Real Time With Bill Maher 3/7/2025 | HBO Bill Maher March 7,2025 FULL EPISODE HD
00:54Thank you, I appreciate it
00:57Thank you, welcome to real time
01:00Thank you
01:13Start with this sometimes, you know, you got to hit rock bottom
01:18And it took us six weeks
01:20I mean even the Republicans now are alarmed what Trump is doing
01:24I mean that they're telling their own people don't go to the town halls because other
01:28Republicans are screaming at you too much
01:32Really they're turning on Amy Coney Barrett
01:35We're turning on her
01:36She's a bad one now and must cut a shouting match with the other people in the cabinet the stock market does not
01:42They do not like this kind of instability
01:46Tariffs one day Trump puts the tariffs on the next day. He takes it off the next day
01:50He did it with Mexico and Canada. It's on it's off
01:54It's on and then he he pulls it back at the last second like he's delaying orgasm or something
02:07Canada's very pissed
02:10Canadians here. Oh my gosh, they because
02:14They're so pissed that even though we took the tariffs off temporarily
02:17They're said they're keeping theirs on and then Trump came back and said, okay
02:20There's now a 250 percent tariff on Canadian dairy
02:24products which to be fair Canadian cows have been taking the jobs of American cows a
02:33Very long time
02:35And it's gotta stop ladies and gentlemen
02:39And then oh this story in a story that I feel is a tremendous threat to comedians
02:46Because because you could never have a punchline stupider or funnier than the actual premise
02:53In an attempt to censor some DEI stuff the Defense Department is deleting all the photos from a database
03:0126,000 of them and one of them was of the Enola Gay. That is the plane that
03:08I'm telling you the premise is
03:11That's the plane that dropped the bomb on Hiroshima and ended World War two, but they're getting ready because it has gay in it I
03:20What did they find out that every plane has a cockpit
03:30This world is so upside down now
03:33Trump like three weeks to break up with Ukraine and Mexico and Canada and yet Taylor Swift is the same boyfriend for over a
03:49And then in the midst of shit that's going on Trump makes a speech about how great things are
03:57Anybody see this speech on Tuesday night. Oh my gosh the Republican side
04:01You know, it's a joint session of Congress like the State of the Union's been problems. They loved it
04:05They were cheering and stomping and applauding Lindsey Graham through his panties. It was very
04:12Very exciting for them
04:20The Internet was all abuzz because at the speech Elon Musk was there and he was sitting next to an attractive blonde woman
04:26And but turns out that they were just seated together it never met her there's no connection and her due date is in December
04:39No, I think he did try to pick her up he used his standard pickup line haven't I fired you somewhere before
04:52But I thought the highlight of the whole night was when Trump
04:56Saw John Roberts in the audience shook his hand now John Roberts
04:59Of course the head of the Supreme Court is the one who gave him complete immunity
05:04last year, whatever a president does you can get away with it. It's not illegal and
05:09Trump said to John Roberts. Thank you again. I won't forget it. I
05:14Guess not just actresses are rewarded for playing prostitutes these days
05:24Then at the speech there was a lot of rowdy shit that went on
05:30Democratic congressman Al Green not not
05:36Not not the tired of being a lone guy
05:42Different Al Green he's 77. He uses a cane and he was shaking his cane
05:48At the president which I thought was an apt metaphor a cane shaking for this Democratic Party lame
06:02Please I don't need your pity
06:06I'd appreciate it. I just
06:09But you know, it's interesting the Democrats are fighting back in a way, you know
06:13How Republicans are always threatening a government shutdown. Well now the Democrats are gonna do that
06:18they said they're tiring of all this firing and all this furloughing and all this closing of
06:22Government departments and they say you don't stop shutting down the government. We're gonna shut down the government
06:32And then the White House submit all of this had the first crypto summit
06:39And we're gonna have a crypto reserve now some question the associated the wisdom of associating with a brand
06:45that's all just about scandals and thefts and
06:48Scams, but if crypto willing to work with Trump I say go for it
07:01Tor on March 30th across the US in 40 cities
07:05fuck including I
07:07Couldn't do that Boston Detroit Nashville in his latest essay collection. Happy go. Lucky is now in paperback David Sedaris
07:28Okay, so you're good the last time I came on here you do and you've got you've got you've outdone yourself and I know I
07:36Know this comes because you are a world traveler. You and I are very different in that way
07:40I'm a homebody. You just seem to like to be on the road. You're about to do 40 cities
07:45That's insane to me, but this probably doesn't come from somewhere in America
07:51No, it all came from Japan Japan, this is what they wear in Japan
07:59But they make it there I just realized I'd never worn these shoes before but I could look up women's skirts, but I don't want to
08:14Can I have them
08:20But what's go on tour a lot I I just stopped yeah
08:27Yeah, it was in all the papers, yeah
08:30Yeah, you know, I mean I may go back to it. I don't know
08:33I didn't make a big announcement about it
08:35But I've had 42 years of dragging my ass out of bed on Saturday morning and I just was fucking fed up with it
08:40I like your comedy special honey. I loved it. Thank you
08:44I'm doing it, but you know what?
08:49We'll see but what is this part of it, I'm very
08:52This is actually like a t-shirt that I wore under the shirt a t-shirt. Anyone can buy it. Not everyone can put it together
09:02So I put the t-shirt
09:06Under the shirt Wow, you know what when I look in the mirror, I just see the clothes I don't see me
09:13I think you know, I think everyone has body dysmorphia to some extent, you know
09:21So maybe that's mine
09:23but if you read there's a kind of body dysmorphia where you look in the mirror and you think I should be an amputee and
09:30It's an actual thing and people go to South America and they have their limbs removed because they won't do it in America
09:36Why did there was an article about it in the Atlantic and it was a woman had both her arms removed
09:43Ever since she was a child. She looked in the mirror and thought I should not have arms
09:47I mean, that's the unusual side of it
09:48I mean
09:49I have heard a lot about body dysmorphia what I what we used to hear was that men look in the mirror and they think they're
09:54Better looking than they are
10:00Wait a second and women look in the mirror and think their verse
10:03I don't know. I've never known a woman who could pass a mirror without stopping and looking and I never do that
10:10You don't ever do it
10:11No, I mean, why would I I'm on seven? I don't do it too often
10:15I mean if I'm getting dressed I do it but other than that, yeah, right, but women do okay
10:23But you're like old-school gay, I mean
10:28Yeah, I mean I know a lot of people like Andrew Sullivan's the same way and like and has issues with
10:34Like this new I mean there's gay and queer and it's kind of a different that what is it?
10:38Well, how would you say that? What is the difference there?
10:41To me, I don't like the word queer
10:44I don't and but well-meaning people will now say well as a queer author and I just
10:50Cringe not because it used to be an insult, but because it's a fourth time in my life. I've been rebranded
11:00Nobody ever said how do you feel about this and I just don't and that's what that's what I object to
11:07Also, I think it's kind of like maybe
11:10Like I was in Australia recently and met somebody who?
11:14Knows a nun who identifies as queer because she's married to God and it's not a traditional sexual
11:22No relationship, so she identifies and I just don't see what I have in common. No
11:32Well the outfit yeah
11:40It's a it's a generational thing because I ask people and I'm signing books when I meet men my age and older they feel the
11:47Way that well, that's what I was told as a young Catholic boy. I mean I was taught with catechism
11:52we went where you learned how to be a Catholic and and we were taught by nuns and they were mean and
11:57we were told you know nuns are married to Christ who apparently was not putting out because
12:03You know because that is a type of mean you don't find anywhere else, but but speaking of gay and Catholics
12:14You met the Pope last year I read that the New Yorker piece was priceless. I mean so funny and
12:20But I think you all were saying in the piece, and I'd like you to
12:25Answer the question here
12:26Why you like it was a meeting of comics mostly and you're one of the funniest people I know but you're not Catholic
12:35I have no idea why I was there and I was minding my own business
12:38And it was May and I got an email that said the day after tomorrow. Do you want to meet the Pope?
12:44So and I was in England, so it was pretty easy to go and I thought why would I not go it's chance of a lifetime
12:50But so I went and I came back and I said I'm gonna meet the Pope
12:53But so I went and I came back, and I said I met Chris Rock
13:01And I shook his hand, but it didn't I didn't feel it didn't mean anything to me
13:05But Chris Rock was there and whoopie Goldberg was there and right?
13:10gosh all these
13:11Super funny people and then we went to the Vatican 645 in the morning and the priest read
13:18speech and
13:21I mean the Pope read a speech, and it wasn't very good
13:24I mean it it basically said laughter makes the world go round. I thought he wanted to have a dialogue
13:31I thought really what I thought he was gonna. Do is say do you think you can give the pedophilia jokes arrest?
13:37That's what I thought
13:39But he never
13:41You know it's interesting. I
13:43Afterwards we met him he sat in a chair and everybody lined up
13:47And we shook his hand and this I had nothing I said no
13:51Thanks for having me
13:52But I knew there were people there who had something to say who memorized things in Italian and this is what the priest would do
14:02He would like take the hand and like next right and so it didn't I
14:07Didn't have anything to say but for people who had rehearsed and really thought about it a long time
14:11I think there was like working the rope line. Yeah
14:17And so they didn't even get to finish the little spiel that they had planned
14:20Oh, right, but probably it's rather cold. Yeah
14:25Wow, that's cold, but he was on a timer
14:27You know I mean he had to go somewhere and be somewhere, and he probably there
14:31But that would you would be there all day with people who cared
14:34Don't mean like with people who don't care that much you could still get it over with pretty quickly so Chris Rock cared
14:43Don't know how much he cared, but he was yeah, I didn't even know he was Catholic
14:48They but Mike were bigly it was Catholic, but it's even Colbert's Catholic that I knew whoopies not Catholic
14:55I don't think and no there were plenty so they just wanted to meet this big Catholic celebrity
15:00I don't get it and I look I don't dislike the Pope you know I'm an atheist
15:04But I I feel like for Popes he was pretty good
15:08He was you know he would he would go back and forth you know one minute
15:13He would like take kind of a hip pill and say hey atheists can get into heaven which was like
15:17We don't believe in it, so we don't care
15:21You know and then he said some very
15:23Progressive things about gays yeah, and then you know he would remember. Oh, but you know what I'm the fucking Pope. I got it
15:32Come down hard on some shit, and he would do that
15:34But that's about as good as you're gonna get in that office. Well people were upset because
15:40Twice in the past couple months he used the word faggotry, and I just thought it was funny because I
15:46Didn't even know that was a word, but it's a
15:49It's a keeper. You know it's not what you'd call a person. You know it's not like shut up fag
15:54It's more like take your faggotry
16:05I can see a store at the mall. You're selling this and it's called faggotry
16:16Are we gonna get canceled for this are you even worried about getting canceled?
16:20I mean, I don't know what it means like people come up and you're a I'm not a comedian
16:24But you know I write you're as funny as one. Oh, well, that's kind of you
16:30Hate when they call you a humorous
16:32Is it humorous to me? It's like oh a guy who's kind of like funny. Where's this guy's very funny, but go ahead
16:38Well wait a minute
16:40You were just what was quite. What's the question are we gonna get canceled or do you care?
16:44You know whenever I do a show people or do an interview right that that's always a question all around the world
16:50Are you worried about being canceled?
16:51I think what did I say and then I realized I don't have a job
16:55But most people have a real job and they can't say anything on their job so compared to them
17:01compared to them
17:03They're hearing things that I'm saying things. They could never say at work, but it's nothing like it's I don't
17:11Well, but there are people who say cancel culture isn't a real thing and I would say to them
17:16It just happened again at the Oscars now
17:19You may not think it happened, but the the movie that was gonna win it all was Emilia Perez
17:25right and
17:29You know I I got it Hollywood loved this there's finally gonna have
17:33Person who was a trans person God bless her and she did a great job and you and I read her tweets
17:38It's just a little childlike in her tweets. You know and that I sent it just a little Kanye ask just whatever's on the brain comes out
17:45I mean
17:46One you know Hitler just don't mention Hitler at all
17:49I feel like it never comes out good, and then some things she said which are just oh, yeah
17:54You know what I've said things like that. It's just very very honest, but of course for the woke community
18:00It was way too far and this movie that was gonna win it all and was the front-runner
18:04And she was gonna get it all suddenly was out to lunch and good news for an aura
18:10That's what happened. So yes cancel culture is still with us. It may just be a little more subtle
18:16But to me it's never the things like I had an essay in The New Yorker about my old friend Dawn who I've known for
18:2250 years right and she had a collapsed lung so she was nervous about Kovats
18:25So a couple years a couple years ago
18:28We're at the airport and I said, you know, it's she had a mask on I said it's time to give it up
18:32Look around everyone else. Go ahead. Take your mask off. So she did immediately got Kovat, right?
18:44No, but we've been friends forever, but she was fine after she got yeah, it was a little moment in the essay
18:50Anyway, the essay came out and all these people oh you're ableist and you right bullied a vulnerable person and
18:57Taking a mask. I was like the things you think people will be offended by are never the things you can't even you can't even
19:03Guess in advance what they might be right nothing I can do about that's the same
19:07I couldn't read any of it, right?
19:09I don't either and but when something gets on through my transom and I'm like, that's what blew their gasket
19:15I could I would never have guessed it was that thing and I don't give a fuck
19:19I don't know
19:38All right, he is a former Democratic senator from Montana and co-host the podcast grounded John Tester is back with us
19:47She was the former communications director for President Trump and is currently co-host of ABC's The View Alyssa Farrah Griffin
19:57Okay, so did you watch the speech on Tuesday night the long hundred-minute speech regrettably, but yes
20:06All right, so Trump said some things that were not exactly true and when I say not exactly I mean not at all
20:15And I just think we should talk about that by saying I don't want to talk about that
20:20Because if you're a conservative and you see him say many many things that are not even close to true
20:25You just don't care anymore. This is so baked in the cake. That is who he is
20:30They do not take him literally or think he needs to be taken literally. That's an amazing advantage in politics
20:36I think but that's in and if you're a liberal watching MSNBC every day
20:40You're obsessed with this and you've seen all these things where they exposed it
20:44I'm bored with that shit. Okay, this is what he does
20:48It's I just take everything with a grain of salt if he says the Lynskey's approval rating is 4% It's 57
21:01It's like, you know dog years if somebody says the dog is for oh the dog is 28
21:11Do you agree we should stop obsessing about his lies
21:14Yes, I think the era of rambling fact-checks and going line by line through what he says. I don't know that it matters
21:21I'm actually not convinced Donald Trump is trying to pick up any new voters
21:25all he needs to do is keep his approval rating with the Republican Party roughly where it is and
21:29To be honest as much as that speech drove me crazy a lot of people were really happy with it
21:34He threw a lot of red meat to his base
21:36He rattled off things that his voters love and never mind the lies about Social Security and so on
21:41He gave them a lot of what they he's not trying to reach the other side because he doesn't need to anymore
21:45He's not gonna run again wink wink
21:50The part about the speech that I thought was pretty amazing is he talked about a lot of stuff
21:56But Democrats get you know, they get criticized for not talking about kitchen table issues like cost of groceries
22:01Yeah, and and and all the things that revolve around inflation and all that I
22:06Never heard a lot of solutions in that speech and I don't I don't know that he cares as you already pointed out
22:13but in the end
22:15You know people are still very very concerned about inflation. They're concerned about the price of food
22:20They are also very concerned about whether we're becoming Putin's best buddy or we're going to maintain the relationships
22:26We've had for the last 80 years with folks in Europe and Australia and the Pacific Rim
22:31Yeah, I guess they are. I mean to me the telling line in the speech was when he said I
22:38Realized there is absolutely nothing I can say to make them happy or to make them stand or smile or applaud
22:46It's all about love. You know, he's a little boy who did not get enough love
22:51I guess I mean he wants them so I make them it sounds like a relationship fight, you know
22:57There's nothing I can say to make you smile
23:01Or like me or appreciate me
23:05Well the Democrats I think really where they made a mistake was is they should have had a little fun and
23:11They should have stood up
23:12They said some things that I agreed with he says they should have stood up and applauded and cheered
23:16Well not sit down until they made him sit down for cheering
23:19That's what drove me crazy because Trump is good at producing TV
23:22If you didn't agree with the thing he said in that
23:25Joint address to Congress the shouting out of the kid with cancer the highlighting
23:29We caught a terrorist that day these moms who lost people those will live online people are gonna see them
23:34It's gonna resonate it pulled my heartstrings and I can't stand the guy and Democrats didn't match his theater with equally compelling theater
23:41I mean if there's no better metaphor for the Democratic Party than a man waving a cane right now
23:46It's just it's not a pretty damn nice cane
23:48It wasn't
23:53So I asked him to dig up a little piece of tape about I think of this was Biden's last State of the Unionist
24:00apropos to
24:02who doesn't stand and applaud for what Biden said he was talking about political violence and
24:08Well, just just show it it speaks for itself
24:11Political violence has absolutely no place no place in America zero place
24:24So they couldn't stand
24:27For that they couldn't applaud. There's no place for political violence
24:32So it's a two-way street. Well, they're in the chamber January 6 took place and so would be a little too on the nose
24:38And and besides that just because they didn't do it doesn't mean the Democrats shouldn't have
24:44Stand up. Yes, there's something right give him give him the applause, right?
24:47But that's just not where we are in this country. So here's the here's the quote. I thought was apropos of
24:54What's going on on the left and by the way
24:59If you watch the speech, I saw mostly the clips of it and mostly it was people in the audience the guy with the cane
25:06people with like
25:08Paddles. Oh, there's the cane dude, and then this
25:12Okay, well, you know, here's our pussyhat uniform
25:17And these these, you know looks like you're at a auction signs. I mean it was
25:23John Fetterman's called it a sad cavalcade of
25:28Self-owns and unhinged pendulum petulance. I love him
25:34The Democrats team seems so lost and here's Jasmine Crockett
25:39Who is I thought a big leader in the Democratic Party her quote is this is a terrible nightmare
25:46Somebody slapped me and wake me the fuck up because I'm ready to get on with it
25:51on with what would be my first question and also this is this is the way a
25:58Podcaster talks or some shit. Fuck it. Can you imagine? I don't know Obama saying oh man, dude. This shit is whack and fuck it
26:07Fucking over it. I mean, come on
26:10They're elected members of Congress that yes
26:12Well in the minority
26:13It doesn't mean you have no power the sort of idea of all you can do is a poorly orchestrated
26:18Press conference or hold up the sign. It's not really true like get creative with the house rules
26:23See what you can do. I actually honestly don't hate the government shutdown idea
26:27I think Democrats need to show that they're willing to play hardball. Um, no one wins in a government shutdown. Let's be clear
26:32It's not good for the public, but they need some kind of an actual action beyond just whining outside of the federal building and
26:45Where the Democrats missed it is is that they could have stood up and
26:49brought people in who have been affected by these policies in an incredibly negative way and there's plenty of them and
26:55And talk to those folks and distribute it out so that we're talking to their neighbors
27:06Don't know when the Democrats threaten to do it. It's always the end of the world
27:09Did we how can you do this when you shut down the government?
27:12You know, we don't pay our bills and all the rest of the shit that goes on and you're gonna crash the economy
27:16But now it's okay. No, I did not
27:21Government shutdown, I think everybody loses with the government shutdown. It's not the right thing to do. And so they should work together
27:27Hopefully in a bipartisan way to come up with an agreement so that so that the government stays open because it is a total waste
27:34of taxpayer money and
27:35Services, it's Elon Musk on steroids that all the services go away the only pushback and by the way, I agree
27:41It's not actually good for the country
27:43But a political strategy standpoint the the Republicans control both check chambers and the White House
27:48Underscore that say Mike Johnson you need to find the votes in that it's John Thune
27:52You have to find the votes maybe at least take it to the edge as they often do
27:55But there's got to be some sort of owning the power that you have in Congress or then get out and have a podcast
28:01There isn't you know what people come to me all the time when I'm out like at the Oscar party
28:06They well, what are we gonna do?
28:09What are we gonna do? I don't know. You're at the Oscar party. Have a great
28:19What are you gonna do be a viable alternative
28:22That's you can't do anything because you lost the election. You lost all three branches of government
28:28okay, so you actually the only thing you can do is
28:31Be somebody who a party who when the independent voter looks at the scene says
28:38Oh, you know what? I don't like what Trump is doing. But these people are crazier now apropos of this. I
28:46Know I pick on the New York Times a lot
28:49They should take it as kind of a compliment because they're so influential, but here's the headline
28:54Yesterday that I thought just says God you people don't get it
28:58Headline party divided to talk about the Democratic Party party divided on resistance stand up to Trump or try to court the center
29:08It's not an or that is how you stand up to Trump, right you court the center, right?
29:13You go to the place where people are going to vote for you
29:17Yeah, you go to the place where the people are and and and that way those disenfranchised Republicans have a place to land because they
29:24Don't think the other party's crazy
29:26And if they're able to do that and you do that by talking about common-sense stuff that people deal with every day if you're able
29:32To do that, then I think it is the best remedy to take care of trying to think of you as
29:38Not quite a radical Democrat, but you couldn't hang on to your seat in Montana
29:44Well, that's true because there was more people that voted against me than voted for me
29:55But why I mean well because if you want to know the truth the top of the ticket lost by what 30
30:02some points
30:04That's right
30:05and and the truth is is the top of ticket has to at least be competitive if you're gonna win in a red state or
30:10even a purple state and
30:12The top of the ticket did not perform because I don't think the top of the ticket embraced the issues that Americans were talking about
30:18We got wrapped up in all the cancel cultures crap and the identity politics
30:24But I thought Alyssa Slotkin did an excellent job laying out a message in the response
30:28Listen, no State of the Union response is gonna change the world
30:30But she gave Democrats the playbook to win back the center, but they're gonna ignore it
30:35Like if you watch the DNC candidate forum, it was lunatics behaving like lunatics
30:39It was all say your pronouns. Tell me which group you fit into because we're definitely not bringing groups together
30:44We're dividing them more than ever and it didn't seem like they learned anything from why people rejected them
30:49If they ran an Alyssa Slotkin message and talked that way they would get back to being a majority party 100%
31:02Gets it our governor
31:05Did you see what happened this week with our governor?
31:07And this was two people made me very happy this week him and Amy Coney Barrett. We'll talk about her later
31:13But he's got a new podcast and he said it's based. This is from Politico
31:22Newsom said the creative inspiration for his podcast came from Bill Maher
31:28I'm just giving the news
31:33I'm just telling the news. It's not that it's about me the provocative HBO
31:38Post who leans Democratic but has increasingly taken flack from progressives in recent years over his eagerness to criticize the party's woke
31:46Left flank, that's true. Hey, they wrote a sentence about me in the press and got it completely, right? That's exactly right
31:53Newsom said about more I watch him because they appreciate how he calls balls and strikes
31:57He takes shots at both parties and and he's he said they asked him about females in sports
32:04Would you say no to men and female sports? He said it's an issue of fairness. It's deeply unfair. Okay, but
32:10It's so funny Gavin. I do love this because I do think he's a great politician. I know he's he's slick
32:16Yeah, they said there's something about Clinton. He's a great politician. He's really smart. He can talk great chicks. Dig him
32:22And I've always been saying if he would just tack to the center
32:25Well, it happened this week
32:27He said I had one meeting where people started going around the table with pronouns and I said what the hell why is this the?
32:33Biggest issue. Well dad Kevin like two weeks ago. It was the biggest issue for you, but I don't care
32:48In that statement Gavin Newsom is 100% correct
32:51We're talking about a very very very small number of people who by the way men shouldn't be playing in women's sports
32:57It's a bunch of crap
33:01It is blown so far out of proportion that I've shown me a guy who's playing a woman's sports in Montana
33:09I can't wait to see where it's at
33:12The truth is if it happened it would be big big big news
33:17And instead we're talking about that and Congress is acting on that instead of acting on the issues that impact Americans
33:32It's like of all the things Trump is doing all this crazy shit and the other sentence that I think stuck out for me in
33:38His speech was he wants a revolution of common sense that this guy can even propose
33:44And then incredibly get the vote of people that he's the common-sense guy
33:48That's what Democrats should take to heart and he's claiming claiming the mantle of common sense
33:53But like this issue 80% of people are with what you and I just said like women should
33:59Biological it shouldn't mean 80% popular and yet that's the one that the Senate votes on this week the Democrats
34:05They would not go near that or they actually said no. No. No, we're gonna stick with what we're doing mistake
34:11It's such a mistake
34:12Well, and I did feel like Democrats kind of centered a little bit on the Lake and Riley act again in 80 20
34:17If not a 90 10 issue that if somebody is here in this country illegally and commits a crime
34:22They should immediately be deported
34:23So I'm a damn right movement there, but this issue it is going to be a drag and by the way
34:28Like for the LGBTQ community, I'm an ally. I'm sure you are
34:31This is not the issue you need to fight on
34:3467% of Americans want to see more laws to protect anti-discrimination laws against that
34:41Actually matter
34:45Like I just I don't know that this is the issue
34:47It's a common sense issue men and women are different in sports. Yeah, okay. It's just different
34:54Yes, the WNBA great, but if you played the Lakers the score would be a hundred to three. Okay, so we kids can't have it
35:03All right. Here's another issue. I think that's really
35:06Interesting that's going on in this country better than a hundred to three
35:11Kayla Clarke's pretty good. They shoot pretty well. They
35:16They do shoot pretty well, but the other guys are taller and and stronger and it's Luca LeBron James
35:24Okay, it's just let's just not go there John
35:32There's a lot of new stuff that's going on
35:34But one thing we've known about Trump for quite a while is that in the world the countries that we traditionally liked
35:41You know like England and France those kind of places
35:43He doesn't really like and the people that we traditionally didn't like like Saudi Arabia and Russia
35:50He likes
35:52So this is not new but it has changed so fast, especially after that Oval Office meeting last week with Zelensky that
36:01The government has decided they're gonna have to do what governments have done over the years most famously in World War two
36:06They put out patriotic posters because you have to get the people on board with what you're trying to get them to do
36:12But remember those we can do it and I want you for the army and loose lips all this stuff to exhort the people
36:18So now we have to get them on the page of these are our old friends or our new enemies and vice versa
36:24So would you like to see some of the new?
36:31For example, there's I'm sticking with the Union the former Soviet Union
36:41Like some people he always says thank you
36:50Europe your ancestors left for a reason
37:00Watch out for Canada the quiet polite neighbor you never suspect
37:11Want you to cut dictator some slack
37:19Support North Korea when it's Dennis Rodman ever been
37:30Stand up to democracy. Wait what?
37:41Mentioned Amy Coney Bryant, what is your name Amy Coney Barrett? Okay. Now I certainly have done a lot of jokes about Amy Coney Barrett
37:48I mean, I'm an atheist. She's a crazy Christian
37:50It was a marriage made in comedy heaven. So but and she is like she is not just Catholic
37:56I mean, you know, I said ex-catholic. I never make any bones about it. I'm bitter
38:02I'm bitter what they did to me
38:05But that's not why I was criticizing her it just because she was literally in kind of that culty kind of I mean
38:12They made a lot of handmaid's tale jokes, but it's very close
38:15I mean, you know that place that she was in with the you know
38:18The men have dominion over the women and stuff that it doesn't exactly get you now as woman of the year award, okay
38:25But so when she went on the Supreme Court, you know, I threw a fit like everybody else
38:29But you know what? This is so interesting about the Supreme Court because when you have a job for life, you know
38:35What you don't have to be what people think you were gonna be and she did it
38:39She ruled against Trump in Department of State versus AIDS vaccine advocacy coalition
38:45This is the USA a US AIDS thing US aid thing
38:50I mean, that's the first thing Elon Musk got rid of his USA to various countries
38:54Some of it is I'm sure bloated and corrupt and a lot of it was necessary and it was keeping people alive
39:01Anyway, she voted against him and
39:04Immediately on the right. I know you were talking about this on your show. She's a rhino. That's a Republican in name only
39:12And and she's a traitor and a Judas and she's got her head up her ass and worst of all, she's a DEI hire
39:27Live to the day that justice Amy Coney Barrett is a rhino or a DEI hire
39:31This is by the way
39:33Her ruling was actually the constitutional conservative opinion
39:36Which is Congress as a co-equal branch is actually who appropriates funding not the executive branch and they just can't willy-nilly decide to get rid
39:43Of it, but also just this idea. This is a woman who was top of her class at Notre Dame. She clerked for Scalia
39:49She has seven children. We remember the moment in her
39:52Confirmation hearing she held up a notepad had no notes
39:55She is brilliant
39:56Even if you disagree with her and conservatives celebrated her when she got on the court
39:59But because she decided against Trump once it's she's a rhino kick her out
40:03I mean, that's the moment we live the the problem is is people don't understand civics
40:07We can talk about education down the road if you want, but the truth is they don't understand civics
40:11We got three equal branches of government
40:13Congress is AWOL
40:14They have done nothing to put this president any kind of checks
40:17The only check this left is the Supreme Court and if the Supreme Court does their job and follow the Constitution and follows the law
40:23And I'm not a lawyer, but if they do their job this country will survive
40:35This this three branches of government stuff that's been eroding for quite a long time and from both sides
40:41I mean, it's been a slippery slope. I mean, yep. We need to dig up Robert Byrd and bring him back
40:46When there was a Republican president he was liberal when there's Democratic president he was conservative
40:51Why because he didn't trust the executive branch and that's what Congress needs to get back to in
40:56Holding the executive branch accountable. And by the way executive
41:05And when he was young he was in the Klan
41:11Everybody's perfect exactly
41:13Well, what's gonna happen? Like I mean the tariffs that's something that if you were in Congress right now
41:18I mean, what would your constituents be saying to you because you had a lot of farmers
41:22Aren't there a lot of farmers up there happen to be one of them? Yeah, I'm a farmer. Oh, that's right
41:31Yeah, well that was from I also cut meat for a while too so that was yeah that that kind of you know
41:36Rahm Emanuel was here last week, and he doesn't have a finger. What is this a trend now?
41:42This day the Rahm Emanuel is a piker
41:56But the truth is is it is gonna kill ag states
41:59It's gonna kill them both on the market side because we depend upon exports for our markets and on the input side
42:05Where we buy a lot of our inputs, especially in Montana right from Canada
42:08Those go up by whatever percent the tariff is that the profit margin isn't high enough
42:13And the only way we get out of that is if Trump starts writing checks to farmers
42:22What you have not exactly a Republican by the way, no old-school wasn't and by the way, it's it's not good for agriculture
42:28I mean they call that socialism and that's not good
42:32We ought to be dependent on our markets, and they ought to be vibrant markets and competitive markets
42:42Vibrant competitive, I think what you mean is we need a crypto reserve
42:49Let's be reasonable people here
42:51So I mean this is like I mean talk about the grift in is in I mean this is pretty crazy
42:58I mean his Trump's fans who bought his meme coin have lost 12 billion dollars
43:03I think 80% of you know, because I believe they called a shit coin
43:11They might actually have one called
43:13Because one of them I think fart coin or one of them is one of them was a joke and now it's a real
43:18But the whole thing is a joke. No always was it's a Ponzi scheme. There's no there there
43:24So, of course he embraced it after first he didn't embrace it and and now we're going to have a reserve now
43:31We're a reserve. It's like we have an oil reserve. That's in case we have an emergency and then you can tap the reserve
43:37What will we tap here in case talk to a girl?
43:42Sells out again, I I don't even know what a crypto reserve means. Do you know great?
43:51But there's all that crap and then there's also the fact that
43:56People can funnel money in the president and buy the president's goodwill and they don't necessarily have to be our friends
44:02Yes, and there's no there's no there's no transparency there whatsoever
44:06I think that's the reason think we're just in a moment where he's like intentionally creating massive market uncertainty
44:11Like the tariffs I know Trump Trump believes in them in his bones
44:15That's one of the few policy things he truly believes and build a wall and that tariffs somehow bring top-down costs for American consumers
44:21Nobody around him actually agrees on this
44:24but the fact that like businesses in America are like
44:26We can't forecast out six months or a year because we don't know if we're in a trade war with you know
44:30Our friends to the south or to the north
44:32It's it's a chaotic way of governing and I worry that a lot of the voices who are around him the first term
44:37That kind of talked him out of some of this chaos
44:39And that made him actually build a really thriving economy for most of his term until kovat hit
44:43Those aren't the people who are there now
44:46So you say you can tell that these are the things that are important to him? What I'm just
44:54So nervous, but that I'm gonna ask you something terrible
44:59How do you know that I'm no really like you work closely with how can you tell what why do you say that?
45:06I'm curious as what what what what are the tells?
45:09Well having been in a lot of policy meetings on a number of subjects with him he believes in the border issue
45:16He likes I think he also really likes the branding of the build the wall, but tariffs are something
45:20I think this goes back to like the 90s when he first started talking politics
45:23He believes it's the way to take on the big guys like China and he thinks that people are taking other countries are taking advantage
45:29Of America. I don't know as a businessman with international businesses
45:33Why he still thinks this is gonna work for us and that he doesn't see that
45:36It's a cost to consumers, but it is something he believes in
45:39I think half the things he rattles off in the State of the Union and whatever
45:42He doesn't care about but he knows his base does but this is something he really does
45:46But there's one thing he doesn't understand with tariffs
45:48He thinks the other countries that we're putting tariffs on pay for those tariffs when it's actually the American consumer. That's gonna pay for
45:59I can't believe that's true that the American consumers. No. No, I believe it is true
46:03That he believes that
46:05There's something else going on here there. I think he knows that I I just think he there's something about
46:12Disruption that he likes that he's comfortable in disruption. Maybe it's what I said at the beginning. He needs love
46:19And somehow this is gonna get it for I don't know
46:21But like a lot of the stuff that he's doing is that makes no sense
46:26You know some of it there could be a good side to it because yes crazy man says this and then you see like with
46:32Gaza, you know once they saw that video of the bearded belly dancers and him sitting in the pool
46:41shirtless Netanyahu, they were like
46:43Jesus we better get a real
46:46Maybe we'll go back to the table. You know what I mean?
46:59And I think people you know when Kennedy ran his thing was
47:05Let's get the country moving again. That was his slogan and it was vague. What does that mean?
47:12People feel like the country was stuck and it was in a lot of ways, you know the Middle East situation
47:17Because it was like it's been going on forever
47:19More than my lifetime. It's always been the same thing. They hate each other. They fight the blue and
47:24Ukraine that was a stalemate and he's like, let's try a new strategy giving up. That's right, you know
47:31It's just the fact that it's new is good is I feel like that's just as deep as it gets with a lot of people
47:37He's a businessman
47:39If he truly understands business, he should understand the tariffs aren't good for business
47:47If you take a look at some of the stuff that he's done to get things unstuck
47:51They're making them worse by getting them unstuck
47:54Making it worse
47:54Take a take a look at Ukraine a country that wanted to be
47:57Democratic want to be like us want to have freedom and liberty and all that stuff that we have they had it
48:02Yeah, man, he's saying no, no, no, no
48:04No, you're going to a communist regime where you can't do anything without being monitored
48:08That's that's insane. That's not what this country is about at all
48:16Every time he does something chaotic that drives me crazy like how he's treating Ukraine right now
48:21He then does something people really care about he has been ten times more proactive on getting hostages back from Gaza
48:27Then it felt like the by right now, right that matters to people as tangible
48:31Yeah, and I'd also say even some of these things that seem ridiculous and silly plastic straws people love plastic straws
48:37They're gonna talk about it. It's tangible. It's real
48:39He knows little things to do to make people who are like loosely with him just kind of stick with him enough
48:44Okay. All right. Thank you guys time for new
48:56Tesla announced a recall of
48:59380,000 vehicles for a steering issue after issuing previous recalls of
49:04240,000 for a backup camera problem and 2 million for an autopilot problem and 1.8 million for detached hoods and over
49:1150 other recalls
49:14Someone must ask Elon. Are you sure you're worried about the right employees not doing their jobs?
49:26No role the internet has to stop pretending there's a wrinkle cream that can turn back the clock this much
49:34Come on if rubbing some cream into your face subtracted 20 years from your life porn stars would look 10 years old
49:49Thankfully, there is still one way for us to look at this and then see this it's called Budweiser
50:02Know someone must tell the man who got arrested for a second time for trying to have sex with a train seat
50:10If you want to get off a train, just wait till the next stop
50:21The trying to have sex part if you can't close the deal with the train seat in 10 minutes, you just have no game
50:33No rule before they built this uniquely shaped hotel in San Diego, they should have considered what it would look like on an exit map
50:50You get the order to evacuate please study it before going down
50:57It's really not that
51:00It's really not that different than anywhere else have a plan stay calm and head for the labia
51:11Know before this Rhode Island woman who says she suffers from restless genital syndrome a condition that causes genital tingling
51:20Takes any more extreme measures like having surgery or more operations. She has to do one thing move her phone
51:36Finally new rule memo to Democrats if you ever want to win an election again
51:40The absolute most important first step is stop doing this
51:45We gather in celebration of the Oscars on the ancestral lands of the Tongva
51:50Tataviam and Chumash peoples the traditional caretakers of this water and land. Yeah, I don't know if we're still saying cringe
52:00But if we are that's this
52:05I've said it before I'll say it again either give the land back or shut the fuck up
52:17Look I understand the desire to right the wrongs of the past
52:21Especially when you get to take the moral high ground and then build an 8,000 square foot mansion on it
52:32Are they for the mansion people
52:35And I'm sure Julianne Hough is sincere about her love for the Chumash people, but I doubt she drives to work in a canoe
52:45Scavenges for acorns or lives in a dome house made of reeds and dried mud
52:57That's Woody Harrelson
53:05You want to thank a tribe for Hollywood start with the Jews
53:16Now a few weeks ago in New Zealand a modern
53:20Educated technologically advanced country. They passed a law making a mountain a person
53:29Because their indigenous people the mayor I believe that mountains and rivers are their ancestors
53:34And so the mountain has been legally recognized to have all the rights of a human being
53:39Which is more than you can say for Bianca's and sorry
53:49But she is a person and a mountain isn't and yet it I'm sorry
53:55I mean he
53:58Or she or they
54:02Now has all the responsibilities
54:05Liabilities duties and powers of a human being which if you follow that to its logical conclusion
54:10Means the mountain can get a driver's license vote or adopt a rescue dog and you should see its dating profile
54:26Can we please get over this idea that ancient people weren't just as full of shit in fact more full of shit
54:34Than humans today. It's so simplistic this idea of guilt by
54:39Civilization that being ancient and indigenous and not us was always better than us
54:44It wasn't the Maori in pre-colonial times were like most indigenous people quite warlike
54:51Frequently fighting other tribes with the winners
54:54Enslaving the losers and even eating them. Yeah have the mountain tell you that story next time you get it
55:08Today's hippies love to harp on how the
55:111950s was backward and 1950s was backward as every past era was but somehow
55:17They see indigenous life in the 1550s
55:21That's the pinnacle of enlightenment
55:24Besides being ignorant. It's hypocritical because you know, the ancient lifestyle is available to you
55:31You could live outside and forage for food and wash your clothes in a pond. We have that today
55:37It's called being homeless and it sucks
55:40It was
55:45It was no fun being alive before anesthetics or refrigeration or germ theory or the fork or FaceTime
55:55Socks are great, too
55:58But Bill they lived in harmony with nature, yeah, they had to because no one had invented the toilet yet
56:11March of civilization has been bloody and painful, but we generally got to a better place
56:17Not a worse one and not just technologically but how we treat each other
56:23You ever see the movie apocalypto?
56:26Where the peaceful enlightened Mayans built a big cigarette so they could literally make heads roll
56:32In order to appease the gods and make it rain
56:36Yeah, you don't see that on the Land O'Lakes box
56:46We're going to do acknowledgements shouldn't we acknowledge that that was kind of fucked up
56:54Did you know that well before
56:561619 Indians practiced slavery here in America and the Apache Iroquois and Sioux all tried to wipe out their fellow tribes
57:04I know it's comforting to think that there was this ethereal time in place
57:09before white guys in suits
57:11When everyone was a gentle nature-loving child poet who split their time between riding deer and drinking dew
57:21But it's just not true
57:22What the European invaders did to the Indians not good, but also not unusual
57:29American Indians waged wars constantly like Blake Lively
57:39And the Comanche were polygamists whose leaders could bear children with a dozen women like Elon Musk
57:53Ancient horseshit isn't any better than its modern version. That's all I'm saying today in America
57:59We have something called corporate personhood, which has gone a long way to corrupting our elections
58:05But that's what we go by that
58:07Corporations are people they're not and neither are mountains. Okay, that's our show