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Welcome to SEASON 2 of The BEST ONE BLOCK SERIES on YouTube
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• watch from EPISODE #1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxmvG3M7ays&list=PLqyCqmSEa8cQEWtve1u6oaYVRvj2GPRmw

• watch my LAST EPISODE: https://youtu.be/ji7XRgGIoTo


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hi guys, thank you for watching my silly video and subscribing to my channel! you made a normal asian dude's dream come true :)

#minecraft #hardcore #but
00:00Welcome to Season 2 of the One Block Series. We started this over a year ago, and after 10 episodes,
00:05we have built a huge island, accomplished so many things, and even defeated the Ender Dragon. But on
00:11the last episode, I debated if we should continue the series or just end it here. We already beat
00:15the game, so what else is there to do? Well, I want to create the best One Block world in
00:21the history of Minecraft, because I'm the One Block Guy. So subscribe if you want more episodes,
00:26because this is just the start. I still have huge plans for this world and this entire series,
00:31so let's just start off by mining the one block again. So now we're finally in the after phases,
00:35which gives us a million different types of blocks. There is no theme to it, so we can get mud,
00:40then to aquamarine, then all the way to grass blocks again, and purple blocks. It's literally
00:44everything inside this one block, which, oh, I have sand disappearing into the end, and a little
00:49ugly parasite. Go back into your home. So yeah, there's a lot of things that you can collect,
00:54and it gets very messy. Yeah. Oh my God, my inventory is so full, and there's a mushroom cap.
01:00Go away. Actually, I want you to stay. Actually, I have your entire bloodline right here, so...
01:05Sorry, man. Anyways, the after phases give so many unique blocks that it's literally impossible
01:10to mine this one block without losing your mind. And all of them are so specific, it's impossible
01:14to sort all of these in your chest. Like, one chiseled block, some random types of logs. All
01:20I do is just dump all of it inside of this chest, and I'm already running out of space. So our goal
01:25for today is actually to rebuild our home. I'm kind of sad leaving our original home that we
01:30made from episode one, but we're in a brand new season, and I think it's time to change and build
01:34something a little bit bigger. So my plan is to build a brand new home somewhere. I could use
01:39this giant piece of land, but this is where all of our animals are living. Well, I guess they're
01:44all dead animals. For some reason, they're all skeleton horses and moldy horses with holes in
01:48them. So where should I build my new home? Okay, wait, wait. What if I build it behind my house,
01:54like right there? Just elevate it over everything with a nice grassy peak at the top. That will be
01:59where my brand new home is. And to fill in all this empty space, let's use some stone to make
02:03it look like a real mountain. Because my main goal for season two is to completely transform
02:08the island. I don't want it to look like an island anymore. I want to make it look like a
02:11civilization and the overworld, like grass and trees and stone and mountains, cities, buildings,
02:17different biomes everywhere. That is the main goal for season two. I don't know if it's going
02:21to be possible. It's going to be a lot of resources gathering and transformation, but it would be so
02:26cool. So we're going to try. So go ahead and subscribe now to be part of the journey. Oh my
02:30God. I always wondered if monster parties happen in the after phases and it does. All right,
02:34let's grab a bunch of wood and let's start building a brand new platform for my new house.
02:38I love expanding the island. It's so exciting. Bam. Oh my God. Wait a second. This platform I'm
02:44going to be building is so big. It's almost my entire island, but like right there, but that's
02:48not the issue. The issue is filling it all with grass blocks. Oh God. And that area is already
02:55way bigger than this area. So, uh, yeah, we're going to need a lot of dirt, but this is season
02:59two. So we need to start off with a pretty big bang. And it's so weird being able to fly around
03:04my one block world. I am running very low on fireworks. I don't really have gunpowder or like
03:09anything. So yeah, maybe on the next episode, I'll build a firework factory and bring factories into
03:14the one block world. Do I have any more dirt? Ooh, I do. It's definitely not going to be enough
03:19though. So in order for me to get even more dirt and duplicate them, I need to combine dirt with
03:23some gravel, make coarse dirt. Then using coarse dirt, we can place it down, turn it into a path
03:28block for example, and then shovel it to turn it back into dirt, which doubled my dirt. So since
03:33this project is kind of huge and we need a ton of dirt, let's grab my shulker box. Let's head into
03:38the nether and let's go find ourselves some gravel. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Right in the eyeball.
03:45That's right. That's right. Oh my God. Oh my God. I'm going to die to skeletons. Oh my Lord. That
03:50was way closer than it should have been. Luckily I do have an elytra and fireworks. So finding
03:54gravel is going to be way easier. Oh yeah. We're back after about an hour and I got a whole
04:22inventory of gravel and a shulker box of it. We are bald and we're actually rich. So now I need
04:26to go through the painful process of grabbing all of this dirt, converting it all into coarse dirt,
04:31then placing it down, turning it into paths and mining it. This is going to take a very long time,
04:37but honestly it's going to be so worth it. Why was that firework so limp? Oh my God. I need
04:41Viagra. But it's all going to be worth it for season two because we're going to build a really
04:45nice house and transform this entire world. Let's set up camp right here and start grinding. Let's
04:51see how long this takes. Drop some guesses and comments on how much dirt we're going to end up
04:54with. I feel like you can do math on this, but I have no idea, even though I'm yellow, but all of
04:58this pain is going to be worth it because it's going to allow us to completely transform this
05:01one block world and turn it from islands into overworlds. I want to have the best one block
05:06world in the history. So getting all of this dirt is going to be very important. So if you're
05:10excited to see how this one block world turns out in 2025, go ahead and subscribe. Let's try to hit
05:1410 million subscribers. And after hours and hours of pain, I have finally done it. It was only a
05:20double chest of dirt. I honestly thought I'd have two double chests or more. Well, I can't really
05:25complain. It is still a lot of dirt, but is it enough to completely fill up this entire platform?
05:33I don't know. I'm kind of worried, but I guess we should just get started. We got a lot of right
05:38clicking to do. You guys don't even understand how many thousands of right clicks I had to click.
05:41CarbotunnelV95000 is coming. Wait, before I place down all of this dirt, I feel like I should place
05:46a layer of slabs underneath this. That would make sense, right? That way I won't lose all of my dirt
05:51if I ever mind it up again, which honestly, will I ever mind it again? It's going to be a permanent
05:55bill. You know what? Yeah, I changed my mind again. I'm just going to place down the dirt
05:58because that will be even more right clicking. That would double my right clickingness.
06:06Okay, my brain's just fried. It's like midnight. All right,
06:08but let's continue spamming my right click. F in the chat for my wrist. It's literally burning.
06:16All right, I am halfway through the entire platform and it's looking pretty good,
06:21but I think I'm going to have enough dirt and a ton left inside of my shulker box,
06:24but I should definitely put down some grass so the grass can grow. Oh, that is not grass. I need
06:29my silk touch. And we got ugly seagulls everywhere. They're going to drop a turd on my forehead.
06:33They're going to turn me white. Oh my God. Don't colonize me. I already live in Canada. Okay,
06:38let's grab my silk touch. Where did it go? Did I lose it? Well, looks like I'm making a new one
06:44on the very first try. I literally got the worst one ever. Okay, very first try. Oh my,
06:54no, no, no, please. Come on, please. Oh yeah, for sure. Oh my God. Literally just
07:00silk touch. Are you kidding me? All right, but let's start mining some grass.
07:03Okay, let's fill it back with dirt.
07:18Perfect. Let's fly back up and replace some of this dirt with some grass so it can grow everywhere
07:23and spread like the plague or like the bug beds in my bed. They are everywhere now,
07:27all up in every crack and wrinkle. I'm telling you, don't get bed bugs, kids. It is not ideal.
07:32Okay. Anyways, let's continue filling up this entire platform. And I'm very excited for this
07:37because we're finally going to build a brand new house on top of here. And I want to change up the
07:41style a little bit and go with like a fantasy medieval-ish vibe for this house. And bam,
07:47the entire platform is all filled out. And this is a really good start to the season because
07:51inside of all of this empty space, I'll be using some stone to make it look like an actual mountain.
07:55Then I'll add some waterfalls and a path leading all the way up to it that connects to my house
08:00down here. It would even be cool if like the waterfall even connected to this lake. That way,
08:03we can incorporate the old with the new. I feel like it looks so cool. It's going to be poggers.
08:07But I am on my very last firework. Well, I have zero left now. So let's head over to my sugarcane
08:12farm, which I have a little bit of sugarcane. I definitely need to expand this. And let's see
08:16if we have any gunpowder. Oh yeah. Let's jump over the edge. Oh God. I'm surprised I haven't
08:23died from that yet. Turn all of this into some paper and make some fireworks. Oh yeah. Wait,
08:28that is a lot. Holy. Let's go. And I literally have no room to store any of this. You know what?
08:32Let's just shove it in there. Bang. All right. But my brand new house would go right here and
08:36it's going to be a mythical fantasy vibe. And the blocks I'm planning on using is spruce wood,
08:41some crimson planks from the nether, acacia wood, stone, black stone from the nether,
08:44snow blocks that match the rest of the buildings, and of course leaves. So yeah,
08:50we got to go collecting now. Luckily, I do have this tree farm right here so I can start growing
08:53some spruce saplings since I'm all out. Oh yeah. It's resource gathering time.
09:11Yo, where did our turtle go? Wait. I literally just saw him spinning around and I think he
09:17got pushed off. Oh my God. That's so sad. Rip turtle in the comments guys.
09:54All righty. I got all the materials I need, which is, oh my God. I filled up this entire
10:00double chest full of stuff, but I'm going to be using all of those materials to build a new
10:04fantasy style medieval home right here to replace this guy. This one brought some pretty good
10:08memories over the past 10 episodes where we survived the one block and accomplished so many
10:13things. It's so iconic to my world, but it's time to upgrade for season two and I'm really excited.
10:18So let's get started. Let's first grab my black stone and just build a simple frame for it. I
10:22want this house to look perfect and also be very functional. So I have enough chests, an enchantment
10:27room, a utility room, and even a water stream elevator system that will bring all the blocks
10:31from the one block all the way up into a dump chest. So this frame is very important.
10:37All right. I think this is a pretty good start. I'm kind of worried it might be a little too
10:42small because I do run out of space really fast in all of my worlds. I could get a BBL and upgrade
10:47the back very easily and just extend it out. It would just be really hard once I have the whole
10:51roof and everything built out. It's kind of crazy too that my villager mansion is still bigger than
10:56my house, but my plan is to put all the utilities and enchantment table rooms and stuff on the left
11:00side here. The dump chest will go over to the top right and everywhere else in the house, I'll just
11:03be throwing chests around. That will be my main storage area, but let's continue building the
11:07frame and the entire structure of the house and see how it turns out. Yeah, the house turned out
11:14pretty ugly. Oh my God, this looks horrible. I don't even know what I'm trying to go for. I
11:18want a big rooftop here, but I also want it to curve in this way and have a roof here. That's
11:24a lower floor thing and there's mobs everywhere. Oh my God, this is horrible. This is not going
11:28well. Don't worry, in true cookie fashion, we're going to somehow turn this into a beautiful
11:32looking house. This llama is literally defending him. Yo, defend your villager. Oh yeah,
11:39they actually killed him. Oh no, one of them died. All right, but let's continue building this house
11:43and just spam right click on all of these blocks because it's going to turn out looking good at
11:46the end. That's just the cookie way. So I built this little section for the roof and I realized
11:50that I have a little too much blackstone going on. If I'm making the roof trim blackstone,
11:54I probably shouldn't use blackstone for all of the walls or else everything would just be too
11:58dark. So honestly, let's... Oh my God, I literally could have died right there. I got to be careful.
12:03Let's grab all of this stone, turn it into stone bricks and let's replace these walls of stone.
12:08I feel like it'll look a little better because the block is just a little too black. Boy was
12:12standing out in the sun for too long. This dude burnt burnt. Oh yeah. Okay, that's way more neutral.
12:17I'm literally just going back to the same colors I always use, stone brick and spruce wood. Oh my
12:22God, I can't get away from it. These blocks haunt me. I just love building with stone brick and
12:27spruce. It looks so good together, just side by side. All right, but let's replace all of this
12:31blackstone with stone brick and just continue building up this house. It's pretty messy right
12:36now. We got random... How did I... Why are there two cats here? Wait, where are you guys coming from?
12:41What the heck? What is this? This llama's hooked onto thin air. Who's your imaginary friend? What
12:47the heck? Unless that's just his turd. It's a long string cheese turd coming out of you. All right,
12:52I've seen enough. Let's keep building. Yeah, you better back up. Yeah, yeah, don't... You're going
13:06to get burned out here, son. Yeah, you can't touch me. Bro literally did a U-turn. He felt the sun.
13:11He's like, nope, that's too hot. I'm not going to attack you today. All right, all the walls are
13:14done. And honestly, it looks a lot better with stone compared to blackstone. The blackstone was
13:18just way too dark. And now the roof will pop even more with the blackstone as the trim. But all the
13:23walls are still very plain and boring. So let's craft a bunch of little things that will help
13:27give this entire place some detail. All right. So the first thing I want to do is fix up this
13:31entryway. It looks so boring. So my plan is just use a bunch of stairs and some slabs to make it
13:38look a little better. So let's try to make it like a gradual turn like that. Oh yeah. That already
13:44looks way better. Hold on. What if I even change this with some of these four-sided wood? Oh yeah,
13:50come on. That looks so much better already. Okay. Now I want to add some more depth. So let's add
13:55some barrels right here at the front of these pillars and maybe some stairs. I feel like that
14:00will make it look a little more sturdy and thick. Maybe we can add some trap doors somewhere like
14:04here that will go around this pillar. So it looks like it's reinforced. I don't know. Now for the
14:10inside here, let's put some cobblestone walls, maybe some fences. I do need to smooth out this
14:14arc too. And we can easily do that by just adding some of that. The additional detail adds so much
14:20to the house already. And right here in this corner. Oh my God. I want to add some grass
14:24right here with some trap doors. Oh wait, I can't. Oh no. Oh wait. I can't put it in the corner. No,
14:29maybe just on the edges like that. Let's put some slabs underneath and grab my flowers and
14:34add some nice little color to the windows. Oh yeah. I think I can make all of these walls look
14:39even better if I just mix in some stone as well. So like if I break a bunch of the stone brick
14:44and add some stone, it just gives it a little more texture. If a wall is looking too plain,
14:47all you got to do is just replace a few random blocks with a very similar block. You know,
14:53I'm telling you that, that, that is how you go from a new builder to an epic pro master builder,
14:57or you can do the cookie way and just throw leaves everywhere. It just covers up the ugliness,
15:02but I also want to use this trick for the roof. So that is why I grabbed crimson wood. I feel
15:05like it would look really good. If I do the same, like alternating thing on the roof,
15:09they are like very different colors, but they, they sort of are the same. You know what I mean?
15:13Honestly, I thought this would be more red. Maybe, maybe mangrove wood would be better,
15:17but I don't have access to that. So we're using this. It's going to look like some weird
15:21witch Halloween stew, but honestly I'm for it. So now I just got to do the same thing all around
15:25the house. And I also need to get food because I am actually cervicals. Let's craft myself a
15:30diamond sword. Actually, nah, we're sticking with iron here. We're on a budget and let's try to
15:35enchant for a looting three, please. Oh, looting two. Okay. That's not bad. Let's enchant another
15:41one and pray for another looting two. Oh yeah. Looting three, even with fire aspect and sharp.
15:46Oh my God. This is literally the best sword I can ever get to kill animals. Let's head over to,
15:50Oh, I'm at one heart. I don't have a, I'm literally at one heart. I'm actually going to
15:56die and lose everything. Oh my God. This is, this is dangerous. Okay. But let's breed a ton
16:00of animals here and then just kill them with my sword. Oh yeah. 41 steak, just like that. All
16:06right. But now that I have food and some energy, let's start designing this entire bottom floor
16:11and just give everything more detail. And bam, this is what it got so far. I think it looks
16:25pretty good. I did the stone alternating thing on all of the walls. So it adds more detail.
16:29Added some flowers everywhere. These trap doors on the pillar. So it looks kind of reinforced
16:33and trap doors on the window. So they kind of look medieval-ish. All right. But since the bottom
16:37floor is all done, I need to start working on the top floor, which will need some serious work.
16:43This looks so bad. I am running very low on spruce logs already. And I do want to turn all
16:47of this into wood. That way I can do the alternating design again that I did on the
16:51walls. That way it just looks better. It's like a little hack, but I'm kind of poor now. Let's
16:56just use what I got though and see how it turns out. There we go. I feel like this looks a little
17:02better. We just need to add a little bit of light color to it. So I have the idea of using snow
17:06because I use snow on everything because it's cheap. Please tell me I have snow in here. Come
17:10on. Oh yeah. I am rich. Let's fly up here. Let's add some snow blocks down here. So it fills up
17:17these little holes and also some walls behind these fences like this. And it should bring out
17:23some brightness into this entire build like that. Oh yeah. That's not too bad. The house is slowly
17:29coming together. Now let's just build the frame for the entire place so I know how to design it.
17:32So I got the basic frame down. It looks all right, but it's not all going to be wood. Like I said,
17:37I want to add some snow because it just looks cool and it's super cheap. And you know me,
17:41I'm Asian. Cheap is my middle name. So let's place some snow here. Let's put a middle block here. And
17:48that is my design for the wall. Literally just freestyling. Let's build this up and now build
17:53this across. Oh yeah. There we go. I am running out of spruce planks though. I don't have any
17:58more logs to do this design anymore, but let's just continue building out this frame. So let's
18:02put a fat window right in the middle of this roof that is centered with this ugly looking thing.
18:09And to make the snow stuff look even better, let's just add a bunch of random walls that
18:14add more detail. I don't know. I don't know how to build everyone. If you guys think I know how
18:17to build, I'm lying to you. And if you believe it, then you're lying to yourself because I
18:21literally do not know what I'm doing every single time I build. But that's the fun of Minecraft,
18:25I guess. You kind of just freestyle it until it looks good. It looks horrendous. Oh my God. Okay,
18:30let's continue working on this second floor and try to make it look decent. Wish me luck. I also
18:35need to collect wood too, so I'll be doing that. And while I build this, you should probably check
18:39to see if you're subscribed. I tried to hit 10 million subs. That's the goal for 2025. And maybe
18:43I'll face reveal. All right, I did two of the walls and let's go take a look. Oh, brother.
18:50What the? Wait, this looks horrible. I didn't even take a step back. What am I doing here?
18:55Why doesn't the windows just drop? It's like a staircase. It just goes down and down. And what?
19:00Okay. I was zoning out so bad when I was doing this. All right. You know what? I'm redoing all
19:04of this. I don't like it at all. Maybe my plan of just spamming blocks sometimes don't work.
19:25And yeah, I think this looks a little bit better. Since the snow is flat with the wood now,
19:31I added these window porch frame things that just make it look a little better with the depth.
19:36And a little balcony right here that looks kind of swaggy. But do you guys remember what this
19:39place looked like at the beginning of the video? Yeah, there was literally nothing. But after that,
19:42there was just grass. Now we have a giant house on it. And a bunch of mobs. Go away,
19:49Miles Morales. Yeah, fall off. Thank you for the roses. All right. Let's continue building
19:54off the walls with the same design in mind and finish up the second floor of the house.
20:01And this is what I got so far. I think it looks pretty good. I kind of have different styles
20:06going on. This porch has wood, but that one is stone. Both sides have a lot of snow except the
20:12front. And over here, we have a weird trapdoor design. I don't really know what's going on,
20:16but honestly, I don't really mind it. It doesn't look that bad. I feel like once we add the
20:21rooftop, it's going to bring it all together and make it look okay. If it doesn't, then I'll change
20:25up the design. But let's start doing that now. Let's put all of this junk away. And let's get
20:30building. But don't forget, once this entire house is built, I'll be moving all of the chest rooms
20:34inside of here and even building a water stream system that will carry everything that I mined
20:38from the one block all the way over to a dumb chest inside of this house. That way, everything
20:42I mined will end up here. But first, we got to finish up this roof. And there we go. I think the
20:56house looks pretty good. It is a very different style with the acacia wood and crimson. It looks
21:01like a vomit piece of fart thing. But honestly, I'm for it. It looks different and I like it.
21:06Oh my God. Oh my God. Okay. How do I always forget to light up the area? This is actually a mental
21:11problem. I need to see a therapist. Oh my God. My house is already infested. Actual monkeys.
21:19But since we have the house built out right here, just imagine a nice stone mound coming from the
21:23top down to the bottom with waterfalls connecting to the lake, as well as a path leading up to the
21:27new house. It's going to make this one block word look so good and kind of bring back the
21:31sense of the overworld into this big void world. Oh, there's so many creepers, bro. How many is
21:39that? Somebody... Oh, I'm dead. I'm cooked. I'm cooked. Oh my God, bro. Oh my God. Why? Did it
21:45blow up any of my house? Oh, yep. It definitely did. Dude, look at this train of creepers. How
21:50is this even fair? Oh my God. I'm done. I'm flying away. Send them to the shadow realm. They should
21:56have all disappeared. Okay, nice. There's still some mobs that just spawned, but at least there's
22:00no creepers. God, how do I always forget my mini brain? And I can't forget these little areas on
22:05top of here because I already know a creeper is going to spawn in here, fall on my head,
22:09and explode. Oh yeah. But before we start working on the inside here, I want to add a few more
22:14little details to the exterior, kind of like what I did here. I put a lot of effort in the front
22:19design here. So let's just build random things around the exterior to finish it up and make it
22:23look swag. But I think the entire exterior is looking a lot better. I added some grass right
22:32here because I realized this wall was a little too flat. So I really like this addition. I might
22:36add something over here. Oh wait, I should. That's some trap doors. I can't put one in this corner
22:43and let's slap down some flowers. Oh my God. Could I mess up even more? Geez. There we go.
22:51We'll just go with that. But there is one thing I want to change. The reason why I built this
22:56pillar right here wasn't to match this pillar. This was actually supposed to be like a chimney
23:00that goes straight up to the roof. But if I turn that into a chimney, it's going to destroy
23:04this balcony. What should I do? Should I do it or should I not do it? I'll decide at the end
23:09of the video. Well, let's finally move on to the interior. Let's change the floor. Oh my God. The
23:13second I walked away from the center, a ton of mobs spawn. Why are there so many spiders now?
23:18Oh my God. I could actually die right here. I got to be careful. I'm out. I'm out. Peace out. Okay.
23:25But I got all my grass back with my sew touch. And that whole process was actually a lot harder
23:29than I thought. I had to place down the platform down here that I thought I wouldn't need.
23:33So yeah, that took a while. All right. But that is the interior of my house. It's coming together.
23:38I'm just, I'm super excited for this, but I am low on food again. So let's go ahead and breed
23:43my cowies. I'm about to eliminate all of these guys again. I think I killed too many. Wait,
23:47there's like six cows left. Oh my God. Okay. That was a little too many. I'm sorry, guys. I literally
23:53killed all of the babies too. We got to give them a break and breed them again. All right. Let's
23:57start working on the interior here. So the first thing I want to do is finish up all the walls. So
24:01it just looks nice before I add anything. All right. It's all cleaned up. I fixed up the walls.
24:08I fixed up little holes around the top floor. It's a little tough to get to, but we'll get to that
24:13eventually. All right. Now it's time to layout this house. The most exciting bit. I need to
24:17figure out where goes where to what to where to where corner and the most efficient way to design
24:22this. So wish me luck. All right. After an hour, I finally finished the layout for this house. I
24:27really like it. So I thought long and hard about this. This is the layout. Over here will be where
24:32my main chest storage area is. There's not a lot of more chests than what I already have,
24:36but I feel like I don't need that much. And over here to this corner will be all of my valuables,
24:39just so it's separated from the rest. And I made sure to leave a window open here so I can look
24:43down on my beautiful one block world. And why? Don't jump. Don't do it. Don't do it, bro. No,
24:48no, no, no. I know life gets difficult, but don't do it. It gets better. No, it gets better.
24:54I trust me. Trust me. Please, please, please. Let me save him. Let me save him. I'll save you. Oh,
25:01oh my. I dropped him on purpose. Hey, at least he lived. Oh my God. Okay. But over here is where
25:06the Dumba chest will be. So behind here, though, I'm scared of that creeper of jumping down on me,
25:11but behind all of these chests, there will be a bunch of hoppers that will feed everything that
25:15I'm mine from the one block over there all the way to here. And this will just get filled up. So
25:20I can go in here and grab all the items that I need. And one day, oh my God. One day I'll grab
25:24the items and sort it inside of my chest, but that probably will never happen. Please die.
25:28Stupid creepers, man. Okay. Now over here, this will be like a big wall shrine thing. I'll put a
25:34TV, some nice tall shelves and a nice comfy couch right here. Also, if you guys remember, I said,
25:39I'll build a big brick chimney right here. And if I do that, I'll make this into a fireplace in the
25:44corner. So it'd be like nice and cozy. I don't really know what to do for this room. I might
25:47just leave it empty. That way I can always expand or put more chests or just build something there.
25:52But over here, there'll be a staircase that will lead up to the second floor. That way I can access
25:56the chests up there. There'll be a nice balcony overhanging this living room and right underneath
26:00the staircase. I'll put my enchantment table down and some utilities that can fit inside.
26:04That is the whole plan. Oh my God. We got Peter Parker, Andrew Garfield, and Tom Cruise,
26:08not Tom Cruise, Tom Holland. That was a lot of yapping. So let's just get started by designing
26:13this. I'm sorry for all of the yapping-ness. So let's first lay out the area so all these
26:17mobs stop falling on me. And I really wanted this new base to feel like a living room that
26:24is also very functional for my new house. This is my main chest room. Oh yeah. There's not much more
26:30chests compared to my old chest room, but honestly, I don't need much since we have this giant dump
26:35chest room area over here. That's going to be pretty insane. But yeah, we're going to section
26:39it off. So this would be like all stone, wood, maybe accessories, and all of my goodies will
26:43be here. So like two diamonds and one piece of iron. Let's remove all of these pillars and just
26:47make it look pretty and really nice and something that I'm proud of, I guess. I don't know. Let's
26:52just make my house look nice. Yeah, that is my design. Pretty simple. I literally do the same
26:57design every single time, but I try to mix up some stairs and trap doors to make this cool graduating
27:02grade. So now all I got to do is move all of the items that I have in my chests up there. Wait,
27:08honestly, I think I do have a lot more chests already. Over here, I have 32 chests and up here,
27:14I have about 50 double chests. So we basically doubled it, but this area is going to be insane.
27:19This is going to be a whole chunk or wall of chests. It's going to be epicness. So let's
27:23start working on that side. What the, what was that? Oh my, is this the zombie I've been hearing?
27:29Dude, I've been hearing a zombie for like days. I was like, where's the zombie? Bro was hiding
27:35literally in a one by one hole. I do need a ton of more wood to make chests though. I already used
27:40every single chest that I own that I got from the one block. So let's start grinding this tree farm
27:44again. Oh yeah. That is a lot of spruce wood. My axe has taken a beating and honestly, I don't
27:50even know if this is enough wood for all of the chests I want to fill up. I got about six stacks
27:55of double chests right here and let's start filling it up. Hopefully it's enough. Cause
27:58that was very painful. That is a lot of chests. I actually had enough. I still have about two
28:03stacks left, which is really good. But behind all of these chests, there will be tons and tons of
28:07hoppers to load in all of the junk from the one block into these chests. I feel like we might have
28:12a little too much. Um, it's going to get to the point where it fills up so much. I won't ever
28:16move it into my actual chest room. So that might be a problem, but we'll see. But there is a lot
28:21to do inside of this house and it's looking pretty good so far. And honestly, I think I'm going to
28:26end the episode right here. I know I didn't finish the entire project, but I think it'd be more fun
28:30if we split this project up into two episodes. That way you guys can see more of what I'm
28:33building and the entire process. So yeah, stay tuned for the next episode where I will be building
28:38a giant mountain right here that will look like the overworld, a waterfall, some paths leading up.
28:43We're going to finish the interior of this house and make it look beautiful. I'm honestly really
28:47excited to see this turn into a house, but most importantly connected waterway system that will
28:51transport all of these blocks from this one block into the back of this house and right inside of
28:57these chests. But for season two, we did build a really nice house. That is a huge upgrade from
29:02our first house down here. Look at it. It is so much better. That is actually the big daddy,
29:07the big brother of this house. I think it's a great brand new start to season two and will
29:11start us off really nicely for the next season. But yeah, thanks for watching. Please subscribe.
29:14Love you guys. And I'll see you guys on the next episode. It's going to be good and worth the
29:17wait. Trust me.