Eastenders 3-6-2025 - Eastenders 6 March, 2025 Full Episode 1080HD
00:00I wasn't expecting you yet. I haven't made you breakfast.
00:16Mum, I'm fine.
00:17No, no, no. He's putting on a brave face. It's not good news.
00:21Medically, he's sound, but they want to book him in for a personality transplant.
00:26I don't think he's got one.
00:28Mum, tell him to shut it.
00:29Back it in. You should be looking out for him, not winding him up. Come on, babe, sit down.
00:34Just having a laugh. Apparently, that's the best medicine.
00:37Leads to home, eh? And this time for good, please, because I don't think my back can stand another night in the hospital chair.
00:42The staff probably couldn't wait to get rid of you either, love, snoring your head off all night.
00:46Er, I do not snore.
00:48Er, I can confirm you do.
00:50Dad, Mum snores, innit?
00:52Oh, like a clapped-out tractor.
00:55Now, take this upstairs with you. I need to move the car.
01:03So you ain't told him yet, then?
01:05Give me a chance, love.
01:06Mum, you said you'd sort this.
01:08Yeah, and I will.
01:10But you come first, Barn.
01:12Yeah, not some peroxide bimbo hanging off your dad's arm.
01:16Let's just get you settled.
01:18Everything else can wait.
01:23You do know pancake day's been and gone, don't you?
01:25Yes, I know, I know. Completely slipped my mind, innit?
01:27What with everything with Martin and my birthday.
01:31Sorry, I can't believe I forgot, though.
01:33It's better late than never, innit?
01:34Well, that's the perfect breakfast for a growing lad on his first night at home who doesn't love a pancake, yeah?
01:39Yeah, that and that ex-station thing, whatever you call it.
01:43Oh, OK.
01:44Oh, Alfie, you have one job.
01:45I know, I know, I know. It's coming, all right?
01:47I've been bending Howie's ears, trying to get a package here, make it a priority porridge, yeah?
01:51You promised.
01:52You can't buy his love, and if you could, we'd be taking the pocket money from Bert and Annie, cos everything's ain't changed.
01:57You keep your voice down, he might hear us.
02:00I'm just saying, you think lying to him is the answer, OK?
02:03Just tell him it was an accident, he'll understand.
02:06What if he don't? What if he thinks that the twins did it on purpose just to get him back?
02:09Don't worry about the twins, Freddy's looking after them at the moment.
02:11Anyway, I've got pancakes in the bank.
02:13Hey, pancakes, do you think that's why they're called pancakes?
02:16Listen, what you can't do, though, is show them your nerves.
02:18He's our son, he's not a rabid dog, but I will be if you do not get him that console today.
02:23Pipe down, all right? It's coming, it's fine, he'll be here.
02:28Come on, Sam, we're going to be late!
02:30I'll be a second.
02:32Do you fancy a cup of tea while you wait?
02:34Do I look like I need a cup of tea? We're already late.
02:37That's a hard no.
02:39About late in time, come on, have you got no spare clothes?
02:43Bottles, muslins?
02:44Check, check, check.
02:45How are you feeling?
02:46Nervous, excited, not ready to give up sleep.
02:50You'll be fine.
02:51Oh, and thank you for what you've done to my room, it looks amazing.
02:53Yes, yes, how will she ever repay you? Come on, let's go!
03:03Can I just take a second?
03:05Yeah, take as long as you need.
03:10But maybe just not that long.
03:12Come on, let's just get her home.
03:16Right, let's go.
03:22Is everybody ready?
03:24Let's roll.
03:31Are you really tone-haired?
03:32Do you think I'd trust those two with nursing duties?
03:35Second time this week I brought you back from hospital.
03:38Oh, Teddy, can you get a cold squash, an ice pack, some bandages and a vodka?
03:46What's the vodka for?
03:47Don't you think I deserve a drink after the last couple of days?
03:50Well, why don't you get one from the bar, you poach from under my nose, eh?
03:54Yeah, give me two minutes, I'm just on the phone to call Sharon.
03:58Hello, babe?
03:59Yeah, yeah, I just got back.
04:02She better not be coming over.
04:04It's his house, Barn.
04:06Yeah, but she's just carrying on like she's done nothing wrong.
04:09When have I let you down before?
04:11Oh, don't answer that.
04:13Look, just trust me, yeah?
04:16Mum knows best.
04:20Watch yourself, it's hot.
04:21Whoa, there you go.
04:22Did you have any yesterday, pancakes?
04:24Yeah, I got one at the cafe.
04:27It wasn't as nice as Zak's, though.
04:29He makes the American ones.
04:33It's just clicked, why they're called pancakes.
04:35Because they're cooked in a pan, eh?
04:37Yeah, yeah.
04:38You didn't get it, did you?
04:40The console.
04:42OK, listen, it's a work in progress.
04:45I'm not hungry no more.
04:47Tommy, just hold on a second.
04:55I know, I know.
04:57Come on, me no brain wasn't built in a day, yeah?
05:02Thanks for coming over.
05:03You didn't have to drop everything.
05:04Don't be daft.
05:06How's he doing?
05:07Well, see for yourself.
05:09Ritual blood, strong stock.
05:11She would know.
05:14So, Barney, how you feeling?
05:16Barney, babe, she's talking to you.
05:18Yeah, fine.
05:20I'll put the kettle on.
05:22Nick, what time are you going to be back later?
05:24Take over these nursing duties?
05:26No, I'm not going anywhere.
05:27Black, no sugar.
05:28You know I like it, babe.
05:30Out you go, get some rest.
05:32Those bags under your eyes look like they need it.
05:36Credit where credit's due.
05:37Nicola's been a right godsend with all this hospital stuff.
05:40Oh, one sec.
05:41Barney, you must be pleased to be home.
05:43Yes, mate, what can I do for you?
05:45All right, babe.
05:47If you get hungry, let me know.
05:48I'll make you a bacon sarnia.
05:52You can drop the doting mother act.
05:55No one believes you.
05:56It's not an act.
05:58That's the thing with me.
05:59What you see is what you get.
06:01A peroxide blonde with a chip on her shoulder.
06:04Yeah, and an ace up her sleeve.
06:07Because I know what you've done.
06:08Oh, sorry.
06:09Should I say who?
06:12Yeah, I'm just gonna have to pop these down.
06:14Yeah, I've got a nip off to it.
06:15The site I'm managing, it's all kicking off.
06:18I won't be long, bad boy.
06:19Look, look, I'll come back later.
06:21Oh, my company that bad, is it?
06:23I thought we had a nice time the other day.
06:25Come on.
06:26It's about time I made friends around here.
06:33You gonna play nice?
06:34Teddy, what'd you take me for?
06:39You could see the look on your face right now.
06:46Sleeping with three men in the same family.
06:48I mean, we've all got our kinks.
06:50What if you think you know?
06:52You think I'm stupid enough to sling mud without receipts?
06:56Barney told me.
06:58Out of the mouth of babes, eh?
07:05You know, I used to love dunking them when I was a kid.
07:09Test their breaking point.
07:12You know?
07:13See how they cope under the pressure.
07:17So you're gonna tell Teddy?
07:19Maybe I will.
07:20Maybe I won't.
07:22I just thought it best to let you know who holds the cards.
07:27That serves me right for playing with my food.
07:33Why's it so dark in here?
07:34I don't know.
07:35Go on, you go first.
07:41I'm so excited.
07:42I don't know what to say.
07:48Oh, she's gorgeous.
07:51First dibs on cuddles, I'll tell you that.
07:54How was hospital?
07:55Yeah, fine.
07:56Well, if this isn't a good time to have a bottle of champagne, I don't know when is.
07:59Finally, the man speaks sense.
08:02You okay?
08:03Yeah, I'm fine.
08:05Is it Mike?
08:07It just doesn't seem right celebrating.
08:12He would be so, so proud of you, you know.
08:14After everything that you've been through.
08:17I can see you in her already.
08:19Oh, don't say that. She's been through enough.
08:21Will you stop? She's beautiful, just like her mum.
08:24Yeah, I couldn't really see it myself.
08:25When I first picked her up, I just thought she really looked like her.
08:30Finished what you were going to say?
08:35I wasn't, I actually wasn't going to say anything.
08:38Is anyone, who's going to do a toast?
08:45I've just done my toast.
08:47Why aren't you at home asleep?
08:49You must be exhausted.
08:51No, I'm just on a quick break and I thought I'd stay out of the way.
08:56Stacey was up all night crying and bawling.
08:59She's dead to the world now, so I just put my pop in and get her a sticky bum for when she wakes up.
09:04So, you can go home. The coast is clear.
09:09What has she told you then?
09:13I was going to tell her yesterday.
09:16Jean, I'm so sorry.
09:20I don't know how much use an apology is right now.
09:23The damage is done.
09:26You didn't think to ask first.
09:29I mean, it wasn't your decision to make.
09:31Yeah, and maybe I should have asked.
09:33But how was I supposed to know what you had planned, because I've not been included in any plans at all.
09:37I just wanted to shout.
09:38Well, maybe I feel like shouting, Jean.
09:40Because that's what you're all forgetting. I'm grieving too.
09:42And Martin was my mate.
09:44And that might not be as important as Stacey's grief, or Lily's, it's not.
09:48But that doesn't mean I should be frozen out of everything.
09:51I don't know what you were expecting.
09:55An invite to write the eulogy?
09:57I honestly can't believe I'm hearing this.
10:00All right, just leave it. I said nothing.
10:03I'm not going to tell you.
10:08He'll take off in a minute. He'll come when he's ready.
10:11How about taking him for a kick about here in the park?
10:13Yeah, we could go old school.
10:16We could do jumpers for gold pose.
10:18Leave him alone.
10:20Tommy, get your boots on.
10:22Go for a kick about.
10:23Come on then, Moose.
10:28I need a drink.
10:30Sir, I'm barely here for midday.
10:32It's five o'clock somewhere.
10:34Something happen?
10:38OK, I need a bit more context on that.
10:41She knows about me and Grant. Apparently Barney told her.
10:47Is she going to tell him?
10:49She didn't say.
10:50But she made it very clear she's going to enjoy having one over on me.
10:55You said you were going to shut this down, not make it ten times worse.
10:58I believe that woman sometimes.
11:01I didn't know you had such strong feelings for her.
11:05She's just a very hard boss to please.
11:08Tell me you're not sleeping with her.
11:11Oh, is that for crying out loud?
11:13I'm not. It was years ago.
11:16As a P.T. and we had this thing.
11:19Barely even crossed my mind until she turned up here last year.
11:23And was she with Teddy at the time?
11:26Are you capable of not jumping into bed with anyone who flatters her eyelashes at you?
11:32That's one in the family, eh?
11:34But you're not sleeping with her now?
11:37An affair with my sister's partner's ex.
11:41A bit incestuous even for around here, innit?
11:45Will you tell her I know all about your old cardio workouts?
11:48And she'll keep quiet about me and Grant?
11:51What time are you finishing?
11:53Let's grab something to eat in a bottle and I can plan my next move.
11:56OK, I've got some food on a turnover at Walford East.
11:58How about a questionable hidden date in Anguria?
12:02See you there at eight-ish.
12:03No wonder women love jumping into bed with you.
12:06You really know how to treat a lady.
12:12Oh, you forget, don't you, that fresh new baby smell.
12:17Oh, I hope they're friends. It'll be nice, won't it?
12:21Have cousins the same sort of age.
12:23Living just across the street.
12:25Yeah. As long as they don't sleep together like you and Uncle Derek's boy Joey, they'll be all right, won't they?
12:30I'm sure they'll be great friends.
12:34Right, I'm gonna... I'm gonna get off and let you guys settle in.
12:39So let me know if you need anything.
12:45Oh, don't look at me like that.
12:48You're not gonna have a go at me, are you, about the whole Joey thing?
12:51I mean, it's always the elephant in the room.
12:53And I just find it so weird that nobody ever talks about it.
12:56I'm not annoyed about that.
12:58Do you really think she looks like him?
13:00No. I just don't think.
13:03Well, there's no excuse, Bianca, all right?
13:05How dare you compare my baby to him?
13:06Stop being funny, Sonny. He's the father. There's bound to be some resemblance.
13:09Yeah, but don't you think I know that? Don't you think it's been going around in my head?
13:13I didn't mean it.
13:15Do you know, I really thought that after yesterday, after everything, that we could get on.
13:18We could live together, be proper sisters, but no. You just can't help yourself, can you?
13:22Do you want me to help?
13:24No, just leave us alone.
13:27Pinch it and hold your head forwards.
13:30Or is it backwards?
13:31Oh, no, just one or the other, mate.
13:33I'll get you some more tissue.
13:36What happened?
13:37Oh, relax. It was just an accident.
13:39Don't lie to me, Alfie.
13:41OK, I just misjudged her head.
13:43I don't want you looking at him like that, boy. He did nothing wrong.
13:46Just tell me I'm sorry.
13:48Yeah, I got that.
13:50You can't blame me for jumping to conclusions.
13:55Sweetheart, you've got to learn to read the room, yeah?
14:05Out with it.
14:06Out with what?
14:08You've been staring at the same page for the last ten minutes.
14:15I don't like lying to him.
14:17You're not lying to him, technically.
14:19I'm lying through a mission. It's the same thing, ain't it?
14:22Look, what she did was wrong, yeah?
14:27The old me would have probably wiped the smile off her face as soon as you told me.
14:32So what's changed?
14:35Well, me, I guess.
14:39Look, you'll understand one day, but the older you get, right, the more you realise that some things are just damn worth the drama.
14:50But she cheated on Dad.
14:52Yeah. And whether he knows the whole truth or not, he will still get his heart broken.
14:57And trust me, Pond, I love your Dad, but he is one ugly crier, right?
15:04You've just got to see the bigger picture.
15:09Are you hungry?
15:11Dad said he'd make me something. He's true.
15:14Well, why don't I save you another trip to hospital and take us all out for dinner?
15:19My treat.
15:24Sharon, you haven't seen Kat, have you?
15:26Do I look like a secretary?
15:28Oh, my misery.
15:30Sorry. It's just one of those days.
15:32Do you mind if I?
15:34Misery loves company.
15:42Baby came home from hospital today. And guess who said she looks like her murderous father?
15:48Does she? Sorry, not very helpful.
15:52She's right. I just can't help myself.
15:56What about you?
15:58It's Nicola. She knows about Grant.
16:02I never said nothing.
16:04Do you think I'm ashamed of what I'm going to give you, Ed?
16:06I was going to drown my sorrows, but Ruby's taken Elvia with Roman and it's going to feel too quiet without Miles in there.
16:17It just don't feel real, does it?
16:20Sonia's devastated way more than she's letting on.
16:25Makes everything pale in comparison, doesn't it?
16:28To mine.
16:30To mine.
16:43Right out loud.
16:45What's happened?
16:47Nothing. I just spilled the tea. I've warmed it up three times already.
16:51Right, sit down. Let me do it.
16:53No, it's fine.
16:55Sit down.
16:57It's all sorted.
17:02I'm very proud of you.
17:06No, I am.
17:08These past few weeks would have broken many people.
17:12But not you.
17:14Not my stays.
17:16I can't just stop, can I?
17:18The kids are grieving. I've got a funeral to sort out.
17:21I'm doing the bare minimum. I can't even get that right.
17:24You're doing more than that.
17:28I stand by what I said, Stacey, about going to see Sean.
17:32No, Mum.
17:33You need a break.
17:35There's no shame in admitting it.
17:38I told you, I can't just pack a bag and waltz off to Sean's. The kids need looking after.
17:42I'll look after them.
17:44Who's looking after you?
17:45You. You're doing a very good job.
17:48It would only be for a few days.
17:51You and Sean together.
17:53Proper, quality brother and sister time, which you haven't had in ages.
17:58I suppose I could just go for a few days.
18:03Just a few days.
18:06That's my girl.
18:09Cup of tea.
18:11Who's getting a starter?
18:12This may be the first and last time your mother agrees to pay for a meal, so go crazy.
18:18Yes, fill your boots, lads.
18:20How many years ago were you talking?
18:21Fifteen or sixteen. Like a cougar, what can I say?
18:24A few years older than you, hardly a cougar.
18:27Aye, aye, here he is, the man of the hour.
18:29I can't doubt that.
18:31It was nothing, just the right time, right place, you know.
18:34Well, I thought I'd make myself clear what you did for my boy.
18:37We are forever in your debt.
18:39He's not a bad fella, your brother, is he?
18:41No, he'll do.
18:43I hope he only popped in for a takeaway so we won't keep him.
18:45Well, that's that then. We'll have to call it fate.
18:48Excuse me, mate. Excuse me.
18:49You wouldn't whack a table here for these two, would you please?
18:52And Nick, don't worry about paying for their meal if you don't want to splash out.
18:56Can you hurry up? I'm starving.
19:01Twice in one day.
19:03We'll be doing each other's hair soon.
19:12Sharon knows about us, or whatever old fool you had on her.
19:15It's gone, OK?
19:19Mutually assured destruction.
19:22Maybe you're not just a pretty face.
19:26Red or white, babe?
19:32Do you know how ridiculous you look?
19:34Oh, Kathleen, I know you still want me.
19:37Who is he?
19:38He went straight to his room.
19:39I'm ready to...
19:42I didn't mean it.
19:43You did.
19:45But it's fine.
19:46No, I should have jumped to conclusions.
19:48Can't blame you.
19:51OK. OK, OK, OK.
19:52I'll tell you what I've done about you guys.
19:54I'm starving.
19:55How about I go and get us a takeaway, yeah?
19:57Actually, I was thinking I could go as actor a bit.
20:00Sorry, you only just got home.
20:02I know, but it's got the game I'm playing.
20:04And seeing as you lied about getting me my console...
20:07It's a present, not a precondition for you to come home.
20:10I can't play with her, promise.
20:11Look, I'll only be half an hour.
20:13OK, hold on. Maybe tomorrow.
20:14You never know, your console might be here by then.
20:16I just want you home, tonight.
20:17Right, I can't stand being here.
20:19With yous always breaking promises.
20:21Oi, enough of that, all right?
20:22Right, what are you going to do?
20:35Back to square one.
20:39God, that was bang on, I've got to say.
20:41I would have preferred a pizza.
20:44It doesn't really work with burger and Asian fusion, does it?
20:47It's Italian.
20:48I'm just trying to give the chef some ideas.
20:50You probably get a say in the menu, don't you?
20:52Just do what I'm told, mate.
20:54There's a good boy.
20:56Can I get you anything else?
20:57Oh, no, not for me.
20:59No, I'm done.
21:00I think I've put on half a stone for all that lot.
21:03We should talk to the gym bunny here for a few tits.
21:05Help shed them Christmas pounds.
21:09Do you want anything?
21:10Yeah, I'm laughing at something Jack said earlier about this woman he used to train.
21:14She had a thing for him.
21:16What was it you said?
21:17Thought she was a cougar.
21:20Australian cat.
21:22Is that why you've become a PT?
21:24To get the birds in?
21:27I've found...
21:28Can we not, please?
21:29I feel a bit weird.
21:32You do look a bit peaky.
21:34Are you OK?
21:35Look, he just needs some air, all right?
21:37He's fine.
21:38All right, look at you, mate.
21:39Whoa, pal.
21:40It's all right, mate.
21:41Real weird this time.
21:44Too much, too soon.
21:45Told you.
21:47I just felt a bit dizzy, that's all.
21:50Feel better yet?
21:52Why don't you two head off?
21:54We'll deal with him now.
21:55Yeah, good idea.
21:57We'll leave you to it.
21:58You'll feel better, sweetheart.
22:01See you, bro.
22:02Yeah, I'll do some more work.
22:05Well, that was weird.
22:10You all right?
22:16I might have gone a bit over the top earlier and, you know...
22:19Please don't say you're sorry.
22:21Shouldn't have said what I said.
22:22Not today.
22:23Might have blown up everyone.
22:25That's funny.
22:26Sounds like you're saying sorry without actually saying it.
22:29I am sorry.
22:30Being a gob on legs ain't no excuse.
22:32Apology accepted.
22:36For what it's worth.
22:39What's wrong?
22:41She don't know nothing like her dad.
22:44And whoever she turns out to be
22:46will be down to her amazing mum
22:48and no one else.
22:51I mean, you never met your dad
22:53and you have turned out to be the most
22:55kindest, generous,
22:57most loving,
22:58most kindest,
23:00loveliest little sister
23:02that anyone could have wished for.
23:03All right.
23:04Don't go for the top.
23:07Come on, don't get upset.
23:09There'll be enough crying
23:11for that little madam.
23:13These post-baby hormones are no joke.
23:15It's not that.
23:19It's Martin.
23:21You know,
23:24I've been so focused
23:26on getting her home
23:28and now she isn't.
23:31It's just hit me.
23:36I'm never going to see him again.
23:39She's never going to meet him.
23:46She is never going to meet him.
23:49But she's going to learn all about him.
23:54Because you're going to tell her
23:55how amazing her lovely uncle Martin is.
24:04Duty calls.
24:05Do you want a cup of tea?
24:08I would love one
24:09but we're out of milk.
24:11All right, well you put the kettle on
24:12and I'll go and get some.
24:14You got us to pay a couple of quid?
24:15I mean, you might be dishing it out for free.
24:17Oh, all right.
24:18I'm only joking.
24:20I'll be back.
24:30Yes, that's me.
24:32The temperature's back to normal.
24:34I think we're all right.
24:35No, don't worry.
24:36I'll keep an eye on him.
24:37Look, you don't have to do it alone, you know.
24:39I've got a perfectly good king-sized bed up there
24:41whilst I'm slumming it in the basement.
24:44No, no.
24:45No way.
24:47You fool me once, shame on me.
24:48Fool me twice.
24:52Anyway, do you think Harry was right?
24:55It's bound to happen one day
24:56but I'm going to need some context.
24:59Zach and Barney, earlier.
25:01I don't know, a bit OTT.
25:05I think he was just looking out for him.
25:08You know, after everything that happened the other day.
25:16I'm going to go to bed.
25:18Night, Nick.
25:21Night, Ted.
25:39Four sticky buns and four hot chocolates to take away, please.
25:50I'm on a break.
25:51Before you start, I'm hoping to finish this one.
26:01I'm sorry that you feel forgotten about.
26:04I know he was your friend.
26:07And it's going to be hard.
26:11I just can't believe he's gone.
26:14I don't think it's ever going to feel real.
26:18I don't think Stacey's ever going to get over it.
26:21Or Lily.
26:23Stacey's going to go and stay with Sean for a bit.
26:26I'm just getting the kids some treats to distract them.
26:31Although I'll probably regret the sugar rush later.
26:36So maybe when Stacey gets back, you can make it up to her.
26:41She's not going because of me.
26:43No, Harvey, it's not because...
26:45Oh, you see, this is exactly what I was talking about earlier.
26:48You're making it all about you when it should be about her.
26:51Let's just focus on what she needs, okay?
27:12How is it?
27:13I think I'm in business.
27:15I thought we had a deal.
27:17Now leave before I do something I'll regret.
27:21I didn't like seeing him like that.
27:23My son.
27:25It's your threat. They don't mean nothing no more.
27:29Either you tell him...
27:34...or I will.
27:51I love you.
28:21I love you.
28:51I love you.
29:21I love you.
29:23I love you.
29:25I love you.
29:27I love you.
29:29I love you.
29:31I love you.
29:33I love you.
29:35I love you.
29:37I love you.
29:39I love you.
29:41I love you.
29:43I love you.
29:45I love you.
29:47I love you.
29:49I love you.
30:19I love you.
30:49I love you.
30:51I love you.
30:53I love you.
30:55I love you.
30:57I love you.
30:59I love you.
31:01I love you.
31:03I love you.
31:05I love you.
31:07I love you.
31:09I love you.
31:11I love you.
31:13I love you.
31:15I love you.
31:17I love you.
31:19I love you.
31:21I love you.
31:23I love you.
31:25I love you.
31:27I love you.
31:29I love you.
31:31I love you.
31:33I love you.
31:35I love you.
31:37I love you.
31:39I love you.
31:41I love you.
31:43I love you.
31:45I love you.
31:47I love you.
31:49I love you.
31:51I love you.
31:53I love you.
31:55I love you.
31:57I love you.
31:59I love you.
32:01I love you.
32:03I love you.
32:05I love you.
32:07I love you.
32:09I love you.
32:11I love you.
32:13I love you.
32:15I love you.
32:17I love you.
32:19I love you.
32:21I love you.
32:23I love you.
32:25I love you.
32:27I love you.
32:29I love you.
32:31I love you.
32:33I love you.
32:35I love you.
32:37I love you.
32:39I love you.
32:41I love you.
32:43I love you.
32:45I love you.
32:47I love you.
32:49I love you.
32:51I love you.
32:53I love you.
32:55I love you.
32:57I love you.
32:59I love you.
33:01I love you.
33:03I love you.
33:05I love you.
33:07I love you.
33:09I love you.
33:11I love you.
33:13I love you.
33:15I love you.
33:17I love you.
33:19I love you.
33:21I love you.
33:23I love you.
33:25I love you.
33:27I love you.
33:29I love you.
33:31I love you.
33:33I love you.
33:35I love you.
33:37I love you.
33:39I love you.
33:41I love you.
33:43I love you.
33:45I love you.
33:47I love you.
33:49I love you.
33:51I love you.
33:53I love you.
33:55I love you.
33:57I love you.
33:59I love you.
34:01I love you.
34:03I love you.
34:05I love you.
34:07I love you.
34:09I love you.
34:11I love you.
34:13I love you.
34:15I love you.
34:17I love you.
34:19I love you.
34:21I love you.
34:23I love you.
34:25I love you.
34:27I love you.
34:29I love you.
34:31I love you.
34:33I love you.