• 2 days ago
दिल्ली: महिला दिवस को लेकर दिल्ली में आयोजित कार्यक्रम में हिस्सा लेने पहुंची महिलाओं ने आईएएनएस से खास बातचीत की। रग्बी खिलाड़ी प्रिया बंसल ने कहा कि एक 2011 में हमने खेलना शुरू किया था उस वक्त कोई बढ़ावा नहीं मिलता था। मैं जिस फैमिली बैकग्राउंड से हूं वहां पर लड़कियों का यह था कि लड़कियों को शॉट नहीं पहनना है, फ्रेंड नहीं बनाना है, बाहर नहीं निकलना है। 2012 में जब मेरा सेलेक्शन हुआ तब यही था कि शादी कर देंगे तुम्हारी। मेरे पास दो रास्ते थे या तो शादी या इंडिया टीम में सिलेक्शन, मेहनत की अपने फैसलों पर टिकी रही इंडिया टीम को रिप्रेजेंट किया, ये मेरे लिए लाइफ चेंजिंग मोमेंट था।

#internationalwomensday #womensdayprogram #delhi #priyabansal #rugbyplayer


00:00I am a rugby player. I have been playing rugby for the past 10 years and I have been representing India for the past 10 years.
00:06I have also been appointed as a referee at the Asian level and I am also working as a teacher.
00:12Rugby is a sport that was not so developed in India when I started.
00:18I started playing rugby in 2011. At that time, rugby did not get any appreciation.
00:23In my family background, boys were not allowed to wear shorts, make friends and go out.
00:30They were married at an early age.
00:32In 2012, when I was selected for the first Indian camp, I was not selected for the Indian team for the first time.
00:40My family told me that they will get me married next year.
00:43I had only two options, either marriage or selection for the Indian team.
00:48I worked hard for a year and trained hard.
00:52In 2013, I represented the Indian team for the first time.
00:55It was a life-changing moment for me.
00:57As soon as I represented the Indian team, I got a chance to tell my parents to give me a chance, let me move forward and let me play.
01:04Because of that, I represented the Indian team today.
01:07I broke this barrier that I do not want to get married.
01:10I have to take that step only after reaching my level.
01:14I have to take that step only after reaching my level.
01:16I always say that one step can change your life.
01:19I always say that one step can change your life.
01:24If I had not taken that step, I would have got married and I would not be standing here today.
01:31I think my family supported me a lot.
01:34Yes, there were some cultural barriers.
01:37We were told not to wear shorts, not to go out, not to make friends with boys, etc.
01:45But my father was very supportive of me.
01:49He said, if you want to do something, you should move forward.
01:51I am with you and I support you.
01:53The government also played a big role.
01:55When I started, no one knew about rugby.
01:58We used to play only one game a year.
02:01At present, rugby is well developed all over India.
02:05The government is doing a good job.
02:10There are some people who support us, but we have to move forward.
02:16Women are equal everywhere.
02:20Women are equal everywhere.
02:25Our vision is to develop India.
02:30For that, we have to take sub-goals.
02:33For example, sports.
02:36We used to play only once a year.
02:39Tournaments do not end in a year.
02:42We play tournaments every month.
02:44This is a development.
02:46In the Olympics, we used to win one or two medals.
02:49Now we have gone from 2 to 7 and 9.
02:51This is a development.
02:53We launched small programs.
02:55We launched small schemes.
02:57Because of this, we have reached this level.
03:00Because of this, we are moving towards development.
03:04I think my experience is very good.
03:08When I started, it was not so developed.
03:11At present, we have reached a very good level.
03:14I work as a government employee.
03:18I got a job in the Central Government Organization.
03:21My sports have played a big role in this.
03:24Earlier, no one knew about sports.
03:28There were many sports that were not even highlighted.
03:30Cricket was considered.
03:32But now there are so many sports that are being kept at the forefront.
