• 20 hours ago
Ruzgarli Tepe Episode 184 English Subtitles Ruzgarli Tepe Episode 185 English Subtitles Ruzgarli Tepe Episode 186 English Subtitles Ruzgarli Tepe Episode 184 English Subtitles Ruzgarli Tepe Episode 184 English Subtitles
00:02:04Can't fix it
00:02:08It's in the kitchen
00:02:14Took it
00:02:25Zeynep to choke Sevindimia olmana
00:02:28Işıl Işıl görünüyorsun
00:02:32Teşekkür ederim
00:02:34O zaman madem bana ihtiyaç kalmadı
00:02:37Size iyi eğlenceler o zaman
00:02:46Bu arada
00:02:52Zeynep'in vakti olmamıştır
00:02:54Ben taze çift için bir hediye düşünmüştüm takarsınız
00:03:02Çok düşüncelisin sağol
00:03:04Ama ben hazırlığımı yaptım
00:03:06Hediyemiz çantamda
00:03:19Ama yine de iyi düşünceler için sağol
00:03:21Rica ederim
00:03:22İyi geceler
00:03:23İyi geceler
00:03:53Halil'in yanına o kasabalı kız yakışmıyor ki
00:04:18Çok güçlü bir kız evladı yetiştirdin
00:04:21Farkında mısınız Zeynep'in gücünün
00:04:23Ne güzel
00:04:25Hep öyle kalır umarım
00:04:27Kalır kalır endişe etmeyin
00:04:29Ben yanında olduğum sürece kalır
00:04:32Zeynep eşi ve ailesi için her şeyi yakıp geçer
00:04:40Nikaha gitmediğinize göre
00:04:43Bu da burada kalmasın değil mi?
00:04:45Ağırlık yapar
00:04:47Ben zaten verecektim
00:04:49Siz benden önce davranmış bulundunuz
00:04:52İyi akşamlar
00:04:56İyi akşamlar
00:05:19Üçüncü kase oldu bu
00:05:21Orta yerimden çatladım çatlayacağım
00:05:24Kele çatlayıp ortalığı mı batıracaksın?
00:05:27Zehrini alacak bu yoğurt
00:05:29Gel bir tane daha vereceğim
00:05:33Böyle yoğurtla ayranla olacak şey mi bilemedim
00:05:36Hastaneye mi götürseydik?
00:05:38En mühim değil
00:05:39Hastane ne edecek?
00:05:41Hem senden âlâ hemşire mi olacak?
00:05:45Gözünü adamdan ayırmayayım
00:05:50Şu an hiç sizin seviyenize inemeyeceğim Kıymet Hanım
00:05:53Umut Bey'in yardıma ihtiyacı var
00:05:55Ve ben de elimden geleni yapacağım
00:06:09İyi olacak merak etme
00:06:12Bak lütfen yapma böyle
00:06:14Hasta olacaksın sonra
00:06:16Eren mahkemeye iki gün kaldı
00:06:18Olmuyor işte hatırlamıyor
00:06:24Yani aşkım hatırlayacak
00:06:26Bak en birliğine çalışıyoruz işte
00:06:29Ben gidip biraz dinleneceğim
00:06:32Kendimi hiç iyi hissetmiyorum
00:06:42Hadi bak sen devam et
00:07:14Seninle aynı havayı soğumak bile dünyamı güzelleştiriyor
00:07:18Burnuna çarpan koku benim yaşama sebebim
00:07:28Beni şaşırtmaya devam ediyorsun
00:07:33Söyledim ya
00:07:35Kağıt üstünde de evli olsak ben senin karınım
00:07:38Yanında olam gel
00:07:42Yani benim için değil
00:07:45Bu evlilik rolü için mi yanımdasın?
00:07:49Rol icabı değil
00:07:51İsteyerek geldim
00:07:58Sonuçta senin yanında olmamı
00:08:00Sana destek olmamı hak ediyorsun
00:08:04Yine başa mı döndük?
00:08:06Evliliğimizin kağıt üzerinde olduğunu mu hatırlatacak sürekli?
00:08:15Senden bile başım gözüm üstüne Zeynep
00:08:19Her halimi kabul etsin
00:08:21Sabırla bekleyeceğim bu kırgınlığının geçmesini
00:08:28Sana teslim oldum ben Ali
00:08:30Seninle olmanın her haini kabullendim
00:08:33Kırgın da olsam
00:08:35Sen her seferinde kalbimin bütün yüklerini omuzlarken
00:08:39Seni bırakmayacağım
00:08:41Benim için yaptıklarının sebebi ne olursa olsun
00:08:44Ben senden vazgeçmeyeceğim
00:09:11Bir de böyle nispet yapar gibi koluna girmeler bir havalar
00:09:15Neymiş efendim eşiyle gitmesi daha uygun olurmuş
00:09:19Eşi yakışırmış Halil'in yanına
00:09:21Ya sen kimsin?
00:09:23Sen Halil'i yanında nasıl taşıyacaksın ki bir kere?
00:09:27O annesi var ya o Tülay
00:09:30Bir hamlede çekip aldı broşu yakamdan
00:09:33Hayır ben eminim
00:09:35Zeynep'i o banyoda o annesi çıkardı
00:09:39Söyledim sana
00:09:41Bir an bile yalnız bırakmıyor kızını
00:09:43Ya yüzündeki ifadeyi görmen lazımdı
00:09:46Böyle ben kazandım der gibiydi
00:09:50Her zaman ben kazanırım der gibiydi
00:09:53Benim bugüne kadar bütün planlarım Tülay yüzünden çöktü
00:09:57Eğer o olmasaydı
00:09:59Ben çoktan postalamıştım o kasaba güvercinini
00:10:03Hadsiz kadın
00:10:06Neyse sen de Tülay'la tanışmış oldun
00:10:11Ee bir planın var diyordun anlatsana
00:10:16Var aklımda bir şeyler
00:10:19Sırası gelince anlatırım
00:10:26Bu senin tansiyon ilacındı değil mi?
00:10:29Evet niye sordun?
00:10:41Şifa olsun Songül teyzecim
00:10:44İyiyim ben gerek yok ki
00:10:46Var var
00:10:48Gerek var
00:10:50Sen bunu içeceksin
00:10:52Sonra rahatsızlanacaksın
00:10:55Biz de Halil'i arayacağız
00:10:57Rahatsızlandığını söyleyeceğiz
00:11:01İstiyorsan şurada sabaha kadar oturalım
00:11:05Tülay ve Zeynep hakkında konuşalım
00:11:08Bu bize ne kazandıracak?
00:11:10Ancak harekete geçersek kazanabiliriz
00:11:31Kenara çekebilir misin?
00:11:35Bir problem mi var?
00:11:37Bir şey yapmam gerekiyor
00:12:00Mendil'in hafif yukarıda durması gerekirken içine düşmüş
00:12:30Böyle çok daha iyi
00:12:41Aynen böyle çok daha iyi
00:12:52Bakışlarındaki sevdaya teslim olmak istiyorum
00:12:56Gerçek olsun istiyorum
00:13:00Telefon çalıyor
00:13:16Efendim Gözde
00:13:18Halil Songül teyze fenalaştı sizden sonra
00:13:22Ben de ne yapacağımı bilemedim
00:13:24Tamam telaş yapmayın
00:13:29Ben aile doktorunu arayayım o gelsin
00:13:34Biz de gelelim çiftliğe
00:13:36Doktordan önce geliriz merak etmeyin
00:13:40Ne oldu Halil?
00:13:42Teyzem fenalaşmış çiftliğe dönüyoruz
00:13:59Teyzemin iyisi arkadaşı
00:14:04Hayatıyla ilgili bildiğim tek şey bu
00:14:08Bir de reçeller
00:14:11Daha fazla detay lazım
00:14:16Ailesinin arkadaşlarını falan bulursam
00:14:20Belki hatırlar bir şeyler
00:14:29Suat'ı neydi?
00:14:33Umut Çekmece
00:14:40Bir haber buldum galiba
00:14:43Hem de daha yeni
00:14:50Nasıl olur?
00:14:58Uysal görüntüsünün altında tehlikeli bir suçlu yatıyor
00:15:02Umut Çekmece kurbanlarının çeşitliği haberle kandırarak
00:15:05Ahına düşürüyor
00:15:12Fotoğrafı yok mu?
00:15:16Yok ama görebildiğim ifadeleri var
00:15:19Yüzünde melek gibi bir ifade vardı
00:15:23Uysal, kibar
00:15:27Kendi halini de sandım
00:15:42Doktor bey
00:15:44Durumu nedir teyzem?
00:15:46Telaşa gerek yok, tansiyonu düşmüş
00:15:48Ara ara herkesin başına gelir
00:15:50O zaman hastaneye gitmemize gerek kalmadı
00:15:54Yok yok, yediklerine dikkat etsin yeterli
00:15:57İlaç yazacağım, alıp hemen bağışlayın
00:15:59Kısa sürede toparlar
00:16:01Ben bir tuzlu ayran yapayım, iyi gelir
00:16:04Yorma kendini Zeynepciğim
00:16:08İlaçlar yeter bana
00:16:12Tabii bizim tıbbi yöntemlerimizin yanında
00:16:14Böyle geleneksel müdahalelerde tedavilerimize yardımcı oluyor
00:16:18Zaten tuz dediğimiz şey sodyum klörür
00:16:20O da tansiyonu kısa sürede toparlayacaktır
00:16:23Çok iyi düşündünüz Zeynep Hanım
00:16:28İyi düşünmüşmüş
00:16:32Hemen hazırlayıp geliyorum o zaman
00:16:34Sağ ol
00:16:38Ben bu arada internetten nöbetçi eczanelere baktım
00:16:42Son Gül teyzemin ilaçlarını alabiliriz
00:16:45Cemil ilgilenir ilaç işiyle
00:16:48Sana zahmet bu gece teyzemin yanında kalırsan mutlu olurum
00:16:53Geçmiş olsun Son Gül Hanım
00:16:55Teşekkür ederim Doktor Bey
00:17:12Hayatım ne oldu anlatmayacak mısın?
00:17:32Ama sakin olacaksınız
00:17:35Söylesene kızım
00:17:37Eben neyse de teyzen yaşlı
00:17:41Allah korusun
00:17:49Aziz bir katilmiş
00:17:57İşte ben de böyle donup kaldım
00:18:06Bu kız mahpus korkusuyla hayal görüyorsa
00:18:10Kafa doktoru şart oldu
00:18:14İlahi senmiş
00:18:16Yani böyle sıkıntılı bir zamanda bile yüzümüzü güldürdün ya
00:18:20Aşk olsun teyze
00:18:22Bir dakika bir dakika
00:18:24Aşkım sen ne dediğinin farkında mısın?
00:18:28Nereden çıktı bu?
00:18:31Hayatına dair bir şeyler bulursam hatırlaması kolaylaşır diye araştırma yapıyordum
00:18:35Sonra internette bu haberi gördüm
00:18:44Bu adam seni mahkemeye verdi sana dava açtı
00:18:47Adli birimlerin elinde adı var
00:18:51Zaten her şey bir hafta on gün önce olmuş
00:18:53Farkındaysanız adam o zamandan beri de bizim yanımızda
00:18:57İnanmıyorsanız haberi göstereyim
00:19:02Ne yazıyor?
00:19:04Tehlikeli cani
00:19:08Melek yüzlü katil
00:19:57Dertleri karıyorum günleri saya saya
00:20:11Al beni kıyamam seni
00:20:16Pembe gül idim soldum
00:20:20Ak güne ibret oldum
00:20:27Pembe gül idim soldum
00:20:30Ak güne ibret oldum
00:20:46Keşke söylesen ki
00:20:48Seni korkutmak istemedim
00:20:58Sadece tüm dünya sesinle yakınlansın istedim
00:21:18Şu bakışlarındaki tedirginliği hissedeceğim söz veriyorum
00:21:29Bütün korkuların içinden alacağım seni
00:21:33Önüm yok
00:21:49Çocukken annem hep bundan yedirirdi bana korktuğum zaman
00:21:57Nasıl oluyordu bilmiyorum ama hep işe yarıyordu
00:22:02Deneyelim mi?
00:22:18Bu kızı Halil'in yanında görmeye katlanamıyorum
00:22:29Kusura bakmayın rahatsız etmedim değil mi?
00:22:47Gömleğini sileyim leke kalmasın
00:22:52Songül teyzenin ayranını almaya gelmiştim
00:22:57Ben getirecektim
00:22:59Zeynepciğim kusura bakmayın tekrar ben Songül teyze rahatsızlanınca ne yapacağımı bilemedim
00:23:07Sizin de programınızı akşamınızı berbat etmiş gibi oldum ama
00:23:11Bunu da sen yapma bari ben götüreyim olur mu?
00:23:16Ailem söz konusu olunca yorulmam zahmet gelmez bana
00:23:20Ailem, ailem teyze
00:23:45Şey acıkmışsındır bir şey yemedin sen
00:23:54Canın ne istiyor hazırlayayım
00:23:58Kara şimşek yapabilirsin mesela
00:24:07Kara şimşek ben onu hiç yemedim duymadım da
00:24:14Kara şimşek bazı yuvalarda az kömür az eşya az yiyecek olur
00:24:25O yuvadaki insanlar birbirini de sınırlar doyurlar
00:24:31Çatıları huzurdur
00:24:34İşte kara şimşek de o hanelerin yuvaların yemeğidir
00:24:40Sen şimdi böyle anlatınca ben daha çok merak ettim
00:24:45Birlikte yapalım o zaman
00:24:48Biz birlikte yemek yapacağız
00:25:10Emin ol yedikten sonra bir daha unutamayacaksın
00:25:40Altyazı M.K.
00:26:29Sana da
00:26:32Evet ne yapıyoruz şimdi
00:26:34İlk iş yeşil mercimek kaynatacağız
00:26:53Bana bırak
00:27:32Göz kararı
00:27:38Yeter mi
00:27:40Bize yeter
00:27:56Evet adli birimlerde adı var
00:27:58Ama demek ki bir yanlışlık oldu
00:28:00Zaten adam son günlerde hep bizim yanımızda
00:28:04Aklına uçup gelince
00:28:06Adil olduğunu unuttu
00:28:12Hatırladığın ne haber bize
00:28:17Hanımlar kolay mı öyle cinayet işlemek
00:28:20Sen onu karının teyzesine soracaksın
00:28:24Arayıp tarayıp koca adayının katil olanını buluyorsun
00:28:29Üstüme gelmeyin kıymet hanım
00:28:31Zaten çok korkuyorum
00:28:41Tamam sakin olun geçin şöyle
00:28:43Geç anne geç şöyle
00:28:45Ben şimdi ona dünyanın kaç bucak olduğunu gösteririm
00:28:47Aslan damı kurtar bizi
00:28:49Eren hayır
00:28:51Bir anda her şeyi hatırlayıp saldırıya geçebilir
00:28:53Kendini tehlikeye atmaya izin vermem
00:28:57Bu sefer gelin doğru söyleyeyim
00:29:03O zaman tek bir çözüm kalıyor
00:29:05Polisi aramak
00:29:07Ya siren seslerini duyunca katil olduğunu hatırlarsa
00:29:11Ve bize saldırırsa
00:29:13O zaman
00:29:15Bir belgeselde izlemiştim
00:29:17Bazı caniler tetiklenince tehlikeli olabiliyormuş
00:29:19Tetik mi çelkecikmiş
00:29:21Silahla mı öldürecek bizi
00:29:23Hayır tetiklenince dediğim
00:29:25Trauma yani
00:29:27Ben sana sonra anlatırım
00:29:29Bence önce etkisiz hale getirelim
00:29:31Sonra polisi arayalım
00:29:43Bahçe havası iyi geldi mi katil bey
00:29:45Ay Umut bey
00:29:47Yarım akıllı konuşmayı bilmiyor
00:29:49Katil de ne demek Allah korusun
00:29:51Şey demek istedi
00:29:55Aramıza katıl yani yalnız kalma
00:29:57Demek istedi
00:29:59İlginiz için çok teşekkür ediyorum
00:30:01Ama yoğurt biraz beni acıktırdı
00:30:03Ben size hemen yemek hazırlayayım o zaman
00:30:05Sizde şöyle oturun
00:30:07Gözünüzün önünde durun
00:30:09Siz zahmet etmeyin
00:30:11Ben şuradan bir kaşık pilav alsam yeterli
00:30:13Tabi tabi
00:30:15Tabaklar dolapta
00:30:21Dikkat et elin yanmış
00:30:25Benim kalbim yanıyor zaten Zeynep hanım
00:32:11Ben ne düşünceye kadar
00:32:15Sonunda sağlıcaz
00:33:07Sırada ne var
00:33:23İşte elin lezzetinde
00:33:25Yer tamda burası
00:33:49Karıştır karıştır karıştır güzelce
00:34:17Gül biraz eksik gibi geldi ama
00:35:17Bu kadar uyku ilacından sonra
00:35:21Kaş uykusuna yatmaz inşallah
00:35:23Uyku ilacı demedi uyuyacak
00:35:25Bu oyunlara gerek yok
00:35:29Ben şimdi onu bir yumurumla ele sereceğim
00:35:31Eren hayır
00:35:33Beni seviyorsan yapmayacaksın
00:35:35Tehlikeli bir katille karşı karşıyayız farkında mısın
00:35:39Yumruğa gerek yok damat
00:35:41Meyve suyunu içirsen yeter
00:35:43Çele uyanık
00:35:45Derki bu adamı
00:35:47Başımıza sen musallat ettin
00:35:49Sen içir iç
00:35:51Üstüme iyilik sağlık burada Eren dururken
00:35:53Oğlumu okullarda okutacağım diye
00:35:55Saçımı süpürge ettim ben
00:35:57Katillerin önüne mi atacağım
00:36:03Evimizde bir katil var
00:36:07Tamam sakin olun
00:36:11Ben şimdi şu meyve suyunu içireceğim
00:36:13Bu işleri son bulacak
00:36:19Stresten dilim damağım kurudu
00:36:21Al oğlum
00:36:23Al oğlum iç
00:36:25Senin vazifen zor
00:36:39Aşkım sakin ol
00:36:47Yok bir şey
00:37:19Müşir Abi
00:37:21Ketçap az kalmış
00:37:23Vurdum biraz çıkarmak için ama
00:37:27Sen kuru kuru yeme öyle
00:37:31Al meyve suyu
00:37:48Let's see.
00:38:06Now this is a meal with a story.
00:38:10Do you like it?
00:38:12Our hands are on top of the stove.
00:38:16Even if it's poison, it tastes like honey.
00:38:22I'm glad.
00:38:25Then, since we started a business,
00:38:29let's finish it, right?
00:38:36Let's clean the kitchen.
00:38:41You're done here.
00:38:59Now all you have to do is sit at my table and eat.
00:39:04Did you make me eat all kinds of food?
00:39:06What did you do?
00:39:08Actually, it's my duty to do these things as your wife.
00:39:13I'm your last duty, Ayşe.
00:39:16I'm waiting for the day your face will smile without getting bored.
00:39:21Come on, eat.
00:39:38I love you.
00:39:41I love you too.
00:40:08I love you.
00:40:33Enjoy your meal.
00:40:35Enjoy your meal too.
00:40:37Enjoy your meal.
00:40:44In the name of God.
00:40:50What happened? Is it too hot?
00:40:53It's true that I'm hot.
00:40:59After this meal, I will eat with my wife for the first time.
00:41:08Do you know I always miss her?
00:41:13But sometimes I miss someone else.
00:41:16May God have mercy on you.
00:41:18May your place be heaven.
00:41:24It's impossible for a mother to be as beautiful as she does.
00:41:30But I hope you like what we do.
00:41:32But I hope you like what we do.
00:41:38I wish my mother knew you.
00:41:43She would love you, you know?
00:41:48I would love to know her too.
00:42:01There is something missing on this table.
00:42:05It can't be like this.
00:42:14On a messy table, onion is a must.
00:42:20On a messy table, onion is a must.
00:42:39On a messy table, onion is a must.
00:42:46What happened? I'm looking at you, but you're busy, Zeynep.
00:42:49Is it funny?
00:42:51No, it's not funny.
00:42:53I liked it, you made me laugh.
00:42:56I'll remind you.
00:42:58You've been cooking onion for two years.
00:43:02You had a job in the village.
00:43:04Don't be silly.
00:43:05I'm not afraid.
00:43:16I think I'm lucky.
00:43:19If you want, I can tell you.
00:43:21You decide.
00:43:23Are you lucky or not?
00:43:25For example, the tip of the bread is shared with people who only use it.
00:43:36So it's the most delicious place.
00:43:38The second most delicious thing.
00:43:41Especially on these tables.
00:43:43You take the tip of the bread like this.
00:43:47You dip your favorite food nicely.
00:43:53You feed that special person.
00:43:59Look, this is a very royal gesture.
00:44:06I love you.
00:44:09I love you.
00:44:12I love you.
00:44:14I love you.
00:44:16I love you.
00:44:18I love you.
00:44:20I love you.
00:44:36I love you.
00:44:44Enjoy your meal.
00:44:46Are you eating black sunflower seeds?
00:44:49Don't I have it?
00:44:52How does this girl get out of the Ramadan?
00:44:54Besides, I don't know black sunflower seeds.
00:44:56How do you know?
00:45:03Sit down, I'll serve you.
00:45:17What is he doing here now?
00:45:22Halil, if you don't mind, I want to invite you to the farm.
00:45:32It was very important for me to return to Yeşilpınar.
00:45:35I will call people from the community and announce that I opened a clinic.
00:45:41Our farm's lady is Zeynep.
00:45:46You can consult such invitation organizations with her.
00:46:00Even if I don't like Gölte, I can't help but see Halil's kindness.
00:46:04There is an answer that suits you, Zeynep.
00:46:07Of course, why not?
00:46:09I do my best.
00:46:11You are so kind, dear.
00:46:15What do you mean?
00:46:19Miss Zeynep, Miss Zümrüt wants you.
00:46:24I don't want to leave Gözde alone with Halil.
00:46:27But I have to.
00:46:30Of course I'm coming.
00:46:40Let me help you.
00:46:57Enjoy your meal.
00:47:04Halil, I looked for a few places for the clinic, but I mean, your ideas are also very important to me.
00:47:12So Gözde, every corner of Yeşilpınar is precious and valuable to me.
00:47:19You take action accordingly.
00:47:21Enjoy your meal.
00:47:33Enjoy your meal.
00:48:00I'll take care of it.
00:48:03I'll take care of it.
00:48:16No, it's the other way around.
00:48:18It happened because of me. I'm so sorry.
00:48:21It doesn't matter. It's not a problem, brother.
00:48:23Is that possible?
00:48:25It happened because of me. I have to clean up.
00:48:28Brother, I said it doesn't matter. Okay, I'll take care of it.
00:48:30Will you stop running away? I'll finish the job right away.
00:48:33Don't run away.
00:48:35Don't run away. Stop.
00:48:37Don't run away. I'll take care of it. Don't run away.
00:48:39Don't come.
00:48:40Don't run away.
00:48:48My son.
00:48:49My son.
00:48:50Eren, are you okay? Open your eyes.
00:48:55Don't come close to me.
00:48:57What do you want from me?
00:48:59Don't come close to me.
00:49:04He's alive.
00:49:05He's alive.
00:49:06What will happen if he's wounded?
00:49:09I'll give my blood to my son.
00:49:11I'll give my blood until it runs out.
00:49:17It's not blood.
00:49:19He sprayed ketchup.
00:49:25If you're not going to shout, go over there.
00:49:28Leave the tents.
00:49:33Leave the tents.
00:50:09I can't breathe.
00:50:10I can't breathe.
00:50:11Let me go.
00:50:18Eren, I love you.
00:50:22Come here.
00:50:32When you get cold, I get cold too.
00:50:36When you get warm, I get warm too.
00:50:52When you get hurt, my heart hurts too.
00:51:03Cicek, my dear.
00:51:07I'm not in the mood to talk today.
00:51:10But we have to be quiet. Look, Ali is sleeping.
00:51:25I will eat this meal from my wife's house for the first time after my mother.
00:51:29I miss her all the time, you know?
00:51:30But sometimes I miss her differently.
00:51:39I know what I have to do.
00:51:44But I need a little help.
00:52:00I love you.
00:52:30I love you.
00:53:00Now you cover the bird so that I can sleep comfortably.
00:53:14As people love each other, they resemble each other.
00:53:20Right, Cicek?
00:53:31I love you.
00:53:39I love you too.
00:54:00I realized that your mother never had a photo in this house.
00:54:26I asked Hakan, he brought it from his family's house.
00:54:31I hope you are not angry.
00:54:44So every word I told you,
00:54:49every sentence has a response from you.
00:54:51You made me very happy.
00:54:59You made me very happy.
00:55:21You are welcome.
00:55:51Eren, open your eyes, please.
00:56:05Mr. Umut, my brother.
00:56:07My feet are broken.
00:56:09Don't you have any mercy?
00:56:13Oh, good-natured, pure-hearted Kıymet.
00:56:16You asked for mercy from the killer.
00:56:19Mr. Umut, leave that knife.
00:56:22The devil will fill it.
00:56:24You forced me to do this.
00:56:26Now don't make me open my mouth.
00:56:29Why did we force you?
00:56:31That jewel is in you.
00:56:35My late father used to say that I hold a very nice knife.
00:56:40He always wanted me to be a hunter.
00:56:48Who is my father?
00:56:51The head of the killer has come.
00:56:53What will he do?
00:56:55Leave it to me.
00:56:57Mr. Umut,
00:56:59your head has flown away.
00:57:02You remember it wrong.
00:57:04You hate kitchen work.
00:57:07You like to repair more.
00:57:09I don't know, heavy-duty motor or something.
00:57:12You like that kind of work.
00:57:18remember this talking style
00:57:21from somewhere.
00:57:23Long live, Mr. Umut.
00:57:26This woman is very attracted to you.
00:57:28If you know, take this.
00:57:30Wherever you go.
00:57:38wake up, please.
00:57:56Come in.
00:58:02Good morning.
00:58:04Good morning.
00:58:06The innocent reports of the last five years are complete.
00:58:09I started the investigation last week.
00:58:14But before that, I want to talk to you about an important issue.
00:58:18What is it?
00:58:27my family
00:58:29does everything for me in this life.
00:58:32You know that.
00:58:34And you
00:58:36helped Zeynep about my mother's photo.
00:58:41You reminded me once again
00:58:44that my precious family is a member.
00:58:48Zeynep and you have had very difficult days.
00:58:53Zeynep is trying to calm down.
00:58:55Whenever you need help,
00:58:57I'm with my sister-in-law.
00:59:05Come in.
00:59:10Good day.
00:59:12If you have time, can we talk a little bit, Halil?
00:59:15Of course, Ms. Tülay, let's talk.
00:59:26It's a private matter.
00:59:28Okay, no strangers between us.
00:59:34Okay, if you say so.
00:59:37The subject is Cengiz.
00:59:44Cengiz you poisoned Zeynep's field.
00:59:47What happened to him?
00:59:49He reached me.
00:59:51He's having a hard time finding a job.
00:59:53Even a little.
00:59:56Anyone who plays with the dreams of the woman I love
01:00:00even a little.
01:00:02You're right.
01:00:04But this man pays for my mistakes.
01:00:07At least if we can support him in finding a job.
01:00:11Ms. Tülay,
01:00:13the man who will harm my family,
01:00:15my loved ones,
01:00:17no matter what the reason is.
01:00:22I understand.
01:00:26I suppose this conversation has never been done.
01:00:29You do the same.
01:00:31All right.
01:00:37Good luck.
01:00:44Anyway, we'll look at this file later, Hakan.
01:00:47You go now and find that Cengiz.
01:00:49Listen to him well.
01:00:51Don't bother Ms. Tülay anymore.
01:00:53Okay, don't worry.
01:00:55And Hakan,
01:00:58I have one more request for you tonight.
01:01:02It's a very important matter for me.
01:01:14If Cengiz tells Zeynep that I made Tarli get drunk, what am I going to do?
01:01:20My daughter will never forgive me.
01:01:37Guests are waiting.
01:01:39I'll be right back.
01:01:43Let's host our guests in a way that suits us.
01:01:50You check the first ones in this list.
01:01:53Let's see if we have any shortcomings.
01:01:54Right away.
01:02:00what are you doing here alone?
01:02:03Nothing, I'm just sitting.
01:02:05You must be bored.
01:02:07What happened?
01:02:08Nothing, don't worry about me.
01:02:10Mom, of course I will.
01:02:14Come on, tell me now.
01:02:16What's going on?
01:02:18I've never been a good mother, Zeynep.
01:02:21Sometimes I look back at the past and see a lot of mistakes.
01:02:25None of us are perfect.
01:02:27We all make mistakes.
01:02:29We fight to fall.
01:02:32We hold on to the best thing we have.
01:02:37And how do I know that?
01:02:40From you.
01:02:41From you.
01:02:44Because you always did the best you could.
01:02:47I am pleased with you and your motherhood.
01:02:50We are all pleased.
01:02:53But I don't deserve those beautiful words, Zeynep.
01:02:57I don't deserve this love.
01:02:59You deserve it, mom.
01:03:02After my father's death,
01:03:04all the businessmen in Yeşilpınar ran after you.
01:03:08You didn't say once,
01:03:09you didn't say,
01:03:11you didn't look back.
01:03:13You dedicated your life to us.
01:03:18You always loved us.
01:03:20Maybe you couldn't show it sometimes.
01:03:23But that's enough.
01:03:25If it wasn't for you,
01:03:27I wouldn't be so strong, you know?
01:03:30May God bless you and our parents.
01:03:36I think today is the day of Tülay Aslanlı's death.
01:03:40You are the most sacrificial, strongest mother on earth.
01:03:45You are our mountain.
01:03:47Sometimes it snows on your mountains,
01:03:50you become the queen of the ice, but...
01:03:53We love you so much.
01:03:59My beautiful girls.
01:04:04My dears.
01:04:09My children.
01:04:40Yes, let me get Şahin's progress.
01:04:42Ms. Gözde, we have progressed quickly.
01:04:44There will be a storm tonight.
01:04:49I guess the invitation didn't work out for you.
01:04:53You broke Zeynep.
01:04:55And she prepared the list of gifts herself.
01:05:00Since the lady of the house is Zeynep,
01:05:03let her prepare it herself.
01:05:05Let her prepare it herself.
01:05:09Her farewell deserves a grand ceremony.
01:05:13Will what she mentioned happen tonight?
01:05:19You locked yourself in your goal, Gözde.
01:05:22And you chose the right way to reach it.
01:05:25It's not possible not to admire your intelligence.
01:05:30You haven't seen anything yet, Aunt Songül.
01:05:33They will be there tonight.
01:05:35Just a trailer.
01:05:53Please, open your eyes.
01:05:54I love you.
01:06:01It won't be like that.
01:06:09We can't live in the same house with a murderer for days.
01:06:25Aunt Kıymet.
01:06:28I love you.
01:06:30What happened?
01:06:42I have a plan.
01:06:44I'll keep you busy.
01:06:46Who knows what will happen to you?
01:06:53Mr. Umut.
01:06:58I have a question for you.
01:07:00How many geographical regions does Turkey consist of?
01:07:03I'm sorry, ma'am.
01:07:05I don't understand.
01:07:13Let me ask you this.
01:07:16Which holiday region do you like the most?
01:07:22Have you ever been on a holiday?
01:07:30I was going to report something.
01:07:33Umut Çekmece.
01:07:35He has a weak heart.
01:07:37I know where he is.
01:07:41The murderer was caught at the Istanbul Beylikdüzü.
01:07:43It's not possible.
01:07:45He is in our house right now.
01:07:47His name may be similar.
01:07:48The person we caught confessed his crimes in court.
01:07:51He was taken to prison.
01:07:55I understand.
01:07:57It was a misunderstanding.
01:08:06Am I a murderer?
01:08:09I don't remember.
01:08:15By the way,
01:08:16By the way?
01:08:18Murder is none of my business.
01:08:20You are family.
01:08:22You are trying to hurt me.
01:08:24I'm sorry.
01:08:26We thought you were a murderer.
01:08:28But the real murderer was caught.
01:09:02Good luck.
01:09:11What you've been through lately has tired your heart and soul.
01:09:16Let's order some of the gifts we agreed on.
01:09:23I already talked to a catering company.
01:09:26I gave them the orders.
01:09:28I just wanted to prepare some special gifts myself.
01:09:32Okay, as you wish.
01:09:34But I don't want you to tire yourself.
01:09:36This house has some special gifts.
01:09:41Every invitation is made by the owner of the house.
01:09:44I didn't want to break the tradition.
01:09:47And you didn't tell me that this is my responsibility.
01:09:51I'm doing my job as your wife.
01:09:54But life is not lived with the intention of duty.
01:09:57It can't be like this.
01:10:01Taste the salt.
01:10:03Let's see if you'll like it.
01:10:15Very nice.
01:10:18The basil makes you taste and smell it.
01:10:21It adds a special flavor to the basil.
01:10:24It comes from deep inside, but you understand.
01:10:28I understand.
01:10:36Oh, Zeynep.
01:10:38I'm tired of you.
01:10:41I'm tired of you, too.
01:10:44It's been a trouble for you.
01:10:46No, it's not a trouble.
01:10:48I'm just doing what I have to do.
01:10:53For God's sake, you haven't shown me around the farm since I got here.
01:10:59Shall we take a walk together while you're taking care of your business?
01:11:03It's not that obvious.
01:11:06He says we should take a walk alone.
01:11:09Actually, this is nice.
01:11:11It's very suitable for a walk.
01:11:16I'll make preparations for Gözde's invitation in the kitchen.
01:11:20You go around.
01:11:23Someone who knows this place very well needs to guide you to visit the farm.
01:11:37She's the one who knows the farm best among us.
01:11:42I mean, what can I say?
01:11:44I enjoy walking around with her the most.
01:11:56But I said it because Zeynep is busy.
01:12:01We have employees to take care of these things.
01:12:04Actually, I have a lot of work in the salon.
01:12:06We also have employees to take care of the salon.
01:12:22You are the wife of this farm.
01:12:25Come with me.
01:12:36She's the wife of this farm. We'll see.
01:13:06Whenever I walk through this farm, I remember my childhood.
01:13:11Everything happened in front of my eyes, like the development of a person.
01:13:21First my grandfather, then my father's efforts made it what it is today.
01:13:28It's boring.
01:13:31There is a vividness in every corner.
01:13:34There are traces of the past and memories.
01:13:39And traces of the future.
01:13:50For example, this scarf.
01:13:51This scarf.
01:13:56Zeynep sewed it with her own hands.
01:14:02She gave it her life.
01:14:11Actually, Zeynep has food on many trees in this farm.
01:14:16But this is different.
01:14:18This scarf.
01:14:20While Zeynep and I root this farm,
01:14:28this scarf will grow and bloom with us.
01:14:32Can we root this life together, Halil?
01:14:35Will we be able to succeed?
01:14:48We will.
01:15:00No need, I'm fine.
01:15:06Don't get cold.
01:15:08It's starting to get cold.
01:15:11We thought the weather was nice, so we took a look.
01:15:17You're welcome.
01:15:21I become invisible next to a town girl.
01:15:24Halil doesn't see me.
01:15:26As if he doesn't hear me.
01:15:30Halil, where are the horses?
01:15:33The horses are back there.
01:15:37Well, since I'm in the farm now, it's time for me to ride a horse.
01:15:43But you can teach me, right?
01:15:47The person who knows this job best is Zeynep.
01:15:52If you want, she can teach you, too.
01:15:56I can't be a wrong memory.
01:16:00I mean, you knew how to ride a horse very well, too.
01:16:03Riding is one thing, teaching is another.
01:16:07Zeynep is a very good teacher.
01:16:16There is nothing like learning how to ride a horse.
01:16:19There is being friends with them, making lifelong friends.
01:16:23If you want, we can go to their side together one day.
01:16:35The weather is really cold.
01:16:38Cemile will tell you and bring you something.
01:16:40The weather is really cold.
01:16:43Cemile will tell you and bring you something.
01:16:53Hakan is calling. You go on, I'll come.
01:17:00Yes, Hakan.
01:17:01Yes, Hakan.
01:17:09I listened to Cengiz, Ali.
01:17:11You can't bother Ms. Tülay from now on.
01:17:14I took care of the other thing you said.
01:17:16It was very nice, don't forget it.
01:17:31I want to contribute to Yeşilpınar.
01:17:34That's why we're here.
01:17:36Of course, my biggest supporter on this subject is Halil.
01:17:41You know, the friendship of years.
01:17:45We haven't seen each other in a long time. I'm really pleased.
01:17:49We haven't seen each other in a long time.
01:17:52You look very good.
01:17:54You too.
01:17:56Me too. Thank you very much.
01:17:57Excuse me, let's take care of the guests.
01:18:00See you.
01:18:10Welcome, hello.
01:18:15Please make yourself comfortable.
01:18:28Are you having fun, my last rose?
01:18:33It's a nice, stylish organization. I'm enjoying it, Tülay.
01:18:37Please have fun.
01:18:39Because tomorrow will be a difficult day for you.
01:18:43If you don't take a concrete step for Merve's school abroad,
01:18:47the voice in my hand will not be heard.
01:18:58Thank you very much.
01:19:01I'll take care of it tomorrow.
01:19:03Don't worry about me.
01:19:05If you'll excuse me, I'll go with my guests.
01:19:09Of course.
01:19:22I'm already in pain for you, Tülay.
01:19:28You're going to be in such trouble that
01:19:31neither Zeynep, whom you're trying to save your marriage,
01:19:34nor Merve, whom you're trying to send to school, will be able to find you.
01:19:54My dear, welcome.
01:20:09How are you?
01:20:28Zeynep is about to come.
01:20:30We missed you, Zahra.
01:20:32I missed you, Zeynep.
01:20:37What dreams did you have in those sad eyes?
01:20:41I was wondering where the most curious and beautiful girl in the town was.
01:20:47Come on, don't change the subject.
01:20:50You've been in love with her since you were a kid.
01:20:52You've been in love with her since you were a kid.
01:20:57How did you miss her?
01:20:59You have Halil, don't you?
01:21:03Since you're so curious,
01:21:06you hear it first.
01:21:08Let me tell you.
01:21:11Halil will be mine very soon.
01:21:13He's a married man.
01:21:15How is that going to happen?
01:21:19With your help.
01:21:23If you do what I say,
01:21:25I'll solve it when you need me.
01:21:52I love you.
01:21:54I love you.
01:22:22I love you.
01:22:24I love you.
01:22:26I love you.
01:22:28I love you.
01:22:30I love you.
01:22:32I love you.
01:22:34I love you.
01:22:36I love you.
01:22:38I love you.
01:22:40I love you.
01:22:42I love you.
01:22:44I love you.
01:22:46I love you.
01:22:48I love you.
01:22:50I love you.
01:22:52I love you.
01:22:54I love you.
01:22:56I love you.
01:22:58I love you.
01:23:00I love you.
01:23:02I love you.
01:23:04I love you.
01:23:06I love you.
01:23:08I love you.
01:23:10I love you.
01:23:12I love you.
01:23:14I love you.
01:23:16I love you.
01:23:18I love you.
01:23:20I love you.
01:23:22I love you.
01:23:24I love you.
01:23:26I love you.
01:23:28I love you.
01:23:30I love you.
01:23:32I love you.
01:23:34I love you.
01:23:36I love you.
01:23:38I love you.
01:23:40I love you.
01:23:42I love you.
01:23:44I love you.
01:23:46I love you.
01:23:48I love you.
01:23:50I love you.
01:23:52I love you.
01:23:54I love you.
01:23:56I love you.
01:23:58I love you.
01:24:00I love you.
01:24:02I love you.
01:24:04I love you.
01:24:06I love you.
01:24:08I love you.
01:24:10I love you.
01:24:12I love you.
01:24:14I love you.
01:24:16I love you.
01:24:18I love you.
01:24:20I love you.
01:24:22I love you.
01:24:24I love you.
01:24:26I love you.
01:24:28I love you.
01:24:30I love you.
01:24:32I love you.
01:24:34I love you.
01:24:36I love you.
01:24:38I love you.
01:24:40I love you.
01:24:42I love you.
01:24:44I love you.
01:24:46I love you.
