Career takes back seat as wife, husband team up to build clothing enterprise in Cebu
Johnna Quilantang, wife of Jonas Quilantang, founder of UNISOL, is a testament to the power of partnership and perseverance. A graduate of the University of San Carlos in Cebu City, like her husband, Johnna gave up a stable career in the insurance industry to focus on building their shared dream. Together, they launched UNISOL in 2014, starting with the humble business of selling basketball uniforms to students. Through strategic teamwork, they split responsibilities—Johnna leading sales while Jonas oversaw production. Their relentless dedication paid off, transforming a small business with just 10 staff into a thriving enterprise with a formidable team of 250 today.
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Johnna Quilantang, wife of Jonas Quilantang, founder of UNISOL, is a testament to the power of partnership and perseverance. A graduate of the University of San Carlos in Cebu City, like her husband, Johnna gave up a stable career in the insurance industry to focus on building their shared dream. Together, they launched UNISOL in 2014, starting with the humble business of selling basketball uniforms to students. Through strategic teamwork, they split responsibilities—Johnna leading sales while Jonas oversaw production. Their relentless dedication paid off, transforming a small business with just 10 staff into a thriving enterprise with a formidable team of 250 today.
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00:00Good morning, good afternoon, this is Buchbert Delemme.
00:28And again, the Business Mentor over Manila Times.
00:31Today, I want to, I'm interviewing somebody who is the better half of Jonas, none other
00:39than Jana Quilantang.
00:40Jana, how are you?
00:41How does it feel to be running a brand that's growing with your husband?
00:49What is the history of what you're doing?
00:54Well, it's exciting and at the same time, it's a bit of a pressure in a sense that when
01:01you're working with a family member, and especially if you don't agree with things, that's the
01:09But it's nice that throughout the day, we're together and we also have time for the family
01:17and for the kids.
01:18So how did you start this?
01:20It all started about 20 years ago, during college, Jonas used to sell shirts to organizations.
01:30We both graduated from the University of San Carlos.
01:33Oh, USC.
01:35So we graduated as accountants.
01:36So during intramurals, he would supply shirts to organizations.
01:47So it was really a passion?
01:49You started with just shirts?
01:53But eventually, we realized that there is a market for not just shirts for organizations,
01:59but for uniforms, especially the corporate uniforms.
02:04Because the industry is still very laid back.
02:09When you order uniforms, the process is not that professionalized.
02:15So we see the gap and we wanted to marry.
02:18My experience as a butch is with the insurance industry.
02:23So comparing insurance and uniforms, the gap is a bit far when it comes to professionalism
02:32in the service.
02:33So we wanted to bring the professionalism.
02:38You want to uplift and professionalize.
02:40So finally, what are the challenges when you are starting a business as a husband and wife?
02:45Because I'm sure there are a lot of viewers who are starting a business.
02:50What are the challenges?
02:52Well, first of all, you don't always agree on things.
02:57You always strike a balance.
03:02But in the end, I know my part and I also let Jonas do that.
03:08Because for him, it all started with him.
03:11And I respect that.
03:12He has a vision for the company that he wants to achieve.
03:16And I'm here to support him.
03:18So in other words, you have a division of labor?
03:21So how did you decide the division?
03:23We started more on the production side.
03:28Because as you know, we don't know anything.
03:30But managing people in production is very challenging.
03:36And I don't have that line.
03:39So I'm also handling the sales in the sales department.
03:43So you handle the sales in production?
03:45Yes, in production.
03:46So every time, for example, when we started a few years back,
03:51Of course, I was in charge of fraud.
03:54So I always push him to do more in production.
03:58And that's what triggers or that's what inspires him to build from start to finish.
04:05So that he can control the production.
04:11Because sometimes I say, where is he?
04:14Yes, because you drive the sales.
04:16So you push him to do more in production.
04:20So when he wakes up, he immediately follows up.
04:22So he has no choice.
04:23He has to perform.
04:24But tell me about the work-life balance.
04:27Your family life.
04:29How do you strike the balance?
04:32We always make it a point for weekends.
04:38Sundays, we always spend time with our kids.
04:42So time with the family.
04:44Yes, it's important.
04:45With this kind of, when you're into business,
04:50The stress is on a different level.
04:53So we have to balance it.
04:56Having to spend with the kids really helps us.
05:00But with the growing brand of Unisol now,
05:03This is going to be a growing brand.
05:05Especially with your PTF, the Philippine Tropical Fiber.
05:09Where do you see Unisol going to be in the next few years?
05:15We are hoping that we will be the preferred uniform brand.
05:20Not just for the local government units.
05:22But to companies and even schools who are looking for quality uniforms.
05:31So there must be really quality.
05:33And I think Jonah's vision is to bring this global too.
05:39So this is something very challenging, ladies and gentlemen.
05:43But again, the opportunity is there.
05:45Why not?
05:47I believe that this is a stepping stone for Unisol
05:50To be really known Philippine-wide.
05:54And at the same time, to be known globally.
05:57That's true.
05:58With your help also.
05:59So tell me, Jonah,
06:01We have viewers who are probably husband and wife.
06:05What will be your three advices for wives who are working together?
06:12What will your advices be for them?
06:16First of all, you can't be in the front.
06:21Both of you.
06:22One has to step back if the other wants to take the lead.
06:28You just have to be there to support.
06:31Because sometimes you don't agree all the time.
06:34So most of the time, there's conflict.
06:38But in the end, on my part, I know where I stand.
06:44And I also made it a commitment that I'm always there for my husband.
06:49That's good.
06:50But it's constructive.
06:52Yes, definitely.
06:53Nothing that you'll take it the following day.
06:56There's something inside, right?
06:58It shouldn't be like that.
07:00Just leave it to work.
07:02In work, it's just work.
07:05But when you go home, I'm the boss.
07:08Oh, you're the boss.
07:10That's good.
07:11That's good.
07:12So second, what's your advice?
07:14About money matters.
07:17Where does the husband and wife strike?
07:20What's your advice for that?
07:22It's really important to be open.
07:25Especially in money matters.
07:28And then, you two should be aligned.
07:30What will be your goal?
07:35And then, probably the family management.
07:38Probably another advice you can give them.
07:41You can give to the mothers and the wives.
07:48When we started, I had my own career.
07:52But Jonas also has this passion.
07:56And I see that he really wanted to make a difference.
08:00And on my end, I realized that even if my part is different,
08:08I may not be the one being in the front,
08:12or the driver.
08:14But I can still be successful in my career by supporting him.
08:19That's good.
08:20Well, that's the better half of Jonas.
08:25Jonna, by the way, was named...
08:28Tell me about the name Jonna.
08:30Because it has a meaning.
08:32What's the story of Jonna?
08:34It's a good side story.
08:37It's spelled J-O-H-N-N-A.
08:39So, it's like a girl na John.
08:42So, I was born in 1981.
08:45That's the year that Pope John Paul II visited the Philippines.
08:48Oh, St. John Paul.
08:51So, ultrasound wasn't popular yet, knowing the gender.
08:54So, my parents thought they're going to have a baby boy.
08:59But surprise!
09:00They're surprised.
09:01It's a girl.
09:02So, instead of John Paul,
09:06they made it Jonna.
09:08Sana Jonna Paula, but my last name is Capistrano.
09:11So, that's quite long.
09:13So, they just cut the Paula and gave me Jonna.
09:16That's good.
09:19So, again, this is Butch Bartolome.
09:21Thank you very much for watching.
09:23Jonna, thank you very much.
09:27This is the husband and wife behind the unison.
09:29Thank you so much.
09:30So, remember that.
09:31This is a growing brand, right?
09:33It's good that they're together.
09:35Equal, balanced.
09:38You know the brand?
09:40And, again, Jonna is the visionary.
09:44The wife, Jonna, is the one controlling the visionary.
09:51Thank you very much.
09:52Congratulations, guys.