Gogglebox.AU. S21 E01
00:00Good to see ya
00:02It's been happening. I've been working on my mullet
00:07Yourself well, I joined a gym did you yeah haven't been yet though
00:17Every evening in Australia. Oh my gosh. I love this show. Thank God. It's back on TV reaches over 12 million of us
00:24Jesus that is insane, but have you ever wondered what other people are watching great question
00:30Oh, maybe we gotta binge this find out what people thought about what was on in the last seven days
00:37I like this show at its absolute peak. That is amazing. It's so easy to watch man. You're milking it now a
00:44New year means there's plenty of great telly to watch. Let's do it, baby
00:49Like the return of big reality
00:54I love this season of maps a brand new nature documentary. She makes a spider. No
01:02And an original how-to guide for bringing up kids, so this is a mix between a sitcom and a docker. It's a sicko
01:17Gogglebox is back for season 21 and a lot has happened since we last saw you
01:23In Melbourne, we said goodbye to the Silbury's but in Brisbane. We say hello to Mia's new bub Malaya
01:32Uncle Jared sing a wiggle song fruit salad
01:36Yummy, yummy. She's like that's what you need to eat more of
01:39Fruit salad and in Sydney
01:47But that's not the only exciting news you finally got married
01:57We're raising lips Wednesday night we watched
02:05Let's do it baby, let's find love I love this season of maps
02:11Everything that could go wrong is going wrong
02:13It's the morning of the third dinner party and one husband is nowhere to be found
02:20Where's Adrian has he done the board? He's gone a wall. Yes
02:24Why do you want me to come back and I wrote Adrian?
02:27Adrian and Athena have been having problems since the get-go. Look at all those texts. She's at his small font
02:34Oh, yeah, then he wrote back. I'm at dinner
02:39By the way, oh Sierra was there last night
02:44He went out with Sierra not okay
02:48Here we go Adrian's back. Do you not have a key to your own place don't answer the door
02:54Shut it shut it shut it shut the door shut the door
02:57Did you not want thing to reach out to me and just be like hey
03:00I've never yelled at the TV so much as what I yell
03:02But that's when this shows on did you know I'm to think to reach out to me on Friday?
03:06Oh, we're playing tit-for-tat here boy putting it straight back on it. Not only did you leave Friday?
03:11Don't reach out to me see how I'm feeling
03:15How I'm feeling it's all about how I'm feeling are there any normal couples doing quite well
03:23Oh, don't be like that because former bride Lauren has returned to the show for a second shot at love
03:30Looking forward to buying in to the dinner party where the cleanse Lauren was originally paired up with another guy and two days into
03:36Their honeymoon. He just left and said it wasn't for him and now they've given a Clint pro golfer. It's a little bit embarrassing
03:41I'm sorry, I've seen Tasmania. I'm excited and looking forward to going in with Lauren
03:45You better brace yourself because it's gonna be a ripper mate
03:52Also back is Lauren's ex-husband Elliot
03:55He's a douche this guy with his new bride Veronica tonight is our first dinner party. I'm so excited
04:03Personal trainer actress I've never seen her act on TV. Maybe she does ads Veronica's a ball of energy
04:10She looks amazing. Sorry. Does she not look exactly like Lauren? Yes, so he just traded her in and got the new version
04:17Yeah, didn't you notice?
04:20He's gross
04:21What does that teach a man leave and he'll be rewarded? Yes. Yeah, we got nothing to worry about
04:26We have nothing to worry about means you have everything to worry
04:29Yes, and tonight the rest of the couples find out that Lauren and Elliot are returning with different partners DP time
04:37Oh, wow. Hello. That's the big twist bringing back the newly wedded exes into the same dinner party
04:47Look what's gonna happen now
04:50You know
04:52Get out the knives and get ready to rumble. Here we go boys
04:57Three, I don't even know who we attack at the table first Elliot. So you're okay with how you treated Lauren
05:06Straight into it. We had a whole conversation that we agreed that we weren't right for each other
05:11That didn't happen. You had about five margaritas, so
05:14You might not remember
05:16He's blaming it on the alcohol. You're kidding me five margaritas is not that many
05:23Well, it's the truth you look at the reaction from his wife
05:26Oh, no, she's off him now to Veronica won't get through the entree. She'll be gone. Like how dare you shame her like
05:35You know girls serious when the claps come out as we're yelling at you who would have thought this would turn into chaos
05:40I thought they had nothing to worry about. Well, the night's focus then turns to
05:46Actually, why are we out for dinner Sierra Saturday night?
05:50Here we go mic drop
05:52The dinner was actually quite innocent
05:56We shared a plate of meat. I bet you. Yeah, what kind of me?
05:59We knew there was something going on between Adrian and Sierra
06:02So his wife is the one that Adrian went to dinner with shocking
06:08Shocking English and a pasta. What are the odds? I'm here for the right reasons
06:13I love Billy Billy so cute Billy look like that guy from Baby Reindeer. Yeah
06:18Voice what's happened?
06:20That is it
06:23Really what about when you called me I said you want to do a wife swap
06:31Shit, you know last year was that the dinner parties on Tuesdays or Wednesday?
06:36No, not now focus. You want to see he's saying all the truth then play the truth
06:40He's putting it back on Billy. Come on, Billy. Did you say it? No, he did not
06:51In fairness, they're picking peanuts out of poo
06:56Just does not
06:58Disappoint, I forgot how gross that makes me feel after I watched it, correct
07:04I'm gonna have to up the pressure on my shower again because I could have sworn last year that one Tuesday
07:08Yeah, so now it's on Wednesday. I said I've got an extra day
07:23Over the break Brie got a brand new hair color. I'm thinking I'll be a little bit more brighter now
07:29Up here not here. Just in here. I
07:32Don't back that
07:37Keith got a brand new stubby cooler
07:40We are the Navy Blues and it's got a
07:44I can open the bottle but you know, the worst part is you've got to take it
07:48You can take it off first take it off then put it in and drink it this way even though they're a twist-off Keith
07:55This week on Apple TV BBC, oh shit, are we doing David the secret lives of animals?
08:02Animal show
08:08Is this David or not David this one it's not David experience a world beyond imagination
08:14Stunt. No, it isn't lizards
08:19Walk on water is it his brother? No apes
08:23Master tools. Sometimes you do just need a David here, don't you? Well, maybe but you don't have one frogs
08:29They've got budget David is it Morgan Pierce? No, not Stephen Fry
08:33No on the African Savannah Liam Neeson, isn't he Irish? Is it? Mr. Bean?
08:39What leopards can climb it's not Sam Neill. I was just thinking that is it Sam Neill? Can we stop now Hugh Bonneville?
08:46Thank you. Who's Hugh Bonneville when he's at home? Here's that dude from that show
08:50They don't even have like Benedict Cumberbatch David. Look you can't always get a David but you can get a
08:57But we begin with a
08:59I don't know a lot about frogs. This frog does something
09:04Magical he packs 90% of his blood cells into his liver
09:09Hiding them away. Oh my god Wow and
09:13starts to become
09:16Transparent what if you can't hide just be the leaf that feels like real. Mr. Miyagi stuff. He shrinks many of his organs
09:23He shrinks his organs to a third of their original size. That is crazy
09:30Oh, we all do that when we put ourselves into Spanx same same so he all but disappears. I didn't know that
09:39The teacher told me got that kindergarten frog still visible really. All right wise guy, you know what this fish can do
09:46I know what's going to happen. Don't tell me you tell me then fly dude fish can fly
09:54Oh, yeah, lucky guess but you don't know what this lizard can do underwater
09:58He's not even wet his special water repellent scales acts like his very own
10:05Scuba tank. No, he's got air. So he's not actually even wet. I told you. Okay, that is pretty impressive
10:12Yeah, dude, we're to next in the Peruvian Amazon
10:17Thanks, Kate
10:19I've heard it 16 times, but not all animals can run away. You might even be on film. Okay, maybe getting some
10:29Species and in the Amazon no, listen to me. I looked around and you cannot see anything but
10:35Thousands of trees you're gonna make your predators fall asleep. Can we just focus on the animal?
10:39What is it now for a cyclosa spider David's doing a great job. This is not Debbie that I'm sorry
10:46Without a strong venom, she's defenseless. This is the sort of things we were saying
10:51Oh spiders did say one like this and I think I've got a photo seriously
10:55She builds a special web. Wow. She's quick. I think it's
11:01Yep, would be and she uses it to do something remarkable
11:06Could have a photo of an alligator. She gathers only the best materials mean the Galapagos
11:12And starts to assemble
11:15Her masterpiece what in their transformer is this what looks like a giant self-portrait?
11:21She makes a spider a fake spider. Wow
11:25Thought to intimidate her predators. No
11:31Why didn't I hear about all this on my trip and scares off a predator
11:36500 times her own size. So the birds too scared of the biggest spider, correct
11:42Genius. Well, don't you feel bad smacking them with your thong now the lengths animals go to
11:48to protect themselves
11:50Imagine we could create a whole nother we do it's called a scarecrow
11:54In a farm and a veggie patch called a scarecrow. We do do that to scare the crows
12:02That was so cool that was an awesome show you like spiders baby. Yeah, I
12:07Love that big budget for David, isn't it? It's not David
12:11You can literally take everything David says and use it as wisdom for your own life. I give up
12:29Wait, how's the missus has this rule, right? Yeah that if it takes less than two minutes
12:35You need to do it straightaway sex
12:43That noise
12:46Yep, that's the one can only mean
12:50Survivor survivor survivor
12:57Survivors keeps on surviving this year's survivor sees an age-old battle between brains
13:03I love that survivor is the only place we can reduce people down to like really
13:09Quite offensive subcategories the brains. We can't call them smart and dumb. What can we call them brains?
13:16Versus brawn what's brawn mean? We know which of those two camps you're in with that question
13:21Okay, well try to guess what camp this guy's in. Oh
13:25He's not a brawn. He's a hottie same thing
13:29He's a rapper I'm gonna make a massive prediction out first night if it's not profit or progress I pay it no focus
13:35We're here for 47 days. So when do we start? How do we outlast see you later? Oh, goodbye sling shady
13:42See you then. Bye Scooby-Doo
13:45What's Scooby-Doo mean
13:50Dog and this primary school teacher is gonna be using his brain to teach those brawn
13:55After saying this teacher I want to homeschool my kids
13:59Two years ago. You didn't even think dinosaurs were real. You are not homeschooling those children over in the red corner
14:05We have the brain
14:07Geez, he'd be in the brawn wouldn't he? Oh, absolutely. Jonathan Lopali. It's gonna be a flash in one of these nerds
14:12It's in the toilet. Okay. Today's challenge is very simple
14:16The goal is to retrieve a key from the top of a very high pole all you will have at your disposal
14:21I don't get it. Oh, don't worry about it. They're just using a big stick to try to stick it through the hole you idiot
14:28This is brains
14:33It's too limp, please not gonna work if it's too limp I haven't said the best of us any such problems for the brawny team
14:39I shouldn't think so
14:42Oh my god, all the blokes are like we've got this
14:46We've got this we've got this we've got this we've got this we've got this we've got this we've got this we've got this
14:51We've got you. We've got you. You've got this girl. You've got this god. I had to go to gynecologist today, too
15:05Let's head back to camp and meet some of the other brawn stars, there's no one wearing pants
15:11And then you have me
15:14How's he on the brawn team? He looks like he ate someone from the brawn team
15:19It's a funny tribe nash looks like a lebo, but his name's nash he's he's he's lebanese. Do you think he's?
15:25Naseeb najib, whatever he's called. He's currently looking for an idol
15:29Which is a very valuable thing on survivor because it can keep you safe and they can be near impossible to find
15:36Oh, no, wait, how the hell did he find that? I found an idol
15:43Look habib, look what I got. Yeah straight from the jungle. Damn. Aren't you meant to like hide the idol?
15:49That's right by far. The most advisable strategy when finding an idol is to not tell anyone I say flaunt it
15:57He's actually wearing he's wearing actually wearing it literally
16:02I got an idol habib. Just put my hands in the tree and found it
16:05This is why labs always get done and go to jail. Hello
16:10Every time they do something they just want to flaunt it wakey wakey
16:14He fucks your babe. You like the chain? He's just put a big tiger on his chest literally
16:20Literally literally, you know because I thought she was talking figuratively
16:24Literally, i'm part of the brawn team because I don't know the difference. Well, she was talking figuratively
16:28Ben said literally
16:31Off to tribal council where they need to figure out who's flame to extinguish both literally and figuratively
16:38Nash wearing your idol. That's actually one of the dumbest survivor moves i've ever seen. I wore it proud
16:44That's why they're in the brawn tribe, not the brains tribe. Dumber
16:48You gotta make big moves in this game. Oh my god. He is literally stroking his ego
16:53No, any stroking is mercifully not literal
16:57Don't wink nashy boy, but back to the idol if nash decides to use it
17:02That means he can't be voted out
17:04But is nash so confident in his own popularity that he'll decide not to use it
17:09What do you think I should do with it? I it's not up to me. I don't think he's going to use it
17:13I think he's that arrogant
17:15That he's going to try and shelf it
17:18Probably not shelf it. That's a weird word
17:21If anyone has an idol and they'd like to play it, oh, he's gonna play it let's use this bad boy
17:28I told you
17:31That's shit and with nash safe the votes get put onto
17:35Candy, that's candy. Who's candy? She wasn't in it. Very much must have been standing behind nash or something first person voted out
17:45The tribe has spoken see candy, well, they just learned your name why candy she was candy to my eyes. Bye everyone
17:52So you're getting going to the candy shop
17:56That's what nash is singing
17:59I think that was a crazy first step. What a great way for survivors to come back. They know how to hook us in I do
18:06Bring one arab in there make him the bad guy and watch the ratings go up
18:22Malik come here leon. Come here guys. What's going on? Did they have like a heap of sugar or what?
18:29You gotta be over here, have you done poo? Oh, you're mommy
18:35Oh my god, hey, hey come here come here come here come here. Oh, they said have two boys
18:40They said it'll be fine. They said
18:42Hello. I'm amanda keller. Hey amanda. We love you. Amanda. Welcome to our brand new series all about parenting
18:49Oh, it's about parenting tune in buddy. This is you children, of course are a joy
18:56But being a parent or a caregiver is hard
18:59Malik and we don't always get it right. I got this. Okay, but can you get the other one?
19:04Oh my god
19:05We've all been there
19:06Yep, tuesday night on the abc a new show landed that combines a unique mix of experts
19:13Experiments and narrative comedy the role of a lifetime
19:16So this is a mix between a sitcom and a doco it's a sicko
19:21Yeah, each ep explores a different parenting challenge and this one raises the question
19:28Is my child ready for a smartphone? Um, no, we're talking about this the other day at what age these days
19:34Should you be giving a kid a phone?
19:36To bring those parenting challenges to life. We've created our very own sitcom. Brilliant. Nazeem Hussain
19:44Hey richie, that's sally from home and away dad
19:49Can I have an iphone? I don't know when you meant to give a child a phone. We were 11
19:53Oh, I was definitely 11. You got a phone. I didn't get it until like year seven that actually that really hurt my feelings
20:01It's a lot of
20:05All my friends have them and if I had an iphone it would keep me safe
20:08Because if I ever got kidnapped you could track down the baddies and rescue me. Oh, yeah
20:11It's all about safety. This is straight out of holly's textbook. What is this kid saying?
20:16Mom, dad said I can have an iphone
20:18That's not what I said. Yes, he did. He said okay
20:22We use that trick all the time we agreed not until he's 13 13
20:26All my friends have them now and stop nagging. Otherwise, it'll be 16. Leah got a phone when she was 10
20:32But my kids have never been phone people. They don't sit on their phones all day
20:35I'm more on my phone than what my kids are. Yeah, I yeah I can see that smartphones are actually making us
20:43Students today are a year and a half behind where they should be when they finish school. What that's scary kids
20:51Comprehension has declined because they just type in words and then all this information comes to them
20:56My five main concerns when it comes to giving a child a smartphone, uh mental health memory formation before I
21:04I just want to see because I got an sms. Was it leah attention problems? Definitely attention problems even mine
21:09I'll watch a video for two seconds and get bored and scroll short-term or working memory capacity and intelligence levels
21:17You need to be smart before you can get a smartphone done exactly right
21:21So far the experts can't settle on a magic age to hand over a smartphone
21:26I don't think you should get a smartphone until you're in high school
21:28I got a phone when I was 12, but it was so dumb. Like all I could do was call and text
21:33That's all we could do in our phones now the kids have full access just the full internet
21:38That's the scary thing
21:40But if you decide to let your child loose on a smartphone the show offers up some parenting dilemmas to dealing with your newly teched
21:47Up kid, would you snoop through your child's phone? Yes. Yes
21:54Cutie, thank you. I snooped through my brother's phones. Of course. I would snoop through my child's
21:59Would you ask for permission or no, but doesn't matter doesn't matter
22:03But I look at your phone you look at my phone i've got nothing. Okay, I delete all the other things I don't want to
22:08I think it's up to the parent to build a trusting relationship enough so that they don't have to go snooping
22:13I don't know. It's tricky if there was a good reason you track me. I've got on the boy. I track everybody
22:18Where are you? What are you doing? What how come you stayed in that place? Yeah, hang on. What'd you got a camera for?
22:24Of all the people we surveyed 67% of people said
22:28Okay, we're trying to listen
22:31We're trying
22:32They would snoop on their kids and I think the reason for snooping is to keep the kids safe. Absolutely
22:40We're trying to listen it's a parenting show help us help you
22:48I think it's hard to
22:53Think it's hard to raise a kid in this day and age. This is an absolute minefield. Why?
23:02Giving you a head you you started this he's copying you
23:21Mm-hmm. How do you wear that booty shirt to work?
23:26I've told everyone that it's a aboriginal slang word for meaning coming together
23:35This week on seven we checked in with a new series of
23:40Just when you thought we couldn't do it again we're doing it again and we still can't find anybody good
23:44Well, they're hoping to find someone decent on the final audition day
23:50For love of you, baby. Oh, I do love the shit ones. Oh, no, please leave
23:57Oh shit sounds like kevin on a friday night, there's no way we can allow you know, come on don't make me go through this
24:04But for the auditionees that can sing they'll be looking to get fast-tracked into the final 30 by being awarded a golden ticket
24:12by judges kyle sanderlands
24:14Amy shark and marcia hines. Is marcia hines ever gonna age? She looks so good. Well black don't crack
24:21Marsha's actually 120 years old 100%. Okay, here we go. Yes, she is
24:26Hey there first up off the ranks. We have a leopard. I'm hannah mark. Hi girl. Look at her in her animal print
24:32She's a star when you're ready. We look forward to hearing you. Thank you. She'll be good
24:35If her voice is anything like her dress, she'll be shit, please. Shut up. Don't wanna let you go
24:42Oh, I never can say you like it look she can sing but I don't like her voice. What are you talking about?
24:52You reckon that's like straight away golden ticket. Yes, I do not ticked every box. It's a yes from me
25:00What the hell golden ticket city I can see it your next mission hannah is to get one of these at the end of the day
25:05Oh, she hasn't got the ticket yet
25:07So now they get the three yeses, but they go to a holding room and then out of the holding room
25:11They pick who gets the golden ticket. Let's just go for about three hours next. I'm bonnie
25:15I'm originally from kenya, but now I live in brisbane. Let's go brisbane
25:18So my performance today is going to be a bit different. I'm going to be using my computer to live auto-tune my voice
25:23He's gonna auto-tune his voice. No, what's it gonna be? What's it to do does make his voice? I don't know. Shut up
25:29She turned to me and then she said girls just want to dance
25:34Girls just want to have fun. Do I like it? Yeah, you like it
25:38I'm, not sure if I agree with this. This is like bringing chat gbt into your exam
25:44I'm the man now marshall's like i've done 70 years performing and you're just gonna auto-tune your way into it
25:49Nana, if I were to ask you to sing would you actually be able to do it?
25:54Yes marshall the voice of truth you want me to hear me hear me sing well, it's a singing competition
26:00It's funny how things never change in this. Oh, he's got the voice of an angel the boy can sing of course
26:07This is tv magic milo. It's a yes from you, man
26:10I can't just have one black person on the show marshall needs some blackout. I appreciate that gives that man the golden ticket
26:17Nope, we've got to see everyone before those tickets get dished out. Oh god. Come on. We haven't got all night
26:23I'm madison. My mom's a singer
26:25Um, she's actually worked with you marcia. Her name's lisa redwoods. Why would you name her for the start?
26:30No, i'm all for being a nepo baby, you know, lisa. I know you so
26:35Less chatty chatty more singy-singy
26:41Wow, is anyone getting goosebumps legit goosebumps so she's through next let's go. Yeah, fair enough next up is noah
26:48Oh, there's a classic one-man band weirdo I would describe my style as
26:56Thank you. You reckon he does like a three-piece band
26:59What gave it away the fact that he was holding guitar with a harmonica around his neck? Let the man do his thing, please
27:05Whatever his thing is
27:07Welcome stranger
27:14That is not the voice I expected a cross between louis armstrong and a muppet
27:22Give him the gold ticket mate. Oh, yeah the golden ticket. All right. Let's see. Who's finally bagged one
27:29Best of the best. Here we go
27:31I mean, it's pretty easy the one who's the daughter of the backup singer's gonna win. Yep, and the one golden ticket
27:38Between the two of you two madison's through hannah's going nepotism ever heard of it. We're gonna give it to you hannah
27:45Hannah got the golden ticket. Good job. Hannah. Masha definitely didn't like her mom
27:50Oh, this is the one i've been dreading the most need to
27:53Oh, no
27:55You can't have these two against each other. They're both so good. Could they go in as a duet?
28:00I can only give one bonnie. I reckon bonnie if auto-tune goes through
28:06I'll do a nerdy run down the street and that one
28:09Golden ticket goes to surely bonnie goes through clearly. It's noah
28:14Nerdy run nerdy run nerdy run nerdy run nerdy run
28:17noah, no
28:20Again, there you go. Keep those pants on
28:26Australian idols back love it. It's gonna be a good season because they've got so many weirdos
28:33And i'm so keen it's a yes for me too
28:50In melbourne matt dalton continues to enjoy being a marriage celebrant
28:55I did an amazing wedding on the weekend. Would you have dad marry you seriously?
28:59I was thinking about it the other day. Would you girls have dad? He's tearing up even thinking about it have to seriously
29:05Oh my god
29:08The definition of a good wedding is if no one yawns, no one snores and no one doesn't cry
29:16Sunday night on 10
29:25This is the finale it sure is tonight
29:28Who will wear?
29:30The jungle crown it's been a really good season
29:35One by one. It's samantha
29:38It's nicky. They left the jungle
29:42Three remain who are we going for?
29:44I reckon sam for me to win would mean the world sam thiday used to play for the broncos
29:50I'm, so stoked sam. You're still in it. He seems like a really nice guy sam thiday a guy
29:54I would have a beer with that's the biggest reason why i'm here
29:57This has been such a wild ride, you know maddie jay maddie was quite funny
30:02I look at him different now since the bachelor the only thing that would top it off right now be winning this for my charity
30:09To be queen of the jungle reggie. I love reggie. She was on big brother. Reggie got a great backstory
30:14She's legally blind. She can't see much stuff if I can do this you can achieve anything
30:19I reckon reggie's gonna win guys. How are you feeling? How's the heart rate right now? First of all?
30:24Oh, they do ask a lot of silly questions. Does it feel super empty? How are you gonna feel if you win?
30:28What are you gonna do? How did it feel eating all those donkey penises and everything?
30:32What do you think robert try one? How about we just get to the part where they bring out the families?
30:38I love these bits. This is the best part of any show on television
30:47Oh my god
30:50No, so cute daughter was brave wearing white into the jungle wasn't she I thought you would have lost some weight. I know I haven't
30:57She's so good. See that's why I want reggie to win
31:06In the kate dalton dress in the kate dalton dress
31:14Oh my god
31:16Imagine seeing your kids after like four weeks in the jungle
31:21Oh, that's too much. He's lost it. Oh god. Oh maddie
31:26That seems a little bit too much maddie looking for a roll on a home and away next you think he's crying to say
31:31I didn't want to see you
31:36Oh might be up for baby number three here all the beds ready with the family reunions out of the way
31:41We're gonna find out who wins no, they're going to be tortured with some gross stuff one last time before that
31:50I hate this challenge the celebrities has the hot tub. It's not hot. That's good at all and I need to wee
32:00Oh, no, thank you just what you need after you've been in dirt for four weeks is to be covered in goop
32:08What legs
32:11Oh, that's a lot of omelette
32:15Fish guts, that's munt elephant poo. Oh, no
32:23Dude he got jackson pollock. Oh and it's runny. It's got diarrhea. No, that's chocolate for sure. Look at it
32:29This is nice. This is actually kind of relaxing compared to what they have to do like during the show
32:34Yeah, this isn't too bad. It is not relaxing. I actually did do away
32:40Oh, that's the least your worries in that pool at the moment. All right now we can finally find out who wins
32:48I hope they've showered
32:51You know what they're three good people right so they all deserve to win
32:55I think maddie jay is gonna win. You're not gonna be maddie jay. It's gonna be my boy sammy thida the winner
33:01Of i'm a celebrity get me out of here for 2025
33:07Here we go
33:23Didn't have a clue who he was beforehand. He's a top bloke
33:28Look at that fugly thing pop it on your head. I'm, not sure it's worth it for that crowd to be honest
33:36Oh wow
33:40Just call me sam fide winner of the nrl premiership and i'm a celebrity
33:45I'm, so stoked. He won. He deserves it. Who's gonna clean all that confetti. That is the question i'm left with we'll see you next year
33:53Good night, australia. Sam's got some moves. Look at him. Look at him
33:58That's it, baby. Take it home
34:03Would you be good in this show would you last I reckon you'd be okay
34:06You'd be able to eat the gross stuff. I would actually quite like it. Yeah, I reckon
34:10My problem. Hey, listen, mom's trying me. I reckon it'd be easy
34:27Do you have your own face on your own t-shirt I am at the stage where I am making family holiday merch
34:33Rach didn't approve this. I can't assume. No. No, this was very much my own doing
34:39Wednesday on nine we watch the new season of
34:44Big miracles
34:46This is a beautiful show. Hey, not just about the baby the ibf stuff, isn't it? That's right
34:50It explores the emotional journey of everyday aussies trying to start a family
34:55Is this pregnancy gonna fail as well? I don't really want to be a mom
35:00It's amazing that they're letting us view this such a vulnerable time for them
35:04Yeah, it's so raw one couple who've waited a long time for their miracle baby is christy and perry
35:11They fell pregnant after five years of trying wow five years sometimes I just come in here
35:20Feeling rather large
35:22And wonderful. Whoa. Whoa. Remember how big you were stomach wise when you had the girls?
35:27I look like I had swallowed a tv. That's how one of my daughter-in-laws is at the moment
35:32I'm gonna be a yayay again christy is now into her third trimester
35:36And the couple are busily preparing for the new arrival i'm super proud of how organized my drawers are looking
35:44That'll last two days. Yeah, exactly. You'll be like i'm loving how color coordinated it all is
35:50It's all supernatural. You have been trying for a baby for five years
35:54I promise you she will never use that nursery that baby's never gonna leave her sight now. It's time for the birth houston
36:01We've got take off she and her animal print to give birth go girl, that is you doll
36:06That is me. You remember that car ride?
36:08Which one the car ride where my water actually broke? Oh, yeah
36:11I've got videos of you squatting in the car park screaming outside the hospital
36:16Such a happy birthday
36:18Ideally our birth plan will be natural birth plan. Love this
36:22That really means like limited pain relief just like so we can just float on through the experience. Everything will go right to plan
36:33Six hours. Is that normal?
36:35I was in labor for each of you guys 12 hours
36:38It was never in the birth plan, but christie's had to adapt. Oh what the birth plan's not going to plan
36:44I want our human bedroom. I don't want the morphine
36:47I want the morphine
36:49I want everything and that's not the only thing not going to plan
36:54Her baby is too high in the birth canal, which is causing the baby's heart rate to rise
37:00Didn't that happen? Yeah, that was milk then they gotta move fast. You're gonna hold on to this push push
37:07Yeah, go go
37:09Push push. Come on, baby. Despite christie's best efforts. The baby's heart rate is now dangerously high
37:17My baby's just having a little bit of trouble getting around that last curve. Okay, perfect
37:21I'm gonna put the forceps on now. Oh shit. They're gonna pull it out one more time. Just breathe. All right, this is lily
37:31Why the baby's head has been delivered
37:33But the shoulders are stuck
37:35This is a shoulder dystocia and it's an obstetric emergency
37:39Oh, no
37:40Oh for god's sake the baby's shoulder stuck behind the pubic bone means he can't draw breath
37:46The baby might not be receiving sufficient oxygen. Oh my god. He's suffocating. So what are they gonna do?
37:52I'm, not totally just gonna put your neck together
37:55Straighten them out medical staff must perform an urgent repositioning called the mcrobert's maneuver. You're gonna what? Oh shit
38:03That's when they move it inside
38:05Perfect and hold it there
38:15Oh god, come on get him out look come look down. Are you baby? The baby's gonna come. Hello. Hello
38:25Great wow
38:27Thank goodness
38:30Hello darling, hello, is he all right? Is he all right? I don't know. Come on bubba
38:39He's not breathing
38:42Nice and calm all kinds come on, baby. Come on cry. Come on, bubba
38:50Yeah, oh my god
38:52I can't watch that. Are you okay?
39:02Come on come on god, please. Oh, come on, bubba
39:09Oh my god, that's the greatest noise in the world
39:14That was so stressful cheeky boy. Oh get him back to mom. You waited five years to meet this baby
39:22I don't know
39:37Do you remember when I first cuddled malik? Yeah, you were crying all of my eyes out
39:46This is little baby date and faint
39:49It was a
39:51Born at four o'clock in the morning
39:54on the night for february
39:56Just like his dad
39:58Oh, so he's gonna share birthday with his child. Happy bloody birthday perry
40:04That is such a roller coaster, but i'm glad they got their happy ending
40:09It's such an incredible show. You're not going to feel alone watching that you're going to know there are other people going through your journey
40:30In melbourne anastasia is recovering from gastric sleeve surgery
40:35Um, the doctor said to me when you're having your liquids and whatever
40:39If it doesn't fit through a straw, you're not allowed to have it. Okay, and I asked how big does a straw have to be?
40:48Oh my goodness
40:50Oh, look at that. That looks beautiful. I know right on monday night. We cast away with this sbs cooking show
40:58Following echoes echoes echoes echoes echoes
41:02And it's hosted by celebrity chef noni barrow. Oh noni. That's what mum will look like soon
41:08So here
41:11I've been to her restaurant fed square and it was an experience
41:14It was so good in this episode noni is headed home to the torres strait
41:19Today i've arrived on an island in the torres strait that is steeped in history
41:23Who's been to the torres strait here? I have never it's shocking
41:27How many australian don't know about the torres strait?
41:30Where is the torres strait basically between the very tip top of australia and papa new guinea? Oh, yep
41:37That spot these shores and reefs that surround this area are abundant in fresh produce
41:42We would suck at that imagine us trying to fish. We're starved ever since I had my operation like I see food everywhere
41:49And it has inspired me to create a dish close to my heart. She's taken after the greeks and outdoor kitchen. Yeah
41:58I can't laugh and we're going to be making our river mint
42:01octopus today
42:03Octopus. Yeah, like the greeks do I thought you're not supposed to eat octopus anymore because they're real smart. Well, not that one
42:10Well, that one got caught didn't they cut them into nice bite-sized pieces. Yeah, we do that pop straight into the pan. Oh
42:18So in my mortar and pestle i've got my coriander here because I want to add a little bit of flavor
42:23Oh bring on the chili. Is there a bigger chili fan in australia than me?
42:27Kate, I love chili more than you I put it on chicken and I put it on steak sweet chilies
42:33What is sweet chili if it ain't chili now i'm gonna add this to my octopus don't wipe your eyes now, sis
42:39I've got a bad story about chili. You wiped your nuts didn't you? Yeah, it's got a little bit of color going on on it
42:45That's what we want. Oh
42:48My mouth's watering this would be my dream living on an island no clothes on just eating the best food
42:55Where's no clothes on all i'm gonna do is pick some leaves in it just leaves
42:59You know, you gotta put a bit of green in there to make it feel like you've been a bit healthy
43:02I'll put six leaves in here. I've got some white wine vinegar and I have some olive oil
43:08You gotta bin that tupperware. It's leaking. Absolutely
43:11It's got the wrong lid classic tail
43:14Doesn't matter where you are in australia. You can be in the torres strait
43:16You'll still not be able to find the right lid for your tupperware
43:19All we're gonna do is just finish it off. Oh
43:22Oh, yeah. Oh, oh, yeah, geez. We're making some real not safe for work sounds. Oh
43:28Oh, what are you guys watching there nothing and there you go, this is our river mint octopus with desert herbs
43:34Look at that. That looks so good. Oh, I love this. This makes me want to go back there
43:38I love the show i'd love to be able to do that
43:41The closest I get to fresh fruit is a sweet potato in a jar to show malik that you can propagate sweet potato from
43:49An old sweet potato that's not fresh. It's literally a rotting sweet potato in our cupboard that stinks that has branches coming out
43:56It's not doesn't stink. Look it's got roots in it now
44:01Sarah that's a sweet potato going off. Okay. Okay time for norni's ceviche
44:08So here we go. We've got this beautiful pearl. Jesus. Look at the size of that
44:13What that looks like a scallop? How big is the pearl gonna be in there?
44:16So i've got the pearl meat pearl meat. I didn't know that there was me in a pearl
44:20This is like what they call namas up there
44:22But it's very similar to ceviche thinly sliced kind of like, you know beef tartare that type of stuff. Is he talking english?
44:28I don't know what camera's like. Can you get that at kfc or yeah, we're going to be cooking it with the limes
44:33Got my finger limes. They're actually really tiny but they pack a really good punch
44:38That's what I said about your penis
44:39She said and then we're just going to squish it straight into our dish finger limes
44:43There's definitely some finger in there. Also, why is she wearing jewelry while she's cooking? Where's the gloves are?
44:48We're gonna put a little bit of this coriander leaves in there these leaves again, please slap your fingers back in there
44:53Give it a give it another little mix and then we give it a bit of a mix after we put the coriander in
44:58Yes. Yes. Yes. We're gonna do now is plate up. Oh my gosh
45:02Yum, have a little taste because you always have to taste what you're cooking
45:05I've never had anything like this before and I want to try it
45:09How cool that everything in that dish you just got from her backyard
45:12I can't wait to share this locally inspired dish. That's not gonna feed everyone
45:17I hope you get another six bites. This is an entree. I know that it's gone down. Well one piece of pearl meat. Yeah
45:27What a great show I really liked that just so good to see a show that showcases Torres Strait Islander culture
45:34Right makes me want to go to the Torres Strait. I'd love to go to the Torres Strait
45:37Still don't know how to get there