• 16 hours ago
Today I played the easiest game on roblox. How hard could it be? Make sure you watch the whole video to find out what happens.

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What is Roblox? ROBLOX is an online virtual playground and workshop, where kids of all ages can safely interact, create, have fun, and learn. It’s unique in that practically everything on ROBLOX is designed and constructed by members of the community. ROBLOX is designed for 13 to 18 year olds, but it is open to people of all ages. Each player starts by choosing an avatar and giving it an identity. They can then explore ROBLOX — interacting with others by chatting, playing games, or collaborating on creative projects. Each player is also given their own piece of undeveloped real estate along with a virtual toolbox with which to design and build anything — be it a navigable skyscraper, a working helicopter, a giant pinball machine, a multiplayer “Capture the Flag” game or some other, yet-to-be-dreamed-up creation. There is no cost for this first plot of virtual land. By participating and by building cool stuff, ROBLOX members can earn specialty badges as well as ROBLOX dollars (“Robux”). In turn, they can shop the online catalog to purchase avatar clothing and accessories as well as premium building materials, interactive components, and working mechanisms.

#Roblox #foltyn
00:00Today i'm gonna be playing the easiest game on roblox and no i'm not lying as you can see the game is literally called
00:05easiest game on roblox
00:07But is it actually the easiest game because it literally says it may seem easy
00:11But can you reach the end brah? Of course I can. All right
00:14I got the fools of any powers. Also guys before we start as you can see, um, my background looks a lot different and um,
00:21No, I did not get robbed. Okay
00:23My stuff didn't get stolen. I'm actually moving right now. And uh, don't worry. All right, my setup will be back to normal soon
00:29Though okay. All right
00:30So we're in the game right now and apparently we have to try and get every single ending
00:34Which should it be too hard because I mean it's the easiest game, right? Uh one question though
00:38How many endings are there? Uh, oh wait, I could just click this, right?
00:44What the wait
00:45How many endings what oh my gosh, I just started so bad right there
00:50Bro, how many endings does this game have? Okay. I have a feeling this game is not gonna be easy. Wow. This game just lies to me
00:57Okay, so how do we even beat the game like how do you even get an ending um, okay
01:02I see a trophy right here. Do I just walk up to it?
01:07Oh, let's go you won
01:10We beat it
01:11All right, one down. I think a thousand more endings to go
01:14What if you try doing something else? Okay
01:18Like what objective get all endings? Okay. So like what else can you do in the game?
01:23Oh, wait, is that a money bag right there? Oh, let's go. Don't mind if I do free money
01:27I'll take that. Uh, but how do I even get up there? Can I jump?
01:32What the I can't even jump up here. Wait, how do I get up to the money?
01:36Wait, why is there a yellow ball right here? And why is he smiling at me? I don't like that
01:39Why are you smiling at me, buddy? Huh? Huh? What's up? What's up? You want a kiss? Oh what wait?
01:45He just said hello. Wait, he talks to me. Hello. He said hi there. Hey, what's up? Smiley face. Can I push you? Oh
01:51Uh, goodbye smiley face. Oh
01:54What the heck just happened oh
01:57Wait, it just turned yellows and black. Did I just kill him? Oh, wait, he's back. Oh, and I just fell. Oh my gosh
02:03Wait, I just got another ending
02:06Wait, I didn't even mean to do that. I accidentally fell
02:08I'm not gonna lie. We're actually doing pretty good. We've gotten two endings so far
02:12Um, so does this ball have god mode? Like I can't kill him. I just pushed him down there
02:17And then it turns oh wait just turn right and I accidentally fell wait
02:23What the what the wait
02:26How did I just do that? Oh my gosh. Everything's red. Is that an apple over there? Oh the ball's red now
02:31Oh, I just fell again. Wait now it's green again, but the ball's red. Oh my gosh
02:35I feel like there's so many like cheat codes in this game. Okay, so uh, so what happens if I push the red ball down there?
02:41It turns red. Oh wait. Look a yellow ball just spawns. Okay. I'm actually so confused. I'm not gonna lie
02:46Okay, let's push him down there and then when it turns red we jump down there three two one turn red
02:51Oh, wait, it turned black. By the way guys comment down below. Have you ever gotten all the endings in this game?
02:56I feel like there's no way like it's got to be impossible, right?
02:59Bro, let me jump up here. I'm trying to get money. Oh my gosh
03:02Oh, wait a second. One of the endings is just reset. Oh, wait, if I just reset does that work?
03:08Let's go
03:09I'm a genius 200 iq. Okay, my brain is so big. All right, let's try this again
03:14Um, i'm pretty sure I know how to get another ending so I push this down here. It's gonna turn red
03:20Please turn red
03:21Bro, why is it not turning red? Oh, wait, he talked he said that hurt
03:27Well, guess what buddy?
03:28I don't care. All right, you're just a big yellow ball. What are you gonna do about it? Huh?
03:32That's why you're bald buddy. You have no hair. You see my hair. You wish you had curls editor
03:36Put curls on this ball right here, please
03:39Make them look cool
03:40Oh, oh wait, what if we push the ball over to the trophy does that work that's got to be another ending, right?
03:46All right. Come here ball
03:47Get over there. Yes
03:50Let's go. All right. All right
03:52You're about to get your first trophy ball. Wait, we gotta give him a name. We gotta stop calling him ball. Let's call him
03:57Bulb, you know like bob and bald at the same time. So bulb
04:01Okay, bulb. Can you get over there? Please touch the trophy
04:05All right. There we go
04:06He's saying good morning
04:08It's night time for me dummy. All right. Oh, let's go. Yes
04:13Ending super win. Let's go. Oh, do we actually have to try and get all these endings? Oh my goodness
04:20Wait apple ending. You remember when everything was red? There was literally an apple. Wait, we gotta try and get that
04:25Okay, let's throw him in there and then i'm gonna jump in there
04:28All right. Here we go
04:29Oh look, okay. Yes. Perfect. Perfect. Hello apple. Don't mind if I do we got the apple ending
04:36There we go. All right, perfect. Okay, maybe I can try and read some of these endings
04:41Um, wait dance party. Wait, what can I just dance slash e dance? No way
04:51Yo, wait, I need I want to dance with bulb bulb get over here, please
04:55Come dance with me. He's he's not doing anything. He's just smiling at me. You know, he's just he's just happy that i'm dancing
05:00Hey, hey. Hey. Hey, how long does this last?
05:04I'm literally trying to jump right now. Look look i'm trying to move nothing's happening. Oh, there we go. It ended
05:10Hey, yes, sir. We got dance party. Okay, so right here says super dance party
05:14I have a feeling if I push this in here and then I jump in there. Oh, wait, everything's yellow now
05:20Oh, wait, what's he saying? He said that hurt bro. I don't care. Wait, is that cheese right there?
05:25I'm not gonna lie. I do like cheese, especially cheese pizza. Um, I will take that call me a rat because i'm getting this cheese
05:33That was cringe. I'm, sorry. Let me just get the cheese. Let's go. We got the cheese ending nice
05:38But wait a second. Why did it not turn red?
05:41Is it because I jumped in when the ball fell to like at the same time like look?
05:45Oh, okay. So that's what I have to do. Wait, what if I dance in here slash e dance?
05:50Hey, wait, is this the super dance party? Please tell me this gives me super dance party
05:54Hey, man, if i'm gonna dance in roblox, I gotta dance in real life. I'm doing the same dance. Hey
05:59Uh, i'm, sorry, I can't dance
06:01All right. What ending was that? Oh, wait, it's the same one dance party. Dang it. So how do you get super dance party?
06:06Oh my gosh, there's so many endings. What the heck? Wait, this one says void
06:11Wait, if I just jump in there, do I get the void?
06:14Lisa, oh
06:16Wait, let's go. Oh, wait. No, I already did that. That was not void. That was felt
06:21Dang, okay. Wait, this game is actually starting to get hard. I'm not gonna lie. Okay murderer
06:26What the heck can I kill somebody? Um
06:28Okay, i'm gonna put the ball in here again. Let's try that and then when it turns black we're gonna jump in
06:33All right. There we go. Jump
06:38That's not what I wanted to do
06:40I wanted to get in the red area. Wait, how did I make it red again?
06:43Do I just jump it at the same time? Here we go. Go
06:46Dang it. It's yellow. Um
06:49Wait a second. What if we let the ball get the cheese? No, no, don't fall in don't fall in no
06:55no, no
06:56Dang it. All right, at least he spawned again. All right, he has god mode
07:01Hey, he's giving me an attitude. He said bruh. Stop pushing me. What stop giving me attitude buddy
07:05All right, don't give me attitude. I'll push you again. All right, here we go. Let's give this ball some cheese
07:11Hey get back here. He's so fast. All right, let's uh, get the cheese buddy. All right, there we go
07:19He just went right through the cheese. Okay, I guess he doesn't want cheese. Never mind
07:23And he's falling again, bro
07:25All right, i'ma jump in
07:26Oh nothing happened. Wait, let me do that again. Push him in there and does it turn a different color?
07:31No, it just turns black. Oh, it's a red ball now
07:34Wait a second. Wait a second. There's definitely wait. What if we get the red ball to get the cheese? No, don't fall
07:40Don't fall. Oh my gosh. Wait, it's right now. No
07:44Ah, I wanted to get in there when it was red. All right, get in there, please come out red
07:50Dang it. He's yellow. Wait, how did I make him a red ball? All right, i'm just gonna jump in let's go
07:55Ah, and we're still in the yellow. Oh, wait. Wait, do you see that? He was a red ball
08:00Wait, why did you change back to yellow? All right, let's try this again. Go go go red red ball
08:05Oh my gosh
08:07Okay, so one of the endings is money bag, but I don't know how to get to the money bag up there
08:11Okay, let's just keep looking around. Um, this kind of looks like a doorway right here that I can walk through is it?
08:17No, wait, what about this tree over here this tree looks sus right? This is the only thing in here that's green
08:23What's going on over here? What's over here? Show me the secrets
08:27All right. I don't think the tree has any secrets. All right, we're gonna try and get this money bag, bro
08:32Bro, it's not let me jump high enough
08:36Oh, wait a second, oh
08:38Oh, I can look like outside the map kind of is there any secrets? Oh, wait, wait, look at this down here
08:44There's like a button right there. Oh my gosh. I'm a genius. I'm a genius. Let's go w fulton
08:49Wait, so how do I even touch the button though?
08:51Wait, let me bring this ball over here and then maybe I can jump on the ball. All right, get over here
08:57Here we go. All right. Stay right here. Jump jump. Let's go. Wait. Oh, wait. What if I what is that?
09:02It's like a little crack
09:04Uh, i'm just gonna go down there
09:11Okay, okay
09:12Oh, there's a little rat right here
09:14Take key
09:15Thank you rat for the key. Wait, I can't move. Wait. I just took the key and I can't move you took my key
09:19I'm, sorry. That was my favorite key now you pay. Oh, wait. I just got killed by a rat
09:27Rat attack that is the ending I got
09:30Okay, that was pretty interesting
09:32I can't believe I just got killed by a rat. Wait a second
09:35We're gonna go back down there because i'm pretty sure I saw like a noob that was in a cage
09:39All right, so let's leave this ball right here jump jump, there we go. All right, i'm going back down
09:43Perfect. All right. I'm, sorry rat. All right. I won't take your key this time. Okay now give me a kiss rat
09:48Guys, all right. This is just roblox. Don't kiss a rat in real life. Oh, okay. So there's trash right here
09:54What's oh?
09:56What the oh, okay, so I got another ending nice and we got toxic death
10:00But I want to get to that noob by the way guys, we're actually speed running this like crazy
10:04We're getting a lot of endings. All right, so let's put the ball back over here. All right, there we go
10:08Jump jump. Let's go fall in there. All right, perfect. Uh, what about the trash? Is there anything we could do with the trash?
10:14No, look there's a noob and his name is keith. Okay
10:18Uh, how do we unlock it? Wait the rat has a key but if I take the key he kills me
10:22Uh, i'm just gonna climb up here. What the heck is up here? Oh
10:29Okay, so i'm back right here. That's weird. Wait a second
10:32I'm gonna try and take the key again and like run over to the noob and uh unlock him. All right jump. There we go
10:38No, why is the ball rolling get back over there?
10:41Get your little butt back over there. All right, bally. There we go. Jump jump and all right, perfect
10:46I'm gonna take your key. I'm, so sorry. I took your no, I can't move. Dang it
10:50Oh, i'm about to get killed by a rat again. Don't you don't you love to see it? Don't you like getting killed by rats?
10:57I'm kidding because I don't and he took his sword out and he just killed me nice
11:00Oh, wait a second. I totally forgot about that red button. I saw all right. Stop stop
11:05Oh my gosh, this ball is so slippery
11:08Stop being slippery. All right, jump jump. Let's go back down there because keith needs us. Okay, but how do I save him?
11:16Oh, wait, there's a cheese right there. Wait. Can I go through this? Dang it
11:19I'm trying to fit through the pole, but doesn't let me um, keith. I'm, sorry, man
11:24I've tried my best to let you out. I don't know how how'd you even get in there? Uh, check the trash cans
11:29There's nothing
11:31I'm just gonna climb back up here and uh, oh wait. Oh wait, I think i'm a genius. I'm a genius
11:36I'm, actually a genius. I think I have an idea
11:38Maybe if I push the ball down right and I go into a different area and then go in that hole
11:43Maybe I get like a different rat or something. I don't know. All right, so we're in the yellow area now
11:47Let's push the ball right here. All right, perfect jump jump. Let's go down here. Is it is it different?
11:54And no, it's not different at all. Dang it
11:58Never mind guys. I thought I was smart. Maybe i'm dumb. Okay. What else can I do?
12:02Okay, maybe if I push the ball over here. No, don't fall in there. Don't fall in there. Thank you
12:06Just saved you bro. It's so hard moving this ball. I'm not gonna lie. All right, push it push it go right in there
12:11Nice nice. Okay. We're gonna use this ball to get up here. All right, go right over. No
12:17Stop. Oh my gosh, he fell in there. Great. Now we have to do this again. All right, come on get back in there
12:24Perfect perfect. There we go
12:32Dang it. That is not what I wanted to happen. Okay, let's try this again. I want the ball like right over here in this corner
12:41Wait, yo, wait a second. What the?
12:44Go in there. Wait
12:46Oh my gosh, what is in there? Uh
12:48I just found a black hole
12:50Do I go in here?
12:54We're gonna do it. All right, here we go. Wish me luck guys
12:59What tnt oh my gosh run run run
13:03What the oh my gosh, wait, what the what do we do grab this? I don't know
13:08Wait, what the?
13:10Uh, we just found a skeleton wait, what do I do? There's it's about to explode. Wait, do I go in here?
13:16Oh, okay. I just died. Oh, we got a new uh new ending though. That's perfect. Okay, it's called
13:22Spicky all right. We got the spicky ending. Oh, wait, that spells the spell spiky
13:30Okay, i'm dumb by the way guys i'm not even cheating or anything i'm not looking up any endings right now
13:34And i'm doing pretty good. All right. I I kind of want to go back down there. Should I actually no, no
13:39Uh, yeah, sure. Let's do it. Go go go go
13:42Boom, there we go. All right, let's go back in there
13:46I pressed the button and this explodes in like 115 seconds. Do I should I get exploded by the tnt?
13:53I feel like that's what I should do. Um, but before we do let me explore. Is there anything around here?
13:58I jumped in here and I died. Um, is there anything else I can do in here? I guess not
14:03There's literally nothing if I push the ball down here. Does that do anything?
14:07Hey get down there buddy. Get down there. Wait, what if I push the ball on the skeleton? Can I do that?
14:12Oh, yes get in there
14:14Get in there. Yes
14:17Okay, this does nothing. Never mind. Okay, so i'm just gonna wait until this explodes. We got 64 seconds
14:26Bro this is taking so long i'm about to go get a water
14:32All right, I got my water did I explode yet? No, we still got 10 seconds. Oh, no, i'm nervous like what's gonna happen?
14:37Here we go. Three two one and
14:42Wait, what's happening? Oh
14:45Okay, uh, just like I expected we just blew up nice
14:49So what ending did we get? Uh, oh we got the uh collapse ending. Nice. All right
14:54Let's try to go over here. Now. That's what I was originally trying to do
14:58Oh my gosh, so let's go right here. Wait, don't go down. Don't fall down. No
15:05Stay there. All right
15:08Jump, there we go. Let's go
15:10So let's jump right here
15:12Um now what?
15:16Oh wait the ball turned red, okay, there's definitely something we could do with the ball red
15:20But I don't know what yet. Have we got the red ball to touch the trophy? Does that do anything?
15:25All right, we're gonna go slow and steady. I don't want to mess this up. Go go go go. Go. Yes, perfect
15:31All right slow and steady. All right, get your big butt over here
15:35Because the red ball is bigger and okay the red ball touching the trophy does nothing. Um
15:41I don't know what to do. Should we throw, you know, let's throw it in the air. Yeah, there we go
15:45Boom, i'm gonna follow it. There we go. Okay, we're in the red area now. Have I already unlocked the apple?
15:50Let me let me check. Uh, okay. Yeah, there we go. I've gotten the apple already
15:53Uh, oh wait, did the ball get the apple though? Come on bally. You're about to eat your first apple. Oh, never mind
16:00Bro just died. All right. Let me try this again. Sorry ball bally. All right bally get over there
16:05Come on, bally
16:08Bally, what are you doing? Oh my gosh, you're such a dumb bally
16:12All right, get over there. No
16:15Oh my gosh
16:17Let's try this again. All right
16:20Get over there. Oh great
16:24Oh, wait, he's a red bally now
16:27Okay, red bally get over there. Oh red bally's about to get the red apple nice
16:30I think we're about to get an ending right here. Hopefully. All right, go get your apple
16:36Okay, that's not an ending. Dang it. No, no, don't fall. Don't fall. Don't fall. No
16:40All right, i'm gonna fall down there and we're in the yellow area now
16:44Bro, i'm not gonna lie. This game is actually so confusing. Oh, wait, what the heck? Wait, where did I just fall?
16:49What the heck was that? Wait, let me go back in the yellow area
16:52Wait, so if I go on this wait
16:57Why are you purple, uh, hello purple ball, okay, wait the balls turn different colors
17:03That sounded sus but there's gotta be a reason for that, right?
17:07Why is there a red ball a yellow ball and a purple ball? No, don't fall. Please. No, wait purple. No, wait
17:13No, I had a purple area. No, wait, wait, wait. Yes. This is we're gonna we're gonna go in that same time
17:18Perfect. Uh fall down here and then let's jump in again. I think this is how we get the purple ball
17:24Come on purple ball. Dang it. Wait a second. I think there's like a lever right here. Maybe go right here
17:31Did you see that? There's like a red button when I fall down. Let me try that again
17:34Wait a second. Look look if I fall right here. It's right there. Wait a second
17:38I think I found out another ending. So let's fall right here
17:41Okay. Now we're gonna
17:42Go go
17:45Oh my gosh, so this game is starting to make me mad now
17:47It's actually starting to make mad go. There we go. And then we're gonna fall right here
17:52Here we go. Go. No, I was this close this close. Okay, i'm not gonna lie though
17:57Why is this game like kind of addicting? All right, let's fall
18:05How did I get the purple ball though, I kind of want the purple ball again, oh my gosh
18:10All right, we're gonna drop it in there. All right, it turns black. I want to go to the purple area
18:15All right, throw that in there. Why is it not turning red or purple? I'm so confused. Okay jump in there
18:20Oh the ball's red, okay, what why does the ball change colors i'm trying to find out the reason
18:28All right
18:29Red, all right. We're in the red area now and the ball's red. Um, you know, let's go through this black hole
18:33Maybe there's something over there. All right. Hello
18:36And anything different? Um
18:38No, there's nothing different. Dang it. No
18:42Okay, i'm just gonna jump in here
18:44Two thousand years later. All right guys, i'm not gonna lie. I kind of cheated
18:49Um, so I found out another ending if you slash e dance, right?
18:53You're dancing and in the middle of dancing you respawn and I think you get party pooper, please
19:00Please I think we got it. Yes. There we go. Let's go. We got the party pooper ending. Perfect
19:05Okay, i'm not gonna be cheating anymore. Okay, I just needed some help because how the heck am I gonna get every ending?
19:11This is insane. Okay. I'm, sorry. I kind of lied. I found another ending
19:15So if I slash e dance, right and then I like kind of fall. Can I fall please? Let me fall. No
19:22No, let me fall. Dang it. All right
19:25That did not work. Okay, i'm gonna try this again. So all I gotta do is like get right here I think or
19:34Okay, this is the perfect spot, okay, so now I slash e dance boom
19:39And now I fall let's go yes, oh my gosh look where i'm at what the and look at it oh no
19:54All right, let's try that again
19:57But did you see the disco ball?
19:59Okay, this should be good right here. Let's try this again. Boom
20:02Now we fall. There we go. Perfect. Now, let's go get the disco ball. Hey, what's up disco ball?
20:08Let's go
20:10Oh, oh, oh you guys like my dance moves
20:14Sorry, I know i'm cringe. I'm, sorry. Oh, wait a second
20:19What if I dance in during like where the disco is? Wait a second slash e dance. Okay. Now let's fall
20:27Oh my gosh, it's
20:29Dang it. I messed up. Hold on
20:31Let me try that again three hours later. There we go dance. Now we fall down now slash e dance
20:37Does this do anything? I don't know
20:39Wait, this is a different dance. Wait, is it?
20:43I think we just got a regular dance one
20:46Hey, but we're dancing nice though. Let's go. Uh, is this dance party ever gonna end?
20:52I feel like we've been dancing for so long now
20:55Oh, oh, wait, we got a new ending. Wait super dance party. Oh
21:00Let's go. That's perfect. All right, so I found another ending
21:03Um, apparently you can feed the ball some cheese, so, uh, let's get some cheese right now
21:11Thank you for the cheese
21:13Wait, I'm supposed to get cheese
21:18Do you hear that
21:21What the oh wait, oh I got cheese
21:24Oh, okay. So I just had a spam click to get cheese and now we feed it to the ball. He's supposed to grow
21:32Hello bally. Oh
21:36Oh my gosh, you were so big bally. Okay. I'm sorry. That was weird. Oh my gosh. Wait, what do I do?
21:43He's becoming the world's giant ball. Oh
21:46Okay, I just died
21:49Bally ate me bally. Are you serious? That was so rude bro. Really? You're gonna eat me like that. Are you kidding bro?
21:54It's okay. I forgive you
21:57Okay, so, uh, we gotta try and find more endings, okay, so i'm trying to think what else can we do differently
22:03Oh, wait a second. Wait a second. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait
22:05What if I feed the red ball cheese? Oh, wait. Oh my gosh. We just got the red ball. Perfect
22:09Uh, wait, how do we get in the cheesy area again? Oh, wait, I need to get into the yellow area
22:14All right, let's get into the wait. Wait a second. Can I pick up the apple? Uh, i'm clicking
22:20Wait, it's doing math problems 38 minus 43. Should I type the answer 38 minus 43? What do you what even is that?
22:25Wait, I actually don't know
22:30Negative five, uh, okay that did nothing i'm just gonna spam click the apple
22:35Dang, bro. He's just giving me a bunch of problems. Okay, I
22:39Never mind, forget that
22:40All right
22:40So let's feed the red apple some cheese because I think we can get an ending from that
22:45Um, but now we need the red ball. Wait, let me go get the cheese first
22:50Cheese cheese cheese. There we go. We got cheese. All right, come on ball. I need you to turn red
22:54Oh, there we go. Red. All right. Here we go. Red ball eat some good cheese. All right
22:58This is the best cheese in the world
23:00Yes, so does he just grow too wait
23:06Bro, he looks like the kool-aid guy
23:09Okay, so what do I even do
23:12Oh my gosh, he's going so big. Oh my gosh. Wait, am I gonna get a different ending or the same ending?
23:19Okay, I got the same ending. Never mind. Okay. Wait a second guys
23:22I actually looked up an ending and we kind of did it right but kind of did it wrong at the same time
23:28Let me show you so we go here to the cheese. All right, I need to get the cheese
23:31So, uh, let me spam click this. There we go. We got cheese
23:35Okay, so now we need the red ball again, but we don't feed the cheese to him instantly. Uh
23:40Red ball. No red ball. Where are you? Oh, there we go. Perfect. Okay, so I need to bring him over here
23:45Okay, so right here should be good. Okay. Now I feed him the cheese. No, stop. Stop. Stop ball
23:51Stop it. Stay right here right here. This is good. Okay. Now we feed on the cheese. Boom. Now we jump on here
23:58Oh look, oh wait, no, come up come up come up. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. The ball's growing the ball's growing
24:08Bro, what is this game?
24:10Oh my goodness
24:11So we're just climbing up to heaven. Okay, nice
24:14Bro, look at the ball. Look how giant that ball is
24:17Hey, yo, I know sound a little weird, but oh my goodness climb bolted climb climb. Oh my gosh
24:25Yo, okay, wait, so what do we even do after this do we just climb to the top? Oh
24:31All right, we died wait
24:35Wait a second. Wait, I didn't get a different ending but I was like in a different area
24:38Wait, let me do that again. Okay, let me get the cheese again. Hold on. Wait a second
24:42I think I might have found something out. Oh
24:48Wait fell I was doing in the purple area. What how did I die right there? That makes no sense
24:53Okay, you know what forget the purple. All right. Give me some cheese. All right, move that give me red ball. Yes, perfect
25:00What this game is trolling me now?
25:02This game is actually trolling me. Give me the red ball. Oh purple ball. Wait, so what do we do with the purple ball?
25:06What if I feed the cheese to purple ball, you know, let me bring the purple ball over here
25:10Actually, let me try this. Is this the ending right here? I'm gonna feed the cheese to the purple ball. There you go
25:15Here we go. Jump jump. No, no, no, no jump jump on the tree
25:20No, yes. Yes. Climb climb climb. Climb. Yes. It's a giant purple ball now
25:26Oh my goodness. Climb. Climb. Climb. Get your little butt up there. Okay, so apparently there's like two different things I can do
25:32Okay, so this ball is gonna pop or something and I can go get a golden cheese
25:36But I remember when I came up here. There's something up here too. Like hold on. Oh, look
25:40See look I can go back down there and get another cheese, but I kind of want to go up here though
25:44What happens if I climb to the top?
25:48Look there's golden cheese right over there. Let me go get that cloud. Whoa, this is cool. Give me that cloud
25:56Yo, we got the cloud ending. That's sick
25:58All right, bro. I'm not gonna lie this game
26:01Completely lied to me. Okay, it said it was the easiest game, but this is actually the hardest robot game i've ever played
26:06But it was actually super fun
26:07So guys if you enjoyed it, you want me to do a part two make sure you hit that like button
26:10Okay, and don't forget to hit the subscribe button. We're so close to 4 million subscribers. It's crazy. Um, but anyways, i'm fulton i'm out
