us.
00:49:55At least we'll be able to go fishing.
00:49:58Yes, unfortunately.
00:50:01Oh, Brisa.
00:50:03Remember that we do this for the good of the family.
00:50:06So let's give it our all.
00:50:08Okay, brother.
00:50:09Good morning, good morning.
00:50:10Hey, good morning.
00:50:12How's the mighty?
00:50:13A bullet to the boat, Mr. Fabian.
00:50:17I'm glad, I'm glad.
00:50:19It's about that, just being able to help you.
00:50:21Thank you very much.
00:50:23We'd like to talk for a moment.
00:50:25We're in a bit of a hurry right now, Fabian.
00:50:28Yes, but we have to talk about what happened between us.
00:50:34Nothing happened between us, so there's nothing to talk about.
00:50:38Estrella, please.
00:50:40I have to work, Fabian, I'm sorry.
00:50:43Estrella Contreras.
00:50:46As a representative of each of your workers,
00:50:51you are summoned to my office this afternoon
00:50:53to talk about a very important trade union issue.
00:50:57Well, I find it very difficult because this afternoon...
00:50:59You, as a member of the fishing union,
00:51:03have the obligation to come to my office.
00:51:06Especially when the president is summoning you.
00:51:12There's an issue we have to talk about.
00:51:16And you can't escape it.
00:51:20I'll be waiting for you in my office this afternoon.
00:51:41I have the address of the lady who makes them the capital.
00:51:45This is incredible, Iker.
00:51:48Hey, besides being a pirate, you're a detective.
00:51:52He's just like you.
00:51:54We have to follow the lead.
00:51:57You're absolutely right.
00:52:00Oh, and I finished my shift, so I could go right now.
00:52:05Hey, is your dad coming with us?
00:52:09No, we're going with Valentin and Azul.
00:52:12My dad says he has a lot of work, but I don't believe him.
00:52:17Why do you say that?
00:52:19Because I'm sure he doesn't want to go, so Brisa doesn't get mad.
00:52:26Well, don't get mad at your dad, Iker.
00:52:29What he's doing is fine.
00:52:31When you're older, you'll understand
00:52:33that sometimes you have to make difficult decisions
00:52:36to take care of the people you love.
00:52:39What's so hard about going to the capital?
00:52:42It's just grabbing the car and that's it.
00:52:45My love, your dad is going to marry Brisa.
00:52:49He loves her.
00:52:52And when you love someone,
00:52:54try not to make that person suffer.
00:52:57Or don't get mad, you know?
00:53:00Is that why you left the house?
00:53:03So my dad would stop fighting with Brisa?
00:53:08A little bit.
00:53:10But not just because of that.
00:53:13I also needed to start building my life,
00:53:17and the truth is that it's very nice here.
00:53:20Look at my beautiful room. Don't you like it?
00:53:23But I miss the house.
00:53:26Oh, my love, but I'm here by your side.
00:53:33And that's it.
00:53:34Change that face because we have an adventure ahead.
00:53:39And you and I are detectives now,
00:53:41and we're going to find out
00:53:42if the lady who made this necklace knows anything about my past.
00:53:47Are you ready, Mr. Pirate Detective?
00:53:51Let's go.
00:54:03Valentín, take a shower and go get the kids
00:54:06and take Marina to the capital.
00:54:09I already told them you're going to go through the house.
00:54:11Don't worry, Gabo.
00:54:12The kids and Marinita are in good hands.
00:54:19I'll take care of the kids.
00:54:20And Marinita.
00:54:28Can I go out earlier too?
00:54:30I finally have my date with Pearl.
00:54:33Yes, of course.
00:54:34Go get ready.
00:54:35And I wish you the best of luck on your date.
00:54:37Thank you very much.
00:54:38I have to confess that I'm very nervous.
00:54:41Well, just a little bit.
00:54:43And you?
00:54:44How are the preparations for the wedding going?
00:54:51I just bought it.
00:54:52But that's quiet,
00:54:53because Brisa has no idea.
00:54:55It's nice, isn't it?
00:54:56It's very cool.
00:54:57Yes, tonight...
00:55:00I'm going to give it to her tonight.
00:55:02I'm very happy for you.
00:55:04I can imagine the day of my wedding
00:55:06at the church with Pearl.
00:55:09My mom is going to cry.
00:55:13You're very lucky to spend the rest of your days
00:55:15next to the person you love.
00:55:18It's a great blessing.
00:55:20And thank you for letting me go out earlier.
00:55:29I swear everything is going so well, Mom.
00:55:32Gabriel had prepared a delicious dinner
00:55:34and we were having a great time.
00:55:37And suddenly,
00:55:39the night was ruined because of that girl.
00:55:42The shipwreck steals boyfriends.
00:55:45But, Noque,
00:55:46that woman
00:55:48had gone to live in the hostel?
00:55:52Don't tell me she went back to Gabriel's house.
00:55:55No, it's not necessary for her to live in that house, Mom.
00:55:59She's always there.
00:56:01In Gabriel's mind.
00:56:03Turning him around.
00:56:05As if he had them
00:56:07embedded in his brain.
00:56:11No, Mom.
00:56:12Don't you think you're exaggerating a little?
00:56:15No, Mom.
00:56:16No, Mom.
00:56:17I swear.
00:56:18I swear.
00:56:19I feel it in here.
00:56:22I'm scared.
00:56:24I'm terrified that Gabriel will leave me
00:56:27and my wedding will be ruined
00:56:29because of that girl.
00:56:32But, daughter,
00:56:34if you have doubts
00:56:37or are unsure of the step you're going to take,
00:56:40the best thing is
00:56:42to talk about it once.
00:56:45No, no, no, no.
00:56:46Do you think I'm going to cancel my wedding with Gabriel?
00:56:49No, of course not.
00:56:50No way.
00:56:51I'm going to marry him.
00:56:52Yes or yes.
00:56:54In fact,
00:56:55I'm going to ask for the date in the civil registry.
00:57:01That's exactly
00:57:03the opposite of what I'm telling you, my love.
00:57:07You can't get married like this.
00:57:09Full of insecurities.
00:57:11And here too.
00:57:13No, Mom.
00:57:14But I'm sure.
00:57:15I'm sure.
00:57:18What do you want me to do?
00:57:19That I give up on him?
00:57:20That I leave him?
00:57:22No way, Mom.
00:57:24I have to marry Gabriel.
00:57:25Because if I don't marry him,
00:57:27I swear I'm going to die of pain.
00:57:29Mom, I swear I'm going to die of pain.
00:57:32I don't want to.
00:57:46What's up?
00:57:47Please, Estrella.
00:57:48And would you be so kind as to close the door?
00:57:51No, that's fine.
00:57:52I don't have much time.
00:57:54I wanted to know what the union issue was
00:57:56that you wanted to talk to me about.
00:57:58Well, you know perfectly well
00:58:00why I asked you to come.
00:58:04Or are you going to pretend
00:58:08that nothing happened between us?
00:58:12But of course it happened, Estrella.
00:58:14And it was a mistake that won't be repeated.
00:58:17But would you like it to be repeated?
00:58:22No, Fabián.
00:58:23Don't get lost, okay?
00:58:26Erika is my friend.
00:58:28And I had to see her face
00:58:29after kissing the man she loves.
00:58:32Do you know how bad I feel about that?
00:58:35I understand it's complicated.
00:58:36I also care about Erika.
00:58:39And of course I don't want her to suffer.
00:58:41But I already talked to her face to face
00:58:43and confessed what I felt for you.
00:58:47No, Fabián.
00:58:48But why are you doing that?
00:58:49Because I prefer to be honest.
00:58:51For me, this is not a game, Estrella.
00:58:53What's happening to me with you
00:58:55hadn't happened to me for a long time.
00:58:59Because I fell in love with you, Estrella.
00:59:01And I know you're feeling the same way.
00:59:04No, no, no, no, no, no.
00:59:05Stop this, please, Fabián.
00:59:07Let's see, let's see, let's see.
00:59:08I don't want to.
00:59:09I can't stop.
00:59:11No matter how complicated it is,
00:59:13I don't want to let this happen
00:59:15that we have, Estrella.
00:59:16No, we don't have anything.
00:59:18Stop denying what we're feeling.
00:59:21Stop denying it.
00:59:23Let's see.
00:59:24Look me in the eyes, Estrella.
00:59:26Look me in the eyes and tell me.
00:59:31You know,
00:59:32I'm falling in love with you like crazy.
00:59:36And if I need to hear that you feel the same,
00:59:40tell me, please.
00:59:42Tell me.
00:59:43Admit what you're feeling for me.
00:59:48Admit what you're feeling for me.
01:00:03I'm angry that people are throwing garbage on the street.
01:00:07We have to watch our beaches.
01:00:09Did you know that sea turtles eat garbage?
01:00:20That's why a lot of them are dead!
01:00:24Just like you know a lot about pirates and mermaids.
01:00:29I've read a lot of books about environmental protection.
01:00:33And about the planet, so as not to destroy it.
01:00:37I really want to be a protector of the environment.
01:00:42That's cool!
01:01:01Is something wrong?
01:01:03I feel like you're not the same Valentín you used to be.
01:01:07Yes, the one who's always making jokes.
01:01:11Well, it's just that I'm a little... exhausted.
01:01:16Can I ask you a question?
01:01:19It's something like a personal dilemma.
01:01:22You can ask me whatever you want.
01:01:24I mean, except for my last name, because sometimes I don't remember.
01:01:30Marina, what do you do when something you love can hurt someone you love?
01:01:38Could you be a little more specific?
01:01:41Look, I want to be with someone, but if I dare to be with that someone,
01:01:46I'm going to like someone else who I also love a lot.
01:01:49Do I make myself clear?
01:01:50Yes, I understand you perfectly.
01:01:54Well, look, I'd rather stay away from that someone.
01:02:01I couldn't feel good knowing that someone I love is having a hard time because of me.
01:02:08That's the problem.
01:02:11The condemned guilt.
01:02:13Just imagining how it's going to be, it breaks my heart into a thousand million pieces.
01:02:21Are you talking about your friend Pascual?
01:02:23We found him! We found him! We found the jewelry store!
01:02:26We found the jewelry store! It's over here!
01:02:30Let's go?
01:02:31Let's go.
01:02:33Charelitos, don't run so much. We're big.
01:02:38Please, Estrella, don't close your heart to me.
01:02:42I need to know what you feel for me.
01:02:46Because I'm sure that you and I have a unique, strong connection.
01:02:50And that you also perceive it.
01:02:52I know, because the way you look at me is unique.
01:02:57The way you look at me is unique.
01:02:59And this that's happening to us happens very few times in life.
01:03:04And you know it.
01:03:06No, no, no. I don't know anything, Fabián.
01:03:09You felt it, Estrella. You felt it in the kiss we gave each other.
01:03:13Why are you so afraid of love?
01:03:16It's not fear. It's not fear.
01:03:18But you're asking me to recognize something that hurts me.
01:03:22And it hurts me because Erica loves you.
01:03:25And she's still waiting for you to give her another chance.
01:03:29But I don't feel the same for her. I don't love her.
01:03:33The one I'm in love with is you, Estrella.
01:03:36Enough, for God's sake, shut up, Fabián.
01:03:38I'm not going to shut up. I'm not going to shut up about what I feel.
01:03:41I'm willing to do things right.
01:03:43That's why I told her what I feel for you.
01:03:45Now, can we talk to her again together and explain it to her?
01:03:49No, no, no, no, no.
01:03:50Let's see, with something like this, we're going to end up breaking her heart.
01:03:53Do you understand, Fabián?
01:03:54One moment, stop thinking about Erica and start thinking about you.
01:03:59What do you want?
01:04:01What does it matter what I want?
01:04:03One can't go through life doing what they want just without thinking about the consequences.
01:04:08Well, then, let's assume the consequences.
01:04:11Let's face it. Let's go.
01:04:14And let's endure this storm together.
01:04:18But let's not waste this opportunity that life is giving us to love.
01:04:33A man shouldn't forget the woman who gave him a daughter.
01:04:39I really don't want to meet a man who was so mean to you and didn't want to know anything about me.
01:04:48Gabriel, we're getting married in a week. I'm going to be Mrs. Arena.
01:04:56Hello, star.
01:04:58How many years without seeing you?
01:05:01Sergio, what are you doing here?
01:05:05In my arms you're going to contemplate...