Bahía Blanca enfrenta una situación crítica tras un trágico incidente donde una madre y sus hijas fueron arrastradas por las aguas. La comunidad se moviliza para brindar apoyo a través de donaciones de agua, alimentos no perecederos, ropa de cama y productos de higiene. Las contribuciones pueden realizarse en varios puntos de la ciudad, como el Dow Center y el aula magna de la ONS. Además, el gobierno provincial ha habilitado un canal oficial para donaciones monetarias. La historia conmovedora resalta la valentía de los padres que arriesgaron su vida por sus hijas en medio del desastre.
00:00Talking about donations, what can be done and what can we do to add, to collaborate with what is needed right now in Bahía Blanca.
00:13There is an official channel to make donations, for example through money, which is Bahía por Bahía, as it sounds, all together,
00:23with the sign of the X, for Bahía. There you can receive contributions and donations.
00:29Also, if you are there in the area, you can donate at the Dow Center on Rodríguez Street at 4900,
00:36at the Magna Hall of the UNS in Colón at 80, and in a municipal deposit that is enabled for such a purpose, which is on Donado Street at 910.
00:46What is needed right now? Well, particularly, water, diapers, blankets,
00:57laundry, coats, mattresses, bedding, and towels. In addition, non-perishable food.
01:09We are going to reiterate, non-perishable food, cleaning products, and also personal hygiene,
01:15laundry, packaged water, blankets, coats, mattresses, bedding, and towels.
01:23All this can be donated, and in addition, donations can be made through companies,
01:29if you are a company, through an official page that the government of the province of Buenos Aires enabled.
01:35We have some corrections to the story that we have been telling, which is provided to us by Aunt Mariana Hecker,
01:40who spoke to us earlier. She herself told us, I did not speak to my brother, I communicated with my brother through a third party.
01:48The version that we have now, which is provided to us by Mariana Hecker herself, is that at some point Marina,
01:55the mother of Pilar and Delfina, was with the two girls on top of the truck.
02:02She was with the two girls on top of the truck. We do not know, because she does not give us the data,
02:07because she does not know either, Marina, in what circumstances she ends up separating from the situation,
02:12and in what circumstances the waters end up dragging her to the disarmament that is behind the El Cholo dam.
02:19But that is the story that she is telling us now, which is the little detail that must be saved
02:25regarding the one we were telling before. And that the place where we are going to be now,
02:28in fact, Alejandro Pueblas is alive, is a little deeper, where the episode that we are telling finally takes place.
02:35It is a little deeper, but at some point the mother and the girls were in the truck with Salazar, all together.
02:44What happened, we do not know, because she herself, Mariana, could not speak to Marina, nor could she speak to her brother.
02:50But let's also imagine the moment when the water drags the vehicle,
02:55the desperation of that family, who of course are going to give their lives for their daughters.
03:02In this case, these brave parents risked their own lives to save the lives of their daughters.
03:10One does what is necessary at that moment and makes the decision that has to be made at a critical moment.
03:17We are not talking about Agüita, about a denied street, we are talking about an extreme situation.