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00:00Centurion team of the year winter wildcard Thunderstruck 87 don't be an 89. Oh
00:06No, bruh
00:07They add an 88. Oh god man. Does that mean it's good though usually more expensive means. It's good. It's an 88
00:13I'm gonna be the guinea pig all right. I'm gonna be the guinea pig right now
00:16It's essentially a level 40 with Saul Campbell and Zambrotta guys. Wish me luck
00:22Guys wish me luck guys come on man. My level 40 was so bad. This is this is how we redeem it
00:27No base icons. No base icons. This is how we redeem it man. This is how we redeem it my level 40 was terrible
00:32Please give me a team of the year. No my level 40 in this account was good. I got Zico nevermind
00:58That's what that's what we expect. That's what we expect. That's what we expect. We know he's gonna be there
01:02Well, I'm telling you guys these are level 40s, bro. I'm telling you I
01:06Take it man. I'm so happy with that. Yeah, man. Let's go. Yeah, come on. I'm gonna do it again
01:11I got a team of the I got my first team of the year icon come on. Let's go. That is so cold man
01:17There we go again. Hold it. Hold it. Hold it. Hold it. Hold it. Hold it. Hold it. Hold it. Hold it
01:22Hold it. Hold it. Give me all it. Oh
01:27No, oh
01:30No, no, no, no, this one's done. This one is done. There's not gonna be anybody good in this one
01:34You can just tell there's not gonna be anybody good in that one. You start off like that cooked man
01:38Absolutely deep-fried guys. I don't think I have enough to do another one bro guys. That was terrible man
01:43Wow, I want to throw up. I really want to do another one, bro
01:47Here we go guys number three the last one for this account the last one guys to be fair
01:51We already got one sick player, but maybe we could see a jump in or a pellet here
02:02No guys the weight is definitely different man, we go test it on share play now guys
02:08Got to so
02:18Cold definitely take that this guy made three. Oh you have the level 40 as well. Yeah open these ones first. Let's see
02:26Mateus there he is
02:29Buffon there is Mateus though now then there he is. Alright, that is what I'm talking about. Imagine this guy goes three out of three
02:39No, I
02:42Mean maybe oh
02:46Okay, so you one out of two
02:48This one is like theoretically the guaranteed W one. Let's see
02:52Theoretically you could still get cooked on this one, but we've been seeing a lot of
02:57Jay-z in the middle Jay-z has been in a lot of the ones that are pretty good. So, let's see
03:02Or it's just gonna be Jay-z. Oh
03:07No, man, ah
03:11Mateus though, we take it we take it TP you actually have that pull your rush
03:20Did get a team of the year card in the end that was looking very bad until we got to the end Wow
03:31Kenny already has him though would have been good for the Evo already has him though
03:41Sour cold, let's go. We take that we take that we take that second one is a dub
03:47Third one that we take that for sure. That's a good one. Puyol
03:51He's getting all the fodder. Gattuso again. Oh
03:56fuck oh
03:59Man, take out the trash
04:01That one sample size seems
04:04Seems like do one see if you get lucky cuz I did three I only got one dub
04:08He did three only got one dub. Someone else did three only got one dub. This guy's got four. We'll see bro
04:14He's got four on the same account. Yeah, he's got four
04:19Martinelli for Arsenal
04:24It's all side how did he miss that I swear bro, I think speed is scoring that I think even speed was scored I yesterday
04:34Nah, what is this? Yay. Come on
04:37No, no, no, no, no, no
04:53No way dude, no way that's what you just got from four man
05:00Oh, that's nice
05:04There's no way Raya has just done that have I just seen that Bruno has just missed a wide-open net Raya
05:10Are you kidding me? That was a dub by the way that Alberto is how many coins?
05:13Sorry, I got a little distracted there that Alberto by the way is
05:16900,000 coins
05:20Congratulations, man right into the team. That's a dub a United fans. You take that result bro low-key though
05:25I mean what a save at the end
05:27What a save bro, you take that result though you take it you take it Prince
05:35Foodie oh no, bro. We're getting a lot more of this just
05:39Not so good promo cards. You got jam tonight. That's good. The team of the year drop rate is quite rare
05:46I'll be honest. We've seen like three maybe in like 15
05:50Four to one three rat disgusting how quickly I want to leave this share play right now. He's made two icons
05:55He's probably gonna be getting the best two players of the day. Let's see
06:01He already has no way you had someone who scolds
06:08There he is
06:09Jammed enough for the four two one three this guy is using he will be a perfect addition to the team
06:15Jamton a slotting right into this guy's team is a W. This guy loves playing some FIFA man. Here you go, sir
06:22Right into the team and definitely benches Eusebio
06:26Get him in there man. There you go. Oh, he's already got Cantona. Who have you not packed?
06:31Who have you not actually packed? Like what is this team even man? Get me out of here. I can't believe he got Eusebio
06:37I'd never see Eusebio. I see Pele a lot more than Eusebio this year. So we take those man. I'll take it bro
06:42I did two other ones. They were not good
06:46Probably should have done a stop loss there or stop win. Yeah. Nah, here we go
06:51Is this the center mid tail that's gonna be five five?
06:53Yeah, not with incisive as well. Yeah
06:56Not left man. No, he doesn't have it. Not as crazy man. Yo, you have 10 mil
07:02Look at that team, bro. Yo, if I really went into that game, I'll just leave now. There's no foot birthday cup
07:07Is there wait, is there a cup? I didn't see it. No way. Yeah
07:11Yeah, yeah
07:15Ribbery, I think I got baited
07:19Stop it
07:21That's crazy, I'm sorry, I might be letting you choose ribbery bro might give you a option here
07:27These 95 depth rats with that card. You should just watch his AI like spectate it
07:31You'll be you'll be amazed what you see. He's also 1.8 mil like wow
07:36Huge dub. Yeah, real classy guys real original tactics you all use man
07:41Real classy guys. They'd be your own man
07:47Miyama would take it team of the year. We've seen team. There's a lot in last couple take it next one
07:57Jersey no
08:01Jersey no as well. Miyama Jersey. No, he doesn't even choose Jersey. No because when you take a look at his team
08:06Jersey, no, probably didn't make this guy's fitness team bro. Fitness team is the old-school vibes man
08:10Go back and forth. I still even do it in foot champs a couple years back switch my teams around say fitness good time, man
08:16Nothing worse than that decision when you're about to literally win division one and you look at your players stamina
08:20They're cooked. You have no coins and you got to figure out. Okay, am I just gonna leg it out with my fitness team?
08:25Always that decision man back in the day
08:27Yeah, now the Syria gold fitness team was the most elite fitness team of all time 15 20,000 coins got you just greatness
08:34Good luck got to get something here. No way. Yay
08:37Dancing dog 3 2 7 7 ronald mcdonald in the first one team of the year. Number one haji
08:44Rooney what's he gonna go with gotta be the team of the year, right?
08:49This day last year and pop it was 1.7. Now he's 450k
08:55loud drop
08:56How much we spend it for this?
08:58400k. Well, I just submitted 1.2 mil worth of fodder. Oh my god. I just submitted 1.2 mil worth of fodder
09:04400k. Well, I just submitted 1.2 mil worth of fodder. Oh shit. Yeah now evo's just completely changed the market now
09:11That's what i'm saying though
09:13Loki like working away from it, you know, but the market you need the market in this game
09:17I need to buy fodder do stuff like that, you know
09:21My front three is bail your mall and son would you still do renaldo bail your mall and son putellis cam
09:29Oh, ah
09:31I mean, it's hard to say no to renaldo man. That's a lot of fodder. I just depends how you play this game, bro
09:36I don't think renaldo is the best card in the game people have been saying that I don't think so
09:40but he's really fun. He scores the freaking craziest shots like
09:44you get the loudest suit ever man, but like in your case, I feel like
09:48It could help your team like the people who have team of the year on rear are nine
09:51Nah, man, no need because those people anyways are playing the game four two one three like hansen bail
09:56Like they're not they need to have the most meta option, you know
09:58Like I do renaldo no matter what messy no matter what?
10:02I do these players bro, because they're irl goats man. Get them in the team as soon as possible
10:07These are the guys using like hudlin six foot nine five five, right?
10:10And they want to know if that's going to be an upgrade. It's not going to be an upgrade man
10:13I'm cooking up a crazy benzema evo, but it's going to take me about five weeks same thing with the anton evo
10:19And the smaller rec evo five weeks is my uh, my timeline on those ones
10:22That's the thing with evos though, man
10:23Like evos are great, but you really gotta like you gotta play a lot to get those cards done
10:28Joe, you know what you you have joe wears crocs
10:30I actually saw someone wearing crocs the other day and they were working
10:32They had like a suit on and then crocs. I couldn't believe it. Loki was pulling off the fit though
10:39Nah, he pulled it off he needs he needs a croc sponsorship is what he needs
10:43In my opinion prosper. Thank you for the resub
10:46Guys, we probably should stop opening these soon
10:48I don't really know what's happened, but it looks like our our luck has completely gone. It's over man
10:53What I feel like ea gives you team in the rapuskas because they know we will see it and go do it
10:56I always tell you this is a possibility guys. I at least I don't lie about it
11:01Guapo how's it going man? Thank you for the gifted. What is what is what is transpiring now? What is going on here?
11:09Oh my goodness
11:12No way, it's a dupe. It's a dupe. The only dub he gets is a dupe would I ever come to germany?
11:17Yes, I will
11:18But not to talk about stuff like that. I would talk about like
11:26Like eating german food apple cooking or
11:30all their uh, yeah
11:32Yeah, it's crazy northbound. I know man. It's crazy, bro. I know same dude
11:40Ribbery can we do a price comparison on this card? How much is this card? I have no idea
11:44He's been like 1.1 mil at some point in the year. How much is he today? Ribbery is somehow 700k
11:49It's probably just rarity though. That's mad. What do you think about pele in real life?
11:52I saw kids calling him overrated in tiktok. That's the problem with this current generation, man
11:56They have no respect for any of the players
12:00That paved the way for these fucking kids to be sitting there on their phones watching the sidemen play football. They they
12:07They have no they have no respect for the people that pushed
12:12For us to be able to analyze and breathe the sport all day. No respect man crazy, man
12:18Not surprising though this generation is the most this this upcoming generation is the most disrespectful generation i've ever seen in my life
12:26They lack social skills
12:27They lack so many important parts and I pray for them every night in my before I go to bed jairzinho
12:32Yeah, still pele is overrated
12:35Guys, shut your mouth man bitching about the 4213 yet. You use the 4321 in fc24, bro
12:41Listen, don't reveal yourself too heavy man by your comments, man. Don't reveal yourself too heavy. You don't have to get defensive
12:46No one was even yapping at you bro. No one was talking about you
12:49All right, we already know what your team looks like based on your comment man. No one was talking to you, man
12:54All right, not one person here added you personally in the chat cooking your formation that you clearly just revealed exactly what you're using man
13:00Thank you, man. Should you complete anybody? I don't know any reviews on havertz. I haven't heard anything
13:04I saw him on one one team, but I haven't heard anything. I have no idea but like
13:09If havertz was the best player in the game, it doesn't even matter man. You're asking me havertz or ronaldo complete ronaldo, man
13:14You know what I mean like just complete ronaldo bro, it's cristiano ronaldo, you know like
13:20I wish messy was available for create your full birthday. Evo. Yeah, the cam one. It's not enough
13:24I was looking at it today because I have oh my goodness. I have gold messy, but
13:29I said the same thing bro. I just feel like the shooting. It's not looking good enough, right?
13:34What are you putting in the oh?
13:36Is that a thunderstruck zidane the 300k one? Um, I don't know adam
13:42Is that a thunderstruck zidane we take that for sure we take that
13:47Very nice. You did salma 99 dribbling then into the five. Oh i'm doing a smaller rec on the pc this one
13:53I'm broke, so I can't even really afford it, but i'm doing smaller rec. Oh i'm doing benzema
13:58Benzema on this one smaller rec on the pc one
14:02I both 99 dribbling and then they'll be five five with the I did the same shit as you did
14:07You're gonna do the new five-star evo on your eto
14:11That's nice
14:13Quick step five five. That's all that is that's pretty did he go up a lot. He probably went up a lot
14:20Quick step plus
14:23No way man, no way we're getting cooked right now, bro
14:30No way, bro
14:34I don't understand these I feel like the way has gotten significantly worse, bro
14:37Everything you can ask for today more expensive icon and even shittier results. Oh my god. He's cooking ea
14:46Keen skulls
14:49No way team of the year roberto carlos wow
14:54Wow now then
15:01Crespo go back to reality here
15:05Recalme holy now, that is an l
15:10Got for birthday halen what a uh, no play theory you haven't played in a while
15:15How are the picks going um worse than I expected
15:21Definitely worse than I expected bro
15:25Thank god, thank god we just got saved there
15:27Oh my goodness, that was going really bad. Oh my god, what a team salma benny salah
15:33But then you see the formation and you just sit there and you're like
15:37Bruh, and then you see the arsenal badge
15:39And then you see how good this guy's icon is and you want to delete your freaking console off the planet earth
15:45Here we go. Pele inbound
15:51Oh, you did the battle tele evil I was looking at that. Wow. That's a sick team to be honest. Damn, bro
15:56Damn, bro. I love your team. We had a left-wing net bed. I gotta see that evo after bro
16:03Miyama that's a dub. That's fine. Walk away with something
16:09Double team of the year
16:12Uh, he's going cannavaro. That's nice cannavaros
16:16500 maybe 400 miyama's probably dropped a bit right how much miyama's 250
16:23No way you're using that card
16:25Nah, that never is not any good bro. What the hell?
16:28What instructions you use on this team? No way. Never it's cooking people out wide with that card, bro
16:33What's he cooking with that netfit though?
16:50No, no, no
16:51Holy buddy andreas, man. What did I just watch waste of time that not for sure. Wow that and boppy
16:58I don't see that one at all anymore. The campaign is to get your evil roster built up
17:03That's that's that's if you look at it from that context. That's not a bad take
17:09What's the most expensive player we had today kafu
17:11I think it's kafu right? I think that you're in review. It's like
17:15Not happening, I think it's not happening bro. I mean any of that stuff
17:18I feel like they started putting it in the store, right?
17:20They dropped some crazy stuff in the store, man
17:23But they just monet they just make money off it like that
17:25That 89 11 that everyone's talking about that'd be sick if that dropped as if you see
17:29the pentas is the
17:32The five five evo is the hands down the worst spc we've had all game. I think it's not that bad guys
17:38You guys think it's the worst all game. Wow, man. Why do you guys think it's so bad though?
17:42Like if they put it it should be free
17:44But if they put it in the evos and it's 250k and 1500 points you guys say the same thing
17:48Because like I look at it like okay, I can get that much fodder in literally one day, bro
17:52And trickster base is nuts bro. That's what people are missing out. Trickster is insane for attack. That fake shot is broken
17:57I feel like it's so easy to get fodder man
17:59I my my club was like broke a week ago and I just had enough to do 1.2 million worth of icons
18:04I haven't even really been playing like every day either. I just did the cups from last week
18:09It's also not restricted to position wait, why would you give it to me a ham though?
18:12Oh, just literally just take a trickster. Wow. That's just you don't even care to waste the five five just because she
18:19Just to try to set up an angle. I I I think it's good though to use
18:23Just to get the pace because they accelerate it's like these step overs when they were good two years ago
18:29They accelerate off it
18:31So you get them running a lot quicker
18:34That's why I think it's very good. I think ea is doing the power curve too quickly now though
18:38Like the excitement for the summer for me is less even though the players will have five five and like 99
18:43So it's definitely less exciting now. I want them to slow down in the future. It's going way too fast now, bro
18:47I wonder if some point they go like fifa mobile with this game and just
18:50One year to spice it up because everyone kind of like gets a little dry at the end
18:54They freaking put like 105 rated players and shit
18:58I wonder if that would ever happen
19:01120 penaldo
19:04The same five star and trickster evo is in the rush objective unless i'm tripping, uh, yes, but it's not weak foot as well
19:10So yeah, you're right actually just no weak foot, but the same concept unless it's weak
19:15I think that one is just skills and trickster. Yeah
19:18That's the thing though for a lot of people man play that much rush or just spend the 200k a lot of people
19:24Would use the fodder to save the headache man. It ain't easy in rush, bro
19:27Time is money man time is definitely money five star weak foot
19:31And if you have trickster, I don't as long as you have like four star skills
19:33I feel like it's I don't know today some people like who do the insane skill cancels and all that stuff
19:39It's it's different for those people, you know
19:42I don't know. I I know it is five star skills though and trickster, but
19:47I don't know if it's left-wing only that might be cap. Wow. What is going on with these man? Wow, they're so bad
19:52Oh, what is a kilometer nice team, bro
19:56Nice team brother howard is trash man. I I thought he was gonna be so good
20:00I was so excited to use my usa keeper, but
20:02Buffon was back in within a day chicken joe with the tier one
20:07on youtube w spam for joe
20:11W chicken for joe man, what is that?
20:17No, don't send this guys it's bad