GH- 3-6-25 - Ric & Portia Part 1-2
00:00And as soon as I could, is this a good time?
00:04Thank you so much for coming.
00:05Um, how much exactly did Ava tell you?
00:10Well, she didn't tell me anything, but I always enjoy hearing about hospital-related cases.
00:15They tend to be very lucrative.
00:16It's not about the hospital.
00:17Well, not directly, anyway.
00:18It's about me.
00:19I need some help.
00:20I'm desperate.
00:21You have to be if you're talking to me.
00:22I'm not a doctor.
00:23The problem I ever had with you was your defense of Heather Webber.
00:34Yes, I can understand why that would upset you.
00:38I'm the parent myself.
00:39You were just trying to protect your daughter and keep her safe, just like any good mother
00:43I appreciate you saying that.
00:45That's true.
00:46And Heather Webber is no longer in Port Charles, so I think we can consider that whole thing
00:51water under the bridge.
00:52Well, I'm not sure if that's the case, um, because the situation that I want to discuss
00:58with you, it involves Heather, so I need to make sure that you don't have a conflict of
01:05Well, I can confidently say that my client-attorney relationship with Heather Webber is firmly
01:12in the past, and I am open to working with you on your case, but if I'm going to help
01:16you, you've got to stop speaking so cryptically and tell me exactly what is going on.
01:23You're being blackmailed?
01:25By two people, actually.
01:30Unrelated people?
01:32A few months ago, a lab tech found out that I altered Heather's test results, but he's
01:38just been asking for, you know, little stuff like a day off or permission to go to a medical
01:43conference out of town.
01:44It's not great, but it's not my biggest concern.
01:49Someone else found out what I did, Drew Quartermain.
01:54Congressman Quartermain?
01:56There was a time that Drew and Curtis were best friends, but all of a sudden, Drew changed.
02:03He just turned into this horrible person, and now Curtis and Drew are at war, especially
02:08over Aurora, and now Drew is holding what I did over my head.
02:14What does he want?
02:16He wants me to broker a sit-down between him and Curtis so that I can convince Curtis to
02:23end the war.
02:24How much does Curtis know?
02:27Curtis values honesty, okay, above all else, so I told him that I tampered with Heather
02:33Weber's test results.
02:36But what about you being blackmailed?
02:38He doesn't know about that part.
02:40I see.
02:42So what am I supposed to do, betray my husband on Drew's behalf or tell Curtis the truth
02:50that I've been keeping this secret from him for months?
02:53Well, I'm afraid you are in what we call in the legal community between a rock and a hard
03:00I don't want to lose my job.
03:01I am scared to lose my medical license, but Curtis, he's the one that I don't want to
03:07lose the most.
03:08I don't want to lose my job.