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00:00Muy buenas, estamos aquí en estas entrevistas que a veces manejamos en OK Diario
00:04porque tenemos la suerte de encontrar a los protagonistas
00:06y en Clave Empresarial vamos a hablar de todo lo que está por venir
00:10que ha puesto en marcha o va a poner en marcha una administración pública,
00:13nada menos que en Bormujos.
00:15No se piensen, normalmente uno cuando ve un grandísimo proyecto
00:18piensa que si Madrid, Barcelona, que si...
00:20Bueno, pues puede ser que uno de los mayores proyectos de urbanismo
00:22que está por venir en España,
00:24lo digo sin mancharme la lengua, es así,
00:27esté a punto de producirse en Bormujos.
00:29Tenemos la suerte de tener a Isabel Madera,
00:31la delegada de urbanismo de Bormujos que quiere en realidad,
00:33le tiene que dar al botón, a la palanca, ponerlo en marcha,
00:36tenemos la suerte de contar con ella
00:38y además con los inversores, con quienes van a estar detrás,
00:41con quienes les van a dar la fuerza económica
00:44y la fuerza empresarial al proyecto
00:46para poner en marcha...
00:48Isabel, muy buenos días.
00:50Y lo digo sin temor a equivocarme,
00:52para poner en marcha uno de los mayores proyectos de urbanismo de España.
00:54Bueno, yo entiendo que sí,
00:56por lo menos si no de España, si de Andalucía, José.
00:58Bueno, no digo tanto por el número,
01:00sino también por la espectacularidad.
01:04Hay un montón de especulación con esto,
01:06ahora enseguida saludaremos a los inversores,
01:08también, no sé si se ve en pantalla,
01:10pero alucian a Soytei, el CEO de Forty Management,
01:12y al director de negocio global Jean-Pierre Joanchic.
01:18Enseguida hablaremos con ambos,
01:20pero decía, que son la parte inversora,
01:22pero decía, esto es espectacular,
01:24hay una especulación, que si hay una playa en Bormujos,
01:26que si le van a crear,
01:28van a poner aquello con palmeras, edificios...
01:30Bájanos al suelo,
01:32¿qué está pasando allí, qué estáis haciendo con esto?
01:34Bueno, vamos a ver,
01:36esto empieza en las negociaciones,
01:38hace ahora mismo un año y medio,
01:40se presentaron en urbanismo
01:42con esta idea,
01:44en principio vimos que era algo
01:46que podría ser grandioso,
01:48y nos pusimos un poco a funcionar
01:50y a ver qué de verdad había
01:52y realmente
01:54cómo podíamos darle encaje
01:56dentro de Bormujos, porque
01:58indudablemente estará en Bormujos,
02:00ponemos a Bormujos más en el mapa
02:02si cabe, pero indudablemente
02:04esto es un proyecto que abarca
02:06no solo Bormujos, sino todo Sevilla,
02:08al Jarafe, y probablemente
02:10Andalucía al completo.
02:12¿Cómo se baja esto en un año y medio?
02:14Estamos viendo operaciones, no quiero yo comparar,
02:16pero estamos viendo operaciones en grandes ciudades que tardan
02:1820, 30, 40 años,
02:20y dices, no, esto lo empezamos en un año y medio,
02:22como si fuera hace mucho,
02:24es ayer,
02:26pero realmente para mí, que vengo de la empresa
02:28privada, que eso es una realidad,
02:30para mí ha pasado mucho tiempo, me hubiese gustado
02:32ser más ágil todavía, pero indudablemente
02:34es agilidad, al final es
02:36ver la viabilidad,
02:38ver que puede ser interesante,
02:40ver que se puede cumplir con la
02:42normativa vigente, obviamente,
02:44eso es imprescindible,
02:46y tirar adelante, empezar
02:48a funcionar, marcar unos hitos
02:50y unas pautas, y tirar adelante.
02:52Entonces, ahora mismo estamos ya
02:54en el proceso de
02:56empezar con la actuación urbanística
02:58real, para hacer
03:00realidad este tema. Lo estáis haciendo de la mano,
03:02de Fortin Management y de Global Labour.
03:04Y de Global Labour, efectivamente.
03:06Que ahora hablaremos también.
03:08De hecho, si quieres, porque está Lucian al otro lado,
03:10está Lucian Asoitei,
03:12el CEO de Fortin Management, al otro lado de la pantalla,
03:14Lucian, it's a pleasure
03:16to be with you in Nogueria.
03:18Good morning and thank you very much for your attention.
03:20Thank you very much
03:22for the invitation. I'm really honoured
03:24about this, and I'm
03:26also honoured about
03:28the interest that
03:30this project has into the
03:32Spanish media. Unfortunately,
03:34I'm not speaking Spanish,
03:36sorry for this, my kids speak
03:38perfect Spanish,
03:40so maybe I will have enough time
03:42to learn it.
03:44It's an honour to us
03:46to have you here.
03:50Why did you choose Bormujo
03:52for this kind of initiative?
03:54Oh, it's a very interesting question.
03:56Thank you for that.
03:58You are living in a wonderful country
04:00in a wonderful area called
04:02Andalusia. Maybe
04:04because you stay all day long there,
04:06you don't feel that you are
04:08so special.
04:10First of all,
04:12it's very close to the sea,
04:14but not so close in terms of
04:20you need at least one, one and a half hours
04:22to arrive to a beach.
04:24Secondly, you have
04:26a huge touristic potential.
04:28You have a lot of
04:30tourists. As far as I know, based
04:32on the studies,
04:34you have more than 3 million tourists,
04:36which is a huge number,
04:38which are staying.
04:40You have 6 million nights
04:42for 3 million tourists.
04:44That shows us that in Seville,
04:46each tourist is not staying
04:48more than two days.
04:50So, more or less, for foreigners
04:52who are coming to visit your wonderful
04:54area, it's like a
04:56transit situation.
04:58Two days in Seville, two days in Malaga,
05:00two days in Cordoba.
05:02And because we have this wonderful
05:04concept of bringing the sea into the city,
05:06we say,
05:08why not to develop
05:10a touristic area
05:12where we can bring the sea into the city
05:14so for the residents
05:16not to travel anymore
05:18to the beach
05:20one and a half hours all the time.
05:22And for the tourists,
05:24instead of traveling
05:26from a city to a city,
05:28to stay six days in Seville
05:30area and to travel
05:32to Malaga and Cordoba.
05:34And we try to look,
05:36because for a project like this
05:38you need a quite big plot.
05:40You cannot do it in a plot less than
05:425-6 hectares.
05:44We look around
05:46in the area and the best
05:48plot that we found was in Bermujo.
05:52tried to find
05:54somebody there and then
05:56when we meet the city hall,
05:58we were so welcome
06:00that for sure this is our final
06:04To invest in Bermujo.
06:06Isabela Apios, right?
06:08Yes, exactly.
06:10She talks about more than 6 million
06:12of inhabitants, 6 million of tourists
06:14coming and going, she thinks it's a bad feeling
06:16that having what we have there,
06:18people spend only two days in certain cities
06:20like Corre Sevilla and she says,
06:22we are not so close to the beach to spend more time
06:24but if we create one here,
06:26people can stay.
06:28I have to say that one of the things
06:30that convinced me definitely
06:32to give the ok
06:34to start with all the movement
06:36that we have to do
06:38to take this to a good port
06:40was the study
06:42so detailed that they had done
06:44about Andalusia,
06:46tourism, distances,
06:50what happens to people
06:52in one place, in another
06:54and it's true that I thought it was a serious study
06:56and well,
06:58it's true that the investment they are going to make
07:00requires that study
07:02which I think is an important issue.
07:04I ask you and now you will answer it, Luciano.
07:32What happened?
07:34We are the owners of the license
07:36because this sea into the city
07:38is a license being
07:40a patent of Crystal Lagoon
07:42which is an American company
07:44and we are the owner of this license
07:46in many countries in Europe
07:48and many cities in Europe
07:50and we already developed a concept
07:52called Lagoon City
07:54because it's based on this lagoon
07:56developed by Crystal Lagoon
07:58and we created
08:04Lagoon City is the name
08:06of the concept.
08:08We call it Lagoon City in the future.
08:10Yes, exactly.
08:12Lagoon City.
08:14So, we created
08:16around this concept
08:18a mixed use development
08:20which is called Lagoon City
08:22and we can adapt it to any kind
08:24of particularity
08:26let's say.
08:28In the Bermujo's case
08:30because everything will be open to the public
08:32and we are creating this concept
08:34only for the inhabitants
08:36and for the community
08:38it's an open
08:42it's not a closed one.
08:44We have practically
08:46the hospitality for the tourists
08:48and the entertainment
08:50part present for the
08:54The hospitality and the entertainment part
08:56plus the investment it's around
08:5898 million euros
09:00in this moment based on
09:02the master plan that we
09:04have in this moment.
09:06All these figures that I'm saying
09:08are subject to approval by the City Hall
09:10so they are not final
09:12because we have a hotel there
09:14and we have a lot of amenities
09:16it's really simple
09:18it's not a very complicated
09:20development. If you bring
09:22the city, people are coming because
09:24we would like to be present
09:26next to the water
09:28and then if the people are coming
09:30then the businesses are coming
09:32you have the hotel, you have restaurants
09:34you have coffee shops, you have
09:36events hall
09:38you have theater, cinema
09:40all these kind of things that are
09:42can be let's say
09:44put it in
09:46for the people that are coming there.
09:48So having the
09:50hospitality, we
09:52estimate in this moment that we
09:54will have around 800
09:56new direct jobs
09:58which is a huge number by the way
10:00it's equivalent with a very large
10:02factory today.
10:04800 direct jobs and most
10:06of them because we know exactly the problem
10:08that you have it in the
10:10Spain, most of them will
10:12be for young
10:14people because young people
10:16are willing to work
10:18in a place surrounded
10:20with water, with entertainment
10:22and all this kind of stuff.
10:24They prefer to be there.
10:26So only the hotels for example are creating
10:28222 jobs
10:30because if you have
10:32200 rooms you need one
10:34job per room. This is the standard
10:36for a 5 star hotel
10:38and then you have all the jobs
10:40for the amenities around.
10:42This is the direct job.
10:44The indirect jobs based on
10:46studies is 1 to 3.
10:48So if you have 800
10:50direct jobs you have 2400
10:52indirect jobs.
10:54People which are let's say
10:56are the suppliers
10:58for a platform like this
11:00because this platform is quite
11:02strong, quite important.
11:06Thank you Lucian.
11:08Around 100 million and around
11:102400 jobs in Bormujos.
11:12I don't know if you want to say something else to Lucian
11:14because we are running out of time.
11:16Just to thank you Lucian
11:18for your time
11:20and your professionalism
11:22and everything that you are
11:24going to do with us.
11:26We thank you that you welcome us
11:28so so much.
11:30It's a pleasure.
11:32Thank you.
11:34Take care.
11:36Bye bye.
11:38We were saying
11:402400 jobs and 100 million.
11:42Take care. This is just the beginning.
11:44This stage of the 100 million is the beginning.
11:46We have to see the approval of the plan.
11:48We have to see this going forward because
11:50we have the license of Crystal Lagoon
11:52to put this in motion
11:54as Lagoon City.
11:56I don't know if you are going to call it that.
11:58This is a scoop that you just told us.
12:00It's true that they didn't have the name yet.
12:02I would like the word
12:04Bormujos to appear somewhere
12:06but it's their decision
12:08as it can't be otherwise.
12:10They have a lot of expectations
12:12in Bormujos but right now
12:14what is being worked on
12:16is precisely
12:18on that beach.
12:20I was lucky enough to visit
12:22the one they did in Murcia
12:24because a render can handle everything.
12:26You know that.
12:28I wanted to know if we were going to embark
12:30on this story because
12:32it's a lot of hours of work, a lot of negotiations,
12:34a lot of stories
12:36with other public entities.
12:38I wanted to know that we weren't going to get confused.
12:40It wasn't something that
12:42on paper seemed wonderful
12:44and then in reality it wasn't like that.
12:46It's true that I was pleasantly surprised.
12:48It's more beautiful to see it
12:50than the render.
12:52It's better than the render.
12:54The render can handle it well and you can
12:56make it up as you want. It's wonderful.
12:58In principle, the most important thing
13:00about this project is that we have an acre and a half
13:02as we will see later in the video
13:04that Crystal Lagoon has prepared,
13:06an acre and a half of water
13:08lagoon and then it occupies
13:10almost 8 hectares, everything that is
13:12the sand area. It's really
13:14being on a beach.
13:16And around it, what is built is
13:18a whole system
13:20of breweries,
13:22of restaurants,
13:24everything that is the ecosystem
13:26of how we are
13:28here in Spain. Going out to dinner,
13:30being able to have a drink, a beer,
13:32whatever you want, that you have free access
13:34obviously, and you are
13:36with the views to the beach.
13:38I'm going to ask you the good and the bad
13:40because I'm going to take it all
13:42over, Isabel. Well, the bad is not the bad
13:44because you will see, it depends on what you tell me.
13:46The good part,
13:48a minimum project of 100 million,
13:502,400 jobs, this is
13:52in the estimation, then we'll see
13:54because this ends up giving a thing around that we will have to see it.
13:56What is missing?
13:58Because of course, I'm talking
14:00with the Delegate of Urbanism.
14:02What is missing for the project to say,
14:04hey, forward this now,
14:06because it has been talked about a lot and this type of project
14:08ends up in nothing.
14:10The difference between this and everything that was left in nothing in Spain is
14:12Let's see, the difference between this and everything that was left
14:14in nothing in Spain is that it is a project
14:16that is very well defined,
14:18it is in a plot that right now is rustic
14:20but that would be susceptible
14:22from the point of view of the technical services of the City Council
14:24of Urbanism,
14:26that report is already there and it is perfectly
14:28viable, a project
14:30that is a situation, that are projects
14:32that have to respond to
14:34a social good, to a good of
14:36common interest.
14:38What happens is that someone throws it back.
14:40Well, in the end
14:42we are exposed to that,
14:44we can expose ourselves to that, what happens is that
14:46I think that a type of project like this
14:48all of course,
14:50here we are from the City Council of Bormujos, to ensure
14:52that everything is done in the legal way
14:54as it can be done in another way.
14:56That's why I ask you about the report, hey, because there is already a technical report.
14:58Before I say
15:00that yes, that no, or that regular, or that
15:02we will see, the first thing we do is see the
15:04viability of being able to
15:06make a project of action on those
15:08rustic lands that right now have absolutely
15:10no type of exploitation,
15:12they do not have them right now, nor have they had it
15:14in the last 15 years, nor will they have it in the
15:16next 15. Unless it changes.
15:18Unless it changes.
15:20So we understand, it is right on the road,
15:22it has good access,
15:24it meets all the requirements
15:26to be able to carry out a project
15:28of action, which is, let's say,
15:30it is not even a
15:32urbanistic intervention
15:34of calado, it has nothing to do with a
15:36pegón, it has nothing to do with a partial plan,
15:38and that in the eyes of
15:40the urbanism technicians
15:42it is perfectly viable.
15:44So that reassures me.
15:46Urbanism technicians who are officials
15:48and not a political party.
15:50Indeed. I always talk about
15:52technicians. That's it, and I say this because
15:54sometimes it is lost and because then it happens
15:56that this Spain of ours is like this,
15:58that envy comes.
16:00And then, of course,
16:02hey, who is the legacy of urbanism?
16:04Of this party. Everyone
16:06knows it. And this
16:08then ends up happening, which is, as I am
16:10from the other, well, someone comes here and
16:12knocks this down. It is that this was set up
16:14by I don't know who. And this happens.
16:16It is true that it happens, but well,
16:18I have the confidence and I really
16:20firmly believe
16:22that this type of project,
16:24if some political party
16:26tries to knock it down or wants
16:28to get involved
16:30to be able to knock it down, in the end
16:32it will be that political party that has
16:34to give the pertinent explanations
16:36of why it knocks down
16:38a project that is going to give
16:40to Bormujos, as we have talked about
16:422,400 jobs.
16:44Well, I couldn't
16:46tell you, but it is true that youth
16:48needs a lot.
16:50No, but that percentually
16:522,400 people
16:54in Bormujos with a new job,
16:56that's a lot. Well, that's
16:58that we are missing young people.
17:00We are missing young people.
17:02Well, maybe
17:04the expectations are true. I believe
17:06in principle, with the studies that they have presented to us
17:08of the first, well,
17:10this first phase, which would be the
17:12acting plan that we are talking about, the
17:14acting project, we are talking about
17:16600 direct positions and
17:181,200 indirect positions, but
17:20those 600 direct positions
17:22are, because it has also been talked about with them,
17:24they have absolute preference
17:26to the youth of Bormujos.
17:28Of course.
17:30I just brought up the political parties
17:32because in all parts of Spain,
17:34I believe that almost all political signs are
17:36trying to change the qualifications
17:38or the uses of the ground for one or the other.
17:40I mean, if you look at the Basque Country,
17:42even Bildu is trying to change the use of the ground
17:44somewhere. I say it because then
17:46we all see each other, we are all in the same boat
17:48on the same path, you know?
17:50You have Junts, you have Esquerra, you have Salvador Illa
17:52trying to change the use of the ground in Barcelona.
17:54It has happened in Madrid, it is happening
17:56with the operation of Castellana Norte and it is happening
17:58in particular with the developments of the southeast of Madrid.
18:00It is happening in Extremadura, it is happening
18:02in all parts.
18:04I say it so that when someone
18:06comes and says, is it the use of the ground? Yes, yes.
18:08Yes, I understand it, but everyone wants to change it
18:10because there are uses of the ground
18:12that do not serve, as you say, for this
18:14to grow, that are not being used at all
18:16and yet they are always paralyzed because
18:18someone says, hey, get me out of here
18:20these things that I have not done, which is what
18:22they really should say.
18:24I would have liked to do it myself.
18:26Of course, that is the issue.
18:28When will this come to light?
18:30Well, we are right now
18:32in the process of
18:34giving what is definitive. We are adjusting
18:36a series of things with them,
18:38of the definitive meters that the lagoon will have,
18:40everything that will surround
18:42the restoration,
18:44where the hotel is going to go, because
18:46it is a hotel that goes
18:48within the project itself.
18:52I would like to see it
18:54in 6 or 7 months.
18:56In other words, at the end of the year
18:58we are moving sand there.
19:00Indeed, I would like to be able to move sand
19:02at the end of the year.
19:04I point behind Isabel because
19:06the little beach comes out there.
19:08I also have it behind.
19:10We are moving this story in 6 months.
19:12I would love it.
19:14At Christmas we are there generating employment,
19:16which is also a job.
19:18It is also a job.
19:20Well, I'm going to stay with all this.
19:22Let's put the video of Jean-Pierre
19:24Jean-Chic from Crystal Lagoon,
19:26which explains the project a bit.
19:28It explains the project and how the lagoon goes.
19:30And now I ask you.
19:32Let's go with it.
19:34Good afternoon, my name is Jean-Pierre
19:36Jean-Chic, I am the Global Business Director
19:38of Crystal Lagoon.
19:40I am in charge of the entire commercial area
19:42and the development of new projects
19:44around the world.
19:46This new project in Seville
19:48is a public access lagoon,
19:50better known as PAL,
19:52in which Crystal Lagoon develops
19:54in association with Forty Management.
19:56The PAL projects, or public access lagoon,
19:58are the most beautiful developments
20:00in the city
20:02and have as a main element
20:04a large crystalline lagoon.
20:06In this case, it is a lagoon
20:08of about 1.5 hectares.
20:10What is the grace of these projects?
20:12It is that anyone can access the lagoon
20:14through the payment of a ticket,
20:16which is surrounded by white sand.
20:18In addition, this is accompanied
20:20by numerous activities and has
20:22various entertainment infrastructures
20:24and also accompaniment of commercial amenities,
20:26such as restaurants,
20:28restaurants, etc.,
20:30so that people can spend the whole day
20:32up to the lagoon.
20:34Along with that, this project
20:36will have a luxury hotel,
20:38in addition to a hotel apartment,
20:40an event center,
20:42international restaurants,
20:44a sky bar and a sea ride,
20:46among other infrastructures
20:48that all our PAL lagoons
20:50around the world have.
20:52We know that the investment
20:54is millions of euros
20:56and will create many different jobs
20:58for the community.
21:00It is something that we have already seen
21:02even with Forty Management,
21:04our partner, which has its PAL lagoon
21:06already operational in Bucharest.
21:08Well, there we had Jean-Pierre
21:10explaining how this is developing,
21:12how Forty Management has the license,
21:14what it said, etc.
21:16and how Bucurest is doing
21:18to launch this forward.
21:20Two things, and I promise
21:22I'll let you go.
21:24Beyond the figures,
21:26how are you seeing this type of movement
21:28with the other parties there
21:30and with the city council itself
21:32and with the city council of Andalusia
21:34when you propose this plan?
21:36You see, it is true that
21:38right now we have taken it
21:40in a very discreet way,
21:42precisely to avoid
21:44what you were saying,
21:46that false alarms will not be raised.
21:48Well, you know, you work in a newspaper
21:50and a piece of news jumped
21:52before we intended it to jump
21:54because we wanted to have
21:56everything completely tied
21:58and it has been generated
22:00that we may have to run
22:02a little more with everything.
22:04I understand that there will be no glue.
22:06Undoubtedly, there are people like everywhere
22:08and it cannot be otherwise.
22:10The vast majority are delighted
22:12with the project because it is true
22:14that it is something that will be
22:16for me personally, I think it will be great,
22:18but as always, there are detractors,
22:20there are people who understand
22:22that there is no need for us to kill the reeds
22:24one step at a time.
22:26At the level of political parties
22:30I don't want to get in there,
22:32but you can't build any more reeds.
22:34No, no, you can't build reeds,
22:36you can't build another beach.
22:38There is a mess there.
22:40But it is true, José,
22:42that it is hard for me to believe
22:44that there is a political party
22:46from the locals of Bormujos
22:48that is going to be against this project.
22:50It is hard for me to believe.
22:52It is also true that ...
22:54I want to think no.
22:56I really want to think no,
22:58because I think it is a project,
23:00this is not a recalification of the land,
23:02these are not luxury homes,
23:04it has nothing to do with that.
23:06This is a project of performance
23:08on a rustic soil for a common good,
23:10which is going to be
23:12to give work to the Bormujeros
23:14and an area of leisure as we have never had
23:16or would have thought
23:18to be able to have in Bormujos.
23:20And I go with the second and last,
23:22which has not been explained
23:24despite the whole project and everything.
23:26I understand this is a concession
23:28with what is done with the land.
23:30No, it is a private land.
23:32This is a private land.
23:34Of the people of Cristal Lagoon?
23:36They are making their negotiations.
23:38I don't know if it has finished buying,
23:40it has been given a part.
23:42We as a city council, of course,
23:44we do not enter, but we as a city council
23:46if we enter for the viability
23:48of using this rustic land
23:50for projects.
23:52So when we sit down with them,
23:54we have sat down several times,
23:56but in this last meeting with the architect
23:58and with the urbanism partners,
24:00the municipal architect,
24:02who knows the regulations perfectly
24:04both at the local level
24:06and at the level of Junta de Andalucía,
24:08saw the viability without any problem.
24:10And if they give me a viability,
24:12I insist, officials,
24:14this delegate pulls forward.
24:16Let's see what happens with this.
24:18I hope to tell you at Christmas
24:20or that you come to the first stone,
24:22or the first word of land.
24:24Yes, man, we are delighted.
24:26This type of initiatives,
24:28in addition to the fact that
24:30there are always those who look for the tickles
24:32and those who say one thing or the other,
24:34if it does not come out,
24:36if it does not give someone the step,
24:38if it does not start,
24:40it does not happen,
24:42and do not worry that another will do it,
24:44that will stay with the money,
24:46you know the one who never fails,
24:48the one who does not try.
24:50Isabel Madera,
24:52delegate of urbanism of the town of Bormujos.
24:54Congratulations on the project,
24:56thank you for being here,
24:58for telling us,
25:00and for bringing it here to OK Diario.
25:02And in December,
25:04see you there, in the first word.
25:06Thank you, José.