• 12 hours ago
The NASA Apollo missions returned 2,200 samples—totaling 382kg of lunar soil and rocks. Tests revealed no sign of water and it was concluded that the moon must be completely dry. Fast forward 40 years, and scientists like Professor Mahesh Anand, at the Open University, decided to revisit those samples.
Watch the full RAZOR episode on how the discovery of water on the moon has been a catalyst for a new era of space exploartion on our YouTube channel - just look for RAZOR science show.


00:00Water in space exploration is such a resource because we need water for humans to survive on.
00:08This discovery of water, whether on the lunar surface or inside lunar rocks,
00:14has brought about this renaissance in lunar exploration.
00:19The Apollo missions returned 2,200 samples, totalling 382 kilograms of lunar soil and rocks.
00:28Tests revealed no sign of water.
00:31Fast forward 40 years and scientists like Professor Anand decided to revisit those samples.
00:38With modern and advanced technologies we can now detect the tiny quantities of water.
00:46Recent remote sensing data has shown water could be present in the form of ice.
00:51This so-called water ice is believed to be near the moon's north and south poles.
00:57The next targets for the Chang'e project.
