• 17 hours ago
Get ready to laugh and cringe as we dive into the world of the most ridiculous, useless, and downright bizarre products ever sold on late-night television. From Sauna Pants to Zoomies, we'll count down the top 50 As Seen On TV items that will make you question humanity's creativity and marketing genius!
00:00Introducing the revolutionary Sauna Pants!
00:03The at-home sauna experience that you can enjoy when you want to and where you want to.
00:08Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for those as-seen-on-TV products
00:13that should never be seen in your house or on your credit card bill.
00:16Shake Weight is the flab-busting breakthrough that trims your arms and shapes your shoulders at the same time.
00:24Number 50, GoGo Pillow.
00:25A pillow that can hold your tablet.
00:27Just what you always wanted, right?
00:29Maybe this was actually kind of useful before there were all those tablet cases with built-in stands.
00:34The plush, comfortable, multifunction pillow that fits any tablet, anytime, anywhere,
00:39so you can work hands-on or hands-off.
00:42But even then, the reason for this thing seems odd.
00:45In the commercial, they show people using it on an exercise bike.
00:48We get using it in bed, but at that point, can't we just lean it against one of our own pillows?
00:53The one good thing about this product is that it transforms into one of those travel neck pillows.
00:57The GoGo Pillow accomplishes that for you.
01:00It's absolutely every single function you could possibly want from a travel pillow.
01:05But then you have to go and hold your tablet in your hands.
01:07Guess you have to buy two.
01:08Number 49, Miracle Socks.
01:11They may call them a miracle, but these are just graduated compression socks.
01:15Now, there's Miracle Socks, the new anti-fatigue compression socks that soothe, massage, and energize your feet and legs.
01:22Now, can compression socks be useful?
01:24Yes, so these can be as well.
01:26But they aren't using any kind of new technology that any regular pair of graduated compression socks don't already use.
01:32They also claim to be much more fashionable than medical socks.
01:35That's debatable.
01:37Basically, they just took a product that already existed and threw a fancy, eye-catching name on them.
01:41Whenever I travel, I wear Miracle Socks.
01:44My shoes fit, and my legs don't swell.
01:46That gives us an idea for an amazing new product.
01:49It's called a Miracle Fork, and if you buy one, you get a Miracle T-shirt at half price.
01:53Number 48, Leg and Foot Warmers.
01:56When socks and slippers just won't do, leg and foot warmers save the day.
02:00Leg and foot warmers by Jobar International claim to keep you comfy and warm with these adjustable fleece and cotton booties.
02:07The Priya was cool to them right away because of their baggy style and $25 price tag.
02:13Some people have called them an ugly version of Uggs, but to us, they are like a Snuggie for your feet and lower legs.
02:19These fleece, boot-like things wrap around your lower leg and feet and do the job of a nice, big, warm sock.
02:24But with the added bonus of making you look ridiculous, not to mention the opening at the toe,
02:30we guess that's why they aren't called leg and foot and toe warmers.
02:33There's this gaping hole at the top, like my toes get cold.
02:37They also make the claim that the product helps promote circulation, but we doubt it.
02:41And we already have the Miracle Socks for that anyway.
02:44Number 47, My Secret Hair Enhancer.
02:47It's been decades, and we still don't know what secret Victoria is keeping from us.
02:51But it took us all of five seconds to crack the code of My Secret Hair Enhancer, spray paint.
02:56Now it's time to do the spray.
02:57Okay, not literal spray paint, but a head-safe version of spray paint
03:00that is supposed to cover up any bald or balding areas among whatever hair you have left.
03:05According to the how-to videos we watched, there are also some fibers you have to shake onto your head as well.
03:10All I have to do is lightly shake the fibers onto thinning areas to cover the exposed scalp
03:17and directly onto hair to add volume.
03:20Also, don't plan on letting anyone get too close or touch your head
03:23if you want to keep your use of the My Secret Hair Enhancer a secret.
03:27Number 46, Lady Elegance Pee Easy.
03:30No, this isn't some kind of elegant PEZ dispenser, but rather a urine dispenser
03:34for women who are sick and tired of all that sitting and squatting and want to pee standing up.
03:38All they have to do is stick this funnel-like device in their pants,
03:41tube pointed out, and let her whiz.
03:43The product description also hypes the fact that the product
03:46allows women to urinate while in the lying position as well.
03:49What? When is that ever necessary?
03:51And regardless of what position they use it in,
03:53they still have to put this urine-covered device away afterwards.
03:56We hope not in their purse.
03:59Number 45, Chillo.
04:00We understand that pillows get warm and that a cooler pillow is more comfortable,
04:04which is why we've been known to flip our pillow over at least once throughout the night.
04:08Introducing Chillo, the amazing new pillow pack that transforms your pillow into a chillo.
04:14But what if you had a cold vinyl-covered mat filled with water to put on top of your pillow instead?
04:19Well, you're in luck.
04:20Say hi to Chillo.
04:21Now, instead of a comfortable pillow you probably spent quite a bit of money on,
04:25you can rest your head on a rather uncomfortable mat.
04:28Chillo fits perfectly inside your pillowcase or sleep right on this slip-proof cushion.
04:33And you get the added bonus of the valve possibly popping and waking up in a pool of water.
04:37Number 44, Tater Mitts.
04:39Big dishwashing gloves with a hard, rough palm.
04:42Tater mitts look more like some kind of torture device than a kitchen accessory.
04:46Now there's a better way.
04:47Introducing Tater Mitts, the innovative new kitchen gloves.
04:51Simply rub and with a few quick strokes, look, just eight seconds of actual time.
04:57And presto, a perfectly peeled potato.
05:00Which we guess makes sense since they're designed to rip the skin off a potato in eight seconds.
05:04What they do not mention in the commercial is that you first have to boil the potatoes
05:08for five minutes before running them under cold water while rubbing them vigorously
05:12between the gloves to peel them.
05:14Forget to boil them and these things are more than useless.
05:16So really, you're looking at five minutes and eight seconds, at least.
05:20We'll stick with the good old potato peeler, thank you very much.
05:22We're preparing a larger batch of potatoes, absolute deal.
05:26The peeler is still going to be what is the most time efficient.
05:30Number 43, Hot Hues Hair Chalk.
05:32You know when you were a kid in school and you got chalk on your hands from writing on
05:35the blackboard and then you touched your head and some of that chalk color got in your hair?
05:39Introducing Hot Hues Hair Chalk.
05:41The eye-popping color that glides on for instant glamorous fun,
05:45then shampoos out when you're done.
05:47Well, someone turned that into a business and called it Hot Hues.
05:50Pull your hair through the hair chalk applicator and voila, you have some chalk-colored strands.
05:54Except your head isn't a chalkboard.
05:57Also, it washes right out in the shower.
05:59So if you like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain, you might want to skip the rain part.
06:04With Hot Hues, it's easy, fun to change and choose and it all washes out with shampoo.
06:09Number 42, For Real Portable Sauna.
06:12Can and should are two very different things.
06:14You know, just because you can make something portable,
06:17doesn't mean you should make it portable.
06:19A phone?
06:20Yes, we're totally on board.
06:21But we're thinking a sauna is something that doesn't really need the portable treatment.
06:25Maybe it's just because you'll look ridiculous in it.
06:27Because you will.
06:28Like some kind of upright silver turtle with your head and hands sticking out.
06:32But it will definitely heat you up like a sauna.
06:34And hey, there's also a cup holder.
06:36So that's pretty cool.
06:38Number 41, Rapid Ramen Cooker.
06:40If you make a big bowl of ramen and your first thought is,
06:43man, if only this instant food took a fraction of the time to cook,
06:46then boy do we have the pointless product for you.
06:48Rapid ramen is the world's fastest and easiest way to cook ramen noodles.
06:52Instead of simply placing the freeze-dried noodles into a pot,
06:55the Rapid Ramen Cooker promises that their ingenious plastic dish
06:58will cut your precious ramen cooking time in half.
07:01Well, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to realize that the microwave
07:04might be your fastest heating option.
07:06But how's this cookware any better than your run-of-the-mill bowl?
07:09It, um, has handles, of course.
07:12Rapid Ramen heat-resistant handles make handling safer and easier.
07:16Next, they'll try to sell us a spoon and call it the speedy scooping device.
07:20Number 40, Titty Bear.
07:22Right at the top of the Titty Bear website, it asks,
07:24Does the shoulder strap of your car seat belt cause discomfort on your shoulder?
07:28Introducing the Titty Bear.
07:30That's T-I-D-D-Y Bear.
07:32The cute little guy that eliminates all those irritating shoulder strap problems.
07:36We think the better question should be,
07:37Does having a little teddy bear smushed face-first right up into your chest
07:41in a frankly suggestive manner cause you discomfort?
07:43The fact that they even call this thing Titty Bear as a not-so-subtle ode
07:47to the location it will sit on a woman's chest is hilariously creepy.
07:51The Titty Bear stays where you want it, until you move it.
07:55And it's easy to slide out of the way when not in use.
07:58Listen to the voiceover guy say the name.
08:00You'll swear he pronounced the double D as double T.
08:03Number 39, Neck Magic Air Cushion.
08:06Nothing about the Neck Massage Air Cushion seems right.
08:08When it's fully blown up, it actually kind of looks like a torture device.
08:11From the super uncomfortable look of the woman using the product on the box,
08:15to the fact that you are literally putting something around your neck
08:17and then purposely making it tighter and tighter.
08:20Why do so many of these products sound like they could be used as torture devices
08:24if they landed in the wrong hands?
08:25I do worry when you start just pulling on people's necks with imprecise mechanism.
08:30Although in the case of the Neck Magic Air Cushion, it is in your hands.
08:34So you really have no one to blame but yourself.
08:37Number 38, Potty Patch.
08:38We're not trying to take sides in the very contentious
08:41which are better cats or dogs debate.
08:43Now dogs have a safe place to relieve themselves.
08:45No more spots on the carpet, stains on your hardwood, and mishaps on the couch.
08:50But when it comes to making a pros and cons list,
08:53isn't one of the items on the dog's pro list
08:55the fact that they don't go to the bathroom in the house?
08:57No litter boxes, no constant stink in the air.
08:59With the Potty Patch, you can turn your outdoor pooper
09:02into an inside one with a square of artificial grass.
09:05My dogs and I hate going out in the cold.
09:08The Potty Patch is the perfect solution.
09:10Now maybe if we could use it to practice our putting.
09:13Number 37, City Kitty.
09:15From dogs pooping on a patch of fake grass to cats using the toilet.
09:18Say goodbye to litter for good with City Kitty.
09:21The Complete Cat Toilet Training Kit.
09:23Yes, we're talking about City Kitty.
09:25The toilet training kit for your kitty cat.
09:27And yes, we get it.
09:28A cat that can use the toilet sounds like a dream come true.
09:31But is it really?
09:32Health officials warn us never flush our cat's litter down the toilet.
09:36And it isn't just because of the litter clogging the pipes.
09:39It's because the toxins in cat waste can be harmful to some humans.
09:42And no one wants that getting into the water supply.
09:45Start living litter-free today with City Kitty.
09:48There's also the issue that cats who use the toilet aren't burying their feces.
09:52Which is a natural instinct of the animal.
09:54Sorry cats.
09:55Back to the litter boxes.
09:56Number 36, Roll-Up Electronic Piano.
09:59Unrolling an electronic piano might sound really good.
10:02But you know what doesn't sound really good?
10:04A roll-up electronic piano.
10:06Unrolling an electronic piano might sound easy.
10:08But you know what isn't easy?
10:10Properly playing a roll-up electronic piano.
10:13To be fair, there is a wide range of roll-up pianos out there.
10:16From really cheap kiddo ones to ones supposedly designed for actual musicians.
10:20But for a little bit more money, you know what you can get?
10:23An actual electronic keyboard.
10:25Sure, you can't roll it up.
10:26But those are the sacrifices we all must make.
10:29Number 35, Bulbrite.
10:31There are plenty of toilet lights out there.
10:33But what makes Bulbrite so special is the device's detection system that can tell whether
10:37the toilet seat is up or down.
10:39And indicate this via glowing red or green when you walk into the bathroom.
10:42Now every time when he leaves the seat up, I'll know.
10:46Red tells me the lid is up.
10:48Green tells me it's down.
10:49It's safe to sit.
10:50If this product were ever to catch on, it'd derail the careers of many aspiring stand-up
10:55comics whose whole routine is centered around a 10-minute bit about how men always leave
10:59the toilet seat up.
11:00What someone really needs to invent is a device that senses when you're about to purchase
11:04a ridiculous product like this and turns on a red light telling you to stop.
11:08Prove your sleep.
11:09Improve his aim.
11:10And never sit on a wet seat again.
11:12Number 34, Head Wedgie.
11:14Head Wedgie?
11:16They couldn't think of anything better to call it?
11:18Don't make riding in the car a pain in the neck.
11:21Give him a Wedgie.
11:22A Head Wedgie.
11:23This is basically a larger neck pillow that instead of fitting around your neck, fits
11:27over the headrest of your seat, allowing you to rest your head without flipping from side
11:31to side.
11:32If we're being honest, this one actually looks kind of useful.
11:35Wedgie is ideal for all of your passengers.
11:37From kids, to parents, to grandparents, everyone needs a Head Wedgie.
11:42It's a little bulky so you aren't bringing it on a plane.
11:44But for the car, or maybe even a chair at home, we can see it coming in kind of handy.
11:49But again, Head Wedgie.
11:50We're not sure we can get past that.
11:52Number 33, Wax Vac.
11:54We were always told that sticking Q-tips on our ears could be very dangerous, but no one
11:58ever told us not to stick a vacuum in there.
12:00There's a better way.
12:02Introducing Wax Vac, the safe and effective way to clean and dry your ears.
12:06Still, does that mean it's safe to do it, or just that no one ever figured people would
12:10even consider sucking wax out of their ears with a vacuum device?
12:14Well, if it was the latter, they were dead wrong.
12:16Say hello to the Wax Vac ear cleaner.
12:18Wax Vac seems like the perfect solution.
12:21While you can say hello to it, we don't care if they advertise it as using gentle suction.
12:25We are only saying goodbye to this crazy thing.
12:28Number 32, Fanny Bank.
12:30The Fanny Bank is a piggy bank in the shape of a bum sticking out of a pair of pants with
12:34the crack for the coins in, where else, the crack of the plastic butt.
12:45Insert a coin and hear the Fanny fart.
12:47This one is pretty simple.
12:48The point at which this product goes from awesome as seen on TV item to awful as seen
12:53on TV item is the point at which you no longer find farts to be hilarious.
12:57Because, the hilarity of the fart sound is what this product relies on 100%.
13:04Number 31, Fridge Locker.
13:06What are you to do when people at work are always stealing your lunch?
13:16Well, you could talk to them like adults and politely ask that whoever is doing it please
13:21Or, you can put your lunch in the Fridge Locker, and it will always be there for you.
13:25Or, you can put your lunch in the fridge locked in a silly plastic cage.
13:28But wait, couldn't they just take the whole cage?
13:30Well, yes they could.
13:32But according to the commercial, doing so would be fruitless because even an 800-pound
13:36grizzly bear can't break the fridge locker.
13:41We guess you better not forget the combination then.
13:44Number 30, Pajama Jeans.
13:46Pajamas are super comfortable, but you can't wear them in public.
13:49Jeans look good in public, but they aren't that comfy.
13:52Allow us to introduce you to the Reese's of clothing, Pajama Jeans.
14:01Just like the aforementioned candy brings together chocolate and peanut butter,
14:05Pajama Jeans bring you all the comfort of pajama bottoms with the stylish look of jeans.
14:09Or at least, that's what the infomercial tells us.
14:15And for more weird wearables, get a load of the wearable towel.
14:19Because why just dry yourself off when you can wear your towel like some kind of terrycloth toga?
14:32Number 29, Easy Butter.
14:34You know how annoying it is to open your butter dish,
14:37take some butter with a knife, and spread it on your toast?
14:39Yeah, neither do we.
14:40And yet, that's basically the problem Easy Butter decided to solve with this handheld dispenser.
14:45That's totally awesome.
14:47However, it's not like the thing also spreads the butter for you.
14:51It just drops a pat of butter on your food and then you still have to do the rest.
14:55And that makes it super for sandwiches,
14:57perfect for potatoes, great on your greens, and fantastic for fish!
15:02How much easier is that really?
15:05The fact that the product no longer exists seems to imply that it was easy for people to not buy it.
15:11Use the second cutter to cut just about anything from cheese,
15:14to hot dogs, to bananas, to cucumbers!
15:17Number 28, Doc Bottoms A-Spray.
15:19With a name like Doc Bottoms and A-Spray,
15:22pronounced A-Spray but easily misread as A-Spray,
15:25you'd think this product would be ripe for a parody.
15:28And it would be if the product wasn't actually deodorant for your butt.
15:32It can be used anywhere and I mean anywhere on your body.
15:35A-Spray goes where other deodorants can't.
15:38But it isn't just for your butt.
15:39It's also for your armpits, feet, and we're not kidding, your privates.
15:44Anywhere that can get stinky, just spray the A-Spray and as they say,
15:48it literally stops odors before they start.
15:50It's that simple!
15:52No bacteria, no stink!
15:54Given what they're selling,
15:55we appreciate that the infomercial doesn't take itself too seriously.
15:59But we can't take the product seriously either.
16:01I work hard for a living, I sweat a lot, and I got odors in special places.
16:05And with A-Spray, I don't have to worry about that anymore.
16:09My butt.
16:09Number 27.
16:10Brush Buddy's Singing Toothbrush
16:12Want to listen to One Direction or Justin Bieber while you brush your teeth?
16:15Just take out your phone, go to your Spotify account and play the song.
16:18These magical toothbrushes feature songs by One Direction.
16:21What you don't need to do is buy a Brush Buddy's Singing Toothbrush.
16:25However, if it really does make your toothbrushing experience
16:29as amazing as it does for the girl in the infomercial, then we take it all back.
16:33Make your routine more fun with One Direction and other hit artists.
16:36While we're on this dental care kick,
16:38if squeezing toothpaste onto your toothbrush is as harrowing
16:41an experience as it is in the Press to Paste commercial,
16:44we guess the product would have value.
16:46Otherwise, allow us to ask, why?
16:49Don't waste that paste.
16:51But with Press to Paste, there's no more waste.
16:53Number 26.
16:55Talking TP
16:56The name of this one is a little misleading.
16:58This isn't talking toilet paper because that would be dumb, right?
17:02No, this is the toilet paper roll that talks.
17:05Yes, it's a real thing.
17:06Don't look now, but the neighbors can see you.
17:09Just record a message on the roll,
17:10and whenever the toilet paper gets pulled, the message will play.
17:13Prank your friend, or as the example on the packaging suggests,
17:17ask your girlfriend to marry you.
17:18We're not here to hand out relationship advice,
17:21but don't ask your girlfriend to marry you via a talking toilet paper roll.
17:26The best thing the roll could say would be to admonish you
17:28for having bought the stupid thing in the first place.
17:31Talking TP makes a great gift for any occasion.
17:34Number 25.
17:35Air Curler
17:36We all know how labor-intensive and time-consuming curling your hair is.
17:39Well, not anymore, if the Air Curler is to be believed.
17:43Now you can twirl a headful of curls in seconds with Air Curler.
17:47Just stick the big bucket thing to the end of your hair dryer,
17:50put a chunk of your hair in said bucket, and let her rip.
17:52According to the product description,
17:54what you should end up with are soft, tangle-free, long-lasting curls.
17:59Air Curler spins your hair like a tornado to dry and curl your hair in just seconds.
18:04However, that doesn't always seem to be the case in real life.
18:07What many women get is kinda wavy hair or maybe scraggly curls.
18:11And be careful, it gets really hot.
18:13And it guarantees beautiful, soft, tangle-free curls that last all day.
18:18Number 24.
18:20Dump Dinners
18:21As Timon said in The Lion King,
18:23what's in a name?
18:26Well, in this case, everything.
18:28There's nothing wrong with the product itself.
18:30Hi, Kathy Mitchell here with my new Dump Dinner Cookbook.
18:33It's a cookbook filled with easy and nutritious recipes you can make in under 15 minutes.
18:37Who doesn't like that?
18:38But, ugh, that name.
18:40Yes, we get it.
18:41They call them Dump Dinners because you just dump in all the ingredients and bake.
18:44Stop slaving over dinner.
18:46Make delicious meals in a flash with Dump Dinners, just $10.
18:50But come on, they couldn't come up with a name for the recipes that didn't also bring to mind
18:54where the meals would end up after passing through our intestinal tract?
18:58Do they not own a thesaurus?
19:00There's gotta be at least one or two better words.
19:03And speaking of number two, sorry, we couldn't help it.
19:06You can get Dump Dinners and Dump Cakes for $10.
19:09Number 23.
19:10Booty Pop
19:11While it sounds like an NSYNC parody song,
19:14Booty Pop is actually underwear with padding.
19:17That bootylicious perky pop that all women want.
19:19Say bye-bye-bye to your flat rear and say hello to your brag-worthy bubble butt
19:24in seconds with these transformational panties.
19:27Looks like we found out where all the shoulder pads
19:29went when they went out of style in jackets at the end of the 80s.
19:31Get that desired pop with any outfit.
19:33The problem is that while it does seem to work with certain outfits
19:37and certain types of clothing,
19:38other times you can see the outline of the padding through the clothes.
19:42And at least according to a few real people who've tried it,
19:45it isn't very comfortable either.
19:47I feel like especially when I'm wearing it doesn't look very natural.
19:50Number 22.
19:51The Broccoli Wad
19:53Wise guys don't carry their money in a wallet.
19:55He carries around in a wad like this.
19:58We're all familiar with how mafia men use rubber bands from broccoli bunches
20:02to hold their money instead of wallets, right?
20:03Well, how would you like to pay for a manufactured version of those bands
20:07to hold your money instead of getting one for free off of an actual wad of broccoli?
20:12Yeah, we wouldn't either.
20:13But that didn't stop Johnny Gennaro from creating the Broccoli Wad money band
20:17and pitching it on Shark Tank back in Season 2.
20:20Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Broccoli Wad.
20:23While he did make a deal on the show,
20:25it never actually materialized.
20:28And within a year or so, the Broccoli Wad was swimming with the fishes.
20:31That's four Broccoli Wads today for only $10.
20:35Number 21.
20:36The Tush Turner
20:37As seen on TV, items seem to spend a lot of time focused on people's rear ends,
20:42from making them look better to helping them smell better.
20:45But with the Tush Turner, now your butt can turn better?
20:49Introducing the Tush Turner, the perfectly engineered seat cushion
20:52that makes getting in and out of any car easy and pain-free.
20:56Yeah, like, you know how awful it is getting in and out of a car?
20:59Well, stop turning your body to get in and out all by yourself
21:02and start letting the seat cushion help out a little.
21:04You can take it anywhere you go, making every chair an easy chair.
21:08The Tush Turner is a seat cushion that rotates to supposedly make it easier
21:12and less strenuous on your body to enter and exit a vehicle.
21:15Honestly, we'd like to tell the people who invented this ridiculous thing
21:18to do a different kind of sitting and rotating.
21:20The Tush Turner greatly reduces the stress.
21:22The Tush Turner does the swiveling for you.
21:24Number 20.
21:25Poo Trap
21:26Introducing Poo Trap, an amazing new innovation
21:29that eliminates the need of picking up after your dog.
21:32Though dog waste might seem like little more than an inconvenience,
21:36it can contain bacteria and parasites, which, if exposed to the eyes,
21:40can result in blindness.
21:42God damn it!
21:43How about cleaning up after your dog?
21:45You mind your own...
21:49Meaning that when you don't pick up after your dog,
21:51you expose others to more than just some poop on their shoes.
21:54It's easy to install on your dog and makes your walking experience fun.
21:58Poo Trap is a product with good intentions, but an incredibly bizarre execution.
22:02It's a brightly colored harness you strap onto your dog's rear with a tiny bag attached,
22:07so that when they squat to do their business, the poo will, in theory,
22:10go straight into the bag without you having to actually pick it up.
22:14Nice and simple.
22:15Poo Trap is available in eight sizes and three colors.
22:18But unfortunately, it's simply too odd for most people, and probably dogs as well.
22:23Number 19.
22:24Potty Putter.
22:31If you think talking toilet paper would be a ridiculous addition to your bathroom,
22:36wait till you hear about buying your very own miniature golf set to put on the floor in front of you.
22:40Now, practice your putting every time you take care of your other business.
22:44Just aim and shoot the ball into the cup.
22:47This is advertised as a way to help you practice your putting,
22:50and uses the same fake green as real golf courses do.
22:53Though, on a real golf course, you probably won't be trying to use the bathroom at the same time.
23:06Unfortunately, the Potty Putter raises more problems than it solves.
23:10Mainly the question of whether you set it up permanently,
23:12or do you only take it out whenever you need to go.
23:20Number 18.
23:24Skinny's Instant Arm Lift.
23:28In what is perhaps the most insulting item on this list,
23:31the Instant Arm Lift is used to get rid of unwanted flab,
23:34by literally taping the flab to the back of your arm.
23:44It's advertised to make, quote,
23:46Sagging arms appear tight and firm,
23:48and we couldn't think of a more degrading and useless product.
23:51The tape is also extremely hard to apply,
23:54and is quite painful to take off apparently,
23:56like slowly peeling off a band-aid.
23:58Agonizing, undignified, and hopelessly impractical,
24:02this item ticks all the boxes of a dumb product.
24:05Number 17.
24:08In case you wanted an alternative to our earlier My Secret Hair Enhancer product,
24:12there's this option.
24:13That's great looking hair formula number nine,
24:16and it's hair in a can.
24:18Ron Popeil is the king of infomercials.
24:20If you were home sick in the 90s,
24:22you can bet your ass you were begging your parents for a food dehydrator,
24:25or a pasta maker the minute they walked in the door.
24:27But the most ridiculous Ronco product was GLH9.
24:31Think the before and afters would be as effective in HD.
24:34Oh, I started using GLH about four months ago
24:37after my papa told me I'd never grow any more hair.
24:40Hey Emmett, look at me now, a full head of hair.
24:43Number 16.
24:44Fat Magnet
24:45There's a lot of fat, look at that.
24:47Eating healthy is something we all want to do,
24:50but unhealthy food just tastes so good.
24:52Well, the Fat Magnet claims to be the perfect solution.
24:56You hover it over your food,
24:57and the excess fat on greasy foods gets sucked up by magnets or something like that.
25:02It smeared it onto the plate.
25:03It didn't suck it up like it's supposed to.
25:06Truth is, we don't really know how it works,
25:08mainly because it doesn't.
25:10Seeing this product endorsed on the Dr. Oz show is just painfully awkward.
25:14Gets rid of all of that grease.
25:16You all see that?
25:17And it should be apparent to anyone watching that it is nothing but a cash grab.
25:21Maybe just buy a salad instead?
25:24Number 15.
25:25Hawaii Chair
25:26And I'm gonna get yours started right now.
25:28Oh, jeez Louise, what's happening?
25:30Whoa, wait a minute.
25:33What does this have to do with Hawaii?
25:34If you're stuck in an office all day, finding the time to work out can be a struggle.
25:39The Hawaii Chair, also known as the hula chair,
25:42is intended to kill two birds with one stone.
25:45With the appearance of a regular desk chair,
25:47this invention possesses a rotating seat that mimics a hula dance.
25:51This is truly the machine that takes the work out of your workout.
25:55Users can exercise their whole body without even standing up.
25:59At least that's what the infomercial implies.
26:01As far as fitness equipment goes,
26:03the Hawaii Chair is hardly a substitute for the treadmill or elliptical.
26:08On top of that, it's too rambunctious to function in a quiet workplace environment.
26:12Imagine answering the phone or using the computer while riding a tilt-a-whirl.
26:16It's bound to end badly.
26:19If you can sit, you can get fit, the Hawaii Chair.
26:27This device looks more like it belongs in a dental clinic
26:30than as part of your daily beauty and fitness regime.
26:40Advertised as a product that gives you a natural facelift,
26:43the facial flex is almost as odd as the reactions of the woman trying it out in the infomercial.
26:48Lisa is a flexer, she's a user, and you can see how all of these muscles,
26:53and look at her neck, do you see how tight her neck is?
26:56And yet, there are reportedly many people who swear by the facial flex's positive results.
27:01I say the apartment's not the only thing getting a facelift.
27:03A similar device is the neckline slimmer,
27:06a very unusual gadget promising to tighten your jawline,
27:09eliminate your double chin, and take years off your appearance
27:12by having you repeatedly push your head against it.
27:15They say beauty is pain, but this stuff looks like downright torture.
27:24Younger looking skin is only one terrifying mask wear away.
27:28Just get into your silk pajamas, sit in your favorite fireside chair,
27:32and enjoy facial toning sessions that send impulses from a 9-volt battery
27:36directly into your 12 facial zones.
27:39And whatever you do, don't forget your lube.
27:41Does this sound to anyone else like shock therapy?
27:44Side effects may include redness, burning,
27:46memory loss, and violent horror film-inspired nightmares.
27:49So give your face a treat.
27:51The sooner you get started, the sooner you'll be enjoying results like the ones I've seen.
27:56Number 12.
27:57Cush Support
27:58Introducing Cush, the comfortable nighttime companion.
28:02The product is basically a piece of foam or plastic that goes in between a woman's breasts
28:07as she sleeps to support them during the night.
28:09It helps keep Cush in place even as you roll from side to side.
28:13It's impossible to look at this thing in action and not laugh in embarrassment at the sight of it.
28:17If that wasn't bad enough, a vast number of consumers complain that it doesn't stay in
28:22place due to the poor slippery quality of the material.
28:25Sorry C-Cuppers, but you'll have to find relief elsewhere.
28:28Number 11.
28:30Introducing Zoomies, the compact, hands-free, high-power binoculars you wear like sunglasses.
28:35If your goal is to look absolutely foolish while you're out in public,
28:39then Zoomies are for you.
28:41Zoomies are hands-free binoculars that sit on your head like a pair of glasses,
28:45so you can look at faraway objects without the annoying hassle of actually holding a pair of
28:49binoculars. Not only do you look ridiculous wearing them, but reviews also cite poor,
28:54blurry vision and weak magnification as deal-breakers.
29:01We can imagine that even avid birdwatchers passed on these, and we advise you to do the same.
29:06Zoomies binoculars are so light, you'll forget you even have them on.
29:10Number 10.
29:11Cammie's Secret
29:12You love that low-cut top for going out at night,
29:15but sometimes showing that much cleavage just isn't right.
29:18This ad gets off to a seriously rocky start when a boss looks down his employee's top,
29:23but having the narrator make it the woman's fault is worse.
29:26But for a moment, let's just pretend this was being marketed as your run-of-the-mill
29:30garment to be worn under plunging necklines.
29:32There are already so many comfortable, reasonable options out there.
29:36It's designed to attach quickly and easily right to your bra strap.
29:40This ad is quick to diss the most popular one, a camisole, by dismissing it as uncomfortable.
29:45Okay, but then you can still go with a bondeau or, you know, a well-fitting camisole.
29:50Other options seem more comfortable and are
29:52undeniably more aesthetically pleasing than the Cammie's Secret.
29:56Call now and get free Cammie's Secret in white, beige, and black.
30:00Number 9.
30:01Better Marriage Blanket
30:02Offending molecules are absorbed before anyone knows they're there.
30:06The fact that this is even on the market speaks volumes about our culture.
30:11Don't do that!
30:12What am I doing?
30:13Don't fart in the bed!
30:15We're not gonna sugarcoat this.
30:17The Better Marriage Blanket is a comforter that absorbs your spouse's fart
30:21so that it doesn't stink up the bed.
30:23So whether you or your spouse suffers from a health issue,
30:26or just the occasional disagreeable meal,
30:28you owe it to your marriage to try the Better Marriage Blanket.
30:31It's even advertised that the blanket uses the same fabric,
30:35used by the military to protect against chemical weapons.
30:39Last we checked, humans farted methane, not VX.
30:42This probably started as a joke,
30:44but then some executive thought there was money in it.
30:47So here we are.
30:55Number 8.
30:56The Euro Club
30:57This is a trademark patent-pending product
30:59that functions as a self-contained receptacle.
31:02You're on a golf course having the greatest game of your life
31:05when all of a sudden nature calls.
31:07Fear not!
31:08The Euro Club will resolve your potty emergency.
31:11Oh, it's a potty emergency!
31:13The ads for the Euro Club promise a,
31:17sanitary way for your urgent relief.
31:19However, there's nothing discreet about peeing into a golf club
31:23with a receptacle built into the grip.
31:25It looks like an ordinary golf club,
31:27but contains a reservoir built into the grip to relieve yourself.
31:30Covering yourself with a towel isn't going to fool anybody either.
31:32It's also worth pointing out that public urination is illegal in most places.
31:37You're better off seeking out the nearest toilet,
31:39especially if it comes equipped with a potty putter.
31:42Seriously, why do inventors keep associating golf with a bathroom?
31:46Number 7.
31:48Has this ever happened to you?
31:53You feel dirty just saying it.
31:56Which is ironic considering it's essentially a baby style bib for adults.
32:00The level of incompetence displayed by the characters in this ad is,
32:03quite frankly,
32:05So dudes,
32:06are you worried a pretty lady won't date you after you've spilled a coffee on your shirt?
32:10Well, if she ever finds out you wear a Slobstopper,
32:12let us tell you this.
32:14It will not be the stains that are keeping you single.
32:21Number 6.
32:22The Backup
32:26The Backup is a gun rack that's meant to house a gun beside your bed
32:33in order to shoot intruders without you even having to leave the comfort of your mattress.
32:41Not only is this one of the most puzzling and useless products ever,
32:45but it also holds the potential to be extremely dangerous.
32:49God help the spouse who sneaks back into the room from getting a drink.
32:52Terrible in all the wrong ways.
32:54The Backup is truly one of the most perplexing things we've ever seen.
33:01Number 5.
33:02Long Reach Comfort Wipe
33:08Though as seen on TV items tend to be bad across the board,
33:11the worst of the lot was bound to be found in the bathroom.
33:14At least there's no play on words.
33:16The Long Reach Comfort Wipe lets you know what it's all about right from the get-go.
33:21It creates a degree of separation between your hands and the toilet paper when it comes time to wipe.
33:26While there's no denying the fact that it could serve as a great tool for those with reduced mobility,
33:30the fact that this product markets itself as the next toilet paper innovation,
33:35poised to make traditional wiping a thing of the past,
33:37undermines any and all credibility.
33:40Think about it, toilet paper is really archaic and disgusting.
33:43The Comfort Wipe is a modern solution.
33:46Number 4.
33:46Perfect Polly
33:49Honestly, there's little fun to be had here.
33:52A motion-activated fake bird,
33:54Polly chirps,
33:55turns its head back and forth in a jarring unnatural movement,
33:59and even moves its tail feathers ever so slightly.
34:05If this were being marketed as a toy for kids,
34:08it would just be an unremarkable, slightly boring product.
34:11But look at this commercial.
34:12It's being advertised as a companion,
34:14as a legitimate stand-in for a real pet.
34:17Sure, caring for a real animal can be a lot of work,
34:20especially for the very young or the very old,
34:22but seeing an entire family fawn over this plastic bird is downright unnerving.
34:33Number 3.
34:34TV Hat
34:35Private, portable, and hands-free.
34:38For any sci-fi writers who predicted a dystopian future in which TV replaces social interaction,
34:43TV Hat was exactly the nightmare they were worried about.
34:52It's a visor with a very long cap that you can put your phone inside,
34:55creating a portable movie theater perfect for blocking out the rest of the world.
34:59My kids would love this.
35:01My husband would love this.
35:03It even includes a custom lens to make the display bigger,
35:06and is shown as an alternative to the expensive VR gaming systems currently on the market.
35:14While watching things on your phone hands-free is a nice idea,
35:17anyone who actually wears a TV hat will never live it down.
35:21Number 2.
35:22Shake Weight
35:23Women are always trying to avoid the dreaded Oprah arms,
35:26and the Shake Weight is the revolutionary product that exercises your biceps and triceps
35:31while making you look like a complete jackass.
35:34And it's not just for ladies, obviously.
35:43In just six minutes a day, this little guy will work its magic.
35:47Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified
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36:03Number 1.
36:04Sauna Pants
36:05Now you can read, watch TV, or just relax in the privacy of your own home.
36:10One of the most perplexing weight loss devices ever,
36:13sauna pants promise to help you, quote,
36:15sweat in the areas you need it most.
36:17Adjust heat level and relax as the sauna pants deliver a deep soothing heat.
36:22These are bulky, uncomfortable pants that heat up the lower half of your body
36:26in the hopes of making you sweat.
36:28They also need to be plugged in,
36:30meaning that you must be sitting within five feet of an outlet, so probably on the floor.
36:35Another criticism is that they come in one size,
36:38so many report an uncomfortable fit despite the fact that they are adjustable.
36:42Needless to say, sauna pants are one of the dumbest products ever.
36:47And just wrap and relax.
36:49What's the worst infomercial product you've ever bought?
36:52Let us know in the comments.
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