En Bahía Blanca, una joven universitaria fue arrastrada por el agua durante una tormenta mientras intentaba cruzar un canal. Su pareja logró cruzar, pero ella quedó atrapada hasta que un vecino la rescató agarrándola de la remera. La angustia de su familia, que no tuvo noticias de ella durante dos días, se transformó en alivio al saber que estaba a salvo. Aunque perdió pertenencias materiales, su padre destaca la importancia de su vida sobre cualquier objeto. La joven ahora se recupera del trauma con el apoyo de su familia y espera reencontrarse con su salvador para agradecerle personalmente.
00:00Thank God, everything is fine.
00:02How lucky.
00:03Tell me where your daughter was and when she lost communication.
00:08She lives in Bahia Blanca. We are from Puerto Madryn.
00:14She is studying at the university.
00:16She was on her way to Agustin Alvarez and Caselyper Cooperativa,
00:20right next to the Canal del Maldito.
00:23She caught her in the middle of the storm.
00:26She was coming with her partner.
00:27Her partner was able to cross the canal, but she couldn't go back.
00:30Were they walking?
00:31They were walking. They couldn't go back.
00:34They were going to their house, which is 100 meters from the Maldonado Canal,
00:39where the water overflowed completely.
00:42The truth is that it was a...
00:45Look, I feel bad.
00:46The truth is that I feel bad.
00:48Telling you this makes me feel bad.
00:50The couple crossed the canal. She couldn't cross.
00:56The only thing her partner sees is that the water drags her.
01:00She grabs my daughter by a pipe.
01:02She loses a shoe.
01:04I don't know who the man is.
01:06I thank him.
01:07I am grateful to that person.
01:10From here to eternity.
01:12A hero.
01:13Because a person just grabs her by the shirt and takes her up the sidewalk.
01:19And what happened to your daughter's partner?
01:23My daughter's partner was on the other side of the canal.
01:26But a neighbor also took her.
01:28So they both were saved.
01:30But you didn't know where your daughter was for two days.
01:33Exactly. I didn't know anything.
01:35I didn't know anything until I found out.
01:37Because they communicated with each other by shouting.
01:41Because there was no signal.
01:42By shouting.
01:43And they were able to talk to my daughter.
01:45She said, tell my dad that I'm fine.
01:48Now, Andres, you say that this neighbor rescued her.
01:50He grabbed her by the shirt.
01:52And then what happened to her and the neighbor?
01:54Because they were in the middle of the storm.
01:56He had his house there.
01:58He was able to put her in his house.
02:00He protected her.
02:02He gave her a towel.
02:04And the truth is that I don't know anything about that neighbor.
02:06Because I'm still working in Olavarría.
02:08My wife lives in Puerto Madryn.
02:10Actually, we live in Puerto Madryn.
02:12And she is there.
02:14And now my daughter, luckily, is fine.
02:16And her grandmother went to look for her.
02:18And she is in general with her.
02:20Well, what a blessing that is for you.
02:22But what suffering these two days.
02:24That surely will be days that you will never be able to forget.
02:28The truth is that the first thing I want to thank that person.
02:30I don't know what his name is.
02:32But the truth is that he gave me back my life.
02:34In what neighborhood was it?
02:36Tell me.
02:38Agustin Alvarez Street and 1st of March.
02:40Well, repeat.
02:42The street, the war.
02:44Agustin Alvarez.
02:46Agustin Alvarez and 1st of March.
02:48Well, let's try to be the bridge.
02:50Of union.
02:52Or at least of greeting of you two.
02:54Surely the man can be.
02:56Let's hope there are.
02:58I don't know, they must have light now.
03:00I imagine in that place.
03:02And how many people did he save?
03:06And nothing.
03:08My daughter went to the second day.
03:10She could go.
03:12I communicated.
03:14Thank God.
03:16I was anguished.
03:18I told her.
03:20Look, this is how it is.
03:22The material is hard to lose.
03:24But for me, my daughter's life is the most important.
03:26That everything is lost.
03:28I don't care.
03:30My daughter.
03:32My car was there because I didn't bring it.
03:34And it's covered in water.
03:36But nothing.
03:38I didn't care about anything.
03:40I just wanted my daughter to be fine.
03:42The material can be recovered.
03:44We don't talk much about this,
03:46but people in this context
03:48enter in a state of shock.
03:50It's a traumatic situation.
03:52How is she?
03:54I talked to her.
03:56She is at her grandmother's house.
03:58She is contained.
04:00She wakes up.
04:02She says she hears the noise of the water.
04:04She makes her cry.
04:08Luckily we already have a family.
04:10My grandmother is a nurse.
04:12My wife is a nurse.
04:14People who contain her can guide her.
04:18Andres, we send you a big hug.
04:22You will be able to meet your daughter.
04:24You will be able to hug.
04:26And that hug will be endless.
04:28We send you blessings from here.
04:30What I want to emphasize is
04:32my total gratitude to that person.
04:34I hope we can find her.
04:36I think in a week
04:38I will be leaving.
04:40I will try to locate her.
04:42It would be beautiful
04:44to be part of that meeting.
04:46We send you a hug.
04:48Andres, thank you very much.