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00:00Alright, so it is that time of the week again where we go ahead and make you guys a full
00:03guide on what to expect for today's update.
00:05I'm not going to lie man, although this is technically a small update, there is quite
00:10a lot to go over.
00:11Like we always do, we'll go over first all of the brand new sort of like free-to-play
00:14content and then we'll leave all of the Robux stuff towards the end of the video.
00:18So let's start off with the first major thing being the Egg Merchant.
00:21Now although technically that portion is for Robux, I'm going to go ahead and explain
00:25to you how the entire egg system works.
00:27In the game for every single major event, there's going to be the possibility for you
00:30to be able to obtain one of the eggs.
00:33In total, I believe that there's five different eggs.
00:35As you can see from in my inventory, four of these are purely obtainable free-to-play
00:39through the major events.
00:41One of them is obtainable through Robux.
00:43Now here's sort of the major catch about the event eggs.
00:46Basically only one person is going to be able to obtain that egg from the moment that that
00:50event starts.
00:51This sort of makes a little more sense with something like the Megalodon or the Kraken
00:55for example.
00:56So technically only one person can catch that, but if you take a look in my inventory again,
01:00I do have an Orca egg as well as a whale egg, which these are a little bit more confusing
01:04because technically for an Orca egg, in theory, there is five Orcas in a migration, but technically
01:10only one person can get it and that is whoever fishes the very first Orca.
01:15Same goes for the whale.
01:16Technically, there's two whales in a migration, three if the Moby actually spawns, but only
01:20one person will be able to obtain it and that's the first person that catches the whale.
01:24Inside of these eggs, there is different rewards that you can pretty much obtain and
01:28it's all sort of very similar to like the skin crates.
01:31Differences that the most common rewards being bait as well as money.
01:35Then you go on to the rare reward being a skin crate that is specifically only for this
01:39eggs and then you have two different vehicles, one of them being an extremely unique jet
01:44ski, which is technically not a jet ski.
01:46I'll show you guys in just a second why I'm saying that and the other one is a unique
01:50submarine that you can only obtain inside of here and it's by far the fastest submarine.
01:56This is going to be a huge game changer, not only to travel around the world, but also
01:59to travel inside of Mariana's Vale right over there.
02:02You can actually see someone is getting on the actual jet ski thing, but it's completely
02:07It's probably one of the coolest vehicles and as of the time that I'm recording this,
02:10it is technically the fastest free to play vehicle in the entire game.
02:14If I go ahead and cycle through these, you'll notice that every single one of the eggs give
02:17the same exact rewards except for one of the eggs and I'm sure you're sort of catching
02:22on here already.
02:24This is the unfortunate side is that the Faberge egg, which is technically the one for Robux
02:28does sort of provide a unique sort of reward being the golden kraken bait.
02:33Here's a quick look at what the bait is looking like right now.
02:36It is 150 preferred luck, 40 universal luck, 20 resilience with plus 50 lure speed.
02:43It's kind of insane.
02:44Definitely an item that's going to be a little bit more on the questionable side.
02:47You can technically purchase this bait without getting it inside of the Faberge egg over
02:51at Moosewood right next to where the radar is for sale.
02:53Yeah, this is definitely going to be one of those more questionable things that a lot
02:56of people are going to have some pretty strong opinions on.
02:58The next thing is going to be the cosmetic legendary crate.
03:00This one is obtainable in every single one of the eggs.
03:03And if you notice for the most part, every single one of the skins inside of here are
03:07pretty good.
03:08Obviously, the one that you're going to be chasing after is going to be the divine Ascension
03:11on the right hand side.
03:12I'll go ahead and spin one of these see what we end up getting and it looks like we ended
03:15up with the twig of triumph, which is a flimsy rod skin.
03:20Wait, what ain't no way that we got ourselves a flimsy rod skin before GTA 6.
03:26This is crazy.
03:27This time I got the abyssal constrictor, which is for the Kraken rod.
03:31So that's what this looks like right here.
03:33Pretty cool, actually.
03:34Now, as I mentioned before, the divine Ascension is pretty much the one that a lot of people
03:36are going to want to go after because it is the rarest one and it is for the heavens rod.
03:40This is what it looks like right here.
03:42Kind of insane.
03:43Now, technically speaking, there is a cooler skin for the heavens rod.
03:47It is on the robux side.
03:48I'll show you guys that like I said before, closer to the end of the video, trust me,
03:52you don't want to miss out because it's actually a really unique sort of skin for the heavens
03:55rod and it's a it's kind of interesting.
03:57You may have already seen it because I sort of started the video off with it.
04:00Here's another one of them being the void collar.
04:02This one is obviously for rod of the depths, really, really sick looking skin for rod of
04:06the depths.
04:07By far one of my favorite ones, to be honest, as I mentioned before, there is two brand
04:11new vehicles that are obtainable inside of these eggs.
04:13That is king of the kraken, which is two hundred and sixty speed.
04:19Absolutely insane.
04:20And then the submarine, which is the blubber, not for the blubber, not I believe is like
04:23a zero point five percent to be able to get it.
04:26It's kind of rare, but I mean, there's really nothing too crazy about it.
04:29Yes, it is one of the faster submarines or I guess the fastest submarine now, and it
04:34looks super cool, to be honest.
04:35Either way, that isn't even the coolest one.
04:37The coolest one that I want to show you guys is king of the kraken.
04:40And if you notice this bad boy is two hundred and sixty speed.
04:45Absolutely absurd.
04:46This is what it looks like right here, which technically it doesn't have a seat.
04:51Instead, you sort of jump on this and you're kind of on your knees.
04:54And as you progressively start to go faster, if you notice your character is sort of like
04:57just holding on for his life.
05:00This thing is insanely fast, super cool and probably one of the more unique vehicles in
05:04the game right now.
05:05So I'm actually super excited to get my hands on this because it's more than likely going
05:09to be my main vehicle moving forward.
05:10But yeah, for the most part, that is everything that has to do with the eggs.
05:14That's sort of something that you're going to do passively, because really the most important
05:17thing is going to be coming over here to the oil rig and getting started on obtaining your
05:21speed boots.
05:22That is going to be the entire premise of this update and the most important thing that
05:26you want to go after.
05:27Enter inside of here.
05:28Go ahead and make a right.
05:29Then another right.
05:31And you're going to find Dr. Crook's spine.
05:33He says, I'm working on high tech speed boots, but he needs three more parts to complete
05:39They are energy fuel and speed core.
05:40Those are the three pieces that he needs.
05:42Find them.
05:43I want to finish the invention to find them.
05:45He says they're scattered around the region.
05:47Check old islands, the open ocean and anywhere you can think of.
05:51Time is critical to find these extremely easy.
05:54Just go ahead and fish in the ocean, Mushgrove, as well as Sunset.
05:58In each one of these areas, you will be able to obtain one of the three parts just simply
06:02by fishing.
06:03There's nothing really too fancy, nothing really too crazy.
06:05Just definitely keep in mind that these are technically labeled as secrets.
06:09So it is going to be a little bit of a challenge to obtain these parts.
06:12So definitely use up those auroras, use up those server Lux and of course, grab your
06:16Merlin Lux.
06:17So that way you are able to go ahead and get the best chances of obtaining this.
06:20Once you have all three parts being a rocket fuel speed core, as well as the boots themselves,
06:26make your way back to Dr. Crook's spine.
06:28And let's go ahead and finish this off.
06:30He says, wonderful job.
06:31Now take these amazing boots and run as fast as you desire.
06:34I'll start working on some other inventions.
06:37This is the part that's kind of interesting.
06:39And if you notice, there is technically other crates all around this entire room and pretty
06:43much all around this entire building, meaning that Dr. Crook's spine is not done with more
06:49Either way, at this point, we can go ahead and put on our level three glimmer fin suit
06:52and our now matching glimmer suit boots, which are technically not really all that matching,
06:58but you get the idea.
06:59And now we technically walk a whole lot faster than we did before, which is absolutely fantastic.
07:04This is going to make traveling around a little bit easier, which is kind of good.
07:08I'm kind of curious if this is affected by the glider.
07:10No, it doesn't.
07:11But yeah, as far as the content goes, that's pretty much everything that you guys need
07:15to go ahead and obtain right now for free.
07:18Now let's go over, obviously, the robux stuff, as I'm sure you guys are already fully aware.
07:22Yes, there is a brand new bundle, that being the Red Racer bundle.
07:26Inside of this, you're going to get yourself the Red Racer boat, the Crystal Lantern, as
07:30well as a 5X luck for one hour.
07:33Stats for the Red Racer boat are 225 speed, and it's actually a really cool looking boat.
07:38It sort of looks like a mixture between a car and a boat.
07:40It's kind of interesting.
07:41But yeah, it's got a cool little animation whenever you go ahead and start driving.
07:45Obviously, when you come to a complete stop, it'll go ahead and sort of disappear.
07:49It's kind of like the flames for the exhaust, I would imagine.
07:51But yeah, overall, a really, really cool looking boat.
07:54Isn't really insanely fast and sort of feels like a little bit clunky.
07:58But besides that, it is really cool looking.
08:00Then, of course, underneath that, we have ourselves the sort of like exclusive vehicle
08:04that happens every single update.
08:06This one is going to be called the Toro Veloz, 240 speed on this one, and it's sort of like
08:11a ski mobile.
08:12It's actually kind of weird because this shouldn't be on the water if you technically want to
08:16point that out.
08:17I don't really know.
08:18But yeah, this is what it looks like right here.
08:19Also has a cool little trail behind it that follows you around, obviously extremely fast,
08:25but ironically, not as fast as the free to play one, which is pretty cool.
08:29Kind of like a rare thing that happens.
08:31But yeah, technically speaking, the one that you obtain from the egg is pretty much like
08:35the fastest boat in the entire game right now, even across all of the pay to win ones.
08:40Moving on now to the skins.
08:42This is where things are going to get a little bit interesting.
08:45For those of you that obviously want to spend Robux, we got ourselves three new skins.
08:49As per usual, the Celestial Relic for the Mythical Rod.
08:52We've got the Celestial Ascension for the Rod of the Exalted One and the brand new Banana
08:57Rod for the Heavens Rod.
08:59This is the very first skin, to my knowledge, that actually has a casting effect.
09:04For starters, let's go ahead and show you guys the other ones first.
09:06So here's the Mythical Rod looks really, really cool.
09:10Definitely does a lot of justice for the Mythical Rod, and ironically, all of these skins just
09:14seem to be getting better and better every single update.
09:16So I'm really happy about that, even though, of course, it is the unfortunate side that
09:19they are behind Robux.
09:21Next one is the Celestial Ascension, another one that is actually super sick.
09:25I actually hate this rod because this is the reason why the whale incident happens.
09:31So I never actually use this one.
09:32Every single time that I see this rod, I literally have flashbacks and it's quite literally terrifying.
09:37But finally, we have the Heavens Rod with the Banana Rod.
09:41This one is really, really cool.
09:44And I think obviously the selling point here is going to be the effect that it has, which
09:48obviously makes a giant banana fall out of the sky.
09:52So there it is right there.
09:53It sort of slams into the water and banana pieces kind of like go everywhere.
09:57It's really, really cool.
09:58I don't exactly know the price on this as the time that I'm recording this video, but
10:01this is interesting.
10:02I hope we see even some more free to play skins that actually do this.
10:07I think that'd be really cool to make the rarest one have some type of special effect like this.
10:11Like, I feel like it's kind of a missed opportunity that didn't do that with the eggs, but it
10:14is what it is.
10:15Hopefully, moving forward, they do end up doing that.
10:17Obviously, down here, there is some brand new bobbers for all of you hardcore collectors.
10:22I know that there's a good amount of you out there.
10:24There is three brand new ones for you to chase after.
10:26And yeah, I pretty much just left one final thing, and that is it does look like there's
10:30going to be double XP again, which is kind of insane was not expecting there to be another
10:35double XP.
10:36So quick.
10:37I feel like we just had a double XP definitely interesting to see that, but I went ahead
10:41and left it for the end of the video just in case if there's any, like, last minute
10:44changes that they decide to not go ahead and push that out.
10:46So if you see it, great.
10:48If you don't see it, then, well, it was kind of expected, I guess.
10:50Either way, I hope this went ahead and helped you guys.
10:52If it did, make sure to drop a like subscribe to the channel.
10:55We cover every single update every week here, and we're probably live right now as you're
10:59watching this.
11:00So make sure that you go to my channel during the live and come and hang out with us as
11:03we play the brand new update.
11:05Either way, I will see you guys in the next one.
11:07Take care.
