• 5 hours ago
Bazm e Ulama | Naimat e Iftar

Shan e Ramzan | ARY Qtv

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00:00The life of life, the soul of Mecca, Medina,
00:06This man makes man.
00:14The glory of Ramadan, the glory of Ramadan, the glory of Ramadan.
00:22Welcome back viewers.
00:24We will once again talk about halal food in Bazaar-e-Ulema.
00:28We have with us the renowned Ulema of Pakistan, Mufti Muhammad Suhail Raza Amjadi
00:32and Mufti Hassan Naveed Niazi.
00:35Who will answer questions related to the topic.
00:38And we have a special guest with us.
00:40You know Al-Mustafa Welfare Society is not in need of any introduction.
00:44In the field of life, they have served humanity in all aspects of life.
00:52From birth to death, they are serving in many departments.
00:55And especially the medical facilities are being provided.
01:00In Karachi Gulshan-e-Iqbal, the main campus of Al-Mustafa Welfare,
01:04Whenever you pass by there, you will see a huge board.
01:08In which it is written with regards to the eyes,
01:10In which it is written with regards to the cut nose,
01:12In which it is written with regards to the enlarged lips,
01:14That its treatment is also done in the name of Allah.
01:17Those who cannot afford, their treatment is also done in the name of Allah.
01:20I am a witness to this.
01:22There are many patients who went there and their treatment was done in the name of Allah.
01:27When you hear the name of Al-Mustafa,
01:29The name of the great Haji Anif Tayyab comes to your mind.
01:33Today, his sons, his sons-in-law, his sons-in-law,
01:36And they are moving forward with this work very fast.
01:38My dear brother,
01:40And I told him,
01:41Your father is a witness in our father's marriage.
01:44This is also a relation between our elders.
01:47Our brother, Muhammad Ahmed Raza Tayyab is with us today.
01:51Assalamu Alaikum.
01:52Walaikum Assalam.
01:53How are you?
01:54I am fine, thanks to Allah.
01:56Inshallah, we will talk to you.
01:57I will take some questions from Mufti Sahib.
01:59Mufti Sahib Qibla,
02:00What is the real concept of Halal food?
02:02Mufti Sahib,
02:03There is a common sense,
02:05It is said,
02:06The question is asked by Satan.
02:08Food is food.
02:09There is no difference between Haram and Halal food.
02:12There is no difference in the taste of Haram and Halal food.
02:15It is the question of Satan.
02:16So, what answer will you give to the scholars?
02:18In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
02:20Allahumma Salli ala Sayyidina wa Mawlana Muhammadin wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa barik wa sallim.
02:28Salman bhai,
02:30What is called Rizq?
02:32The thing from which a person takes benefit,
02:35That is called Rizq.
02:37And its canvas is very wide.
02:41But in general,
02:43The food we eat and drink,
02:45This is called Rizq.
02:47Or the clothes we wear,
02:49This is called Rizq.
02:51One thing is Rizq,
02:53Which is being given.
02:55Then there are two more things.
02:57One is Raziq,
02:59Who is giving Rizq.
03:01And the other is Marzuq,
03:03From which Rizq is being given.
03:07The money you talked about,
03:10The money is the same.
03:12Whether it is Halal or Haram,
03:14It is the same paper money.
03:18The food is also the same.
03:20Whether it is Halal or Haram,
03:22It is the same chicken, vegetables,
03:26So, Halal and Haram,
03:28It is the same thing.
03:30How will you know?
03:32So remember,
03:34These things will be seen as Marzuq.
03:38That we have water,
03:40We have food,
03:42We have water,
03:44We have food,
03:46And what you are talking about Halal and Haram,
03:48It will be seen from the side of Raziq.
03:50It will be seen from his side,
03:52What kind of food does he allow you?
03:56What kind of drink does he allow you?
03:58What kind of things,
04:00What kind of earnings does he allow you?
04:02And what kind of earnings does he not allow?
04:06That is why we say,
04:08Where it comes to Halal,
04:10These are the things,
04:12That is money, that is the amount,
04:14That is food, that is drink
04:16This is what man is acquiring,
04:18Which does not include lies.
04:20Which does not include treason.
04:22Which does not include deceit.
04:24Which does not include gambling,
04:26Stealing or bribery,
04:28Or the loan of interest.
04:30Which does not include
04:32The misuse of someone's property.
04:36Which does not include theft.
05:08In Islam, apparently things are pure, and apparently things are impure, so see what are the resources of it, if it is halal, then take it, if it is haram, then stay away from it, so what is the real philosophy and concept, that in this too, there is a concept of obeying Allah, in this too, there is a concept of worshiping Allah, why did he say that when a person puts a bite in the mouth of his family, then that too is a gift from Allah.
05:37So this is why it is said that knowledge and wisdom are more than the bite of halal, love and affection are more than the bite of halal, Allah says that knowledge and wisdom are more than the bite of halal, in the same way love and affection are more than the bite of halal,
05:59Allah says that when you see that there is jealousy, hatred and enmity in your heart, there is a lot of deceit and heedlessness, then understand that something or the other is haram for you, Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest,
06:11You said that Islam also looks at the resources, this is apparently a good thing, but where did it come from, this is checked, our religion is so transparent, it is pure, it brings towards purity, it purifies, Alhamdulillah,
06:23Mufti sahab, a question arises that whether the means of earning is halal or haram, but despite that, it is said that Allah gives as much as is written in his fate and destiny.
06:38In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful.
07:08After explaining the stages, it is said that Allah sends an angel, the angel spits out the soul by the command of Allah, and then he is commanded to write four things,
07:25Now a person is in his mother's womb, and when the soul is spitted out, at that time, the angel writes these four things by the command of Allah, that how much rizq will this person get, how old will he be, how will his deeds be, and whether he will be a doubter or a martyr, that is, he will be unfortunate or fortunate.
07:43These things are written in advance, that is, at that time, when it was written, the angel wrote it by the command of Allah, he has to get the same rizq all his life, which Allah has written, now it is up to him which method and method he chooses, whether he chooses halal or haram, it is up to him.
08:02It is a very famous incident of an old man, once he came to the mosque to pray, he had some stuff with him, he gave it to a man, he said, you hold this for a while, I will pray and come, when he prayed and got free, he thought that I had given my stuff to that man, so I will give him two dirhams, his heart will be happy.
08:22When he came out of the door of the mosque, he saw that the man was missing, along with the stuff, the man was missing. Now when he went from there, he passed through the bazaar, he saw in the bazaar that his stuff was kept there, so he asked the shopkeeper, how did this stuff reach you, he said, just now, a while ago, a man sold it for two dirhams.
08:44So the old man heard this and said that Allah had written two dirhams in his fate, it is a matter of regret that he chose the haram method instead of halal, that is, two dirhams were written by him, if he had chosen this method, but he chose the haram method.
09:03So it is like this that fate is given to a person, he will get what Allah has written, he will not get more or less than that, but the choice of this man is that which method he chooses for him, Allah has left it on the man, he will choose the halal method, it is halal, he will choose the haram method, it is haram, he will get what he wants.
09:23And it is a very famous saying, it is a very beautiful saying, your fate will reach you, it will meet you, even if it is under two mountains, and what is not your fate, you will not get it, even if it is in the middle of two lips.
09:47So we see that sometimes the man picked up a bite and was about to put it in his mouth, that his death happens, the soul flies away, that bite falls, that is, it was not in his fate, it did not go into his mouth, and sometimes you see that whatever is in the fate, we go somewhere, anyone presents the next thing, what do they say, that it is written on the grains, of the eater, it was not even in the mind of the name that this man will come suddenly, he will come and eat this, nor was it in his mind that if I go there, I will get it, but his fate was decided, he got it.
10:13What is the matter, I am going to Ahmed Raza, Ahmed brother, Al-Mustafa Welfare, we know in different aspects of life, and I have been seeing since my childhood, how you are serving, may Allah keep you safe, with honesty, you are working for the creation of Allah,
10:30I remember the time when Haji Anif Tayyab used to be the minister of petroleum, and this was such a position that the power of that time and the contactless of that time was a completely different matter, even today Allah has given him a lot of respect.
10:46May Allah keep you safe, a break is taking place, I have put the question in front of you, after the break, I will take the answer from you.
11:10Welcome back viewers, before the break, we were asking a question from Ahmed Raza Tayyab, that the services that Al-Mustafa Welfare has taken up, his father Girami, and there are evidence of the services of innumerable people, you have helped people in pain and sorrow, and you have become a slogan for sympathy, for help, for people's help and for their health, Ahmed Raza Tayyab is with us.
11:35Yes, as you mentioned about Haji Sahib, that in the 80s, the time of the ministry passed, so basically Al-Mustafa Welfare Society started in such a way that Haji Sahib had laid the foundation of a student organization in his student life, Anjuman Talb-e-Islam,
11:53when he got free from the student life and came into the practical life, politics, then he thought of setting up an institution with his friends, so that he could serve the people, so Al-Mustafa Welfare Society was established in 1983,
12:12before this, he worked with Abdul Sattar Edhi Sahib in the Edhi Foundation, and in 1983, he laid the foundation of Al-Mustafa Welfare Society, and it started with a clinic and an ambulance service, and then slowly the work increased, and the institutions increased,
12:31and now Al-Mustafa Welfare Society is running 10 hospitals in Pakistan, 35 clinics, 16 schools, a girls college, an orphanage for children in Karachi, one in Islamabad, one for girls in Karachi,
12:51so this is a very vast field, and the work of Al-Mustafa Welfare Society is very diversified, which includes health, education, disaster relief, social welfare,
13:07apart from this, along with the institutions, there is a program of Kafaalat, in Karachi, there are about 850 families, and in different parts of the country, the branches of Al-Mustafa, we have families registered in Kafaalat,
13:23such families, who do not have a Kafaalat, then Al-Mustafa Welfare Society requests, after a little verification, Al-Mustafa Welfare Society connects the beneficiary and the donor,
13:39so we have a very transparent system, we make the donor and beneficiary sit in front of us, who can give time, and they decide, what is the requirement of a family, which they are not able to fulfill, which we should do, so through Kafaalat, this is the process,
13:56and as you mentioned about hospitals, in hospitals, especially in terms of welfare, there are prominent branches, in Pakistan, there are about 9000 to 10,000 children, who have cut their lips,
14:15so their treatment is very important, because if their lips are cut, and it is not repaired, then it is obvious, that they are not able to do anything in the society, even in the house where the child is born, they are also in danger of being taken to the society, so there are many such branches, in which Al-Mustafa Welfare Society is working.
14:37May Allah keep you safe, and may Allah give you success day and night.
14:42In this short duration, you have told us so much, we already know about so many branches, and there is no hidden name, but more people need to be recalled, that come to Al-Mustafa Welfare Society, and become a helping hand,
14:54as many people are watching us, because in many branches, with great transparency, these people are serving, and this is a very old, well-known name, and anywhere, anytime, in any kind of scandal or allegation, you would not have heard this name.
15:09Alhamdulillah, Allah has given this name so much respect and blessing.
15:13Mufti Muhammad Suleil Ahmadzadi Sahib, the benefits and blessings of halal food, you have said, so I would like to talk about this as well, that the benefits of halal food, people should understand these benefits,
15:27because, even in our language, people are motivated by this, that you cannot buy a house with halal food, you cannot buy a car with halal food, so Mufti Sahib, in my surrounding, there are so many examples, that people have built an empire with halal food.
15:43Allah has given not only cars, but also houses and cars.
15:46First of all, I would like to pray that may Allah grant Haji Anif Tayyab Sahib a long life with health.
15:52May Allah grant him a long life.
15:54He came to the mosque before Ramadan, so I found him to be very positive. May Allah grant him more strength.
16:02Now, the benefits of halal food, how are they manifested in our lives?
16:12Remember one thing, that our existence is made up of two things.
16:16Number one is the soul, and number two is the body.
16:19The food of the soul is the remembrance of Allah, recitation of the Quran, worship, obedience, and the food of the body is the material food.
16:29Remember that if the soul does not get the right food, then the soul becomes dead, and if the soul does not get the right food, then the soul becomes dead.
16:42In the same way, if the food of the body is halal, pure, and the resources are also pure, then what does it mean that the body gets nourishment from that food?
16:55If the soul gets nourishment from the food of the body, then the body gets nourishment from it in a good way, and there is no impurity of haram in it.
17:02And if the food of the body gets impurity of haram, and if haram is included in the food of the body, then what is more unfortunate than the fact that the body is nourished by haram.
17:12The body is nourished by haram, and the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said that the body that is nourished by haram will never go to heaven.
17:27So this is the biggest loss and the biggest benefit of halal.
17:30The second thing is that when a person eats halal food, then Allah the Almighty will continue to give halal food to his future generations.
17:46So this is a halal chain.
17:49The third thing is that when a person eats halal food, then Allah the Almighty will continue to give him blessings in this world and in the hereafter.
17:59The Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said that halal is very easy, and halal is very difficult.
18:14People say that through halal we cannot build a house, we cannot buy a bungalow or a car.
18:18I say that it is absolutely possible.
18:21Remember that what comes easily, goes easily.
18:26So haram comes easily, it also goes in diseases, in accidents, where your imagination does not go.
18:33But in halal, Allah the Almighty gives so much blessing that even if it is less, then Allah the Almighty, we have also seen that each person has raised a whole family with the same halal.
18:44And ten people are not able to raise one person with haram.
18:50So these are the benefits of halal food.
18:53And the most important thing is that Allah the Almighty will continue to give him blessings in this world and in the hereafter.
18:58And his heart desires obedience in worship because of halal food.
19:05Someone said that no matter what kind of house you create, there is perfection in obedience.
19:10Day and night, the thought of remembrance and worship should not be of any benefit.
19:15If such obedience is not for eating, then there is no benefit of halal food.
19:19What a great thing, very good, absolutely right.
19:22What is the benefit of such obedience, such practice, that halal food is not given to a person.
19:26Mufti Hassan Naveed Niazi has said a very good thing in the last answer.
19:29Mufti Sahab, this is relevant to what you are saying.
19:32That he had two dharams in his fate.
19:35He had two dharams in his fate. He was not satisfied with his fate.
19:38He did not believe and he got two dharams for theft.
19:41If he had believed in Allah, then he would have got two dharams.
19:45And he would have got halal food.
19:47What are the disadvantages and disadvantages of haram food?
19:52The biggest disadvantage of haram food is that Allah the Almighty is angry.
19:56This is a very big thing.
19:58This is a very big thing. We take it lightly.
20:01We should think about it as a Muslim.
20:04Being a Muslim, what is our objective and desire?
20:08Allah's pleasure. We have to please Allah.
20:11We have to beware of everything that becomes an obstacle in Allah's pleasure.
20:15Which becomes a cause of Allah's displeasure.
20:18Our creator, our master, our provider, our beloved, our desire, our objective is Allah.
20:24We should try to please Allah.
20:28Allah is angry with haram food.
20:31This is the biggest problem.
20:33The biggest problem.
20:35The second disadvantage of haram food is that the person's hereafter is ruined.
20:40The person's hereafter is destroyed.
20:42The third disadvantage of haram food is that the person's prayer is not accepted due to haram food.
20:49People ask for prayers but those prayers are not accepted.
20:51The third disadvantage of haram food is that the person's prayer is not accepted due to haram food.
20:54It is mentioned in the hadith.
20:56The Prophet said,
20:58The person's hereafter is ruined.
21:01The person's hereafter is ruined.
21:04The person's hereafter is destitute.
21:06In the state of destitution, Allah's mercy is more focused.
21:09So if the person is in this state of destitution and says, O my Lord, O my Lord, O my Lord.
21:13But what is the state?
21:15What is haram? What is haram? What is haram?
21:18So the state of the person is that his food is haram, his clothing is haram, his body has haram food.
21:26So how will his prayer be accepted?
21:28That is, his prayer will not be accepted.
21:30So there is a big obstacle in the acceptance of prayers.
21:34Haram wealth, haram livelihood.
21:36Allah's beloved has said,
21:39Allah is good.
21:41Allah accepts only the good.
21:43Allah is good.
21:44Allah accepts only the good.
21:46He does not accept the bad.
21:49You see, the impurity of haram wealth is also apparent.
21:52This is also a worldly loss.
21:54When a person earns haram wealth,
21:56as a result of that haram wealth,
21:58the person becomes ill.
22:00Tension, worries.
22:02The people who come and ask,
22:04they say, calculate, calculate what happened.
22:06Often there is impurity of haram wealth in it.
22:08They are not paying attention to themselves.
22:09They say, a bite of haram has gone somewhere.
22:11Because of that, these diseases, pains, troubles,
22:14worries are coming.
22:16If you make the wealth halal,
22:18purify it from haram,
22:20abstain from it, repent,
22:22then these pains and troubles will be removed.
22:24And the state of the heart
22:26also has a negative effect of haram wealth.
22:28You see, the heart becomes harsh.
22:30The matter of guidance does not affect.
22:32So keeping these things in mind,
22:34we should avoid haram wealth.
22:36Absolutely right, Mufti Sahib.
22:37I would like to know more about Al-Musawwara Welfare.
22:40What are the plans for the future?
22:42What are the requirements now?
22:44What things do you need?
22:46What is your focus on?
22:48And where is the extreme need?
22:50Inshallah, we will talk about this after the break.
22:52Welcome viewers to Khair Maghda.
22:54Once again, in the segment of Ramadhan,
22:58in Bajme-ul-Ulema,
23:00Mufti Muhammad Sohail Raza Amjaddi Sahib,
23:02Mufti Hassan Naveed Niazi Sahib,
23:04Junaab-e-Bhai Ahmed Raza Tayyab are our guests.
23:05Through live telephone calls,
23:07you can ask us questions
23:09in this entire segment
23:11and in the next break.
23:13Ask us questions.
23:15We will answer your questions.
23:19This will be our regular segment.
23:21Your problems and their solutions.
23:23Mufti Muhammad Sohail Raza Amjaddi Sahib.
23:25So ask us questions.
23:27Mufti Sahib will answer you.
23:29For now, we will note your questions.
23:31We will answer your problems and their solutions
23:33in the segment.
23:39I have a question for Mufti Sahib.
23:41If a child is not investigated,
23:43how long can he be investigated?
23:49How long can he be investigated?
23:51What is your question?
23:53If the parents do not investigate,
23:55the child will not be punished.
23:57What is your question?
23:59If the parents do not investigate,
24:01the child will not be punished.
24:02If the parents do not investigate,
24:04the child will not be punished.
24:08The next caller is with us.
24:12What is your question?
24:18The line is disturbed.
24:20Give me a moment.
24:22I will talk to Ahmed Bhai.
24:28What is your question?
24:29My question is that
24:31when we do ablution
24:33and then it is time for prayer,
24:35is it necessary to perform ablution
24:37after ablution?
24:39Is it necessary to perform ablution
24:41after ablution or not?
24:43We will tell you.
24:45Ahmed Bhai,
24:47tell me,
24:49to the point,
24:51we will discuss
24:53what are the things
24:55we need,
24:56and what are the things
24:58that you are working on.
25:00You are working on a good campaign.
25:02You are working on a good mission.
25:04What more do you need?
25:06In which departments
25:08and what are you going to do?
25:10I will briefly say two things.
25:12One is that
25:14in the past,
25:16in the future,
25:18our plans,
25:20one of the big plans
25:22is in Islamabad,
25:24in the sector H8.
25:26When the earthquake hit,
25:28we built an orphanage.
25:30Now we are planning
25:32to build a hospital,
25:34an orphanage,
25:36a school,
25:38a college,
25:40all these plans
25:42are going to be built
25:44in Islamabad.
25:46If any of your friends
25:48are listening to us
25:50from Islamabad
25:52or want to join us
25:54in Islamabad,
25:56I would like to tell you
25:58that Al-Mustafa Welfare Society
26:00does surgeries for
26:02children with cut lips and teeth
26:04in Karachi,
26:06in Pakistan,
26:08in Motia,
26:10in Thalassemia patients.
26:12I would like to tell you
26:14that if there are children
26:16with cut lips and teeth,
26:18they should be sent to
26:20Al-Mustafa Welfare Society
26:22in Gulshan Iqbal,
26:24so that they can be treated.
26:26There are many people
26:28who have lived
26:30half their lives,
26:3230-40 years,
26:34and they come to us
26:36and say that
26:38they have
26:40cut their lips
26:42and their teeth
26:44and their teeth
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26:50and their teeth
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