• 2 days ago
'Desiguales' y '¡Siéntese quien pueda!' son algunos de los formatos que produce este destacado ejecutivo a quien sus talentos definen como "un ser humano brillante con un corazón inmenso".


00:00We took a long time to do it, because at first it wasn't about women, it was about opinion, but in a different way.
00:07So then we arrived, imagine, I had in my hands the format of a telenovela that is about three women who live in the same house, but they are grandmothers, mother and daughter.
00:18And there we realized the different generations.
00:23Then someone from the team tells me, that's what should be unequal, three women from different generations who give opinions on the same issues.
00:33Because today there is a very strong emphasis on young generations, you know, there is a slight line of separation between what our grandmothers and fathers thought.
00:48We ourselves are the generation of transition, those of us who had some beliefs, but at the same time we are seeing other things.
00:55So we are sometimes like your body says yes, but your mind says no.
01:00So having that combination of opinions is very interesting, indeed.
01:06Adamari was the first one we selected, the first one who said yes.
01:11And in fact, when she was doing the casting, she was already selected, but the others didn't know.
01:17Adamari was the first one, because she is a star, I wanted to work with her for a long time, we were looking for her.
01:25And once we got the yes from her, it was like the basis.
01:33Whether it's Adamari or not, I think that when you have, that also happens in fiction.
01:39I'm making a movie right now, so you can't put together the rest of the cast until you have one or two of the main cast people.
01:50With respect to cinema, a novel, that also happens.
01:53Because if you are going to put the brother, the mother, the father, the uncle, you have to understand, one is putting everything together.
02:01Here there were also five, we had to start, well, when we were doing that, there were four.
02:07We had to start with one.
02:09So we have Adamari, ok, this is the one that is in her generation.
02:14Let's look down and up, like to fill in years, you know?
02:19Because if we didn't start with one, we would never move forward.
02:22And we coincided with Gata Salvaje, look, that was in 2002.
02:26We are talking about 23 years ago.
02:32Adamari and I coincided in the set in one scene.
02:36One or two.
02:38Because yes, the characters didn't have much to do with each other.
02:40But once we were together, it was at her house.
02:44And I remember that in the scene, we didn't know each other, we met there.
02:49She saw me and said, oh my God, what a tall man, don't put him next to me again.
02:55But it was a joke.
02:57And we laughed and such.
02:59But then we got to know each other more, because we had to go to the sex war in Venezuela together.
03:06And we had a great time.
03:10Well, the truth is that, look, it has gone really well for us.
03:13The show is always up.
03:15I love it because I think that magic of the good vibes, the good energy they have.
03:24Of how there is that respect for each other.
03:28And of how there are different generations.
03:30It shows.
03:32And people perceive it and appreciate it.
03:34And the result is clear.
03:38We are in Desiguales, the favorites by the audience.
03:42And we are very happy that it is.
03:44Above all, the most important evolution is the one they have had.
03:47Where they face any topic now.
03:50They don't have any kind of fear of anything.
03:54They all know how to master it perfectly.
03:56They know where to go.
03:58Since everyone has the natural personality they bring.
04:03Set for the show.
04:05And they understand that the best and the most natural possible is what is most convenient.
04:10Be yourself.
04:11Take advantage of what you know.
04:13To what you are.
04:14And that's what.
04:16When they are in the meeting.
04:18And we are talking about the topics.
04:20They already know when to jump and jump with something.
04:24It's 100% natural.
04:27Here nobody is told.
04:29Say this thing or go this way.
04:31They are the ones who propose.
04:33They are the ones who feel comfortable.
04:35They are the ones who say which topic they prefer.
04:38So even sometimes doing the content.
04:41We can be indecisive between two topics.
04:44All the girls decide.
04:45Let's go for A or B.
04:47And that's how we do it.
04:49The important thing is that they feel comfortable.
04:51Because it's a talk show where they are talking about what they think.
04:54And what they know too.
04:56Because there is information and opinion.
04:58So the healthiest thing in this case.
05:00At least in my productions.
05:02Is that people are 100% spontaneous.
05:07It was after Tierra de Pasiones in 2006.
05:10Because I lived an experience with that novel.
05:12A little strange.
05:14So I decided.
05:18I decided to create the works.
05:20And not be asking for it.
05:22I set up the producer.
05:24I opened the producer in 2004.
05:28But then I started doing a program.
05:30That was called Saborosa Pasión.
05:32That was about cooking with famous people.
05:33That I conducted myself.
05:35And then in 2000.
05:39The one I opened in 2004.
05:41Is the one I have now.
05:43Then in 2009.
05:45I partnered with another one.
05:47That is called High Heel Entertainment.
05:49With High Heel I did other entertainment programs.
05:52I did the second season of Telecocina.
05:54That went really well.
05:56From there I started with novel confessions.
05:58Suelta la Sopa.
05:59A lot of years.
06:00We did like 15 different shows.
06:02And then in 2021.
06:07We decided to close High Heel.
06:09Among the partners.
06:11And then in January 2022.
06:13I resumed.
06:15The same company I had.
06:17But I gave it a new name.
06:21And I launched it again.
06:23The producer in January 2022.
06:26And then with that.
06:28We have Siéntase Quien Pueda.
06:32We did Escuela Imparable.
06:34En Bici Universal.
06:36We did four seasons of Ojos de Mujer.
06:39Which is another women's show.
06:41But for cable TV.
06:43And we are doing movies.
06:46We just did one with Elizabeth Gutierrez.
06:48And Julián Gil.
06:50We are going to do four more.
06:52Next year.
06:54And another new show is coming.
06:56Very interesting.
06:58The content of a show like Desiguales.
07:00Which is a talk show.
07:03The content of a talk show.
07:05Which deals with celebrities.
07:07It is less easy to get.
07:11I have a lot of fun.
07:13The truth.
07:17Siéntase Quien Pueda.
07:19In that we also bring.
07:21A very great expertise.
07:23Of many years.
07:25Before being a producer.
07:27I was a celebrity publicist.
07:29And I had a lot of celebrities.
07:31Very important.
07:33I worked hand in hand with magazines.
07:35And we looked for cover headlines.
07:37And all that.
07:39There is a very important know-how.
07:41In everything that is Farandole.
07:43All my programs.
07:45All have to do with celebrities.
07:47I have not done a program.
07:49And I have like 18.
07:51I have not created a single show.
07:53Or produced a single program.
07:55That does not have a celebrity.
07:57I also have a very good relationship.
07:59With all the people in the industry.
08:01Of celebrities.
08:05I have a lot of fun.
08:07I love both programs.
08:09They are like two children.
