The Prince of Wales visited the project in west London which provides 24/7 free text message support to young people with problems, including suicidal thoughts.
Report by Ajagbef. Like us on Facebook at and follow us on Twitter at
Report by Ajagbef. Like us on Facebook at and follow us on Twitter at
00:00So these guys have been really involved in the merger, the plans around the merger, so
00:24obviously they were the mix of Heath Advisory Board and now MHI Heath Advisory Board.
00:29And Michael Edward of MHI.
00:35We didn't chat about MHI last night, did we? You were talking more about the new services as well, since merging.
00:40So of course we had these ones before, which was of course Sharks Crisis Service and our peer-moderated partners.
00:48But of course then we had our community places where people could talk about any issue.
00:55And now we're not printing these guys, so you're a shell.
00:59They're your expats.
01:02But yeah, so they're texting a shell and they may be directed towards single person accounts.
01:08How do you guys triage to single service? How does that work?
01:13Yeah, so we often send resources to Texas and that's when we might signpost to different services.
01:17So it's a really great way for Texas to also get the service but also to receive other signposting
01:22to enhance that kind of support after texting it as well.
01:26Is there a certain threshold to where you then are offered a single service or can anyone ask for it at any time?
01:31Well, with everyone we talk, I've never spoken to anyone, but I'd like to.
01:35And that's where it would come in being like, well actually, we've got the mix, we've got all this other stuff.
01:40This is some stuff we can show you, maybe you'd like to click in here and get some.
01:44So it would be something that came up in conversation as an opportunity for them to signpost to.
01:49And has that grown in popularity? When you first started offering it, how did people take it?
01:54We've been fully immersed in that expertise of being champions and that's kind of driven that change,
01:59which I think is what mental health is made of. It captures so beautifully and why it's going to be so life-changing for so many young people.
02:05And what are you seeing on the chapter of volunteering?
02:08Are we getting younger in terms of the age group we're reaching in NHI?
02:12What sort of themes of oldness are you seeing?
02:16Everything you could possibly imagine.
02:19Yeah, whatever.
02:21It's something that's quite bad, but then there's self-harm, a lot of self-harm, a lot of talk about suicide,
02:27a lot of depression and anxious thoughts, things like that.
02:30Literally everything.
02:32Yeah, everything.
02:36In many ways, it's good that you guys are seeing that, because that means that we're digging into some of the really hidden stuff in society.
02:44It's growing, really. So it's always a mixed balance.
02:48It is. It's sad and happy. There's always a person in crisis.
02:53But what you want to do is empower young people with the tools and the knowledge first-hand,
02:57sort of like a first-aid kit for your mental health.
03:00Yeah, just sort of coming at this, you know what to do when you're anxious and stuff like that.
03:04So we've been developing self-paced learning tools.
03:07Self-paced because you can access it whenever you want to, learn whenever you want to.
03:11Matter of resource and all of those sorts of things.
03:15And test the amount of it as well.
03:17Yeah, we're very excited to get going.
03:21And what would you, from the merger in particular, what excites you guys?
03:25We're all good at texting, really, but it's always a bit of a, I find anyway, you want a bit of a human-to-human contact,
03:31just to really get the body language and everything interlocked.
03:34By one-to-one, you are sort of expanding that relationship.
03:39You can get a bit more of them now and you can maybe help more than just that crisis intervention.
03:44So it's quite exciting.
03:45Yeah, and we've learnt a lot from our stay.
03:48We wanted to replicate something like that.
03:51So in October, we've come up with Swim to Smile, which is going to be something quite similar,
03:56aimed at hoping to raise money for young people's wellbeing.
03:59So it might be something for you to get involved in.
04:03Get involved in lots of things.
04:04So add it to the list.
04:06There's also parachuting from an aeroplane.
04:09I'm a swimmer myself, so I can help you too.
04:11But we need help.
04:12I think this is a great point to segue to the website.
04:18This website, we talk about it probably most of our time during our youth board meetings.
04:23It's been in development for the last couple of years, before my time.
04:28I think these two are very happy to see the end product.
04:31This is going to be launched on Mental Health Awareness Week in May.
04:36So this is not the final product, but we wanted to really show you some of the websites.
04:40There were many articles about young deaf people that I offered to volunteer to write some articles.
04:46I know I think one or two others have done some writing around the article.
04:50And one of our key, very trending topics is navigating universities with anxiety,
04:56which I'm sure many of us at some point have experienced.
05:00So very clean outlook.
05:02This is how most of our articles will be looking like.
05:06We've got some really interesting...
05:08And it's just so... I think it's so friendly.
05:11I could look at this website all day.
05:13So I hope that young people...
05:17And I'm interested, when you're doing your links and you're sharing your links on the conversation,
05:21do you use stuff for the website too?
05:23No, and this is what's really helpful with some information there or specific support.
05:27But it's hard to find resources.
05:30I mean, it's good, but it's sort of a little bit limited.
05:33So this is where I'm excited by the merger.
05:35So we've brought in the mix.
05:37Now we basically exist in the same space as all of the resources.
05:40So we don't have to be signposting people to loads of different places or NHS leaflets from like 2000.
05:46I just want to read more stuff.
05:48So I felt really good.
05:49I just wanted to text more and try to chill them out and kind of bring them through that difficult moment.
05:54But the quality of the resource you put through is really important.
05:57And I just wonder, how do you bridge that gap between providing enough advice, being online enough,
06:04but also giving them more stuff to read?
06:07Yeah, and I think also...
06:08I mean, I think the thing about challenges in your life,
06:10without having to feel like you have to be in crisis to qualify for help.
06:14And that's the really nice thing about this is that it's really accessible to anyone.
06:20And we're not saying you have to be in a really bad place to use it.
06:23And also, we're giving people, I hope, which is a really exciting bit,
06:27the opportunity to use the services and then contribute to them.
06:30So, you know, a lot of...
06:32I would, yeah, sure.
06:33You know, having thoughts of killing yourself.
06:34But actually, the system's understood that.
06:37Yeah, absolutely.
06:38So let's go for number two again.
06:40Would you like to...
06:41Really, really great to hear that from people tested.
06:44And, yeah, you're one of the first people.
06:46You just get to the whole point about prevention.
06:50So I'm just glad that it's something that we are really pioneering to,
06:54and hopefully that, you know, everyone gets behind on it,
06:58because it's something that's really affecting people today.
07:02Thank you so much.
07:03And, yeah, well done for giving us so much time to get it to where it is.
07:06It's only going, which is fantastic.
07:10Thank you so much.
07:12Have a good time.
07:15Last time we spoke...
07:28No, well...
07:30It's true, though.
07:31There's an example.
07:33A lot of the emails and shout-outs come from other people
07:36posting on social media about us.
07:38And so I happen to watch it, and I'm like,
07:41well, we're just not...
07:45One of the reasons it's not, as you can see,
07:47is that, you know, the conversations that are happening hourly,
07:51it increases quite a lot of...
08:02All I can do...
08:10I'm particularly interested in how we can use this data
08:13to turn for opinions and...
08:17I'm just going to see if...
08:20It's a lot of data matching the right outcomes.
08:34I only have one point to which you...
08:38It brings up...
08:40Because of the shout-out services,
08:42the pressure being that...
08:49So how can we use...
08:51Also, the data...
09:03Identify those conversations...
09:21See if...
09:24Yeah, that's the big level...
09:29That's the exact tool we can use in the future to do that.
09:32And they reach out.
09:33And I think there's a reason you see things like MyAI
09:36really being one of the first cases of...
09:42And I think balancing...
09:45...trial and error,
09:46and getting everyone to understand what are the good terms
09:49and what are the terms that people are using
09:51when they're really interested in doing business
09:53is really, really important.
10:04It's really interesting,
10:05because what you've read, completely correctly identified,
10:08is about how the data is being made.
10:11And at the moment, most platforms,
10:13Google in particular,
10:15if someone is trying to do a crisis tent,
10:17we deliberately come down to people with adverts
10:20and to do the tracking on specific terms,
10:23because we know that's a vulnerable area.
10:25Academics, operants...
10:34No, it's just...
10:35I like to think what a fantastic organisation Google is,
10:39and I'm always thinking about the scale.
10:41How do you get people to do more than this?
10:43It's an interesting area,
10:44and I feel like a really good opportunity.
10:46Yeah, and we would welcome...
10:48...people of some type who are able to support,
10:51not just us, but the chances...
10:54We'd welcome people from other social media platforms
10:57and others to try and...
11:02It would always be a lot of fun
11:04for people like you and me. actually still talk to people.
11:14That's it.
11:25On the 27th anniversary this year,
11:27we've got new banners,
11:30and also new photos,
11:32and lots of flowers.
11:33And going further afield,
11:35in two years, the 30th anniversary,
11:37we're going to have...
11:39Your mother's name in roses.
11:41It's about what they do.
11:43It's my 70th birthday on...
11:47I think we'll have it,
11:48so we won't have it in this background.
11:49Oh, that's very kind of you.
11:51Well, enjoy your day.
11:52I hope I'll see you on the day.
11:53I'll take your invitation.
11:54Yeah, and you might not recognise me,
11:55because I've got a new suit.
11:56Have you?
11:57Oh, fantastic.
11:58And I'll have everything dry-cleaned.
11:59You're very smart.
12:01Thank you very much.
12:03I remember that day.
12:04Yeah, me too.
12:05Yeah, me too.
12:06Is that you there?
12:07No, it's his personal bag.
12:08That's the only thing I remember.
12:09It's very important.
12:10Oh, no, it's very important.
12:11But, I mean,
12:13what is the most important thing is that
12:15he's still...