Estilo de vidaTranscripción
00:00These engineering students were given a final test where they had to build a bridge using wooden sticks
00:04But after weeks of preparation when they finally finished their teacher gave an interesting announcement
00:10He said that if any of the bridges could support the body weight of a human the entire class would get an A-plus
00:16So everybody was super excited
00:17But there was just one problem all the bridges kept on failing since nobody paid attention in class and some of them you could just
00:24Tell that there's no way it would hold a person because they built them way too skinny and didn't use the secret
00:29Technique for bridge build but now everybody is super worried because there's only two more bridges left
00:34And if neither of them can hold a person nobody gets an A-plus
00:38But now there's only one left so everybody holds their breath as she steps on but it holds her so everybody gets an A-plus