Outgoing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau addresses supporters in his final speech as Liberal leader soon before Canadians find out who the party has chosen as its new leader.
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For more than 80 years, CBC News has been the source Canadians turn to, to keep them informed about their communities, their country and their world. Through regional and national programming on multiple platforms, including CBC Television, CBC News Network, CBC Radio, CBCNews.ca, mobile and on-demand, CBC News and its internationally recognized team of award-winning journalists deliver the breaking stories, the issues, the analyses and the personalities that matter to Canadians.
00:00Ella Grace Trudeau, Ami Linaireau.
00:05All right, this is the daughter of Justin Trudeau.
00:07She is, I believe, 16 years old, Ella Grace, who's going to come out and introduce her dad.
00:12When I talk to liberals about who could be the next politician in the Trudeau family,
00:17this is who I am pointed to, Ella Grace.
00:19So let's see how she introduces her dad right now.
00:22Hi, everyone.
00:24I've come here to talk to you about your prime minister, your leader, but to me, it's just dad.
00:34I think we all know that being a prime minister is not the easiest job in the world.
00:42Long days of work, stress, media attention.
00:46It's not that easy to be the kid of a prime minister either.
00:50I've been trying hard to live the life of a normal teenager,
00:54but I think you can imagine it's not that simple of a task.
00:57Security, rules, drama have all stopped me feeling free over the past few years.
01:08The number of times who spoke to me about him as if he wasn't my father.
01:14So that led me to doubt the integrity of some people.
01:18I've had some great conversations with my dad about the difficult situations I've lived through,
01:22and he never failed to make me feel better.
01:24He listened, and more than that, I knew he heard me.
01:28He understood me because he lived through all that.
01:31The only difference is that back then, there was no social media.
01:37Imagine constantly seeing your dad or even news about him
01:40Imagine constantly seeing your dad or even news about him as you scroll through your feed.
01:45I gotta say, I'm looking forward to seeing more of him at home and less of him online.
01:58But I would never trade the last few years for anything.
02:02Dad, I'm so proud of you.
02:11I'm so proud to have seen you fight for our country, for what you believe in,
02:18for what we, in this room, believe in.
02:27Proud to have seen you fight for those in need.
02:31I'm extremely grateful to have lived these experiences,
02:34and grateful to those around me who have made it even just a little bit easier.
02:39I'm so lucky to have been able to experience so much,
02:43to meet so many extraordinary people,
02:46to see so many beautiful things and places.
02:49I will never forget the memories I've made,
02:51it be at Harrington Lake, on official trips, or even just at home.
02:55And I'm really looking forward to making some new memories of a different kind.
03:09My brothers and I have shared our dad with you for the past 12 years.
03:14Now, we're taking him back.
03:24But before we do, I guess you can have him one last time.
03:28Please welcome your Prime Minister, my dad, Justin Trudeau.
03:38Okay, that was Ella Grace Trudeau, a very put-together 16-year-old.
03:50I would not have been able to give that kind of speech at that age.
03:53And here's Justin Trudeau, on what is undoubtedly an emotional moment for him.
03:59We will listen in and talk about it.
04:01Bonsoir mes amis, bonsoir tout le monde, hello my friends.
04:05You know, as I look out across this room, I have just one question.
04:10How's the Liberal Party doing tonight?
04:23Ella Grace, I know that these last few years haven't been easy for Sav, Adrienne, yourself.
04:28Thank you for having been so patient with me,
04:31even when I was stressed, when I was traveling too much,
04:35when I couldn't think about anything other than work.
04:39But please know that in the most difficult times, you inspired me.
04:46You gave me courage.
04:49You reminded me that I should focus on what was really important
04:53and not what was just urgent.
04:56Being Prime Minister of this country has been the honor of my life.
05:01But I am so looking forward to redevoting myself to my most important role, that of father.
05:09I'm proud of the three of you, and I love you above all.
05:17Now, sit down.
05:19Now, sit down.
05:23Now I can imagine that you're all expecting me to stand up and talk about all that we've accomplished together.
05:30And don't get me wrong, I am damn proud of what we've done over these past ten years
05:36for the middle class and people working hard to join it.
05:42But tonight, tonight is about our future, as a party, as a country.
05:49Now I know that we as Liberals, as a government, often get criticized by our friends
05:54for not taking a victory lap after we get something big done.
05:59We do something really big, and then we move on right away to the next challenge.
06:05Because as progressives, as Liberals, we know there is always more to do.
06:11So it is important to take the time to reflect on and share the big successes.
06:20But not tonight.
06:23Not tonight, because when Liberals gather, we're always focused on just one thing.
06:30The work that still needs to be done to build a country that stays worthy of all Canadians.
06:38And simply put, that's the work of a lifetime for each and every one of us.
06:50It's very simple.
06:52Liberals are dedicated to making this country even better, not because we think it's broken,
06:59but because we have an opportunity, and therefore a responsibility,
07:05to ensure that Canada stays the best country on earth.
07:11Now these past years, these past 10 years, have been challenging.
07:25Crisis after crisis has been thrown at Canadians.
07:29But through every crisis, Canadians have shown who they are.
07:35We've pulled together. We've stood up for each other.
07:39And every single time, we've emerged even stronger.
07:45And now, as Canadians face, from our neighbour, an existential challenge, an economic crisis,
07:59Canadians are showing exactly what we are made of.
08:06Canadians are showing what it is that makes us Canadians.
08:17Not by defining ourselves by who we're not, but by proudly embracing who we are.
08:24We're a country that knows that standing up for everyone's fundamental rights is the only way to protect our freedom.
08:47We're a country that believes no one should be left behind and that everyone should have a real and fair shot at success.
09:01We're a country that refuses to accept the false choice between a strong economy and a healthy environment.
09:13We're a country that embraces reconciliation and Indigenous peoples as true partners because it is the only path to a shared, prosperous future.
09:30We are a country that promotes its culture and protects its heritage.
09:37We're a country that breathes life into the French language and is heard across the world.
09:46We're a country that celebrates its diversity and draws strength from its differences.
09:58We're a country that celebrates the right of each and every person to be who they want to be, to pray as they pray, and love whom they love.
10:11We're a country that will always defend a woman's right to choose.
10:41And we're a country that will be diplomatic when we can, but fight when we must, elbows up!
11:11But you, you here in this room and our fellow Liberals watching across the country, you know all about fighting with grit, with determination when the going gets tough.
11:33You remember where we were 15 years ago with just 35 seats in the House.
11:39You remember our ups and downs and all those times that people counted us out, all the times they said our party was on its last breath.
11:50Like all Canadians, it's when you try to count us out that we Liberals show our true mettle.
12:00You showed this in 2015, 2019, and again in 2021.
12:16You mobilized, you knocked on doors, you did it in the rain, in a heatwave, in the freezing cold.
12:25You did it in the middle of a pandemic, wearing a mask.
12:30You fought for your country, and you changed it for the better.
12:37You know, a party, it's more than just a name, a logo, a leader.
12:45It's all about you, you who carry the hopes of Canadians day in, day out.
12:54A country is more than a flag and a territory.
12:58It's a vision, a vision which is built gradually, day after day, between friends and neighbors.
13:06And I'd like to thank all those who have been there to build this vision together.
13:14I'm thinking here about my first volunteers 18 years ago, those who have been there since the start.
13:24Rennes, Louis-Alexandre, Stavroulin, and others, so many others.
13:31I'm thinking about the grocery store, parking lots in Pépinot, when we talk to people to rally them to our cause, to our movement.
13:41Tonight, I'm also thinking of two friends in particular who've been there with me and for me every step of the way.
13:52For close to 20 years, the extraordinary Adam Scotti and the unstoppable Katie Telford.
14:03Now, as I look at all of you in this room, no speech could be enough to thank you all as much as I'd like to, as much as you should be.
14:15I can't even offer you a well-deserved break because, once again, we need you.
14:21Your country needs you, maybe more than ever.
14:24And I have no doubt that you will answer the call because you've done it before.
14:30Liberals will meet this moment.
14:35And I have no doubt that you will answer the call because you've done it before.
14:42Liberals will meet this moment.
14:46And make no mistake, this is a nation-defining moment.
15:08Democracy is not a given.
15:12Freedom is not a given.
15:16Even Canada is not a given.
15:20None of those happen by accident.
15:23None of them will continue without effort.
15:28It takes courage.
15:30It takes sacrifice.
15:32It takes hope and hard work.
15:46Sixty years ago, standing atop Parliament Hill, Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson first raised our beautiful maple leaf into the Canadian sky.
15:57It was much debated at the time, but Pearson knew well what we all know now.
16:04That our flag would serve as a unifying symbol that would define the next chapters in our national story.
16:14Sixty years later, there are still so many more chapters to write.
16:20And I can tell you, the world is looking to see what Canadians will do.
16:35So let us not dwell on all the great things we've achieved over the past ten years.
16:41Let us aspire instead to achieve even more over the next ten years and the decades to come.
16:52Let us remain steadfast, defiant, and united.
16:58And let us not just think about our party, let us prove our love of country.
17:13As your leader, as your Prime Minister, I have done my level best each and every single day to help build a country that stays worthy of all Canadians.
17:25I've done it for Xavier, for Ella Grace, and Hadrian.
17:31And I've done it for your kids too.
17:34And I've done it with you.
17:36And although you'll always find me alongside you, cheering along, their future and your future is now in your hands.
17:47Thank you, my friends. Thank you for everything.
18:17USA! USA! USA!