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►Всем привет! Сегодня житель случайно попал в мою ловушку в майнкрафт. Этот деревенский житель застрял в капкане в minecraft!
#компот #майнкрафт #minecraft #compot #майн #игры #житель #случайно #застрял #попал #попался #ловушка #капкан
00:00Yes, it happened again.
00:02Hello everyone, guys, my name is Kompot, welcome to my new video, and look what's going on in my house.
00:09You probably thought that some robber came to me, but partly yes, partly no, because, guys, this robber is most likely a wild animal from the forest.
00:18I don't know if it's a wolf or a bear, but the fact remains that the animal is really very large, just look at the scale of the step.
00:25These footprints go deep, deep into the forest, to be honest, I'm scared to go there, I'll tell you a backstory.
00:31Two days ago I went out to my garden and saw this. Someone ate all the wheat, almost all the carrots, but they didn't touch the potatoes.
00:38I thought it was strange, I don't know, maybe the wheat was overripe, maybe the carrots were overripe, maybe I planted it wrong, I did it all over again, guys.
00:45And the next day the picture repeats itself, only with one small feature, my neighbor will tell you about it.
00:53Hey, neighbor, it's me, how are you doing?
00:56Well, compote, I'm not doing anything, I've been watching binoculars all day today and didn't notice anything.
01:01Can you please tell the subscribers the story of how someone stole your cake?
01:05Guys, listen to the story, in short, I left a delicious cake on the window sill, which I ate in time, so I'm going back to make tea for myself, there is no cake, and the wall was demolished.
01:14Guys, look what happened.
01:16At first I thought I was robbed, but the diamonds were not touched, and the emeralds too.
01:21I have the same story, the jewels were not touched, the equipment was not stolen, only food is stolen, it's 100% a wild animal from the forest.
01:29Someone needs to catch it somehow, it destroys our crops, our houses.
01:33Don't worry, I already have a little idea how to do it.
01:37In general, guys, look what I crafted today. One, two, three, ta-da!
01:42This is a real trap, but let's not step on it, guys, come on.
01:47I made it from the most powerful type of iron, guys, so that it could not be unlocked.
01:52That is, the one who falls into this trap will not get out.
01:56This trap is opened only with the keys that are in my inventory, I will hang them somewhere here.
02:02The plan is as follows, tonight I will fill my chest with food, but there is nothing left of food, the guys ate everything.
02:09So, I'll put wheat here, I'll put carrots here, I'll take away the potatoes, because, judging by my gardens,
02:14or rather, judging by the fact that the potatoes are not touched here, this beast that constantly destroys our gardens and houses does not like potatoes.
02:21So, I'll put it all here, add some juicy meat here and go to bed.
02:25If at night the animal comes again, it will fall into the trap.
02:28But don't worry, this trap is safe, guys, and it won't harm the animal, we'll just catch it that way.
02:35The most important thing is not to get into this trap yourself.
02:37Well, guys, now I suggest you go to the warehouse and take the food I was talking about, to fill the whole chest with it.
02:43It's better to go through the wall, because, guys, jumping through the trap is a very bad idea.
02:48Okay, let's run to the warehouse.
02:50Well, judging by the fact that I was taken out of the wall, the animal is really very large.
02:54I don't know, it seems to me that this is a bear.
02:57To be honest, I'm very afraid of bears, what if it comes here and eats me?
03:01No, no, no, I don't want that.
03:02Hmm, Compot said he had a plan to catch this animal, I wonder what?
03:08Maybe we'll visit Compot and he'll tell me about this plan?
03:11Compot, sorry for knocking, I have a question for you, Compot?
03:14Hmm, he's not at home, wow.
03:17That's right, Compot also smashed this beast into the wall.
03:20Surprisingly, how did that happen?
03:26What's that?
03:27What's with my legs?
03:30How did it get out?
03:31I can't reach my legs, what's going on?
03:35What the hell is this?
03:36I'll try to open this bitch, I don't get it
03:41I can't do it, what's going on here?
03:45What the hell is this? I don't get it
03:46Is this... Is this... Is this a trap?
03:49What is GOMBOT doing at home? I don't get it
03:54I wonder if I'll be able to pull out my left leg
03:57Come on, come on, come on
03:58I can't do it, I'm stuck here
04:01He's too strong
04:03What the hell is GOMBOT doing at home? I don't get it
04:06He put a trap here
04:08Probably for that animal
04:10And I got into it
04:13It doesn't make sense, okay
04:15I hope that GOMBOT will come back now and pull me out of here
04:18That's it, I've gained a lot of food
04:20I think the animal will like it
04:23And he will 100% come to my house and enjoy it
04:26As I said earlier, I'll put wheat there, I'll put carrots there
04:30And some more meat, it's so tasty
04:32Oh, guys, who would give me such a table?
04:35Yes, it's raw, of course, but...
04:37Listen, guys, I'm so hungry, maybe we should go have a snack?
04:40Yes, good idea
04:42While I was collecting food in the warehouse, I got hungry
04:44So I'll temporarily put it here
04:46And I'll go eat somewhere and come back soon
04:50I'm already tired of standing here
04:52When will GOMBOT come?
04:53I wonder how long he's been gone, where did he go?
04:56He doesn't seem to have a working day today
04:59No, it's useless for me
05:01I won't get out of here myself, I need GOMBOT's help
05:04I've probably been standing here for an hour
05:06I can't even sit down in one place
05:09Because it didn't hold me in this trap
05:11Oh, it's useless
05:14I see something
05:16Is it... Is it... Is it keys?
05:18Interesting, what are these keys for?
05:20Stop, it's probably... It's probably the keys from the trap
05:24Because they are the same shape
05:26Now I'll...
05:30I can't do it
05:31I have to reach them somehow
05:33They are very high
05:35Come on, come on, I can do it
05:38No, it's useless
05:40The keys are so close
05:41But why can't I pick them up?
05:43I really want to pick them up and get out of here
05:46I can't stand here anymore, my legs are numb
05:49Oh, I'm so full now
05:51Okay, guys, you just can't imagine
05:54It's even hard for me to move
05:56Okay, let's quickly run to the warehouse
05:58Although it won't work quickly, because I'm full
06:01Let's take all this and go home to fill the chest
06:05So that at night this animal comes to my house
06:09And guys get caught...
06:11Oh, GOMBOT, GOMBOT, GOMBOT, I'm looking for you
06:13I didn't have time to find your house
06:15Resident Evil, why are you looking for me? What's wrong?
06:18What? It seemed to me or I heard the voice of GOMBOT
06:21Where... Where... GOMBOT
06:23There he is!
06:24GOMBOT, my tap broke at home
06:26Could you help me fix it?
06:28Fix the tap? No problem, I'll just bring it home
06:32It's better to go now, because there is a flood
06:35I'm already half of the house flooded
06:36Are you serious now? Why didn't you turn off the water?
06:38Okay, let's run faster
06:40No, stop, stop, don't run away, GOMBOT
06:43No, come back, I'm at your house
06:45In the trap, GOMBOT
06:49No, it's useless, GOMBOT
06:52Why did this resident stop in the middle of nowhere? Where did they go?
06:56No, I need to get out with my own strength
06:59Do I have something in my inventory or not?
07:01Wow, what is this? I have an interesting wand in my inventory
07:05Okay, you see, I can reach my chest with it
07:09Come on, please, wand, dear, help me, I beg you
07:14No, it's useless
07:16What if I throw it, GOMBOT?
07:18Yes, accuracy is my second name, of course
07:21Everything seems to be tightly twisted, resident, be careful now
07:24Thank you very much, GOMBOT, what am I doing without you?
07:26I'm already a complete mess
07:28Yes, you are lucky that all your interior items are not washed away
07:31Okay, resident, good luck to you
07:33Thank you very much again, GOMBOT, bye
07:35Bye, resident, bye
07:37Well, guys, now let's run home
07:39We have to put all this in the chest, I will never reach my house
07:43Wow, resident, what is this?
07:45This is GOMBOT, my new car, how do you like it?
07:47Cool, resident, did you buy yourself a car?
07:50Yes, let's go for a ride, I'll show you how cool it is
07:53Resident, sorry, I need to go home, especially since my inventory is full
07:56Don't worry, GOMBOT, my car has a spacious trunk, throw all your items into my trunk
08:01Okay, resident, okay, let's go for a ride, I'll show you how cool your car is
08:06Well, what are you going to do, where is this GOMBOT, I don't understand why he doesn't come back home
08:13I'm standing in this trap
08:16Where should I go? I don't have a phone with me, I don't have anything with me, not even food
08:22And I'm very hungry
08:25GOMBOT probably has food in the chest, but I can't reach it either
08:31And what can I reach, I don't understand
08:34Probably only to the laptop
08:38The laptop was standing here all this time, why didn't I get it right away?
08:42No! Why did he fall there?
08:45No, no, no, come on, laptop, I have to...
08:48It's useless, why am I such a loser?
08:52Resident, we had a great ride
08:55Yes, GOMBOT, agree, cool
08:57Yes, cool, we drove with you all day, back and forth
09:00Yes, GOMBOT, let's also buy a car and drive together
09:04The offer is tempting, of course, but there are not enough emeralds
09:07Okay, resident, thanks for the ride, good luck
09:10Guys, it was...
09:11GOMBOT, GOMBOT, come to me, please
09:13Why didn't you come for the salary today?
09:15I didn't come for the salary, wait, what day is it today?
09:18Today, GOMBOT, is the salary day, did you forget?
09:21Exactly, I completely forgot about it, where are my emeralds?
09:24Let's go home, now I'll give you your salary
09:27Hooray, good news, let's run
09:29That's it, I can't take it anymore, I really want to eat, I really want to drink, I want to sit down, I can't stand here anymore
09:38And on the street in the evening, GOMBOT is still not at home
09:42Apparently, my fate is to stay in this trap forever
09:46Okay, it's time to make a will
09:50So, I want to leave my house, make a will to my wife
09:56Huh? What? What was that sound?
09:58To be honest, this sound is not good
10:01Oh, wait
10:03Who is it? No, it's a bear!
10:05I need to get out of here, someone help me!
10:11Bear, bear, bear, I didn't do anything wrong to you, don't eat me!
10:15No, I'm going to break through here, I need to get out of here, GOMBOT!
10:19What a salary this month, thank you very much, mayor, good luck
10:23Now I'm going home
10:25Oh guys, I'm so tired
10:27What? I don't understand, what's here?
10:29Hey, do you hear? Who are you?
10:31Guys, it's a bear!
10:34Quiet, quiet, bear, quiet, quiet, quiet
10:36Don't attack me
10:38I have delicious food in my den
10:40Quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet
10:42Bear, calm down, please
10:44I don't understand, guys, why didn't he get into the trap?
10:46He's going to eat me now!
10:49What? I don't understand
10:51Is this something from my house?
10:59This bear, guys, this bear!
11:01Quick, quick, quick, I'm closing the door
11:03Mayor, I'm here, don't worry
11:05What do you mean, don't worry?
11:07What? Wait, GOMBOT, GOMBOT
11:09What's there? He's coming here!
11:13What are we waiting for? Let's run!
11:15Sorry, mayor, I forgot about you
11:17Keys, keys, keys, I'm going to open this trap
11:19Hooray, mayor!
11:21We did it, let's get out of here!
11:23Mayor, why are you mad at me?
11:25You need to look under your feet
11:27Who are you? You're going to have a trap
11:29Why did you come to my house, mayor?
11:31Don't be mad at me, buy yourself new pants
11:33You already ate, drank
11:35Okay, I just spent the whole day in this trap
11:37Okay, I just spent the whole day in this trap
11:39Yes, the bear was supposed to get into the trap, not you
11:41And in the end...
11:43Wait, mayor, did you hear that?
11:45Yes, GOMBOT, it's the sound of the trap that slammed
11:47Yes, GOMBOT, it's the sound of the trap that slammed
11:49I don't confuse it with anything
11:51Wait, did the bear get in?
11:53I don't know, go check
11:55Let's go together, I'm scared
11:57Okay, I'll go alone
11:59Carefully, open the door
12:01Please, please, guys
12:03I hope he won't run out on me
12:05Because of...
12:09Hey, bear, guys
12:11Guys, he got in!
12:13Oh my God, GOMBOT, he's so scary
12:15What should I do with him now?
12:17I don't know, I need to call a special service
12:19And send him to the zoo, for sure
12:21He will have a much better inhabitant there
12:23He ate my phone, do you have a phone?
12:27Phew, thank God that everything ended well
12:29Guys, the bear has just been taken to the zoo
12:31Guys, the bear has just been taken to the zoo
12:33And he feels much better than the inhabitant
12:35Who stood here all day
12:37Can you imagine?
12:39He accidentally got into my trap, into the trap
12:41And I wasn't at home, and I couldn't get home
12:43Then the inhabitant in white pulled me
12:45Then the inhabitant in purple, then the mayor
12:47Eh, okay, but it's good that everything ended well
12:49And I say goodbye to you
12:51Don't forget to like and subscribe to my channel
12:53It's like night outside, and I still need to fix the wall
12:55Good luck to everyone, thanks to everyone
12:57Bye guys!