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*NEW* Celebration Packs Are CRAZY... (LUCKIEST Pack Opening)


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00:00Oh have I said battle pass, okay.
00:04New battle pass!
00:06New battle pass!
00:08By the way, I don't think
00:10you should be able to buy levels, but
00:12I wanna see what we get from this.
00:14Chat, let's do this!
00:20I'm making this a YouTube video.
00:30OH MY GOD!
00:32Chat, but what I've heard
00:34from Celebration Packs
00:42is that they contain
00:44all of the
00:46mystical items
00:48from all of the campaigns over the years.
00:52First Celebration Pack I've ever opened.
01:00Celerity. Capkan
01:02Pro League skin?
01:06That's clean, but I have black ice.
01:08Okay, I thought these were Celebration Packs.
01:22Where did my...
01:26Where the fuck is my item?
01:32Jaeger Gossamer Demise.
01:36can I get Jaeger Black Ice from this?
01:40Can I get Jaeger Black Ice from this?
02:00Wait, isn't
02:02Duskline like year one season two?
02:06Wait, that means
02:08this cosmetic's like
02:10nine years old?
02:12Bro, I'm pretty sure
02:14Duskline was when they released Blackbeard and Valkyrie.
02:18Bro, that means this is like nine years old.
02:24That's Duskline again.
02:26That's Duskline again.
02:36Wait, so in these packs, there's like...
02:46That's kind of clean.
02:50This is our first Legendary!
02:58Bro, I remember this skin from ages ago.
03:00This is from Outbreak, I think.
03:06That's Rainbow is Magic!
03:18I like this gold.
03:20I like this gold. This is clean.
03:22You guys are saying wrong packs.
03:24I only got 12 of these?
03:26Okay, are these the best ones?
03:28I'm going to open these at the end, chat.
03:30I'm assuming they're better because
03:32I only got 12 of those and I got 40 of these.
03:38You can get Glacier?
03:40Say you swear to God.
03:42Well, don't do that, but
03:44say Slime.
03:46You can get Glacier from this?
03:48You're trolling.
03:50Are you being deadass?
03:54That's the rarest skin in R6.
03:56Or it was.
04:04You can get Glacier from this?
04:06Wait, that Echo Headgear was clean.
04:24Oh, the black ones you can.
04:26Wait, so I can get Glacier from this?
04:28Chat, don't troll me.
04:30Don't fucking, don't troll me!
04:32I can get Glacier from this.
04:36Are you guys being deadass?
04:56The white ones are non-duplicate.
04:58You should open the black ones first.
05:02Wait, so.
05:06Let me get this straight.
05:10In these celebration packs,
05:12the black celebration packs,
05:14I can get Glacier.
05:20I've never had Glacier before.
05:22Ever. I've never had a Glacier skin.
05:24Because I didn't play the game in year one.
05:28I don't even know.
05:30Is Glacier an epic or a legendary?
05:34Oh, these packs are juiced.
05:36No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
05:38These packs are juiced.
05:40Okay. First pack was a Black Ice?
05:48I don't know what to believe.
05:52That's from!
05:54Dude, that's from like the first Halloween event
05:56like years ago.
05:58Or maybe not.
06:00I don't know.
06:18Look at the collection?
06:20Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
06:22Hold on.
06:24Wait, I can just buy like
06:26endless of these?
06:30In order to look at the collection,
06:32I have to scan a QR code.
06:46That's mad.
07:20Oh, my God!
07:22Oh, my God!
07:26This skin's old as fuck.
07:32Oh, my God!
07:36Chat, look up when this skin was released.
07:42Look up when this skin was released.
07:44Yo, guys, this is an old skin.
08:00Release date.
08:02This skin
08:04released in year one
08:06season four from Red Crow.
08:12we packed our first
08:14actual good skin.
08:20Okay, I want to buy a lot of these.
08:22I'm not going to lie.
08:24Bro, this is, dude, I never had this
08:26because I didn't play in year one. I started in year two.
08:28But I didn't even make my account
08:30in year four.
08:32So, like, my account is like a baby account.
08:34Bro, this is a OG-ass
08:36skin, dude.
08:40Okay, that's our first, like, premium pull.
08:42Bro, that makes me think that
08:44there's Glacier in here, though.
08:46If they're adding that, why would they not have Glacier?
08:52Nah, these packs are actually juiced.
08:54Dude, I got two duplicate Black Ices
08:56and Aki no Tsuru.
08:58Alright, we got 28 of these!
09:00Lock in!
09:20Free dive.
09:22That one's clean. I like this.
09:28Oh my god,
09:30I thought I packed, dude, I thought I packed it again.
09:32It's a universal. I'm, I'm,
09:34I almost geeked.
09:36What are these packs, bro?
09:38These are the new Celebration packs.
09:40They're fucking juiced, I'm not going to lie.
09:42I got two duplicate Black Ices
09:44and a skin from Red Crow.
09:58Open packs harder.
10:00How do you want me to do that, dude?
10:06Oh, I remember this event.
10:08This was the event on Tower.
10:14I remember this event, too.
10:16This was one of my favorite events ever.
10:18The Wild West event. This event was brain rot.
10:36This might be an old skin? I don't know.
10:40Nothing is better than Aki, than what we've packed so far.
10:44Aki's our best pack, or so far,
10:46best pull so far.
10:48I'm buying more of these, dude.
10:50I want to buy the other one.
10:54Alright, it looks like this Dustline skin
10:56is a rare skin, but
10:58this skin was released in year one,
11:00season two. Or not rare,
11:02it's a common skin, but like,
11:04it's still old.
11:08See, this bundle was from Outbreak.
11:10This bundle, uh,
11:12dude, uh, Finka
11:14Contaminated was actually banned from Pro League,
11:16the skin, but I think they modified it
11:18a little bit.
11:22You pulled Racer?
11:24Wait, what is Racer?
11:26You pulled Racer, it's rarer.
11:30Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
11:32what is Racer? What is that? What is Racer?
11:36Brother, Racer was the rarest one you pulled so far?
11:38How do I check
11:42Chat, what op did I
11:44pack it on?
11:48Go to your store?
11:52Wait, which op did I pack it on?
11:56That was rarer than Aki?
12:04The P9?
12:06You got it on the P9.
12:10I packed Racer on the P9?
12:30Oh, Locker. Go to your Locker?
12:40This skin's rarer?
12:42When was this released?
12:56I don't see anything on this. Hold on.
13:10But it's a rare, guys.
13:12It's just a rare, though.
13:14Chat, it's just a rare, though.
13:18Yo, chat, I'm not gonna lie, these packs are fucking juiced, though.
13:20Not really these ones,
13:22but these ones are way more juiced.
13:24I wanna buy more of those.
13:26Bro, but why would they call these ones premium
13:28if these ones are better?
13:30And why do I have to scan a QR code
13:32to see the collection?
13:38Racer came out in 2016?
13:42Whoa, whoa, whoa.
13:44Franklin, hold on.
13:48The Racer skins are exclusive.
13:50You can only get them in year two,
13:52and they do not sell in the marketplace.
13:56Wait, Franklin, so Racer was
13:58a better pull than Aki?
14:00Oh, you did it!
14:06these are like some of the coolest packs.
14:10Like, dude, this is
14:12probably the best packs they've ever added.
14:16Because it's like you go back in time, kind of.
14:22Okay, so this was like the standard
14:24like, not really pro league,
14:26but standard like competitive skin.
14:28The white and gold, bro,
14:30it looks so clean.
14:32This has been around for years, but it looks so nice, dude.
14:42See, like, I like stupid things like this,
14:44but I'm here for the rarity, bro.
14:46Like, when I pulled Aki, bro,
14:48I got a boner.
14:50And I guessed Racer.
14:52I didn't even know. I skipped right through it.
14:55Bro, y'all have ball knowledge
14:57for even knowing about Racer.
14:59I'm gonna be honest, I know what Aki is,
15:01I did not know what Racer was.
15:03God, Caveira's so fucking fine, holy shit.
15:05Fart on me.
15:07I don't even remember this uniform.
15:09Like, I don't even remember what this uniform's from.
15:15Yeah, we're buying more packs after this, we're keeping this going.
15:21This is like, probably our most fun pack opening ever.
15:25I like it.
15:27I like it.
15:31Let's go.
15:37Oh my God.
15:39I always wanted this headgear.
15:41Dude, this headgear is so badass.
15:45Oh my God, I always wanted this headgear, bro.
15:49This headgear is fucking sick.
15:51Yo, this headgear has so much goddamn aura.
15:57Getting swung by this, chat, nah nah nah, this is probably my favorite pull.
16:03Either this or Aki.
16:05Bro, oh my god.
16:08I always wanted this fucking headgear.
16:11Dude, I would always play against the best players who would have this headgear.
16:15Like they would always just be the best fucking players.
16:20That's my favorite pull yet, I'm not gonna lie.
16:23See, I don't even know what this season's for, like I don't even, chat this might be
16:28rare, I have no idea.
16:29I'm gonna wait for the delay to catch up.
16:31This literally might be rare.
16:33Chat, is this rare or no?
16:35I don't even know.
16:37Chat, is this rare or no?
16:42Yo these packs are sick.
16:44I mean these packs are actually sick.
16:55Is this rare?
16:56No, it's not rare.
16:57No, okay it's not rare, okay okay.
16:58Franklin, I'm gonna use you as my guide because you've been playing since like year one.
17:10Is this rare?
17:11I don't even know.
17:12This might be rare.
17:13I don't even want to skip through any more skins because I skipped past Racer.
17:16Dude, I've never even seen this, like what is this?
17:21Bro, this is the best packs they've ever added, I'm not gonna lie.
17:25You can literally pack a skin that's nine years old.
17:29I knew when they announced this, this was gonna be peak.
17:31No, this is not rare, okay.
17:36OMG, OMG.
17:49Who cares if it's rare, it looks like shit.
17:51No no, rarity matters more than anything.
17:55Bro, it's like a collector's item dude, you don't want to have something that everybody
17:59else has.
18:02Alright, that, even if that's rare, we're never using that charm.
18:07Exhibition mark charm.
18:10Dude, I keep thinking I'm packing Aki, but I forgot it's universal.
18:16Alright, I need to adjust to this.
18:23Why are y'all typing OMG?
18:24Wait, I didn't even think about this.
18:30Do you realize how much damage this did to the R6 marketplace?
18:35Wait, so do we know if you can pack Glacier, or are you guys just saying that?
18:40Wait, everybody's typing W. Why is everybody typing W?
18:46Everybody's spamming W. Everyone's spamming W.
18:51Bro, but chat, this is driving me crazy.
19:10How do you know you can't pack Glacier?
19:13Because these packs just came out.
19:15How do y'all know?
19:16Did you look at the collection on your phone?
19:20Chroma streaks are insane?
19:23Wait, Chroma streaks are good?
19:28Alright, chat.
19:29Next pack.
19:30This is our last pack, and then we can buy more.
19:44This is clean.
19:45I know this skin's not old, though, because I remember when this got released.
19:50Let's buy more.
19:51Let's buy more.
19:52Let's buy more.
19:53Chat, these are sick.
19:54I'm not gonna lie.
19:55I'm not gonna lie.
19:56These are sick.
19:57I can use my competitive coins?
19:59Wait, is this the collection?
20:00Wait, chat, I can buy more?
20:30Chroma streaks cost 4,000 credits.
20:33Are you guys deadass?
20:42What season are these from?
20:47You're so slow, bro.
20:48Holy shit.
20:50I'm sorry.
20:51Alright, let's buy more.
20:52Let's buy more.
20:53Let's buy more.
20:54Let's buy more.
20:55This is sick, dude.
20:57Ladies and gentlemen, we have 36 alpha packs.
21:00Let's rip through these first.
21:03I forgot.
21:04Oh, my God.
21:05Oh, my God.
21:06Oh, my God.
21:07Oh, my God.
21:08Oh, my God.
21:09Favorited app with the 69 gifted.
21:11You sexy motherfucker.
21:15Favorited app.
21:16Thank you for the 69 gifted.
21:17Bro, this guy's a legend, dude.
21:18This guy comes in like once a week and just drops a bomb.
21:22Favorited app.
21:23I love you, dude.
21:26Oh, my God.
21:28I just found this out.
21:32Chroma streaks were the first ever attachment skin.
21:38So that was my best pull so far.
21:40Chat, we're opening more of those.
21:43We're into alpha packs now.
21:45Look, if there's any day for me to get Jaeger Black Ice, it's right now.
21:48I'm not going to lie.
21:52I'm like getting lucky today.
21:53I never get back-to-back epics in alpha packs ever.
21:57Even though it's nothing, dude, I like never start.
22:01I normally start off green, green, green, green, green, blue.
22:05I don't know, chat.
22:09The vibe's good right now.
22:26When was this released?
22:32When was this released?
22:33Hold on.
22:34When was this released?
22:36Operation Grim Sky?
22:44This was released in Grim Sky?
22:55Just give me Jaeger Black Ice, dude.
22:58Enough is enough.
23:00Just give me Jaeger Black Ice.
23:06Chat, I'm going to be honest.
23:09Alpha packs.
23:10Alpha packs have the most shit, but alpha packs also do contain the one skin we're looking
23:17All those celebration packs, none of those contain what we're looking for.
23:20Like, they're all cool.
23:23They're very cool, but let's be honest, bro.
23:26We know what we're looking for, and it's going to be in an alpha.
23:30Chat, I have 61k renown and 13k creds.
23:33Do you realize how many celebration packs that it is?
23:35I'll take dupes.
23:45I will take dupes because dupes give you hell of a renown.
23:51They do?
23:53Celebration packs have Jaeger Black Ice?
23:55Are you guys dead ass?
23:59Are you guys dead?
24:01I actually don't mind that cosmetic.
24:06For a rare, that's not bad.
24:11You're in a ranked game?
24:12Long story, dude.
24:13You don't even want to know.
24:14You don't even want to know.
24:17You don't even want to know, trust me.
24:21It's better if you don't ask.
24:24Let's just say we've been in this ranked game for over an hour now.
24:28God, IQ's so fucking fine.
24:31Dude, you want to know the one thing I hate about seasonal skins?
24:44We move.
24:49Have it, have it, have it, have it, have it.
24:52Oh, I got a little jump scare there.
24:54Have it, have it, have it, have it.
24:55We only got in dupe Black Ices today.
25:01Yo, chat.
25:03I'm not going to lie.
25:05Celebration packs.
25:07Coolest thing they've ever done.
25:09If you're an R6 marketplace flipper, GG.
25:13You probably lost your job today.
25:15Because I'm going to be honest.
25:18I don't even know how you can make money on the marketplace anymore.
25:21How do you flip a skin now?
25:23Because if everyone...
25:25Because if there's no demand, there's no supply.
25:28Well, no.
25:29There's going to be supply, but there's no demand.
25:31Because everybody has it.
25:34Hey, chat.
25:35Can we get an F in the chat for all the R6 marketplaces?
25:39My least favorite streamer is live.
25:48Somebody said I sold before this happened.
25:50See, you're smart.
25:51See, that's kind of what you have to do.
25:53You had to sell all your skins before.
25:55This is like the stock market crash of 08.
25:59Or no, that was the housing market crash.
26:02This is like a stock market crash.
26:13Chat, I can only buy 5 more of these.
26:15Okay, fine.
26:16Last 5, I swear.
26:17The whole battle pass.
26:18Last 5, I swear.
26:19Let's go.
26:20Wait, hold on.
26:21Last 5.
26:22I'm sorry, guys.
26:23I'm ripping.
26:24No, no, no.
26:25I'm sorry.
26:26I'm sorry.
26:27Only 4 more.
26:28I'm sorry.
26:29Only 4 more, I swear.
26:34Oh, it's a duplicate.
26:35Alright, I'm sorry.
26:36I'm queuing.
26:37I'm queuing.
26:38I'm sorry.
26:39I'm sorry.
26:40I'm queuing the game.
26:41I'm queuing the game.
26:422 more.
26:432 more.
26:442 more.
26:452 more.
26:49Dust line.
26:50Last one, I swear.
26:51God damn it.
