• anteayer
[New] Lifetime Movies (2025) #LMN - BEST Lifetime Movies - Based on a true story (2025)#5
00:00:00This is not going to be an easy process.
00:00:04It can get stressful, it can have you feeling discouraged,
00:00:07but I'm with you every step of the way.
00:00:09Whatever questions or concerns you have,
00:00:11always address them.
00:00:13This is an open communication relationship, okay?
00:00:16Well, thank you so much, Ava.
00:00:17You've been such a great help.
00:00:19This house is literally everything we dreamed of,
00:00:21so fingers crossed, right, guys?
00:00:24Fingers crossed.
00:00:25Thank you, Ava.
00:00:26Dad, can we go now?
00:00:28Yes, we are.
00:00:29I thought we were going to Chuck E. Cheese.
00:00:34Thank you, Ava.
00:00:35You're welcome.
00:00:53This is Ava Buchanan.
00:00:54How can I help you?
00:00:55Is this your business voice?
00:00:59Who is this?
00:01:01This is Sean Mitchell.
00:01:03I met you at Petty Cash a few days ago.
00:01:07Hey, Sean.
00:01:08How are you?
00:01:09I'm doing well.
00:01:12Let me ask you a question.
00:01:14Do you skate?
00:01:16Uh, I think I still got it.
00:01:20Because I would like to take you on a date.
00:01:24How about we go skating
00:01:26and then go grab something to eat afterwards?
00:01:28How about that sound?
00:01:30All right.
00:01:31Um, when are you talking?
00:01:33Are you available this Saturday?
00:01:36Uh, yeah, I have a closing at noon,
00:01:40but I'm available after.
00:01:42That sounds good to me.
00:01:45I'm looking forward to seeing you, Ava.
00:01:48You enjoy the rest of your day.
00:01:50Yeah, you too.
00:02:10How come you haven't returned my phone calls?
00:02:12Ma, I was just about to call you.
00:02:14Well, I'm starting to worry about you.
00:02:18Look, it's been two years since Lisa's passing,
00:02:21and I don't mean to be rude,
00:02:23but it's time for you to move on.
00:02:25Ma, don't do that.
00:02:30Ma, Mark just walked in.
00:02:32I'll call you back.
00:02:34I love you.
00:02:35Hey, you about to get out of here?
00:02:36Yeah, man.
00:02:38In a minute.
00:02:45You're just the hardest working man I know.
00:02:47Other than myself, of course.
00:02:49I hear no lies.
00:02:52No, but seriously, you good?
00:02:56Yeah, man.
00:02:57Here you go.
00:02:58Sounded like my mama.
00:03:00Just saying, I'm starting to get a little worried about you.
00:03:02That's all.
00:03:03You ain't gotta be worried about me.
00:03:05I got a date this Saturday.
00:03:06Oh, really?
00:03:09Okay, well, don't hold nothing back.
00:03:11Who is she?
00:03:13You know Ava.
00:03:14Ava we met at Petty Cash.
00:03:20She look good.
00:03:21Yes, sir.
00:03:23Yeah, this is Mark.
00:03:29Hey, look.
00:03:30Don't fuck this one up, all right?
00:03:32All right, man.
00:03:53Excuse me.
00:03:55Come on.
00:04:02Thought you said you knew how to skate.
00:04:04I thought I did, too.
00:04:06You know what they say about a man that can't skate.
00:04:08No, actually, I don't.
00:04:09What they say?
00:04:10I don't know.
00:04:11But whatever it is, it ain't good.
00:04:14You funny, beautiful, and smart.
00:04:18There's gotta be something you ain't telling me.
00:04:20Are you crazy?
00:04:21See, why can't a woman be single because she wanna be single?
00:04:24Why there gotta be something wrong with her?
00:04:26When men see a beautiful woman who's on her A-game,
00:04:30no kids, and she has a career,
00:04:33we can't help but to think, what's wrong with her?
00:04:36See, that's not the way to think.
00:04:38Because if I was a man, I would...
00:04:39Wait, hold up.
00:04:40If you were a man, you not, though, right?
00:04:44I'm just playing.
00:04:45But you do gotta make sure of these things.
00:04:47No, you ain't lying.
00:04:49But I know what I want.
00:04:52And I'm not settling for anything less than that.
00:04:55I ain't mad at it.
00:04:56A woman that knows what she wants
00:04:58ain't nobody you wanna play with.
00:05:01So what about you?
00:05:04I was in a serious relationship.
00:05:08But unfortunately,
00:05:10I lost to the breast cancer about two years ago.
00:05:13Sean, I'm so sorry.
00:05:16I'm sorry to hear that.
00:05:20And to be transparent,
00:05:22this is the first date I've been on since her passing.
00:05:27I don't know what to say.
00:05:30Just say you'll teach me how to skate.
00:05:34I can do that.
00:05:37Enjoy the ride, ride
00:05:44If only for tonight
00:05:50When we're going through
00:05:52All the things we do
00:05:54Just the way we do
00:05:56Don't it make you happy
00:05:58Just don't say
00:06:00We're going through
00:06:02Just the way we do
00:06:07Just don't say
00:06:12Don't say goodbye
00:06:22I thought only my mother liked butter pecan ice cream.
00:06:25Oh, no. Butter pecan is the best flavor.
00:06:27Your mama got good taste.
00:06:29I guess you could say that.
00:06:31So let me guess.
00:06:33You a salted caramel butterscotch kind of guy?
00:06:37Actually, I'm not.
00:06:39Let me get a couple scoops of that butterscotch, please.
00:06:44Okay, you predictable.
00:06:46As long as I'm not predictable in that courtroom, I'm all right with that.
00:06:56You have pecan ice cream here?
00:06:59So would you say that your dad was the influence that got you started?
00:07:05My mom and my dad, actually.
00:07:07My dad is a judge and my mom worked in litigations for years.
00:07:11Okay. A family of law, huh?
00:07:13Yes, indeed.
00:07:16Who would you say your influences are?
00:07:18Your mom, dad, or both?
00:07:20Well, I'm adopted.
00:07:22I probably have a lot of qualities from my biological parents.
00:07:25But if I had to choose, I would say my dad.
00:07:29I'm a lot like him.
00:07:31Wow. I had no idea.
00:07:33How could you?
00:07:36Well, they did a great job.
00:07:41Have you ever thought about reaching out to your biological parents?
00:07:44Yeah. In the past, but not lately.
00:07:50Well, if you would ever like to do that, I would love to help.
00:07:55I'm sure I could find the resources.
00:07:57You know, whatever you need, I got you.
00:08:00Well, I appreciate that, Sean. Thank you.
00:08:06So this is what? Our sixth date?
00:08:11You do know we official, right?
00:08:13Official? Officially what?
00:08:16Officially in a relationship.
00:08:18Oh, no. No, no. Mm-mm.
00:08:21See, I'm old school. You gotta ask me.
00:08:24So, wait. I gotta ask you to be my woman?
00:08:27Yes. And if I'm available, I'll let you know.
00:08:33Excuse me. Do you have a napkin or a pencil or pen and a piece of paper or something that I can write on?
00:08:56Will you be my girlfriend, yes or no?
00:09:08I gotta hang on to this.
00:09:27Hey, baby.
00:09:33Damn, baby.
00:09:35I gotta introduce you to my mom after that.
00:10:03Baby, before we go in here, there's something I need to let you know about my mother.
00:10:09What's that?
00:10:11She's a little different, so don't pay attention to her attitude.
00:10:15Sean, all mamas like me. We'll be fine. Trust me.
00:10:20Don't worry.
00:10:22I hope you're right.
00:10:30May I?
00:10:33This is Ava. Ava, this is my mother and my father.
00:10:49Ava. Well, it's nice to finally be able to put a face to the name.
00:10:53It is.
00:10:54I've heard so many great things about you.
00:10:57Nice to meet you, too, Mr. Mitchell. You have a beautiful house.
00:11:01We have a beautiful home.
00:11:04Yes, you, too, have a nice house.
00:11:10Shall we get this thing started?
00:11:12Yeah, let's get this thing started.
00:11:16Dear Lord, we come to you as humble as can be, thanking you for all that you do, all that you've done, and we're hopeful for all that you're gonna do.
00:11:26We thank you for your mercy and your grace, Lord, and we also thank you for this meal. Amen.
00:11:34So where you from?
00:11:36Well, my parents are from Richmond.
00:11:38We moved here when I was about eight or nine, and I've been here ever since.
00:11:42Okay, Richmond.
00:11:44Wow. So your parents are still together.
00:11:48Oh, I'm sorry. I don't mean to be rude or anything.
00:11:50But you are.
00:11:51And being that this is the first time of me ever hearing or seeing you, there's so much I would like to know.
00:11:57It just seems you kind of struggled a little bit in life, wouldn't you say?
00:12:02My parents are still together, yes.
00:12:04And sure, I've struggled, but haven't we all?
00:12:08We have.
00:12:10I come from a very loving and supportive family.
00:12:13And that's all that matters.
00:12:15Ava, and how old are you exactly?
00:12:17It's Ava, and I'll be 36 in November.
00:12:20I told you she was old.
00:12:23Son, you couldn't find a woman your own age.
00:12:25That's rude.
00:12:27The next time you bring another woman to my house, can you please be sure that she has some class?
00:12:32Karen, that's enough.
00:12:33Class? Like you?
00:12:35I will not be disrespected at my own dinner table.
00:12:37I won't be disrespected anywhere.
00:12:40Mom, calm down, please.
00:12:42I don't know who the hell you think you talking to.
00:12:44And this is why your son doesn't want to bring anyone around you. You're embarrassing.
00:12:48You would not talk to me like this.
00:12:49Mom, please calm down.
00:12:50You hear me, little girl?
00:12:52Do you hear me?
00:12:53I'm ready to go.
00:12:54Oh, great idea.
00:12:56Mom, why you always gotta act like this?
00:12:58You don't get out my face.
00:13:05Sit your ass down.
00:13:08Classy, Karen.
00:13:14Well, that was nice.
00:13:16Let's eat.
00:13:22You told me that your mother was different.
00:13:25She's not different.
00:13:27Well, she's not.
00:13:29She's not.
00:13:30She's not.
00:13:31She's not.
00:13:32She's not.
00:13:33She's not.
00:13:34She's not.
00:13:35She's not.
00:13:36I don't care.
00:13:37What she is is rude.
00:13:39She's very condescending and overly self-absorbed.
00:13:43Should I continue?
00:13:47Are you gonna say something?
00:13:48I'm trying not to.
00:13:49Well, clearly.
00:13:51You just sat there and let her attack me the whole time.
00:13:54What was I supposed to do that would've changed anything that just happened?
00:13:58She's been like that with any woman I've ever been with.
00:14:00Okay, so what about Lisa?
00:14:02Does she like her?
00:14:04Did she treat her like she just treated me?
00:14:09She's the one who introduced me to Lisa.
00:14:12That says enough.
00:14:16I don't care what anybody else feels.
00:14:19Or what anybody else thinks.
00:14:21I love you.
00:14:22So forget anybody.
00:14:24That's not down with Team Us.
00:14:29You love me?
00:14:35I love you, too.
00:14:45What's the matter, honey?
00:14:47Something wrong?
00:14:48I just got a lot on my mind.
00:14:51Hey, how'd that dinner go last night?
00:14:56Ma, his mother is Cruella DeVille.
00:15:00Oh, honey.
00:15:01She can't be that bad.
00:15:02I knew the moment that we locked eyes at that dinner was not going to go well.
00:15:07Well, honey, sometimes we just have to make people believers.
00:15:12Is that what you did with Grandma?
00:15:15Your grandmother was terrible.
00:15:18She didn't like the way I wore my hair.
00:15:19She didn't like clothes I put on.
00:15:21She was just terrible.
00:15:24So, how did you respond?
00:15:27Well, I was respectful.
00:15:29And I can take a couple punches.
00:15:32But, you know, I'm not going to let anybody beat my ass, either.
00:15:35Ma, I'm serious.
00:15:37She was so mean, honey.
00:15:39And for no reason.
00:15:41But then one day, she came around and she realized that I was good for him.
00:15:47So, what are you saying?
00:15:51Honey, what I'm trying to say is, if you like Sean the way I know you do,
00:15:56you stand by him and she'll come around and she'll realize you're good for him, too.
00:16:04Sean told me that he loves me last night.
00:16:09And I said it back, I love him, too.
00:16:11Well, then, honey, the only one you have to prove your love to is Sean.
00:16:16His mother will come around, just wait and see.
00:16:19And if she doesn't, we'll just kick her ass.
00:16:22I love you, Ma.
00:16:23I love you, too, baby.
00:16:25Bet you overcooked these grits, girl.
00:16:27You're grounded.
00:16:52I love you.
00:17:22Oh, there he goes, my handsome son.
00:17:29Come on, man, give me some.
00:17:32Good to see you, man.
00:17:34Looking good.
00:17:35I'm trying.
00:17:36I'm trying.
00:17:39I know you've been busy, so I truly appreciate you taking the time to have lunch with your parents.
00:17:46It's really no problem at all.
00:17:49I actually have something I want to talk to you both about.
00:17:52What's on your mind, boy?
00:17:53Why are you looking like that?
00:17:54Spit it out, son.
00:17:57I'm going to marry Ava.
00:18:01Our boy's getting married.
00:18:03Congratulations, son.
00:18:06Son, before you go and make some hasty decision, there's somebody I would like for you to meet.
00:18:19This is Ramona Davenport.
00:18:21She's the head of accounting over at Dox & Martinez Corporation, and she's also a sorority sister of mine.
00:18:28Ramona, this is my son, Sean.
00:18:31Very nice to meet you, Mr. Mitchum.
00:18:33Nice to meet you, Ramona.
00:18:39I don't even have an appetite anymore.
00:19:01Ava, who do you think they're for, you or me?
00:19:03Girl, what are you talking about now?
00:19:05For Taylor Ann?
00:19:06I have a delivery for Taylor.
00:19:07Taylor Ann with a T.
00:19:08Ava Buchanan?
00:19:10Well, are you for delivery?
00:19:12I'll package you up, baby.
00:19:13I'll pack you up, baby.
00:19:14I'll pack you up, baby.
00:19:15I'll pack you up, baby.
00:19:16I'll pack you up, baby.
00:19:17I'll pack you up, baby.
00:19:18I'll pack you up, baby.
00:19:19Oh, God, you are so strong.
00:19:21How often do you work out, honey?
00:19:22You ever lifted a 35-year-old?
00:19:26Come back anytime now.
00:19:30Only the best for the best.
00:19:32Happy Tuesday, baby.
00:19:33I love you.
00:19:36Maybe if you learned to be happy for somebody, love would find you too.
00:19:39Honey, men are wrapped around the...
00:19:43Thank you for calling Savvy Realty.
00:19:44How may I help you?
00:20:04Thank you, baby.
00:20:06I love you, too.
00:20:18Come in.
00:20:22What's up, man?
00:20:23Today's the big day.
00:20:24You ready?
00:20:25Yeah, man.
00:20:29Been sweating all morning.
00:20:32I remember the first time I proposed to Gina.
00:20:35I was so nervous.
00:20:37Shoot, my shirt was soaking wet.
00:20:39But I can't say it was the happiest day of my life.
00:20:41So this sweat thing, this is normal?
00:20:45I ain't do this with Lisa.
00:20:46It's perfectly normal.
00:20:48Look, you think she on to you?
00:20:50I don't think so.
00:20:53Hey, bro, let me ask you a question.
00:20:55What's up?
00:20:56Do your mom and Gina get along?
00:20:59Do they?
00:21:01I barely see my wife.
00:21:02Because her and the kids is always at my parents' house.
00:21:05They adore her.
00:21:06Man, that's a beautiful thing.
00:21:09So why you ask?
00:21:11Mama Karen not rocking with Ava?
00:21:13Not at all.
00:21:15I don't know why you surprised.
00:21:16Because your mama don't like nobody.
00:21:18She barely likes me.
00:21:20Yeah, you right, man.
00:21:24The best advice I can give you
00:21:26is to stand by your woman.
00:21:28I know moms is moms.
00:21:30But you about to get married.
00:21:32And eventually, your mama get over it.
00:21:35Excuse me, Mark.
00:21:36Gina's here.
00:21:37Okay, let her know I'll be out in a sec.
00:21:39No problem.
00:21:43Good luck.
00:21:44And I'll see you tonight.
00:21:45I appreciate your advice, bro.
00:21:46Good luck.
00:22:06Hey, Mr. Mitchell.
00:22:07What can I do for you?
00:22:09Hey, just checking to see if we're on schedule.
00:22:11Of course we are.
00:22:12We're just finishing up the last few things.
00:22:14But we're all set for 8 p.m.
00:22:15Okay, um, have you spoken with my parents?
00:22:17Um, I haven't.
00:22:19But they did irons VP, so we should be good.
00:22:22Thanks, Daisy.
00:22:23I really appreciate you.
00:22:25Now you know you don't have to thank me, Mr. Mitchell.
00:22:27You've been such an amazing boss.
00:22:29And I'm just happy I could help you.
00:22:31I'll see you soon.
00:22:33Okay, Daisy.
00:22:40Okay, yeah, we'll call you right back.
00:22:43Well, hello.
00:22:44Welcome to Savvy Rosie.
00:22:45How may I help you?
00:22:47Hi, I'm here to pick up Miss Ava Mitchell.
00:22:55You look nice today.
00:22:59Uh, Mitchell?
00:23:01What does Sean have up his sleeve?
00:23:03Well, per the request of Mr. Mitchell,
00:23:05you have an appointment at a private location
00:23:07in 30 minutes.
00:23:10Well, he didn't mention anything to me.
00:23:11Girl, you heard the man.
00:23:12Get out of here.
00:23:13I'll lock up.
00:23:14All right.
00:23:16All right, Mr. Driver,
00:23:17you got any room for me?
00:23:18I'm very light.
00:23:20I've ridden Benzes, Cadillacs.
00:23:22I've never rode Salt-N-Pepa.
00:23:26You are so handsome.
00:23:28I'm ready.
00:23:33All right.
00:23:38Hey, bro.
00:23:39Okay, she just left.
00:24:03Since when did you become so spontaneous?
00:24:06Uh, come on now, baby.
00:24:08You know I gotta keep you on your toes.
00:24:09Well, you know I don't like surprises.
00:24:13Sweetheart, why are you not getting dressed?
00:24:15Because I have nothing to wear.
00:24:17Karen, you got everything in that closet to wear.
00:24:19Come on, baby.
00:24:21We got places to be and people to see.
00:24:23We got to go.
00:24:25Come on, boo.
00:24:26Let's go.
00:24:39Welcome to Front Page Designs.
00:24:41You must be Ava.
00:24:43I am.
00:24:45Come, come, quickly, child.
00:24:47We ain't got much time.
00:25:05If it's you,
00:25:06if it's you,
00:25:08if it's you.
00:25:13Reworked if it's you.
00:25:18Aaron, makeup, right this way.
00:25:36You ready?
00:25:38Right about here.
00:25:41Hey, Mama, how are you?
00:25:43Hey, beautiful.
00:25:45Good to see you again.
00:25:46Good to see you again.
00:25:48Hey, Mama.
00:25:49Hey, how you doing?
00:25:50All right, all right, all right.
00:25:52Look at her.
00:25:54You doing all this for me?
00:25:56Oh, yeah, of course.
00:25:58Isn't that my son?
00:26:00Look at him.
00:26:07Come on.
00:26:25I'm so proud of you.
00:26:26May I?
00:26:31What the fuck?
00:26:34Not now.
00:26:36Not now?
00:26:41Did you see that?
00:26:43No, I felt it.
00:26:47You can have him.
00:26:56I'm sorry, son.
00:26:59Baby, you okay?
00:27:06On our second date,
00:27:08I asked you
00:27:11if you were to be proposed to,
00:27:14how would you want it to be done?
00:27:18Remember that?
00:27:20You said you wanted it to be intimate,
00:27:24only to people closest to us.
00:27:26Look around this room.
00:27:30All the people closest to us is here.
00:27:33You are the best thing that ever happened to me,
00:27:36and I love you with all of my heart
00:27:39and with all of my soul.
00:27:43I don't need to wait years to know that you're the one,
00:27:47and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
00:27:56Reeve Buchanan,
00:27:59will you make me the happiest man in the world?
00:28:03Will you marry me?
00:28:04Yes, yes!
00:28:19Welcome to the family, Ava.
00:28:22My man.
00:28:28I am so proud of you.
00:28:30You hear me?
00:28:32I'm so proud of you.
00:28:36I'm so happy for you.
00:28:39I love you so much.
00:28:42Our baby's getting married.
00:28:43Come here.
00:28:52Oh, congratulations.
00:28:56I love you.
00:29:00Ava Marie Mitchell.
00:29:05I love the way that sounds.
00:29:11Why the face?
00:29:13Your mama.
00:29:17I shouldn't care.
00:29:19Not tonight.
00:29:26I love you, Mr. Mitchell.
00:29:29And I love you,
00:29:31soon-to-be Mrs. Mitchell.
00:30:08Ma, don't start.
00:30:09It's too early.
00:30:10Who the hell you think you talking to?
00:30:13Boy, you barely even know this girl.
00:30:16Why can't you just be happy for me?
00:30:18Happy for you?
00:30:19I am happy for you.
00:30:21You are the best defense attorney that Michigan has to offer.
00:30:25You're young, intelligent.
00:30:27You'll have your whole life to find a wife.
00:30:29And this,
00:30:30this girl,
00:30:32this girl,
00:30:33she's not it.
00:30:34Do you have to do this?
00:30:36Can't you see that I'm happy with Ava?
00:30:38I don't like her.
00:30:39You don't know her.
00:30:40I don't know.
00:30:43Get to know her.
00:30:45Be nice.
00:30:48Or at least be causal.
00:30:51I'm marrying Ava.
00:30:52Whether you like it or not.
00:30:58I don't want to do this without you.
00:31:03But I will.
00:31:12You know,
00:31:13a mother knows her child.
00:31:17So when it comes time to tell you,
00:31:19I tell you.
00:31:20So when it comes time to tell you,
00:31:21I told you so.
00:31:25I will.
00:31:50I love you.
00:31:52I love you too.
00:31:56Part of me feels bad.
00:31:58Because I know that that was hard for you.
00:32:04the other part of me
00:32:06is turned on.
00:32:20had my back.
00:32:24Oh, really?
00:32:39Hey, what's up, bro?
00:32:40You watching the news?
00:32:41Nah, bro, what's going on?
00:32:47turn the TV on.
00:33:09All right, bro.
00:33:10I'm on my way.
00:33:11Let me finish getting dressed.
00:33:13All right, baby.
00:33:14I gotta go.
00:33:17Can you confirm the condition
00:33:18of the gas station attendant?
00:33:21Well, Stacy, right now
00:33:22he's currently in critical condition.
00:33:34Thank God.
00:33:36don't say another word.
00:33:39Attorney Shawn Mitchell,
00:33:41here on behalf of my client.
00:33:53What happened this time, TJ?
00:33:54Cuz, I ain't do this shit, man.
00:33:56I was trying to go downtown,
00:33:57but I had to get some gas first.
00:33:58They started robbing the place.
00:34:04There, bro.
00:34:10Open up the cash register right now!
00:34:12Open up!
00:34:13Open up the cash register!
00:34:14What you waiting for?
00:34:15Open up!
00:34:16Open up!
00:34:17Open up!
00:34:18Oh, shit!
00:34:19Nigga, shot that nigga.
00:34:33Don't give me that look, cuz.
00:34:34I swear I ain't do this shit, man.
00:34:36You'll get arraigned on Monday.
00:34:37And if you didn't do it,
00:34:38you'll be out in a week.
00:34:40But if I find out anything different, TJ,
00:34:42I didn't do this shit, cuz.
00:34:43I'm all out of favors.
00:34:44I hear you.
00:34:45I hope you understand me.
00:34:46I hear you, but I ain't do this shit.
00:34:47I hope you hear me.
00:34:48And I hope you understand me.
00:34:49Because I'm not playing with you this time, TJ.
00:34:52I didn't do this shit, cuz.
00:34:54I didn't do it, man.
00:34:56Come on.
00:34:57Get me out of here.
00:35:02What'd he do?
00:35:04Wrong place.
00:35:06Wrong time.
00:35:15Girl, you called me like it was an emergency.
00:35:19So what happened?
00:35:20Oh, just Karen being Karen.
00:35:23Okay, so no one is half the battle.
00:35:25So what the old witch don't like you?
00:35:27Her son loves you,
00:35:28and that's what matters, right?
00:35:29You ain't going nowhere, are you?
00:35:30And I'm not.
00:35:31Come on, ring.
00:35:36this isn't just some girl you can avoid.
00:35:38This woman is about to be your mother.
00:35:40And I'm not.
00:35:41And I'm not.
00:35:42And I'm not.
00:35:43Oh, boy.
00:35:44This woman is about to be your mother-in-law,
00:35:45so you need to fix it.
00:35:46Yeah, I know.
00:35:47And I know this is affecting Sean more than he'll admit.
00:35:50Because he's in the middle of the two women that he loves fighting.
00:35:54And I don't want to complain about his mother to him,
00:35:56so that's why I called you.
00:35:57Oh, well, you called the right person.
00:36:00I think...
00:36:02I think you should just send an olive branch.
00:36:04Like, take her to dinner, or
00:36:06do something nice for her,
00:36:07but whatever you do, be honest with her.
00:36:11In the meantime,
00:36:12I have a lunch date, so...
00:36:13Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:36:14You have a lunch date with who?
00:36:16Since when did we start keeping secrets from each other?
00:36:19We don't.
00:36:20But I just wanted to make sure you were good.
00:36:22Are you fine?
00:36:23I'm good.
00:36:26You good?
00:36:27I'm good.
00:36:28All right, good.
00:36:31You'll be fine.
00:36:33You taking the bottle?
00:36:35It's a B-Y-O-W with this.
00:36:37Love you.
00:36:40Take her out, Ava.
00:36:42Take her out, Ava.
00:36:49All right.
00:36:51I gotta get T.J. out of Michigan.
00:36:53Either he gonna end up back in jail,
00:36:55or he gonna end up dead.
00:36:56And I can't hide that on me.
00:36:57Man, family will always put you in a fucked-up situation.
00:37:00So what happened?
00:37:01Was he inside of the gas station before the robbery started?
00:37:03That's what he said.
00:37:04He said he was in the store grabbing some better-made chips
00:37:06than a Faygo Pop.
00:37:09You don't get no more Detroit than that.
00:37:11So what else happened?
00:37:13He said when he realized what was happening,
00:37:15he ran and hid.
00:37:16But when the shots started ringing,
00:37:17he ran outside surrounded by the police.
00:37:22You know what?
00:37:23Video surveillance should handle that for us.
00:37:34Hey, Mr. Mitchell.
00:37:35So there's no cameras at this gas station.
00:37:38The ones that they do have up,
00:37:40apparently they're fake and they had them up
00:37:42for some kids who did a previous Russian grab.
00:37:45You gotta be kidding me.
00:37:47So what I think I'm gonna do,
00:37:48I'm just gonna head to some stores in the area.
00:37:50Maybe they could have seen something.
00:37:52All right, thanks, Daisy.
00:37:56The camera was a fake.
00:37:58There's no footage.
00:38:06Wifey made dinner.
00:38:08I'll meet you here in the morning, man.
00:38:26Hey, baby.
00:38:27Come have a seat.
00:38:28I made us dinner.
00:38:32Looks amazing.
00:38:34Let me wash my hands.
00:38:38Dear God,
00:38:39thank you
00:38:40for bringing my man home safely.
00:38:43And thank you for this meal.
00:38:50how was your day?
00:38:52Never mind my day.
00:38:54How was your day?
00:38:56My day was relaxing.
00:38:58I did absolutely nothing
00:39:00for the first time in a long time.
00:39:02And I thought this recipe and it made it for us.
00:39:05This don't look like absolutely nothing.
00:39:08Let me try this.
00:39:09Go ahead.
00:39:20You know the food good when you start dancing.
00:39:23I'm marrying the right woman for sure.
00:39:24Yeah, you better know it.
00:39:28I was thinking.
00:39:30Go ahead.
00:39:31No, baby, you go.
00:39:34I was thinking about asking your mom out for dinner.
00:39:36Maybe we need to talk alone.
00:39:41I'll drink to that.
00:39:45But don't set your expectations too high.
00:39:48You know my mother is not the easiest person to get along with.
00:39:50Yeah, I know.
00:39:52But since we're getting married,
00:39:54I think it's a good idea for us to have an understanding for one another.
00:39:59Sounds like a good idea to me.
00:40:03I'm proud of you, baby.
00:40:06What are you thanking me for?
00:40:09For loving me so much
00:40:10that you put up with my mother.
00:40:13I'll drink to that.
00:40:21Ma, what you did yesterday was unacceptable.
00:40:23Ava heard everything.
00:40:25Like I care what she heard.
00:40:27I introduced you to charity from the church.
00:40:30To Yolanda.
00:40:31Remember Yolanda?
00:40:32She's the financial wealth manager over at Huntington.
00:40:34And then Ramona?
00:40:36It's like you don't want a woman of standard.
00:40:38What is wrong with you?
00:40:40It don't matter how many women you introduce me to.
00:40:42Ava is the woman that I'm in love with.
00:40:44You need to stop trying to control my life
00:40:46and respect my decision to marry her.
00:40:48And you need to respect my house.
00:40:50Don't you have court this morning?
00:40:52I got Ava.
00:41:02So, I'm about to go make this phone call.
00:41:04Why you say it like that?
00:41:06Who you about to call?
00:41:08Cruella Mitchell.
00:41:10Ooh, I gotta hear this.
00:41:12Come on.
00:41:14This is Karen.
00:41:16How may I help you?
00:41:18Hey, Mrs. Mitchell.
00:41:20It's Ava.
00:41:24Sean's fiance, Ava.
00:41:26Oh, sorry.
00:41:28It's been such a trying day.
00:41:30I understand.
00:41:32I was just calling to see if
00:41:34you wanted to go to dinner with me
00:41:36or maybe even the spa.
00:41:38We can make it a date.
00:41:40Well, I prefer my self-care days to be taken alone.
00:41:42But dinner does sound nice
00:41:44as long as you've learned your lesson
00:41:46from the first time.
00:41:48Where were you thinking?
00:41:52You like petty cash?
00:41:54So petty.
00:41:56Meet me at table number two tomorrow
00:41:58at six p.m.
00:42:00Oh, I love table number two.
00:42:02Good. Goodbye.
00:42:04Did she just hang up on you?
00:42:06I told you. I told you.
00:42:08I told you!
00:42:10She said it's a bit of dirt.
00:42:16Judge, I didn't do any of this.
00:42:18I'm innocent.
00:42:20I will hold you in contempt of court
00:42:22if you have another outburst.
00:42:24Mr. Mitchell, get your client under control.
00:42:26This is an arraignment, not a trial.
00:42:28Your Honor, my client was a patron
00:42:30at the wrong place and the wrong time.
00:42:32Your Honor, we have reason
00:42:34to believe that Terrence Jamerson
00:42:36is in fact one of the men who was a part
00:42:38of the robbery on the date in question.
00:42:40We believe he was a hired decoy.
00:42:42How does the prosecution
00:42:44feel about bail?
00:42:46Due to Mr. Jamerson's long rap sheet,
00:42:48the people request a remand.
00:42:50Your Honor, is there any way that my client could get bail?
00:42:52He did not commit this crime.
00:42:54Unfortunately, due to Mr. Jamerson's long rap sheet,
00:42:56I'm going to have to agree with the prosecution.
00:42:58$100,000, 10%.
00:43:00Cuz I can't afford that.
00:43:02Cuz, relax. I got you, man.
00:43:04Thank you, Your Honor.
00:43:06Thank you, Your Honor.
00:43:08Great. I can still make it to my grandson's soccer game.
00:43:10Thank you, gentlemen and ladies.
00:43:12Court's adjourned.
00:43:14All rise.
00:43:34We'll have the catfish beignets
00:43:36and the calamari to start.
00:43:40Okay, I will put this down right away for you.
00:43:42That's a really pretty necklace.
00:43:52Thank you for coming to dinner.
00:43:54Thank you for inviting me.
00:43:56I thought it would be a really good idea
00:43:58that we get together
00:44:00and get to the bottom of what's happening.
00:44:04Sean is all I have.
00:44:06He's my only child
00:44:08and I only want what's best for him
00:44:10and who's best for him.
00:44:12You gotta understand that.
00:44:14This is Mitchell.
00:44:16We're on the same team.
00:44:18Trust me.
00:44:20So this is what we're doing now?
00:44:22Uh-uh, ma'am. You gotta go.
00:44:24Get your hands off of me.
00:44:28I was thinking that.
00:44:34Wanna dig in?
00:44:36Wanna dig in?
00:45:13Wake up.
00:45:19I've been thinking.
00:45:21What about?
00:45:23Finding my birth parents.
00:45:25Finding my parents.
00:45:27Finding my parents.
00:45:29Finding my parents.
00:45:31Finding my parents.
00:45:33Finding my parents.
00:45:35Finding my birth parents.
00:45:39What made you reconsider?
00:45:43Being around your family.
00:45:45It made me wanna find my own.
00:45:49I wanna know who I'm like
00:45:51and where I'm from, you know?
00:45:57I'm proud of you.
00:45:59Me too.
00:46:01I got a really good feeling
00:46:03about this.
00:47:03Hey, baby.
00:47:05Shouldn't you be getting ready for work?
00:47:07I'm not feeling good right now.
00:47:09I'm gonna go in a little bit later, okay?
00:47:11Are you okay?
00:47:13I'll be fine.
00:47:24If you need anything,
00:47:26just call me.
00:47:28I can have Daisy pick you up whatever you need.
00:47:32I love you. I love you too.
00:47:34I gotta get out of here.
00:47:36Feel better, baby.
00:47:38Thank you for holding.
00:47:40How can I assist you today?
00:47:42Yes. I'm waiting for the records department.
00:47:44My name is Ava Buchanan.
00:47:46Please hold.
00:47:48No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:47:50Don't put me on hold.
00:47:56Thank you for holding.
00:47:58How can I assist you today?
00:48:00My name is Ava Buchanan.
00:48:02I'm waiting to get more information about my adoption.
00:48:04Please hold.
00:48:06What the fuck?
00:48:14Yeah, I understand.
00:48:16Right, but she's not in yet.
00:48:18But I can help you with anything.
00:48:20Oh, okay, sure.
00:48:22I will let you know when she comes in.
00:48:24Yep, I'll have her give you a call.
00:48:32Hi, may I speak with Ava Buchanan?
00:48:34This is she.
00:48:36Hi, Ava, this is Tracy.
00:48:38I received your voicemail this morning regarding your adoption.
00:48:40Yes, I'm looking for information on my biological parents.
00:48:42Okay, well, I can assist you with that.
00:48:44Now, before I give out any information,
00:48:46there is a verification process
00:48:48that I'm gonna need for you to complete, okay?
00:48:52Well, um, I can stop by your office when I get off work.
00:48:54Great. We're open until 7.
00:48:58What is...
00:49:00What's your address?
00:49:02We're at 1-9-8-7-5
00:49:04Pentacon Road,
00:49:06Louisville, Kentucky, 48552.
00:49:08Wait, wait.
00:49:10You're in Kentucky?
00:49:14That's almost six hours away.
00:49:16Are you open on the weekend?
00:49:18No, I'm sorry, just Monday through Friday.
00:49:22I'll see you Friday.
00:49:24All right, I look forward to meeting you.
00:49:26Take care. Bye-bye.
00:49:28Yeah, me too.
00:49:30So, where are we going Friday?
00:49:34What's in Kentucky?
00:49:36Maybe my birth parent.
00:49:38Your birth...
00:49:42Okay, no biggie.
00:49:44But, girl, this is huge. I'm gonna come down Saturday, okay?
00:49:48Um, God, I cannot believe this is happening.
00:49:50Hold my calls for about an hour.
00:49:52I'm gonna call Sean.
00:49:54Girl, congratulations.
00:49:56What if we find out you got a brother?
00:50:06Hi, good afternoon.
00:50:08Hi, I'm here to see Tracy. And your name?
00:50:10Eva Buchanan.
00:50:12All right, one moment.
00:50:14Yes, you have an Eva Buchanan here to see you?
00:50:16Will do.
00:50:18All right, right this way, Eva.
00:50:20All right, thank you.
00:50:22How's it going, love?
00:50:24Good. Well, hopefully you can make it better.
00:50:26Tracy's ready here to see you, okay?
00:50:28Okay, thank you.
00:50:30Mrs. Buchanan, it's nice to finally meet you.
00:50:32Thank you for returning my calls.
00:50:34Yes, well, anytime I'm able to help others
00:50:36put the pieces of their life together,
00:50:38well, I'm all for it.
00:50:40I'm nervous, Tracy.
00:50:42I can assure you that's natural, Eva.
00:50:44I just hope I can get you everything that you need.
00:50:48I do want to set your expectations, though.
00:50:50At times, birth parents aren't always receptive
00:50:52to meeting a child they've given up.
00:50:54Now, that's not to say that yours wouldn't.
00:50:56It's just, at times, this is a conscious decision.
00:50:58You know, a well-thought-out option
00:51:00for the mother and or father, okay?
00:51:02I've thought about it.
00:51:04And I'm ready for whatever happens.
00:51:06All right.
00:51:08I just need your birth certificate
00:51:10and your Social Security card
00:51:12along with your license.
00:51:14I got everything here.
00:51:16All right, great.
00:51:25All right.
00:51:27Well, this looks good.
00:51:29Just give me one second, okay?
00:51:43All right, Eva.
00:51:45Here's everything I have.
00:51:51You're welcome. Good luck to you, Eva.
00:51:55Hey, babe.
00:51:57I got my file.
00:51:59I'm probably gonna find out where my parents are.
00:52:01Tomorrow's a big day.
00:52:21I think this is the house, A.
00:52:25Let's do this.
00:52:53Hi. Can I help you?
00:52:55Hi, I'm looking for Bill Roberts.
00:52:57I'm Bill Roberts.
00:52:59Hi, Bill.
00:53:01I think I'm your daughter.
00:53:05My daughter?
00:53:15Hey, Mama.
00:53:17Hey, baby. Come on.
00:53:19I came over here to tell you
00:53:21how much I appreciate you spending time with Eva.
00:53:23It really means a lot to me.
00:53:27Yeah, she's starting to grow on me.
00:53:29That's not the only thing
00:53:31I came over here to talk to you about.
00:53:33I think I want a kid.
00:53:35Ma, what you laughing at?
00:53:37It's not funny.
00:53:39I'm serious.
00:53:41You gonna have old-looking babies.
00:53:43Ma, she is not that old.
00:53:45She is almost 40.
00:53:47Look, you need to hurry up
00:53:49and pop a baby out.
00:53:51Ain't like we ain't trying.
00:53:53Oh, that's nasty.
00:53:55No, but seriously,
00:53:57I'm ready to have some grandbabies.
00:54:03Now go and make me some grandbabies.
00:54:05All right, Mama.
00:54:07I love you.
00:54:09I love you, too.
00:54:11All right.
00:54:13Now I need at least four.
00:54:21Hey, baby.
00:54:23I found them.
00:54:25I love you.
00:54:39I still can't believe
00:54:41I have a daughter.
00:54:43I still can't believe I found you.
00:54:45Is there anything
00:54:47you can tell me about my mom?
00:54:49There wasn't anything
00:54:51in the file besides her name.
00:54:55To be honest with you, Ava,
00:54:59I didn't know about you.
00:55:05I joined the Army in 87,
00:55:07and, I mean,
00:55:09I heard that Evelyn had a baby,
00:55:13there was no way for me to find out.
00:55:15She cut me out
00:55:17of her life completely.
00:55:19So, wait.
00:55:21She didn't tell you that she was pregnant?
00:55:27I tried
00:55:29to track her down
00:55:31before a year after I got home.
00:55:35But after a while...
00:55:41I just...
00:55:43I gave up, baby girl.
00:55:45I'm so sorry.
00:55:47Listen, don't feel bad.
00:55:49I was raised
00:55:51by a really great family.
00:55:53If it hadn't been for the fact
00:55:55that they're white, I promise you
00:55:57I would not know I was adopted.
00:56:01I have a really good life.
00:56:05I stayed in this house for decades
00:56:09hoping that
00:56:11if the rumors were true
00:56:13that you'd come find me.
00:56:19Was she from here, too?
00:56:21Born and raised.
00:56:25Your mother was
00:56:27a one-of-a-kind lady.
00:56:33When I enlisted, it devastated her.
00:56:37So, why'd you go?
00:56:43I knew the Army would save my life.
00:56:45I was in the streets,
00:56:47baby girl.
00:56:49Real bad.
00:56:51Had no goals.
00:56:53No discipline.
00:56:57fast money and a beautiful woman.
00:57:01I still don't understand
00:57:03why she didn't tell you she was pregnant.
00:57:05That could have changed everything
00:57:07for me.
00:57:09I don't know, either.
00:57:13But I do know one thing.
00:57:15What's that?
00:57:17I'm glad you came looking for me.
00:57:21I missed out on a lot.
00:57:27And I don't plan on missing another minute.
00:57:34tell me everything.
00:57:38Where do I start?
00:57:45Hi, Beth.
00:57:47Hey, boo-boo.
00:57:49This is a very small room.
00:57:53Girl, get dressed. Let's go to breakfast.
00:57:55I want to hear all about your dad.
00:57:59I cannot believe I met my daddy.
00:58:01You found your daddy.
00:58:03You found your daddy.
00:58:05Ooh, this is a very small room.
00:58:07Thank God I booked my room with a corporate card.
00:58:11Hurry up!
00:58:14Hurry up!
00:58:16I know he fine, ain't he?
00:58:18Taylor. What?
00:58:20Don't flirt with my daddy.
00:58:22I'm just asking. Girl, do I want your daddy?
00:58:24Yeah, whatever.
00:58:26Hey, dad. Hey, baby girl.
00:58:28Dad, this is my best friend, Taylor.
00:58:30Taylor, this is my dad.
00:58:32Hello, Mr. Daddy.
00:58:34I'm sorry. I meant Mr. Roberts.
00:58:36It is such a pleasure for you to meet me.
00:58:38I mean, for me to meet you.
00:58:40Hello, Taylor. It's nice to meet you, too.
00:58:42I'll grab a cup of coffee. You two need anything?
00:58:44No, we're good. We're good.
00:58:46All right. I'll be right back.
00:58:48All right, daddy.
00:58:50I said daddy to my real daddy.
00:58:52And he is a daddy.
00:58:56Stop flirting with my daddy.
00:58:58Don't get quiet.
00:59:00I'm picturing myself as your stepmother.
00:59:06So, Taylor.
00:59:08My daughter's best friend.
00:59:10Mr. Roberts, it's a pleasure to meet you.
00:59:12What's your ring size?
00:59:18Well, I can see why she's your best friend.
00:59:20Yeah, she's full of energy.
00:59:22I'm so happy for Ava. We've been praying for your return.
00:59:26Yes, and I have definitely been praying for her, too.
00:59:28I must be
00:59:30the happiest man on earth right now.
00:59:32No, I'm pretty happy myself.
00:59:34I still cannot believe this is happening.
00:59:36I know. It's so exciting.
00:59:38I really hope this isn't my last time seeing you.
00:59:40What I mean is,
00:59:42I know where she gets her looks and her charms from.
00:59:44Not an attitude she gets from her mother, though.
00:59:46I don't know. I don't know.
00:59:48But when are you guys getting up out of here?
00:59:50Tomorrow afternoon.
00:59:52So soon?
00:59:54It's time to get back to work.
00:59:56Well, how about I take you guys around town,
00:59:58show you off a little bit,
01:00:00and show you some things before you go?
01:00:02All right. Well, you can ride with us.
01:00:04Sit in the back with me.
01:00:26Whose house is this?
01:00:30is where your mother Evelyn used to live.
01:00:32I used to sneak up
01:00:34to that window right there.
01:00:36You used to climb all the way up there?
01:00:38No way.
01:00:40I did. I did. Now Heather's got to ruin it.
01:00:42Well, thank God I live on the first floor.
01:00:46Thank you for doing this.
01:00:48No, thank you.
01:00:50You have completely made this
01:00:52the best part of my life.
01:00:58Oh, I got to get some of that.
01:01:00Step aside.
01:01:04Hey, baby.
01:01:06How did it go?
01:01:08It's everything.
01:01:14Wow, you look a lot like your dad.
01:01:18I guess I do look like my dad.
01:01:22I cannot wait
01:01:24for you to meet him.
01:01:26He's so old.
01:01:28He's so handsome.
01:01:30He's so handsome.
01:01:32He's so old.
01:01:34But he ain't back.
01:01:36Just like me.
01:01:38You know what, baby?
01:01:42Let's toast.
01:01:46To you finding your father.
01:01:52Can you believe
01:01:54he stayed in the same house this entire
01:01:56time with hopes that his kid would come and find him?
01:01:58Really? The same house?
01:02:00That's crazy.
01:02:02Man, we kicked it for hours.
01:02:04He laughed.
01:02:06I don't know.
01:02:08I kind of feel like
01:02:10I found a new happiness.
01:02:12I really love this for you, baby.
01:02:14I can see how happy you are.
01:02:16I can't wait to meet him.
01:02:18I can't wait for you to meet him either.
01:02:20You are going to love him.
01:02:22You know what, baby?
01:02:26Why don't you invite him over?
01:02:30Wait, wait, wait.
01:02:32Do you think your parents will be okay with it?
01:02:34Absolutely. I'll tell my dad tomorrow
01:02:36and have mama whip up something real good.
01:02:38Just see what Sunday works for him.
01:02:44Hey, Dad.
01:02:46Yeah, I made it home.
01:02:50Sean had a really good idea.
01:02:52How do you feel about coming to Detroit
01:02:54to have dinner with our families?
01:03:00You will come this weekend?
01:03:04No, yeah, yeah.
01:03:06I love you, too. Bye.
01:03:08That's great.
01:03:10Oh, my God.
01:03:14This is so good.
01:03:20Look, I'm sure it's a valid reason
01:03:22the man hasn't showed up yet.
01:03:24Maybe he got caught in traffic.
01:03:26You know traffic is crazy everywhere right now.
01:03:32Nah, I bet
01:03:34that's him right there.
01:03:44Hey, baby girl.
01:03:48I'm sorry I'm late.
01:03:50Yeah, you late, but you made it.
01:03:53Well, you know I wouldn't miss this.
01:03:55This is my fiancé, Sean.
01:03:57How you doing, young man? I'm Bill.
01:03:59Nice to meet you.
01:04:01And you've already met his dad, Lee.
01:04:03Yeah, and this beautiful couple
01:04:05are my parents. This is Michael
01:04:07and Baudette Buchanan.
01:04:09Hi, so nice to meet you.
01:04:11Nice to meet you, too. I'm Bill.
01:04:13Nice to meet you, Bill.
01:04:15You guys did a great job raising my baby girl here.
01:04:17Yes, oh, and Karen. Karen!
01:04:19He's finally made it!
01:04:21Dad, Bill Roberts.
01:04:23Ma, everything okay?
01:04:25I'm sorry.
01:04:29Can I use your restroom?
01:04:31It's down the hall on the right.
01:04:33Excuse me.
01:04:47What have you done, Evelyn?
01:05:23I think it's time for us to get going.
01:05:25Oh, okay.
01:05:27We'll see you soon.
01:05:31See you, honey.
01:05:33So nice to meet you, Bill.
01:05:35Nice to meet you.
01:05:37Oh, Dad,
01:05:39you can follow me and Sean to the house.
01:05:41We have more than enough room for you.
01:05:43Yeah, you can take the guest room.
01:05:45Son, thank you, but I'm all set.
01:05:47I'm staying at the Townsend.
01:05:49The Townsend?
01:05:51Now, that's a nice hotel.
01:05:53Are you sure?
01:05:55Yes, I'm sure.
01:05:57I'm sure.
01:05:59I don't want you to feel like you have to.
01:06:01You're welcome to stay at our home.
01:06:03This is true.
01:06:05I'm absolutely, positively sure,
01:06:07and thanks again for dinner, although I missed it.
01:06:09Don't worry about it, man.
01:06:11We'll catch up and do what OGs do.
01:06:13Puff some cigars, catch a game.
01:06:15My man. Sounds like a plan.
01:06:17All right. All right, Dad, I'll walk you out.
01:06:19All right.
01:06:21Hey, Pops. What's up, son?
01:06:23We gonna head out, too. Okay.
01:06:25Hey, is everything okay with Mom?
01:06:27Son, your mother will be fine.
01:06:29Go on, enjoy your night.
01:06:31All right, Pops. Love you, man.
01:06:33Love you, too.
01:06:43You need to talk.
01:06:45So now you want to talk?
01:06:47Not here.
01:06:49Fine. Just go up to my room.
01:06:51I'm sure we're gonna need privacy.
01:06:56How much?
01:06:58How much? Your son is fucking my daughter, Evelyn.
01:07:00You trying to buy my silence?
01:07:02Don't you fucking dare.
01:07:04Get your hands off me.
01:07:06This is your fault. My fault?
01:07:08Yes, your fault. You left me alone and pregnant.
01:07:10What was I supposed to do?
01:07:15I still hate myself for never...
01:07:31Mommy! Mommy!
01:07:39I don't know, Evelyn. Maybe take care of my kid.
01:07:41Not give a fuck.
01:07:43Maybe take care of my kid.
01:07:45Not give her away.
01:07:47Right back, I sent you letter after letter after letter, Evelyn.
01:07:49I did everything I could to reach you.
01:07:51What's the use in arguing about this now?
01:07:53I need you to leave and never come back.
01:07:55With my dead body, I'm about to take care of this right now.
01:08:13Hope your ass die.
01:08:19Come on, Dad. Pick up the phone.
01:08:21You okay?
01:08:23Yeah, I'm...
01:08:25I've been calling my dad and he's not answering.
01:08:27I be worried?
01:08:29Worried? You?
01:08:31I should be worried.
01:08:33He's probably been trying to call me all morning.
01:08:35Are you serious?
01:08:37Oh, baby, don't be worried.
01:08:39You know how old people are with their phones. He could care less.
01:08:41He might be up in his hotel room or something.
01:08:43You're probably right.
01:08:45I've just been wanting to let him know I'm cooking tonight.
01:08:47You know he leaves tomorrow.
01:08:49Am I invited? Maybe.
01:08:51Of course I am. I'm your stepmother.
01:08:53Get out.
01:08:55We were going to break it to you easy.
01:08:57Bye, girl.
01:09:03Hey, Dad.
01:09:05Call me ASAP.
01:09:07I'm cooking tonight.
01:09:15Hey, Taylor?
01:09:17Hey, girl.
01:09:19Forward all my calls. I'm going to run to the hotel, okay?
01:09:21Okay, cool. I got you.
01:09:29Welcome to Townsend Hotel. May I help you?
01:09:31Hey, my dad, Bill Roberts, has a room here.
01:09:33I've been calling him all morning, and he's not answering the phone.
01:09:35Unfortunately, I'm not authorized
01:09:37to disclose any information
01:09:39about any of our guests staying here.
01:09:49Sean, I'm at the hotel.
01:09:51I've been calling my dad all morning.
01:09:53He's not answering. They won't give me any information,
01:09:55and I don't have his room number.
01:09:57Is there anything you can do to help me?
01:10:00Townsend Hotel.
01:10:02How may I help you?
01:10:06Excuse me.
01:10:10Although I can't give you a room key,
01:10:12if you go to the elevator,
01:10:14my bailman will escort you right to the room
01:10:16so you can perform a welfare check.
01:10:18Okay. Thank you.
01:10:20You're welcome.
01:10:22So you said your father's staying here?
01:10:24Yeah, and he hasn't been answering my calls.
01:10:26Let me go in and check.
01:10:28Let me go in and check.
01:10:30Just wait right here.
01:10:39Ma'am, it'll be okay.
01:10:47Are you Ms. Ava?
01:10:51My name's Dr. Copeland, and I'm taking care of your father, Mr. Bill.
01:10:53I'd like to inform you that your father has a concussion.
01:10:55We are assuming that he may have fallen down
01:10:57and hit his head pretty hard.
01:10:59On top of that, his cancer's gotten the best of him.
01:11:03We have received his transcripts from his doctor.
01:11:05I'm sorry.
01:11:07Why wouldn't he tell me that?
01:11:09Many patients don't want to burden their families.
01:11:11Anyway, ready?
01:11:13He's conscious. Right this way.
01:11:15Baby, I gotta take this call.
01:11:23Can you give me two moments?
01:11:27Hey, Daddy.
01:11:32My baby girl.
01:11:36Why didn't you tell me about the cancer?
01:11:40I just needed help.
01:11:42I just needed more time with you.
01:11:44I'm here to help.
01:11:50Baby girl.
01:11:52There's something...
01:11:54There's something you should know.
01:11:57What is it?
01:11:59About Evelyn.
01:12:06Ma'am! Ma'am! We need you to clear the room!
01:12:10Ma'am! Ma'am!
01:12:12Clear the room, ma'am!
01:13:11There's something you should know.
01:13:13About Evelyn.
01:13:25What is it?
01:13:31What are you looking for?
01:13:35My daddy was trying to tell me something.
01:13:37I need to find her.
01:13:41I thought you said you couldn't find nothing about her.
01:13:43I think I focused so much on him
01:13:45that I didn't care to find her.
01:13:47Because the minute I think about it,
01:13:49he barely even spoke about her.
01:13:51What did he say?
01:13:53What did he say?
01:13:55He didn't know that she was pregnant.
01:13:57And that when he left for the army,
01:13:59she basically disowned him and vanished.
01:14:01Listen, baby.
01:14:03I don't want you
01:14:05getting hurt behind this.
01:14:07Let me help you.
01:14:09We can do this together.
01:14:13I'll make some calls.
01:14:15We can find your mother together.
01:14:17I love you so much.
01:14:23Tracy Whitfield. How can I help?
01:14:25Hey, Tracy.
01:14:27This is Ava Buchanan.
01:14:29I visited your office in regards to my adoption.
01:14:31Yes, Ava. Hi.
01:14:33I remember you.
01:14:35I hope everything went okay.
01:14:39I wanted to know if there was anything
01:14:41you could do to help me find my mother.
01:14:43The name on the birth certificate.
01:14:45The name on the birth certificate
01:14:47isn't getting me anywhere,
01:14:49and there wasn't much information in the file.
01:14:51No, Ava. I'm sorry.
01:14:53I gave you all the information that I had.
01:14:55Now, were you able to talk to your father?
01:14:57Was he any help?
01:15:01I just left his memorial.
01:15:03I'm very sorry
01:15:05to hear that, Ava.
01:15:07I'm still processing it.
01:15:09It's just,
01:15:11right before his passing,
01:15:13he said his mother's name,
01:15:15and I just cannot get that on my head.
01:15:17I felt like he was trying to tell me something.
01:15:19Well, I'll tell you what.
01:15:21Call a friend of mine.
01:15:23She works in the records department downtown.
01:15:25I'll see what she can do for you.
01:15:27But, honestly, Ava,
01:15:29if your father has passed,
01:15:31I would consider going through his personal belongings.
01:15:33Now, I know my parents,
01:15:35they never threw anything away.
01:15:39Tracy, I did not think about that.
01:15:41But still, if you find any information,
01:15:43please still call me.
01:15:45Absolutely. All right. You take care, Ava.
01:15:59Something smells good.
01:16:01You better know it.
01:16:03How was your day?
01:16:05It was good.
01:16:07How was yours?
01:16:09Same here.
01:16:11Good, baby.
01:16:15Before you take a new case,
01:16:17I need you to go to Kentucky
01:16:19with me tomorrow.
01:16:21Wait, what? Tomorrow?
01:16:23Kentucky? For what?
01:16:25I need to go to my dad's place so I can go through his things
01:16:27before the state throws everything away.
01:16:29I can't.
01:16:31I've already taken a case.
01:16:35I've never asked you to put me before your career,
01:16:38but I need you this time.
01:16:40I have an arraignment first thing in the morning.
01:16:42Can't Mark step in for you this one time?
01:16:44That's not how this works.
01:16:46I can try to reschedule, but there's no guarantee.
01:16:58This is not what we're going to do.
01:17:00We're adults. We communicate.
01:17:02We don't just walk away from each other.
01:17:04You're right.
01:17:06I'm just overwhelmed, okay?
01:17:08I need to find out
01:17:10who she is.
01:17:12See, this is what I was worried about, Ava.
01:17:14I know how important this is
01:17:16to you.
01:17:18So if you just wait for me to wrap up this case,
01:17:20we can do this together.
01:17:22I can't wait.
01:17:24I'm going to ask Taylor to cover me for my closing tomorrow.
01:17:26So just forget about us doing this together?
01:17:28We were, but this is time-sensitive
01:17:30and you are too busy.
01:17:32I love you,
01:17:34but I'm leaving tomorrow.
01:18:04I love you, too.
01:18:48This is my dad, Bill Roberts.
01:18:54Wait, wait, wait, wait!
01:18:58Oh, my God!
01:19:04I'm telling the truth.
01:19:06He didn't have nothing to do with it.
01:19:08I was there.
01:19:10That's right.
01:19:12Order! Order!
01:19:14Charges are dismissed.
01:19:16The defendant is free to go.
01:19:18I told you!
01:19:20I said it!
01:19:22I already said it!
01:19:24Thank you!
01:19:34Sean, get me your mother's house now!
01:19:56Hey, Ava, how are you?
01:19:58Everything okay?
01:20:00How long have you known?
01:20:02What are you talking about?
01:20:04Oh, so now you lost?
01:20:06So what about now, Evelyn?
01:20:08Or should I say mother?
01:20:10Baby, let me explain.
01:20:12Explain! Explain to your husband
01:20:14how you gave your first baby up for adoption!
01:20:16Explain to me how you figured all of this out
01:20:18and you didn't say nothing?
01:20:26Just give me some time
01:20:28to figure out how to explain this to Sean.
01:20:32You've had over 35 fucking years!
01:20:34Just give me...
01:20:36Ava, what is going on?
01:20:38Ask your mother what's going on.
01:20:40I'm asking you! You're my woman!
01:20:42No! I'm your sister!
01:20:44She's lying!
01:20:46What is she talking about?
01:20:48No, Karen is Evelyn!
01:20:50What the hell?
01:20:54I will never forgive you for this!
01:20:57What have you done?
01:21:01I will never forgive you for this!
01:21:10Sean, wait!
01:21:18What's going on?
01:21:19Ask your wife what's going on!
01:21:20What the hell is going on?
01:21:22I don't want to tell you!
01:21:23What do you mean you don't want to tell me?
01:21:24I don't want to tell you right now!
01:21:26Sharon, what is going on?
01:21:27You tell him before I tell him!
01:21:29Somebody better tell me what the hell is going on!
