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वाराणसी, यूपी: महिला दिवस के मौके पर देशभर से प्रेरणास्रोत महिलाओं की अलग अलग कहानियां सामने आ रही हैं। वाराणसी की डॉ नेहा सिंह की कहानी भी ऐसी ही है। काशी हिंदू विश्वविद्यालय की छात्रा डॉ नेहा सिंह को बचपन से ही पेंटिंग का बहुत शौक था। नेहा बलिया की रहने वाली हैं, उनके परिवार में लगभग सभी लोग सेना में हैं, सिर्फ नेहा ही पेंटिंग की दुनिया में अपना भविष्य बनाना चाहती थीं और अब नेहा एक बड़े मुकाम तक पहुंच चुकी हैं। अभी तक नेहा ने कुल 6 बड़े रिकॉर्ड अपने नाम किए हैं, साथ ही सनातन धर्म में वर्णित आठ किताबें भी लिख चुकी हैं। बलिया में पेंटिंग का कोई इंस्टीट्यूट या पढ़ाई नहीं होती थी। इसके लिए नेहा ने बनारस हिंदू विश्वविद्यालय में एडमिशन लिया और पढ़ाई के दौरान ही नेहा ने तमाम रिकॉर्ड बनाए। नेहा एक संस्था चलाती हैं जिसमें बच्चों को निशुल्क शिक्षा और पेंटिंग की कला सिखाती हैं। पेंटिंग एग्जीबिशन में बिकी हुई पेंटिंग के पैसों से वह अपनी संस्था चलाती हैं और महीने में तकरीबन 2000 बच्चों को वह निशुल्क पेंटिंग सिखाती हैं।

#varanasi #recordholder #womensday #banarashinduuniversity #hindupaintings


00:30As an artist, everyone does everything in their own way, like the elephant in the jungle
00:50does everything for the jungle, and a small bird also contributes to it.
00:54I think we are all like a small bird in the society.
00:57And as an artist, I think how you can work for art,
01:02like where there are no classes for art, no schools, no universities,
01:07you have to work for that.
01:08Plus through art therapy, how can you connect with children,
01:11how can you know their mentality, I am working on all these things.
01:15Just like I am an artist, but along with being an artist,
01:18I think being a social worker is also an important role for the society.
01:23Basically, the painting I do is on Sanatan Dharma.
01:26By Sanatan, I mean, like not everyone can read about Ved Upanishad.
01:31So, what is written in the Vedas, how it is written,
01:34reading it, painting it, exhibiting it,
01:37and after it is sold, the money I get,
01:39I take classes from poor children.
01:41I take these classes under the Punyam Foundation,
01:44which is a small foundation,
01:46specially for children and women.
01:48Here, art therapy is basically taught more.
01:51For example, the children of government schools,
01:53what is their mentality, how much interest they have in studying,
01:57we can understand based on what they make.
02:00Whether it is 26th January or any other day,
02:03who they consider their role model,
02:05we get all these ideas through those competitions.
02:08Till now, I have targeted all the government schools,
02:12our Anganwadi schools,
02:14I have targeted them,
02:16that I have to go to such and such places and teach them,
02:19I have to develop things in the children,
02:21they have to go to school, study,
02:23they have to become aware of this.
02:25That is why I work, and till now,
02:27I have interacted with 1000-2000 children on a monthly basis.
02:31I have been in the painting line since 2014.
02:34My bachelor started in 2014,
02:36bachelor, master, then PhD.
02:39So, how did you find the hobby of painting?
02:43Painting is such a thing,
02:45in which you can do a lot of concentration,
02:47you can do everything very carefully.
02:49Like there is meditation, there is painting.
02:51Like in Balia, no one knows that
02:53painting can also become a future in it.
02:56Because in Balia, painting is just a hobby.
02:59Just like that, anyone can learn,
03:01keeps painting,
03:02no one knew this in the profession.
03:04Even I did not know.
03:06But gradually, like my aunt was an artist,
03:08through her, I learned how you can become an artist.
03:11There are no such art classes in Balia,
03:14no coaching, no university,
03:16where you can learn art,
03:18or you can also dream of becoming an artist.
03:20My family background is of the army.
03:23I mean, I am from a joint family,
03:25and everyone is in the army.
03:27No matter how many relations we have,
03:29some are in BSF, some are in the army,
03:31some are in the air force.
03:33But coming straight to the art field,
03:35there is no one in my house.
03:37I am the first child in this field.
03:39And there were a lot of problems,
03:41because you do not have the knowledge of it.
03:43It started from zero.
03:45Even then I did not have art.
03:47I came to art directly after graduation.
03:49First of all, thank you very much to Kashi.
03:51Kashi is a very different place for everyone.
03:55My experience has been very good.
03:57And when I came to Kashi,
03:59I met some good gurus,
04:01some people who pulled my feet.
04:03The starting was a little difficult.
04:05I mean, the girl who is always in the top one,
04:07she came straight in the first year,
04:09so she went down.
04:11And then gradually,
04:13as much as I could read the theory,
04:15on that basis,
04:17from the second year,
04:19it continued to come in the top five.
04:21Since I was in the art field,
04:23I had a dream that someone
04:25should read me as an artist.
04:27I did not want to be known as a teacher.
04:29I felt that someone should read me
04:31that he was such a painter.
04:33For that, I had to do a lot of things.
04:35Then gradually, in fine arts,
04:37I started painting,
04:39being influenced by artists.
04:41These things can get better
04:43by doing the same work.
04:45So, I made the first record,
04:47India's map was made with 16 lakh pearls,
04:49because India is the first for me.
04:51After that, we made records
04:53on different Hanuman Chalisa.
04:55Then my last,
04:57sixth world record was
04:59the Guinness World Record,
05:01in which I painted on Bhagavad Gita
05:03and that world record became a new one.
05:05Also, when people started reading
05:07me as an international painter,
05:09I felt very happy.
05:11When a record comes out,
05:13people get to know that
05:15they have finally made a record.
05:17But people do not get to know
05:19how many records I have applied for
05:21and how many records I have failed.
05:23Recently, I have applied for three records.
05:25They are not public yet.
05:27Until it becomes a success,
05:29I do not think it should come out.
05:31The last time I made a painting,
05:33it was rejected because of one inch.
05:35I thought that if I had worked
05:37harder, I would have made another world record.
05:39There was a painting on Gau Mata.
05:41It was the biggest painting in the world.
05:43One person was painting it.
05:45It had 38 lakhs
05:49something like that.
05:51But it was not possible
05:53because of one inch.
