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Edit by Saca
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Intro song "8 Bit Adventure" By HeatleyBros ➡
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#Thebausffs #ShillingGang
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Edit by Saca
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Intro song "8 Bit Adventure" By HeatleyBros ➡
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#Thebausffs #ShillingGang
00:00The best combo would be to like ulti, I'm very close to them in range, and then I like Q ult for max damage, right?
00:07But then I need to be in range to Q them while I'm ulting
00:12Like that, that looks like a fucking nasty ass combo
00:15You can't get bonus damage by using Q in the air because R damage is calculated before R is clicked
00:21Yeah, ha see interesting how that works because when I said the exact same thing
00:27This chat said no Baus you're wrong. You're wrong Baus
00:31You don't know what you're talking about. You need to Q mid-air Baus. Baus, you're not using Nocturne to his fullest potential
00:37You what you're gonna be doing is Q'ing mid-air Baus
00:40And then and then and then when I show that it's not the case and now O'Domni is also saying that's not the case
00:48This chat is so fucking low elo, it's crazy dude. SoloBaka is waiting. Yo if you're still down after your game
00:56Oh shit, I'm calling him
01:04I'm a little bit nervous. I'm just waiting for him to come up to the minions
01:07Yeah, three melees, three melees and Sion. Now auto him once and leave. And then I do a barrel here, right?
01:13Yes on your caster minions. Yep, you can barrel him. You don't have to give it to him unless you're-
01:18But if I'm, if I'm, like-
01:20Yeah, if you're hitting, you're hitting, you're hitting
01:22You're not like good, like I'm very confident in my mechanics. So maybe wait for it to fire.
01:30Oh boy
01:32Auto with passive and run away. You don't have to keep chasing that's useless. He has D shield, he has D shield, second one
01:37Yeah, you're right, you're right
01:40He has Q, yeah. Oh, Q'ing him does nothing actually. Yes, you should stop Q'ing him only with Comet and Scorch
01:46So when your Comet is up, your Scorch is up. You place it on the melees because we're looking to get level three first
01:51Yeah, you could put two points in Q here since you're a Gigachad. Let's go. All right, all right. Wait for Comet
01:55Don't barrel him for nothing. Wait for Comet. That's when you fuck him up
02:01You knew he was gonna do that too. What the fuck?
02:05Okay, we have to take our L and place your barrel on the casters. Your barrel matches your intention, okay?
02:12So you're barreling back because you want to play back a little. You're fine. No, you're fine. You're still playing GP
02:18Okay, how am I supposed to keep it up when he goes for it? I'm out, I'm out, I'm backing. Walk to the tower. I'm backing, I will not die.
02:28I will not stay. I am half health. I have no mana. What are you talking about?
02:34Coal refillable, coal refillable. Oh my god, oh my god. I didn't buy refillable, sorry, sorry. You would not die, you have oranges
02:41But you're gonna freeze this. Ah, nice recall so we can freeze the wave. I'm sure Sion cares about that.
02:48Why are you being so aggressive? This is a good freeze.
02:53I get this clip. I want to learn Gangplank. I can learn Gangplank. Motherfucker is not even listening to me.
03:01I am. What should I do?
03:03Barrel him. Barrel him once and then leave because he's gonna have a giant spelt or a chain vest.
03:09That's why you recall so that you actually deal damage. Okay, he has ruby, he's trolling, it's fine.
03:14Here's the thing, right? You can play really hard after you get your sheen but because you absolutely fucking despise me, you decided to recall and TP back with gold.
03:23I'm sorry. So now you have to leave. I'm not gonna deal, I didn't deal any damage to him.
03:27I wonder why. Wow, it's almost like you should listen to the guy with 5 million games on Gangplank.
03:32I'm sorry. I'm gonna let him get it. This is fine. Even if you go down a little bit, it's not the biggest deal, you're playing Gangplank.
03:41Should I orange for health here in this type of scenario?
03:45I think you wait after this wave gets crashed. We see Viego's bot side so you got time.
03:50Yep, when your mana flow gets stacked here, you'll have infinite oranges. You can literally stay in forever. He's charging it.
04:00Dumbass. These samplers are so stupid.
04:06These trades are gonna be a little bit meaningless just because you don't have sheen.
04:10So I can orange here all the time?
04:12Yeah, you literally can't orange. It's just scary because if he hits you with his E, then he's just gonna ult you.
04:17It doesn't feel like I can orange all the time. I'm running out of mana.
04:21You have mana flow, so just trust me on this. If you have mana flow, you're gonna be fine.
04:26Look at that. You're already 60% recovered that mana that you used for orange.
04:32I'm eating again then. I'm eating again.
04:35Yeah, fuck it. Why not?
04:37Dude, I would honestly say barrel this whole wave and then place another barrel and Q it.
04:42So double barrel, press Q, and now place another barrel and you're gonna Q that barrel.
04:47And then after that, I think you just take your reset and you take your L no matter what.
04:50Because you can just ult the wave if it's really that bad. Now let's get out of here. Leave.
04:55Just because we know Viego's top side and you also have the IG and the Baust FFS.
04:58Alright, you're right. I ulti here.
05:01Yeah, you can ulti if he's not pushing it.
05:04We're not buying Trinity. No.
05:06What are we buying?
05:08I'm gonna tell you what we're gonna buy, but we gotta get some gold first.
05:09Fair enough.
05:11So I spam Qs on minions here for extra gold.
05:13You have infinite mana? Yeah, you can do whatever you want.
05:15This is where it's fun because you have mana flow, you literally get to do whatever you want.
05:19You can just be in that last push.
05:21What we can do is we can put a barrel on the whole wave and you can auto each caster minion once to prep it.
05:26Or just place two barrels and Q. Yeah, that's good.
05:29He was.
05:31Yeah, right now your trades are still gonna do nothing.
05:34So if you get ganked here, it's fu- Oh, okay.
05:36Nah, nah. Should I? Can I?
05:37Yeah, you can. You have cull, you have cull.
05:39Just do the same thing you did. Barrel the whole wave once with an auto, not a Q, an auto.
05:43And now place another barrel, hit a melee minion.
05:45Good! Yo, good shit.
05:47Damn! You like that?
05:49Now we walk through jungle. Yeah, that was good. Look bot lane, look bot lane.
05:51Is Viego low? Is Viego low?
05:53Ult that!
05:55It's a solar bug ult! What the fuck, man?
05:58Oh my god.
06:00I thought it was Sona. I didn't think it was Viego.
06:03Alright, Q the second melee minion and auto the first.
06:05Q the second.
06:07So the reason why you Q it and then you place a barrel and auto it.
06:10Yeah, auto it once and then the next one is fully prepped.
06:12Just die first. Die first.
06:14I don't get it. I don't get it. What are you saying?
06:16Q, Q, Q, Q, Q. No!
06:18Barrel, auto Q. Barrel, auto Q.
06:20No! Oh my god, we missed the timing. It's alright.
06:22You're stressing me out. What do you mean Q second minion?
06:25What does that mean? What does it matter?
06:27Oh, so in a minion wave, right, there's the first minion, there's the second, there's the seventh minion, right?
06:33You Q the second minion that is coming.
06:36Why does it matter?
06:38If you Q the first minion, it takes longer to clear the wave entirely because you need to still auto attack the minion.
06:46That's to farm it entirely.
06:48That was the difference between you getting the whole wave and dying or not.
06:54Alright, here's what I want you to do, Baus. Q this barrel.
06:56Let's see if our damage is high.
06:58Oh, I did it. Wow, I one-shot that guy.
07:00That's why you buy the pickaxe, yeah.
07:02You can actually do that from level 7 if you don't have D shield, but we needed it against Sion.
07:07So let's do the same thing. You can Q and melee.
07:11Yeah, that's fine.
07:13Yeah, we fuck him up.
07:15Alright, place two barrels on top of each other.
07:17Like two barrels on top of each other and Q.
07:19That's to get a double passive. It's alright. Don't worry about it.
07:22He only has HP. Yeah, you can...
07:24Run away, run away, run away, run away.
07:26Don't barrel the whole wave yet.
07:28Actually, you can. Never mind.
07:30I was going to say you need absolute focus, but you're level 9, so you're fine.
07:32We one-shot the whole wave. Yep.
07:35Oh boy. Nice.
07:43You can barrel defensively because you already have one barrel to one-shot the whole wave, so you can place one defensively.
07:48You know he wants that. What is he doing?
07:50He's trolling. He's not going to kill you.
07:54He's trolling.
07:58Q flash.
08:00Oh, this is stressful.
08:02Viego's going to dive you. We're going to have to leave.
08:04No, I win it. I win it. I feel it on my side.
08:07Okay, you win it. You're him, you're him, you're him. Okay.
08:11Okay, then you're going to have to...
08:13Don't barrel the wave then.
08:15Barrel the low HP person, but...
08:17I cleared the wave.
08:19Yeah, that's fine.
08:21Sit on a barrel. This recall is not going through.
08:23Sit on a barrel. Sit on a barrel. Sit on a barrel.
08:25Bro, the recall would have hella went through, by the way.
08:26I don't give a fuck. You said you're him. Let's prove it.
08:28Prove it?
08:30Now my Fiddlesticks is dead. What do you mean?
08:32Oh, and then this guy's here as well.
08:35What is he doing?
08:37You're him. You're him. Let's go.
08:39Let's go. You're him.
08:41That's why you're the god.
08:43That's what I'm saying. Fuck out of my lane.
08:46We're not recalling. We see our cold stacks.
08:48Eight cold stacks. We're staying.
08:50All right. We can green a little bit.
08:52Yeah, yeah, yeah. You could barrel him, and he's dead.
08:57Why am I dealing zero damage?
09:01Dude, what the fuck is your problem?
09:03You have like 5k gold in your inventory. We're fine.
09:05Why do I do zero damage with 3,000 gold in my inventory? I don't know, man.
09:10You wanna die for the next wave? I'm down.
09:12Should I? Do I have to die for it?
09:14Yeah, why the fuck not? You got two cold stacks. It's a good death.
09:16I don't think I gotta die, though.
09:18Auto the melees one more time, because that's not gonna kill.
09:20Yep, nope. One more time. Now you go.
09:22All right, get out of here.
09:23The reason why you do that as well, you wanna know your spike?
09:27Your spike is gonna be your crit item. Oh my god.
09:32Yeah, you're on your own for this one, buddy.
09:36Okay, you're very close to your first ult upgrade.
09:39Which upgrade am I going?
09:41Your ult upgrade that you're gonna get, Fire at Will.
09:43That one is literally gonna make your ult deal double damage.
09:46Your ult will deal double damage, and it'll do it faster.
09:48Look at Fiddle. Look at Fiddle.
09:50Can you walk to this, maybe? You have nothing to do top lane.
09:53You might as well walk.
09:54I can walk.
09:55It's already done. Yeah, it's already done.
09:58They're gonna go on me.
10:00Can I win it?
10:02You can win this, yeah. You're in. Let's go.
10:05Ult. Ult and place your barrel down.
10:07Auto Q. Auto Q.
10:08Come on.
10:09Good job.
10:10That's a shutdown. Let's go.
10:11That's a big fucking shutdown.
10:13That was a lot of damage, no? That's why you buy the crit cloak.
10:15Damn, we're cool.
10:16Fire at Will.
10:18How important is weaving in these passive auto attacks?
10:20I see you do that all the time.
10:21I'm not very good at it.
10:24If you're against anybody who has more than, like, the base HP.
10:28Anybody who has more HP than an AD carry, it's pretty important, I'd say.
10:34So, against this Sion, you're not gonna kill him by just barrel, barrel, barrel.
10:38You're gonna need to get some passives, too.
10:46They just hit the vision plant.
10:48They might be going on you.
10:49Maybe we can TP mid and fight.
10:51You see how they're on their tower?
10:52Can we TP to that left ward?
10:54Oh, boy.
10:57They might TP.
10:58Oh, okay.
10:59Yeah, I'm fucking done.
11:00Oh, wow. Look at this flank.
11:01Yeah, if we TP to that other...
11:02Okay. We have the flank. We have the flank.
11:06Let's go. Auto one.
11:07And now Fizz. Fizz. Fizz.
11:11I like the vision. I saw the vision there.
11:14No way Fizz lives, though.
11:15I did pretty good, though, right?
11:17Yeah, that was good.
11:18I think we could have just TP'd, like, earlier instead of walking through river.
11:22But that was really good stuff.
11:24Level 13.
11:25Damn, I really wanted you to go to AP GP game, but, I mean, a crit game will do.
11:28That'll do.
11:29Walk through the bushes.
11:30Your champ is still very squishy as fuck, so...
11:32If Sion shows up, can I 1v1 him?
11:34Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
11:35Okay, I'm gonna try it.
11:39It's time.
11:41Let's go.
11:42You have one barrel up right now.
11:44I actually, actually ran away in terror.
11:50Yeah, okay.
11:53I'm trolling right now.
11:54Uh-huh, yeah.
11:55I see you're hiding in the tower.
11:56I like that from you.
11:58Auto once, walk back to Nexus, auto again.
12:01I like that.
12:04I'm focusing on hitting these fucking barrels all the time, dude.
12:07They don't have it warded.
12:08They don't have it warded.
12:09Ult first.
12:10Whatever you do, ult first, and that helps your game out.
12:12And then you can barrel.
12:13Yeah, let's go.
12:14Can we get that dragon?
12:20Let's try it.
12:21That would have hit if that wasn't there.
12:23They have vision of you.
12:24You got this.
12:25Play this like a beast.
12:28You win this.
12:29You win this.
12:30Place a barrel down.
12:31Win the barrel, because you're him.
12:32Yeah, he's dead.
12:33Come on.
12:34Alright, 1k.
12:35Place a barrel.
12:37Barrel, and then do another barrel.
12:38Use your ulti.
12:39Use everything.
12:40They're coming after you.
12:41Use everything.
12:42We got that.
12:43Hey, that's...
12:44Hey, I got it, though.
12:45I got it.
12:46You got it.
12:47That guy had a 1k gold bounty, and you fucked him up.
12:50I did.
12:51Do you need to look bot with your ult?
12:52Is some shit happening, or is it all fake?
12:55Oh my god.
12:57Nah, you make me look bot.
13:00Wait, I killed him.
13:02If I ulted, he would have died.
13:05Yeah, yeah, yeah.
13:06If you weren't busy complaining, you still would have killed him.
13:08I'm looking bot.
13:09You're telling me to look bot, and I'm getting assassinated by Fizz.
13:12Hey, but are you my grandma?
13:13Why do we need 30 minutes to look bot lane?
13:17What do you mean?
13:18You should be able to just check it, and be like, nah.
13:20My bad.
13:25Oh my god, my crits.
13:27I'm gonna be sitting in a bush here.
13:29I'm taking this bush.
13:30I think they would have vision there, no?
13:33This is gonna work.
13:36I messed it up.
13:37I messed it up.
13:38You would have killed him.
13:39Yeah, you would have killed him.
13:40If I auto-Q-auto, it would be good.
13:42I auto...
13:45It's alright.
13:46I'm stressed.
13:47I started stressing.
13:51We're gonna lose.
13:52Oh my god.
13:53Nah, you guys can...
13:55He might die.
13:58And now, as Gangplank, all of the what-ifs start going in your head.
14:02Oh my god, if I didn't fuck up that combo.
14:11Oh my god.
14:14I'm gonna go get my ulti upgrade.
14:15Is it the other cannon barrage now?
14:17Because your teammates are really bad, let's get the movement speed one.
14:19It'll make the game easier to play.
14:20Whenever you don't have a frontline, the movement speed one helps out a lot.
14:25There, he's coming.
14:28Okay, your barrel's ready.
14:30Use your ult right off the beginning.
14:35You might have to flash.
14:37Oh yeah.
14:39Oh yeah.
14:40Oh my god.
14:41Let's go.
14:43Good, good, good.
14:45Can we kill the Sion first?
14:46Don't freak out.
14:47Viego can take your body.
14:49I'm going for it.
14:51Flank, flank, flank, flank.
14:52Go for it.
14:53Yes, I'm down.
14:54I'm down.
14:55Over the wall.
14:56Over the wall.
14:57They take their recalling.
15:00That's you.
15:01That's you.
15:02Oh my god.
15:03Come on.
15:04Come on.
15:05Let's go.
15:06What is happening?
15:07You baron.
15:08Good shit.
15:09That was kind of clean.
15:10I ulted.
15:12Nah, that was clean.
15:13That was so clean.
15:14That was good, bro.
15:15That was good.
15:16Do you never upgrade your boots?
15:20I actually sell my dirt bags for Yomu's.
15:23The only boots I get, I mean Swifties and Lucidity are both good on GP because Lucidity
15:29gives you movement speed to upgrade if you land a barrel.
15:33You win this.
15:34You win this.
15:36Ult first.
15:37Ult first so we know where Viego is.
15:38Auto-Q that Viego and he dies.
15:39He's dead.
15:40He's dead.
15:41He's dead.
15:43He's dead.
15:44He's dead still.
15:45There you go.
15:46And Sion's dead too.
15:48They committed all that.
15:49I think if we ulted at the beginning, he would have died there.
15:51That was the difference it looked like.
15:52Maybe right.
15:53He has no E. He has no E up.
15:55Ah, they saw it.
15:56They saw it.
15:57Try to buy time for your shield, Bo.
16:01If you can.
16:02He could be...
16:03He's gonna go to that first bush and probably ult the bush so just be careful.
16:07Okay, he's leaving.
16:08He's leaving.
16:09Ready to triple passive him.
16:11Yeah, auto-Q.
16:13Then auto-Q.
16:14Another barrel.
16:17We need to get another barrel down.
16:19I need help.
16:20No, you're fine.
16:21You got two flashes out.
16:22Barrel and then Q.
16:23Nice try, Ornn.
16:24Okay, but look at what you got before Baron spawn.
16:25You got Twitch flash out and you got Twitch flash.
16:26And you got Fizz killed.
16:27And Fizz died.
16:28Let's go.
16:29Yeah, you're right.
16:30This game.
16:31This game.
16:32This game.
16:33This game.
16:34This game.
16:35This game.
16:36This game.
16:37This game.
16:38This game.
16:39This game.
16:40This game.
16:42Yeah, I got E.
16:43This E was good.
16:44No, you're right.
16:45This was okay.
16:46You're right.
16:47You're right.
16:48Twitch is bot.
16:49You guys should make this call.
16:50Viego is on his camps.
16:51Go Baron.
16:52Go Baron.
16:53I'm going.
16:55Now it might be later.
16:56Now it's late.
16:57Now it's late.
16:58This is your call, Baka.
16:59This is your call.
17:00Don't start it.
17:02Just burn it burn it burn it.
17:04It's my call.
17:05Burn it burn it burn it.
17:06Now another barrel.
17:07Now another barrel.
17:08Another barrel.
17:09Another barrel.
17:11and try to get out.
17:12You're the bodyguard for your teammates.
17:15They're coming.
17:18Okay, we can TP out of this or recall,
17:20or we can just choose to fight that.
17:21That looked winnable.
17:23Wait, it actually kind of looked winnable.
17:25Nah, I'm dipping.
17:26Yeah, wait, this looks...
17:27Yeah, push the wave and then reset or TP, either one.
17:30Maybe we...
17:31They are.
17:32We can melt this Ion.
17:33Okay, okay, portal.
17:37Big damage!
17:38Let's go!
17:39Come on!
17:401,600 crits.
17:42Yes, without gathering storm, by the way.
17:45Oh my God.
17:46Can I do this?
17:47Yeah, you one-shot it,
17:48but they are gonna come after you.
17:49Just wait for people to spawn.
17:50Wait for people to spawn.
17:51Sona's up to two, Viego's dead for 50.
17:53You're right.
17:53Again, your job isn't to do the objective, though.
17:55Your job is the bodyguard.
17:56Okay, kill the Rakan.
17:57Yeah, fuck that Rakan up.
18:00Oh my God.
18:01Sion spam-pinging Rakan right now.
18:04Sion spam-pinging Rakan.
18:07Why the fuck isn't my support coming, man?
18:11Oh my God.
18:12You still have Yomu's up.
18:13You can use the Yomu's to get a combo off.
18:15I just can't kill you.
18:16You have shield bow and Sona.
18:19We have two waves,
18:20one to two waves on Baron.
18:21We play that.
18:22They're going.
18:22I hear you, ult, ult, ult.
18:23Yep, good barrel.
18:24Get your barrel ready.
18:25If Viego takes Sona, he's dead.
18:27Yep, he's done.
18:28Barrel again.
18:30Nice, good shit.
18:31Come on!
18:32That barrel you landed on the Sona was huge.
18:34You're good.
18:35No, you're good, you're good.
18:36Fucking sucks.
18:39Use your orange and just barrel.
18:41Just be careful though,
18:42of where the other people are.
18:44Big barrel.
18:44Come on!
18:47I think that's game.
18:48That might be game.
18:49Yeah, it's game.
18:50Oh my God, you died to the thing!
18:52What the fuck is a champion?
18:54All right, buy Trinity.
18:54No, buy Trinity so you look like a Giga Chad,
18:57like you're full build and everything.
18:58Like, yeah, I played a six item gang playing game.
19:04Let's go.
19:05Even Linax OPGG.
19:07Just want to look at your overall damage
19:09and then I want to look at the damage your runes did.
19:10I'm sure your Comet probably did like 2,200 damage.
19:14That was a nice performance, bro.
19:16I don't think I've, I don't know.
19:17I don't think I've ever felt so like,
19:20bro, Gangplank is so fucking fun.
19:22What is that?
19:2357K damage.
19:25And now check the runes.
19:27Check the runes.
19:27I just want to check the runes real quick.
19:29Yeah, I said 2,200 damage.
19:31Yeah, 2,300.