• 2 days ago
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►Всем привет! Сегодня я проверил жителей на честность в майнкрафт. Кто из жителей оказался воришкой в minecraft?

#компот #майнкрафт #minecraft #compot #майн #игры #проверка #жители #воришка #честность
00:00Hello everyone, guys! My name is Kompot and the village number 13 is the most pleasant, kind and safe place in Minecraft, but sometimes terrible things happen here.
00:10For example, a resident in brown can commit some kind of crime, or a resident in white can steal something, or, for example, a resident in purple can deceive somewhere.
00:19I just don't understand, does it all seem to me, or is it really so?
00:23Is the third resident not quite good and honest? And today we will check it with you.
00:28After all, I decided to arrange a real check on honesty for these villagers.
00:34Today we will find out who is an honest and decent resident in the village, and who is just an ordinary thief.
00:39Checking on honesty can show and tell a lot about these residents, so let's not slow down, we're starting.
00:46I have already prepared all the items I need, because the first check on honesty will be on a resident in white.
00:51Look, please, right now in my inventory, what is there? There is an expensive rainbow ax, here is such a diamond chest, apples and a whole stack of diamonds, can you imagine?
01:02And all this right now will suddenly be under the door of a resident in white.
01:06But there is one but, look what else I have prepared, here is such a piece of paper.
01:12This is an announcement that the items are gone, I'll stick it somewhere here, let's do it right away.
01:18You know, it's probably better to put it right here, so that it can be seen.
01:21Ready, I stuck it, look, well, in my opinion, it's visible.
01:25And now let's check if the resident in white is at home.
01:28So, we look out the window and it seems, it seems, yes, he is at home, great.
01:32Then we throw these items at him under the door, and now we just wait for him to leave the house.
01:39And we will hide somewhere, for example, here.
01:42I'll go for a walk.
01:44Oh, what is this? Well, wow, what is this?
01:48Golden apples, how many? A stack of sausages?
01:53And what is this? A rainbow ax and a sausage chest?
01:57And what is this thing under my door?
02:00Ah, it turns out to be mine now, mine, hurray, I'm rich!
02:05He took the item, but wait, it's too early to do it, he noticed.
02:08Great, let's wait, what will happen next?
02:11What is this strange piece of paper hanging here?
02:14The items are gone, what are the items?
02:17Some kind of rainbow ax, some diamonds.
02:21Stop, I don't understand, are these the diamonds?
02:26This is an apple, this is a chest, this is an ax.
02:31Wait, stop, so it's like mine, on the picture, the items.
02:36So it's not a gift for me, but someone lost it?
02:40Oh no, I'm already so used to these diamonds, I thought it was for me.
02:44And now there will be a key moment to check the resident in white for honesty.
02:49So it turns out I have to return these diamonds, this chest and all these items?
02:56I don't even know, maybe I should leave them to myself?
03:01I found them, so they are mine.
03:03But the person who lost them is probably looking for them and worrying.
03:08I don't even know how to act, good or not very good.
03:12Come on, resident, make the right decision, please don't upset me and the subscribers.
03:18No, it's still not fair, these items are not mine, I have to act in good faith, act honestly.
03:25I will go and take these items to the mayor, and he will find the one who lost them.
03:30Come on, wait, did he turn out to be honest?
03:33Yes, look guys, he went to the mayor, and it seems he is now ...
03:36Quiet, quiet, quiet, it seems he will now give him all the items he found.
03:41Let's check it right now.
03:42Yes, look guys, he gives him everything, the resident in white turned out to be honest.
03:47Wow, guys, urgently like for such an act.
03:51It's a pity, of course, that these expensive items were not for me, but it's okay, but I'm honest and my conscience is clear.
03:57That's it, mayor, bye.
03:59Guys, the resident in white passed the honesty test, great.
04:02Now let's run to the mayor, take these items.
04:05Mayor, hello, listen, I lost items in the village, can you give them to me?
04:09What? What items?
04:12Well, the resident in white just brought you a stack of diamonds, five golden apples, an ax and a chest.
04:17No, no, I didn't have any items at all.
04:21I see, but the mayor of the village did not pass the honesty test.
04:25Good, a new resident in brown at home, because I also want to test his honesty, you all know that.
04:32Lately, my neighbor has been doing some strange things, guys,
04:35so I think it's time to test him, I even know which one.
04:40To do this, we need to climb higher, right on the roof of his house.
04:44The main thing is not to fall from here.
04:46Look, what I want to do.
04:48I want to put a sign somewhere down there that I don't touch the money of the compote.
04:53And gently lower the bill on the fishing rod.
04:56If the resident comes out of the house and takes this money,
04:59even after reading the sign that you shouldn't touch the money of the compote, then he is dishonest.
05:03I'll tell you more, he's not gonna be dishonest, he's gonna be just an ordinary thief.
05:08So, okay, let's put a sign.
05:10Don't touch the money of the compote.
05:15And let's also put red exclamation marks to make it clear.
05:18Now let's attach the bill to the fishing rod and throw it down.
05:24Now let's check. The bill is there, great, guys!
05:28That's it, now we're waiting for the resident to come out of his house.
05:32I hope soon.
05:33I'm so hungry, what do I have in my chest?
05:36Interesting, well, nothing.
05:39Okay, then I'll take the money and go to the store.
05:41There's no money either, what should I do?
05:44I'm so hungry, I don't know, maybe I'll go visit someone?
05:47I'll eat there.
05:49What? Good idea.
05:50Oh, I don't understand, how long can I wait?
05:52Guys, I'm sitting on this roof, and the resident doesn't come out and doesn't come out.
05:55It would be cool if he decided to spend the day at home,
05:58Quiet, quiet!
05:59What else do we have here?
06:02Here we have some money, interesting.
06:06And who left it here?
06:07Oh, and some kind of sign, well.
06:09Please, resident, read carefully, don't disappoint me and the subscribers.
06:13No, Rogat, the money of the compote.
06:16What is this, real money of the compote?
06:18Why are they lying around here, did he temporarily put them here?
06:21No, but the money must be in the safe and stored, not on the street.
06:24Because someone can take it, for example, me.
06:28No, well, what nonsense, the point is not to touch the money of the compote.
06:31And if I really liked this money...
06:34No, purely in theory, if I take it, well, no one will know, he left it on the street.
06:38But on the other hand, somehow it's not good, after all, he's my neighbor,
06:41and it says here, don't touch the money, I don't even know.
06:45In short, okay, I'll take it, no one will know about it.
06:47So, money, come here, I don't understand, why can't I take it?
06:51No, guys, he turned out to be dishonest.
06:54He's crazy, he decided to take this money for himself, my money.
06:58So, guys, let's pick it up, or he'll tear it off now.
07:00That's it, great, I have the money.
07:03Ahem, resident, resident, resident.
07:06What? Wait, compote, is that you? What are you doing on the roof of my house?
07:10You'd better tell me, resident, why did you decide to take my money?
07:14Uh, uh, why did you climb on the roof of my house?
07:18So, resident, let's not ask questions,
07:20you'd better tell me why you're so dishonest.
07:23I, uh, well, in the compote, I just saw it lying there.
07:26Well, money, what would you do if you saw the money lying there?
07:29If there's a sign next to it, don't touch the money, compote,
07:33or someone's money, it doesn't matter, then don't take it, not at all.
07:36Okay, but if you saw that someone, I don't know,
07:38his wallet fell out there, what would you do?
07:40Resident, I would return it, of course.
07:42Oh, what are you telling me? You would probably take it.
07:45Resident, resident, how dishonest you are,
07:47that you don't even allow such an option that someone could return it.
07:50Why return it? There's money there.
07:52Oh, you, resident, you disappointed me, of course,
07:55and you didn't pass the honesty test.
07:57What? It was some kind of test?
07:59Did you film it? Okay, I'm leaving.
08:01Come on, come on, resident, go, you must be ashamed.
08:04Oh, guys, guys, look what a resident he is.
08:07He decided to take someone else's money,
08:09yes, they were just lying here on the ground,
08:11but there was a sign, don't touch the money, compote,
08:14and he got acquainted with it, but still decided to take it.
08:17And did you hear what he said before?
08:18Like, you need to keep the money in a safe, so I'll take it, yeah, of course.
08:22Okay, we need to move on and check the last resident for honesty,
08:25namely, the resident in purple, I hope he won't disappoint me.
08:30The last test, the test of the resident in purple, guys,
08:34and it will be very, very tasty.
08:36I hope I'll make it to the end and won't eat everything I've cooked.
08:40Look, I want to put a very tasty table near his house.
08:44Well, not the table itself, in the sense of being tasty,
08:46but what is on it, namely, such a pumpkin cake.
08:50Then there are hot dogs, a burger, a chicken.
08:53In short, guys, drinks, one more cake.
08:56I'm sure that the resident in purple...
08:58Hey, compote, sorry for the mess, I was at home,
09:01and it smelled so delicious.
09:03What are you doing here, what kind of table is so tasty?
09:05Guys, I told you, he'll be back soon.
09:07Ahem, resident, I decided to arrange a small picnic for you.
09:11Oh, a picnic, and there's so much food for one.
09:15No, resident, there's just food for me,
09:17because I haven't eaten anything all day, I'm very hungry.
09:21Oh, really? So you're very hungry?
09:25I wouldn't share it with anyone.
09:27You know, resident, I usually don't share,
09:29but now I'm really hungry and I want to eat it all.
09:31Oh, well, I got it, I got it, well, okay, enjoy your meal.
09:35Thank you very much, resident,
09:36but I forgot the most important ingredient, resident,
09:40my favorite ice cream.
09:42Oh, well, go, go, compote, and I'll be on guard, don't worry.
09:47Oh, resident, thank you very much,
09:49make sure no one steals anything,
09:51and I'll go get the ice cream.
09:53So, guys, let's turn off the camera and run home.
09:56Let's see how honest the resident will be,
09:58and whether he will eat this food or not.
10:00I specifically told him that I'm very hungry,
10:02and I really want to eat.
10:04Well, let's turn on the camera and watch him.
10:07Yeah, that's great, I see him, and what is he doing?
10:10Guys, come on, is he really just going to guard?
10:14Is he honest?
10:15Oh, this food smells so delicious,
10:17I would eat a piece, but I can't, I can't,
10:20the compote needs to be guarded, it's his food.
10:23Guys, well, he's telling the truth,
10:25he's really honest, okay,
10:27let's wait a little longer,
10:30maybe he'll give up, I don't know.
10:32Oh, there's such a delicious burger here,
10:34maybe I'll try it, just for taste.
10:36Well, there's potatoes here, I don't think the compote will notice.
10:39Oh, how delicious!
10:41Guys, he ate, he ate my food!
10:43Okay, wait, he just ate a little burger,
10:46well, let's not write him down as dishonest people,
10:48just because of such a small insignificant act.
10:51I hope he won't eat anything else from my table.
10:54Wait, I noticed something about the cake, I don't like it.
10:58And the cake is so appetizing, I literally...
11:01I'll trim it.
11:03Oh, what a delicious cake,
11:06I need to drink soda.
11:08It promises to be delicious too, oh.
11:13Guys, he's gone,
11:15I only have three dishes left on the table,
11:17he ate almost everything.
11:19Someone has almost no food left,
11:21he will come and swear at me,
11:23so we need to completely destroy these traces.
11:25Guys, what is he doing?
11:27Look, he's eating all the food.
11:29So, wait, I'm going to him.
11:31The resident turned out to be dishonest.
11:33Okay, that's it, let's run to him,
11:35now we'll figure out why he did that.
11:37Run, run, run, I hope he won't eat from the table,
11:39at least... Hey, resident, resident!
11:43Where is my food?
11:45Capot, I'm standing here,
11:47I'm watching her,
11:49I didn't even take a piece,
11:51and then the beast came and ate everything.
11:53Are you sure, resident? Is it true?
11:57No, Capot, it's not true,
11:59please forgive me,
12:01I ate all your food.
12:03Yeah, resident, so you did it,
12:05not the beast, right?
12:07No, Capot, I'm sorry, I was dishonest,
12:09and I wanted to deceive you,
12:11because I'm very ashamed, Capot,
12:13I'm sorry, I ate everything.
12:15Well, yes, the deed, of course, is not very good,
12:17and the fact that you wanted to deceive is not very good,
12:19but you told the truth, resident.
12:21Because I don't want to lie,
12:23if I made a mistake, then I confess,
12:25yes, it was me, I'm sorry, Capot,
12:27please, that's it, I'm leaving.
12:29Resident, don't be upset, everything is fine,
12:31everything will be fine.
12:33Hmm, guys, well, there is such a double situation.
12:35On the one hand, the resident acted dishonestly,
12:37then he tried to deceive me,
12:39but in the end he told the truth.
12:41You know what, I think that half of it
12:43he still passed the honesty test.
12:45After all, it was a test not to make a mistake,
12:47absolutely everyone makes mistakes.
12:49It was a test of honesty, and as for me,
12:51the resident in purple was honest with me at the end.
12:53Uh-huh, guys, these are the results
12:55we got with you.
12:57The most honest, as for me,
12:59turned out to be a resident in white,
13:01and the most dishonest resident in brown.
13:03But this does not mean that they will forever remain so,
13:05they can change.
13:07Well, as for me, this test of honesty
13:09has a very demonstrative result.
13:11Well, I say goodbye to you, write what you think in the comments.
13:13Good luck to everyone, thank you all, bye guys.
