General Hospital 03-07-2025 FULL Episode 720HD || ABC GH - MARCH 07, 2025 FULL Episode 720HD
00:00But I care about him enough to just stay away if that's the best thing for him.
00:08Sonny, Gio was old enough to make his own decisions.
00:14It's up to him whether he wants your support or not and clearly today it looks like he made his choice.
00:22You didn't answer my question. Do you trust me around Gio?
00:27As much as I did that very first day in Bensonhurst when I invited you over so the two of you can meet.
00:47Hey, I'm glad you're here.
00:49I just hope that someone...
01:02Hey, is everything okay?
01:15Where did you get that?
01:16Where did you get that?
01:17I found it in a cabinet in the downstairs living room.
01:20The workmanship is exquisite. It's obviously very valuable.
01:24That's impossible. That should be at the bottom of the harbour.
01:31Just a minute.
01:40Oh my god.
01:41Sorry. Wait, please. I like the look.
01:46Okay, okay. I'm sorry. It's just...
01:50It's nice for this mere mortal to see that you're not a goddess 24-7.
01:54What are you even doing here?
01:56I thought we could get lunch.
01:58I already have lunch coming.
01:59I'm sorry. I need more.
02:07What is it, Collette? I'm about to grab lunch.
02:10No, no. It's fine.
02:12How's she doing?
02:18No one hourly updates on her progress.
02:22You're special, Jocelyn.
02:24It's clear to me you have all the qualities necessary to make a great agent.
02:28Ingenuity, initiative, mental and physical fortitude.
02:32You're willing and able to do what's necessary.
02:34Necessary for what?
02:37For the WSB.
02:40I want you to become one of us.
02:49I would do anything for you to wake up right now.
02:56Or someone to wake me up and tell me that this is just a nightmare.
03:04God, that's not gonna happen.
03:09You're gone.
03:11You're really gone.
03:17Brakes over.
03:19Looking tired.
03:20Sure you want to stick around?
03:25Find a nice place.
03:28No brakes. Goodbye.
03:29I wanted to check out the new place.
03:33I hope I'm not interrupting something important.
03:36Oh, no, no. Just family stuff.
03:39Yeah, we were just talking about jail.
03:42Is everything okay?
03:45I'm actually glad you're here, Lulu.
03:48That's a first.
03:49Oh, Granny's on a tear and you're one of the few people she lets get away with murder.
03:53So maybe you can calm her down.
03:55I'm not doing you any favors.
03:57Not after what you've done.
04:02I'm sorry.
04:04I'm sorry.
04:06I'm sorry.
04:08I'm sorry.
04:09I'm sorry.
04:32I think you heard me.
04:35Hey. Hey. Are you okay?
04:40Are you okay?
04:42Dante Falconeri.
04:48Not listed on birth certificate.
04:50And I do think that Dante deserves to know that he has a child out there somewhere.
04:55In a perfect world, I agree with you.
04:58But this isn't just about Dante anymore.
05:05I was just saying that I don't want to get involved.
05:08Whatever your issues are with Tracy, you're going to have to solve them yourself.
05:12Far be it for anyone to ask you for help.
05:15I really hope everything's okay with your dad.
05:18Lulu, next time maybe you should call before you just drop by.
05:24Hey, who was that?
05:25I thought we talked. We kind of had a little bit of slack.
05:27I am done.
05:29You guys can coddle Brooklyn all you want.
05:34Okay. You know what? I think actually I'm done.
05:38Okay? I don't want to referee you two anymore.
05:41No one's asking you to. I came to talk to you.
05:43Yeah. Is it about Rocco? Are you sure?
05:45No, but...
05:46Then it's going to have to wait because this thing happened with my dad and Gio.
05:48And believe it or not, Tracy.
05:49And if you're not into helping anybody, then I'm going to go deal with that, if you don't mind.
05:57Phil, handle it.
06:04So, is everything okay with Gio?
06:07Oh, yeah, yeah.
06:08Sonny very generously set up an educational trust for Gio so that he could go to grad school after PCU.
06:16That's great. What's the problem?
06:18Tracy told Gio not to take my money.
06:21Of course she did.
06:22Tracy has always been biased against Sonny.
06:25Yeah, you don't have to tell me.
06:26Yeah, but she's barking at the moon on this one because you and I were always going to be family.
06:31And the entire Cirillo clan is always going to be grateful for everything you've done for Gio.
06:36Family is family, and I'm happy to do this for them.
06:40But, you know, the real reason is...
06:44I can't really say no to you, Lois.
06:50So, let me get this straight. You ran into my food delivery guy?
06:57There was pad thai all over the pavement.
07:00But don't worry. I helped him clean it up.
07:04And I tipped him.
07:06That's great and all, except now I don't have any lunch.
07:10No problem. I can fix something up for you.
07:14You cook?
07:15I cook.
07:17Well, good luck, because I don't think I have anything in the fridge except for baking soda and a packet of soy sauce.
07:25I'll see what I can do with what you've got, but I've been known to work a miracle or two, you know?
07:31Oh, really?
07:39You feel tired? You've been up for 48 hours.
07:42I'm good.
07:43What about martial arts? Got any training?
07:45A little kickboxing.
07:47Nice! Got good instincts, not the agency standards, but a decent starting point.
07:52Wow. Oh, God.
07:55You haven't slept yet? You're in the middle of nowhere. Why are you doing this?
07:58What? Kicking your ass?
08:09Clearly, this dagger is of some significance to you.
08:12I suspect that its provenance is something worth examining.
08:18I'm only aware of two owners.
08:21My stepmother and the person that she bequeathed it to.
08:27It's quite the unique gift.
08:28Not a gift. It's a curse.
08:33Helena Cassadine was my stepmother.
08:37She used that dagger to slit my mother's throat.
08:42Hey, uh, G.O., I'm so sorry if things got a little intense here this morning.
08:47I hope my grandmother didn't offend you any more than she usually does, anyway.
08:51She really does mean well, even when she's doing wrong.
08:55And, uh...
08:57Okay, I'll see you at home, or give me a call back if you want to talk. Bye.
09:08I thought we were done.
09:10We are far from done.
09:17Between us?
09:18Except that you're a terrible assistant and you're luching off my grandmother.
09:22I didn't have to pretend to give a damn about you.
09:27Okay, so we're doing this.
09:31You're gonna want to close the door.
09:34I doubt you want everyone in the house hearing this particular conversation.
09:37What conversation? What is this about?
09:40It's about how you have been lying to Dante for years.
09:47Sonny, is there anything else we need to discuss regarding the trust in G.O.?
09:52No, I'm gonna talk to him, let him know that he doesn't have to feel pressure to take my money.
09:56Well, I doubt he'll feel that way.
09:59I mean, he knows how generous you are. We all do.
10:04Anyway, I'll be in touch.
10:12Educational trust fund?
10:15That's an investment.
10:17Well, you know, I mean, education is very important.
10:22And the Cerullos are my family and they're not gonna be able to afford G.O.'s musical education.
10:29I'm in a position to do it. I'm happy to do it.
10:32I know that. I believe it.
10:34It doesn't surprise me, you always take care of the people you love.
10:37I try.
10:38But Tracy reminded everybody that if those same people...
10:44They're gonna end up hurt by me.
10:45Okay, you know, are you sure Tracy wasn't talking about herself?
10:47And she doesn't get to remind you of anything.
10:50I don't know, Kurt. Maybe she has a point.
10:54She doesn't have a point, Sonny.
10:56And G.O.'s an adult, right? You've known him most of your life.
11:00He gets to decide, not Tracy, if he wants to accept your help.
11:03Michael didn't decide to be my son.
11:06Look where he's at.
11:09Michael's the other reason that I stopped by.
11:13I actually talked to him on the phone today. He called me.
11:16He's up to making phone calls?
11:18Yeah, I mean, he said he's doing better.
11:21I mean, it's slow, but he's in therapy and he's moving in the right direction.
11:24That makes me... That would feel great.
11:28Do me a favor, next time you talk to him, tell him I love him.
11:34I will.
11:36But I know he's gonna call you and you can tell him yourself.
11:43I know he loves you, too.
11:47I still can't believe you made this terrific pasta out of...
11:51I don't know, whatever I had in my pantry.
11:53I mean, I had to work with what I had. You have, like, three ingredients in this place.
11:57That is why I order in.
11:59I see why now.
12:02But I'm glad you're enjoying your meal.
12:05So, why did you stop by?
12:07Was it to assault my delivery driver or impress me with your culinary skills?
12:11The cooking part was a bonus.
12:14But I'm glad I could see.
12:18Is that so?
12:20It is.
12:22I thought the whole idea behind you going after Sidwell was that we'd pursue whatever this is.
12:33I read your file.
12:34Oh, yeah? What's in it?
12:36What's in it?
12:37Jocelyn John-Tacks.
12:38PCU pre-med.
12:40Switched to environmental science major.
12:42Volleyball player.
12:44Former volleyball player.
12:47Her and her dad, hotel and her mom.
12:50Rich girl.
12:51You could do anything and be anywhere.
12:53But you're here.
12:54Well, in about five minutes, you're gonna wish I wasn't.
12:57Why are you sipping some fruity drink on a beach you can't coon?
13:00Maybe it's not because I'm some rich girl who enjoys suntans and dysentery.
13:06But why this?
13:07Why the dead USB?
13:09Well, I've seen people die.
13:13I've seen people take advantage of their power and use it to hurt others.
13:16I want to balance the scales.
13:18Get a little justice.
13:23A few minutes of what you just said.
13:25There's the door.
13:30You need to understand something.
13:32Out of respect for my grandmother and for Dante, I have allowed you to push my boundaries.
13:36But that ends now.
13:39Look, I am happy for your children and your family that you are awake.
13:43But you have gone way too far with me.
13:46And I have zero grace left to give you.
13:48So if you have something to say to me, go ahead.
13:50Say it.
13:51Lulu, I dare you.
13:56How about this?
13:58You had Dante's baby and you never told him.
14:03But I care about him enough to just stay away if that's the best thing for him.
14:14Sonny, Gio was old enough to make his own decisions.
14:20It's up to him whether he wants your support or not.
14:23And clearly today it looks like he made his choice.
14:28You didn't answer my question.
14:30Do you trust me around Gio?
14:33As much as I did that very first day in Bensonhurst when I invited you over so the two of you could meet.
14:53Hey, I'm glad you're here.
14:54I'm glad you're here.
15:01I just hope that someone...
15:11Is, uh...
15:13Is everything okay?
15:22Where did you get that?
15:23I found it in a cabinet in the downstairs living room.
15:26The workmanship is exquisite. It's obviously very valuable.
15:30That's impossible.
15:33That should be at the bottom of the harbour.
15:37Just a minute.
15:45Oh, my God.
15:48Wait, please.
15:50I like the look.
15:53Okay, I'm sorry.
15:54It's just, uh...
15:56It's nice for this mere mortal to see that you're not a goddess 24-7.
16:00What are you even doing here?
16:02I thought we can get lunch.
16:03I already have lunch coming.
16:07Not anymore.
16:13What is it, Collette? I'm about to grab lunch.
16:16No, no, it's fine.
16:18How's she doing?
16:24No one hourly updates on her progress.
16:28You're special, Jocelyn.
16:30It's clear to me you have all the qualities necessary to make a great agent.
16:34Ingenuity, initiative, mental and physical fortitude.
16:38You're willing and able to do what's necessary.
16:40Necessary for what?
16:43For the WSB.
16:46I want you to become one of us.
16:53I would do anything for you to wake up right now.
17:01For someone to wake me up and tell me that this is just a nightmare.
17:09God, that's not gonna happen.
17:13You're gone.
17:16You're really gone.
17:23Break's over.
17:28Looking tired.
17:30Sure you want to stick around?
17:34Find my next face.
17:37I'll bring it to you. Bye.
17:39I wanted to check out the new place.
17:43I hope I'm not interrupting something important.
17:46Oh, no, no. Just family stuff.
17:49Yeah, we were just talking about you.
17:58Is everything okay?
18:01I'm actually glad you're here, Lulu.
18:04That's a first.
18:05Granny's on a tear and you're one of the few people she lets get away with murder, so maybe you can calm her down.
18:11I'm not doing you any favors.
18:13Not after what you've done.
18:38I think you heard me.
18:41Hey. Hey. Are you okay?
18:48Dante, fuck.
18:54I was listed on a birth certificate.
18:57And I do think that Dante deserves to know that he has a child out there somewhere.
19:01In a perfect world, I agree with you.
19:04But this isn't just about Dante anymore.
19:12I was just saying that I don't want to get involved.
19:14Whatever your issues are with Tracy, you're gonna have to solve them yourself.
19:18Far be it for anyone to ask you for help.
19:20Look, I really hope everything's okay with your dad.
19:23Lulu, next time maybe you should call before you just drop by.
19:30Hey, what was that?
19:31I thought we talked. We got a little bit of slack.
19:33I am done.
19:35You guys can call it Brooklyn all you want.
19:40You know what? I think actually I'm done.
19:43Okay? I don't want to referee you two anymore.
19:46Look, no one's asking you to. I came to talk to you.
19:48Yeah, is it about Rocco? Are you sure?
19:50No, but...
19:51Then it's gonna have to wait.
19:52Because this thing happened with my dad and Gio, and believe it or not, Tracy.
19:55And if you're not into helping anybody, then I gotta go deal with that, if you don't mind.
20:02So, handle it.
20:10So, is everything okay with Gio?
20:13Oh, yeah, yeah.
20:14Sonny very generously set up an educational trust for Gio so that he could go to grad school after PCU.
20:22That's great. What's the problem?
20:24Tracy told Gio not to take my money.
20:27Of course she did.
20:28Tracy has always been biased against Sonny.
20:31Yeah, you don't have to tell me.
20:32Yeah, but she's barking at the moon on this one, because you and I were always gonna be family.
20:37And the entire Cirillo clan is always gonna be grateful for everything you've done for Gio.
20:42Family is family, and I'm happy to do this for him.
20:46But, you know, the real reason is...
20:50I can't really say no to you, Louis.
20:56So, let me get this straight. You ran into my food delivery guy?
21:03There was pad thai all over the pavement.
21:06But, uh, don't worry.
21:08I helped him clean it up.
21:09And I tipped him.
21:12That's great and all, except now I don't have any lunch.
21:15Oh, no problem.
21:17I can fix something up for you.
21:19You cook?
21:20I cook.
21:23Well, good luck, because I don't think I have anything in the fridge except for baking soda and a packet of soy sauce.
21:31I'll see what I can do with what you've got.
21:33But I've been known to work a miracle or two, you know.
21:37Oh, really?
21:45You feeling tired?
21:46You've been out for 48 hours.
21:48I'm good.
21:49What about martial arts? Got any training?
21:51A little kickboxing.
21:54Got good instincts, not the agency standards, but a decent starting point.
21:59Oh, God.
22:01You haven't slept yet? You're in the middle of nowhere.
22:03Why are you doing this?
22:05Kicking your ass?
22:15Clearly, this dagger is of some significance to you.
22:18I suspected that its provenance was something worth determining.
22:24I'm only aware of two owners.
22:27My stepmother and the person that she bequeathed it to.
22:33It's quite the unique gift.
22:34It's not a gift.
22:36It's a curse.
22:38Helena Cassadine was my stepmother.
22:42She used that dagger to slit my mother's throat.
22:47Hey, uh, Gio.
22:49I'm so sorry if things got a little intense here this morning.
22:53I hope my grandmother didn't offend you any more than she usually does, anyway.
22:56She really does mean well, even when she's doing wrong.
23:00And, uh...
23:02Okay, I'll see you at home, or give me a call back if you want to talk. Bye.
23:14I thought we were done.
23:17We are far from done.
23:24Between us.
23:25Except that you're a terrible assistant and you're luching off my grandmother.
23:28I don't have to pretend to give a damn about you.
23:33Okay, so we're doing this.
23:37You're going to want to close the door.
23:40I doubt you want everyone in the house hearing this particular conversation.
23:43What conversation? What is this about?
23:46It's about how you have been lying to Dante for years.
23:53Sonny, is there anything else we need to discuss regarding the trust in Gio?
23:58No, I'm going to talk to him and let him know that he doesn't have to feel pressured to take my money.
24:02Well, I doubt you'll feel that way.
24:04I mean, he knows how generous you are. We all do.
24:09Anyway, I'll be in touch.
24:17Educational trust fund?
24:20That's an investment.
24:22Well, you know, I mean, education is very important.
24:27And the Cerullos are my family, and they're not going to be able to afford
24:33Gio's musical education.
24:35I'm in a position to do it. I'm happy to do it.
24:38I know that. I believe it.
24:40It doesn't surprise me. You always take care of the people you love.
24:43I try.
24:44But Tracy reminded everybody that those same people,
24:49they're going to end up hurt by me.
24:51Okay, you know, are you sure Tracy wasn't talking about herself?
24:54And she doesn't get to remind you of anything.
24:56I don't know, Carly.
24:58Maybe she has a point.
25:00She doesn't have a point, Sonny.
25:02And Gio's an adult, right? You've known him most of your life.
25:06He gets to decide, not Tracy, if he wants to accept your help.
25:09Michael didn't decide to be my son.
25:12Look, where is that?
25:15Michael's the other reason that I stopped by.
25:19I actually talked to him on the phone today. He called me.
25:22He's up to making phone calls?
25:24Yeah, I mean, he said he's doing better.
25:27Better? I mean, it's slow, but he's in therapy and he's moving in the right direction.
25:31That makes me so happy for him. That would feel great.
25:35Do me a favor. Next time you talk to him,
25:39tell him I love him.
25:41I will.
25:43But I know he's going to call you, and you can tell him yourself.
25:49I know he loves you, too.
25:52I still can't believe you made this terrific pasta out of, I don't know, whatever I had in my pantry.
25:59I mean, I had to work with what I had. You have, like, three ingredients in this place.
26:03That is why I order in.
26:05I see why now.
26:08But I'm glad you're enjoying your meal.
26:10So, why did you stop by?
26:13Was it to assault my delivery driver or impress me with your culinary skills?
26:18The cooking part was a bonus, but I'm glad I could see.
26:25Is that so?
26:27It is.
26:29I thought the whole idea behind you going after Sidwell was that we'd pursue whatever this is, private.
26:40I read your file.
26:41Oh, yeah? What's in it?
26:43Jocelyn John-Tacks.
26:44PCU pre-med.
26:46Switch from environmental science major.
26:48Volleyball player.
26:50Former volleyball player.
26:53Billionaire dad, hotel owner mom.
26:56Rich girl.
26:57You could do anything and be anywhere, but you're here.
27:00Well, in about five minutes, you're going to wish I wasn't.
27:03Why are you sipping some fruity drink on a beach you can't go on?
27:06Maybe it's not because I'm some rich girl who enjoys suntans and dysentery.
27:12But why this? Why the dead USB?
27:15Well, I've seen people die.
27:19I've seen people take advantage of their power and use it to hurt others.
27:22I want to balance the scales, get a little justice.
27:29If you mean any of what you just said, there's the door.
27:37You need to understand something.
27:39Out of respect for my grandmother and for Dante, I have allowed you to push my boundaries.
27:43But that ends now.
27:45Look, I am happy for your children and your family that you are awake.
27:49But you have gone way too far with me.
27:52And I have zero grace left to give you.
27:54So if you have something to say to me, go ahead. Say it.
27:57Lulu, I dare you.
28:02How about this?
28:04You had Dante's baby and you never told him.
28:10But I care about him enough to just stay away if that's the best thing for him.
28:19Sonny, Gio is old enough to make his own decisions.
28:25It's up to him whether he wants your support or not.
28:28And clearly today it looks like he made his choice.
28:33You didn't answer my question.
28:35Do you trust me around Gio?
28:39As much as I did that very first day in Bensonhurst when I invited you over so the two of you could meet.
28:58Hey, I'm glad you're here.
29:00I'm glad you're here.
29:07I just hope that someone...
29:17Is, uh...
29:19Is everything okay?
29:28Where did you get that?
29:29I found it in a cabinet in the downstairs living room.
29:32The workmanship is exquisite. It's obviously very valuable.
29:36That's impossible.
29:39That should be at the bottom of the harbour.
29:43Just a minute.
29:51Oh my god.
29:54Wait, please.
29:56I like the look.
29:59Okay, I'm sorry.
30:00It's just, uh...
30:01It's nice for this mere mortal to see that you're not a goddess 24-7.
30:05What are you even doing here?
30:07I thought we could get lunch.
30:09I already have lunch coming.
30:13I need more.
30:19What is it, Collette? I'm about to grab lunch.
30:22No, no, it's fine.
30:24How's she doing?
30:30I want hourly updates on her progress.
30:34You're special.
30:35Jocelyn, it's clear to me you have all the qualities necessary to make a great agent.
30:40Ingenuity, initiative, mental and physical fortitude.
30:44You're willing and able to do what's necessary.
30:46Necessary for what?
30:49For the WSB.
30:52I want you to become one of us.
30:59I would do anything for you to wake up right now.
31:07Or someone to wake me up and tell me that this is just a nightmare.
31:15God, that's not gonna happen.
31:19You're gone.
31:22You're really gone.
31:29Brake's over.
31:34Looking tired.
31:35Sure you want to stick around?
31:40We'll meet on the next phase.
31:43No brakes, goodbye.
31:44I wanted to check out the new place.
31:48I hope I'm not interrupting something important.
31:51Oh, no, no, just family stuff.
31:54Yeah, we were just talking about jail.
32:04Is everything okay?
32:07I'm actually glad you're here, Lulu.
32:10What's first?
32:11Oh, Granny's on a tear and you were one of the few people she lets get away with murder, so maybe you can calm her down.
32:16I'm not doing you any favors.
32:19Not after what you've done.
32:44I think you heard me.
32:47Hey, hey, are you okay?
32:54Dante, fuck.
33:00Who's listed on birth certificate?
33:02And I do think that Dante deserves to know that he has a child out there somewhere.
33:07In a perfect world, I agree with you.
33:10But this isn't just about Dante anymore.
33:17I was just saying that I don't want to get involved.
33:20Whatever your issues are with Tracy, you're gonna have to solve them yourself.
33:25Far be it for anyone to ask you for help.
33:27Look, I really hope everything's okay with your dad.
33:30Lulu, next time maybe you should call before you just drop by.
33:36Hey, what was that?
33:37I thought we talked.
33:38We kind of had a little bit of slack.
33:40I am done.
33:41You guys can coddle Brooklyn all you want.
33:46Okay, you know what?
33:47I think actually I'm done.
33:50Okay, I don't want to referee you two anymore.
33:53No one's asking you to.
33:54I came to talk to you.
33:55Yeah, is it about Rocco?
33:56Are you sure?
33:57No, but...
33:58Then he's gonna have to wait because this thing happened with my dad and Gio.
34:00And believe it or not, Tracy.
34:01And if you're not into helping anybody, then I gotta go deal with that, if you don't mind.
34:09So, handle it.
34:17So, is everything okay with Gio?
34:19Oh, yeah, yeah.
34:20Sunny very generously set up an educational trust for Gio so that he could go to grad school after PCU.
34:28That's great.
34:29What's the problem?
34:30Tracy told Gio not to take my money.
34:33Of course she did.
34:34Tracy has always been biased against Sunny.
34:37Yeah, you don't have to tell me.
34:38Yeah, but she's barking at the moon on this one because you and I were always gonna be family.
34:43And the entire Cirillo clan is always gonna be grateful for everything you've done for Gio.
34:48Family is family, and I'm happy to do this for him.
34:52But, you know, the real reason is...
34:56I can't really say no to you, Louis.
35:02So, let me get this straight.
35:04You ran into my food delivery guy?
35:09There was pad thai all over the pavement.
35:12But, uh, don't worry.
35:14I helped him clean it up.
35:15And I tipped him.
35:18That's great and all.
35:19Except now, I don't have any lunch.
35:21Oh, no problem.
35:23I can fix something up for you.
35:25You cook?
35:26I cook.
35:29Well, good luck.
35:30Because I don't think I have anything in the fridge except for baking soda and a packet of soy sauce.
35:37I'll see what I can do with what you've got.
35:39But I've been known to work a miracle or two, you know.
35:51You feeling tired?
35:52You've been out for 48 hours.
35:54I'm good.
35:55What about martial arts?
35:56Got any training?
35:57A little kickboxing.
36:00Got good instincts.
36:01Not the agency standards, but a decent starting point.
36:05Oh, God.
36:07You haven't slept yet?
36:08You're in the middle of nowhere.
36:09Why are you doing this?
36:11Kicking your ass?
36:18Clearly, this dagger is of some significance to you.
36:21I suspect that its provenance is something worth examining.
36:27I'm only aware of two owners.
36:30My stepmother and the person that she bequeathed it to.
36:36It's quite the unique gift.
36:37Not a gift.
36:39It's a curse.
36:42Helena Cassadine was my stepmother.
36:45Helena Cassadine was my stepmother.
36:49She used that dagger to slit my mother's throat.
36:54Hey, uh, Gio.
36:56I'm so sorry if things got a little intense here this morning.
37:00I hope my grandmother didn't offend you any more than she usually does anyway.
37:03She really does mean well, even when she's doing wrong.
37:07And, uh...
37:09Uh, okay.
37:10I'll see you at home, or give me a call back if you want to talk.
37:20I thought we were done.
37:23We are far from done.
37:45We are far from done.
37:48We are far from done.
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