Sed De Venganza Capitulo 85 en HD Completo Sed De Venganza Capitulo 86 en HD Completo Sed De Venganza Capitulo 85 en HD Completo Sed De Venganza Capitulo 85 en HD Completo Sed De Venganza Capitulo 85 en HD Completo
Short filmTranscript
00:09I just hope the judge gives a verdict immediately.
00:13Things aren't going as fast as we'd like, Ana.
00:16Well, it shouldn't take too long.
00:18What he did is more than clear.
00:20What can the judge say in his favor?
00:23That he's crazy.
00:27We have to go in.
00:29Ana, think about what you're going to say before you testify.
00:45When I entered the room, she was suffocating him with a pillow.
00:50I tried to stop it, but it was too late.
00:55She was the one who told them to drug me.
01:00And she took advantage of that to blame me.
01:07She made him believe that Eugenio Beltrán
01:09had sent someone to kill my grandmother
01:11to prevent her from saying what Ana Del Pino
01:14had just told him in the clinic where she was held.
01:19I'm innocent.
01:22I'm not guilty.
01:25I would've never hurt Manuela González
01:29if I had a fondness for her.
01:32That recording you're seeing was made to frame me.
01:40I begged Manuel not to do it and to go to the police.
01:46I knew that if he'd looked for Fernanda,
01:48she would've killed him.
01:51When I confronted her a few days ago,
01:54she started crying and apologized.
01:57Then she admitted her guilt.
02:00Then she hit him, lost her mind, and tried to kill him.
02:11I hurt Francisco.
02:17It was just a love affair.
02:20How could I want to kill the man
02:24who says I'm the love of his life?
02:30She's a truly impossible woman.
02:34But she knows that every time she opens her mouth,
02:36she vomits garbage.
02:41What's next?
02:43The judge has to study the evidence
02:45and in a few days, he'll decide the sentence.
02:48I just hope they don't come out with surprises this time.
02:51With all the money that bastard has...
02:53No, it won't do him any good.
02:55We have to think positively.
02:57We have to trust the legal system.
03:00What about the part that belongs to Fernanda's company?
03:05That's another problem we'll have to deal with.
03:10We have to find a solution that suits us both.
03:14Fernanda is no longer in a position to be demanding.
03:17We can't have our mother's killer as a partner.
03:22That woman has been a disgrace in our lives.
03:25I'm going to talk to her.
03:29Let's see, Richard.
03:31We want to avoid complications.
03:34But if Fernando gets difficult,
03:36we're going to have to proceed legally to solve the problem.
03:41Mr. Del Pino's wife is the biological daughter
03:44of Eugenio Beltran and Fernanda Rios.
03:47We would proceed legally to fight for their rights
03:51over the inheritance he left them.
03:57They can fight all they want.
03:59What are those jerks waiting for?
04:01For him to give them the shares?
04:03They just said they wanted to reach an agreement.
04:06The only arrangement that could suit me is for them to rot.
04:10I'm not going to make any deals with anyone.
04:13Besides, those shares are going to be yours, aren't they?
04:18Or not?
05:38Hurry, take your clothes off.
05:40We're doing this out of necessity.
05:42My daughter is sick.
05:44Hurry, hurry!
06:54Come here.
06:59Get dressed.
07:00I want to feel very awake.
07:05Alonso, please, this is crazy.
07:08Why don't we break up?
07:10Shut up.
07:14Shut up and let us do our thing.
07:19You can't force me to do something I don't want.
07:23It disgusts me.
07:29And didn't it disgust you to mutilate me?
07:37Did you think I didn't know?
07:41Oh, Tania, you're...
07:44You're so stupid.
07:48You weren't careful when you opened your mouth and I heard you.
07:58It was you, you bastard.
08:02You ruined my life.
08:06You've made me the most unhappiest man on earth.
08:11And no.
08:15No, my love.
08:18We'll never break up.
08:21Because you and I, we'll get married forever.
08:26And believe me, I'll make you pay for everything you did to me.
08:32I swear, I swear.
08:35I'll make sure you're unhappy every day of your useless life.
08:40Useless life, huh?
08:44Or you'll go to jail.
08:47And you'll stay in this jail.
08:55I told you.
09:01I don't want to lose you either.
09:19Not bad, right?
09:21If he sees me passing by his side, he wouldn't recognize me, right?
09:26Everything is ready to get her out of the country.
09:29I recommend that we go to Fort Lauderdale airport right now.
09:33No, I don't want to leave loose ends.
09:36It's stupid what he wants to do.
09:38Why risk it?
09:40I can get someone to take care of those little things.
09:43No, that's something I have to do alone.
09:46I wouldn't enjoy it otherwise.
09:48Why do you think I asked for the gun, lawyer?
09:53Do you have the car keys I asked for?
09:56What a fool.
10:05Hey, hey, hey, are you deaf or what?
10:10Elma? What are you doing here?
10:13And where is the inmate?
10:16Code 3, code 3, code 3.
10:19After leaving Ana at school, I came to the house.
10:23I want to start tidying up my room and choose what I don't need anymore.
10:27And you?
10:32I want to start tidying up my room and choose what I don't need anymore.
10:35And who is with you?
10:37Nobody. Tania must be in her store and Alonso I think went to the gym.
10:42I'm still here in the office.
10:44I already emptied it to make Sebastian available.
10:47Surely he will occupy it with us.
10:49Not anymore.
10:51Leaving here, I'm going to see you, okay?
10:53Yes, my love.
10:55I'll wait for you here.
11:30Thank you very much. Have a nice day.
11:54Lawyer, how are you?
11:58I have bad news.
11:59I'm at the police station and Fernanda Rios ran away.
12:07When they were on their way to jail, she exchanged clothes with one of the security guards.
12:11I don't understand how that is possible.
12:13They bribed the whole team that was in charge of her transfer.
12:16But don't worry, they are already looking for her.
12:19Elisa is alone at home. I'm going there right now.
12:21Please arrange for a patrol to come to watch.
12:24The safest thing is that Fernanda is far away.
12:27But we can't take risks.
12:29If anything happens, let me know. I'm going there.
13:59I'm trying to contact Elisa, but she doesn't answer me.
14:12Why does she close the doors of the house?
14:14They always leave everything open in that house.
14:16Well, maybe she ran out looking for help. I don't know.
14:22Marcelo, that woman is crazy and I have a bad feeling.
14:25I don't know how to explain it to you.
14:26Look, I already told the lawyer to send a patrol to the house.
14:30Hey, if you want, I'll catch up with you there and let Sebastian know.
14:33Yes, yes, yes. Okay, I'll let you know.
15:56No, no, no, no.
16:27Don't you be happy to see me?
16:30I couldn't leave without saying goodbye.
16:34Fernanda, I'm going to be the last face you'll see before you die.
16:56I love you.
17:26I love you too.
17:56I love you too.
18:27I love you.
18:29I love you too.
18:56Fernanda, Fernanda, Fernanda, where is Elisa?
19:26Elisa, Elisa, Elisa.
19:56Elisa, Elisa.
20:26Elisa, Elisa, Elisa.
20:56Elisa, Elisa, Elisa.
21:14Come here.
21:15I love you so much.
21:16I love you so much.
21:17I love you so much.
21:18I love you so much.
21:19I love you so much.
21:20I love you so much.
21:21I love you so much.
21:22I love you so much.
21:23Don't say that to me.
21:25No, no, no, there's no one at home, it's urgent.
21:26Go there.
21:27Yes, he lost a lot of blood, but I'll let you know any news.
22:18Hands on the steering wheel!
22:19Hands up!
22:22Hands up!
22:23Don't you move.
22:24Put your...hand up.
22:26Don't move.
22:27Put it in the area.
22:31Get up.
22:32Club, get her out.
22:35Get down.
22:36Get down!
22:39Don't you frickin' move.
22:43Get up!
22:45Get up!
22:51We have a lead.
23:10The good thing is that they caught Fernanda.
23:12I hope she gets locked up.
23:14If the police don't get there in time
23:17and Francisco gets there...
23:18No, they could've killed Francisco.
23:20And who knows where that woman was?
23:24That woman has to be executed today.
23:28Oh my God.
23:30Why wasn't I with her?
23:33Calm down.
23:52No, don't worry.
23:54Rest, don't make an effort.
23:56You have to recover, you're going to be fine, you'll see.
24:01No, don't worry about her.
24:04They arrested her.
24:05Look, I promise you that she will never mess with us again.
24:09You rest and recover, you're going to be fine.
24:27I already knew what you did.
24:29You need to be very stupid.
24:51Elisa has woken up.
24:53Oh, that's good.
24:54She's stable.
24:57The doctor says she's going to be fine.
25:01She just has to rest.
25:13I warned you not to take unnecessary risks.
25:16Find a way to get me out of here.
25:21After everything that happened, you will be more than watched.
25:26You looked for it, I did my part.
25:29No, no.
25:30There's nothing else I can do.
25:32There are always ways.
25:33There are always ways.
25:35Look for a last resort.
25:38You're a lawyer.
25:39There are things you can do.
25:44Now all that remains is to wait.
25:46It is to set the date of your execution.
25:54In case you are interested in knowing,
25:56I called the hospital in which Elisa Del Pino was taken.
26:01And they told me she was going to be fine.
26:10If I killed her?
26:13If I shot her?
26:17It was me, Fernanda.
26:26It was me, Fernanda.
26:57The things you've forced me to do lately are disgusting.
27:01Don't play the saint.
27:03I know you love them.
27:08I should never have allowed you to come to my house.
27:11We had to leave the house, Tania.
27:14Besides, you're my wife.
27:16Where did you want me to go?
27:18To hell.
27:19That's where you have to go.
27:20Don't talk like that.
27:23You're taking a beating, Tania.
27:26If you put a finger on me again, I'll report you.
27:46Claudia Flores.
27:52Would you accept to be my wife?
27:56Of course, my king.
28:00Of course.
28:11I can't believe it.
28:13It's beautiful.
28:16Are you serious?
28:19What are those questions?
28:22It's a little diamond I found with a lot of love.
28:25My first diamond.
28:27How crazy I was.
28:30Well, now let's plan the wedding.
28:34In a month.
28:36When the house is ready.
28:38God bless you, Nachito.
28:40God bless you.
28:43I'll always make you happy.
28:55We plan to go with Brenda tomorrow.
28:58We'll wait for Francisco, Elisa, Fermin, Erika, the baby.
29:03The idea is that they stay in a hotel until the move arrives.
29:07I just hope not to find compromising things in that apartment.
29:19I already sent them out.
29:28They arrested Richards.
29:30Fernanda's lawyer.
29:33They began to investigate and discovered that he was the one who helped her escape.
29:37And also that he was transferring part of the money he left behind in his personal accounts.
29:42How can there be so many dirty and corrupt people?
29:46Well, there's always more good people than bad, right?
29:50And good always ends up winning.
30:11This is the last dinner.
30:13He could have asked for something special, but he didn't want to.
30:29I'm sorry.
32:40If you want to keep the money,
32:44do it.
32:47If you don't want the money,
32:50throw it away.
32:53Do whatever you want with it.
32:56I'll keep it.
33:01You don't have to give me anything.
33:03I know, but...
33:06I can't keep it.
33:13Everything you have belongs to your daughter.
33:21She's fighting for the inheritance.
33:26If you want a blue sky,
33:30what's it going to cost you?
34:05Shh, shh, shh, shh.
34:08Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.
34:19Admit that to be moving out of the country,
34:23I'm not getting married.
34:25Well, yes, we're going to be leaving anyway.
34:28You know that.
34:29I was told that my furniture has arrived at the customs office in Mexico.
34:33So I hope to be receiving them in our new house soon.
34:37I don't like that they hear us.
34:40We had to bring a lot of things.
34:42We should have brought what was necessary.
34:44No way they would throw them away, right?
34:46Besides, there are some that bring me very good memories.
34:51Three weeks.
34:54It's the big wedding.
34:56Don't tell me, I get very nervous.
35:02My parents would be so happy.
35:05You would be the son-in-law of their dreams, my love.
35:09Well, you know what?
35:11I don't know if I'm going to do it,
35:13but I am the man who loves you the most.
35:15I know, I know.
35:17That makes me very happy.
35:24Thank you very much. You can take it now.
35:32Well, now they took everything.
35:39It feels so strange to see the house empty.
35:44And Monterrey is not expected.
35:49I just hope Joseph doesn't get tired of Ana.
35:52She's too old to want to go to the execution.
35:55Well, you know how it is.
35:58Thank you for not going.
36:01I really think it would have been a terrible scene
36:04that would have stayed in your mind forever.
36:07What case would I have had?
36:09Well, seeing the person who killed my grandmother
36:13receive her punishment
36:15would not have taken away the pain I feel
36:18every time I think of her,
36:20every time I miss her,
36:22and I wouldn't have brought her back either.
36:28Manu was going to be in our hearts forever.
36:33What a shame, right?
36:35Those people who can't overcome their traumas,
36:40can't overcome all the damage they've done to them
36:43and become negative, bad people.
36:51I hope God forgives her.
36:54And that being in her presence,
36:56she manages to find the peace she could never have here.
37:02May God forgive her.
37:10Yes, of course. Let them know, please.
37:18I'll call you back. Bye.
37:21I could talk for a moment
37:23with the flamboyant president of the Pinot construction company.
37:27You're always welcome.
37:29And my baby too.
37:32I felt the urge to come see you.
37:36I didn't want to be alone.
37:39Is it because you're thinking about the execution?
37:42I feel ugly.
37:45I can't help it.
37:48Maybe you should have gone to see her yesterday.
37:51No. No, it wouldn't have been worse.
37:54I'm going to try to think that it never existed,
37:58that it was just a bad dream.
38:01I wouldn't like to fight for the inheritance,
38:03but I understand that it's important for the construction company.
38:08My whole world is you and our baby.
38:11Well, there are also your sisters,
38:14Brena, Claudia, Marcel, Fermin, Erica.
38:18They too.
38:20But the main thing will always be you and the children we have.
38:36I love you so much, my love.
38:38I love you too.
38:41I love you too.
38:57Did you wake up very early or what?
39:07What is this?
39:10My breakfast?
39:13Why isn't my breakfast ready, Tania?
39:16I have to go, so make my breakfast quick
39:19and take this with you, or you'll get fat.
39:52If you want to wait for me outside, there's no problem.
39:57I don't understand.
40:00I don't understand.
40:02Why do you want to see this?
40:07I need to see with my own eyes that woman is dead.
40:14It's kind of gloomy, isn't it?
40:17To be told that she was executed.
40:20I think that's enough.
40:24It's okay.
40:26It's not okay to hate a person so much.
40:31That woman turned me into a drug addict.
40:36She killed my mom, my nana.
40:40She locked me up in a clinic for 10 years.
40:44So yes, I hate her.
40:48A lot.
40:51And today, finally, after 10 years,
40:54after everything we've suffered,
40:57it's time for justice.
41:19My daughter, you need to put your soul at rest.
41:24Soon you'll be in the presence of the Lord.
41:33God doesn't exist.
41:37If what you're here to do is absorb my sins,
41:43I don't care.
41:47I don't regret killing you.
41:52I don't regret how much I've done.
41:57The other way around?
42:01I feel proud.
42:09There's no going back.
42:15After death, the light goes out.
42:23There's only darkness left.
42:28Everything goes out.
42:32In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
42:47In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
43:12In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
43:19Without the earth as it is today,
43:23what is our humanity going to be like?
43:32I've lived in this house all my life, I hope that when it is sold, the new owners have
43:49better luck.
43:50Well, yes, there were many bitter moments, but also here we met, here we fell in love,
44:01we fell in love for the first time.
44:07This sea that I have loved so much is a witness that today we close a chapter.
44:15Yes, but it is also a witness that we are going to start writing a new story, one without
44:21resentment, without thirst for revenge, and full of love.
44:51My name is Fernanda Rios.
45:20I was used and manipulated all my life, I made many mistakes because of that demon
45:27that they put inside me since I was a child, the demon that makes us feel remorse, my
45:33fear, my sadness, my loneliness, my cold, my heat, I became strong to be able to live
45:44and I am still strong to be able to die.