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00:00Captain! Captain! We're receiving a transmission!
00:02Good, pull up the feed.
00:07Uh, what?
00:11You gotta be fucking kidding me.
00:12Hello again, welcome to the live channel.
00:15Today we're taking on the infamously difficult FTL,
00:18and making it substantially more difficult by limiting myself to only two weapons.
00:22Fire, and Ion.
00:24So join me today as I try my best to make my way through all eight sectors,
00:28fight the rebel fleet, hit the chemi-maneuver,
00:30go slug mode, fight the rebel flagship,
00:32and maybe even...
00:36So without further ado...
00:41He was waiting, too.
00:44Shout out to that guy, and that other guy.
00:46Okay, so as you can see by the title of the stream,
00:49we have a simple mission.
00:50That is to beat the game using Ion weapons and fire.
00:55Uh, yeah, I think the ideal thing to start with would be the NG ship,
01:00because it starts with Ion.
01:01I don't think I'm very good at this game either, to be honest,
01:04but we can do it.
01:06Okay, we can do it.
01:07What are we calling our ship?
01:10Okay, everyone's saying egg.
01:12That's the name of our beautiful ship!
01:17So Mart, I hear you asking,
01:18how do you actually beat FTL faster than light?
01:22Well, listen closely, my sweet summer charming.
01:24We need to traverse through the eight different sectors,
01:26fight the rebel flagship,
01:28and blow it up.
01:29It's that simple.
01:30However, as the game goes on, it gets progressively harder and harder,
01:33and these little guys quickly turn into these not-so-little guys.
01:37And all I have right now is this shitty Ion cannon.
01:40We got our Ion blast one,
01:41we're gonna sell the combat one drone as soon as we can.
01:44All right, how do we want to do this?
01:45I feel like the first sector,
01:47so for those who don't know FTL,
01:49for those who aren't old heads like me,
01:51so I think and basically...
01:53I'll just fucking play it.
01:55You'll see.
01:56You'll see!
01:57Okay, if it spawns over here, that means there's gonna be a guy here.
01:59Buy one slave.
02:02Should we attack him?
02:03He's got two weapons.
02:04I don't think I should attack him.
02:05I think I would die if I did that.
02:07Just keep going.
02:08I'm going to the store.
02:09I'm going to sell my drones.
02:11At the store, we can spend all of our wonderful scrap.
02:14We get scrap from killing bad guys and a few other things,
02:16and can spend it either at a store or on upgrading our ship.
02:20If we want to get our hands on a fire weapon,
02:21we'd have to either get extremely lucky and have someone give it to us,
02:25or buy one from a store.
02:27Yeah, see, none of these I can buy.
02:28None of these count.
02:29Oh my god, this challenge is gonna be fucking brutal.
02:32Okay, I can sell this.
02:34Okay, so you can see now we have this little red line.
02:37That's the rebel forces.
02:39They're gonna...
02:40They're gonna advance through the sector each turn and fuck my shit up.
02:47We have our first fight.
02:48Okay, so if you haven't played FTL before,
02:50here is how a battle works in caveman terms.
02:54You ship.
02:54They ship.
02:55They ship bad.
02:56Shoot gun.
02:56Shoot ship.
02:57Ship get hit.
02:59You ship get hit.
03:00You hit bad ship.
03:01Bad ship die.
03:03See grug.
03:03Throw rocket grug.
03:05Grug die.
03:10God damn it.
03:11It's okay, he's getting hit by the asteroids.
03:14This ion weapon fucking sucks.
03:16This thing sucks dick.
03:18I'm already getting fucked.
03:20This fucking weapon is the worst.
03:22I'm relying on the asteroids here hard.
03:24I don't know why I decided to do this challenge.
03:26I thought this game was easy.
03:27But now I'm remembering.
03:28This game is not fucking easy.
03:29This is...
03:30This is rough, man.
03:31This is rough.
03:32Don't you dare shoot me again, you dickhead.
03:38Well, uh...
03:39That sucked.
03:41Now, I did end up getting a bit of scrap from this,
03:43which I could use to upgrade my ship.
03:45A better engine would mean a higher dodge chance.
03:47Another layer of shields would mean more protection.
03:49Upgraded power would mean more green bars to give to our systems.
03:52Upgrading our doors would, uh...
03:54Upgrade our doors.
03:55But no.
03:56I did none of that.
03:57And immediately began another fight.
03:58Asteroids carried this.
04:00Dude, I lost a third of my health.
04:02This is gonna be so bad.
04:05God damn it.
04:06Wait, I should have fucking upgraded my ship.
04:08Now there's no asteroids.
04:09I'm actually just gonna die.
04:11There's actually nothing I can do.
04:13There's a guy in my ship!
04:16These Engie guys are really shit at fighting as well.
04:19Oh my god, this is bad.
04:22I might have to change the conditions of the challenge, I'm gonna be honest.
04:25I'm fucked.
04:26Like, I'm fucked.
04:27I got nothing.
04:28I got fucking nothing.
04:30I can't even disable the weapons.
04:31He's just gonna kill me.
04:32He's li-
04:32I'm literally gonna die on the first fucking-
04:35I was like, this will be fine.
04:36This will be easy.
04:37I'll be fucking chill.
04:38There's a fire in the entire ship.
04:40There's a guy there.
04:44Yeah, we got no engine.
04:45We got no oxygen.
04:46We got no-
04:47We got no nothing.
04:48We are fucked.
04:49As you can see, this wasn't going so well for us.
04:51But luckily, I was able to escape the fight.
04:54Which was when...
04:55This happened.
04:58Fire beam?
05:02We're so ba-
05:06Okay, so obviously this isn't working.
05:08It can be done, but it's entirely up to luck whether or not you get anything that deals fire damage.
05:12So I made a quick amendment to the rules.
05:14For the first half of the game, I can use whatever I want.
05:16But as soon as I hit sector 5, the second half of the game, it goes back to ion and fire only.
05:21Seems fair?
05:23Well, this is MY fucking video!
05:24Eat shit and cry, you pathetic fucking worm!
05:28I'm ready.
05:31Oh, wonderful.
05:32Greetings and welcome to our beacon.
05:33For a small fee, we'll let you continue on your way.
05:35I'm poor.
05:36I can't afford that.
05:37We want to launch the drone.
05:40And we want to fire at the shields.
05:41And we want to auto-fire.
05:43What an idiot.
05:44He shoots the heavy laser first and then the ion.
05:48My drone!
05:50It's crazy that having something that deals damage is actually, like, good.
05:55It is dead.
05:56Hooray, we killed an enemy!
05:57That's our first enemy that we've killed.
05:59All right, do we want to go to the store first?
06:00I don't think we do.
06:01I think we want to go here first.
06:05Oh, I can hire a guy.
06:06Yeah, let's do it.
06:07That's super cheap.
06:09Now, where do we want to go?
06:10So, this is the sector map.
06:12In each sector, you start on the left and move to the right towards the exit beacon.
06:17Each progressive sector gets harder and harder,
06:19so it's important to get as much as you can from each sector before moving on.
06:22However, the rebel fleet is in hot pursuit.
06:25And each time I jump, they advance too.
06:27And fighting the rebel fleet is not very fun.
06:31We'll go up here.
06:32We'll take this route, I reckon.
06:39Oh, wonderful.
06:41I guess I'll go there.
06:43Researching genetic distortion due to stasis sleep and prolonged FTL travel.
06:47They ask if your crew has the time to undergo a few scans.
06:49Yeah, we'll participate.
06:51Never mind.
06:53It's dead, I think.
06:55There's a slug!
06:55There's a slug in my...
06:59Okay, now they're suffocating.
07:00That's good.
07:01That's good.
07:01Love a bit of suffocation.
07:03Yep, they're still suffocating.
07:04They're running around like idiots.
07:06They don't know what to do.
07:08And they're not dead.
07:09Okay, well, most of them are dead.
07:10There we go.
07:11There we go!
07:14Oh, we got another drone!
07:16Let's go!
07:16I guess we can start thinking about upgrading our beautiful craft egg.
07:22Maybe another layer of shields.
07:23I feel like you can't go wrong with some more shields, right?
07:26I feel like two shields is kinda...
07:28Kinda good.
07:30Kinda good.
07:33Intruders on board.
07:34God fucking damn it.
07:35Uh, you guys get in there.
07:38One of my crew!
07:40I wasn't paying attention!
07:41Turn on drone.
07:42Kill him.
07:43Kill him.
07:43Kill him.
07:46No, my guy!
07:48Okay, we go to store.
07:51Hey, wait a minute.
07:52Is that...
07:54War Robots Frontiers?
07:55That's right, buckos!
07:56This video is sponsored by War Robots Frontiers!
07:59Do you like war?
08:00Do you like war?
08:01Do you like war?
08:02Do you like war?
08:02Do you like war?
08:03Do you like war?
08:03Do you like war?
08:04Do you like war?
08:04Do you like war?
08:05Do you like war?
08:05Do you like war?
08:07Do you like robots?
08:08Do you like...
08:08A line or border separating two countries?
08:10Well, I've got the game for you!
08:12War Robots Frontiers is a free multiplayer mech shooter
08:14where you get to customise and build your mech to suit your playstyle!
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08:18Or this!
08:18Not this!
08:19Or this!
08:20Fight in massive 6v6 battles!
08:22Play in one of the three game modes like War Rush!
08:24Attack the D-point!
08:25Design ingenious strategies to implement ambushes and flank with your team!
08:28Or just fucking shoot everything that moves!
08:30And if you thought these were giant fucking robots,
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08:36Level up and summon your titan!
08:38Go on a mass murdering rampage,
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08:41With stunning graphics that'll melt your face clean off!
08:45But, Mart, I put all my money into Martcoin
08:47and lost everything in an unforeseeable rug pull!
08:49Please, Mart,
08:50I can no longer afford basic necessities.
08:52Don't worry, young man,
08:53cause War Robots Frontiers is free!
08:55Truly a certified scoopity-gap-riz...
08:58I'm gonna fucking kill myself.
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09:14Thanks to War Robots Frontiers for sponsoring this video.
09:20Fire Drone?
09:21Oh, that'd be so good.
09:22Okay, I can sell one of these Combat Drones.
09:24I don't need two of them.
09:25Fuck, I'd really like a Fire Drone.
09:27Combat Drone 2 would be pretty cool.
09:30Fire Drone would be great because I need fire.
09:33Mmm, this is painful.
09:37Playing this game is a painful experience.
09:41The surface of a nearby moon.
09:42Your senses are picking up a single life form.
09:45Single life form might be another crewmate.
09:47Invite him to join your crew.
09:49Hell yeah!
09:50And he's a shield guy.
09:51We don't have a shield guy.
09:53Okay, nice!
10:13Bormin is gone.
10:14It's over.
10:15We were so back for a second there and now it's back to being over.
10:19Well, I guess you're the pilot now.
10:21He just disappeared.
10:23Poor little guy.
10:25I can send my guys off.
10:30Is he the pilot?
10:31Is the pilot called Bitch?
10:33That's funny.
10:34Now that's funny.
10:36The shield guy.
10:37I'm the funniest man alive.
10:39Your shield guy is on piloting?
10:41Oh yeah.
10:44Appreciate it.
10:45Yes, Bitch.
10:48Bitch is the pilot.
10:50Okay, next sector.
10:52I reckon we go Mantis.
10:53Oh, Mantis is kind of not good for us.
10:55Mantis is actually kind of bad for us because Mantis like to do boarding.
10:59And we don't have, like the Engie guys are really bad at fighting.
11:02Like really, really bad at fighting.
11:04Maybe we'll go Zoltan.
11:05The Zoltoids.
11:14Just detonate it.
11:14You'll be fine.
11:17We got, we got this guy.
11:21Oh, we just got...
11:23Enemy drone got zapped.
11:25Why did they all come back?
11:27Miss, miss, miss.
11:27We are, we are dodging like, like crazy right now.
11:31Like a motherfucker.
11:33Oh, fuck.
11:35You spy two pirate ships lurking in the nebula.
11:37They remain unaware of your presence.
11:39You're able to get your scanners to at least identify their cargo.
11:41One is carrying fuel supplies.
11:42The other ammunition.
11:44I reckon we get the fuel.
11:45I reckon we do it.
11:46I reckon we fucking go for it.
11:49Maybe not.
11:50This might have been a terrible idea.
11:53There we go.
11:55Keep that disabled.
11:56Keep that disabled.
11:58This is chill.
11:58This is chill.
11:59This is cool with me.
12:01This is cool with me.
12:02How this is going is cool with me.
12:05I'm scared that these weapons are going to shoot.
12:07So I'm just, we're just going to leave it like this until, until it eventually dies.
12:16This guy leveled up.
12:18I got two fuel from that.
12:21Oh, this recharges super fast now.
12:2420% faster charge with butters.
12:26Sorry butters, but you have a funny name.
12:28And it's, it's, it's being changed to butt ass.
12:32We've got a bitch butt ass.
12:34And Charles.
12:36Oh, there's a store.
12:37We're hitting the store.
12:3998 scrap at the store.
12:41I'm a rich man.
12:44Wait, I could have gotten mind control.
12:46What am I fucking doing?
12:47I could have gotten hacking.
12:47Mind control is kind of awesome.
12:49Actually, it's not that good.
12:50Mind control is alright.
12:52The mantis.
12:53They have a teleporter.
12:54They don't have a teleporter.
12:56I really want a fire beam.
12:57That would be very cool.
12:58Any sort of fire weapon right now would be wonderful.
13:00I am running out of time to make that happen.
13:02And I'm gonna get fucking destroyed.
13:05Once I, I'm no longer allowed to use the combat drone.
13:09Oh, long range scanners.
13:11What does that do?
13:1233 scrap.
13:12Oh my god, we're rich.
13:13Let's hit it.
13:14Where are we going?
13:15We going to the slug land?
13:17Or are we going to the pirates?
13:18Long range scanners is dope.
13:20Pirate slug.
13:21Slug time.
13:23I'm feeling a bit sluggy.
13:25To be honest.
13:26Let's do sluggy.
13:28On slug mode.
13:34Oh, we got a store.
13:35143 scrap in the store.
13:36I'm a rich man.
13:39My god, these all suck.
13:40Do I really want?
13:41Is hacking that good?
13:42I feel like hacking is kind of good for the, for the thing I'm doing, right?
13:45Like I can hack their oxygen.
13:50That'd be pretty good.
13:51Hacking is extremely good for the final fight.
13:53Fire needs oxygen.
13:54That's true, but so do the crewmates.
13:57You can hack not just the oxygen.
13:58Get the hacking stun and hacking.
14:00It's not even that good.
14:02Or I could just spend more.
14:03Spend more of this scrap on.
14:06I just, I want more weapons to be honest.
14:07I don't think hacking is the play.
14:09I think getting more weapons is the play.
14:11So let's just keep going, I guess.
14:13Let's just keep going.
14:15Oh my god, that has four weapons.
14:17This is bad.
14:18This is bad.
14:20They got no shields.
14:21We got, we got our drone doing his thing.
14:23This is, this is more like it.
14:24This is, this is what I like to see.
14:31176 scrap.
14:32I, store.
14:34Give me, give me some weapons.
14:35Give me some stuff.
14:36Give me some good stuff.
14:38Fire beam.
14:42Cloaking would go so hard.
14:44I could sell this and get cloak.
14:46Cloaking's kind of epic.
14:47I think I sell this.
14:48Grab the cloak.
14:51We'll do it.
14:51We'll do it.
14:52So, what's cloaking?
14:53And why does it cost 150 scrap?
14:56Well, cloaking is a system that allows you to,
14:58you guessed it,
15:00When cloaking, enemies can't target you or charge their weapons,
15:03and your evasion goes up by 60%.
15:06So yeah.
15:07It's pretty good.
15:09I think so.
15:10I think so.
15:12We'll do it.
15:12We'll do it.
15:14Slug ship.
15:15Slug ship looking to fuck my shit up.
15:19He shot.
15:19And now we take power from that.
15:22Miss, miss, miss.
15:26There we go.
15:2826 scrap.
15:29There we go.
15:30We can run the-
15:30We can run the fire beam.
15:34Let's kill something with a fire beam.
15:36We'll turn the drone off.
15:37Turn the drone off when they-
15:40They've a-
15:43How many other?
15:43Just one?
15:45Fire beam's charged.
15:49Okay, hold on, hold on, hold on.
15:50What are we gonna set fire to?
15:52This is actually crazy that you can do that.
15:54I feel like the weapons are kind of a good thing to burn.
15:57And the cloning bay.
15:58We'll do this.
16:03It's sad that you can't see it,
16:04but there's probably heaps of fire in there right now.
16:07Very good.
16:08Very good.
16:10I think the whole-
16:11I think it's all on fire.
16:12I think-
16:13I think the entire ship is on fire.
16:16Or it'll-
16:17Or it'll explode.
16:19Wait, victory through asphyxiation?
16:22Do we win?
16:25Yes, we got the missile system.
16:27You may be wondering.
16:29The ship didn't explode. How did you win?
16:32What a stupid fucking question. You should be ashamed of yourself you absolute BITCH!
16:36There are multiple ways to win a battle. The most obvious being to blow the enemy ship up
16:40But if we kill all the occupants all of a sudden the ship is completely useless
16:44So we win
16:45Is this the last sector that I can actually use weapons in there?
16:50It is oh no, and with that we reach the halfway point which meant from here. We could only use ion and fire weapons gentlemen
16:58This is where it gets interesting
17:01Okay, let's let's let's think there's no enemies around us right now. I reckon we hit up the distress beacon
17:07So what can we do? What can we do right now?
17:10I can't use the combat drone so I might as well sell that and the Hermes missile
17:14I reckon I reckon leveling up the cloak is actually the best thing to do. The cloak is really good
17:21I have a bad feeling about this
17:23You're contracted by a slug marooned on the moon's surface
17:28I shall join your crew if you can answer me this simple question. How many moons are there in orbit here?
17:33I feel like 11 is a lot. What do we feel it everyone? What do we feel it?
17:38Most people seem to think six. All right. All right, we'll do six. No chance at six. I'm clicking it
17:45It was six! We have a slug! You were right! Chat was right about something for once. Oh my goodness
17:50We're slug maxing as fuck right now
17:54A pirate ship and appears and opens fire. Okay, all it has, does it have a teleporter? No, it doesn't
17:59Okay, all it's got is an ion thing, mind control and this laser here. We actually might be good
18:05All I can really do is shoot at the shield and then fire beam them just like repeatedly
18:09That's all I can do. Dickhead. Bitch. Bitch has been mind-controlled
18:15I'm trolling. Literally trolling right now. Literally trolling. Fuck it
18:20fire beam
18:22What? What happened to it? Oh my weapons got ion cannon. Fuck
18:28He's got the same ion cannon, ion weapon as me. No, he's mind controlling my guy again
18:35Okay, that's good, that's good
18:39I'm freaking out. Oh shit. Okay. They are they are struggling right now. They're on struggle street. Okay. Okay
18:45I think we're gonna win. I think we win
18:48I'll smash a laser mark too. I want one of those. I want to use that. That sounds cool
18:56More fights. Oh, no, they have a teleporter. I can just hide for a bit. Yeah, they're getting ready to teleport
19:03I don't like that one bit. Oh
19:05They teleported in the worst spot
19:08Sorry, fuck. There's no more air and I can open that door while they attack that door. So this place is also flooded
19:15Okay, we're good we're good
19:18He's destroying my weapon. Oh, he's destroyed the fire beam. Fuck
19:21Okay, I can do a little trolling a little bit of trolling perhaps. He fights for a bit runs away dead
19:27Oh, the ion blast is keeping us alive as fuck right now. Keep shooting the weapons
19:34Ion bomb that's huge. That's actually huge. Okay, 25 more scrap and a weapon that we can actually use
19:42There's a store. There's a store. Okay. Anyway, let's sell the things that we can't even use. I think I might just fix it all
19:54Oh no
19:56They're all slugs. They have a missile thing and an ion thing
20:00Okay, they're shot
20:01Now we cloak
20:05Okay, wait for it to impact then do that
20:11And disable okay, this is actually this is huge this is huge. Oh
20:17Beautiful it's a shame we can't see inside their ship, but there's probably fire all over the place in their ship
20:22Just use your imagination pretend. There's just crazy fires happening everywhere. Okay, we've definitely won this fight
20:28We've definitely won this fight. There we go. You strip it of useful materials 49 scrap. That's epic
20:35Mmm, the sensors are pretty good as well. Then we can actually see the fires in their ship
20:40We'll go we'll go that why not why not so you can actually see shit man
20:44This is kind of not good for us as they like teleporting. We'll go Engie
20:49Let's get to it
20:51That has a lot of weapons and now we ion bomb the shields
20:57Beautiful the fire beams shooting isn't it? Yeah. Okay, whatever. That's fine. They don't have they don't have a medbay
21:02They don't have a medbay. They're just gonna even burn death. Okay, the fire is spreading. This is good. This is good
21:07We have more fire. Okay, I can fire beam again fire beam that
21:13The whole ship is fucked
21:16What if we just what do we just sit here and watch this poor little guy Nicola?
21:20This entire ship is on fire. There's nothing you can do
21:24Burn you please
21:32System repair drone, that's actually pretty nice. I don't think we'll sell that that's that's pretty good
21:37Good in a pickle. Oh more ion blasts damaged crew members and light fires fire bomb
21:43I don't have enough weapon slots. Really? That's kind of one of the major issues here hacking would be cool
21:49What I hack that would be good yields and then I fire beam them. Actually, that'd be pretty good
21:55I reckon we'll just do it. I think that's more. I think that's more fun
21:58Yeah, we'll just we'll go for it and then we'll we'll do that. Okay new system hacking
22:03It's a drone that attaches itself onto one of the enemy systems and when I click this button it begins draining power from it
22:09If I attach it to the shields, it drains the shields weapons. It drains the weapons simple and quite effective. Okay, here's another fight
22:16Here's another fight only disrupts it for four seconds. That's kind of not ideal
22:22How does this work I don't even know
22:26That barely did shit
22:28Please hit. Thank you. Okay
22:32Whatever we'll do it. That was decent. That was decent. Okay. Okay, we're where I think we're good
22:38I think we're gonna win. I'll fire beam even more shit
22:45Hooray this is kind of kind of an awesome way to play because like you get you get way more scrap when they die
22:51When they don't explode like you just get more resources to work with we could get another level of hacking
22:57I think another level of hacking would be really good
23:01Let's do it the hacking gambit. We're continuing the hacking gambit. I can go to the distress beacon and back. Yeah, let's do that
23:06I barely have any fuel. I shouldn't have done that
23:09Okay, our shields are down send a repair drone
23:14Fucking kidding me anti biobeam or damage the hull. That's not okay. That's not too bad. We got heaps of scrap anti biobeam
23:20That sounds crazy. Biobeam is not fire or ion. This is true, dude. How have we made it this far? This is the second attempt
23:28no jump
23:29Forward scout of the rebel fleet. Mmm. I don't know if hacking the shields is the right thing to do
23:34Actually, I think hacking the weapons is the right thing to do
23:36I think the weapons is the right thing to do because then I have longer before they shoot for the first time. Yeah
23:42Yeah, yeah, that's it. That's it. That's it. How good is that? Okay. Okay. Okay
23:47Oh the weapons got has four fire in it and they can't get into the weapons room either because the hacking thing
23:53Okay, we're gonna win this easy
23:55The fire beam is so good, it's insane. They're out of oxygen. They're so fucked. There's nothing they can do. Absolutely not
24:04Beautiful. No fuel. That is really unfortunate
24:09No fuel. Distress beacon? Might as well
24:16Aha! Pulling on slug cruises by an office assistants. Have your slug make the purchase
24:22Hey, there we go. Nice. We're slug maxing right now.
24:27Oh, they're willing to kill us quite a bit. So just fuck off. I feel like we can take him
24:32I feel like we can take anything. Famous last words. Let's do it. Let's do it. Let's take him
24:36What do they have? They have a drone thing. Uh-oh.
24:40Oh, it's a defense mk2 drone. Yeah, I can't hack it. Wait, is the defense mk2 drone able to shoot my iron blast?
24:46I think it is. I think it is. I think I need to leave. I think- uh-oh
24:50Okay, shoot the shields, I guess. Yeah, it can shoot them
24:54Out of here. Store! Yes!
24:57Okay, the iron bomb is so good. I'm gonna be real. It is the best thing I have. I can sell this shit as well
25:04Oh my god
25:07Buy fuel
25:09Mmm, I get fuel when I fight things though. Okay, if I jump, are there any- yeah, there's a fight there
25:16Two shields for boss fight is basically dead
25:21Surely not, right?
25:23I probably should have- yeah, that's probably the thing I should upgrade. I'm solely relying on having good offense
25:31Intruders. Okay, I'm gonna have to do the shimmy
25:37The shimmy. Can that beam damage me? I feel like that beam can damage me to be honest. Wait, I can cloak
25:42Okay, and hold on I can use hacking. We can hack their weapons. I can launch the iron bomb at that
25:49Okay, that is fucking fully charged. Stop that. Stop that at once. Fire in the weapons room would be nice
25:55I guess. There's only two crewmates
25:58Please shoot that. No! That does- that does do damage. Let's do that
26:04I'd like to hack the weapons
26:08Okay, this will- this will just
26:10Because they're very on fire. Chilling is the- the right play. Nah, we're chilling
26:15That guy's dead. That guy's dead. Hey, when they're dead. And we got another guy!
26:18This guy's an expert repairman. The- the census man. New friend
26:24More hacking?
26:25The hacking's really good
26:27But more shields would be probably better
26:33People just giving me free shit
26:36Use your senses to scan the wreckage. I'm not even reading that. I'm just doing that. Awesome. Free shit. All right
26:42All right. Let's lock the fuck in. It's time to fight
26:47There we go. Killed all of it. Awesome. Man, the iron bomb is so good
26:54Oh the fire beam's so good! I love it. I love it
26:59There we go. Need more power
27:02More power
27:03Hey, we can run our third shield
27:07Fight here and then we have to fight in the exit
27:09I kind of want to do that because the next sector is the final sector
27:13We're not going to get opportunities to upgrade shit much though. So let's do that. Let's do it. Let's do it
27:18They have a repair drone. Oh, that's annoying. Their repair drone is going to be pretty good at
27:25Like yeah. Oh wait, I can just disable it. Lol
27:28The fire beam is insane. Like it immediately turns the fight. The second it fires, we just start winning. Because like
27:37Everything's on fire now. What are they gonna do? They have no oxygen
27:42They have no oxygen. Even if they repair that they're just gonna suffocate. Sorry guys. Sorry fellas
27:50Okay, this might be a little hairy. Up until now we avoided any fighting with the rebel fleet
27:54This is for one simple reason. Fighting the rebel fleet
27:58Fucking sucks
28:00Not only did we have to fight this guy here, but we also had to deal with this little icon
28:05ASB, which stands for ass super blaster and will fuck your shit up
28:11Uh-oh, gotta survive long enough. Okay, so
28:14Really all we have to do is survive
28:18I gotta put more points into the engine
28:21I gotta put more points into the engine. More guys teleporting in, bro
28:28Oh no, the engine. Fuck, send all the fellas in, send all the fellas in
28:32Boys, boys, we gotta repair this. We gotta repair this now
28:35Okay, you get in there, you get in there. I don't really give a shit about
28:40weapons right now
28:46I need to leave, I need to leave, I need to leave right now
28:49Next sector, we're out. Oh my god, that was terrible. Why did I do that? Okay
28:56You're gonna die a horrible death at the hands of the final boss. Well, at least we fucking made it, okay?
29:02After an absolute grind through the past eight sectors
29:04We had finally arrived at the final stand where we'd face off against the rebel flagship
29:10So with that I locked in, making my way through the sector
29:13Decimating autodrones and pirates on my way over before eventually arriving at the final store
29:18I'll check out the store. Yeah, I'll check out the store. Fuck it
29:25Fire drone
29:27Okay, I haven't used the system repair drone at all and this fire drone would be actually crazy. Let's do it
29:32Let's do it. I have, I have the power for it. Okay, I think this might be it. It might be time
29:38Whatever, we're gonna do it
29:40We're gonna do it. We're gonna fucking do it
29:43And here she was, the strongest enemy in the entire game, the rebel flagship
29:48A big fucking chungus of a ship adorned with some truly fucked up shit
29:52A three-shot heavy ion burst, a devastating laser, a three-shot heavy laser burst and worse of all a three-barreled missile launcher
30:08This is the chill part of the fight
30:10Where nothing happens. Okay, stop shooting that, stop shooting that
30:14What do they have?
30:15Fucking useless. Okay, we can literally see all of them anyway. Okay, fire that
30:21That goes. Okay, do this. That's pretty good
30:25Let's do that
30:27Cloaked again. Oh, oh, okay. He shot the three missiles. Please dodge
30:35Okay, oh that weapon's destroyed. Okay. Okay. He's got one shield we can fire beam him again
30:40Okay, we have the fire drone doing his thing. Fire drone, do your thing boy. Yes
30:46Set those fires. I'm lighting fires everywhere. Oh, he's fucking cloaked again
30:53There's so much going on I need to lock in so hard right now. We've taken like three damage. We're doing good
31:00Oh, that's bad. That's bad. Fuck. Why did I do that? This is winnable. This is totally winnable
31:04I'd love to be able to see inside their ship right now. I want to know how many fires there are
31:10Oh my god, okay, they're a lot. They're a lot. This is good. This is good
31:14These guys are running all over the place. They're freaking out. They're all running around like headless chickens
31:19Okay, they're all dying. They're all dying. They're actually all dying. Okay, this could be it. This could be it
31:24The whole fucking thing's on fire. They're all gonna die. They're all dead. They're all dead. Yes
31:30The crew is dead. The AI is taking control. Uh, fuck. Please kill it. Just kill it. Just kill it. Just kill it
31:40Yes victory, let's fucking go. Oh fuck. It's not dead
31:46Shit, that's right boyos. This bad boy wasn't dead and we'd simply moved on to phase two
31:51There's no people in it anymore
31:54It's got a lot of drones now. I remember this it's like a swarm of drones
31:59I think I want to save my cloak for the for the drone swarm
32:02Once there's um, once there's fires set they're not gonna be able to do anything
32:06Like because there's no guys in there the fire is just gonna spread and destroy everything
32:10So i'm not gonna i'm not gonna touch the o2. I'm, just gonna destroy all this all this stuff up here. Come on
32:17Oh god power surge detected oh god fuck uh fire beam fire beam like that
32:23Yes, yes. Okay. That's good. That's good. Uh, these guys are about to die. Please don't die. Fuck one of them died
32:29Okay, not a big deal. Not a big deal. We'll be okay
32:32Okay, we don't need oxygen
32:34Quite so bad right now. Um
32:38How are we staying safe from all these drones?
32:41Here we got a shield back. There's another drone coming in fuck cockpits down
32:47They just no not the oxygen man, not the oxygen anything about the oxygen, please and they fired more missiles
32:53Ah, this is bad
32:56Power surge detected. Okay cloak through the power surge. Oh cloak is actually gonna come in really really clutch here
33:03There was a lot of fires in there. Okay. Okay. This is good. This is good swap these guys around
33:08Okay, their main front weapons are getting destroyed. This is good
33:14Okay cloak time
33:18Cloak time now we chill. Um, what what happens now?
33:25I don't have anything that can damage him. How do I damage? I can't damage him. What do I do?
33:34Oh, no, no, the the things are repairing themselves, okay
33:38Now we're good. We can do this after several minutes of this i'd finally beaten phase two
33:43But I was in bad shape
33:45Some of my crew was dead. My firepower was severely lacking and I was knocking at death's door
33:50But with no other choice I had to march onwards into battle
33:53One last time
33:55No, I can't I can't beat him on 5 hp
33:59Not gonna work
34:01I think we're gonna lose guys. I think we're gonna lose. This is fucked. This is fucked. Please base, please. No
34:07No, no
34:09Oh, he's got the okay. The teleport is fine
34:11The teleport is fine. The super weapon thing is not fine at all. It's the exact opposite of fine. He's got mind control
34:20Dude stop breaking my shields
34:23No, he's got the power surge. Fuck. He might actually this might be us dead
34:28Power surge might fucking kill us. Oh
34:31It's been nice guys. It's been nice. I only have two shields and one of them's fucking dead
34:37Rest in peace
34:47The last
34:48Fucking second and with that the egg had been cracked
34:51I'd failed the challenge
34:53And right at the very end as well. That's fucked up. That is so fucked up, man
35:00If if only the ship actually died when everyone inside it was dead, okay end of video
35:05Thanks again to war robots frontiers for sponsoring this video
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35:13Now if you will allow me I must attend to my scrying orb and search for prophecies untold
35:21I should probably move my webcam so the alert isn't just over my face. I'm sure the editors will love that